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Co3 Eng.10 Informative Writing

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Teaching Dates and Time MARCH 5, 2024 @ 2-3PM



A. Grade Standards The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her
understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of
World Literature, including Philippine Literature.

B. Learning Use a variety of informative, persuasive, and argumentative writing techniques.

Competencies/Objectives EN10WC-IIIb14.1.2
Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. identify the techniques and features of informative writing.
2. appreciate the significance of getting information in daily life; and
3. create effective pieces of informative writing using the techniques.
II. CONTENT Using Informative Writing Techniques


A. References K to 12 BEC/ENGLISH/Self-Learning Module

English 10 Quarter 3-Module 2A/ Internet websites
1. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 BEC/ENGLISH/Self-Learning Module
pages English 10 Quarter 3-Module 2A/ Internet websites

2. Learner’s K to 12 BEC/ENGLISH/Self-Learning Module

Materials pages English 10 Quarter 3-Module 2A/ Internet websites

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Youtube.com & Google



A. Reviewing previous A. Prayer KRA 2:

lesson or presenting the B. Greetings
C. Checking of Attendance Objective 5. Established
new lesson D. Classroom Rules safe and secure learning
environments to
The teacher will impose the following rules for smooth discussion
enhance learning
 Maintain cleanliness and orderliness inside the classroom. through the consistent
 Raise your hand if you want to answer and do not answer in chorus. implementation of
 Be polite and respectful the opinions of others. policies,
 Observe precautionary measures in case of emergency brought to us by
natural /man-made hazards. guidelines and
E. Review
The students will give a recap about the previous lesson. (Principle of
Questions to be asked: preparedness: the
1. What is Argumentative Writing?
2. Enumerate the elements of Argumentative Writing? student must be
physically and
mentally prepared)

Inquiry-based learning
is an approach to
learning that emphasizes
the student’s role in the
learning process. Rather
than the teacher telling
students what they need
to know, students are
encouraged to explore
the material, ask
questions, and share

B. Establishing a MOTIVATION: (LET US TRY) Discovery Learning

purpose for the lesson ( the teacher leads the
Hunting Time. Read the words in the WORD BOX. Circle/ highlight each word
students to discover the
you can find in the puzzle. The words maybe hidden in any direction.
new lesson of the day)

Extrinsic motivation re
fers to behavior that is
driven by external
rewards. These rewards
can be tangible, such as
money or grades, or
intangible, such as
praise or fame.

Richard Ryan, left and

Edward Deci, developed
the Self-Determination
Theory (SDT) of
motivation, which
toppled the dominant
belief that the best way
to get human beings to
perform tasks is to
reinforce their behavior
with rewards.

C. Presenting A. Presentation of the Learning Objectives KRA 1: Objective 4.

examples/instances of the 1. Identify the techniques and features of informative writing.
2. Appreciate the significance of getting information in daily life; and Displayed proficient use
new lesson 3. Create effective pieces of informative writing using the techniques. of Mother Tongue,
B. Presentation of the Lesson Filipino and English to
C. Unlocking of Difficulties facilitate teaching and
(LET US STUDY) learning
KRA 1: Objective 1
Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if otherwise.
Applied knowledge of
1. Transitional words and phrases are used in informative writing for smooth
content within and
flow of information.
across curriculum
2. Biased information is needed in informative writing. teaching areas
3. The thesis statement is the most significant component of an informative
test. Learning Across
4. In explaining a topic , reliable and credible sources are needed. Discipline (LAD)-
5. Accurate and essential data are included in an informative text.
Language Arts/English:
Writing is the most complex of the four macro skills in communication. It takes Informative essays
years and a lot of practice to master this skill. However, since writing is part of inherently involve
life, you need to hone your writing skills to prepare you for academic and reading, writing, and
professional demands.
critical thinking skills.
Informative writing explains a specific topic. The information included in Students can practice
informative texts is grounded on facts. Informative or informational texts may analyzing and
follow a number of structures like description, sequence, cause and effect, synthesizing
problem-solution, and comparison and contrast. information, organizing
their thoughts logically,
An informative text educates readers about a topic or subject. It is meant to and effectively
inform others using credible sources as evidence – facts, statistics, and other
communicating their
research data. Informative texts usually answer the five Ws: who, where, when,
what, and why. Sometimes, they also describe “how” to do or accomplish ideas through writing.
something. They can also explore
literary techniques used
When choosing a topic for informative writing, focus on a specific topic. Consider in informative writing to
the topic that is not too broad or too narrow. A topic is too broad if you cannot engage readers and
explain it in one or two pages. For example, you cannot choose special education convey information
as the topic because it has a big scope. Rather, you can be more specific and
select causes of hearing-impairment as your topic. On the other hand, a topic is
too narrow when it is very simple and can be explained in a sentence or a short
Social Studies/History:
The topic of cooperation
and peace intersects
Below are some of the best tips/techniques to help you write an excellent with social studies and
informative text: history, as students can
examine historical
1. First is tone or attitude of the author toward the topic. The attitude of the events, treaties, and
author toward the topic should always be formal, objective, and neutral.
diplomatic efforts that
2. Second, always be specific. Provide clear answers to the five Ws and one H of
the topic you are writing about. have contributed to
3. Open with an attention grabber and conclude with a summary of the main peacebuilding and
points of the essay. cooperation among
4. Use appropriate transitional words to ensure the organized, logical and smooth nations. They can
flow of ideas. explore case studies of
5. Utilize proper language and applicable vocabulary to the topic. Similarly, avoid successful cooperation
biased language. Informative writing is fact-based - biased information is
or examine the impact of
unacceptable. The writer’s opinion and beliefs do not have a place in informative
writing. conflicts on societies and
6. Make use of formatting, nonlinear texts such as flowcharts, graphs, graphic efforts to achieve peace.
organizers, and digital texts with hyperlinks when needed.
Civics/Government: In
civics and government
classes, students can
explore the roles and
responsibilities of
organizations, and non-
organizations (NGOs) in
promoting cooperation
and peace. They can
study the principles of
diplomacy, international
law, and conflict
resolution mechanisms,
as well as analyze
current events related to
global cooperation and
peacebuilding efforts.

