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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely
my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that the work is my own is malpractice and
can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for
further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and
information for learners and Learning Partners’ while completing all parts of this assessment.
Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from
the relevant resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organization* Taheem Construction Company
Site location* DHA Islamabad (Pakistan)
Number of workers 110
Taheem Construction Company is a well reputed company in
Pakistan for its professional ethics and highly qualified results.
The company constructs buildings such as Shopping
Malls,Hospiitals, Hotles,Colleges, Universities and Houses.The
Company is working on a university building project.It has a
parking area and an office .Heavy machinery is working on the
site such as ,Excavator, Bulldozers, Graders, Dump Trucks,
Loaders, Truckers, Concrete Mixer Machines ,Drill machines
General description of the
and Tower cranes. The company is involved in a variety of
activities such as Excavation, Concreting, Carpentry, Brick
masonry, Loading and unloading, Welding, Plumbing, Drilling,
Manual handling, Vehicles movement and Worker
The company works six day in a week (Saturday to Thursday)
with a single shift system of ten hours (8am to 6pm) including
a one- hour lunch break(1pm to 2pm) and a half-hour tea
break(3:30pm to 4pm). Friday is day off
SsDescription of the area to be All construction activities, parking area and office will be
included in the risk
covered by risk assessment.
The company has a HSC department which consist of safety
Any other relevant information manager, safety manager has ultimate responsibility of health
and safety issues.
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your
organization but, all other information provided must be factual.
You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.
Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
Outline how the risk Before the site visit, I studied about health and safety
assessment was carried measurements. For this purpose I went through HSE’s website. Here
out this should include: I visited https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/hsg150.htm
• sources of (HSG150)and https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/books/l153.htm
information (L153).I also went through the ILO website and visited
consulted; http://www.ilo.org/global/topics/safety-and-health-at-
• who you spoke work/normative-instruments/code-of-
to; and practice/WCMS_107898/lang--en/index.htm and
• how you
- the hazards;
- what is already I also studied the FACTORY ACT 1934.By means of these resources,
being done; and I gained a very handy information about the safety and health in
- any additional construction work.
controls/actions that may After that, I arrived at the construction site and interviewed the top
be required. leadership as well as workers to examine the health and safety
situation. I observed different activities of workplace.
To identify hazard I started physical inspection of site. I reviewed
the accident and reoccurring accidents record and what precautions
are used to avoid such accidents. I also checked that the control
measures mentioned in the record are either applied to a particular
hazard in a workplace or not.
Many warning signs were used there. Through the interview I
judged that the top management is competent and well trained. I
also interviewed many workers, Their workers were also well
familiar with the health and safety measures. During visit I realized
that there was no proper emergency escape routes.
I scanned through the company health and safety policies, SOPs and
ill health records to find out what is already being done.
Following my inspection, I admonished the workers to make sure
that all SOPs are followed. I have cited many of HSE’s code of
practice while assessing the control measures. For example, during
the examination of welding operation I cited the HSE’s code of
practice and guidance L138 (Second edition) at
https://www.hse.gov.uk/fireandexplosion/resources.htm . I
recommended to the safety manager the additional measures that I
have learned and the above mentioned sources in order to
overcome worksite hazards.

Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name:
Date of assessment:
Scope of risk assessment:

Hazard category and hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for Responsible person’s job
how? required? further actions title
to be
(within …)
Electricity workers on the 1-circuit breaker 1-install 1 Electrical
site who are was used RCD(residual month engineer
Us of portable operating current device)
electrical these 2-Periodic Safety
equipment equipment inspection was 1 manager
.Failure in On daily bases done 2-Train some of month
equipment or are at risk. the workers on
use of faulty 3-Competent emergency action Maintenanc
equipment can Use of faulty operator were and first aid e manager
result in a equipment selected 1 week
shock give rise to
leakage of 4-Safety training 3-Insure pre-use
current and was provided to check and Safety
this current the operators maintenance on advisor
will flow in the electrical 1 week
body of 5- Daily TBT on equipment
equipment electrical safety
which causes was arranged
an electrical
shock. 4-Conduct
Electrical combine
shock could inspection and
lead to testing on
physical burn, electrical
cardio equipment (PAT
respiratory test)
and even

