Abell Et Al 2008
Abell Et Al 2008
Abell Et Al 2008
We present a new map depicting the first global biogeographic regionalization of Earth’s freshwater systems. This map of freshwater ecoregions is
based on the distributions and compositions of freshwater fish species and incorporates major ecological and evolutionary patterns. Covering
virtually all freshwater habitats on Earth, this ecoregion map, together with associated species data, is a useful tool for underpinning global and
regional conservation planning efforts (particularly to identify outstanding and imperiled freshwater systems); for serving as a logical framework
for large-scale conservation strategies; and for providing a global-scale knowledge base for increasing freshwater biogeographic literacy. Preliminary
data for fish species compiled by ecoregion reveal some previously unrecognized areas of high biodiversity, highlighting the benefit of looking at the
world’s freshwaters through a new framework.
Robin Abell (e-mail: robin.abell@wwfus.org), Michele L. Thieme, Rebecca Ng, Nikolai Sindorf, and Eric Wikramanayake are with WWF in Washington, DC. Carmen
Revenga, Mark Bryer (Bethesda), James Robertson, Eric Armijo (Bolivia), Jonathan V. Higgins (Chicago), Thomas J. Heibel, and Paulo Petry (Boston) are with the
Nature Conservancy, headquartered in Arlington, Virginia. Paulo Petry is also an associate in ichthyology at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard
University in Massachusetts. Maurice Kottelat is an independent consultant in Switzerland and an honorary research associate at the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity
Research at the National University of Singapore. Nina Bogutskaya and Alexander Naseka are senior researchers at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy
of Sciences in St. Petersburg. Brian Coad is a research scientist at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa. Nick Mandrak is a research scientist at the Great Lakes
Laboratory for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Burlington, Canada. Salvador Contreras Balderas is professor emeritus of the
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon in Monterey, Mexico. William Bussing is professor emeritus at the Universidad de Costa Rica. Melanie L. J. Stiassny is the
Axelrod Research Curator of Ichthyology at the American Museum of Natural History and an adjunct professor at Columbia University in New York City. Paul
Skelton is managing director of the South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity and professor at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa. Gerald R.
Allen is a research associate at Western Australian Museum in Perth. Peter Unmack is a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Integrative Biology at Brigham
Young University in Utah. David Olson is director of science and stewardship at Irvine Ranch Conservancy in California. Hugo L. López is head of the vertebrate
zoology department at the Museo de La Plata, assistant professor in the Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, and researcher at CIC (Buenos Aires) in Argentina.
Roberto E. Reis is a professor at Católica do Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil. John G. Lundberg is chair and curator of ichthyology, and Mark H. Sabaj Pérez
is collection manager, at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. © 2008 American Institute of Biological Sciences.
new freshwater species are described. For South America nant in shaping the broadscale distributions of freshwater
alone, about 465 new freshwater fish species have been de- species. As Tonn (1990) described, the species occurring in
scribed in the last five years (Eschmeyer 2006), a figure that a given river reach, lake, spring, or wetland will be a function
corresponds to a new species every four days. The presence of a hierarchy of continental-scale filters (including moun-
of species confined to small ranges is also unusually high in tain building, speciation, and glaciation) that have defined large
freshwater ecosystems; for example, 632 animal species have biogeographic patterns; regional-scale filters (such as broad
been recorded as endemic to Lake Tanganyika (Groombridge climatic and physiographic patterns, and dispersal barriers
and Jenkins 1998). such as regional catchments); and subregional and finer-
Despite this combination of extraordinary richness, high scale habitat filters (e.g., distinct physiographic types and
endemism, and exceptional threat, few broadscale conserva- macrohabitats) acting on the regional species pool. Freshwater
tion planning efforts have targeted freshwater systems and their ecoregions capture the patterns generated primarily by con-
dependent species. This relative inattention derives in part tinental- and regional-scale filters.
different taxonomic groups and were drawn without reference The available data for describing fish biogeography vary
to catchments. Moreover, neither ecological nor evolutionary widely. In the United States, it is possible to map presence/
processes figured in those delineations. A complete list of all absence data for all freshwater fish species to subbasins aver-
references and experts consulted in the process of delineat- aging about 2025 square kilometers (km2) in size (NatureServe
ing ecoregions is available online (www.feow.org). 2006). But for many of the world’s species, occurrence data
We assembled our global map of freshwater ecoregions are limited to a small number of irregularly surveyed systems.
