Android SCADA
Android SCADA
Android SCADA
The term SCADA stands for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. A SCADA system is a
common process automation system which is used to gather data from sensors and instruments
located at remote sites and to transmit and display this data at a central site for either control or
monitoring purposes. The collected data is usually viewed on one or more SCADA Host computers
A real world SCADA system can monitor and control hundreds to hundreds of thousands of I/O
points. A typical Water SCADA application would be to monitor water levels at various water sources
like reservoirs and tanks and when the water level exceeds a preset threshold, activate the system
Common analog signals that SCADA systems monitor and control are levels, temperatures,
pressures, flow rate and motor speed. Typical digital signals to monitor and control are level
There is typically another layer of equipment between the remote sensors and instruments
and the central computer. This intermediate equipment exists on the remote side and connects to
the sensors and field instruments. Sensors typically have digital or analog I/O and these signals are
not in a form that can be easily communicated over long distances. The intermediate equipment is
used to digitize then packetize the sensor signals so that they can be digitally transmitted via an
This project is focused on the control of power using SCADA system. Here, the load has been
controlled using SCADA in the PC. The hardware part has been controlled by the microcontroller.
The microcontroller have used here in this project is PIC16F877A. the communication between the
microcontroller and the system is achieved with the help of MAX232 chip.
A PIC microcontroller is a processor with built in memory and RAM and you
can use it to control your projects (or build projects around it). So it saves you
building a circuit that has separate external RAM,ROM and peripheral chips.
Pin Diagram;
PIC microcontrollers Includes.
* Frequency counter - using the internal timers and reporting through UART
* Event data logger -capturing analogue data using an internal ADC and using
the internal EEPROM for storing data (using an external I2C for high data
storage capacity.
* Servo controller (Control through UART) - using the internal PWM module
or using a software created PWM.
The PIC Micro is one of the most popular microcontrollers and in case you
In fact the 8 pin (DIL) version of the 12F675 has an amazing number of internal
Two timers.
An analogue comparator.
64 Bytes of RAM.
In the mid-range devices the memory space ranges from 1k to 8k (18F parts
have more) - this does not sound like a lot but the processor has an efficient
instruction set and you can make useful projects even with 1k e.g. LM35
temperature sensing project that reports data to the serial port easily fits within
with internal RAM, EEROM FLASH memory and peripherals. One of the
smallest ones occupies the space of a 555 timer but has a 10bit ADC, 1k of
memory, 2 timers, high current I/O ports a comparator a watch dog timer... I
One of the most useful features of a PIC microcontroller is that you can re-
program them as they use flash memory (if you choose a part with an F in the
part number e.g. 12F675 not 12C509). You can also use the ICSP serial
interface built into each PIC Microcontroller for programming and even do
programming while it's still plugged into the circuit!
You can either program a PIC microcontroller using assembler or a high level
easier to use (after an initial learning curve). Once you have learned the high
level language you are not forced to use the same processor e.g. you could go to
an AVR or Dallas microcontroller and still use the same high level language.
A PIC Microcontroller can control outputs and react to inputs e.g. you could
With the larger devices it's possible to drive LCDs or seven segment displays
with very few control lines as all the work is done inside the PIC Micro.
Comparing a frequency counter to discrete web designs you'll find two or three
chips for the microcontroller design and ten or more for a discrete design. So
using them saves prototype design effort as you can use built in peripherals to
don't need to add an external devices e.g. you can read an LM35 temperature
The PIC microcontroller has many built in peripherals and this can make using
them quite daunting at first which is why I have made this introductory page
At the end is a short summary of the main devices used in projects shown on
this site.
The best way to start is to learn about the main features of a chip and then begin
to use each peripheral in a project. I think learning by doing is the best way.
Flash Re-programmable program
memory storage.
Electrically Erasable
Programmable Read
Only Memory.
Typically 3.
Analogue to digital
features T,OST,SLEEP
Flash memory
This is the program storage area and gives you the most important benefit for
using a PIC microcontroller - You program the device many times. Since when
name. You can get cheaper (OTP) devices but these are One-Time-
board you just leave it in the board. By arranging the programming connections
You can re-program the device while it's still in the circuit so once your
programmer is setup you can leave it on the bench and test your programs
without moving the chip around and it makes the whole process much easier.
I/O Ports
Input / Output ports let you communicate with the outside world so you can
control leds, LCDs or just about anything with the right interface. You can also
Pin direction
Most PIC microcontroller pins can be set as an input or and output and this can
be done on the fly e.g. for a dallas 1 wire system a pin can be written to
generate data and read at a later stage. The TRIS register controls the I/O
direction and setting a bit in this register to zero sets the pin as output while
This allows you to use a pin for multiple operations e.g. the Real Time clock
project uses RA0, the first pin of PORTA, to output data to a seven segment
display and at a later point in the program read the analogue value as an input.
The PIC I/O ports are high current ports capable of directly driving LEDs (up to
25ma output current) - the total current allowed usually ~200mA this is often
for the whole chip (or specified for several ports combined together).
Timer / Counters
Each PIC microcontroller has up to three timers that you can either use as a
Timer 0
The original timer: Timer 0 was the first timer developed and you can find it in
all the earliest devices e.g. 16F84 up to the most current e,g, 16F877A.
It is an 8 bit timer with an 8 bit prescaler that can be driven from an internal
Timer 0 always synchronizes the input clock (when using external clock).
Note: You can read and write timer 0 but you can not read the prescaler.
prescaler or a watch dog prescaler - so the same prescaler setting may prescale
Timer 1
This is a 16 bit timer that generates an overflow interrupt when it goes from
65535 to zero. It has an 8 bit programmable prescaler and you can drive it
This timer can be used in sleep mode and will generate a wakeup interrupt on
Note: Using this timer in sleep mode will use more current.
In addition it can be used to drive a low power watch crystal. This is something
that sounds good but I don't recommend you do it as watch crystals are
extremely difficult to drive correctly. You should only use it if you are going to
make a pcb and follow all the guidelines in making it noise free. I used a
DS1307 in the Real Time clock project which drives the crystal directly but
Timer 2
This is an 8 bit timer with an 8 bit prescaler and an 8 bit postscaler. It takes its
This timer is used for the timebase of a PWM when PWM is active and it can
be software selected by the SSP module as a baud clock.
