Materi 1
Materi 1
Materi 1
NIM : 225100907111062
Group : ME4
Assistants :
1.1 Background
The laboratory is a place for the development of knowledge through research and
experiments, which of course uses various types of tools and chemicals to support activities
and has the potential to cause an accident. According to the Labor Law, Occupational Safety
and Health is the need and instinct of every human being to prevent, mitigate and reduce the
occurrence of accidents and their impacts through steps to identify, analyze and control
hazards appropriately.
Occupational Health and Safety Culture in the laboratory is a shared responsibility, both
managers and users. Therefore everyone involved must have an awareness of managing,
maintaining and striving for work safety. Because laboratory safety is not only a matter of
materials and equipment but also processes and behavior.
1.2 Objectives
a. Students are able to identify several kinds of tools and know the functions and proper
b. Students know the tools Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and its application in
a. Students are able to knowing the symbols of hazard chemicals in the laboratory.
2.1.4 Bulb
Filler pipettes are used to transfer a certain volume of solution, which is usually called
an aliquot. Filler is a tool for sucking up solutions that can be attached to the base of a
measuring pipette. Rubber as a filler material is chemically resistant rubber. Filler pipettes
are used to take chemicals through measuring pipettes or volume pipettes. with rubber
material suitable for chemicals. and equipped with 3 knobs (Wardiah, 2016).
2.1.10 Spektrofotometer
A spectrophotometer is used to measure the transmittance or absorbance of a
sample as a function of wavelength, each medium will absorb light at a certain
wavelength depending on the compound or color formed. The working principle of
Spectrophotometry is that if light (monochromatic or mixed) falls on a homogeneous
medium, some of the incoming light will be reflected, some will be absorbed in that
medium and the rest will be transmitted. There are various types of spectrophotometers
namely UV, VIS, UV-Vis, and infrared spectrophotometers (Nurrahmawati et al., 2022).
2.1.11 Cuvette
A cuvette is a tool used to measure the concentration of a reagent read on a
spectrophotometer. A parallelogram cuvette is more precise for measurement because
the light will fall at right angles to the surface of the cuvette. Cuvettes are made of
various materials such as glass, plastic, and quartz. Single-use plastic cuvettes are
often used in rapid spectroscopic assays, where speed is more important than high
accuracy. Glass cuvettes are typically used over a wide range of visible light
wavelengths and fused quartz tends to be used in the UV to near infrared range (Yohan
et al., 2018).
2.1.13 Funnel
The funnel in the chemical sphere is usually made of a type of borosilicate or plastic.
As a tool to move or enter the solution into a container that has dimensions to enter
small material samples. In addition, as a filtering aid, namely as a place to put filter
paper. Funnels have a diameter of 35 – 300 mm and some have long, medium and
short funnel stalks. The working principle of this laboratory tool helps to put liquid into
a container with a small mouth size (Warrdiah, 2016).
2.1.16 Stirrer
Stirrer is a laboratory equipment used to mix chemicals and liquids for laboratory
purposes. In addition to mixing the solution. the function of the stirring rod is also to
assist the decantation of the solution, induce crystallization and break the emulsion in
an extraction. the stirring rod cannot pick up the media (Setiawan, 2015).
2.1.17 Scoopula
a spatula in the scope of chemistry is a tool for picking up objects. The spatula that
is often used in biology or chemistry laboratories is in the form of a small spoon, flat
and with a handle. Besides that, the spatula can also be used as a mixer or mixing
ingredients. The working principle of the spatula is to take substances in the form of
solids or liquids (Setiawan, 2015).
2.1.18 Autoclave
Autoclave is a closed heating device that is used to sterilize an object using steam
at high temperature and pressure (1210C, 15 lbs) for approximately 15 minutes.
Lowering the pressure in the autoclave is not intended to kill microorganisms, but rather
increases the temperature in the autoclave. This high temperature will kill
microorganisms. Autoclaving is primarily intended to kill endospores, which are
resistant cells produced by bacteria, these cells are resistant to heat, drought, and
antibiotics. The principle is to take advantage of the lightness of the steam compared
to the air, so that the air is located below the steam, the way it works begins by entering
the steam through the top of the autoclave so that the air is pressed down (Widodo,
Figure 2.18 Autoclave
Source: Wardiah, 2016
2.1.19 Desiccator
A desiccator is a pot/container made of glass/glass which is arranged to remove
water and crystals resulting from purification. The desiccator consists of two parts, at
the bottom there is silica gel which functions as an evaporating agent for water vapor
and at the top as a drying place for the material being evaporated. Desiccators are
used both for cooling heated items and for storing dry items that should not be exposed
to moisture normally present in the atmosphere (Widodo, 2017).