using the best available regional information describing fresh- Large parts of the massive Congo basin remain unsampled,
water biogeography, defined broadly to include the influ- for instance, with most sampling occurring near major towns
ences of phylogenetic history, palaeogeography, and ecology and most taxonomic studies of the region dating from the
(Banarescu 1990). We restricted our analyses to information 1960s. Problems with taxonomy and species concepts ham-
describing freshwater fish species distributions, with a few per broadscale analyses even where systems have been rea-
exceptions for extremely data-poor regions and inland seas, sonably well sampled (Lundberg et al. 2000). Although
Africa Roberts 1975, Skelton 1994, Lévêque 1997, Thieme et al. 2005
Middle East No regional information sources available.
Former USSR No regional information sources available.
Remainder of Eurasia For Europe: Kottelat and Freyhof 2007; no regionwide information sources for Asia.
Australasia McDowall 1990, Allen 1991, Unmack 2001, Allen et al. 2002
Oceania Keith et al. 2002
Canada Scott and Crossman 1998
United States Maxwell et al. 1995, Abell et al. 2000
Mexico Contreras-Balderas 2000, Miller et al. 2005
Central America Bussing 1976, CLOFFSCA (Reis et al. 2003)
Caribbean Rauchenberger 1988, Burgess and Franz 1989
South America CLOFFSCA (Reis et al. 2003), Menni 2003
Note: In many cases, these same sources were used to compile species lists. A full bibliography with additional publications,
which along with unpublished data often constituted the greater part of inputs to ecoregion delineations and species lists, is
available at the Web site www.feow.org. Every region also benefited from expert input; individual contributors are listed in the
acknowledgments section and at the Web site. Regions in some cases correspond to politically rather than biophysically
defined units to take advantage of existing information sources and expertise.
approach. For example, a new high-resolution hydrographic These and other examples demonstrate that historical geo-
dataset (HydroSHEDS; www.wwfus.org/freshwater/hydrosheds. graphic events and current hydrology may have conflicting
cfm) for South America provided fine-scale catchment maps effects on the fish fauna of a particular region and thereby
that, in conjunction with newly synthesized species data (Reis argue for different boundaries. The decision to weigh some
et al. 2003), aided in the assessment of biogeography. In effects more strongly than others was made on a case-by-case
regions without extensive species data, or where major basins basis, and it is acknowledged that additional data may favor
support highly similar faunas as a result of recent glaciation, alternative delineations.
a top-down analysis used qualitative expert knowledge of With the exception of islands, individual freshwater eco-
distinctive species and assemblages to map major bio- regions typically cover tens of thousands to hundreds of
geographic patterns (table 2). Ecoregional boundaries result- thousands of square kilometers (Maxwell et al. 1995). Eco-
ing from either approach, therefore, largely coincide with
region size varies in large part because of landscape history.
catchment boundaries.
Regions with depauperate faunas resulting from recent glacia-
Africa Using Roberts (1975) as a starting point, ecoregions were delineated using a top-down qualitative assessment that
incorporated expert knowledge and divisions of major river basins. In a few cases where basin divides do not circumscribe
species distributions or where basins contain internal barriers to dispersal, ecoregions straddle or divide basins.
Middle East Species lists were generated for whole drainage basins, which were then either combined with smaller catchments that
were very similar faunistically (minor desert basins, for example) or subdivided on the basis of different ecologies (e.g., the
Tigris-Euphrates with lowland marshes and upland streams).
Former USSR A species/genera/family presence/absence matrix was compiled for a hierarchy of hydrographic units, and cluster analysis
and ordination techniques (Primer v.6 statistics software) were employed to assess biotic similarities among hydrographic
units and to identify major faunal breaks.
Remainder of Eurasia For Southeast Asia and southern Europe, a bottom-up approach employing both published and unpublished field data and
expert assessment was used. East Asian, northern European, and eastern European ecoregions were delineated through a
top-down process using major basins as a starting point and incorporating traditionally recognized zoogeographic patterns
where appropriate.
