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1ST and 2ND Sem Syllabus

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Scheme of Teaching and Examinations for BE program-2022

(Effective from the academic year 2022-23)

I Semester (CSE Stream) -CSE/ISE/AIML (Physics group)
Contact Examination
Course Area


Sl. No

Course TD/PSB L T P Duration


in hours Marks
Marks Marks
1 ASC(IC) BMATS101 Mathematics for CSE Maths 2 2 2 03 50 50 100 04
Stream -I
2 ASC(IC) BPHYS102 Physics for CSE Stream Physics 2 2 2 03 50 50 100 04
3 ESC BPOPC103 Principles of 2 0 2 03 50 50 100 03
Programming Using C
4 ESC-I BESCK104x Engineering Science Engg 3 0 0 03 50 50 100 03
Course-I dept
5 ETC-I BETCK105x Emerging Technology Any Dept 3 0 0 03 50 50 100 03
Course - I
6 HSMS BENGK106 Communicative English- I Humanities 0 2 0 01 50 50 100 01
7 HSMS BKSKK107 Samskrutika Kannada/ 1 0 0 01 50 50 100 01
BKBKK107 Balake Kannada

BEEXK108 Engineering Exploration Any 0 0 2 01
8 AEC Dept 50 50 100 01
TOTAL 12 06 10 400 400 800 20

(ESC-I) Engineering Science Courses-I (EMTC-I) Emerging Technology Courses-I

Code Title L T P Code Title L T P
BESCK104A Introduction to Civil Engineering 3 0 0 BETCK105A Green Buildings 3 0 0
/204A /205A
BESCK104B Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3 0 0 BETCK105B Introduction to Nano Technology 3 0 0
/204B /205B
BESCK104C Introduction to Electronics Engineering 3 0 0 BETCK105C Renewable Energy Sources 3 0 0
/204C /205C
BESCK104D Introduction to Mechanical Engineering 3 0 0 BETCK105D Introduction to Internet of Things (IOT) 3 0 0
/204D /205D
BETCK105E Introduction to Cyber Security 3 0 0

 The student shall select one course from the ESC-I group.
 The students shall opt for the courses from ESC group without repeating the course in either 1st or 2nd semester
 The students must select one course from either ETC-I group.
 If students study the subject from ETC-I in 1st semester he/she shall select the course from PLC-II in the 2nd semester and vice-versa

Scheme of Teaching and Examinations for BE program-2022
(Effective from the academic year 2022-23)
II Semester (CSE Stream) - CSE/ISE/AIML (Chemistry Group)

Contact Examination
Course Area


Sl. No

Course TD/PSB L T P Duration


in hours Marks
Marks Marks
1 ASC(IC) BMATS201 Mathematics for CSE Maths 2 2 2 03 50 50 100 04
2 ASC(IC) BCHES202 Chemistry for CSE Chemistry 2 2 2 03 50 50 100 04
3 ESC BCEDK203 Computer-Aided Engg dept 2 0 2 03 50 50 100 03
Engineering Drawing
4 ESC-II BESCK204x Engineering Science Engg 3 0 0 03 50 50 100 03
Course-II Dept
5 PLC-II BPLCK205x Programming Any Dept 2 0 2 03 50 50 100 03
Language Course-II
6 HSMS BENGK206 Communicative Humanities 0 2 0 01 50 50 100 01
BICOK207 Indian Constitution Humanities 1 0 0
7 HSMS 01 50 50 100 01
BSOIK208 Social Innovation Any Dept 0 0 2 01
8 AEC 50 50 100 01

TOTAL 12 06 10 400 400 800 20

SDA-Skill Development Activities, TD/PSB- Teaching Department / Paper Setting Board, ASC-Applied Science Course, ESC- Engineering Science Courses,
ETC-Emerging Technology Course, AEC- Ability Enhancement Course, HSMS-Humanity and Social Science and management Course, SDC- Skill Development
Course, CIE -Continuous Internal Evaluation, SEE- Semester End Examination, IC – Integrated Course (Theory Course Integrated with Practical Course)
Credit Definition: 04-Credits courses are to be designed for 50 hours of Teaching-Learning Session
1- hour Lecture (L) per week=1Credit 04-Credits (IC) are to be designed for 40 hours’ theory and 12-14 hours of practical
2-hoursTutorial(T) per week=1Credit sessions
2- hours Practical / Drawing (P) per week=1Credit 03-Credits courses are to be designed for 40 hours of Teaching-Learning Session
2-hours Skill Development Activities (SDA) per week = 1 Credit 02- Credits courses are to be designed for 25 hours of Teaching-Learning session
01-Credit courses are to be designed for 12-15 hours of Teaching-Learning

(ESC-II) Engineering Science Courses-II

Code Title L T P
BESCK104A/204A Introduction to Civil Engineering 3 0 0
BESCK104B/204B Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3 0 0
BESCK104C/204C Introduction to Electronics Engineering 3 0 0
BESCK104D/204D Introduction to Mechanical Engineering 3 0 0

(PRLC-II) Programming Language Courses-II

Code Title L T P
BPLCK105A/205A Introduction to Web Programming 2 0 2
BPLCK105B/205B Introduction to Python Programming 2 0 2
BPLCK105C/205C Basics of JAVA programming 2 0 2
BPLCK105D/205D Introduction to C++ Programming 2 0 2


Example 1: BMATS101
B MAT S 1 01
Code- Bachelor Degree Subject Code Stream Code Semester Subject Serial No.

Example 2: BENGK106
B ENG K 1 06
Code-Bachelor Degree Subject Code Common Semester Subject Serial No.

Example 3: BPOPC103
B POPC 1 03
Code-Bachelor Degree Subject Code Semester Subject Serial No.

Course Content and Planning
Course Name : Mathematics for CSE Stream-I Course Code : BMATS101

Number of Lecture Hours/ Week : 04 CIE Marks : 50

Number of Tutorial Hours : 02 SEE Marks : 50

Total Number of Lecture Hours +
Tutorial Hours : 40 + 20 SEE Duration : 3 Hrs

L:T:P :2:2:2 Credits : 04

COURSE PREREQUISITES: To understand Mathematics for Computer Science Engineering Stream-I, the
students should have strong base on calculus, matrix algebra, logic theory and basic number theory
Mathematics for Computer Science Engineering Stream-I is a course which provides Mathematical
techniques in the advanced areas of Mathematics that are of utmost relevance to engineering disciplines.
The major focuses of the course are multivariable calculus, first order differential equations, linear algebra
logic theory and Number theory. The purpose of this course is to provide the skills and knowledge required
to perform fundamental Mathematical procedures and processes for solution of engineering problems,
particularly the use of calculus and linear algebra. The course aims to show the relevance of Mathematics
to engineering and applied sciences.


The objective is to enable the students to apply the knowledge of Mathematics in various fields of
engineering by the following means:
a) Explain the concept of multivariable calculus, first order differential equations, linear algebra logic
theory and Number theory to apply appropriately in solving Engineering problems.
b) Explain how to analyze the system in various Engineering domain using multivariable calculus, first
order differential equations, linear algebra logic theory and Number theory.
c) Explain the usage of modern tools to understand the concepts multivariable calculus, first order
differential equations, linear algebra logic theory and Number theory

Module-1(I-C) 8

Differential Calculus: Maclaurin’s series of one variable. Polar curves leading to pedal
equation and radius of curvature.
Partial differentiation- basics, composite function, Maxima Minima of function of two
variables by Lagrange’s multiplier method.
Self-Study: Euler’s theorem of first kind (only problems), Jacobian (two variables)
Applications: Application of Jacobian in image transformation
Lab Component: Maclaurin’s series and Polar Curves.
Ordinary Differential Equations: Linear Equations: Bernoulli’s differential equations. Exact
and reducible to exact differential equations (IF of the form ). Orthogonal trajectories,
Newton’s law of cooling.
Nonlinear Differential Equations: Introduction to general and singular solutions; Clairaut’s 8
equations - Problems.
Self-Study: Differential Equations solvable for p
Applications: Law of decay.
Lab Component: Solving differential equations and plotting the solutions.
Linear Algebra: Elementary row transformation of a matrix, Rank of a matrix. Consistency
and Solution of system of linear equations; Gauss-elimination method, Approximate solution
by Gauss-Seidel method. Eigen value and Eigen Vector. Diagonalization.
Self-Study: LU decomposition method
Applications: Applications eigenvalue and eigenvector.
Lab Component: Solving Simultaneous linear Equations
Mathematical induction and Quantifiers: Equivalence – The Laws of Logic, Logical
Implication – Rules of Inference
Fundamentals of Logic continued: Quantifiers, The Use of Quantifiers, and the Proof.
Mathematical Induction. 8

Self-Study: Fundamentals of Logic: Basic Connectives and Truth Tables, Logic.

Applications: Truth Table of simple circuit containing logic gates.
Lab Component: Programs using loops (such as if, for etc.)

Basics of Number theory: Divisibility, Euclidean algorithm, Prime numbers and their
properties, Fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Congruences, linear congruences,
Diophantine equations, Chinese remainder theorem, Euler’s theorem
Self-Study: Fermat-little theorem and problems.
Applications: Application of Chinese remainder theorem.
Lab Component: Writing Euclidean algorithm
1. B.S. Grewal: “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna publishers, 44 th Ed.2018
2. E. Kreyszig: “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley & Sons, 10th Ed.(Reprint), 2016.
3. David Burton: “Elementary Number Theory”, McGraw-Hill Education, 7th Ed.
4. . Gilbert Strang: ‘’Linear Algebra and Its Applications”, Cengage, 4th Ed.
5. Kenneth A. Ross, Charles R. Wright: Discrete-Mathematics, Pearson Education inc, 5th-Edition
6. Ralph P Grimaldi: Discrete and combinatorial Mathematics, Pearson Education inc, 5th-Edition

Reference Books
1. V. Ramana: “Higher Engineering Mathematics” McGraw-Hill Education, 11th Ed.
2. Srimanta Pal & Subodh C. Bhunia: “Engineering Mathematics” Oxford University press, 3rd Reprint,
3. N.P Bali and Manish Goyal: “A text book of Engineering Mathematics” Laxmi Publications, Latest edition
4. C. Ray Wylie, Louis C. Barrett: “Advanced Engineering Mathematics” McGraw – Hill
Book Co. New York, Latest ed.
5. James Stewart: “Calculus” Cengage publications, 7th edition, 4th Reprint 2019.
6. Steven Leon: Linear Algebra With Applications, Pearson Education inc., 8th Ed.

COURSE OUTCOMES (COs): At the end of this course, students will be able to
CO- Understand the basic concepts of calculus for a single and multivariable function, ordinary
01 differential equations, linear algebra, logic, mathematical induction, quantifiers and basic number

CO- Apply the concepts of calculus for a single and multivariable function, ordinary differential
02 equations, linear algebra, logic, mathematical induction, quantifiers and basic number theory to
solve the problems arising in engineering fields.(PO-1).
CO- Analyse the solutions of engineering problems using the concepts of calculus, ordinary differential
03 equations, Linear Algebra. (PO-2).

CO- Using Modern Tool to solve/visualise engineering problems from the concepts of calculus,
04 ordinary differential equations and linear algebra (PO-5).

CO – PO – PSO Matrix
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO2 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO3 -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO4 -- -- -- -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO 1.5 2 -- -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Course Content & Planning
Course Name : Physics for CSE Stream Course Code: BPHYS102
Number of Lecture +
: 02 + 02 CIE Marks : 50
Tutorial Hours / Week
Number of Practical
: 02 SEE Marks : 50
Hours / Week
Total Number of
Lecture/Tutorial + : 40+24=64 SEE Duration : 03 Hours
Practical Hours
L:T:P : 2:2:2 CREDITS : 04
11th and 12th standard physics, chemistry & mathematics courses of National Council for Education,
Research & Training and Karnataka Pre University Education Board

This course provides the knowledge about quantum mechanics, photonic devices and optoelectronic devices.
It highlights the properties of superconductors, semiconductors, and dielectric materials. This course also
provides the basic knowledge required to understand the material properties, concepts and working of an instrument
in engineering applications and enhances practical problem-solving skills.


1. To study the principles of quantum mechanics.
2. To understand the principles photonic devices and their application.
3. To study the study the electrical properties of materials
4. To study the essentials of physics for computational aspects.

Teaching-Learning Process
These are sample Strategies, which teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the various course
outcomes and make Teaching –Learning more effective

1. Flipped Class
2. Chalk and Talk
3. Blended Mode of Learning
4. Simulations, Interactive Simulations and Animations
5. NPTEL and Other Videos for theory topics
6. Smart Class Room
7. Lab Experiment Videos

MODULE 1: Introduction to quantum mechanics
Introduction to quantum mechanics, concept of duality of EM radiation using de Broglie
hypothesis, de Broglie wavelength - extension to electron particle, wave packets,
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and its physical significance, application of uncertainty
principle - Non-existence of electron in the nucleus, numerical problems. 8

Self Study Component: Photo-electric effect, explanation for β-decay and kinetic energy
of electron in an atom, matter waves and their characteristic properties.

MODULE 2: Simple quantum mechanical systems

Wave function, properties and physical significance of a wave function, probability density
and normalization of wave function, setting up of a one dimensional, time independent
Schrödinger wave equation. Eigen values and Eigen functions, application of Schrödinger
wave equation – Particle in a one dimensional potential well of infinite height, finite
potential well, conceptual discussions on the solutions for a hydrogen atom, numerical

Self-Study Component: Free particles concept, energy Eigen values & Eigen functions for
a particle in a one-dimensional potential well of infinite height for any three quantum

MODULE 3: Physics of photonic devices

Introduction to lasers, condition for laser action, requisites of a laser system, energy
density using Einstein coefficients, construction and working of semiconductor laser,
application of lasers in bar code scanner and Laser printer, propagation mechanism in an
optical fiber, angle of acceptance and numerical aperture, condition for ray propagation,
modes of propagation and types of optical fibers, attenuation, applications of optical fiber 8
in point to point communication system, numerical problems.

Self-Study Component: Physical significance of Einstein’s coefficients, interaction of

radiation with matter

MODULE 4: Material properties of hardware components

Introduction to superconductors, Temperature dependence of resistivity in
superconducting materials, effect of magnetic field (Meissner effect), types of
superconductors, temperature dependence of critical field, BCS theory (qualitative), High
temperature superconductors, applications of superconductors– SQUID, computer chips
with superconducting circuits, introduction to dielectric materials, internal fields in solids
(qualitative), application of dielectrics in graphics, numerical problems.

Self-Study Component: Polar and non-polar dielectrics, types of polarization.

MODULE 5: Physics of Animation
Taxonomy of physics based animation methods, frames, frames per Second, size and scale,
motion and timing in Animations, constant force and acceleration, the odd rule, motion
graphs, numerical calculations based on odd rule, examples of character animation :
jumping, walking, statistical physics for computing : descriptive statistics and inferential
statistics, Poisson distribution and normal distributions (Bell Curves), Monte Carlo
method, Numerical Problems.

