Thesis Ecy Pitriani S. S
Thesis Ecy Pitriani S. S
Thesis Ecy Pitriani S. S
Approved by:
Supervisor, Co Supervisor,
ECY PITRIANI SULASTRI, N1D2 18104. Representation of Liberal
Feminism in the Character of Lady Diana in Spencer Movie. English
Literature Study Program. Language and Literature Department. Faculty of
Humanities at Universitas Halu Oleo. Under the Supervisions of Fina Amalia
Masri (Supervisor) and Rahmawati Azi (Co Supervisor).
gratitude to the Almighty God, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala who has given the
blessing, guidance, mercy, and health, hence the researcher could complete this
thesis. The researcher hopes that Allah SWT always gives blessing to all of us.
Salawat and salam always devoted to Allah’s noblest messenger, our Prophet
number of people who directly and also indirectly helped the researcher in
accomplishing this thesis. First of all, the researcher adresses the deepest
Suleman and Nuraena for hopeful pray, love, patience, advices, motivations,
attention, support morally and financially, that the researcher never be able to pay
those all. The researcher expresses thanks to beloved big Sister Yesna Sulastri and
Little Sister’s Yesika Putri Suleman and Sela Fitriani for support and motivation
Fina Amalia Masri, S.Pd., M.Hum. and Rahmawati Azi, S.Pd., M.A. who
always encourage and guide the researcher patiently from the beginning until the
complete of this thesis. The researcher realizes that this thesis cannot be
Special gratitude for the leaders that the researcher has respect as student
1. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Zamrun F., S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc. As the Rector of
university, also for carrying out the organization of education, research and
2. Dr. Akhmad Marhadi, S.Sos., M.Si. As the Dean of Humanities Faculty for
equipment, and also collaborating with parents of students, alumni, and other
5. Arman, S.Pd, M.Hum. As the Head of English Literature Study Program for
all the problems could be solved with support and help from people surrounding
the researcher. As well as the most important to the persons that has been being
researcher’s teacher even being researcher second home since researcher came to
sincerely thankful to Dr. Rasiah, S.Pd., M.A., As the head of examiner all at
who gave good constructive input and suggestion toward this study, Nur
M.A., Eva Solina Gultom, S. Pd., M.Hum., Drs. Rohmana, M.Hum., Dr.
Tambunan, M.Hum., Dr. La Aso, S.Pd., M.Hum., Dr. Asrun Lio., M.Hum,.
S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Hum., Nurjannah, S.S., M.A., Rahmawati, S.Pd., M.A., Dr.
Rahim, S.Pd., M.Hum., Nuzul Hijrah Safitri, S.Pd., M.Hum., Fina Amalia
Masri, S.Pd., M.Hum. who always give support and motivation to the
researcher and the other lecturers that cannot be mentioned, thanks for their
2. The staff especially Fardin Fisabilillah S.S., and other staffs of Humanities
3. Many thanks for the researcher’s circles at English Literature Big Family,
as others which cannot be mention. Thank you so much for every helping
during reseacher progress in this life. Thank you for the kindness, supports,
experiences, the precious time. Thanks for the support, help, and
4. The Write’s Senior Support System Since in University; Wulan, Ilma, Fifty
researchers happy when researchers are in difficult times. They can also
5. All members of English Literature 2018 especially; Andika, Venancia
Cindy, Hayati, Febriyani, Anisa Rifki, Ld. Muh. Rahlil, Dhea Gabriella,
Musaffar, Sitti Norma, Iven Cahayati Putri, Fajar Muhamat Nor, Moh.
Fajar Syafa, Muhamad Rusli, Fani Indrayani and others for the support,
encouragement for time ,and trips that have helped the writers unwind
6. The researcher is very grateful to have the partner who always supports her.
Appreciation goes to Jaftra S.Pi He always a good listener for every problem
the researcher faced. His opinions never stop surprise the researcher and also
allow her to see her problem from a different angle. Thank you also for
sparing the time to handle everything the researcher needs and providing
encouragement during finishing this research. The last but not least to the
special thanks for Everyone who cannot be counted and mentioned one by
one for staying, coloring, and supporting researcher life each day. See you on
top guys.
Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is far from become perfect.
completeness of this thesis. The researcher expects this thesis will be useful for
the reader.