Australasia For Australia, ecoregions were adapted from Allen and colleagues’ (2002) and Unmack’s (1991) “freshwater fish biogeo-
graphic provinces”; provinces were derived through similarity analyses, parsimony analysis, and drainage-based plots of
species ranges. For New Guinea, “subprovinces” of Allen (1991) were modified (primarily combined) on the basis of expert
input. For New Zealand and other islands and island groups, islands were placed in ecoregions on the basis of expert
Oceania Islands and island groups were placed in ecoregions on the basis of distinctive (endemic or near-endemic) fish faunas.
Canada Separate cluster analyses were conducted on fish occurrence in the secondary watersheds in each of the nine primary
watersheds in Canada.
United States The “subregions” of Maxwell and colleagues (1995) were adopted, with relatively small modifications made following input
by regional specialists, especially the Endangered Species Committee of the American Fisheries Society.
Mexico Ecoregion delineations were based on qualitative similarity/dissimilarity assessments of major basins, using the standard
administrative hydrographical regions of the Mexican federal government. Subregions within major basins were recognized
as separate ecoregions when the fish fauna was sufficiently distinctive.
Central America Fish provinces from Bussing (1976) were revised and subdivided on the basis of the application of the similarity index to
subbasin fish presence/absence data.
Caribbean Ecoregions from Olson and colleagues (1998) were modified on the basis of similarity analyses of island-by-island species
lists and expert input.
South America Ecoregion delineations were based on qualitative similarity/dissimilarity assessments of catchments, resulting in aggrega-
tion/disaggregation. See box 1 for additional information.
Note: Some of the variations resulting from differences in data quality and biogeographic drivers across and within regions are noted. For some regions,
subecoregions (described at www.feow.org) were delineated to capture finer-scale patterns than could be represented by ecoregions.
North America 123 Oregon and Northern California Coastal 147 Ozark Highlands 170 Sierra Madre del Sur 216 Windward and Leeward Islands
101 Alaskan Coastal 124 Oregon Lakes 148 Upper Mississippi 171 Papaloapan 217 Cocos Island (Costa Rica)
102 Upper Yukon 125 Sacramento–San Joaquin 149 Lower Mississippi 172 Coatzacoalcos
103 Alaska and Canada Pacific Coastal 126 Lahontan 150 Teays–Old Ohio 173 Grijalva–Usumacinta South America
104 Upper Mackenzie 127 Bonneville 151 Cumberland 174 Upper Usumacinta 301 North Andean Pacific Slopes–Rio Atrato
105 Lower Mackenzie 128 Death Valley 152 Tennessee 175 Yucatan 302 Magdalena–Sinu
106 Central Arctic Coastal 129 Vegas–Virgin 153 Mobile Bay 176 Bermuda 303 Maracaibo
107 Upper Saskatchewan 130 Colorado 154 West Florida Gulf 304 South America Caribbean
108 Middle Saskatchewan 131 Gila 155 Apalachicola Central America Drainages–Trinidad
109 English–Winnipeg Lakes 132 Upper Rio Grande–Bravo 156 Florida Peninsula 201 Chiapas–Fonseca 305 Orinoco High Andes
110 Southern Hudson Bay 133 Pecos 157 Appalachian Piedmont 202 Quintana Roo–Motagua 306 Orinoco Piedmont
111 Western Hudson Bay 134 Rio Conchos 158 Chesapeake Bay 203 Mosquitia 307 Orinoco Llanos
112 Canadian Arctic Archipelago 135 Lower Rio Grande–Bravo 159 Southern California Coastal–Baja 204 Estero Real–Tempisque 308 Orinoco Guiana Shield
113 Eastern Hudson Bay–Ungava 136 Cuatro Cienegas California 205 San Juan (Nicaragua and Costa Rica) 309 Orinoco Delta and Coastal Drainages