Self-Study Component: Frames, Frames per Second

A – Demonstration:
A1. Study input and output characteristics of a given transistor and hence to determine the
input resistance and current amplification factors.
A2. To study the I–V characteristics of the Photo diode and also to determine power
A3. PHET Interactive Simulations
B – Exercise:
B1. Determine the dielectric constant of the dielectric material placed between the plates
of the capacitor.
B2. Determine the resonant frequency and self-inductance of the coil using series and
parallel LCR circuit. 24
B3. Determination of numerical aperture and angle of acceptance of an optical fiber.
C – Structured Inquiry:
C1. Determination of Resistivity of a given material by Four Probe Method.
C2. Determine the Fermi energy of a copper material.
C3. Determination of Magnetic field intensity at the center of a circular coil carrying current by
deflection method.
D – Open Ended Experiments:
D1. Identify the unknown passive electrical components and determine the value of
inductance and capacitance using Black Box.
D2. Determine the wavelength of a semi-conductor laser source.
D3. Determine the Planck’s constant.

1. Engineering Physics by R. K. Gaur and S. L. Gupta, 2010 edition, Dhanpat Rai Publications Ltd., New
2. A text book of Engineering Physics by M .N. Avadhanulu, P G. Kshirsagar and T V S Arun Murthy,
Eleventh edition, S Chand and Company Ltd. New Delhi.
3. Practical Physics, R K Shukla and Anchal Srivastava, New Age International (P) Ltd.
4. Practical physics, C L Arora, S. Chand Publication

Reference Books:
1. Solid State Physics, S O Pillai, New Age International Private Limited, 8th Edition, 2018,.
2. Concepts of Modern Physics, Aurthur Beiser, McGrawhill, 6th Edition, 2009.
3. Lasers and Non Linear Optics, B B Loud, New age international, 2011 edition.
4. A text book of Engineering Physics by M .N. Avadhanulu, P G. Kshirsagar and T V S Arun Murthy, Eleventh
edition, S Chand and Company Ltd. New Delhi.
5. Physics for Animators, Michele Bousquet with Alejandro Garcia, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, 2016.
6. Statistical Physics : Berkely Physics Course, Volume 5, F. Reif, McGraw Hill.
CO1 Describe the fundamental ideas of photonic devices, superconductors and quantum mechanics.
CO2 Apply the concepts of lasers, quantum mechanics and superconductors to tackle engineering problems.
CO3 Analyse the magnetic and electrical properties of materials.
Conduct the experiments related to mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of materials

CO – PO Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 - 2 - - - - - - - - - -
CO2 - 2 - - - - - - - - - -
CO3 - - - 2 - - - - - - - -
CO4 - - - - 2 - - - - - - -
CO - 2 - 2 2 - - - - - - -

Course Content & Planning

: Principles of Programming
Course Name Course Code : BPOPC103
Using C
Number of Lecture Hours
: 02 CIE Marks : 50
/ Week
Number of Tutorial /
: 02 SEE Marks : 50
Practical Hours / Week
Total Number of Lecture
+ Tutorial/Practical : 25+15=40 SEE Duration : 03 Hours
L:T:P : 2:0:2 CREDITS : 03

Basic knowledge of working with commands, logical thinking and problem-solving skills are required to learn
the course.
Problem solving through programming tools is an essential skill for software development which requires
understanding the fundamental concepts of the programming language. The course introduces the theory and
practice of programming in C to solve basic problems. It imparts problem-solving techniques and effective
strategies for program design and implementation.
● Understand basic programming concepts
● Provide knowledge for problem solving through programming
● Provide hands-on experience with the concepts
● Familiarize the process of debugging and execution
● Illustrate solutions to the given problem using C
Introduction to C: Algorithms, flowcharts, pseudocodes, structure of a C program, writing the
first C program, keywords, identifiers, basic data types, variables, operators in C 5
Self-Study Components: Type conversion and Type Casting
Textbook: Chapter 8- 8.4, Chapter 9- 9.2, 9.3,9.9,9.10,9.11,9.12,9.15
Decision control and Looping statements: Introduction to decision control, Conditional
branching statements: if, if-else, if-else-if, switch case, iterative statements: for, while, do-while 5
statements, nested loops.
Self-Study Components: break and continue statements

Textbook: Chapter 10- 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4
Arrays: Declaration of arrays, accessing the elements of an array, storing values in arrays,
operations on arrays- Searching for a value in an array
Functions: Introduction using functions, Function definition, function declaration, function 5
call, return statement, passing parameters to functions.
Self-Study Components: Inserting and Deleting elements in array
Textbook: Chapter 12- 12.2, 12.3,12.4,12.5- 12.5.5
Strings: Introduction, operations on strings.
Pointers: Introduction to pointers, declaring pointer variables, Passing arguments to
functions using pointers, pointers and Array 5
Self-Study Components: Arrays of strings
Textbook: Chapter 13- 13.1,13.4
Chapter 14- 14.2, 14.3, 14.7,14.8
Structures and Unions: Introduction, Arrays of structures, structures and functions, Unions,
Relevant examples 5
Self-Study Components: Enumerated data type.
Textbook: Chapter 15- 15.1, 15.3, 15.4,15.6
A. Demonstration:
A1. (a) Write a program to calculate the Gross Pay (GP) by using the formula
BP+DA+HRA. An Employee’s Basic Pay (BP) is to be read through a keyboard. DA is
40% of BP, HRA is 20% of BP.(Module 1)

(b) Write a program to swap two numbers without using a temporary value. Also print
the original and exchanged values. (Module 3)

A2. Write a program to find the sum of all the digits and occurrence of a digit in the 15
number(module 3)

A3. Write a program using recursive functions to convert binary to decimal. (Module

B. Exercise:
B1. Demonstrate the simple computational problems using arithmetic expressions and
use of each operator leading to implementation of a calculator. (Module 2)

B2. Write a program to perform a binary search for a given key integer in a single
dimensional array of numbers in ascending order and report success or failure in the
form of a suitable message. (Module 3)

C. Structure Enquiry:
C1. Write a program to transpose a given Matrix using a 2- dimensional array. (Module

C2. Develop a program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not.

█ Str1=racecar result=string is palindrome

█ Str2 = elephant result = string is not palindrome (Module 4)

C3. Write a program to enter the information like name, register number, marks in 6
subjects of N students into an array of structures, find the average & display grade
based on average for each student. (Module 5)

80-100 Distinction

60-79 First Class

40-59 Second Class`

<40 Fail

D. Open Ended:
D1. Write a program to read N integers into an array A and find the sum, mean and
standard deviation of elements using pointers. (Module-4)

D2. Taking inputs from the user, calculate the simple interest and compound interest
(Module 1)

1. Computer fundamentals and programming in c, “Reema Thareja”, Oxford University, Second edition,
Reference Books
1. E. Balaguruswamy, Programming in ANSI C, 7th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The ‘C’ Programming Language, Prentice Hall of India.
At the end of the course students will be able to

CO1 Explain the basic concepts of programming in C
CO2 Apply programming constructs of C language to solve the real world problem
CO3 Explore data structures like arrays, String and pointers in implementing solutions.
CO4 Design and develop modularized solution for given requirements
CO5 Explore the concepts of C programming using Infosys Springboard platform. Additional CO

CO – PO Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 2
CO2 1 3
CO3 1 2
CO4 2
CO5 2
CO 1.5 2 2 2

Course Name: Introduction to Civil Engineering Course Code:
No. of Lecture hours / week: 03 CIE Marks:50

No. of Tutorial hours / week: 00 SEE Marks:50

Total No. of Lecture Hours + Tutorial hours: 40 SEE Duration: 3hr

L: T: P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3

Pre-requisite- Physics, mathematics

This course comprises of three components. In the modules 1& 4, role of the civil
engineer in society, different specializations in civil engineering, types of structures,
materials used in civil engineering for sustainable development are dealt.

The other modules emphasize on Engineering Mechanics. They deal with the laws and
principles of Mechanics and its application to solve engineering problems as a rigid
body subjected to different force systems.

The last module will focus on the structural components idealized as deformable
body. A brief discussion on solid mechanics, stress strain behavior, different structural
components and different types of deformations will be made.
COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES (CLO) : The objectives of this course is to
allow students learn the basics of Civil Engineering, Building materials and
infrastructural development, solve problems involving Forces, moments, stress and
strain and learn about their applications in allied subjects.

Introduction to Civil Engineering
Infrastructure: Role of Civil Engineer in the Infrastructural Development, Smart city,
Domestic water and wastewater treatment.
Specialization of Civil Engineering - Building Materials, Construction Technology,
Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Geomatics, Hydraulics,
Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Construction Technology and
Management, Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering.
Self Study Component: Safe city, Clean city
Basics of Building Science
Materials :Fine aggregate, Coarse aggregate, Cement, soil, building blocks, Concrete
Types of structures: Adobe, Masonry building, Framed structures, Tall buildings,
Components of a building : Foundation, Wall, Roof, Staircase, Door, Window, Beam,
Column, Slab, Chejja, Lintel

Sustainability in Civil Engineering : Sustainable construction materials
Self Study Component(SSC): Rain water harvesting; Energy Efficient buildings
Resultant of concurrent and Non-concurrent Force System
Introduction Engineering Mechanics:Basic idealizations, Force and its
characteristics,; Principle of transmissibility, Principle of physical independence of
forces, Principle of superposition of forces, Resolution and composition of forces.
Resultant of Concurrent :Resultant, Free body diagram, Composition of coplanar -
concurrent force system, Principle of resolved parts, Numerical problems.
Resultant of Non-Concurrent Force System :Moment of a force, resultant of coplanar
non-concurrent force system, Varignon's theorem; Numerical problems.
Self Study Component(SSC):Couple, Moment of a couple, Characteristics of couple and
its application.
Equilibrium of Concurrent and Non-concurrent Force System
Definition of Equilibrant; Conditions of static equilibrium for Concurrent force systems,
Lami’s theorem; Numerical problems
Conditions of static equilibrium for Non Concurrent force systems. Types of beams,
loads and supports, Numerical problems.
Self Study Component(SSC): Numerical problems on UVL and Couple
Introduction to Solid Mechanics
Stress strain behaviour of ductile materials, Determination of stress strain behaviour
and Elongation of tapering bars of circular and rectangular cross sections, Elongation
due to self-weight. Compound bars, state of simple shear, Concepts of Axial, flexure,
shear and torsion stress in deformable bodies (Definition & Sketch only); Numerical
Self Study Component(SSC):
Elastic properties of a materials from tension test, factor of safety, Stress strain
behaviour of brittle material
1. R. C. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics: Principles of Statics and Dynamics, Pearson
Press, 2016.
2. N H Dubey, Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.
3. B. S. Basavarajaiah and P. Mahadevappa, Strength of Materials in SI Units, University
Press (India) Pvt. Ltd., 3rd Edition, 2010.
4. B K Kolhapure, Elements of Civil Engineering and Engg. Mechanics, Eastern Book
Promoters Belgaum, Gadag, 2018.
Reference Books:
1. S Timoshenko, D. Young and J Rao, Engineering Mechanics, Tata-McGraw Hill,
Special Indian edition, 2006.
2. Beer FP and Johnson ER, Mechanics for Engineers - Dynamics and Statics, SI
Metric edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
3. F P. Beer, E. R Johnston and J T De Wolf, Mechanics of Materials, Tata McGraw-
Hill, Seventh Edition, SI Units, 2014.

4. D.H. Young and S.P. Timoshenko “Elements of Strength of Materials” East West
Press Pvt. Ltd., 5th Edition (Reprint 2014).
5. Rangawala S. C. “Engineering Materials”, Charotar Publishing House, Anand, India,
6. B C Punmia, A K Jain and A K Jain, Building Construction, Laxmi Publications (P)
Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.
7. H S. Peavy, D R. Rowe, George T, Environmental Engineering, Mc-Graw Hill
International Edition, New York, 2000.

Course Outcomes:
CO1 Explain the concepts of Civil Engineering, mechanics and sustainability in
CO2 Apply the knowledge of basic building science and Engineering mechanics
for solving Civil Engineering problems
CO3 Analyze the effect of forces on rigid and deformable bodies by applying the
principles of mechanics
CO4 Conduct survey to comprehend social responsibility with respect to safety
and sustainability choosing suitable infrastructure components
CO-PO mapping
PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
O 1
CO1 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
CO2 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
CO3 - 2 - - - - - - - - - -
CO4 - - - - - 1 1 - - - - -
CO 2.5 2 - - - 1 1 - - - - -

Course Content & Planning

: Introduction to Electrical Engineering Course Code: 204B

Number of Lecture Hours /

: 03 CIE Marks: 50
Number of Practical Hours /
: 00 SEE Marks: 50
Total Number of Lecture Hours : 40 SEE Duration: 03
L:T:P : 3:0:0
COURSE PREREQUISITES: This Course requires the basic knowledge of Physics and
COURSE OVERVIEW: This subject gives basic knowledge about electrical quantities,
electrical safety rules, construction and operation of electrical devices and its applications. It
imparts the knowledge for the analysis of basic DC and AC circuits used in electrical and
electronics devices and develops skill to identify and selection of generators or motors for
required applications. It highlights the importance of transformers in transmission and
distribution of electric power.
1. To discuss fundamental concepts and to analyze the behavior of electric circuits.
2. To explain the principle of operation, construction and performance of electrical
machines such as single-phase transformer, DC machines, synchronous generator and three
phase induction Motors.
3. To impart an overview about electrical wiring and protection mechanisms for domestic
Single line diagram of electrical power system. Service mains, meter board and
distribution board. Electrical wiring (Conduit wiring, Casing & Caping wiring),
concepts of electric shock, precautions against electric shock, Earthing, 08
necessity of earthing, Pipe and Plate earthing, Fuse, MCB, Elementary
calculations for energy consumption of household appliances.
Self-Study Components: Domestic loads & Industrial loads

DC CIRCUITS: Electrical circuit, Active and Passive components, Ohm’s law
and Kirchhoff’s laws, analysis of series, parallel and series-parallel circuits,
simple numerical problems.
ELECTROMAGNETISM: Faraday’s Laws of Electromagnetic Induction, Lenz’s 08
Law, Flemings rules, statically and dynamically induced EMF, concepts of self
and mutual inductance.
Self-Study Components: Coefficient of Coupling. Energy stored in magnetic
Generation of AC voltage, Average value, RMS value, form factor, Peak Factor,
Concept of impedance in AC circuit, Analysis of AC circuits with R, L, C, series 08
configuration (R-L, R-C, R-L-C). Numerical on series along with phasor diagram
approach. Concept of power triangle and power factor.
Self-Study Components: Analysis of pure R, L, C circuits
Necessity and advantage of 3-phase system. Generation of 3-phase power.
Definition of phase sequence. Balanced supply and balanced load. 08
Relationship between line and phase values of balanced star and delta
connections. Power in balanced 3-phase circuits. Simple Numerical problems.
Self-Study Components: Application of three phase AC supply in industries.
Alternators: Constructional details, Principle of operation, EMF equation
(excluding derivations of winding factors), simple numerical problems on EMF
equation. Applications of alternators.
Transformers: Necessity of transformer, Principle of operation, Types of
Transformers, Electro Motive Force equation, simple problems on EMF 08
equation of transformer.
Induction Motors: Construction and working of Induction Motors, Concept
of Rotating Magnetic Field, Slip and its significance, simple numerical
problems on slip, Applications of Induction motors.
Self-Study Components: Necessity of Starter in Induction Motors
1. Basic Electrical Engineering, D.C. Kulashreshtha, 1st Edition, Mc Graw Hill Education
2. D. P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.

