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A Periodical Review Issued by Statistics Department

Issue No. 02/2023 Reporting Period: 01- 28/02/2023

(1) Monetary Indicators: -

(SDG Million)

Period Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb.

Indicator 2021** 2022** 2023* 2023*

Broad Money (1+2) M2 3,296,959 4,927,294 4,941,381 5,058,727

Growth rate of M2% 153.2 49.4 0.3 2.7

1. Narrow Money (A+B) M1 1,833,718 2,568,420 2,477,664 2,590,270

A. Currency with the public 905,706 1,245,562 1,138,039 1,221,037

Currency with public / broad money% 27.5 25.3 23.0 24.1

B. Demand deposits 928,013 1,322,858 1,339,625 1,369,233

Demand deposits / broad money% 28.1 26.8 27.1 27.1

2. Quasi Money 1,463,240 2,358,874 2,463,718 2,468,457

Quasi money/ broad money% 44.4 47.9 49.9 48.8

Total Banks Assets/Liabilities 3,518,275 5,334,555 5,608,860 5,712,904

Total Banks Finance 1,031,236 1,808,992 1,840,004 1,854,849

Total Banks Deposits 2,156,570 3,358,380 3,499,276 3,501,131

Total banks finance / deposits% 47.8 53.9 52.6 53.0

* Provisional Data
** Amended Data

Website: www.cbos.gov.sd
Email: publications@cbos.gov.sd

(2) Liquidity Position During (December 2021 – February 2023)

(3) Banks Deposits*: -

(SDG Million)

Particular 31/01/2023** 28/02/2023 %Change

Deposits Local Foreign Local Foreign Local Foreign

Demand 1,191,048.6 424,220.8 1,212,091.9 356,893.9 1.8 (15.9)

Saving 988,946.6 59,124.5 1,024,963.2 60,963.0 3.6 3.1

Investment 360,080.8 385,726.6 365,889.2 383,872.8 1.6 (0.5)

Margins on LCs & LGs 5,308.5 82,437.2 4,840.8 89,155.7 (8.8) 8.1

Others 1,308.7 1,073.8 1,053.5 1,406.9 (19.5) 31.0

Total 2,546,693.2 952,582.9 2,608,838.7 892,292.3 2.4 (6.3)

3,499,276.2 3,501,131.0 0.1

* Deposits of residents & non-residents

** Amended Data

(4) Banks Finance during (1- 28/02/2023): -
A) Murabaha weighted average profit margins amounted to 28.3% and Musharaka weighted average was 31.7%.
B) Murabaha profit margins ranged between 1% (Agriculture Sudanese Bank) and 55% (Agriculture Sudanese Bank( .
C) Musharaka shares ranged between 10% (Al-Jazeera Sudanese Jordanian Bank, Tadamon Islamic Bank, and Saving
& Social Development Bank) and 90% (Omdurman National Bank and Tadamon Islamic Bank).

D) Flow of Commercial Banks Finance by Modes of Finance during (March 2022- February 2023)


SDG Millions




Murabha Mushraka Mudaraba Slam Mugawala Ijarah Istisna' Gard-hsan Others
Mar-22 125,459 15,756 3,030 1,217 3,853 482 1 2,141 10,988
Jun-22 71,425 4,598 1,316 1,401 3,601 578 0 137 15,578
Sep-22 121,890 13,229 3,247 18,945 1,815 587 25 44 10,855
Dec-22 232,712 13,008 2,118 1,267 54,016 341 128 97 17,346
Jan-23 148,937 8,365 991 732 2,804 405 164 8 7,692
Feb-23 134,571 4,708 902 622 2,509 451 324 2,022 4,258

E) Flow and Stock of Banks Finance in Local Currency by Sectors at the end of February 2023
(SDG Millions)

Sector Flow* Percentage (%) Stock* Percentage (%)

Agriculture 27,329.8 18.2 411,965.8 24.2

Industry 51,904.6 34.5 402,321.4 23.6
Transport 6,854.5 4.6 135,127.1 7.9
Storage 0.0 0.0 20.7 0.0
Local Trade 843.7 0.6 70,085.7 4.1
Exports 20,312.4 13.5 188,293.3 11.1
Imports 7,217.8 4.8 32,551.3 1.9
Construction 762.8 0.5 105,833.1 6.2
Energy & Mining 8,417.6 5.6 68,311.2 4.0
Nonbank Financial Institution 352.5 0.2 19,751.2 1.2
State &Local Gov. 0.0 0.0 17,032.4 1.0
Others 26,371.5 17.5 252,223.8 14.8
Total 150,367.1 100.0 1,703,516.9 100.0
* Provisional data

(5) Inflation Rate: -

Inflation rate decreased from 83.6% at the end of January 2023 to 63.3% at the end of
February 2023.

