Trainer Ejp00
Trainer Ejp00
Trainer Ejp00
Abstract. The electrical properties of ferroelectric substances are investigated and related
to the Curie–Weiss law. A cryogenic experiment suitable for students measures the electrical
susceptibility of strontium titanate in the 90–300 K temperature range. By measuring the electrical
susceptibility of a modified barium titanate ceramic between 273 K and 343 K a phase transition
is clearly observed at 304 K.
In this experiment the SrTiO3 sample (Crystal GmbH, Berlin) was in the form of a (100)-
orientated slice (10 mm × 10 mm × 0.27 mm) of a single crystal. Gold electrodes of 6.8 mm
diameter were vacuum evaporated on both sides of the slice to form a capacitor. This sample
was positioned on a copper platform inside the vacuum container of a cryostat [9] as shown
in figure 1. A T-type thermocouple was glued to the edge of the sample. A digital LCR meter
(AVO Megger B131) set at 1 kHz was used to measure the capacitance of the sample. A test
fixture [10] interfaced the sample leads with the LCR meter. To measure the temperature of
the sample, the thermocouple was connected to a digital thermometer (Digitron T208). After
evacuating the vacuum container, the copper cold-finger of the cryostat was immersed in liquid
nitrogen to bring the temperature down to ∼ 90 K. In the interest of safety, the 4-litre high-
density polystyrene dewar was clamped securely with an aluminium collar attached to a wide
base. After temperature stabilization, the cryostat was removed from the liquid nitrogen and
allowed to warm up while readings of capacitance and temperature were taken up to ∼ 300 K.
To measure the total stray capacitance of the leads and test fixture, a 270 pF (±1%
tolerance) silvered mica capacitor was substituted for the sample. In the 90–300 K temperature
range the average value of the stray capacitance was 80 pF. This was subtracted from the
measured capacitance value of the SrTiO3 sample to give the corrected value.
The errors specified for the LCR meter and digital thermometer were ±0.7% and ±0.5%
Ferroelectrics and the Curie–Weiss law 461
χP arises from the polarization of the ions themselves and is temperature independent. χCW
is the contribution from the movement of the ions from their equilibrium position and is
temperature dependent [13, 14]. From figure 3, χCW follows the Curie–Weiss law from
∼ 300 K down to 112 K with T0 = 49 ± 0.7 K. Below 112 K, χCW departs from the law.
For comparison, previous work showed that the electrical susceptibility of a similar sample
of SrTiO3 followed the law from 300 K to 105 K with T0 = 40 ± 0.6 K [15]. Below 105 K
it appreciably departed from the Curie–Weiss law. A further study noted a cubic-tetragonal
phase transition in SrTiO3 at 105.5 K [16].
Using the method described here, the phase transition or Curie temperature, TC , of a
ferroelectric ceramic, modified barium titanate (BaTiO3 ), can be directly determined. This
polycrystalline form of BaTiO3 is widely used as a dielectric in high-permittivity commercial
capacitors. In its pure single-crystal form, BaTiO3 has TC ∼ 393 K [17]. Above TC it is
paraelectric and has a cubic structure. Below TC it is ferroelectric with a tetragonal form. The
TC of BaTiO3 can be easily modified by the substitution of small amounts of ions such as Pb2+ ,
Sr2+ or Ca2+ for the Ba2+ ion [18]. Grain-size effects have been observed to alter TC [19]. Also
the susceptibility of ceramic BaTiO3 is strongly dependent on the grain size, the finer the grain
the higher the dielectric constant [20].
Figure 4 shows the experimental layout. The sample holder was constructed from two copper
plates (50 mm × 27 mm × 5 mm) machined to a depth of 3 mm to accommodate the sample,
a T-type thermocouple and a standard 470 pF silvered mica capacitor. The sample was in the
form of a 0.1 µF ceramic disk capacitor with a modified BaTiO3 dielectric (RS Components
Ltd). The dimensions of the capacitor were obtained by filing a section through a similar
capacitor and measuring the plate diameter (14 mm) and dielectric thickness (0.15 mm). A
10 , 25 W aluminium-housed wirewound resistor directly attached to the copper block acted
as the heating element and was powered by a variable current supply (0–1 A DC). Capacitance
was measured at 1 kHz testing frequency using a LCR meter (AVO Megger B131) with a
test fixture [10]. For temperature measurements the thermocouple was connected to a digital
thermometer (Digitron T208).
Capacitance measurements were taken from 0–70 ◦ C. Initially the sample was brought
to 0 ◦ C by allowing some liquid nitrogen vapour to flow over the copper block and then the
heater current was adjusted to give a steady rise in temperature.
To estimate the stray capacitance of the test fixture and leads, the capacitance of a silvered
mica capacitor was measured over the temperature range and the known 470 pF subtracted
from this to give an average stray capacitance value of 35 pF. This was subtracted from the
measured capacitance of the sample to give the corrected value.
From the dimensions taken from the ceramic capacitor, C0 was estimated as 10 pF. The
susceptibility was calculated using the capacitance value at each temperature and equation
(2). Figure 5 is a plot of electrical susceptibility versus temperature for the capacitor. TC for
the modified BaTiO3 was determined as 304 ± 0.3 K from the maximum point on the curve.
The curve has the typical features of a high-permittivity ceramic capacitor with a modified
BaTiO3 dielectric [21] and clearly shows the ferroelectric-to-paraelectric transition point. It is
easy to understand the very high susceptibility values attained at this transition point. The ions
Ferroelectrics and the Curie–Weiss law 463
Figure 5. Change in susceptibility versus temperature for a modified BaTiO3 ceramic capacitor.
are on the point of moving into or out of the position corresponding to spontaneous polarization
so an applied electrical field is able to produce large shifts in their movement. This motion of
the ions produces big changes in the electric dipole moment resulting in a high susceptibility.
Below TC an increasing degree of spontaneous saturation of polarization of the ferroelectric
corresponds to a falling susceptibility. Above TC thermal agitation destroys the ordering of
the dipoles, consequently the susceptibility falls.
So in ferroelectric materials, TC of the ceramic form is different from that of the single
crystal and is dependent on parameters like doping and grain size.
4. Conclusions
These experiments have proven to be popular with students. The SrTiO3 experiment is an
excellent introduction to the techniques of cryogenics and vacuum systems. Also, students
464 M Trainer
are invited to investigate the electrical properties of ferroelectrics, a class of substances with
wide applications in the electronics industry. They can relate their electrical properties to the
Curie–Weiss law and directly observe how they change with a structural phase change.
I thank Professor A J Craven for the excellent laboratory facilities and the staff of the mechanical
workshop for construction of the cryostat.
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