Reference Book:
1. Basic Electrical Engineering by V.K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta S. Chand & Company Pvt.
2. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Rajendra Prasad PHI Third Edition 2014

Understand the basic concepts of Electrical circuits, Machines and Domestic wiring
Apply the basic knowledge of mathematics, science, and electrical engineering to
obtain the desired parameters of Electric circuits and Machines.
CO3 Analyze the performance of Electric circuits and Electrical machines.
Conduct suitable experiments, to analyze and interpret data and arrive at valid
conclusions for a given electrical circuit /machine and prepare effective report .

CO – PO Mapping

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2
CO2 3
CO3 2
CO4 1 1
CO Avg 2.5 2 1 1

: Introduction to Electronics BESCK104C/
Course Name Course Code :
Engineering 204C
Number of
Lecture Hours / : 03 CIE Marks : 50
Number of
Tutorial /
: 00 SEE Marks : 50
Practical Hours /
Total Number of
Lecture +
: 40 SEE Duration : 03 Hours
al Hours
L:T:P : 3:0:0 CREDITS : 03
Knowledge of basic Mathematics, Physics.
COURSE OVERVIEW: This course introduces the students to concepts on diodes, its operation
and applications such as rectifiers and regulators. Gives an insight on sensors and transducers.
It presents the various binary systems suitable for representing information in digital systems,
the basic postulates of Boolean algebra and expressions and their corresponding logic
diagrams. It also deals with operational amplifiers, configurations and applications. It also
presents the basics of embedded systems and communication systems.
 Understand basics of electronic devices, sensors, transducers and communication
 Demonstrate the ability to solve problems on digital circuits.
 Analyze the basics of embedded systems and communication systems.
MODULE 1: Semiconductor Diodes and Sensors/Transducers
p-n junction diode, V-I Characteristics and Parameters, Full-wave diode
rectifier, Zener diode voltage regulators, Transducers, Sensors, Actuators, 8
Self-Study Components: 7-segment LED Display.
MODULE 2: Introduction to Operational Amplifiers
Ideal OPAMP, Inverting and Non Inverting OPAMP circuits, OPAMP
applications: Non inverting, Inverting, addition, subtraction, integration;
Numerical examples as applicable
Self-Study Components: Differentiator

MODULE 3: Digital Electronics
Binary numbers, Number Base Conversion: Hexa to Decimal Numbers.
Boolean Algebra Theorems, De Morgan’s theorem. Digital Circuits: Digital 8
Logic gates, Algebraic Simplification, NAND and NOR Implementation, Full
Self-Study Components: Half adder
MODULE 4: Introduction to Embedded Systems
Embedded Systems – Definition, Embedded systems vs general computing
systems, Classification of Embedded Systems, Elements of an Embedded 8
System, Core of the Embedded System, Microprocessor vs Microcontroller.
Self-Study Components: Major application areas of Embedded Systems
MODULE 5: Communication System
Communication Systems: Introduction, Elements of Communication Systems,
Modulation: Amplitude Modulation, Frequency and Phase Modulation 8
(Qualitative Analysis Only).
Self-Study Components: Amplitude and Frequency Modulation: A
1. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, “Electronics devices and Circuit theory”,
Pearson, 11th Edition, 2013.
2. David A Bell, Operational Amplifiers and Linear ICs, 3rd Edition, 2011
3. Digital Logic and Computer Design, M. Morris Mano, Prentice Hall - Pearson Education,
4. Shibu, K. V. Introduction to embedded systems. Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2017.
5. Wayne Tomasi, “Advanced Electronic Communication System”, Pearson, 6th Edition,
6. D P Kothari and I J Nagrath, “Basic Electronics”, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2018.
Reference Books:
1.Salivahanan, S. Electronic devices and circuits. Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2011.
2.Floyd, Thomas L. Electronic devices. Pearson Education India, 2005.
3.Digital Logic Applications and Principles, John Yarbrough, Pearson Education
4.Das, Lyla B. Embedded systems: An integrated approach. Pearson Education India,
COURSE OUTCOMES (COs): Upon completion of the course, students will be able to
CO1 Explain the operation of electronic devices and principles of communication systems.
Apply the concepts of electronic devices and circuits to solve analog and digital
Analyze the characteristics/performance parameters of electronic devices and
circuits for different applications.
CO4 Use modern tool to demonstrate the working of basic electronic circuits.

CO – PO Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 2
CO2 2
CO3 3
C04 2
CO 2 3 2

: Introduction to Mechanical BESCK104D/
Course Name Course Code :
Engineering 204D
No. of Lecture Hours /
:3 CIE Marks : 50
No. of Tutorial / Practical
: 0/0 SEE Marks : 50
Hours / Week
Total No. of Lecture +
: 40 SEE Duration : 03 hours
Tutorial / Practical Hours
L:T:P : 3:0:0 CREDITS : 3
As it is a basic course, course prerequisites are not required.
The course deals with fundamentals of mechanical engineering to understand mechanical systems,
equipment and processes required in various domains of engineering to solve real world problems.
1. To understand the scope of mechanical engineering.
2. To explain the principles, operations and processes of mechanical engineering systems.
3. To familiarize the impact of mechanical engineering practices on environment.
4. To demonstrate the working of machines & equipments.
MODULE 1: Introduction to Energy and its Conversion
Introduction: Role of Mechanical Engineering in Industries and Society- Emerging
Trends and Technologies in different sectors such as Energy, Manufacturing,
Automotive, Aerospace, and Marine sectors.
Energy: Introduction, types of energy sources like fossil fuels and bio-fuels.
Environmental issues like global warming and ozone depletion.
Power Plants: Basic working principles of hydel power plant, steam power plant and
nuclear power plant.
Textbook 1: Mod.1 – 1.1 to 1.15.
Self-Study Components: Solar cells
MODULE 2: Machine Tool Operations & Advanced Manufacturing
Machine Tool Operations: Working Principle of lathe, Lathe operations- Turning,
facing, knurling. Working principles of Drilling Machine, drilling operations- drilling,
boring, reaming. Working of Milling Machine, Milling operations- plain milling and slot
milling. (No sketches of machine tools, sketches to be used only for explaining the
Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing Systems: Introduction, components of CNC,

FDM 3D printing.
Textbook 1: Mod.5 – 5.1 to 5.3, 5.7 to 5.10, 5.12, 5.30.
Self-Study Components: Advantages, disadvantages and applications of CNC.
MODULE 3: IC Engines and Electric & Hybrid Vehicles
Introduction to IC Engines: Components, working principle of 4-strokes petrol and
diesel engines, application of IC engines.
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Introduction, components of electric and hybrid vehicles.
advantages and disadvantages of EV’s and hybrid vehicles.
Textbook 1: Mod.3- 3.1 to 3.12.
Textbook 2: Ch.1- 1.3.1 to 1.3.2.
Self-Study Components: Plugin electric hybrid vehicles.
MODULE 4: Engineering Materials & Joining Processes
Introduction to engineering materials, composite materials, classification of
composites, matrix and reinforcements, PMC, MMC, CMC. shape memory alloys.
Joining Processes: Introduction, classification of welding process, arc welding, gas 08
welding, types of gas flames, soldering and brazing.
Textbook 1: Mod.4- 4.1 to 4.2, 4.5, 4.8, 4.11 to 4.29.
Self-Study Components: Applications of composites and shape memory alloys.
MODULE 5: Automation
Automation: Definition, types – fixed, programmable, and flexible automation.
Reasons for automation, automation strategies.
Robotics: Introduction, robot joints & links, robot configuration- polar, cylindrical, 08
cartesian and spherical, application, advantages and disadvantages.
Textbook 1: Mod.5- 5.17 to 5.29.
Self-Study Components: Advantages and disadvantages of automation.
Text Books:
1. A text Book of Elements of Mechanical Engineering by K. R. Gopalakrishna, Subhash Publishers,
Bangalore, 2018.
2. Electric Vehicle Technology Explained by James Larminie and John Lowry, John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
3. An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, Jonathan Wickert and Kemper Lewis, Third Edition,
Reference Books:
1. Material Science and Engineering by R K Rajput, S K Kataria & Sons-New Delhi, 2013.
2. Workshop Technology, Volume I & II, - by S K Hajra Choudhury, A K Hajra Choudhury, Nirjhar Roy,
11th edition, Media Promotors and Publishers, Mumbai, 2001.
3. Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing by Mikell P Grover,
Prentice hall of India Pvt. Ltd, 2002.
4. Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles by Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao, Sebastien E.
Gay and Li Emadi, CRC Press LLC, 2005.

Other Assessment Tools:
1. Quiz.
2. Visit any industry/workshop/other places using mechanical equipment’s/ machinery/machine
tools for their use and prepare a comprehensive report.

COURSE OUTCOMES (COs): Upon completion of the course, students will be able to;
Describe the fundamentals of energy sources and its conversion, mechanical devices,
manufacturing technology & automation.
CO2 Apply fundamental concepts to solve mechanical engineering problems.
CO3 Analyze mechanical systems and processes to provide valid conclusions.
Demonstrate and illustrate the working of mechanical equipment and machine tools to
enhance experiential learning.

CO – PO Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
CO2 3 - - - - - - - - - - -
CO3 - 2 - - - - - - - - - -

CO4 3 - - - - - 2 - 2 2 - 2

CO 2.7 2 - - - - 2 - 2 2 - 2

Course Content & Planning

Course Name : GREEN BUILDING Course Code: BETCK105A/205A
No. of Lecture Hours / Week : 03 CIE Marks: 50
No. of Tutorial / Practical Hours /
: 00 SEE Marks: 50
Total No. of Lecture + Tutorial /
: 40 SEE Duration: 03 Hrs
Practical Hours
L: T: P : 3:0:0 CREDITS: 3


COURSE OVERVIEW: The course deals with the cost-effective construction materials, environment
friendly and cost-effective building technologies, different precast members, pre-engineered and ready to
use building elements, concept of global warming and the mitigation strategies, green building concept, life
cycle cost of building, energy interaction in buildings, solar energy, water and waste management, green
building rating system (GRIHA), sustainable development in building design.
COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES (CLO) : The objective of this course is to enable the students to,
1. Understand the Concept of cost-effective construction.
2. Understand the Problems due to Global Warming.
3. Identifying the methods to improve the efficiency of building
4. State and understand the Concept of Green Building
MODULE 1: Introduction to Green buildings
Green Buildings – Definition, Features, Necessity, Environmental and Economic
benefits, Health and Social benefits.
Macro environment; elements of climate and weather, water and carbon cycle.
Micro environment; natural and built environments, land use and land cover, solar 08
radiation, heat flow, air movement, drainage and sanitation system.
Self-study component: Recycling of building materials as green materials – Brick,
Concrete, Steel, Plastics
MODULE 2: Green Building Methods and Techniques
Vertical landscape, green wall, green roof. orientation to sun and wind land form &
orientation, vegetation & pattern, water bodies, open space & built form, plan form
& elements, roof form, fenestration pattern & configuration with relevant cases (eg. 08
CII buildings), Green Materials, Major Energy efficient areas for buildings –
Embodied Energy in Materials
Self-study component: Contributions of agencies - Nirmithi Kendra

MODULE 3: Global Warming & Mitigation Strategies: Definition, Causes and

Effects of Global Warming, Contribution of Buildings – Carbon Footprint, Global
Efforts to reduce carbon Emissions, Comparison of Initial cost of Green v/s 08
Conventional Building, Life cycle cost of Buildings. Carbon sequestration
Self-study component: Global Warming due to quarrying of building materials
MODULE 4: Energy Interactions in Buildings:

Solar energy in buildings – concepts of Solar Passive Cooling and Heating, Low
Energy Cooling- cross ventilation, Case studies of Passive Solar Buildings, Green

Other Renewable energy (RE), case studies on RE in the context of buildings.

Self-study component: Low Energy Approaches to Water Management –
Rainwater Harvesting, Water Utilization in Buildings
MODULE 5: Green Building Rating Systems:
GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) for new buildings –
Purpose, Key highlights, Point System with Differential weightage.
Green Design – Definition, Principles of sustainable development in Building 08
Design, Sustainably managed Materials, Integrated Lifecycle design of Materials
and Structures (Concepts only)
Self-study component: Characteristics of Sustainable Buildings

NOTE: Out of 5 Modules only 2 Modules (Modules 4 & 5) have internal choice i.e., 40% internal choice
and 60% compulsory for both CIE and SEE

1. HarharaIyer G, Green Building Fundamentals, Notion Press
2. Dr. Adv. HarshulSavla, Green Building: Principles & Practices

COURSE OUTCOMES (COs): After completion of the course, students will be able to
Comprehend the concepts of green building materials for construction, alternate source of
energy and effective use water. (L2)
CO2 Apply the knowledge of environment friendly building technology in construction. (L3)
CO3 Apply the concepts to deal with energy systems in building and to mitigate global warming
CO4 Analyze the building as per the green rating system (L4) (ABA)

CO – PO Mapping

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 2 1 - - - 1 1 - - - - -

CO2 2 1 - - - 1 1 - - - - -

CO3 2 1 - - - 1 1 - - - - -

CO4 - - - - - 1 1 - - - - -

Avg CO 2 1 - - - 1 1 - - - - -

: Introduction to Nano BETCK105B
Course Name Course Code:
Technology /205B
Number of Lecture Hours /
: 03 CIE Marks: 50
Number of Tutorial /
: 00 SEE Marks: 50
Practical Hours / Week
Total Number of Lecture +
: 40 SEE Duration: 03 Hours
Tutorial/Practical Hours
L:T:P : 3:0:0 CREDITS: 03
Introduction to Nanotechnology course requires the fundamental knowledge of
 Composition and properties of matter
 Concepts of batteries

COURSE OVERVIEW: Nanotechnology strengthens research into atomic and molecular level
manipulation of materials. Nanotechnology encompasses a wide range of disciplines, from inventing
new materials with nanoscale dimensions to research, to wholly new methodologies based on molecular
self-assembly. Applications from a wide range of scientific disciplines, including surface science, organic
chemistry, molecular biology, semiconductor physics, and microfabrication, are used in nanotechnology
 To provide a comprehensive overview of synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles,
nanocomposites and hierarchical materials with nanoscale features.
 To provide the engineering students with necessary background for understanding various
nanomaterials characterization techniques
 To develop an understanding of the basis of the choice of material for device applications
 To give an insight into complete systems where nanotechnology can be used to improve our
everyday life
MODULE 1: Introduction to Nanomaterials
Nanotechnology, Frontier of future-an overview, Length Scales, Variation of physical
properties from bulk to thin films to nanomaterials, Confinement of electron in 0D, 1D,
2D and 3D systems, Surface to Volume Ratio, Synthesis of Nanomaterials: Bottom-Up
approach: Chemical Routes for Synthesis of nanomaterials-Sol-gel, Precipitation, 8
Solution Combustion synthesis, Hydrothermal. Top-Down approach- Ball milling
technique, Sputtering, Laser Ablation

Self-Study Component: SILAR, Chemical Bath Deposition.