D. Discussing new Break the students into small groups and provide them with handouts KRA 1: Objective 2.
concepts and practicing containing examples of informative writing pieces. Ask each group to analyze the
examples and identify the techniques used. Used a range of teaching
new skills #1 strategies that enhance
Example 1: learner achievement in
literacy and numeracy
Title: "The Importance of Cooperation in Achieving Peace"
Cooperation among nations and individuals is essential for the
establishment and maintenance of peace worldwide. By working together toward KRA 2: Objective 5.
common goals and resolving conflicts through diplomatic means, nations can Established safe and
foster understanding and trust, ultimately leading to long-term stability and secure learning
peace. International organizations such as the United Nations play a vital role in environment to enhance
facilitating cooperation among countries and promoting dialogue to address learning through the
global challenges. Additionally, grassroots movements and civil society initiatives
contribute to building peaceful communities by promoting tolerance, diversity,
and mutual respect. In today's interconnected world, fostering a culture of implementation of
cooperation and collaboration is imperative for creating a more peaceful and policies and guidelines.
sustainable future for all.

Example 2:
KRA 2:

Title: "Conflict Resolution Strategies for Building Peaceful Communities" Objective 6. Maintained
learning environments
Conflict is inevitable in human interactions, but how we manage and that promote fairness,
resolve conflicts can determine whether peace is maintained or disrupted.
respect and care to
Conflict resolution strategies such as mediation, negotiation, and dialogue
provide constructive ways to address disagreements and promote reconciliation. encourage learning
Mediation involves the intervention of a neutral third party to facilitate
communication and find mutually acceptable solutions. Negotiation allows
parties to engage in open dialogue and compromise to reach agreements that
address the interests of all involved. Dialogue initiatives bring together
individuals from diverse backgrounds to promote understanding, empathy, and
reconciliation. By employing these conflict resolution strategies, communities can
build trust, strengthen social cohesion, and create environments conducive to
peace and harmony.

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs

Identification of Accurately Identifies and Partially Fails to identify
Techniques identifies and explains identifies informative
explains informative informative writing
multiple writing writing techniques used
informative techniques used techniques used in the examples
writing in the examples. in the examples. or provides
techniques used Provides Provides limited inaccurate
in the examples. analysis with analysis with explanations.
Provides some minimal Analysis is
detailed analysis supporting supporting absent or
supported by evidence from evidence from unclear.
evidence from the text. the text.
the text.
Understanding Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a
of Techniques clear good basic limited
understanding understanding understanding understanding
of how of how of informative of informative
informative informative writing writing
writing writing techniques and techniques and
techniques techniques their impact on their impact on
contribute to contribute to the examples. the examples.
the the Provides some Lacks clear
effectiveness of effectiveness of connections connections
the examples. the examples. between between
Makes insightful Makes techniques and techniques and
connections connections the reader's the reader's
between between understanding. understanding.
techniques and techniques and
the overall their impact on
impact on the the reader.
Analysis Clarity Analysis is clear, Analysis is Analysis is Analysis is
well-organized, mostly clear and somewhat unclear,
and easy to organized, with unclear or disorganized, or
follow. Provides some minor disorganized, absent.
specific inconsistencies making it Examples from
examples from or lack of difficult to the text are
the text to specificity in follow. Examples vague or
support the examples from the text irrelevant to the
analysis. provided from may lack analysis.
the text. specificity or
relevance to the
Collaboration All group Most group Some group Few group
members members members members
actively actively participate in participate in
participate in participate in the discussion, the discussion,
the discussion, the discussion but and
share ideas, and and collaborate collaboration is collaboration is
collaborate effectively. somewhat minimal.
effectively. There may be lacking. There Participation is
Group members some uneven may be frequent uneven or
listen to each participation or uneven dominated by a
other and build minor conflicts. participation or few individuals.
on each other's conflicts.