It also has a period register that allows easy control of the period. When timer 2
reaches the PR2 register value then it resets. This saves having to check the
timer value in software and then reset the timer and since it is done in hardware
the operation is much faster - so you can generate fast clocks with periods that
The USART is a useful module and saves having to code up a software version
RS232 here and how to make it work. Look here for pin outs.
Note: An equivalent MAX232 chip is the SP202ECP that has the same pinout
as the MAX232 but lets you use 100nF capacitors - so you don't need the large
1uF caps.
Baud Rates
You have to be careful using the baud rates as they depend on the main clock in
use and normal oscillator values in general do not fit very well with 'real' baud
indicates the expected percentage error for a specific clock rate and in general
You sometimes have to play around with the register settings to get a better fit
with your clock rate and the baud rate you want. An example is for an 8MHz
clock - if you use BRGH=1 and an 8MHz clock (see the 16F88 datasheet) you
get accurate baud rates up to 38.4kbaud. You have to force this to work e.g. in
mikroC the built in USART routines use BRGH=0 so at 8MHz the baud rate is
If you want a super-accurate baud rate the best way is to use a clock crystal that
ends up giving you that baud rate i.e. work back through the baud rate equations
Capture mode is used to capture the value of Timer 1 when a signal at the CCP
pin goes high (or low depending on how the CCP is set up). The CCP can
accurately capture the arrival time of a signal at the CCP pin so it can be used
Compare mode is used to generate an output when Timer 1 reaches a value you
put into CCPR1. One special event trigger mode lets you start the ADC when
PWM gives you one Pulse Width Modulation output with 10 bit resolution and
with no software overhead - once started it operates all by itself unless you want
Note: The duty cycle is not a percentage it is the number of periods of the PWM
The Synchronous Serial Port lets you communicate with devices that use either
Note that for full Master mode I2C operation you need to choose a PIC device
SPI and I2C are shared so you can only use one at a time (or you could use the
I2C bit banged routines in the Real Time Clock project to have both at the same
You can find a project that uses I2C here and you can find more information on
I2C here.
to reference voltages.
both comparators and in the same mode multiplexing lets you monitor up to
You can even send the output of the comparator to a pin so that it is used
The analogue level must be between Vdd and Vss as protection diodes won't
You can use it in sleep mode and the interrupt will wake it up.
The source impedance of the analogue signal must be smaller than 10k.
The single 10 bit Analogue to Digital Converter can have up to 8 inputs for a
The ADC can be used during sleep but you have to use the RC clock mode. One
benefit of this is that there will be no digital switching noise so you will get
For the 16F877A you can not just choose to use an analogue input if you feel
the need as there are only a specific and limited number of ways that the
analogue input pins can be enabled. It is best to start with AN0 and add more
as necessary - see the datasheet for which analogue inputs can be enabled e.g. if
you started a design using only AN5 you would find that you may have to
The Parallel Slave Port lets you to connect the PIC microcontroller directly into
This will let you add a PIC microcontroller to a system so that the PIC
block e.g. some memory or ram but in this case you have full control over
exactly what the building block is i.e. you can re-program the PIC
The LCD interface lets you directly interface to an LCD saving you having to
use an LCD module such as the HD44780. I have not used this feature as it is
Special Features
This starts
microcontroller Enter low power mode.
sleep mode
If your software goes haywire then this timer resets the processor. To stop the
reset the well behaved software must periodically issue the CLRWDT
instruction to stop a resert. The WDT runs using its own oscillator. It runs
edge on MCLR.
If you enable this then 72ms after a POR the PIC microcontroller is started.
Oscillator Startup Timer delays for 1024 oscillator cycles after PWRT (if
PWRT is enabled) ensuring that the oscillator has started and is stable. It is
automatic and only used for crystal oscillator modes and is active after POR or
Sleep mode (or low power consumption mode) is entered by executing the
'SLEEP' command. The device can wake from sleep caused by an external
reset, Watch Dog Timer timeout, INT pin RB port change or peripheral
This site mainly uses three PIC devices out of the hundreds of different chips
that microchip produces. This does not sound like a lot but you can use the
devices in almost any project and they have so many built in peripherals that
The other microchip devices are all useful in different situations - perhaps they
have more memory or different peripherals - this is useful if you want to tailor
your designs to the system you build - but probably more useful in a
All three devices are extremely powerful and the main difference is that they
Note: There are differences in using the devices i.e. there are some registers that
are different but in the generally you can interchange them - this is made easier
12F675 8 1k
16F88 18 4k
16F877A 40 8k
Note : When looking at the microchip site the memory size is kwords - ignore
kbytes - you need the kword size as this is what each instruction occupies - the
kbyte size is for comparison to other types of micros (probably). But the
(Note: that all of them have the letter F in - this means it is a Flash re-
programmable only once! - only do that if you are really really sure it's the final
PIC Microcontroller Flash Memory size
You may think that 1k or even 8k is so tiny that it won't be useful but each PIC
means that it has a cleverly arranged instruction set that only has a few
If you use the high level language as recommended in this site then you won't
need to be too aware of the instruction set it just means you can do a lot with a
small amount of memory. Most of the projects on this site although they are
Note: If you need more memory you can always move to the 18F series of PIC
The PIC microcontroller RAM size is also important as it stores all your
Note: You can usually alter the program to use less RAM by choosing the right
variable sizes or changing how your program works
For example don't use floating point alter it to use a different variable type e.g.
you can use long integers with fixed point operation to avoid floating point.
This area is readable and writable and has a much longer life than the main
program store i.e. it has been designed for more frequent use.
Liquid Crystal Displays:
A. Introduction:
have libraries that make displaying messages as easy as a single line of code.