MODULE 2: Characterization of Nanomaterials
Basic principles and instrumentations of Electron Microscopy –Transmission Electron
Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope, Scanning Probes- Scanning Tunneling
microscope, Atomic Force Microscope –different imaging modes, comparison of SEM and
TEM, AFM and STM, AFM and SEM. Basic principles of working of X-ray diffraction, 8
derivation of Debye-Scherrer equation, numericals on Debye Scherrer equation,

Self-Study Component: Optical Spectroscopy- Instrumentation and application of IR,

UV/VIS (Band gap measurement)
MODULE 3: Carbon Based Materials
Introduction, Synthesis, Properties (electrical, Electronic and Mechanical), and
Applications of Graphene, SWCNT, MWCNT, Fullerenes and other Carbon Materials:
Carbon nanocomposites, nanofibres, nanodiscs. 8

Self -Study Component : nanodiamonds.

MODULE 4: Nanotechnology in Energy storage and conversion
Solar cells: First generation, Second generation and third generation solar cells:
Construction and working of Dye sensitized and Quantum dot sensitized solar cells.
Batteries: Nanotechnology in Lithium ion battery- working, Requirements of anodic and
cathodic materials, classification based on ion storage mechanisms, limitations of
graphite anodes, Advances in Cathodic materials, Anodic materials, Separators 8
Fuel Cells: Introduction, construction, working of fuel cells and nanotechnology in
hydrogen storage and proton exchange membranes

Self -Study Component: Super capacitors: Introduction, construction and working of

MODULE 5: Applications of Nanotechnology
Nanotech Applications and Recent Breakthroughs: Introduction, Significant Impact of
Nanotechnology and Nanomaterial, Medicine and Healthcare Applications, Biological
and Biochemical Applications (Nano biotechnology), Electronic Applications (Nano
electronics), Computing Applications (Nano computers), Chemical Applications (Nano 8
chemistry), Optical Applications (Nano photonics), Agriculture and Food Applications,
Recent Major Breakthroughs in Nanotechnology.
Self-Study Component: Nano coatings (Photocatalysts) and super hydrophobic
coatings (Lotus effect)
Summarize Case Studies/research articles for gaining research exposure that -
leads to comprehensive learning.

1. Nano Materials – A.K. Bandyopadhyay/ New Age Publishers

2. Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Properties and Applications – C.N.R. Rao, P. John Thomas and G. U. Kulkarni,
Springer Series in Materials Science
3. Nano Essentials- T. Pradeep/TMH
4. Peter J. F. Harris, Carbon nanotube science: synthesis, properties, and applications. Cambridge
University Press, 2011
5. M.A. Shah, K.A. Shah, “Nanotechnology: The Science of Small”, Wiley India, ISBN 13: 9788126538683
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Nanotechnology, C. P. Poole and F. J. Owens, Wiley, 2003
2. Understanding Nanotechnology, Scientific American 2002
3. Nanotechnology, M. Ratner and D. Ratner, Prentice Hall 2003
4. Nanotechnology, M. Wildon, K. Kannagara, G. Smith, M. Simmons and B. Raguse, CRC Press Boca Raton
5. Recent reviews on Li-ion batteries, solar cells and fuel cells
COURSE OUTCOMES (COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Describe the fundamental ideas of synthesis, properties and characterization of nano-
materials. [L2]
CO2 Apply the concepts of nano-technology in engineering applications. [L3]
Analyze the properties and assess the suitability of nano-materials in various applications
Inculcate the ability to study effectively the recent concepts of nano-technology as an
individual or a member of a diverse team. [L3]

CO – PO – PSO Matrix

CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 2
CO2 2
CO3 2
CO4 1 1
CO 2 2 2 1 1

Course Name Course Code:
Number of Lecture Hours / Week : 03 CIE Marks: 50
Number of Tutorial Hours / Week : 00 SEE Marks: 50
Total No. of Lecture + Tutorial Hours : 40 03 Hours
L:T:P : 3:0:0 CREDITS: 03
COURSE PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge of natural sciences.
This course predominantly focuses on the various renewable energy sources like solar, wind, ocean thermal, tidal,
geothermal and biomass. These topics will help to comprehend the technological relevance and about renewable
energy conversion techniques.
1. To understand energy scenario, energy sources and their utilization.
2. To explore society’s present needs and future energy demands.
3. To Study the principles of renewable energy conversion systems.
4. To get exposed to energy conservation methods.
MODULE 1: Introduction to renewable energy
Principles of renewable energy: Energy and sustainable development, Causes of Energy scarcity
and remedial measures, Disadvantages of conventional energy resources, Advantages of Renewable
energy resources over conventional resources of energy, Types of renewable energy resources, 8
Introduction to Internet of energy (IOE).
Textbook 1: Ch.1- 1.1, to 1.5, 2.2, 2.3,2.5. Textbook 2: Ch. 1- 1.6,1.15, 1.16, 4.5, 4.6, 4.8,
Self-Study Component: Worldwide renewable energy availability
MODULE 2: Solar Energy and power generation
Fundamentals; Solar Radiation; Solar radiation Measurements- Pyrheliometers, Pyrometer,
Sunshine Recorder. Solar Thermal systems: Flat plate collector and Concentrating type collector;
Solar distillation; Solar Pond electric power plant, Solar cooker.
Solar electric power generation-Principle of Solar cell, Photovoltaic system for electric power 8
generation, advantages, Disadvantages, and applications of solar photovoltaic system.
Textbook 1: Ch.2- 2.4 Ch.5 – 5.6, 5.8, 5.11
Textbook 2: Ch. 4- 4.9, to 4.12 Ch.5 – 5.2, 5.7, 5.11,5.12. Ch.6 – 6.1, to 6.4,6.6.
Self -Study Component: Solar radiation data in India
MODULE 3: Wind Energy and Biomass Energy
Wind Energy: Introduction to wind Energy, Factors supporting the development of Wind power,
origin of winds, factors affecting the distribution of winds, wind turbine siting, Wind energy 8
conversion system (WECS); Classification of WECS- Horizontal axis- single, double and multiblade
system. Vertical axis- Savonious and Derrieus types, major problems / Environmental aspects
associated with wind power,

Biomass Energy: Introduction to Biomass energy; Photosynthesis Process; Biofuels; Biomass
Resources; Biomass conversion technologies, Urban waste to energy conversion, fixed dome type
biogas plant, Maintenance problems of biogas plants and remedies.
Textbook 1: Ch.6 - 6.1, to 6.3,6.8, to 6.10 Ch.7- 7.1, 7.4,7.6,7.9,7.17
Textbook 2: Ch.7-7.1 to 7.3,7.7 to 7.9 Ch.8 - 8.1,8.2, 8.10
Self -Study Component: Biomass gasification (Downdraft)
MODULE 4: Tidal and Ocean thermal Energy
Introduction to tides, Tidal energy resource, Origin, and nature of tidal energy, Single and two basin
tidal energy systems, Advantages and disadvantages, problems faced in exploiting tidal energy.
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: Introduction to OTEC, Principle of OTEC, Land based OTEC 8
power plant Basic Rankine cycle, open and closed cycle OTEC, Advantages and disadvantages,
problems associated with OTEC.
Textbook 1: Ch.9- 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 Textbook 2: Ch.10- 10.1,10.2, 10.4
Self -Study Component: Mechanism of Claude cycle (Ocean Thermal Power Plant)
MODULE 5: Green Energy Technology
Fuel cells: Introduction to fuel cell, schematic of a fuel cell, Classification of fuel cells – H2; Operating
principles, Zero energy Concepts.

Hydrogen Energy: Introduction to Hydrogen energy, Benefits of hydrogen energy, hydrogen

production technologies (electrolysis method only), hydrogen energy storage, , Advantages and
disadvantages applications of hydrogen energy.
Textbook 1: Ch.12- 12.1 to 12.5, Ch.13- 13.1, to 13.3,13.5
Textbook 2: Ch.12 12.1,12.2, Ch.13- 13.1 to 13.3.
Self-Study Component: Problems associated with hydrogen energy
 Case Study (ABA) – Visit to renewable energy power stations for gaining practical exposure that leads to
comprehensive learning.
 Model Based Learning – Students will be formed into different teams and Every team will be preparing a
model related to the topics studied in the subject. -
1. Non-Conventional Energy Sources - G D Rai, Khanna Publishers, 5th Edition 2012.
2. Non-Convention Energy Resources - B H Khan, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. 3rd Edition, 2017.
Reference Books:
1. Renewable Energy Resources by John Twidell, Tony Weir, Taylor & Francis 3rd Edition, 2015.
2. Energy Management Handbook, Wayne C. Turner (The Fairmont Press), 2013.
3. Solar Energy Utilization, G D Rai Fifth Edition, 2011.

COURSE OUTCOMES (COs): At the end of the course, student will be able to
Understand the need for sustainable development and discuss in detail the various forms of non-
conventional energy sources available (L2).
Apply the fundamental knowledge of natural sciences to understand the functioning of various renewable
energy systems (L3).
Analyze the requirements and suggest a suitable renewable energy system to cater to the needs of the
application (L4).
Demonstrate the developed prototype model of renewable energy technologies and prepare a detailed
report on the model (ABA).
CO – PO Mapping
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2
CO2 3
CO3 2
CO4 3 3
CO 2.5 2 3 3

: Introduction to Internet of BETCK105D/
Course Name Course Code :
Things(IOT) 205D
Number of
Lecture Hours / : 03 CIE Marks : 50
Number of
Tutorial /
: 00 SEE Marks : 50
Practical Hours /
Total Number of
Lecture +
: 40 SEE Duration : 03 Hours
l Hours
L:T:P : 3:0:0 CREDITS : 03
Fundamentals of computer of communication and networking.
COURSE OVERVIEW: This course describes the network of physical object “things” that are
embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and
exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. IoT applications in utilities
generate revenue, improve efficiency, and conserve resources. Utility providers can keep up with
the rising demand by optimizing energy and distribution with the help of IoT. Traffic Monitoring:
Intelligent traffic monitoring helps improve decision-making and achieve urban growth.
● Understand about the fundamentals of Internet of Things and its building blocks along with
their characteristics.
● Understand the recent application domains of IoT in everyday life.
● Gain insights about the current trends of Associated IOT technologies and IOT analytics.
MODULE 1: Basics of Networking
Introduction, Network Types, Layered network models, Emergence of IoT:
Introduction, Evolution of IoT, Enabling IoT and the Complex Interdependence of 8
Self-Study Components: IoT Networking Components.
MODULE 2: IoT Sensing and Actuation:
Introduction, Sensors, Sensor Characteristics, Sensorial Deviations, Sensing
Types, Sensing Considerations, Actuators, Actuator Types, 8
Self-Study Components: Actuator Characteristics.

MODULE 3: IoT Processing Topologies and Types
Data Format, Importance of Processing in IoT, Processing Topologies, IoT Device 8
Design and Selection Considerations,
Self-Study Components: Processing Offloading.
MODULE 4: Associated IoT Technologies
Cloud Computing: Introduction, Virtualization, Cloud Models, Service-Level
Agreement in Cloud Computing, Cloud Implementation, Sensor-Cloud: Sensors- 8
Self-Study Components: Agricultural IoT – Introduction and Case Studies.
MODULE 5: IoT Case Studies and Future Trends
Vehicular IoT – Introduction, Healthcare IoT – Introduction, Case Studies, 8
Self-Study Components: IoT Analytics – Introduction.
1. Sudip Misra, Anandarup Mukherjee, Arijit Roy, “Introduction to IoT”, Cambridge University
Press 2021.
Reference Books:
1. S. Misra, C. Roy, and A. Mukherjee, 2020. Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and
Industry 4.0. CRC Press.
2. Vijay Madisetti and Arshdeep Bahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)”,1st
Edition, VPT, 2014.
3. Francis daCosta, “Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting
Everything”, 1st Edition, Apress Publications, 2013.
COURSE OUTCOMES (COs): Upon completion of the course, students will be able to
CO1 Describe the fundamentals of networks, IoT, Data Processing and Cloud Computing.
CO2 Apply the concept of sensor and actuators for sensing and actuating the real-world entities.
CO3 Analyze the applications of IoT in various domains.
CO4 Survey the IoT applications in various domains and submit the report.
CO – PO Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO11 PO12
CO1 3

CO2 2

CO3 2

C04 2

CO 2.5 2 2

Number of Lecture Hours
: 03 CIE Marks: 50
/ Week
Number of Tutorial /
: 00 SEE Marks: 50
Practical Hours / Week
Total Number of Lecture
: 40 SEE Duration: 03 Hrs.
L:T:P : 3:0:0 Credits: 02
Course Prerequisites
Good understanding of basic computer concepts and Mobile phone usage.
Course Overview
The course provides a baseline understanding of common cyber security threats, vulnerabilities, and risks.
Course Learning Objectives (CLOs)
 Course objectives to familiarize cybercrime terminologies and perspectives
 To understand Cyber Offenses and Botnets
 To gain knowledge on tools and methods used in cybercrimes
 To understand phishing and computer forensics
Module 1
Introduction to Cybercrime: Introduction, Cybercrime and Information Security, who are
Cybercriminals, Classification of cybercrimes
SLT: Cybercrimes: An Indian Perspective
Module 2
Cyberoffenses: How Criminals Plan Them: Introduction, How criminals Plan the attacks,
SLT: Attack Vector 08
Module 3
Cybercrime:Mobile and Wireless Devices: Introduction, Proliferation of Mobile and Wireless
,Credit card frauds in mobile and wireless computing era, Attacks on mobile/cell phones. 08
SLT: Trends in Mobility
Module 4
Tools and Methods used in Cybercrime: Introduction, Proxy servers and
anonymizers,Phishing,Password cracking.
SLT: Virus and Worms
Module 5
Phishing and Identity theft: Introduction, Phishing, Identity theft.
SLT: Personally Identifiable Information(PII)

1. Sunit Belapure and Nina Godbole, "Cyber Security: Understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer Forensics And
LegalPerspectives", Wiley India Pvt Ltd, ISBN: 978-81-265-21791, 2011, First Edition (Reprinted 2018)

Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course students will be able to
CO1 Exhibit the knowledge in security principles, security architectures and components.
CO2 Classify and assess different cyber-attacks and vulnerabilities
CO3 Analyze the principles of multimedia and security in modern communication systems
CO4 Suggest necessary IT Security controls, plans and procedures for an organization

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3
CO2 3

CO3 3

CO4 2

Avg. 3 3 3 2

Course Name : Communicative English - I Course Code: BENGK106
Number of Lecture
:0 CIE Marks: 50
Hours / Week
Number of Tutorial /
:2 SEE Marks: 50
Total Number of Lecture
+ Tutorial/Practical : 2 Hours / Per week SEE Duration: 02 Hours
L: T:P : 0:2:0 CREDITS: 01

Communication skills are a requirement for both professional lives and personal life and everything that
falls in between. Effective communication skills are essential to understand and exchange information more
accurately and quickly, it has also been the key to success in securing placements. Effective communication
builds confidence and helps in the personality development of an individual. Strengthening communication
skills in English is necessary and is a powerful tool used for business, travel or simply to have a conversation
in a different country.


a) Improve the language proficiency of students in English with an emphasis on Listening, Speaking,
Reading, and Writing skills.
b) Equip students to study academic subjects more effectively and critically using the theoretical and
practical components of the English syllabus.
c) Develop study skills and communication skills in formal and informal situations.

