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LAB 5 - Inheritance

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Department of Computing

CS 212: Object Oriented


Lab 05: Inheritance

Date: 14-02-2024
Time: 9:00am- 12:00 pm
Instructor: Mr. Aimal Tariq Rextin
Lab Engineer: Engr. Masabah Bint E Islam
Name: Azka Ahmad

Reg no: 464970

CS 212: Object Oriented Programming Page 1

Lab Tasks
Reference Book: Java How to Program, 10 th Ed, Deitel & Deitel (Available on LMS)

Task# 1:

Create two classes, "Animal" and "Dog", where "Dog" extends "Animal".

The "Animal" class should have an instance variable called "name" and a method called
"speak()" that prints "An animal makes a sound" to the console.

The "Dog" class should have an instance variable called "breed" and a method called
"speak()" that prints "A dog barks" to the console.

Write a test program, create an instance of "Dog" called "myDog" and set its name to "Buddy"
and breed to "Golden Retriever". Call the "speak()" method on "myDog".

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Task# 2:

Design a class named Person and its two subclasses named Student and Employee. Make
Faculty and Staff subclasses of Employee.

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A person has a name, address, phone number, and email address. A student has a class
status (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior). Define the status as a constant. An
employee has an office, salary, and date hired. A faculty member has office hours and a
rank. A staff member has a title. Override the toString() method in each class to display the
class name and the person’s name.

Draw the UML diagram for the classes and implement them. Write a test program that
creates a Person, Student, Employee, Faculty, and Staff, and invokes their toString()

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Task# 3:

The following UML class diagram illustrates an inheritance relationship, wherein the
classes Circle and Rectangle have been extended from the class GeometricObject.

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You’re required to implement the classes GeometricObject and Rectangle.

The Rectangle class contains:

▪ Two double data fields named width and height that specify the width and height of
the rectangle. The default values are 1.0 for both width and height.
▪ A no-arg constructor that creates a default rectangle.
▪ A constructor that creates a rectangle with the specified width and height.
▪ A method named getArea() that returns the area of this rectangle.
▪ A method named getPerimeter() that returns the perimeter.
▪ A method named toString() that returns a string description for the rectangle.

The toString() method is implemented as follows:

return "Rectangle: width = " + width + " height = " + height;

Write a test program that prompts the user to enter width and height of the rectangle, a
color, and a Boolean value to indicate whether the rectangle is filled. The program should
create a Rectangle object and set the color and filled properties using the input. The
program should display the area, perimeter, color, and true or false to indicate whether it is

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filled or not.

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Task# 4:

Implement the Shape hierarchy shown in below figure. Each TwoDimensionalShape should
contain method getArea to calculate the area of the two-dimensional shape. Each
ThreeDimensionalShape should have methods getArea and getVolume to calculate the
surface area and volume, respectively, of the three-dimensional shape.

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Create a program that uses an array of Shape references to objects of each concrete class in
the hierarchy. The program should print a text description of the object to which each array
element refers. Also, in the loop that processes all the shapes in the array, determine
whether each shape is a TwoDimensionalShape or a ThreeDimensionalShape. If it’s a
TwoDimensionalShape, display its area. If it’s a ThreeDimensionalShape, display its area and volume.

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