LCDs with a small number of segments, such as those used in digital watches and
external dedicated circuit supplies an electric charge to control each segment. This
added by using an internal filter. Each row or column of the display has a single
electrical circuit. The pixels are addressed one at a time by row and column
pixel must retain its state between refreshes without the benefit of a steady
rows) increases, this type of display becomes less feasible. Very slow response
is added to the polarizing and color filters. Each pixel has its own dedicated
transistor, allowing each column line to access one pixel. When a row line is
activated, all of the column lines are connected to a row of pixels and the correct
5. Intelligent, with built-in Hitachi HD44780 compatible LCD controller and RAM
7.5 x 7 dot matrix format for 2.96 x 5.56 mm characters, plus cursor line
2.Make RS=0 ;if data byte is command .RS=1 ;if data byte is data (ASCII value)
3.Place data byte on data register
LCD Initialization:
This is the pit fall for beginners. Proper working of LCD depend on the how the
LCD is initialized. We have to send few command bytes to initialize the LCD.
Send 38H for 8-bit,double line and 5x7 dot character format.
4. Clear display:
2 Return Home
Circuit Explanation
The LCD we have used in this project is HD1234. This is an alphanumeric type of
LCD with 16 pins. Of which Pins 7 to 14 are used as data pins, through which an
8-bit data can be input to the LCD. These Pins are connected to the Port 0 of Micro
controller. There are 3 control pins RS (Pin-4), RW (Pin-5) and EN (Pin-6). The
RS pin is connected to the 28th Pin of micro controller. The RW pin is usually
grounded. The Enable pin is connected to 27 th Pin. The LCD has two Rows and 16
Columns. The LCD is powered up with 5V supply connected to Pins 1(Gnd) and
Current transformers are used so that ammeters and the current coils of other
instruments and relays need not be connected directly to high voltage lines. In
other words, these instruments and relays are insulated from high voltages.
CT's also step down the current in a known ratio. The use of CT means that
The CT has separate primary and secondary windings. The primary winding
which consists of few turns of heavy wire, wound on a laminated iron core is
connected in series with one of the line wires. The secondary winding consists
winding has three turns and the secondary winding has 60 turns. The
secondary winding has the standard current rating of 5A;therefore the ratio
between the primary and secondary current is 100/5 or 20/1.The primary
current is 20 times greater than the secondary current. Since the secondary
winding has 60 turns and the primary winding has 3 turns, the secondary
winding has 20 times as many turns as the primary winding. For a CT, then the
In figure CT is used to step down current in a 3300V, single phase circuit. The
CT is rated at 100 to 5 A and the ratio of current step down is 20 to 1.In other
words, there are 20 A in the primary winding for each ampere in the secondary
winding. If the ammeter at the secondary indicates 4A,the actual current in the
The CT in the figure has polarity markings in that the two high voltage
primary leads are marked H1 and H2 and the secondary leads are marked X1
connecting the CT's in circuits ;the H1 lead is connected to the line lead
feeding from the source while the H2 lead is connected directly to the
electricity supply
magnetic core, and a secondary winding. The alternating current flowing in the
primary produces a magnetic field in the core, which then induces a current in the
ensure that the primary and secondary circuits are efficiently coupled, so that the
The most common design of CT consists of a length of wire wrapped many times
around a silicon steel ring passed over the circuit being measured. The CT's
of many tens or hundreds of turns. The primary winding may be a permanent part
of the current transformer, with a heavy copper bar to carry current through the
magnetic core. Window-type current transformers are also common, which can
have circuit cables run through the middle of an opening in the core to provide a
centered in the circular (or oval) opening, slight inaccuracies may occur.
Shapes and sizes can vary depending on the end user or switchgear manufacturer.
Typical examples of low voltage single ratio metering current transformers are
either ring type or plastic moulded case. High-voltage current transformers are
4000:5 CT would provide an output current of 5 amperes when the primary was
passing 4000 amperes. The secondary winding can be single ratio or multi ratio,
with five taps being common for multi ratio CTs. The load, or burden, of the CT
should be of low resistance. If the voltage time integral area is higher than the
core's design rating, the core goes into saturation towards the end of each cycle,
Current transformers are used extensively for measuring current and monitoring
the operation of the power grid. Along with voltage leads, revenue-grade CTs drive
the electrical utility's watt-hour meter on virtually every building with three-phase
The CT is typically described by its current ratio from primary to secondary. Often,
multiple CTs are installed as a "stack" for various uses. For example, protection
devices and revenue metering may use separate CTs to provide isolation between
metering and protection circuits, and allows current transformers with different
Care must be taken that the secondary of a current transformer is not disconnected
from its load while current is flowing in the primary, as the transformer secondary
will attempt to continue driving current across the effectively infinite impedance.
This will produce a high voltage across the open secondary (into the range of
Rating factor
Temperature and
Physical configuration.
For the IEC standard, accuracy classes for various types of measurement are set
out in IEC 60044-1, Classes 0.1, 0.2s, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5s, 1, and 3. The class designation
is an approximate measure of the CT's accuracy. The ratio (primary to secondary
current) error of a Class 1 CT is 1% at rated current; the ratio error of a Class 0.5
measuring circuits, and each class has an allowable maximum phase error for a
specified load impedance. Current transformers used for protective relaying also
presented to its secondary winding. Typical burden ratings for IEC CTs are 1.5
VA, 3 VA, 5 VA, 10 VA, 15 VA, 20 VA, 30 VA, 45 VA & 60 VA. As for
ANSI/IEEE burden ratings are B-0.1, B-0.2, B-0.5, B-1.0, B-2.0 and B-4.0. This
the metering circuit before its output current is no longer a fixed ratio to the
circuit are switch-blocks, meters and intermediate conductors. The most common
the meter and the CT. Often, substation meters are located significant distances
from the meter cabinets and the excessive length of small gauge conductor creates
a large resistance. This problem can be solved by using CT with 1 ampere
secondaries which will produce less voltage drop between a CT and its metering
Knee-point voltage
voltage after which the output current ceases to follow linearly the input current.