Module 1: Basic Communication

Introduction, Fundamentals of Communicative English, Process of Communication, Features

& Purpose of communication, Different forms/styles of Communication, Barriers to Effective 4
Communicative English, Different forms/styles of Communicative English. Types of
Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Communication Skills.

1. Pre-assessment on LSRW
2. How to identify communication barrier

Module 2: Listening Skills - I

Listening Skills: Introduction; Hearing vs. Listening, Effective listening; Process and types of
listening, Barriers to listening, Determinants of good listening, Intensive and Extensive
listening, five steps of the Active listening process, Techniques for Effective Listening,
1. Listening to Podcast and Note taking.
2. Listening to effective speaking through Group Activity – for Analyzing

Module 3a: Speaking Skills - I

Speaking Skills: Basics of speaking, elements of speaking, Organizing speech, Pauses, Volume
and Pronunciation / Articulation of Speech and Tone; Effective Speaking through Synonyms,

Conversation; dialogue and debates: Purpose of General Conversation; Features of Good 3


1. Presentation – Individual through JAM activity
2. Body Language – in Presentations

Module 3b – Speaking Skills – I

Social etiquettes; types of social etiquettes; Presentation – Techniques of presentations –

stage fear; PPT; describing objects and situations; Effective use of Audio / Visual

Activity: 3
1. Presentation – Group Presentations

Module 4: Reading Skills – I

Introduction, the art of Effective Reading; Need for efficient reading; benefits of effective
reading; the speed of reading; 4 basic steps to effective reading; Determinants of reading;
types of reading
1. Reading and review of Blogs
2. Comprehension reading

Module 5: Writing Skills – I

Writing Skills: Basics of writing, ABC of writing, Hallmarks of proficient writing, 7 Cs of
effective writing; The art of Condensation - Precis, Summary, and Paraphrasing; Working
principles; 7 step ladders to writing effective Precis

Business Letters – Introduction, importance, structure and elements of letters; Types of

Business letters ;

1. Exercise on Case base writing – business letters
2. How to write Summary and Precis


1. Communication Skills – Sanjay Kumar & Pushp Lata, Oxford University Press
Reference Books

2. Any books on Communicative English / Technical English can be referenced


CO1 Comprehend and apply the fundamentals of communication to enhance communication
(Re-) Construct correct sentences to strengthen Listening, speaking, reading & writing
CO2 skills and develop the competency of students to apprehend the nature of formal
communication requirements.
Correlate and demonstrate individual or teamwork effectively to accomplish
communication goals.
CO – PO Matrix
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2
CO2 3
CO3 2
CO 2 2

Course Name: Balake Kannada Course Code: BKBKK107
No. of Lecture hours / week: 01 CIE Marks: 50
No. of Tutorial hours / week: 00 SEE Marks: 50
Total No. of Lecture Hours : 15 SEE Duration: 2Hrs
L: T: P: 1:0:0 Credits: 01

PART-1 Lessons to teach and Learn Kannada Language

Lesson-1 ಯ ಕ, ಮ ಚಕ/ !ತ ಸವ%&ಮಗ( ಮ) ಪ+ ,- ಥ%ಕ ಪದಗ(- Personal
Pronouns, Possessive Forms, Interrogative Words.

Lesson-2 &ಮಪದಗಳ ;ಥ%ಕ <ಪಗ(, =>ಸ? ದ ಪ+ @- ಗ( ಮ) ಧBಚಕ

&ಮಪದಗ(- Possessive forms of nouns, dubitive question and Relative nouns.

Lesson-3 Hಣ, ಪJKಣ ಮ) ವಣ%ಬಣM NOಷಣಗ(, Q Bಚಕಗ( Qualitative,

Quantitative and colour Adjectives, Numerals.

Lesson-4 Wರಕ <ಪಗ( ಮ) Nಭ ಪ+ ತ ಯಗ(- ಸಪ Z Nಭ ಪ+ ತ ಯ- (ಆ, ಅ^, ಅ_, ಅ`a )

Predictive Forms, Locative Case.


Lesson-1 ಚ)d% Nಭ ಪ+ ತ ಯದ ಬಳe ಮ) Q Bಚಕಗ(- Dative Cases, and Numerals.

Lesson-2 Q HಣBಚಕಗ( ಮ) ಬgವಚನ &ಮ<ಪಗ( - Ordinal Numerals and Plural

Lesson-3 l ನ/ mn;ಥ%ಕ + oಪದಗ( ಮ) HಣBಚಕಗ( - Defective / Negative Verbs

and Colour Adjectives.

Lesson-4 ಅಪ? q / ಒs? t, m=%ಶನ, v+ ೕxy ಹ ಮ) ಒx ಯ ಅಥ%<ಪ ಪದಗ( ಮ)

Bಕ ಗ( - Permission, Commands, Encouraging and Urging words (Imperative words and sentences).


Lesson-1 “ಇ• ಮ) ಇರಲa ” ಸ>ಯಕ + oಪದಗ(, „ವ ಚಕ ಮ) mn;ಥ%ಕ

+ oಪದಗ( - Helping Verbs “iru and iralla”, Corresponding Future and Negation Verbs.

Lesson-2 †ೕ`e (ತರತಮ), ಧ ಚಕ ಮ) ವ‡ ಚಕ ಪ+ ತ ಯಗ( ಮ) mn;ಥ%ಕ
ಪದಗಳ ಬಳe - Comparitive, Relationship, Identification and Negation Words.

Lesson-3 Wಲ ಮ) ಸಮಯದ >ˆ + oಪದಗಳ NNಧ ಪ+ Wರಗ( - Different types of forms

of Tense, Time and Verbs

Lesson-4 ‹, Œ, ), ಇ), ಆ•, ಅಲa , Ž, •, ಇ•, + o ಪ+ ತ ಯಗ‘ಂ“t ”ತ, ಭNಷ Œ ಮ)

ವತ%Kನ Wಲ Bಕ ರಚ• - Formation of Past, Future and Present Tense Sentences with Verb


Lesson-1 ಕ&%ಟಕ ˜ಜ ಮ) ˜ಜ ದ ಬtš ›Jxದ ಇತœ K•žಗ( - Karnataka State and

General Information about the State

Lesson-2 „ ಕ`ಯ¡ ಏನ£- Kಡ¥› ಮ) Kಡ¦ರ^ - Do’s and Don’ts in Learning a


Lesson-3 Kannada Language Script Part-1

Lesson-4 Kannada Vocabulary List: „ಷqಯ`a “©ೕಪªೕ• ಕನ- ಡ ಪದಗ( - Kannada

Words in Conversation

Text Book:
ಬಳ ಕನ ಡ: ಪ ಂಗ, ೕಶ ರಯ ಂ! ಕ ಶ " ಲಯ

Reference Books: ಪ ಮಶ%ನ ಗ ಂಥಗ'

1. « ಪ ಕನ- ಡ m¬-, ಕನ- ಡ •ತ ಪJಷŒ, ®ಂಗ¯•.

2. ಇಂ•a ೕ°- ಕನ- ಡ m¬- – ± • Nಶ N² ಲಯ.
3. ಆಡ³ತ ಪದ´ೕಶ, ಕನ- ಡ ಅµ¶“· ¸+ !Wರ, ®ಂಗ¯•.
Course Outcomes:
CO1 ಕನ- ಡ „ ಯ ಮಹತ ವ£- ಅJ¹_^.
Understanding the importance of kannada language.
ಕನ- ಡ „ ಯ£- ಬœ¹ವ, ಓ^ವ ಮ) ವ•‡ವ »ಶಲವ£- ®¼½´(¾ ವ•.
They will develop the skills of reading and communication in kannada language.

CO-PO Matrix
CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 - - - - - - - - - 2 - -
CO2 - - - - - - - - - 2 - -

Course Name: Samskruthika Kannada Course Code: BKSKK107
No. of Lecture hours / week: 01 CIE Marks: 50
No. of Tutorial hours / week: 00 SEE Marks: 50
Total No. of Lecture Hours : 15 SEE Duration: 2Hrs
L: T: P: 1:0:0 Credits: 01
ಗ-1, ಖನಗ
ಕನ ಡ , ಮ ಸೃ ದ ಖನಗ
1. ಕ ಟಕ ಸೃ : ಪ ಗ ಜಯ
2. ಕ ಟಕದ ಏ ೕಕರಣ : ಒಂ ಅ ವ ಚ#$% - '. (ಂಕಟ)ಬ+ ಯ
3. ಆಡ.ತ 0123 ಕನ5 ಡ: - 6. ಎ8. 9: ೕಶ ಮ=> ?% . @. AಶವB

ಗ-2, ವ" ಗ (ಆ%&ಕ 'ವ()

1. ವಚನಗC : DಡರEFಮಯ , ಅಲI ಮಪ% J, ಬಸವಣK , ಅಕ ಮLM@.
2. ೕತ NಗC : ಅದ#ಂMO ಫಲ ಇದ#ಂMO ಫಲ - RSದರEಸ
3. ತತU ಪದಗC : V@ರ Wಡಗಳ )YZ – \] ಳ ಷ#ೕಫ
4. ಜನಪದ 3ೕ$ : _ೕ)ವ ಪದ

ಗ – 3, ವ" ಗ (ಆ%&ಕ)
1. `a ಮ: ನ ಕಗb : c.@.'
2. dಸe.ನ 3ೕ$ : a(ಂR
3. fಂಡ ಯ gಗದ : h. ಎi. ನರFಂಹVU k
4. ಮ_+ mಂದ ಮ_+ n : '.ಎi. \ವoದ% ಪp
5. qೕಮನ ಮಕ ಳ Lr : Fದs tಂಗಯ

ಗ-4, -ಂ / ಕ ವ" 0 ಪ2ಚಯ, ಕ5 ಮ ಪ/ 6ಸ ಕಥನ

1. 6. ಸu ಎಂ @vU ೕಶU ರಯ - ವ > ಮ=> ಐ ಯ : ಎ ಎx B y
2. z{| : ವ)}ಂದ%
3. 9{N ಎಂಬ 3#ಜನ ಪವ ತ : ~. •. €ೕರtಂಗಯ

ಗ-5, 9:; ನ ಮ <ತ/ :; ನ

1. ಕರaಶಲ ಕ•ಗC ಮ=> ಪSಪ‚ಯ @ƒ„ ನ : ಕ#ೕ…ಡ _ೕಚನಹ.†
2. ‡ಂ % ಕ ಪದWೕಶ : ‡ಂ % ಕ Lˆ ‰#0Šಕ ಕನ5 ಡ ಪದಗC.

Text Book:
>ಂಸ ೃ ಕ ಕನ ಡ: ಪ/ >?ಂಗ, 9@A ೕಶA ರಯ" -ಂ / ಕ 9ಶA 9E" ಲಯ

Reference Books: ಪ?ಮಶ(ನ ಗ/ ಂಥಗ

1. @ಷಯ @ಶU Wೕಶ: ಕ ಟಕ – ‹Œo @ಶU @E ಲಯ

2. ಕ ಟಕ ಸ ೃ ಸkೕh• - ಎŽ. •p ೕoದ% VU k
3. ಕ ಟಕ ಸ ೃ –ಎಂ •E•ದB
4. ಕ ಟಕ ಗತ ‘ಭವ- ಆ“o (ಂಕಟ ಯo
5. ಆಡ.ತ ಪದWೕಶ, ಕನ5 ಡ ಅ•–|s ‰% —gರ, ˜ಂಗ™o.
6. \] ಳ ಷ#ೕಫ ಅವರ ’ r› hಟZ œ •ೕಡžK ’.
7. Wೕ3• ಮ=> ೕ@ಯ¡ ರ¢ - a(ಂR
8. ‹Œo ಮtI n – h.ಎi.ನರFಂಹVU k
9. qೕಮನ c - \ವ ಮ gSತರ
10. h. ಎಂ. (ಂಕಟ¦ಷK y ರವo ಬರ|oವ ’ಶತ§ನದ Roಷ- @vU ೕಶU ರಯ ’, ಪ% ಕಟ¨
ಪ% V ಂಗ @vU ೕಶU ರಯ ‡ಂ % ಕ @ಶU @E mಲಯ.
11. 3#ಜನ cn ಪಯಣ- 6. ~.•.€ೕರtಂಗಯ
12. ಕ#ಮ©K ನ ªಂ˜ಗC- ಕ#ೕ…ಡ _ೕಚನಹ.†

Course Outcomes:
CO1 ಕನ5 ಡ V~ತ – ಸ ೃ ಮ=> r Ocಯ ಪ#ಚಯ §cWr«

CO2 ‡ಂ % ಕ ಪದಗಳO5 ಕನ5 ಡ 01n 0¢ಂತ#)ವ ಪ% % ¬ಯO5 @vU ೕŠ)ವo.

CO3 ಗಣಕ -ತ% ದ ಬಳh ಮ=> §~ ®ತ% ƒ„ ನವO5 ಬಳF ಕನ5 ಡ 01n ¯—F°$
±ಶಲಗಳO5 ˜²FWC† « .