The researcher believes that without the blessing of Allah SWT and the
helping and supporting of those people above, the researcher would never come to
finish this thesis although the researcher realizes that this thesis is far from the
The Researcher
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Research Question 6
1.3 Objective of the Study 6
1.4 Significance of the Study 6
1.5 Scope of the Study 7
1.6 Definition of Terms 7
2.1 The Development of Feminist Theory 8
2.2Theory of Feminism 9
2.3Theory of Liberal Feminism 9
2.4Liberal Feminism of Mary Wollstonecraft 10
2.5The Core Concept of Liberal Feminism 12
2.6 Liberal Feminism in the 18th Century: Equal Education for Women
2.7 Liberal Feminism in the 19th Century: Civil and Economical Rights
Opportunity for Women and Men 14
2.8 Liberal Feminism in Action of the 20th Century14
2.9 Liberal Feminism in Additional Perspective 15
2.10Previous Study 16
2.11Conceptual Framework 20
3.1 Research Design 22
3.2 Source of Data 23
3.3 Procedures of Data Collection 23
3.4 Technique of Data Collection 23
4.1 Findings 24
4.1.1 Data 1 25
4.1.2 Data 2 27
4.1.3 Data 3 29
4.1.4 Data 4 30
4.1.5 Data 5 31
4.1.6 Data 6 32
4.1.7 Data 7 33
4.1.8 Data 8 34
4.1.9 Data 9 36
4.1.10 Data 10 37
4.1.11 Data 11 38
4.1.12 Data 12 39
4.1.13 Data 13 40
4.1.14 Data 14 41
4.2 Discussion 42
5.1 Conclusion 45
5.2 Suggestion 45
Over the past centuries, women's struggles to increase the dignity and
status of life in a justice and equality manner with men have been recorded by
its time. Just like men, women are entitled and have the same opportunity to
determine their life path. This is in line with what Nareswari said in her thesis
arguing that: Self-discovery, equal opportunities and freedom are basic human
rights and including women have the right to that matter, to make choices without
Have equal opportunities in access ing education, have access in the fields
The paradigm that places women as the second class in terms of gender is no
longer relevant in today's discourse. Women have the right to determine a career
and pursue it, obtain rights, opportunities for self-development, and access various
fields like men without being confined by societal stigma and stereotypes that
limit them such as living and taking care of the house alone, giving birth and
focusing on caring for children, taking care of husbands and mother's duties
household in general. There have been many successful women in the field of
work they want and also do not forget their nature as women/wives.
political, social, economic and educational equality for women, a long journey of
various kinds of roles for women in the British family and society based on their
level of welfare has various forms. Starting from the old English era, women had
an equal role with men in agriculture, plantations and animal husbandry, namely
women also did the same work as men in the fields. Along with the development
of the era when capitalism had entered British territory, the role of middle-class
women then experienced a narrowing, namely the role of people preparing food
every day for family members, cleaning and taking care of the house when men
The dilemma as they do not have access to work in factories that require
physical abilities because they are considered weak and do not have the ability to
upper-class families and many become unskilled laborers and do not get the
wages that men get. On the political side, initially women also did not have the
right to vote. However, along with the development of the feminist movement in
the 90s, they finally had space to vote and in 2003 the position of women's
In 1991 the lives of women in England had equal access to men in the
independence, having their own jobs and income and providing good mental
maturity so that they could make decisions and determine their own path in life.
The same thing is reflected in a film which is an adaptation of the true story of the
journey of life and the love story of Lady Diana and Prince Charles.