This means that the one-to-one or proportional relationship between the input and
across the secondary terminals the magnetizing current will increase in proportion
to the applied voltage, up until the knee point. The knee point is defined as the
magnetizing current of 50%. From the knee point upwards, the magnetizing current
increases abruptly even with small increments in voltage across the secondary
very small bandwidth of the current transformer rating, typically 1.2 to 1.5 times
rated current. However, the concept of knee point voltage is very pertinent to
protection current transformers, since they are necessarily exposed to currents of
Rating factor
Rating factor viqar is a factor by which the nominal full load current of a CT can
load," or 10% of the nominal current (there are, however, special CTs designed to
mindful of ambient temperatures and resultant rating factors when CTs are
currents with greater rating factors. This is made possible by the development of
Special designs
Specially constructed wideband current transformers are also used (usually with an
provides a voltage output that is proportional to the measured current. Another type
voltage output that is proportional to the measured current. Unlike CTs used for
power circuitry, wideband CTs are rated in output volts per ampere of primary
current. CT RATIO
without the source of power. So it this fast moving world we deliberately need a
proper power source which will be apt for a particular requirement. All the
electronic components starting from diode to Intel IC’s only work with a DC
supply ranging from _+5v to _+12. we are utilizing for the same, the most cheapest
rectifying, filtering and regulating the voltage. This will be dealt briefly in the
forth-coming sections.
alteration of input causes the top of the transformer to be positive and the bottom
negative. The next alteration will temporarily cause the reverse. The current rating
of the transformer used in our project is 2A. Apart from stepping down AC
voltages, it gives isolation between the power source and power supply circuitries.
In the power supply unit, rectification is normally achieved using a solid
state diode. Diode has the property that will let the electron flow easily in one
flow when the anode and cathode is negative. Reversing the polarity of voltage
bridge rectifier. A bridge rectifier of four diodes (4*IN4007) are used to achieve
full wave rectification. Two diodes will conduct during the negative cycle and the
other two will conduct during the positive half cycle. The DC voltage appearing
across the output terminals of the bridge rectifier will be somewhat lass than 90%
of the applied rms value. Normally one alteration of the input voltage will reverse
the polarities. Opposite ends of the transformer will therefore always be 180 deg
For a positive cycle, two diodes are connected to the positive voltage at the
top winding and only one diode conducts . At the same time one of the other two
diodes conducts for the negative voltage that is applied from the bottom winding
due to the forward bias for that diode. In this circuit due to positive half cycleD1 &
D2 will conduct to give 10.8v pulsating DC. The DC output has a ripple frequency
of 100Hz. Since each altercation produces a resulting output pulse, frequency =
2*50 Hz. The output obtained is not a pure DC and therefore filtration has to be
Filter circuits which is usually a capacitor acting as a surge arrester always follow
bypassing capacitor, is used not only to ‘short’ the ripple with frequency of 120Hz
to ground but also to leave the frequency of the DC to appear at the output. A load
frequency signals and bypasses high frequency signals. The load resistor should be
10f/25v : for maintaining the stability of the voltage at the load side.
The voltage regulators play an important role in any power supply unit. The
primary purpose of a regulator is to aid the rectifier and filter circuit in providing a
output, the voltage can be maintained within a close tolerant region of the desired
output. IC7812 and 7912 is used in this project for providing +12v and –12v DC
Many simple DC power supplies regulate the voltage using a shunt regulator
amount of current that is within the safe operarating capability of the shunt
If the stabiliser must provide more power, the shunt regulator output is only
used to provide the standard voltage reference for the electronic device, known
as the voltage stabiliser . The voltage stabiliser is the electronic device, able to
= 1.2v
without capacitor:
Frequency = 100Hz
With capacitor:
Frequency =50Hz
With 7812 voltage regulator :
V0= +12v
V0= -12v
example, thermocouples have low output levels and require cold junction
are not linearly proportional to any temperature scale. Early monolithic sensors,
such as the LM3911, LM134 and LM135, overcame many of these difficulties, but
their outputs are related to the Kelvin temperature scale rather than
the more popular Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. Fortunately, in 1983 two I.C.'s, the
LM34 Precision Fahrenheit Temperature Sensor and the LM35 Precision Celsius
Temperature Sensor, were introduced. This application note will discuss the LM34,
but with the proper scaling factors can easily be adapted to the LM35. The LM34
has an output of 10 mV/0F with a typical nonlinearity of only g0.35 0F over a b50 to
temperature (770F). The LM34's low output impedance and linear output
strength of the LM34 over other currently available temperature sensors is that it is
not as susceptible to large errors in its output from low level leakage currents. For
instance, many monolithic temperature sensors have an output of only 1 mA/ 0K.
This leads to a 10K error for only 1 m-Ampere of leakage current. On the other
hand, the LM34 may be operated as a current mode device providing 20 mA/ 0F of
output current. The same 1 mA of leakage current will cause an error in the
LM34's output of only 0.050F (or 0.030K after scaling). Low cost and high
wafer level. The device may be operated with either single or dual supplies. With
less than 70 mA of current drain, the LM34 has very little self-heating (less than
0.20F in still air), and comes in a TO-46 metal can package, a SO-8 small outline
Since the two circuits are very similar, only the LM34 Fahrenheit temperature
Transistor Q1 has 10 times the emitter area of transistor Q2, and therefore,
one-tenth the current density. From Figure 4 , it is seen that the difference in the
absolute temperature across resistor R1. At 770F this voltage will be 60 mV. As in
the Kelvin temperature sensor, an amplifier, A1, is used to insure that this is the
n. The value of n will be trimmed during calibration of the device to give the
1.59V/60 mV e 26.5, and VPTAT will have a temperature coefficient (temp-co) of:
Subtracting two diode drops of 581 mV (at 77 0F) with tempcos of b2.35
mV/0C each, will result in a voltage of 428 mV with a tempco of 10 mV/§C at the
example would be if the temperature were 32§F (0 0C), then the voltage at the input
of A2 would be 428 mV±(10 mV/§C) (25§C) e 0.178, which would give VOUT e
and looks for changes in the field or return signal. The object being sensed is often
The maximum distance that this sensor can detect is defined "nominal range".
Proximity sensors can have a high reliability and long functional life because of the
absence of mechanical parts and lack of physical contact between sensor and the
sensed object.
A proximity sensor adjusted to a very short range is often used as a touch switch.