The Inflation Rates at the End of Month (December 2021 - February 2023)




% 148.9
100 87.32 83.6


Dec-21 Mar-22 Jun-22 Sep-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23
Inflation rates (%) 318.2 263.2 148.9 107.4 87.32 83.6 63.3

(6) Exchange Rate: -

The average exchange rate of USD against the Sudanese pound at the Commercial Banks
and Exchange Bureaus as at 28th February 2023.

Rate 31/01/2023 28/02/2023 Change%

Particulars Buying Buying Selling

Buying Rate Selling Rate Selling Rate
Rate Rate Rate

Commercial Banks 581.6345 586.1281 588.7338 593.3022 1.22 1.22

Exchange Bureaus 577.5005 583.0362 580.4174 585.0601 0.51 0.35

(7) Balance of Payments: -
(USD Millions)

Period Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2022** 2022** 2022** 2022*

A- Current account )1+2+3( (2,264.7) (598.4) (425.0) (1,666.5) (1,528.8)

1. Balance on Goods and services (

(3,251.2) (848.9) (606.2) (2,076.0) (2,135.8)
i+ii )

i. Balance on Trade in Goods

(3,557.4) (897.2) (655.2) (1,985.3) (2,090.2)

- Exports 5,027.4 1378.2 1555.3 729.5 694.4

- Imports 8,584.7 2275.3 2210.5 2,714.9 2,784.6

ii. Balance on Trade in Services 306.1 48.3 49.0 (90.7) (45.6)

- Receipts 1,637.0 420.0 389.6 431.7 309.5

- Payments 1,330.8 371.8 340.5 522.3 355.0

2. Balance on Primary income

(1,344.4) (373.7) (271.2) (240.9) 31.5
3. Balance on Secondary income
2,330.9 624.2 452.3 650.4 575.6
(Current Transfers)

B- Capital account 103.3 21.1 27.7 33.7 30.5

C- Financial accounts (1,189.5) )852.8( )237.7( )873.4( 44.0

of which:
Reserve assets 1,108.7 )34.1( 12.1 55.0 )179.7(

Net errors and omissions 971.9 )275.4( 159.6 759.5 1,542.3

Note: The BOPs items were reviewed based on the balance of payments and international investment position manual sixth
edition (BPM6-2009).
* Provisional Data
** Amended Data

(8) Stock Exchange Dealing Position: -
Khartoum Stock Exchange Market Transactions During (1 - 28/02/2023): -
Transactions took place on shares of 13 companies in Banks &Investment
corporations, Industrial, Commercial, Investment & Development, and Telecom &
Media sectors.
8.1 : Traded Shares
No. of Shares Value Percentage No. of
Sector Shares (000s SDG) (%( Contracts
Banks and Investment Corporations Sector 50,927,807 1,545,337 90.5 29
Industrial Sector 822,533 74,103 4.3 5
Commercial Sector 10,000 11,523 0.7 1
Investment and Development 600,000 75,000 4.4 1
Telecom and Media Sector 29,085 1,000 0.1 1
TOTAL 52,389,425 1,706,962 100.0 37
Source: Khartoum Stock Exchange

8.2 : Mutual Funds and Sukuk: -
No. of Percent No. of
Sector Value
Shares (%) Contracts
(000s SDG)
Medical Equipment Investment Fund (MEIF) 36,427 27,004.0 16.1 8
Albaraka 3rd Investment Fund (ENGAZ-3) 42,225 4,277.0 2.6 17
Government Investment Sukuk (16.3) (2.16.3) 1,200 121.0 0.1 1
Livestock 2nd investment fund (IWC2) 3,819 3,872.5 2.3 6
Sudatel 2nd Investment Fund (SIF2) 1,180,114 122,731.9 73.2 38
Fund of Financing Mining Sector (FFMS) 1,200 1,212.0 0.7 1
Meat Production & Marketing Investment Fund (MMIF) 24,000 2,400.0 1.4 1
Albaraka 4th Investment Fund (ENGAZ-4) 10,506 1,059.6 0.6 7
Renewable Energy Investment Fund Sukuk (AWG) 9,205 4,630.1 2.8 1
Investment Export 2nd Fund (IEF2) 294 296.6 0.2 1
TOTAL 1,308,990 167,604.8 100.0 81
Source: Khartoum Stock Exchange

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