2.1.20 Incubator
Laboratory Incubator is a microbiology laboratory tool used to incubate
microorganisms under certain conditions. This incubator is equipped with a
temperature controller and a timer. The working principle of a microbiology incubator
in general is that this tool converts electrical energy into heat energy. The presence of
nickel wires / resistors inhibits the flow of running electrons thereby increasing the heat
in the incubator chamber (Setiawan,, 2015).
2.1.23 Conductivitimeter
Conductivity Meter is a tool used to measure the conductivity of a solution. In
addition, the conductivity meter is used to determine the conductivity of a solution and
measure the degree of ionization of an electrolyte solution in water by determining the
resistance of a liquid column. In addition, the conductivity meter has another use,
namely measuring electrical conductivity. This tool works using the detector/sensor
contained in the conductivity probe. The detector consists of two parts, namely the
anode and cathode, usually made of an inert (non-reacting) material such as graphite
(Zevilla et al., 2015).
2.1.24 Turbidimeter
Turbidimeter is a tool used to measure the turbidity of water or a solution. Turbidity
measurement is based on optical properties due to light dispersion and can be
expressed as the ratio of reflected light to incident light. The working principle of the
turbidimeter is to measure the scattering of light that hits the particles contained in the
water by shining a light source from the lamp onto the cuvette. Then these particles will
absorb light energy and will reflect light in all directions (Wardiah, 2016).
2.1.27 Coolbox
A cooler box, also known as a cooler box, is a place to store and cool cold food or
drinks. This tool works by using a Peltier Module cooler or a Thermoelectric Generator.
The small box-shaped tool produces cold on one side and heat on the other. To
overcome the hot side, a water cooling system is used (Gianita, 2017).
2.2.2 Flammable
The fire symbol indicates that the chemical is flammable either in contact with air, or
spontaneously igniting. Materials labeled Extremely Flammable have a flash point at 0
degrees Celsius and a boiling point at 35 degrees Celsius. This material is generally a
gas at normal temperatures and stored in high pressure airtight tubes. Examples of
predictable materials are aluminum alkyl phosphorus, acetone and benzene (Subamia
et al., 2019).
2.2.3 Korosif
The chemical symbol on the side indicates that the substance is corrosive and can
damage living tissue. The characteristics of materials with these properties can
generally be seen from their level of acidity. The pH of corrosive materials is usually in
the range < 2 or > 11.5. Some examples of materials with this symbol are sulfur oxides
and chlorine. Do not inhale vapors from this material, nor make it come in direct contact
with your eyes or skin. They can also cause irritation. Examples of materials bearing
this symbol are acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, and nitric acid (Subamia et al., 2019).
2.2.4 Explosive
Chemicals that are given the symbol like the picture beside are explosive materials.
Explosion of these materials can occur due to several causes, for example due to
impact, heating, blows, abrasions, reaction with other chemicals, or due to a source of
sparks. Explosions of chemicals with this symbol can sometimes occur even in the
absence of oxygen. Some examples of chemicals with explosive properties are TNT,
ammonium nitrate, and nitrocellulose. Working with explosive chemicals requires
practical experience as well as knowledge. Avoiding things that can trigger an
explosion is very important to prevent fatal risks for personal safety (Subamia et al.,
2.2.5 Pengoksidasi
The oxidizer symbol is a circle with fire above it. The oxidizing symbol indicates that
a chemical is an oxidizing agent in the form of a gas, liquid or solid. Chemicals with an
oxidizing symbol do not spontaneously cause explosion or fire. However, it can prolong
combustion and can also change its chemical and physical properties due to oxidation.
Examples of materials that are oxidizing are hydrogen peroxide and potassium
perchlorate (Subamia et al., 2019).
2.2.6 Harmful
Chemicals bearing the symbol "Xn" have a formula that can damage health at a
moderate level if it enters the body through the mouth, inhalation system, and contact
with the skin. Avoid direct contact and do not let it be inhaled, swallowed or touched by
skin. Examples are sulfuric acid and methamine (Subamia et al., 2019).
4.1 Conclusion
In this practicum, it can be concluded that in the laboratory there are a lot of dangerous
tools and materials. Tools in the laboratory are made of glass, plastic and so on. These tools
also have their own uses which are certainly very specific and useful to support work safety in
the laboratory. Apart from that, there are also symbols indicating that the materials in the
laboratory are dangerous, such as corrosive, flammable, harmful, toxic and many more. The
introduction of work tools and safety aims to enable the practitioner to be able to carry out
practicums with guaranteed security and safety in accordance with procedures.
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