2 Types of sensors
3 Applications
4 See Also
5 External Links
Types of sensors
Photocell (reflective)
Laser rangefinder
Sonar (typically active or passive)
heart. When a magnet is brought in the vicinity of the sensor (reed switch), it
operates and controls the rest of the switching circuit. In place of the reed switch,
one may, as well, use a general-purpose electromagnetic reed relay (by making use
of the reed switch contacts) as the sensor, if required. These tiny reed relays are
easily available as they are widely used in telecom products. The reed switch or
relay to be used with this circuit should be the ‘normally open’ type.
moment, the contacts of the reed switch close to trigger timer IC1 wired in
monostable mode. As a consequence its output at pin 3 goes high for a short
duration and supplies clock to the clock input (pin 3) of IC2 (CD4013—dual
This CMOS IC2 consists of two independent flip-flops though here only one is
used. Note that the flip-flop is wired in toggle mode with data input (pin 5)
connected to the Q (pin 2) output. On receipt of clock pulse, the Q output changes
from low to high state and due to this the relay driver transistor T1 gets forward-
A relay is an electrical switch that opens and closes under control of another
able to control an output circuit of higher power than the input circuit, it can be
These contacts can be either Normally Open (NO), Normally Closed (NC),
or change-over contacts.
remote device.
applications that require the circuit to remain closed until the relay is
Change-over contacts control two circuits: one normally-open contact
When a current flows through the coil, the resulting magnetic field attracts an
position. Latching relays exist that require operation of a second coil to reset
angles to the direction of electron flow. If that conductor is wrapped into a coil
shape, the magnetic field produced will be oriented along the length of the coil.
The greater the current, the greater the strength of the magnetic field, all other
Inductors react against changes in current because of the energy stored in this
magnetic field. When we construct a transformer from two inductor coils around a
common iron core, we use this field to transfer energy from one coil to the other.
However, there are simpler and more direct uses for electromagnetic fields than the
applications we've seen with inductors and transformers. The magnetic field
on any magnetic object, just as we can use a permanent magnet to attract magnetic
objects, except that this magnet (formed by the coil) can be turned on or off by
move when we energize the coil with electric current, we have what is called a
solenoid. The movable magnetic object is called an armature, and most armatures
can be moved with either direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC)
energizing the coil. The polarity of the magnetic field is irrelevant for the purpose
latches, open or shut valves, move robotic limbs, and even actuate electric switch
Relays are extremely useful when we have a need to control a large amount of
current and/or voltage with a small electrical signal. The relay coil which produces
the magnetic field may only consume fractions of a watt of power, while the
contacts closed or opened by that magnetic field may be able to conduct hundreds
of times that amount of power to a load. In effect, a relay acts as a binary (on or
off) amplifier.
Just as with transistors, the relay's ability to control one electrical signal with
another finds application in the construction of logic functions. This topic will be
covered in greater detail in another lesson. For now, the relay's "amplifying" ability
will be explored.
In the above schematic, the relay's coil is energized by the low-voltage (12 VDC)
source, while the single-pole, single-throw (SPST) contact interrupts the high-
voltage (480 VAC) circuit. It is quite likely that the current required to energize the
relay coil will be hundreds of times less than the current rating of the contact.
Typical relay coil currents are well below 1 amp, while typical contact ratings for
One relay coil/armature assembly may be used to actuate more than one set of
combination of the two. As with switches, the "normal" state of a relay's contacts is
that state when the coil is de-energized, just as you would find the relay sitting on a
Relay contacts may be open-air pads of metal alloy, mercury tubes, or even
magnetic reeds, just as with other types of switches. The choice of contacts in a
relay depends on the same factors which dictate contact choice in other types of
switches. Open-air contacts are the best for high-current applications, but their
environments. Mercury and reed contacts are sparkless and won't corrode, but they
Types of relay
A solid state relay, which has no moving parts
in either of two positions. There are two coils that pull the armature in
other and then left in that state indefinitely. This type of relay has the
switched, and it retains its last setting across a power outage. Some
saving but does ensure that the relay returns to a known state during and
A reed relay has two, usually normally open, contacts inside a vacuum
or inert gas filled glass tube. This protects the contacts against
coil around the glass tube, or a permanent magnet moved towards it. See
are wetted with mercury . Such relays are used to switch low-voltage
these relays are rarely specified for new equipment. See also mercury
machine tools, transfer machines, and other seqential control. They are
closed status, easily replaceable coils, and a form factor that allows
motors and lighting loads. Such devices are often used for motor starters,
and may be built up with overload protection devices attached. The
overload sensing devices are a form of heat operated relay where a coil
transformer oil.
types of modems,
to isolate the controlling circuit from the controlled circuit when the two
control office lighting as the low voltage wires are easily installed in
partitions, which may be often moved as needs change. They may also
as oscillators, also called vibrators. The coil is wired in series with the
coil, the relay operates and opens the contacts that carry the supply
current. This stops the current and causes the contacts to close again.
The cycle repeats continuously, causing the relay to open and close
because of the rapid oscillation of the armature. This is the basis of the
mechanical time delay device by controling the release time by using the
A large relay with two coils and many sets of contacts, used in an old
changeover (double-throw)
Voltage rating of contacts - typical control relays rated 300 VAC or 600
15,000 V
for switchgear may have 125 V or 250 VDC coils, "sensitive" relays
"Dry" contacts - when switching very low level signals, special contact
Regulatory approvals
circuit board.
Protection relay
A protection relay is a complex electromechanical apparatus, often with more
and trip circuit breakers when a fault was found. Unlike switching type relays
with fixed and usually ill-defined operating voltage thresholds and operating
operating parameter) curves. Such relays were very elaborate, using arrays of
reverse power flow, over- and under- frequency, and even distance relays that
would trip for faults up to a certain distance away from a substation but not
beyond that point. An important transmission line or generator unit would have
electromechanical devices.
these devices are nearly entirely replaced (in new designs) with
However, due to their very long life span, tens of thousands of these "silent
sentinels" are still protecting transmission lines and electrical apparatus all
ULN2003 is a high voltage and high current Darlington array IC. It contains seven
this family interface to different logic families. ULN2003 is for 5V TTL, CMOS
logic devices. These ICs are used when driving a wide range of loads and are used
as relay drivers, display drivers, line drivers etc. ULN2003 is also commonly used
while driving Stepper Motors. Refer Stepper Motor interfacing using ULN2003.