inequality, building equal access, proving themselves to be free from the stigma of
the second gender in the social system and struggling to determine their own way
of life, is also reflected in one of the literary works in the form of a film entitled
Spencer (2021) is a film that tells the life of Lady Diana, played by top
artist Kristen Stewart and several characters such as: Sean Harris, Jack Farthing,
and Sally Hawkins. The film, which premiered to coincide with the 25th
anniversary of Lady Diana's death, was produced by producer Pablo Larrain and
the script was written by Steven Knight. This film received a rating of 6.7 from
977 users and received a score of 92% with 60 reviews from users. Spencer
(2021) is based on the true story of Lady Diana when a British working family
spent three days on Christmas vacation with their family at the Sandringham
estate in Noflok. The days before she decided to end her marriage to Prince
Charles because of the issue of her husband's infidelity that had spread. Stewart
revealed that apart from telling stories about the turning point in Lady Diana's life
who realized that she wanted to be an ordinary woman, to blend into ordinary
society like before she met Prince Charles, she also showed the character of a
woman who could live independently, freely and live a happier life with a way of
life that she will choose(Maharani, 2021).It was from this attitude shown by Diana
that she added value that she deserved to be called a "Lady" which in British
culture is a word that refers to a woman who is respectable, has an elegant and
which refers to a woman who has matured and is able to determine her own path
The most fundamental reason why women need to be facilitated like men,
because they also need provisions to develop their potential so they can determine
their own path, be independent and independent in the real sense. It is for this
reason that to this day the discourse on equality, the opportunity to gain access
and choose an independent way of life for women is always a hot topic for
discussion so that they are not marginalized in public life and are not forever
denied that one factor makes a father a super power in a husband and wife
similar opinion was also conveyed by Renaldy et al, who positioned women as
individuals who freely and fully determine their own way of life and have the
reasons, first: that in this film the figure of Lady Diana shows various actions that
with what she believes and wants, such as weighing before entering the palace
where the royal family celebrates Christmas and refuses to wear clothes that have
been determined by work because it does not suit her and most importantly she
has shown her character as an independent woman, unfettered and able to live
independently without men by supporting her two children, then she dares to
facing public opinion regarding the issue of her divorce from her husband, Prince
Second, this film is the adoption of the true story of a pair of British royal
aristocrats so that they are figures which of course many people make of them as
one of the influencers in their lives so that it indirectly has the effect of
separate from the Prince Charles and his life as an ordinary citizen with his two
struggling individually and then leaving the luxury of life in the palace of work,
so in the view of researcher this is a film that is worthy and interesting to be used
women's movement, who has contributed a lot of her main ideas in liberal
demonstrates that the position of women has been subordinated to men because
today's thinking leads women in a pattern of life and thought that focuses on
beautifying the face and body to attract the men and do not get the same
women are physically different from men and have the nature to give birth, taking
care of children, husband and home so they don't develop their minds, do not have
goals and choices in life. This is one of the reasons that cause under development
opportunity. The researcher chooses the paradigm and theory of liberal feminism
to see the problem in the background because the researcher is of the view that
Based on the background of the study above, the problem that investigate
related to liberal feminism. The researcher hope through this research, the reader
can understand and realize the true position of woman in society not only for a
man but also for woman itself they must take a brave to make decision in their
own, determine their life path of freedom and for other researchers who are
To make some key terms clearly and avoid some misunderstanding of the
members of a culture through the use of language, symbols and images that
against women but rejects all things that subordinated, underestimated, and
and having the freedom to choose the way of life they want to be
(Wollstonecraft, 1792).
Feminism is a concept of thought that demands equal rights and justice for
women and men. This concept is a form of women's emancipation around the
world. According to Mujianto (2010) that the main cause of the development of
The mid-18th century was the starting point for the history of feminism,
the term feminism itself only began to be used at the end of the 19th century in
(Hannam, 2007). That time feminists carried out the initial movement by
publishing works aimed at obtaining equality for women, especially in the field of
education. However, a clear change in the level and development of feminism was
seen in the post-18th century. With the increase in writing related to women's
bright spot for women. In the mid-18th century, women in western countries for
the first time began to organize in societies and groups whose main goal was to
achieve change and improvement in women's social, political and economic life
(Hannam, 2007).
Feminism is divided into three waves, the first wave of feminism occurred
in 1860 to 1920. The second wave of feminism occurred in the 1960s to 1970s,
and the third wave occurred after the second wave of feminism took place
(Hannam, 2007).
by this patriarchal system, a study of women emerged which was later termed
loudly speaking about improving the position of women and rejecting differences
power imbalance between the two sexes, with the role of women being below
men. Feminism fights for two things that women generally do not have namely
equality and autonomy to determine what is good for them. The position of
women in society is lower than men, they are even considered as "the second
sex". This shows that there is a kind of gender discrimination that compares
One of feminism movement that defends equality rights between men and
who are treated unfairly. Women should have the same opportunities as men to
succeed in society. According to liberal feminists, gender justice can start from
ourselves. First, the rules for the game must be fair. Second, make sure that no
party wants to take advantage of another group of people and the system used
by women to demand the right to freedom (Humm, 2002). Women often get
discrimination, not only at home but also at work, they get different treatment.