114 Gulf of St. Lawrence Coastal Drainages 137 Rio Salado 160 Sonora 206 Chiriqui 310 Essequibo
115 Canadian Atlantic Islands 138 Rio San Juan (Mexico) 161 Guzman–Samalayuca 207 Isthmus Caribbean 311 Guianas
116 Laurentian Great Lakes 139 West Texas Gulf 162 Sinaloa 208 Santa Maria 312 Amazonas High Andes
117 St. Lawrence 140 East Texas Gulf 163 Mayran–Viesca 209 Chagres 313 Western Amazon Piedmont
118 Northeast US and Southeast Canada 141 Sabine–Galveston 164 Rio Santiago 210 Rio Tuira 314 Rio Negro
Atlantic Drainages 142 Upper Missouri 165 Lerma–Chapala 211 Cuba–Cayman Islands 315 Amazonas Guiana Shield
119 Scotia–Fundy 143 Middle Missouri 166 Llanos El Salado 212 Bahama Archipelago 316 Amazonas Lowlands
120 Columbia Glaciated 144 US Southern Plains 167 Panuco 213 Jamaica 317 Ucayali–Urubamba Piedmont
121 Columbia Unglaciated 145 Ouachita Highlands 168 Ameca–Manantlan 214 Hispaniola 318 Mamore–Madre de Dios Piedmont
122 Upper Snake 146 Central Prairie 169 Rio Balsas 215 Puerto Rico–Virgin Islands 319 Guapore–Itenez
331 Southeastern Mata Atlantica 505 Lower Niger–Benue Malaysia
332 Lower Uruguay 506 Niger Delta Northern Asia 736 Aceh
333 Upper Uruguay 507 Upper Niger 601 Irgyz–Turgai 737 Indian Ocean Slope of Sumatra and Java
334 Laguna dos Patos 508 Inner Niger Delta 602 Ob 738 Southern Central Sumatra
335 Tramandai–Mampituba 509 Senegal–Gambia 603 Upper Irtysh 739 Southern Sumatra–Western Java
336 Central Andean Pacific Slopes 510 Fouta–Djalon 604 Chuya 740 Central and Eastern Java
337 Titicaca 511 Northern Upper Guinea 605 Yenisei 741 Kapuas
338 Atacama 512 Southern Upper Guinea 606 Lake Baikal 742 Northwestern Borneo
339 Mar Chiquita–Salinas Grandes 513 Mount Nimba 607 Taimyr 743 Borneo Highlands
340 Cuyan–Desaguadero 514 Eburneo 608 Lena 744 Northeastern Borneo
341 South Andean Pacific Slopes 515 Ashanti 609 Kolyma 745 Eastern Borneo
342 Chaco 516 Volta 610 Anadyr 746 Southeastern Borneo
343 Paraguay 517 Bight Drainages 611 East Chukotka 747 Malukku
344 Upper Parana 518 Northern Gulf of Guinea Drainages–Bioko 612 Koryakia 748 Lesser Sunda Islands
345 Lower Parana 519 Western Equatorial Crater Lakes 613 Kamchatka and Northern Kurils 749 Sulawesi
346 Iguassu 520 Lake Chad 614 Okhotsk Coast 750 Malili Lakes
347 Bonaerensean Drainages 521 Lake Victoria Basin 615 Coastal Amur 751 Lake Poso
348 Patagonia 522 Upper Nile 616 Lower Amur 752 Mindanao
349 Valdivian Lakes 523 Lower Nile 617 Middle Amur 753 Lake Lanao
350 Galapagos Islands 524 Nile Delta 618 Argun 755 Northern Philippine Islands
351 Juan Fernandez Island 525 Ethiopian Highlands 619 Shilka (Amur) 756 Palawan–Busuanga–Mindoro
352 Fluminense 526 Lake Tana 620 Songhua Jiang 757 Western Taiwan
527 Western Red Sea Drainages 621 Inner Mongolia Endorheic Basins 758 Eastern Taiwan
Europe and Middle East 528 Northern Eastern Rift 622 Western Mongolia 759 Hainan
401 Iceland–Jan Mayen 529 Horn of Africa 623 Dzungaria 760 Northern Annam
402 Northern British Isles 530 Lake Turkana 624 Balkash–Alakul 761 Song Hong
403 Cantabric Coast–Languedoc 531 Shebelle–Juba 625 Tarim 762 Yunnan Lakes
404 Central and Western Europe 532 Ogooue–Nyanga–Kouilou–Niari 626 Lower and Middle Syr Darya 763 Xi Yiang
405 Norwegian Sea Drainages 533 Southern Gulf of Guinea Drainages 627 Lake Issyk Kul–Upper Chu 764 Upper Yangtze
406 Northern Baltic Drainages 534 Sangha 628 Northern Central Asian Highlands 765 Middle Yangtze
407 Barents Sea Drainages 535 Sudanic Congo–Oubangi 629 Aral Sea Drainages 766 Lower Yangtze