CO-PO Matrix
CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 - - - - - - - - - 2 - -
CO2 - - - - - - - - - 2 - -
CO3 - - - - - - - - - 1 - -

Course Content & Planning
Course Name : Engineering Exploration Course Code : BEEXK108
Number of Lecture Hours
: 00 CIE Marks : 50
/ Week
Number of Tutorial /
: 02 SEE Marks : 50
Practical Hours / Week
Total Number of Lecture
+ Tutorial/Practical : 24 SEE Duration : 02 Hours
L:T:P : 0:0:2 CREDITS : 01
Basic Knowledge of Science and Mathematics
This is a unique interdisciplinary course that expose students to the different disciplines offered by VVCE and
provides opportunity for the students to explore and exhibit their capacities by working out with
interdisciplinary experimental based projects
 To introduce students to the different engineering disciplines with hands on experience
 To infuse interdisciplinary mindset
 To imbibe strong fundamentals in current technologies
 To promote experimental project-based learning


A – Demonstration:
A1. Introduction to the Lab [45 min]
A2. Wiring [45 min] 4hrs
A3. Soldering [45min]
A4. 3D Printing [45 min]
A5. Drone Parts [1 hr]

B – Exercise:
B1. Build your Dream Home
B2. Web Page Development
B3. Solar Based Water Pumping System
B4. Sensor Interfacing with Arduino UNO
B5. Development of simple transmission system using Gears 12Hrs

C – Open Ended Experiments:
 Student group should come out with an experiment of their own by the end of Second
 The experiment proposed by the student group should involve any 3 or more streams
from the experiments learnt in Phase I/II.
 In some special cases, if there is novelty involved in the experiment proposed by the
student group and involves only one stream, then such a case is also allowed.
 If any student group is unable to come out with an experiment proposal, then they can
take the help of Faculty Advisors in defining the title of the experiment
 Procuring of Components for the open ended phase and completing the work is 8Hrs
entirely the responsibility of the student group


CO1 Comprehend the knowledge of different engineering disciplines [L2]
CO2 Select and apply appropriate resources to develop solutions to meet the specified needs [L3]
Work effectively in teams to manage the assigned work and write effective reports as an
individual or in team

CO – PO Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 2 - - - - - - - - - - -

CO2 - 2 2 - 2 - - - - - - -

CO3 - - - - - - - - 2 2 - -

CO 2 2 2 - 2 - - - 2 2 - -

Course Content and Planning
Mathematics for CSE
Course Name Course Code BMATS201
Number of Lecture Hours /
4 CIE Marks 50
Number of Tutorial Hours
2 SEE Marks 50
/Practical hours Week
Total Number of Lecture 40+24
SEE Duration 03 Hrs.
Hours + Tutorial Hours
L:T:P 2:2:2 CREDITS 04
COURSE PREREQUISITES: To understand Mathematics for Computer Science Stream-II, the students
should have strong base on Vector algebra, Basics of graph theory, fundamental linear algebra.
Mathematics for Computer Science Stream-II is a course which provides Mathematical techniques in the
advanced areas of Mathematics that are of utmost relevance to engineering disciplines. The major focuses
of the course are Vector calculus, linear algebra, Numerical methods, and Graph theory. The purpose of this
course is to provide the skills and knowledge required to perform fundamental Mathematical procedures
and processes for solution of engineering problems.

Numerical methods I: Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations: Newton-
Raphson methods - Problems. Interpolation using Newton’s forward and backward
difference formulae, Lagrange’s interpolation formula-problems, Numerical integration:
Simpson's (1/3)rd rule.
Applications: Application of Numerical Integration finding surface area
Self-Study: Simpson's 3/8th Rule.
Lab Component: Solution of polynomial and transcendental equations
Vector Calculus
Vector Differentiation: Scalar and vector fields. Gradient, curl & divergence-physical
interpretation, solenoidal and irrotational. Problems.
Curvilinear coordinate system: Scale factors, Base vectors, Cylindrical polar coordinates, 8
Spherical polar coordinates. Relation between Cartesian and Curvilinear system.
Applications: Application of gradient of scalar valued function
Self-Study: Directional derivative.
Lab Component: Evaluation of Grad, Div and Curl.
Module 3
Numerical Method-II: Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE’s):
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations of first order and first degree: Taylor’s
series method, Runge-Kutta method of fourth order, Milne’s predictor-corrector formula (No
derivations of formulae). Problems. 2nd order ODE by R-K method
Applications: Numerical solution of Governing equation of the model

Self-Study: Modified Euler’s method.
Lab Component: Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
Module 4(IC)
Fundamentals of Graph theory:
Basic Concepts of Graph Theory – Planar and Complete graph - Matrix representation of
Graphs – Graph Isomorphism – Connectivity–Cut sets-Euler and Hamilton Paths–Shortest
Path algorithms.
Trees – properties of trees – distance and centers in tree –Spanning trees – Spanning tree
Applications: Dijkstra’s algorithm
Self-Study: Matrix representation of graphs- adjacency matrix of simple graphs.
Lab Component: Algebra of Matrices related to graphs
Module 5
Advanced Linear Algebra: Vector Space, linear span and basis, subspace, linear
Transformation (LT), Matrix representation of LT, Change of basis, Rank+ nullity theorem
(problems only). 8
Applications: Linear Transformation leading to rotation and reflection
Self-Study: Matrix representation of change of basis.
Lab Component: Linear Transformation and its matrix
1. B.S. Grewal: “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna publishers, 44 th Ed.2018
2. E. Kreyszig: “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley & Sons, 10th Ed.(Reprint), 2016.
3. Gilbert Strang: ‘’Linear Algebra and Its Applications”, Cengage, 4th Ed.
4. R.-Balakrishnan-K.-Ranganathan: “Graph Theory”, Springer, 2nd Ed.
5. Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas Faires : “Numerical Analysis”, Cengage, 9th Ed.
6. Glyn James: “Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics”, Pearson,4th Ed.
7. D S Chandrashekar: “Graph theory and combinatorics”, Prism book pvt.
8. F Harary : “Graph Theory”, Addison Wesley, 1st Ed.

Reference Books
1. V. Ramana: “Higher Engineering Mathematics” McGraw-Hill Education, 11th Ed.
2. Srimanta Pal & Subodh C. Bhunia: “Engineering Mathematics” Oxford University press, 3rd Reprint, 2016.
3. N.P Bali and Manish Goyal: “A text book of Engineering Mathematics” Laxmi Publications, Latest edition
4. C. Ray Wylie, Louis C. Barrett: “Advanced Engineering Mathematics” McGraw – Hill
Book Co. Newyork, Latest ed.
5. Steven Leon: Linear Algebra With Applications, Pearson Education inc., 8th Ed.

COURSE OUTCOMES (COs): At the end of this course, students will be able to
Understand the basic concepts of Vector calculus, linear algebra, Numerical methods, and Graph
theory. (PO-1).
Apply concepts of Vector calculus, linear algebra, Numerical methods, and Graph theory . (PO-1).
Analyse concepts of Vector calculus, linear algebra, Numerical methods, and Graph theory.(PO-2).

Using Modern Tool to solve/visualize engineering problems from the concepts of Vector calculus,
linear algebra, Numerical methods, and Graph theory (PO-5).

CO – PO – PSO Matrix
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO2 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO3 -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO4 -- -- -- -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --
CO 1.5 2 -- -- 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- --

: Applied Chemistry
Course Name Course Code: BCHES202
(CSE Stream)
Number of Lecture Hours /
: 04 CIE Marks: 50
Number of Tutorial /
: 02 SEE Marks: 50
Practical Hours / Week
Total Number of Lecture +
: 40+24=64 SEE Duration: 03 Hours
Tutorial/Practical Hours
L:T:P : 2:2:2 CREDITS: 04
The Applied chemistry course requires the fundamental knowledge of
● Physical Chemistry: Electrochemistry, and batteries
● Environmental aspects
● Corrosion
● Composition and properties of matter

Applied chemistry courses strengthen the fundamental concepts of chemistry and then builds an
interface with the engineering applications and examples in everyday life for the benefits of society.


To enable students to acquire knowledge on principles of chemistry for engineering applications.
To develop an intuitive understanding of chemistry by emphasizing the related branches of
To provide students with a solid foundation in analytical reasoning required to solve societal
Module 1: Electrode System, Corrosion and Analytical Techniques
Electrode System: Introduction, types of electrodes. Reference electrode -
Introduction, calomel electrode – construction, working and applications of calomel
electrode. Ion selective electrode – definition, construction, working and
applications of glass electrode. Determination of pH using glass electrode.
Corrosion Chemistry: Introduction, electrochemical theory of corrosion, types of
corrosion-differential metal and differential aeration. Corrosion control -
galvanization, anodization. Corrosion Penetration Rate (CPR) - Introduction and

numerical problem.
Analytical Techniques: Introduction, principle, and instrumentation of
Conductometry; its application in the estimation of weak acid. Potentiometry; its
application in the estimation of iron.

Self-Study Components: Principle and Instrumentation of IR spectroscopy.

MODULE 2: Polymers and Memory Devices
Polymers: Introduction, Molecular weight - Number average, weight average and
numerical problems. Conducting polymers – synthesis and conducting mechanism
of polyacetylene and commercial applications. Preparation, properties, and
commercial applications of graphene oxide.
Memory Devices: Introduction, Basic concepts of electronic memory, History 8
of organic/polymer electronic memory devices, Classification of electronic memory
devices, types of organic memory devices (organic molecules, polymeric materials,
organic- inorganic hybrid materials).

Self-Study Components: Brominated Flame Retardants composition and its toxicity

MODULE 3: Sensors and Energy Systems
Sensors: Electrochemical Sensors-Introduction, working principle and
applications of Conductometric sensors. Electrochemical sensors for
pharmaceuticals and gases- SOx and NOx. Optical sensors--Introduction, working
principle and applications of Colorimetry. Sensors for the measurement of dissolved
oxygen (DO).
Energy Systems: Introduction to batteries, construction, working and applications
of Lithium ion and Sodium ion batteries. Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells 8
(QDSSC’s)- Principle, Properties and Applications.
Green Fuels: Introduction, construction and working of solar photovoltaic cell,
advantages, and disadvantages. Generation of energy (green hydrogen) by
electrolysis of water and its advantages.

Self-Study Components: Regenerative Fuel cells

MODULE 4: Nanotechnology and Display Systems
Nanotechnology: Introduction, size dependent properties of nanomaterials
(Surface area, Catalytic, Electrical, Optical), Preparation of nanomaterials by sol-gel,
Solution combustion & co-precipitation method with example. 8
Display Systems: Photoactive and electroactive materials, Nanomaterials and
organic materials used in optoelectronic devices. Liquid crystals (LC’s) -
Introduction, classification, properties, and application in Liquid Crystal Displays

(LCD’s). Properties and application of Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED’s) and
Quantum Light Emitting Diodes (QLED’s), Light emitting electrochemical cells.

Self-Study Components: Silicon Nanoparticles- Properties and Applications

MODULE 5: E-Waste Management
E-Waste: Introduction, sources of e-waste, Composition, Characteristics, and Need
of e- waste management. Toxic materials used in manufacturing electronic and
electrical products, health hazards due to exposure to e-waste. Recycling and
Recovery: Different approaches to recycling (separation, thermal treatments,
hydrometallurgical extraction, pyrometallurgical methods, direct recycling).
Extraction of gold from E-waste. Role of stake holders in environmental
management of e-waste (producers, consumers, recyclers, and statutory bodies).

Self-Study Components: Impact of heavy metals on environment and human health.

A – Demonstration (any two) offline/virtual:
A1. Synthesis of Iron-oxide Nanoparticles
A2. Quantitative estimation of Aluminum by Precipitation
A3. Chemical Structure drawing using software: ChemDraw or ACD/ChemSketch
B – Exercise:
B1. Conductometric estimation of acid in electrolyte solution of battery
B2. Potentiometric estimation of Iron in the given sample.
B3. Determination of pKa in soft drinks using pH sensor (Glass electrode) 24
C – Structured Enquiry:
C1. Estimation of Copper in e-waste (PCB) by optical sensor (Colorimetry)
C2. Determination of Viscosity coefficient of lubricant (Ostwald’s viscometer)
C3. Estimation of iron in rust by diphenyl amine/external indicator method
D – Open Ended Experiments:
D1: Synthesis of Polyaniline
D2: Searching suitable PDB file and target for molecular docking
D3: Molecular dynamic simulation of large molecular clusters.
1. P W Atkins, Physical Chemistry, Oxford Publications, 2018-11th Edition.
2. P C Jain & Monica Jain, Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai Publication, New Delhi, 2015-16th
3. R V Gadag & A Nityananda Shetty, Engineering Chemistry, I K International Publishing House
Private Ltd. New Delhi, 2018-3rd Edition.

4. Hari Singh, Nanostructured materials and nanotechnology, Nalwa, academic press 2002- 1st
5. G H Jeffery, J Bassett, J Mendham and R C Denney, Vogel’s textbook of Quantitative Chemical
analysis, 1989- 5th Edition.
Reference Books:
1. O G Palanna, Engineering Chemistry, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2017-2nd
2. Wiley Engineering Chemistry, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2013- 2nd Edition.
3. Sulabha K Kulkarni, Nanotechnology Principles and Practices, Capital Publishing Company,
2014-3rd Edition.
4. Phanikumar, Principles of nanotechnology, Scitech publications, 2010-2nd Edition.
5. O P. Vermani & Narula, Theory and practice in applied chemistry, New age International
Publishers 2017-2nd Edition.
6. Gary D. Christian, Analytical chemistry, Wiley India, 2007- 6th Edition.
7. Introduction to Organic Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials and Devices. (2015). United
States: CRC Press.
8. Electronic Waste Management. (2009). United Kingdom: Royal Society of Chemistry.
9. Electronic Waste Management and Treatment Technology. (2019). Netherlands: Elsevier Science.
CO1 Interpret the principles of chemistry related to engineering and technology.
Apply the knowledge of chemistry in solving engineering problems related to
electrochemistry, corrosion, fuel cells and environmental contexts.
Analyze the appropriate chemical techniques suitable for engineering applications to
reach the substantiated conclusions.
Apply the techniques of quantitative chemical analysis for engineering problems through
experimental skills

CO – PO – PSO Matrix
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO12
CO1 3
CO2 3
CO3 1
CO4 2 1
CO 3 2 1

Course Name: Computer Aided Engineering Drawing Course Code: BCEDK203
No. of Lecture hours / week: 3 CIE Marks: 50
No. of Tutorial hours / week: 0 SEE Marks: 50
Total No. of Lecture Hours + Tutorial hours: 3 SEE Duration: 03 hours
L: T: P: 2:0:2 Credits: 3
Engineering graphics is commonly used mode of communication in industry as it is brief
and clearer. Appropriate exposure to drawing helps the students to translate different
ideas into practical applications. Acquisition of drafting skills as per standard
conventions is used to make the drawing of a given object or component so that others
can understand and interpret the drawing as intended by the draftsman. Hence drawing
is regarded as a prerequisite for engineering graduates.
This course provides the basic understanding of the fundamentals of Engineering
Graphics, mainly visualization, graphics theory, standards and conventions of drawing,
the tools of drawing and the use of drawings in engineering applications
 Explain the principles of engineering graphics and their significance.
 Develop the ability of conveying the engineering information through drawings.
 Enable to use computer aided drafting software for generation of drawings
MODULE 1: Introduction: Significance of Engineering drawing, BIS Conventions of
Engineering Drawing, Free hand sketching of engineering drawing, Scales. Introduction
to Computer Aided Drafting software, Co-ordinate system and reference planes HP, VP,
RPP & LPP of 2D/3D environment. Selection of drawing sheet size and scale. Commands
and creation of Lines, coordinate points, axes, polylines, square, rectangle, polygons,
splines, circles, ellipse, move, copy, off-set, mirror, rotate, trim, extend, break, chamfer,
fillet and curves.
Orthographic Projections of Points, Lines and Planes:
Introduction to Orthographic projections of points on all four quadrants and problems
on first quadrant only. Orthographic projections of lines (Placed in First quadrant only).
Orthographic projections of planes (Resting on HP only) viz triangle, square, rectangle,
pentagon, hexagon, and circular laminae (Placed in First quadrant only using change of
position method).Application problems on projections of Lines & Planes (For practice
only, not for CIE/ SEE )
Orthographic Projection of Solids: Orthographic projection of right regular solids
(Solids Resting on HP only): Prisms & Pyramids (triangle, square, rectangle, pentagon,
hexagon), Cones, Cubes.
Projections of Frustum of cone and pyramids (For practice only, not for CIE and SEE).