The general goal of liberal feminism is to create a just and caring society
where freedom thrives. Liberals themselves believe that in a just society it will
achieve equality itself, a woman must be able to change the existing system,
Liberal feminists still focus on individual rights and equal opportunity, and
also argue that changes in legal and social policies will help women achieve this
(Hannam, 2007). That way, liberal feminism also wants women to be equal to
not only talks about oppression against women but rejects all things that
The first figure who put forward the theory of liberal feminism was Mary
argued for rationality (reason), natural law and equal rights between men and
She demands equal rights and equal opportunities between women and men. If
perfection will be realized. This flow in its struggle emphasizes giving equal
opportunities and rights, because women are the same creatures as men, both in
terms of potential and will. Therefore, in some cases women tend to blame
women when women have been given the same opportunities and rights, but are
still unable to compete with men. In other words, if the system has provided equal
opportunities for men and women. So, if women are unable to compete and lose,
For liberal feminism there are two ways to achieve its goals, first, is to take
to demand legal reforms that do not benefit women, and change these laws into
new regulations that treat women as equals to men, in other words, live together on
in various areas of family, work and community life, (2) subordination that
harms women, (3) various violence against women, both physically and
mentally, caused by the assumption that women are weak, and (4) women's
diligent, careers, and so on. Because of gender inequality, liberal feminists try to
analyze the causes of oppression of women, trying to get freedom for women
(Fakih, 2006).
Liberal feminism trying to make women aware that they are the oppressed
things, and individualism strongly supports the success of feminism. Women are
herded out of the house, have free careers and are no longer dependent on men.
a) Focus on equal treatment of women outside, rather than within the family.
The struggle of this school is because it is based on the view that women
are also rational creatures that are the same as men, so this school revolves
around lawsuits about family institutions that place men as the head of the
family and place women as housewives who only take care of domestic
c) Women's jobs, such as child care and household work were seen as
unskilled jobs that controlled only the body, not the rational mind.
d) The struggle must touch political equality between women and men
feminists actively monitor elections and support men who fight for
women's interests.
2.5 Liberal Feminism in the 18th Century: Equal Education for Girls
1792, arguing that women should have the same access as men to economic and
influence over men and women, and thus to achieve equal rights for men or
confined at home and are not given the opportunity to enter the labor market and
opportunities, they can develop themselves optimally, as long as women are also
given the same education as men. Wollstone is trying hard to find a solution for
woman", not just a doll and toy for men (Arivia, 2003).
2.6 Liberal Feminism in the 19th Century: Civil and Economic Rights
J.S Mill and Harriet Tailor Mill join Wollestonecraft, which emphasizes
the importance of rationality for women. J S Mill and Harriet Tailor (1896, 15)
further emphasized that equality of women and men is realized, it is not enough to
be given the same education but also to be given the opportunity to play a role in
the economy and guaranteed civil rights which include the right to organize,
freedom to express opinions, the right to vote and private property and other civil
rights. Another contribution to their thinking is that they both emphasize the
education and rights, while Taylor put more emphasis on partnerships. Mill
further also questioned the superiority of men, according to him that men are not
intellectually superior to women. Mill's thought is also interesting that the virtues
themselves, because they will be the people society wants them to be (Arivia,
the right of the woman), JS Mills and Harriet Tylor, does not seem different they
fight for women's equality through equal access to education, employment and
who become housewives feel empty and gloomy. They spend their time just
lust, and so on. Furthermore, the solution to addressing this problem is that
women must return to school and then contribute to the family economy, have
But twenty years later she realized in her book The Second Stage that
having to serve her husband, she also has to serve her employer in the office. So
the thing that needs to be done is to carry out a movement so that they are aware
of the limitations that society has created so that they are able to improve these
conditions, they must establish a cooperation with men to change the mindset of
society in the public and private fields, that is, husbands must also participate.
bear the burden of the family in terms of economy, household and children
(Arivia, 2003).
feminism is to create “a just and caring society in which freedom thrives”. Only
in such a society can women and men develop themselves. Liberal Feminism
makes women aware that they are on the depressed side. Liberal Femininity's
Naomi Wolf is also part of liberal feminism but she is more vocal about
the need for strength for women. In addition, he invites women to have an
education. Even though in the 21st century women have had education, are
political, women must continue to fight for equal rights with men. Wolf's idea can
certainly change the perspective and is a solution. Now women have power in
study at an institution together with men, have the right to political activities such
women to have jobs. for what they want without any coercion.