408 Southern Baltic Lowlands 536 Uele 630 Middle Amu Darya 767 Coastal Fujian–Zeijang
409 Lake Onega–Lake Ladoga 537 Cuvette Centrale 631 Upper Amu Darya 768 Andaman Islands
410 Volga–Ural 538 Tumba 632 Qaidan 769 Nicobar Islands
411 Western Caspian Drainages 539 Upper Congo Rapids 633 Upper Huang He
412 Western Iberia 540 Upper Congo 634 Upper Huang He Corridor Australia and Pacific
413 Southern Iberia 541 Albertine Highlands 635 Huang He Great Bend 801 Southwestern Australia
414 Eastern Iberia 542 Lake Tanganyika 636 Lower Huang He 802 Pilbara
415 Gulf of Venice Drainages 543 Malagarasi–Moyowosi 637 Liao He 803 Kimberley
416 Italian Peninsula and Islands 544 Bangweulu–Mweru 638 Eastern Yellow Sea Drainages 804 Paleo
417 Upper Danube 545 Upper Lualaba 639 Southeastern Korean Peninsula 805 Arafura–Carpentaria
418 Dniester–Lower Danube 546 Kasai 640 Hamgyong–Sanmaek 806 Lake Eyre Basin
419 Dalmatia 547 Mai Ndombe 641 Sakhalin, Hokkaido, and Sikhote– 807 Eastern Coastal Australia
420 Southeast Adriatic Drainages 548 Malebo Pool Alin Coast 808 Murray–Darling
421 Ionian Drainages 549 Lower Congo Rapids 642 Honshu–Shikoku–Kyushu 809 Bass Strait Drainages
422 Vardar 550 Lower Congo 643 Biwa Ko 810 Southern Tasmania
423 Thrace 551 Cuanza 811 New Zealand
424 Aegean Drainages 552 Namib Southern Asia 812 Vogelkop–Bomberai
425 Dnieper–South Bug 553 Etosha 701 Baluchistan 813 New Guinea North Coast
426 Crimea Peninsula 554 Karstveld Sink Holes 702 Helmand–Sistan 814 New Guinea Central Mountains
427 Don 555 Zambezian Headwaters 703 Lower and Middle Indus 815 Southwest New Guinea–Trans-Fly Lowland
428 Kuban 556 Upper Zambezi Floodplains 704 Yaghistan 816 Papuan Peninsula
429 Western Anatolia 557 Kafue 705 Indus Himalayan Foothills 817 Bismarck Archipelago
430 Northern Anatolia 558 Middle Zambezi–Luangwa 706 Upper Indus 818 Solomon Islands
431 Central Anatolia 559 Lake Malawi 707 Tibetan Plateau Endorheic Drainages 819 Vanuatu
432 Southern Anatolia 560 Zambezian Highveld 708 Namuda–Tapi 820 New Caledonia
433 Western Transcaucasia 561 Lower Zambezi 709 Ganges Delta and Plain 821 Fiji
434 Kura–South Caspian Drainages 562 Mulanje 710 Ganges Himalayan Foothills 822 Wallis–Futuna
435 Sinai 563 Eastern Zimbabwe Highlands 711 Upper Brahmaputra 823 Samoas
436 Coastal Levant 564 Coastal East Africa 712 Middle Brahmaputra 824 Society Islands
437 Orontes 565 Lake Rukwa 713 Northern Deccan Plateau 825 Tubuai Islands
438 Jordan River 566 Southern Eastern Rift 714 Southern Deccan Plateau 826 Marquesas Islands
439 Southwestern Arabian Coast 567 Tana, Athi, and Coastal Drainages 715 Western Ghats 827 Rapa
440 Arabian Interior 568 Pangani 716 Southeastern Ghats 828 Hawaiian Islands
441 Lower Tigris and Euphrates 569 Okavango 717 Sri Lanka Dry Zone 829 East Caroline Islands
442 Upper Tigris and Euphrates 570 Kalahari 718 Sri Lanka Wet Zone 830 West Caroline Islands
443 Oman Mountains 571 Southern Kalahari 719 Chin Hills–Arakan Coast
444 Lake Van 572 Western Orange 720 Sitang–Irawaddy
445 Orumiyeh 573 Karoo 721 Upper Salween
highland lakes in Cameroon along with Africa’s Lake Tana; the Tocantins-Araguaia systems. The Tocantins-Araguaia, as
northwestern and eastern Madagascar; freshwaters from well as the highly endemic São Francisco, were defined as units
Turkey’s central Anatolia region, the northern British Isles, the of analysis in Revenga and colleagues (1998), but fish data were
Philippines, Sri Lanka, India’s western Ghats, the southwest- unavailable for those basins when that study was done.