Electricity All People 1-good route of 1- provide double 2 Operations

working on trailing wires was insulated wires month manager
Use of the site and insured s
damaged the operators
wire. operating 2-Circuit breaker
Damaged electrical was installed. Operations
insulation of equipment are 2- provide good manager
wires can at risk. 3-Temporary quality electric 2
cause an One who connections on wires month
electrical intentionally wires were s
shock. or avoided
unintentionall Maintenanc
y touch the 4-additional e manager
electric wire electric outlets 3- Maintain
while he does were installed sockets and plugs
not know that and avoid lose 1 week
the insulation 5-Daily TBT on connections to
of weir is electrical safety avoid spark
damaged at was arranged
the touching Safety
point must manager
meet to an 6-Earthing with
electric shock, electrical 1
which cause connections was month
physical burns, insured 4- Train some of Electrical
cardio the workers on engineer
respiratory emergency action
effects, and first aid
muscular 1
contraction month
and death.
5- Install
current device)

FIRE All people 1- Combustible 1- Install 1 Electrical

working in and flammable additional month engineer
workplace, materials were outlets to avoid
Use of whole designated over loading.
electricity in construction
workplace. site, people 2- Good quality
Electricity is a traveling and double
major source around the insulated wires
of heat .any construction were used.
fault in site, nearby
electricity buildings and 3- loose Site
generates members of connections of 1 supervisor
ignition which the public in wires were 2-Insure good month
leads to fire nearby avoided hose keeping of
on the site buildings are site to avoid the
at risk. 4- Emergency spread of fire
response Site
As electricity is (detection, alarm 1 week supervisor
the source of , and evacuation)
heat. Use of system was 3-Insure good
any faulty present routing of reeling
electrical wires
loose 5- Sockets and
connections, plugs were
fault in plugs maintained to
and sockets avoid spark
result in a which leads to
spark, use of fire
live wires,
insulation of 6- pre-use checks
wires and over on electrical
loading could equipment was
be the source insured
of heat and it
leads to fire on
a work site.
Fire can result 7- Circuit
in property breakers were
damage, used
physical burns
of workers and
public and 8-use of live
deaths. wires was
FIRE Operators, all
worker, whole 1-Hot work 1-Confined an 2 Operation
site, public and permit was area for hot work month manager
Use of hot nearby obtained from activities to avoid s
work buildings are the appropriate the spread of fire.
techniques in at risk of fire authority.
a work place. or explosion. Site
Flame, spark supervisor
or heat could Flame, spark 2-Combustible 2-Set a good 1
be generated and heat materials were housekeeping month
by hot work produced by removed from system to avoid
and these are hot work, can nearby where chances and
the sources of travel in all the hot activities spread of fire. Safety
ignition. directions. were to be done. manager
They can 1
travel up to 35 month
feet. If there is 3-Sudden spread 3-Train workers
any of fire was on emergency Site
combustible restricted. actions and first supervisor
material aid.
(liquid, solid, 2
gas) inside 4-Fire fight weeks
that area then arrangements
there is risk of were insured. 4-Manage
fire or combustible
explosion. waste to avoid
Once ignition fire.
occurs fire can 5-Competent
spread rapidly operators were
due to many selected.
present at that
site. As a 6-PPEs (Helmet,
result, workers Flame resistant
and public clothing ,apron,
may face Gloves, Shoes
physical burns and Earplugs)
and death. were used
Property will
also be
(detection, alarm
and evacuation)
was developed.
DSE work An operator at 1-Chairs of good 1-provide a 1 week Site
station risk to face ergonomic suitable lighting at supervisor
musculoskelet design were site office
al disorders arranged.
Use of display and upper 1
screen in a site limb disorders week Site
office. 2-Side table of a 2-provide supervisor
unAdjustable nice shape with document holders
and enough space
poor design Performing was provided. 1
display screen different tasks month Safety
, which may 3-Provide advisor
Unhealthy need bending 3-Headset for ergonomic
environment twisting, and telephone awareness
can cause a over reaching answering was training to the
musculoskelet with given. operators.
al health issue. unadjustable 2
and poor weeks Medical
design 4-acceptable rest officer
equipment or break was
in a unhealthy provided 4-insure free eye
environment test facility to the
result in back operators.
injuries, back 5-ventilation
pain,WRULDs system was
and other insured
chronic soft-
tissue injuries.
6-LCD was
located in such a
position where
light could not be
reflected through