Naomi Wolf mentions the affluent, educated, liberated women of the first
World, who can enjoy freedoms unavailable to any woman ever before, do not feel
as free as they want to. The quote explains that, in order to become established
even pursuing careers in various fields. This makes them no longer limited by
their unconscious that freedom is something that must be fought for with careless
thoughts such as things that are not important. Based on that statement, women
were aware of their liberties and limitations with men, as well as the culture at that
time which limited them and emphasized the role of men more (Wolf, 2002).
There are several previous scholars have researched women and gender
University, with thesis title “Power Feminism of Victoria as the Main Character
"The Young Victoria" movie. This study's problem is how the application of
theory, when Victoria refused to sign a regency order of power to her mother and
Victoria tried to get out of trouble with her trusted people and Victoriashows her
responsibility and empathy, collaborating with man, and identity and public space.
Victoria also describes the power of feminism that there is no difference between
weak creatures. Theory of power feminism shows that, on the other hand, women
entitled “Liberal Feminism Seen Through the Main Character in Educating Rita
Movie” a study to show the struggle of the figure of Rita to get education up to
university in order to maximize her potential but is limited by her own husband
who thinks that Rita's position is enough to take care of the household.
fighting the stigma that people who come from the middle working class are not
important to get higher education and how liberal feminism is depicted through
the figure of Rita. This research is library research using descriptive qualitative
The results of this study indicate that Rita has a strong personality, brave,
family, working hard to pay for her education, finally in the end she gets what she
English Vinglish Movie” (2022) by Metzy Priskila, Universitas Halu Oleo. Her
female character in English Vinglish. In looking for the way of howthe Hindi
thedescriptive qualitative method in analyzing the data. The results reveal two
domestic, her
traditional outfit, and the household skills she brought to the public. Second,
in language and mindset about her culture. Shashi’s character shows thatbeing the
ideal woman in a specific culture does not mean being inferior but rathera
Character in The New World Movie" (2021) by Novianti, Universitas Halu Oleo.
Her study aims to identify women identifying problems constructed in the main
This study used descriptive qualitative analysis method to analyze, describe, and
summarize the data. The result shows that the Woman Identity that occurred in
example can be seen from the series of events and character movements that occur
in the movie where the main character, namely Pocahontas, chooses to move and
Liberal Feminism Value of the Main Character in the Film ‘Miss Potter’” (2009),
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. The study concerns on the way the writer explores the
concepts of liberal feminism to express her idea through the film which appears in
the film Miss Potter. The writer uses the qualitative descriptive analysis as the
method to analyze the relationship between the main character and the liberal
feminism values which are appeared in the main character of the film.
The result of this study shows the characteristics of the main character
which reflects the liberal feminism values. The main character applies androgyny
in her life like liberal feminists suggest. Miss Potter, who decides to be unmarried
at the first story, finally she determines to marry with a man she loves but her
mother does not bless her. Mother is supposed to go along her to release from the
tie of patriarchal culture but Mother oppresses Miss Potter. At a time when most
young women of her class aimed only to make a good marriage, Beatrix becomes
an iconic figure, swimming quietly, but with great fortitude, against the tide. She
shows to the world that she can do a great thing to take part in the public sphere.
She creates a series of children's story that are beloved very much by people.
research question and the objective of this study. In this study, the researcher will
moviethat will lead to the main purpose of this study.Based on the description
Liberal Feminism by
in (Sari & Asmendri, 2020) library research is a study that studies various
Taylor, Sj, 1975). Qualitative research is kind of research that does not
explain how the main character of Lady Diana represents in the movie of
Therefore, the source of data in this study is Spencer movie and the data is
1. Watching the movie repeatedly to comprehend the whole story and find
particular parts of the movie that relates to the problems of the research
and writes down the key points of each part to make it easier to identify.