ern Balkans, and northwest Mediterranean; southwestern Systems never before analyzed globally but recognized in
Australia and nearly the entire island of New Guinea; Eurasian our results as exceptionally rich for fish include those of the
lakes, including Baikal, Inle, and Sulawesi’s Lake Poso and Malay Peninsula’s eastern slope and Japan. A large number of
Malili system; Death Valley in the United States and Mexico’s ecoregions are identified for the first time for highly endemic
Pánuco system; and South America’s Iguaçu River, Lake Tit- faunas, measured as percentage endemism. Newly identified
icaca, and the freshwaters of both the Mata Atlántica and the ecoregions with at least 50% endemism include Africa’s
continent’s northwestern Pacific coast. Additionally, newly Cuanza, Australia’s Lake Eyre Basin, Mexico’s Mayrán-Viesca,
available data show that some systems previously recognized and New Zealand, as well as a large number of highly depau-
for high endemism, such as those of South America’s Guianas, perate ecoregions such as Africa’s karstveld sink holes, Turkey’s
also exhibit exceptional richness. Lake Van, the Oman Mountains, western Mongolia, and
Because our ecoregions cover all nonmarine waters, and Hawaii.
because they often exist as subdivisions of major river basins, Each of the biodiversity analyses that we offer here em-
our results also highlight a number of smaller systems for the phasizes different sets of ecoregions, suggesting that a single
first time in global analyses. Using finer-resolution data allowed measure of species diversity might overlook ecoregions of
us to identify the high richness of the Congo’s Malebo Pool important biodiversity value. In a comparative analysis of
and Kasai basin. Cuba and Hispaniola stand out for biodiversity value, ecoregions are probably best evaluated
endemism, along with the Amazon’s western piedmont and against others within the same region, with similar historical
and environmental characteristics, and of similar size to ac- Caveats and limitations
count for the typically positive relationship between river Ecoregions are delineated based on the best available infor-
discharge and fish species richness (Oberdorff et al. 1995). mation, but data describing freshwater species and ecologi-
Nonetheless, some systems, such as the Amazon and many of cal processes are characterized by marked gaps and variation
Africa’s Rift Valley lakes, stand out by nearly any measure of in quality and consistency. Data quality is generally consid-
fish biodiversity and are indisputable global conservation ered high for North America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan,
priorities. western Europe, and Russia; moderate for Central America,
the southern cone of South America, southern and western
Conservation applications Africa, Oceania, and the Middle East; and poor for much of
The ecoregion map and associated species data summarized southeastern Asia, central and eastern Africa, and South
here have a number of conservation applications. At global America north of the Paraná River basin.
and regional scales the ecoregion map can be used to distin- Freshwater ecoregions are not homogeneous units. Within
There is no definitive, error-free data source for classifying and associated species data begin to improve access to pre-
fish species as freshwater, brackish, or marine. We chose to use viously dispersed and difficult to access freshwater biodiver-
the global FishBase habitat assignments, which are derived sity information. We hope that this set of products catalyzes
from the literature, to ensure that any given species in our data- additional work toward a better understanding of freshwater
base would be classified consistently wherever it occurred. We species distributions and—of equal if not more importance—
recognize that errors of omission or commission may derive leads to a ramping up of freshwater conservation activity
from inaccuracies in the FishBase assignments as well as and success.
from the habitat plasticity of some species. All species in-
formation provided to us by experts, regardless of habitat Acknowledgments
assignment, is retained in our database for future analyses. The authors would like to thank the dozens of scientists who
The preliminary richness and endemism numbers pre- contributed to development of the ecoregion map and syn-
sented here are in some cases markedly different from exist- thesis of fish species data: E. K. Abbam, Vinicius Abilhoa,