7-A flexible LCD

was provided
Manual The workers 1- By using 1-Train workers 2 Safety
handling who perform machines on good manual weeks manager
these manual (Forklift trucks handling
handling and Pallet techniques.
Manual activities on pumps), a good
handling on a daily bases are plan was execute Operation
work side. at risk. to avoid manual 1 manager
Activities such handling. 2-Pick workers for month
as, lifting, Manual manual handling
carrying, handling result on the bases of
pushing, in third of all physical fitness
pulling or worksite 2- Job rotation and experience
handling an injuries. If a technique was
item or manual used.
material handling
invariably can activity does
result in a not perform
serious injury. properly, it can 3- Team lifting
lead to a for heavy load
serious injury. was insured.
For example,
while lifting a
load if a
worker does 4- Rest breaks
not choose were provided.
such as
remove 5-Manual
obstruction handling aids
from the (Trolleys, Sack
route, keep trucks and
the load close wheelbarrows)
to the body, were used to
keep the move items and
heaviest side materials.
of the load
next to the
boy and adopt
a stable
position, then
he can face
causes some
serious injuries
such as back
injury, tendon
and ligament
WRULDs, cuts,
burns and
broken bones.
Slip and trip All workers 1- Non-slippery 1- Display wet 1 Safety
and public shoes were ground or road week manager
move around provided to the signs.
in work site workers.
Due to oil and are at risk. Operation
water spillage, 1 manager
wetness of Workers and 2- Good 2- Make and mark month
floor, slippery public move housekeeping pedestrian walk
shoes, path around in was maintained ways. Safety
holes, scatted workplace to control spill. manager
materials, being 1
trailing wires, pedestrian can month
uneven floors face slip, trip 3- Leakages of oil 3- Provide spillage Area
one may meet and fall which and water were control kits. supervisor
to a slip, trip can results in controlled to
and fall. some serious avoid spill. 1 week
injuries such
as fracturing 4-insure salting
bones, 4- Separate and greeting to
dislocating storage place avoid slippery
joints, sprains, was designated
strains and for each material
concussions. to eliminate the
trip chances.

5- Good routs of
trailing wires
were insured.

6- Safety signs
for sudden
change in the
ground level
were highlighted.

7- Path holes
were eliminated
Movement of All pedestrians 1- Pedestrians 1-Install flashing 2 Maintenanc
people and (workers and crossing points and audio alarm in weeks e manager
vehicle public were designated vehicles.
members) In
workplace are Electrical
Movement of at risk. 2- Marking and 2-Improve site 1 engineer
vehicles signage were visibility through month
around in Lack of, displayed at good lighting s
workplace can separated pedestrians arrangements. Operation
cause collision vehicles and crossing points. manager
between pedestrians
vehicles and routs, speed 3-Make vehicles 3
pedestrians. restrictions, 3- Speed free zone and month
proper breakers were pedestrian’s free s Area
crossing points used in the zone at site. supervisor
for workplace.
breakers, signs 4- Separate site 4-Force speed 1 week
and warnings iterance was limit at work site
can results in provided for
collision pedestrians and
between vehicles.
vehicles an
which leads to 5- Physical
some serious barrier were
injuries (Legs installed
,arms and between
other bones pedestrians and
factures, Head vehicles routs.
brain 6- Banksmen
injury(TBI) were used in
,Spinal cord workplace while
injury, neck reversing the
injuries,) and vehicles.