E. Developing Mastery LET US PRACTICE KRA 1: Objective 3.

(leads to Formative Applied a range of
How are you doing so far? teaching strategies to
Assessment) Analysis (10 minutes): Bring the class back together for a discussion.
develop critical and
1. How effective are these techniques in conveying information to the reader.
2. Among the techniques presented as vital elements in writing informative creative thinking, as well
essay, which techniques do you find most compelling and why? as other higher-order
thinking skills.
(During discussion the
teacher must find a way
to make the topic easier)

 Critical Thinking:
Analyzing and
understanding the
features and techniques
of informative writing
require students to think
critically, make
connections, and
evaluate the significance
of each technique in an
essay. This fosters a
habit of critical thinking
that can be applied to
various aspects of life.

Effective communication
skills are vital for
fostering understanding,
resolving conflicts, and
promoting collaboration
among individuals and

Active Listening:
Actively listening to
others' concerns, needs,
and perspectives is key
to effective
communication, conflict
resolution, and building
trust and empathy.
F. Finding practical LET US PRACTICE MORE
applications of concepts
Application (15 minutes)
and skills in daily living

Directions: Apply the techniques in writing informative texts by writing a

comparison and contrast essay on one of the following topics. Use the Venn
Diagram below to help you list the similarities and differences of the two concepts
you are comparing and contrasting.

TOPIC: Ebook VS. Printed Books

G. Making Abstraction (5 minutes)
generalizations and 1. Truthfulness:
Informative writing plays a vital role not only in the academic world but also in Informative essays
abstractions about the
the real world. It is a skill so essential that it can affect your grades and future prioritize presenting
lesson job opportunities. Becoming an effective writer is not easy, but it pays to be one. accurate and factual
Truthfulness ensures
credibility and reliability,
enabling readers to trust
the information

2. Clarity: Clarity in
communication is
essential for ensuring
that the information
presented is easily
understood by the
audience. Clear and
concise language helps
convey complex concepts
and ideas effectively.

3. Objectivity:
Informative essays strive
to maintain objectivity
by presenting
information without bias
or personal opinion.
Objective writing allows
readers to form their
own opinions based on
the presented facts.

H. Evaluating learning ESSAY WRITING

Topic: The Importance of Catch-Up Fridays in Schools
Write an informative essay exploring the importance of implementing Catch-Up
Fridays in schools. In your essay, discuss the rationale behind Catch-Up Fridays
and their potential benefits for students, teachers, and the school community.
Describe how Catch-Up Fridays provide opportunities for academic support,
remediation, and enrichment activities. Discuss the role of Catch-Up Fridays in
promoting student success, reducing stress and burnout, and fostering a positive
school culture. Provide examples of successful implementation of Catch-Up
Fridays in schools and their impact on student achievement and well-being.
Additionally, address any potential challenges or considerations for effectively
implementing Catch-Up Fridays in schools.

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs

Participation Actively Engages in the Participates in Lacks
engages in the activity and the activity but participation
activity, contributes may be hesitant and
contributes ideas, but may to contribute demonstrates
insightful ideas, need prompting ideas or engage disinterest or
and to participate fully. reluctance to
demonstrates fully. engage in the
enthusiasm. activity.
Understanding Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates a
of Topic thorough good basic limited
understanding understanding understanding understanding
of the topic and of the topic and of the topic but of the topic, and
provides provides lacks depth in analysis is
insightful relevant analysis. superficial or
analysis. analysis. inaccurate.
Creativity and Presents Presents some Presents few Presents little to
Innovation creative and creative ideas creative ideas no creative
innovative ideas for for ideas for
for implementing implementing implementing
implementing Catch-Up Catch-Up Catch-Up
Catch-Up Fridays, with Fridays, and Fridays, with
Fridays, some evidence evidence may little to no
supported by to support be lacking or evidence
evidence. them. weak. provided.
Communication Communicates Communicates Communicates Communication
Skills ideas clearly and ideas clearly, ideas is unclear or
effectively, using but may need adequately, but disorganized,
appropriate occasional may struggle making it
language and clarification or with clarity or difficult to
examples. elaboration. organization. understand the
ideas presented.

I. Additional activities for

application or remediation

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up in the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with other
Prepared by:


Teacher I

Inspected by:
Head Teacher II

Verified by:
Principal II

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