Isometric Projections: Isometric scale, Isometric projection of hexahedron (cube),
right regular prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres. Isometric projection of
combination of two simple solids.
Conversion of simple isometric drawings into orthographic views. Problems on
applications of Isometric projections of simple objects / engineering components.
Introduction to drawing views using 3D environment (For demonstration only
Development of Lateral Surfaces of Solids: Development of lateral surfaces of right
regular prisms, cylinders, pyramids and cones resting with base on HP only.
Development of lateral surfaces of their frustums and truncations.
For Activity based Assessment: Problems on applications of development of lateral
surfaces like funnels and trays.
Multidisciplinary Applications & Practice (For CIE Only):

Free hand Sketching; True free hand sketching on Roads, Buildings, Utensils, Hand
tools & Furniture’s etc
Electric Wiring and lighting diagrams; Automatic fire alarm, Call bell system, UPS
system, Basic power distribution system using suitable software
Electronics Engineering Drawings- Simple Electronics Circuit Drawings, practice on
layers concept.
Basic Building Drawing; Architectural floor plan, basic foundation drawing, steel
structures- Frames, bridges, trusses using Auto CAD or suitable software
1. Engineering Graphics - K.R. Gopalakrishna and Sudhir Gopal krishna, 2019 edition -
Subash Publishers Bangalore.
2. Engineering Drawing - N.D. Bhatt & V.M. Panchal, 48th Edition, 2005- Charotar
Publishing House, Gujarat
Reference Books:
1. Computer Aided Engineering Drawing, 5th Edition, 2019 - S. Trymbaka Murthy, -
I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Computer Aided Engineering drawing- Prof. M. H. Annaiah, New Age International
Publisher, New Delhi. 2009
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Sketch the engineering drawings of different geometrical shapes by analyzing
its dimensions and positions
CO2 Analyze and Identify the interdisciplinary engineering components or
systems through its graphical representation.
CO3 Use CAD software to sketch engineering drawings
CO4* Demonstrate individual/team work in implementing the principles of
engineering graphics to develop simple physical objects.
*CO4 will be assessed in CIE only

CO – PO Matrix

CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 3 - - – - – – – – - – –
CO2 – 2 – – - – – – – 2 – -
CO3 - - - – 2 – – – – 2 – –
CO4* - - - – – _ – – 2 2 –` –
CO 3 2 - - 2 _ – – 2 2 – -

Course Content & Planning

: Introduction to Web BPLCK105A
Course Name Course Code :
Programming /205A
Number of Lecture Hours
: 02 CIE Marks : 50
/ Week
Number of Tutorial /
: 02 SEE Marks : 50
Practical Hours / Week
Total Number of Lecture
+ Tutorial/Practical : 40 SEE Duration : 03 Hours
L:T:P : 2:0:2 CREDITS : 03

Basic knowledge of working with commands, logical thinking and problem-solving skills are required to learn
the course.
The focus in this course is on the World Wide Web as a platform for interactive applications, content publishing
and social services. This course is about the HTTP communication protocol, the markup languages HTML, XML,
the CSS for formatting and transforming web content, interactive graphics and multimedia content on the web,
client-side programming using JavaScript.
● Learn the syntax and semantics of web technologies.
● Demonstrate the use of built-in functions.
● To Understand the foundations of web page design using HTML & CSS
● Interpret the use of procedural statements like conditional statements, loops and function calls in
Introduction to web technologies: Internet and web, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, XHTML,
AJAX, ASP.NET, PHP, Web Services, structuring of HTML document – Elements and attributes, 5
tags, the DOCTYPE element. Understanding elements, physical style elements.
Self-Study Components: Applications of web
HTML5 Elements: DIV and SPAN elements, exploring hyperlink and URLs, Table elements,
Images in web page, input element, button, multi choice, submitting forms. 5
Self-Study Components: Static and Dynamic webpages

CSS: Syntax of CSS, CSS selectors, CSS in HTML doc, Color property, image property, size
property, background property, font family, font size property, font style property, font variant 5
property, font weight property, font property.
Self-Study Components: CSS Padding
CSS with box, column, table and list: CSS to text, box model, template layout model, display of 5
an element using CSS, positioning an element, list styles, table layouts.
Self-Study Components: Pseudo-classes
JavaScript: Features of JavaScript, JavaScript in HTML doc, Programming Fundamentals, 5
Exploring functions, Events: HTML Forms, keyboard, objects in JavaScript.
Self-Study Components: Dynamic Webpage using Javascript
1. Design and develop HTML program to display VIBGYOR.
2. Design and develop HTML program to display Chess Board.
3. Develop a HTML program to display the following table:

4. Write an HTML page that contains a selection box with a list of 5 countries. When the user
selects a country, its capital should be printed next in the list. Add CSS to customize the
properties of the font of the capital (color, bold and font size).
5. Create a HTML webpage with the following CSS specifications: 15
Set background color of the page as Blue, Text color as White, set different borders on
each side, and an image floating to the right in a text.
6. Write an HTML page that contains a simple user sign up form with following fields: First
name, Last name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Current Address, Gender and a submit
button with customized CSS properties.
7. Write an HTML page that has one input, which can take multi line text and a submit button.
Once the user clicks the submit button, it should show the number of characters, words
and lines in the text entered using an alert message. Words are separated with white space
and lines are separated with new line character.
8. Design and develop a program to create a countdown timer with JavaScript.
9. Write a JavaScript to design a simple calculator to perform the following operations: sum,
product, difference, and quotient.
10. Write a JavaScript function to count the number of vowels in each string.

D – Open Ended Experiments
Open Ended Enquiry Problems Students have to solve a problem*(either given by
the staff or student may come up with their own problem) using the design
techniques such as :

1. Sports club website

2. JavaScript Music Player

3. Dynamic Web Page

4. Conference Web page

5. Photography Site

1. HTML 5 Black Book, Covers CSS 3, JavaScript, XML, XHTML, AJAX, PHP and jQuery, Second Edition
Reference Books
1. Robin Nixon, “Learning PHP, MySQL &JavaScript with jQuery, CSS and HTML5”, 4th Edition, O’Reilly
Publications, 2015. (ISBN:978-9352130153)
2. Luke Welling, Laura Thomson, “PHP and MySQL Web Development”, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, 2016.
3. Nicholas C Zakas, “Professional JavaScript for Web Developers”, 3rd Edition, Wrox/Wiley India, 2012.
At the end of the course students will be able to
CO1 Explain basic concepts of web development
CO2 Apply concepts of web technology to create web pages
CO3 Design and develop static web pages
CO4 Design and develop web-based solutions for societal problems

CO – PO – PSO Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO12
CO1 2
CO2 2
CO3 2
CO4 3
Avg 2 2 2 3

Course Content & Planning

Course Name : Introduction to Python Programming Course Code :
Number of Lecture Hours
: 02 CIE Marks : 50
/ Week
Number of Tutorial /
: 02 SEE Marks : 50
Practical Hours / Week
Total Number of Lecture
+ Tutorial/Practical : 25+15=40 SEE Duration : 03 Hours
L:T:P : 2:0:2 CREDITS : 03
Basic knowledge of working with commands, logical thinking and problem-solving skills are required to learn
the course.
In this course the students will gain knowledge on the basic concepts of python syntax and semantics, core
programming concepts like data structures, conditionals, loops, variables, writing custom functions, reading and
writing to files. This course includes an overview of the various tools available for writing and running Python.
 Understand the Syntax and Semantics and create Functions in Python
 Develop programs for string processing and file organization
 Identify the methods to create and manipulate lists, tuples and dictionaries
 Interpret the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming as used in Python.
The way of the program: What is a program?, Running Python, The first program, Arithmetic
operators, Values and types, Debugging; Variables, Expressions and Statements: Assignment
statements, Variable names, Expressions and statements, Script mode, Order of operations, 5
String operations, Comments, Functions: Function calls, Math functions, Adding new functions,
Definitions and uses, Parameters and arguments, Variables and parameters are local, Why
Self-Study Components: Encapsulation
Conditionals and Recursion: Floor division and modulus, Boolean expressions, Logical 5
operators, Conditional execution, Chained conditionals, Nested conditionals, Recursion, Infinite
recursion, Keyboard input; Iterations: Reassignment, Updating variables, The while statement,

break, Strings: A string is a sequence, len, Traversal with a for loop, String slices, Strings are
immutable, Searching, Looping and counting, String methods, String comparison
Self-Study Components: The in Operator
Lists: A list is a sequence, Lists are mutable, Traversing a list, List operations, List slices, List
methods, Map, filter and reduce, Deleting elements, Lists and strings, Objects and values, 5
Aliasing, List arguments; Dictionaries: A dictionary is a mapping, Dictionary as a collection of
counters, Looping and dictionaries, Reverse lookup, Dictionaries and lists, Memos
Self-Study Components: Global variables
Tuples: Tuples are immutable, Tuple assignment, Tuples as return values, Variable-length
argument tuples, Lists and tuples, Dictionaries and tuples; Files: Reading and writing, Filenames 5
and paths, Catching exceptions, Pipes, Writing modules.
Self-Study Components: Format Operator
Classes and objects: Programmer-defined types, Attributes, Rectangles, Instances as return
values, Objects are mutable, Copying; Classes and functions: Time, Pure functions, Modifiers, 5
Prototyping versus planning
Self-Study Components: Debugging
A- Demonstration
A1. Display the student details, total marks and percentage with suitable messages.
a) Develop a program to generate Fibonacci sequence of length (N). Read N from the
console.(Module- 1)
b) Write a function to calculate factorial of a number.
A2. Write a python program to convert temperature to and from Celsius to fahrenheit.(Module-
A3. Write a Python class to reverse a string word by word.(Module- 2)

B- Exercise
B1. Read a multi-digit number (as chars) from the console. Develop a program to print the 15
frequency of each digit with suitable message.(Module- 2)
B2. Read N numbers from the console and create a list. Develop a program to print mean,
variance and standard deviation with suitable messages.(Module- 3)
B3. Write a python program to sort dictionary elements based on key(Module- 3)
B4. Write a function named DivExp which takes TWO parameters a, b and returns a value c
(c=a/b). Write suitable assertion for a>0 in function DivExp and raise an exception for when
b=0. Develop a suitable program which reads two values from the console and calls a
function DivExp.(Module- 4)

C- Structured Inquiry
C1. Write a Python program to count frequency of characters in a given file.(Module- 4)

C2. Write a program to read 3 subject marks and display pass or failed using class and
object.(Module- 5)
C3. Write a program to calculate area of a circle using classes and function(Module- 5)

D- Open Ended Experiments

D1. Develop a program to read the student details like Name, USN, and Marks in three subjects.
D2. Develop a program to compute binomial coefficient (Given N and R).
1. Allen B. Downey, "Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist”, 2ndEdition, Green Tea
Press, 2015. (http://greenteapress.com/thinkpython2/thinkpython2.pdf) (Download pdf files from the
above links)
Reference Books
1. Charles R. Severance, “Python for Everybody: Exploring Data Using Python 3”, 1st Edition,
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.
2. Gowrishankar S, Veena A, “Introduction to Python Programming”, 1st Edition, CRC Press/Taylor &
Francis, 2018. ISBN-13: 978-0815394372
3. Reema Thareja, “Python Programming Using Problem Solving Approach”, Oxford university press,
2017. ISBN-13: 978-0199480173
At the end of the course students will be able to
CO1 Describe the syntax, semantics of Python and be fluent with its flow control and functions.
Apply various constructs and data structure like lists, dictionaries, tuples to design and develop
python program.
CO3 Analyze the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming used in Python.
CO4 Develop python program to solve real world problems using various IDE’s. (Additional CO- PO5)

CO – PO – PSO Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 2

CO2 3 1

CO3 2

CO4 2 2

CO 2.5 2 1 2 2

Course Name : Basics of JAVA programming Course :
Number of Lecture Hours
/ Week : 02 CIE Marks: 50
Number of Tutorial /
: 02 SEE Marks: 50
Practical Hours / Week
Total Number of Lecture
+ Tutorial/Practical : 40 SEE Duration: 03 Hrs.
L:T:P : 2:0:2 Credits: 03
Course Overview
This course of study helps students gain knowledge in Java Fundamentals. Besides learning the basic structure
and syntax of the language, students will also learn object-oriented principles and how they are applied in Java
 Basic knowledge of C/C++ is desirable.
 Understand fundamentals of programming such as variables, conditional and iterative methods.
 Understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java including classes and methods using
class libraries
 Handle string functions and understand exception handling mechanisms.
 Exhibit the ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems
An Overview of Java: Object-Oriented Programming, A First Simple Program, A Second Short
Program, Two Control Statements, Using Blocks of Code, Lexical Issues. Data Types, Variables,
and Arrays: Java Is a Strongly Typed Language, The Primitive Types, Integers, Floating-Point
Types, Characters, Booleans, Variables, Type Conversion and Casting, Automatic Type 08
Promotion in Expressions, Arrays.
SLT: 3-D Arrays
Operators: Arithmetic Operators, The Bitwise Operators, Relational Operators, Boolean Logical
Operators, The Assignment Operator, The ? Operator, Operator Precedence, Using Parentheses,
Control Statements: Java Selection Statements, Iteration Statements.
SLT: Jump Statements

Introducing Classes: Class Fundamentals, Declaring Objects, Assigning Object Reference
Variables, Introducing Methods, Constructors, The this Keyword, Garbage Collection, The
finalize() Method, A Stack Class, A Closer Look at Methods and Classes: Overloading Methods,
Using Objects as Parameters.
SLT: Recursion.