Each channel or darlington pair in ULN2003 is rated at 500mA and can withstand
peak current of 600mA. The inputs and outputs are provided opposite to each other
in the pin layout. Each driver also contains a suppression diode to dissipate voltage
spikes while driving inductive loads. The schematic for each driver is given below:
Pin Description:
Function Name
The ULN2003 is a monolithic high voltage and high current Darlington transistor
arrays. It consists of seven NPN darlington pairs that features high-voltage outputs
with common-cathode clamp diode for switching inductive loads. The collector-
current rating of a single darlington pair is 500mA. The darlington pairs may be
parrlleled for higher current capability. Applications include relay drivers, hammer
drivers, lamp drivers, display drivers(LED gas discharge),line drivers, and logic
buffers. The ULN2003 has a 2.7kW series base resistor for each darlington pair for
* 500mA rated collector current(Single output)
and later bought in 2005,[13] Android was unveiled in 2007 along with the founding
devices.[14] The first publicly available smartphone running Android, the HTC
The user interface of Android is based on direct manipulation, using touch inputs
that loosely correspond to real-world actions, like swiping, tapping, pinching and
to respond to additional user actions, for example adjusting the screen from portrait
customize their home screens with shortcuts to applications and widgets, which
allow users to display live content, such as emails and weather information,
directly on the home screen. Applications can further send notifications to the user
to inform them of relevant information, such as new emails and text messages.
Android's source code is released by Google under the Apache License;[12] this
July 2013, Android has the largest number of applications ("apps"), available for
download in Google Play store which has had over 1 million apps published, and
found that Android is the most used platform among developers: it is used by 71%
primarily designed for phones and tablets, it also has been used in
televisions, games consoles, digital cameras and other electronics. Android's open
nature has encouraged a large community of developers and enthusiasts to use the
features for advanced users[19] or bring Android to devices which were officially
installed base, and is a market leader in most countries[20] including the United
States; there it has had the highest installed base of mobile phones for years. [21] In
the third quarter of 2013, Android's share of the global smartphone shipment
markets Android-powered phones are the most popular comprising more than half
of the overall smartphone sales, including the United States market starting with
the September–November 2013 period.[25] The operating system's success has made
it a target for patent litigation as part of the so-called "smartphone wars" between
Android, Inc. was founded in Palo Alto, California in October 2003 by Andy
operating system for digital cameras, when it was realised that the market for the
devices was not large enough, and diverted their efforts to producing a smartphone
operating system to rival those of Symbian and Windows Mobile.[32] Despite the
past accomplishments of the founders and early employees, Android Inc. operated
secretly, revealing only that it was working on software for mobile phones.[13] That
same year, Rubin ran out of money. Steve Perlman, a close friend of Rubin,
brought him $10,000 in cash in an envelope and refused a stake in the company.[33]
Google acquired Android Inc. on August 17, 2005; key employees of Android Inc.,
including Rubin, Miner and White, stayed at the company after the acquisition.
Not much was known about Android Inc. at the time, but many assumed that
Google was planning to enter the mobile phone market with this move.[13] At
Google, the team led by Rubin developed a mobile device platform powered by
the Linux kernel. Google marketed the platform to handset makers and carriers on
series of hardware component and software partners and signaled to carriers that it
and its prototypes to combine traits of their own designs with an overall experience
Eric Schmidt, Andy Rubin and Hugo Barra at a press conference for the Google's
Nexus 7 tablet.
as HTC,Sony and Samsung, wireless carriers such as Sprint Nextel and T-Mobile,
and chipset makers such as Qualcomm and Texas Instruments, unveiled itself, with
a goal to develop open standards for mobile devices.[14] That day, Android was
unveiled as its first product, a mobile deviceplatform built on the Linux
In 2010, Google launched its Nexus series of devices – a line of smartphones and
partner. HTC collaborated with Google to release the first Nexus smartphone,
the Nexus One. The series has since been updated with newer devices, such as
the Nexus 5 phone and Nexus 7 tablet, made by LG and Asus respectively. Google
releases the Nexus phones and tablets to act as their flagship Android devices,
2013, it was announced by Larry Page in a blog post that Andy Rubin had moved
from the Android division to take on new projects at Google.[43] He was replaced
by Sundar Pichai, who also continues his role as the head of Google's Chrome
Since 2008, Android has seen numerous updates which have incrementally
improved the operating system, adding new features and fixing bugs in previous
releases. Each major release is named in alphabetical order after a dessert or sugary
treat; for example, version 1.5 Cupcake was followed by 1.6 Donut. The latest
Notifications are accessed by sliding from the top of the display; individual
notifications can be dismissed by sliding them away, and may contain additional
Android's user interface is based on direct manipulation,[47] using touch inputs that
vibration capabilities of the device to provide haptic feedback to the user. Internal
some applications to respond to additional user actions, for example adjusting the
allowing the user to steer a vehicle in a racing game by rotating the device,
Android devices boot to the homescreen, the primary navigation and information
point on the device, which is similar to the desktop found on PCs. Android
homescreens are typically made up of app icons and widgets; app icons launch the
associated app, whereas widgets display live, auto-updating content such as the
weather forecast, the user's email inbox, or a news ticker directly on the
homescreen.[50] A homescreen may be made up of several pages that the user can
swipe back and forth between, though Android's homescreen interface is heavily
customisable, allowing the user to adjust the look and feel of the device to their
tastes.[51] Third-party apps available on Google Play and other app stores can
extensively re-theme the homescreen, and even mimic the look of other operating
carriers, customise the look and feel of their Android devices to differentiate
device and its connectivity. This status bar can be "pulled" down to reveal a
newly received email or SMS text, in a way that does not immediately interrupt or
inconvenience the user.[54] Notifications are persistent until read (by tapping, which
opens the relevant app) or dismissed by sliding it off the screen. Beginning on
functionality; for instance, a music player can display playback controls, and a
"missed call" notification provides buttons for calling back or sending the caller an
SMS message.[55]
Android provides the ability to run applications which change the default launcher
and hence the appearance and externally visible behaviour of Android. These
appearance changes include a multi-page dock or no dock, and many more changes
Android has a growing selection of third party applications, which can be acquired
by users either through an app store such as Google Play or theAmazon Appstore,
or by downloading and installing the application's APK file from a third-party site.