Taylor descriptive qualitative method to analyzed that data, the steps are as
2. Describing the data. After presenting the data, the researcher described
3. Interpreting the data, the data that have been described, the researcher
various areas of family, work and community life, (2) subordination which
was harming to women, (3) various violence against women, both physical
and mental, which is caused by the perception that women are weak, and
that women are diligent, have a career, and so on (Fakih, 2006). Therefore,
the direction of analysis of the Spencer movie which is the object of this
Duration 05:09
“Male dominance in the world of work is depicted through the royal chef”
women in the family, community and access to the world of work can be
seen in the early scenes of the film when the entire royal chef's compound
was written back by Fakih, that discrimination against women often occurs
that women are weak creatures so they are given restrictions in accessing
regardless of their inability to fill these positions or not being given space
to actualize themselves.
Duration 11:14-11:26
“Scene when Lady Diana drives alone while visiting the palace where Christmas
is celebrated”
For liberal feminism, there are two ways to achieve its goals, the
that Lady Diana is explaining why she was driving a car alone without an
escort and a driver. This scene does not explain why Lady Diana left her
bodyguards, but after watching the film in its entirety it can be concluded
that Lady Diana did not like being restrained by the palace's very strict
security system. The scene above is just one of the forms of resistance that
Lady Diana carried out against the existing system at the palace which she
thought was very restrictive and did not favor her at all.
for carrying out many activities herself without involving other parties, in
this case the palace guard. Researchers see this reason in two forms, firstly
things including taking long trips that have never been visited before, even
though they have facilities that allow them to arrive at their destination
with a driver and security forces, but Lady Diana did not use these
facilities, so this incident gave rise to the reverse logic that a woman's
independence is not only born from limited conditions that force her to do
consciously and show us that women can also act, walk, determine
several shows in the film show that there was minor chaos arising from
Lady Diana's rebellious actions because she did not comply with royal
actions, her mental strength showed the ability to facing a situation that
result of his attitude of not wanting to follow all the systems set by the
“Lady Diana's negotiations with the royal servants when she was about to weigh
Diana : The normal page, the usual Christmas page, we have thing
The scene above shows the tradition of weighing before and after
Christmas celebrations at the British royal palace. Lady Diana is depicted as not
really liking this tradition and even refusing to do it. Basically, weight
measurements are carried out to ensure that all royal members enjoy the
members after the celebration. However, Lady Diana argued that half of her body
weight came from her decorations. Researchers think that in this scene, Lady
Diana was trying to say that weight is not a symbol of happiness. In this position,
Lady Diana was really uncomfortable with the traditions in the palace, and
because she couldn't negotiate it so he tried to fight and didn't do it, he had
succeeded in doing this before when he was still accompanied by the old guard,
the old guard was still trying to make Lady Diana comfortable with the rules
provided by the palace by relaxing the rules. This was against Lady Diana and did
not report these incidents to the palace, Lady Diana called it "understanding", but
it turned out that the palace knew about this and immediately replaced the special
guards with guards who were more obedient and more favorable to the palace. It
is known that the previous guard was a woman, and Lady Diana said that she
always skipped the scale tradition because she was not forced to by the previous
guard, of course this was because there was "understanding" between women in
this condition, the old guard also hated this tradition and agree with Lady Diana.
Duration 16:13
“Scene of Lady Diana's debate with royal administrators about
carrying out all royal traditions at Christmas celebrations”
The three data above show that there was an argument between
Lady Diana and the palace staff whose job it was to weigh her before
entering the royal palace to take part in the Christmas celebrations. In this
carrying out his duties by saying that "there is no one above tradition."
Diana. At this point there was a conflict with Lady Diana's wishes and
for several days as a form of happiness. Second, they are not allowed to
turn on the water heater while bathing. Instead, to overcome the cold after
bathing, they will be given thicker and more blankets to combat the feeling
It's not just a debate about the tradition of weighing and the
generally be read that royal regulations limit the choice and freedom of
royal members, in this case especially women, because of these rules such
as weighing and designing. clothes are the kingdom's choice and Lady
Diana was not given the freedom to choose the designer she wanted, even
when Lady Diana tried to make her own choice, the kingdom immediately
replaced the person Lady Diana chose with another designer, of course this
Duration 28:25-30:33
“Lady Diana expressed her sadness to one of the royal administrators who was
also a woman and understood Lady Diana's distressed condition in royal tradition”
Diana : They fill your eggs with princes and ride away, that’s fine, it’s
Diana : yes it will be fine, you’ll be in the world in some pub. Laughing.