Inheritance: Inheritance, using super, Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy, When Constructors Are
Called, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Using Abstract Classes, Using final with
SLT: The Object Class.
Exception Handling: Exception-Handling Fundamentals, Exception Types, Uncaught Exceptions,
Using try and catch, Multiple catch Clauses, Nested try Statements, throw, throws, finally.
String Handling: String Constructors, String Length, String Operators, Character extraction,
String comparison, Searching strings.
SLT: Java’s Built-in Exceptions
Modifying a String.
1. Herbert Schildt, JAVA the complete reference 9th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007
Reference Book
1. E Balaguruswamy, “Programming with Java”, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2017
Course Outcomes (COs)
At the end of the course students will be able to
CO1 Understand the syntax and semantics of java programming language and basic concepts of OOP
CO2 Elaborate the need for operators and its precedence.
CO3 Illustrate the concepts of inheritance, polymorphism and String functions.
CO4 Design efficient and error free codes using the concepts of Exception handling.
CO5 Develop modularized solution for the given problem statements using any IT tools.
CO – PO – PSO Matrix

2 3
CO1 2

CO2 3

CO3 2 2
CO4 2 2
CO5 2 2

Course Content & Planning
: Introduction to C++
Course Name Course Code : BPLCK105D/205
Number of Lecture Hours
/ Week : 02 CIE Marks : 50
Number of Tutorial /
: 02 SEE Marks : 50
Practical Hours / Week
Total Number of Lecture
+ Tutorial/Practical : 25+24=49 SEE Duration : 03 Hours
L:T:P : 2:0:2 CREDITS : 04
Basic knowledge of working with commands, logical thinking and problem solving skills are required to learn
the course.
Problem solving through programming tools is an essential skill for software development which requires
understanding the fundamental concepts of the programming language. The course introduces the theory and
practice of programming in C++ to solve basic problems. It imparts problem-solving techniques and effective
strategies for program design and implementation.
● Understanding about object oriented programming and Gain knowledge about the capability to store
information together in an object.
● Understand the capability of a class to rely upon another class and functions.
● Understand about constructors which are special types of functions.
● Create and process data in files using file I/O functions
● Use the generic programming features of C++ including Exception handling
MODULE 1 : Introduction to OOP
Programming Paradigms, Features of Object-oriented Programming- Classes, Objects,
inheritance, Polymorphism, Applications of OOP
Basics of C++ Programming: Structure of C++ Program, Writing the first C++ program

Self-Study Components: Compiling and Executing C++

Textbook: Ch1 :1.2, 1.3-1.3.1-1.3.5,1.5
Ch2: 2.2, 2.3

MODULE 2 : Basics of C++ Programming
Tokens in C++, Character Set, Keywords, Identifier, Data types in C++, Variables, constants
and I/O statements, Operators in C++
Decision Control and looping statements: Conditional branching statements, Iterative
Statement, Nested loops,Break statement

Self-Study Components: Type Conversion and Type Casting, Continue, goto statement
Textbook: Chapter 2: 2.7- 2.15, 8
MODULE 3 : Functions and Arrays
Function Declaration or Function Prototype, Function Definition, Function Call, Return
Statement, Passing Parameters to the Function
Arrays: Introduction, Declaration of Arrays, Accessing Elements of the Array

Self-Study Components: One and two dimensional Arrays.

TextBook: Chapter 4: 4.3-4.7 8
MODULE 4 : Classes and Objects
Introduction, Specifying a Class, Creating Objects, Accessing Object Members, Objects as
Function Arguments
Constructors: Constructor, Types of Constructors, Constructor with Default Arguments

Self-Study Components: Destructors

TextBook: Chapter 9: 9.1- 9.3, 9.9-9.11

Chapter 12:12.1- 12.3

Inheritance and Overloading: Types of Inheritance, Defining Derived Classes, Access
Specifiers, Scope of Operator overloading, Syntax for Operator overloading, operators that
can and cannot be overloaded, implementing overloading Unary operators.

Self-Study Components: Friend Function

TextBook: Chapter 10: 10.1-10.3

Textbook: Chapter 11: 11.1-11.5 8

1. Understanding the structure of C++ by displaying the “Hello World” message.
2. Demonstrate input and output functions by adding two numbers
3. Illustrate the concept of conditional statement by checking the given number is odd
or even
4. Find the sum of ‘N’ natural numbers using Array
5. illustrate the concept of looping statement by checking the given number is prime or

6. Illustrate the concept of functions by finding the GCD of two numbers.
7. Write a C++ Program to display Names, Roll No., and grades of 3 students who have
appeared in the examination. Declare the class of name, Roll No. and grade. Create an
array of class objects. Read and display the contents of the array.
8. Write a C++ program to declare a class and pointer to class. Initialize and display the
contents of the class member using the concept of constructor.

D – Open Ended Experiments

1. Write a C++ program to create multilevel inheritance. (Hint: Classes A1, A2, A3)
2. Illustrate the concept of Unary operator overloading by adding two complex
1. Reema Thareja, Object Oriented Programming with C++, Oxford University Press, 2018
Reference Books
1. Bhushan Trivedi, “Programming with ANSI C++”, Oxford Press, Second Edition, 2012.
2. Balagurusamy E, Object Oriented Programming with C++, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.Ltd , Fourth
Edition 2010
At the end of the course students will be able to
CO1 Explain the basic concepts of programming in C++
CO2 Apply concepts of procedure-oriented programming to solve a given problem
CO3 Analyze the given code segment for syntactic and logical errors
CO4 Achieve code reusability and extensibility by means of Inheritance and Polymorphism
CO – PO Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO12
CO1 2
CO2 3
CO3 1
CO4 1
CO5 2
CO 2.5 1 1 2

Course Content & Planning

Course Name : Communicative English - II Course Code: BENGK206
Number of Lecture
:0 CIE Marks: 50
Hours / Week
Number of Tutorial /
:2 SEE Marks: 50
Practical Hours / Week
Total Number of Lecture
+ Tutorial/Practical : 2 Hours Per Section / Per week SEE Duration: 02 Hours
L: T:P : 0:2:0 CREDITS: 01

Communication skills are a requirement for both professional lives and personal life and everything that
falls in between. Effective communication skills are essential to understand and exchange information more
accurately and quickly, it has also been the key to success in securing placements. Effective communication
builds confidence and helps in the personality development of an individual. Strengthening communication
skills in English is necessary and is a powerful tool used for business, travel or simply to have a conversation
in a different country.


a) Improve the language proficiency of students in English with an emphasis on Listening, Speaking,
Reading, and Writing skills.
b) Equip students to study academic subjects more effectively and critically using the theoretical and
practical components of the English syllabus.
c) Develop study skills and communication skills in formal and informal situations.


Module 1: Advance Communications

Syllable and Structure; Stress and Rhythm; Strong and Weak form; Pronunciation Guidelines Related to
consonants and vowels, Sounds Mispronounced, Silent and Non-silent Letters, Intonation – purposes of
intonation, Spelling Rules, and Words often Misspelt

1. Through Pick ‘n’ Speak / JAM Sessions

Module 2: Reading Skills - II

Reading Comprehension: Introduction; What goes wrong; different reading skills; How to understand the
point of view; Inferring Lexical and contextual meaning; Cloze and Theme-based analysis.

1. Comprehension through book review/blog review

Module 3: Writing Skills - II

Essay writing; Introduction, types, structures of an essay, stages of an essay, guiding principles, email

Email Writing: Some common errors; the Guiding principle of email writing; Common Do's and Don’ts;
Etiquette in email writing; Difference in Letter and Email

1. Essay Writing
2. Case-based – email writing (Professional)

Module 4: Speaking Skills – II

Group discussion skills: Introduction; the difference between GD and debate; types of GD; Opening /
initiating the discussion – exchanging suggestions and proposals – expressing dissent/agreement –
summarizing a discussion.

Conversations and Dialogues; Purpose, features, techniques and Tips; Phone Skills

1. Situational Dialogues and Role Plays
2. Conversation role play

Module 5: Speaking Skills – II
Assertive Skills; assertive v/s aggression; how to be assertive and improve assertive skills; assertive skills
in the workplace; Stress management; good stress and bad stress; stress managing techniques.

1. Debate – case studies discussions
2. Meditation/ stress relieving activities
3. Post Assessment on LSRW


1. Communication Skills – Sanjay Kumar & Pushp Lata, Oxford University Press

Reference Books

2. Any books on Communicative English / Technical English can be referenced


CO1 Comprehend and apply the fundamentals of communication to enhance communication
(Re-) Construct correct sentences to strengthen Listening, speaking, reading & writing
skills and develop the competency of students to apprehend the nature of formal
communication requirements.
Correlate and demonstrate individual or teamwork effectively to accomplish
communication goals.

CO – PO Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 2
CO2 3
CO3 2
CO 2 3 2

Semester – II
: Constitution of India,
Course Name Professional Ethics and Cyber Course Code : BICOK207
No. of Lecture Hours / Week : 01 CIE Marks : 50

No. of Tutorial / Practical

: 00 SEE Marks : 50
Hours / Week
Total No. of Lecture +
: 15 SEE Duration : 02 Hrs.
Tutorial / Practical Hours

L:T:P : 1:0:0 Credits : 01

Course Learning Objectives (CLO)
 Know the fundamental political codes, structure, procedures, powers and duties of Indian government
institutions, fundamental rights, directive principles, and the duties of the citizens.
 Understand engineering ethics and their responsibilities; identify their individual roles and ethical
responsibilities towards society.
 Know about the cybercrimes and cyber laws for safety measure.
Module 1
Introduction to Indian Constitution:
The necessity of the Constitution, The societies before and after the Constitution adoption.
Introduction to the Indian constitution, Making of the Constitution, The Role of the Constituent
Assembly – Preamble and Salient features of the Constitution of India. Fundamental Rights and
its Restriction and limitations in different Complex situations. Directive Principles of State
Policy (DPSP) and its present relevance in our society with examples. Fundamental Duties and
its scope significance in Nation building.
Module 2
Union Executive and State Executive:
Parliamentary System, Federal System, Centre-State Relations. Union Executive – President,
Prime Minister, Union Cabinet, Parliament – LS and RS, Parliamentary Committees, Important 08
Parliamentary Terminologies. Supreme Court of India, Judicial Reviews and Judicial Activism.
State Executives – Governor, Chief Minister, State Cabinet, State Legislature, High Court and
Subordinate Courts, Special Provisions (Articles 370, 371, 371) for some states.
Module 3
Elections, Amendments and Emergency Provisions:
Elections, Electoral Process and Election Commission of India, Election Laws. Amendments – 08
Methods in Constitutional Amendments (How and Why) and Important Constitutional
Amendments. Amendments – 7, 9, 10, 12, 42, 44, 61, 73, 74, 75, 86, 91, 94, 95, 100, 101, 118

and some important Case studies. Emergency Provisions, types of Emergencies and its
Constitutional special provisions:
Special Provisions for SC and ST, OBC, Women, Children and Backward Classes.
Module 4
Professional Engineering Ethics:
Scope & Aims of Engineering & Professional Ethics – Business Ethics, Corporate Ethics, Personal
Ethics. Engineering and Professionalism, Positive and Negative faces of Engineering Ethics,
Code of Ethics as defined on the website of Institution of Engineers (India): Profession, 08
Professionalism and Professional Responsibility. Clash of ethics, Conflicts of Interest.
Responsibilities in Engineering, Responsibilities in Engineering and Engineering standards, the
impediments to responsibility. Trust and Reliability in Engineering, IPRs (Intellectual Property
Rights), Risks, Safety, and liability in Engineering.
Module 5
Internet Laws, Cyber Crimes and Cyber Laws:
Internet and Need for Cyber Laws, Modes of Regulation of Internet, Types of Cyber terror
capability, Net neutrality, Types of Cyber Crimes, India and Cyber law, Cyber Crimes and the
Information Technology Act 2000, Internet Censorship. Cybercrimes and enforcement
Text Books
1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Latest edition, Khanna Publishers.
2. B.V. Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Latest edition, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publications.
Reference Books
1. Introduction to the Constitution of India, Durga Das Basu, Prentice – Hall 2008
2. Engineering Ethics, M. Govindarajan, s. Natarajan, V.S. SenthilKumar Prentice – Hall 2004


At the end of the course, students will be able to
CO1 Have Constitutional knowledge and legal literacy
CO2 Understand Engineering and Professional ethics and responsibilities of Engineers
CO3 Understand the cybercrimes and cyber laws for cyber safety measures
CO – PO Matrix

CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 2
CO2 2
CO3 2
Avg. 2

Course Content & Planning
Course Name : Social Innovation Course Code : BSOIK208

No. of Lecture Hours / Week : 00 CIE Marks : 50

No. of Practical Hours /
: 02 SEE Marks : 50
Total No. of Practical Hours : 24 SEE Duration : 2h

L:T:P : 0:0:2 Credits : 1

 Identify the relevant theory and practical evidence for analyzing a local social problem.
 Improve individuals consulting skills, communication, team work, and planning, issue analysis,
formulation of strategy and tactical recommendations of acceptable and affordable solutions.


 To develop a creative solution for existing local social problems.
 To communicate effectively as an individual and as a member in diverse team.

Social innovation
Phase I : Introduction and framework
Introduction: Social innovations are social practices that aim to meet social needs in a
better way than the existing solutions. These are new strategies, concepts and ideas that
meet social needs of all kinds to extend and strengthen civil society.

Frame work:
 Section wise formation of teams (Maximum 05 students per group) at the
commencement of the semester.

 Each team should be assigned with a faculty member who can guide these 6
students during this course.

 Each groups will be briefed about the objectives and outcomes of social

 Students are informed to visit in and around Mysuru city to collect social
problems associated with day to day life.

Phase II : Group work – understanding social problems
 Each group students will be provided with a platform to discuss social problems
with their respective guides and also with other teams of the same section
 A proper guidance is provided to individual students of the group, so that they
can come up with suitable solutions for the social problems.

Phase III : Designing solution and presentation

 Each group students has to give presentation on their ideas and implementation
to solve society related problems.

 Based on the allowed circumstances, students can theoretically design solutions to

help common people problems. 8

 Students have to present future scope of their carried out work. All students have
to submit hard copy report of their carried out work to develop theoretical
solutions for the societal problems


At the end of the course, students will be able to,

CO1 Identify a local societal problem and develop a strategy to solve the problem (L2)
CO2 Design economically cost effective and novel solutions to help common people problems. (L6)

CO3 Develop communication skills as an individual and as a member in diverse team. (L6)

CO – PO – PSO Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 - - - - - 2 - - - - - -

CO2 - - - - - - - - - - 2 -

CO3 - - - - - - - - 2 2 - -

Avg. - - - - - 2 - - 2 2 2 -


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