The Play Store application allows users to browse, download and update apps
that comply with Google's compatibility requirements.[58] The app filters the list of
available applications to those that are compatible with the user's device, and
minutes of the time of download,[60] and some carriers offer direct carrier billing for
Google Play application purchases, where the cost of the application is added to
As of July 2013, there are more than one million applications available for Android
in the Play Store.[62] As of May 2013, 48 billion apps have been installed from the
handset emulator based on QEMU, documentation, sample code, and tutorials. The
Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin. Other development tools are available,
It was announced in January 2014 that Chrome HTML5 web applications should
become available, using a compatibility layer from the open source Apache
censorship in the People's Republic of China, Android devices sold in the PRC are
Memory management
operating systems which generally assume they are connected to unlimited mains
electricity. When an Android app is no longer in use, the system will automatically
suspend it in memory – while the app is still technically "open", suspended apps
consume no resources (e.g. battery power or processing power) and sit idly in the
background until needed again. This has the dual benefit of increasing the general
Android manages the apps stored in memory automatically: when memory is low,
the system will begin killing apps and processes that have been inactive for a
while, in reverse order since they were last used (i.e. oldest first). This process is
designed to be invisible to the user, such that users do not need to manage memory
the Google Play store; these third-party task killers are generally regarded as doing
The main hardware platform for Android is the 32-bit ARMv7 architecture.
The Android-x86 project provides support for the x86 architecture,[7] and Google
2013, Freescale announced support for Android on its i.MX processor, specifically
bit ARMv7, MIPS or x86 architecture processor (latter two through unofficial
unit (GPU).[78] Android supports OpenGL ES 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0. Some applications
explicitly require certain version of the OpenGL ES, thus suitable GPU hardware is
components are not required, but became standard in certain classes of devices,
such as smartphones, and additional requirements apply if they are present. Some
other hardware was initially required, but those requirements have been relaxed or
OS, hardware such as microphones were required, while over time the phone
was relaxed to a fixed-focus camera[59] if it is even present at all, since the camera
Android is developed in private by Google until the latest changes and updates are
ready to be released, at which point the source code is made available publicly.
This source code will only run without modification on select devices, usually
the Nexus series of devices. The source code is, in turn, adapted by OEMs to run
on their hardware.[80] Android's source code does not contain the often
proprietary device drivers that are needed for certain hardware components.[81]
The green Android logo was designed for Google in 2007 by graphic designer Irina
Blok. The design team was tasked with a project to create a universally identifiable
icon with the specific inclusion of a robot in the final design. After numerous
eventually sought inspiration from the human symbol on restroom doors and
modified the figure into a robot shape. As Android is open-sourced, it was agreed
that the logo should be likewise, and since its launch the green logo has been
Fully integrated debugging with right mouse click menus for breakpoints, trace
and editor functions
Tabbed editor option or separate source windows
Recordable macros
Context sensitive color highlighting for assembly, C and BASIC code readability
Mouse over variable to instantly evaluate the contents of variables and registers
Set breakpoints and trace points directly in editor to instantly make changes and
evaluate their effects
Graphical project manager
Version control support for MS Source Safe, CVS, PVCS, Subversion
The PCB, PCM, and PCH are separate compilers. PCB is for 12-bit opcodes, PCM
is for 14-bit opcodes, and PCH is for 16-bit opcode PIC® microcontrollers. Due to
many similarities, all three compilers are covered in this reference manual.
Features and limitations that apply to only specific microcontrollers are indicated
within. These compilers are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of the
PIC® microcontroller. This allows developers to quickly design applications
software in a more readable, high-level language.
When compared to a more traditional C compiler, PCB, PCM, and PCH have some
limitations. As an example of the limitations, function recursion is not allowed.
This is due to the fact that the PIC® has no stack to push variables onto, and also
because of the way the compilers optimize the code. The compilers can efficiently
implement normal C constructs, input/output operations, and bit twiddling
operations. All normal C data types are supported along with pointers to constant
arrays, fixed point decimal, and arrays of bits.
File Formats
The compiler can output 8-bet hex, 16-bit hex, and binary files. Three listing
formats are available:
3) Symbolic format uses names versus addresses for registers. The debug
files may be output as Microchip .COD file, Advanced Transdata .MAP file,
expanded .COD file for CCS debugging or MPLAB 7.xx .COF file. All file
formats and extensions may be selected via Options File Associations option
in Windows IDE.
.H These are standard or custom header files used to define pins, register,
register bits, functions and preprocessor directives.
.PJT This is the project file which contains information related to the project.
.LST This is the listing file which shows each C source line and the associated
assembly code generated for that line.
.SYM This is the symbol map which shows each register location and what
program variables are stored in each location.
.STA The statistics file shows the RAM, ROM, and STACK usage. It provides
information on the source codes structural and textual complexities using
Halstead and McCabe metrics.
.TRE The tree file shows the call tree. it details each function and what
functions it calls along with the ROM and RAM usage for each function.
.HEX The compiler generates standard HEX files that are compatible with all
.RVF The Rich View Format is used by the RTF Editor within the IDE to view the
Rich Text File.
.ESYM This file is generated for the IDE users. The file contains Identifiers and
Comment information. This data can be used for automatic
documentation generation and for the IDE helpers.
.OSY This file is generated when the compiler is set to export a relocatable
M object file. This file contains a list of symbols for that object.
The PICkit™ 2 Development Programmer/Debugger is a low-cost development
tool with an easy to use interface for programming and debugging Microchip’s
Flash families of microcontrollers. The full featured Windows ® programming
interface supports baseline (PIC10F, PIC12F5xx, PIC16F5xx), midrange (PIC12F6xx,
PIC16F), PIC18F, PIC24, dsPIC30, dsPIC33, and PIC32 families of 8-bit, 16-bit, and
32-bit microcontrollers, and many Microchip Serial EEPROM products.
The PICkit 2 — introduced in May 2005 — replaced the PICkit 1. The most
notable difference between the two is that the PICkit 2 has a separate
programmer/debugger unit which plugs into the board carrying the chip to be
programmed, whereas the PICkit 1 was a single unit. This makes it possible to use
the programmer with a custom circuit board via an In Circuit Serial Programming
(ICSP) header. This feature is not intended [3] for so-called "production"
programming, however the PICkit 2 uses an internal PIC18F2550 with FullSpeed
USB. The latest PICkit 2 firmware allows the user to program and debug most of
the 8 and 16 bit PICmicro and dsPIC members of the Microchip product line.