Diana : The normal page, the usual Christmas page, we have thing
Lady Diana's position as the main character in this film does not
is clear that she is experiencing mental pressure and violence within the
kingdom caused by the issue of her husband's affair with another woman.
From the conversation and expressions, it was clear that Lady Diana was
experiencing severe physical pressure and she had to face it alone. The
situation when she wore the same necklace as her husband's mistress made
her feel even more confused. In line with this incident, this is a
Wollstonecraft's writings which said that "one form of violence that many
Duration 33:25-34:41
“The royal dinner scene depicts how Lady Diana experienced psychological
pressure when she saw her husband and imagined that the same necklace had been
given to another woman, as well as several royal members who did not seem to
like Lady Diana's attitude at that time.”
Scene above shows that Lady Diana was attending a royal dinner, at that
dinner Lady Diana wore a very beautiful green gown. Apart from that, Lady
Diana also wore a pearl necklace given to her by her husband. In this film, it is
depicted that Lady Diana knew about her husband's affair and she also knew that
her husband had also given the same pearl necklace to his mistress. This makes
Lady Diana feel insulted when she wears the pearls in front of her husband. When
she wears the pearl necklace, she feels like she is shackled in a bondage.
In this scene, it is shown that Lady Diana imagines deciding and putting
the pearl necklace on her plate and eating it. This seems to illustrate Lady Diana's
attending the dinner, Lady Diana had time to confer with Gary, he was a page
who served Lady Diana, he was one of several palace employees who were close
and understood Lady Diana's suffering. During the preparations, Lady Diana did
not want to wear the pearl necklace jewelry, but Gary believed that Lady Diana
was being tested by members of the royal family, and Gary did not want Lady
Diana to take part in the game that was being played, if Lady Diana was still
adamant about not wearing a necklace. This would make Lady Diana look like a
New Guard : Mostly in here because of the press, it's a fact that we need to be
The scene above shows that Lady Diana is in the presence of a new head
of security who has been specifically assigned to monitor Lady Diana. From the
statement made by the head of security it is known that the presence of the head of
security is to ensure that Lady Diana is not photographed by the paparazzi. This
happened because there were frequent photo shoots of Lady Diana and the royal
family didn't like this, in a conversation the head of security warned Lady Diana
not to open the curtains on her windows. However, Lady Diana said that let
Paparzy take pictures and find out the actual conditions and events. Through this
conversation, it can be ascertained that the palace does not want the media to
change costumes, only it turns out that the page that usually accompanies
her has been replaced, the page change occurred because the old page was
very close to Lady Diana. Why is the closeness of Page and Lady Diana
the palace, for example the dress code, the dress code is very strict, this
makes Lady Diana even more stressed, but under Gary's supervision, Lady
Diana always has the freedom to choose clothes that suit her. he likes it.
Lady Diana's action of wearing clothes that did not comply with the dress
color rules designated by the palace was an action that wanted to show that
the clothes she wore had to match the atmosphere or at least that was what
Lady Diana wanted to convey when she wore all black at Christmas mass.
Duration 52:34
“Lady Diana's debate when she asked her husband not to involve
their children in shooting practice activities”
opportunities for women to take part and have the same role as men in
activities in which children will participate, has the right to be known and
considered together with the wife. In the scene above, Lady Diana shows
emotion towards her husband (Prince William) because he did not listen to
mother, of course Lady Diana had her own thoughts and considerations
regarding this decision. Regardless of whether the reasons for both parties
are correct or not, the point that the researcher wants to emphasize is the
Duration 01:01:35
“William emphasized Lady Diana to obey royal rules”
discussing royal traditions during the few days during Christmas celebrations.
They argue with each other. The conclusion of the conversation shows that
William emphasized to Lady Diana not to take actions outside royal regulations
such as opening the curtains in the room, not visiting buildings outside the palace,
allowing her children to take part in shooting practice, submitting to the royal
designer's choice.
Because, apart from being a component of royal traditions that have been
carried out for many years, this activity also shows and wants to create
exclusivity, differences in treatment and life between ordinary people and royal
members, this is proven by William's words which said that "they want us to be
different than other people" while on the other hand Lady Diana wanted to
celebrate Christmas like people in general, this was one of the fights for individual
freedom that Lady Diana wanted and she wanted her children to do the same.