The PICkit 2 is open to the public, including its hardware schematic, firmware
source code (in C language) and application programs (in C# language). End users
and third parties can easily modify both the hardware and software for enhanced
features. e.g. GNU/Linux version of PICKit 2 application software, DOS style
CMD support, etc.The PICkit 2 has a programmer-to-go (PTG) feature, which can
download the hex file and programming instructions into on-board memory (128K
byte I2C EEPROM or 256K byte I2C EEPROM), so that no PC is required at the
end application.
The Microchip version of PICkit 2 has a standard 128K byte memory. 256K byte
memory can be achieved by modifying the hardware or from third
party.Additionally, a 500 kHz three-channel logic analyser and a UART tool are
built into the PICKit 2. These features are missing from the PICkit 3.Since release
of V2.61, PICkit 2 PC software now support maximum 4M bytes of memory for
programmer-to-go feature. This modification makes the PICKit 2 support 8x more
memory than the PICKit 3. This enhancement has been contributed by Au Group
Electronics and the PICkit 2 firmware is also reported to be submitted to Microchip
PICkit 2 team in the middle of March 2009. Hopefully this enhancement will be
integrated into future firmware releases too
Circuit diagram
Circuit explanation
PIC16F877A is a 40 Pin DIP pack IC with 33 I/O pins. Out of which 8 pins can be used either as Digital I/O
pins or Analog Input pins. The micro controller is having 5 ports Port A, Port B, Port C, Port D and Port E.
Here Port A consists of 6Pins and can be used as Analog Pins and Digital Pins, in the same way Port E
consists of 3Pins all of them can either be used as Analog Pins or Digital Pins. The Port pins of Port D are
connected to LCD pins. RD4 to RD7 as data pins and RD0 to RD2 as control pins. The Pins of Port B are
connected to relay drivers, which in turn drives the relays. The Pins 13 and 14 are connected to
Oscillators. This Oscillator provides required clock reference for the PIC micro controller. Either Pins 11
and 12 or 31 and 32 can be used as power supply pins. Pins 25 and 26 of Port C are used for serial Port
communications; these pins are interfaced with MAX232 for PC based communications. Pins 37,38,39
and 40 are used for In-Circuit Debugger Operations, with which the hex code is downloaded to the Chip.
Pin 33 is used as external Interrupt Pin. Pin 1 is used as Reset Pin. This Pin is connected to Vcc through a
The LCD we have used in this project is HD1234. This is an alphanumeric type of
LCD with 16 pins. Of which Pins 7 to 14 are used as data pins, through which an
8-bit data can be input to the LCD. These Pins are connected to the Port 0 of Micro
controller. There are 3 control pins RS (Pin-4), RW (Pin-5) and EN (Pin-6). The
RS pin is connected to the 28th Pin of micro controller. The RW pin is usually
grounded. The Enable pin is connected to 27 th Pin. The LCD has two Rows and 16
Columns. The LCD is powered up with 5V supply connected to Pins 1(Gnd) and
2(Vcc). The Pin 3 is connected to Vcc through a Potentiometer. The potentiometer
is used to adjust the contrast level. Here in our project we use the PIC controller in
4-bit mode. Here only 4 data pins are connected and are used as Data Port.
MAX 232:
The MAX232 family of line drivers/receivers is intended for all EIA/TIA-232E and V.28/V.24
communications interfaces, particularly applications where ±12V is not available. The Max-232
can simultaneously be interfaced with two channels. This is a 16-pin DIP pack IC. Here five
10uF capacitors are connected to the IC for level conversions. The Pin 10 from the micro
controller is connected to pin 25 of the Max-232. The Pin 14 of Max-232 is connected to Pin 26
of the micro controller. Pins 25 and 26 are connected to the PC’s Serial Port. The connection
between the micro controller and the PC is a Null Modem configuration. (Only Tx, Rx and
Ground pins are interfaced).
When AC is applied to the primary winding of the power transformer it can either be stepped
down or up depending on the value of DC needed. In our circuit the transformer of 230v/15-0-
15v is used to perform the step down operation where a 230V AC appears as 15V AC across the
secondary winding. In the power supply unit, rectification is normally achieved using a solid-
state diode. Diode has the property that will let the electron flow easily in one direction at proper
biasing condition. As AC is applied to the diode, electrons only flow when the anode and
cathode is negative. Reversing the polarity of voltage will not permit electron flow.A commonly
used circuit for supplying large amounts of DC power is the bridge rectifier. A bridge rectifier of
four diodes (4*IN4007) is used to achieve full wave rectification. Two diodes will conduct
during the negative cycle and the other two will conduct during the positive half cycle. The DC
voltage appearing across the output terminals of the bridge rectifier will be somewhat less than
90% of the applied RMS value. Filter circuits, which is usually capacitor acting as a surge
arrester always follow the rectifier unit. This capacitor is also called as a decoupling capacitor or
a bypassing capacitor, is used not only to ‘short’ the ripple with frequency of 120Hz to ground
but also to leave the frequency of the DC to appear at the output. The voltage regulators play an
important role in any power supply unit. The primary purpose of a regulator is to aid the rectifier
and filter circuit in providing a constant DC voltage to the device. Power supplies without
regulators have an inherent problem of changing DC voltage values due to variations in the load
or due to fluctuations in the AC liner voltage. With a regulator connected to the DC output, the
voltage can be maintained within a close tolerant region of the desired output. IC7812 and 7805
are used in this project for providing +12v and +5v DC supply.
The project “project title” has been completed successfully and the output
results are verified. The results are in line with the expected output. The project
has been checked with both software and hardware testing tools. In this work
“I/O devices” are chosen are proved to be more appropriate for the intended
application. The project is having enough avenues for future enhancement. The
project is a prototype model that fulfills all the logical requirements. The project
with minimal improvements can be directly applicable for real time applications.
Thus the project contributes a significant step forward in the field of “Project
Domain”, and further paves a road path towards faster development s in the
same field. The project is further adaptive towards continuous performance and
peripheral up gradations. This work can be applied to variety of industrial and
commercial applications.