Duration 01:09:42
“Firmness and regularity emphasized everyone to follow the
schedule according to the specified time, including Lady Diana”
the royal regulations are regarding the time and sequence of events so that
every activity outside the royal agenda is also monitored in detail by work
officers. While Lady Diana was still enjoying the natural scenery and
Lady Diana's freedom to manage her own time because she is still
determined to take part in the dinner procession together, but she chooses
not to prepare because time still allows her to enjoy the open air in the
royal yard, in this scene Lady Diana put up a small resistance and would
return to the palace to prepare according to the time she had estimated
Duration 01:16:17
“When Lady Diana cut the stitching of the palace curtains because according to
tradition it was not permissible to open the curtains during Christmas
that gave her limitations was when she decided to open the seams of the
basic rights, as was felt by Lady Diana, so in the end she decided to open
disturbing was another discovery that when she managed to open the
curtains, Lady Diana cut the skin on her own arm. These findings indicate
that apart from the desire to free herself, the actions of Lady Diana's
Duration 01:44:17
“One of the peaks of Lady Diana's resistance”
of chicken in the palace forest. Lady Diana was standing right in front of
the shooters who were about to carry out the shooting. Lady Diana's
actions were triggered by two things: first, she did not want the bird to be
shot every year. Second, he doesn't want his child to shoot anything,
because the security and safety of his child is the most important thing, he
doesn't want his child to get used to holding a gun and shooting.
Researchers see this as a struggle for Lady Diana who had full rights to
community and/or family, in this case Lady Diana's voice was not heard
of the person who was about to carry out the shooting. Lady Diana
Duration 01:45:43
“The ending of Lady Diana's journey in the movie of Spencer”
character shows freedom. After standing in front of the royal members and
servants who were going to carry out the agenda of shooting the birds, he
then ran with his two children and decided to leave work and start a new
life in another city. Lady Diana's choice to leave the palace and indirectly
sever ties with palace members in the researcher's view is the culmination
In liberal feminism, there are two ways to achieve the goals of the
Lady Diana when she found out that her husband was cheating on her. It is
certain that the work family also knew about the ongoing affair drama, this
can be seen from the money conversation between Lady Diana and Gary.
Gary said that all the royal members knew about Lady Diana's movements,
Gary even added that they could hear the loudest whispers small though.
This became even more convincing when Gary revealed that he also knew
that the pearls given to Lady Diana's husband's mistress were pearl
As a wife and mother, Lady Diana felt ostracized when she was
betrayal. To overcome this, Lady Diana always discussed it with her loyal
regulations that do not benefit women. In this case, to reduce the effects of
marginalization carried out by the royal family, Lady Diana had many
tried to fight against regulations or what they called culture. Lady Diana
often wore clothes that were contrary to the dress codes set by the palace.
convey or reflect the feelings of the wearer. In fact, in one of the scenes in
the film, Lady Diana breaks off the pearl necklace she was wearing as a
sign of her liberation. This shows that when Lady Diana could not change
cites an opinion which explains that violence against women does not only
take the form of physical violence but can also take the form of mental
The mental violence that Lady Daian faces in this film is depicted
throughout the film, but what is most striking is when she is the only
person who suffers. became the place where Lady Diana vented her
FGary was the only person who could listen to Lady Diana's complaints,
he was the only person who sided with Lady Diana and showed her bias.
When Gary was replaced by someone else, Lady Diana experienced a lot
of stress, Lady Diana's husband noticed this and finally called Gary back,
so did Charles do this to make Lady Diana happy? Of course not, they
didn't want Lady Diana to look too stressed in front of the press and
two phenomena among the four phenomena that were the aim of the emergence of
women. It should be remembered that Lady Diana's position in this film is not
only as a woman but also as a wife and mother, so that the struggle of liberal
feminism that is depicted is very right on target, this film also shows two ways
that must be done to achieve the goals of liberal feminism itself, namely by
holding discussions amidst the domination that occurs over himself, the second is
to the audience and future researchers. Before watching this film, viewers
are advised to watch the documentary films that preceded this film as an
be careful in raising the issues in the film, make sure to get sufficient data
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Maskulin. Jendela Yogyarakta, 97.
Maharani, N. E. (2021, September 09). Sinopsis Spencer 2021 & 12 Daftar FIlm
Putri Diana yang lain. Retrieved from
Wolf, N. (2002). The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Againts
Women. USA: Westview Press.