7- High visible
jackets were
Hazardous All workers
substances and visitors in 1- Cement dust 1-Provide RPE 2 Safety
work place was being (respiratory weeks manager
are at risk. damped through protective
Use of cement water spray equipment).
at work site. Exposure to
In its powder cement at a Operational
form, it is work site is manager
irritant dust harmful for all 2- Washing 2- Use monitoring 1
and once mix workers and facilities were devices to find out month
the water it is visitors. They provided the work place Medical
corrosive on may receive a exposure limit. officer
the skin and in dose of it
the eyes. through 3- Eating rooms 1 week
Inhalation, were present. 3- Conduct
Ingestion, and worker health
Absorption surveillance on a Admin
through the 4- Site waste regular basis. manager
skin and management 1
injection system was month Safety
through the ensured. manager
skin which can 4-Provide especial
results in work clothes. 1 week
irritation of 5- Health and
the respiratory safety training
tract, corrosive related to 5-Ensure eating
burns to the cement was and drinking
eyes, irritant conducted prohibition at
dermatitis on work place to
skin contact, avoid receiving a
allergic 6-PPEs were dose of cement.
dermatitis on provided
repeated skin
contact and
burns to the
skin on
contact. Long
term exposure
could also lead
Hazardous All workers 1- Washing 1- Use 1 Site
Substances and visitors facilities monitorin month supervisor
were at risk. were g devices
High provided to find out
concentration Exposure to to avoid the 2 Safety
of dust at work dust is harmful ingestion worksite weeks advisor
site due to for every through exposure
excavation, worker and hands. limit.
movement of visitors at
vehicles and worksite as it 2- separate 2- Conduct 2 Finance
demolition. is spread eating work month manager
everywhere in rooms health s
the workplace were surveillanc Medical
which can present e on officer
cause acute as
well as chronic at regular 1
diseases. worksite bases. month
They expose s Site
to it and 3- Health supervisor
inhale, and and 3- Provide
absorb it .It safety especial
may leads to training work 1 week
irritation of regardin clothes to
the respiratory g dust all
track, irritant protectio workers
dermatitis on n was and
skin contact, conducte visitors.
allergic d
dermatitis on 4- Provide
skin. Long 4- PPPs respirator
term exposure were y
may cause provided protective
lungs cancer. to the equipmen
They may workers. t to avoid
receive a dose inhalation
of it through
5- Damping
spray to
the spread
of dust

Part 3: Priorities 3 actions with justification for the selection

Suggested word counts
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words
Moral, general legal and financial arguments for ALL actions
Moral, general legal and MORAL:
financial arguments It is the moral duty of Taheem construction company to protect its
worker from any sort of ill health and injury by developing a proper
safe system of work. It is also the worker’s right that when they go
to earn their living they return their home safely. Not only the
workers are affected by an injury, death or disease but also their
families which is morally not acceptable. So it is the moral duty of
company to provide them a safe work zoon where they perform
their duties safely.

Interests of workers in Pakistan are generally protected at national
level by Pakistan factory act-1934. Meanwhile a further
requirement of ILO C167- safety and health in construction
convention, 1988 (No. 167) and ILO R175- Safety and health in
construction Recommendation, 1988 (No. 175) is that employer
must protect their employees from all hazards present at a
construction site. In case of non-compliance, company may face
fines, enforcement agencies actions, legal notices and even in
serious circumstances license could be cancelled.

If health and safety is not managed properly, there might be more
accidents and ill health cases. Consequences, company will have
to face direct and indirect costs associated with that event. Direct
costs include, first-aid treatment, sick pay of workers and repairing
damaged plants and equipment. These can also include shortage
of production due to shortage of workers. If the worker or his family
approaches the civil court, company may face compensation and
Indirect costs include, reputation and image of company may
suffer, loss of time during investigation of accident, damage of
industrial relation, Delay in production, loss of time and money to
train and recruit the new staff and loss of customer trust. Accident
may also reduce the morale of workers.

Justification for action 1

Action (Taken from column 4 Ensure pre-use check and maintenance on electrical
of risk assessment) equipment
(Hazard category: Electricity)
Specific legal arguments According to Article 26. (3). of ILO C167- Safety and Health in
Construction Convention, 1988 (No.167) The laying and
maintenance of electrical cables and apparatus on
construction sites shall be governed by the technical rules and
standards applied at the national level.
As per III. Preventive and protective measures 15. (1) Of ILO
R175- Safety and Health in construction Recommendation,
1988 (No. R175) The safety of construction machinery and
equipment should be examined and tested by type or
individually, as appropriate, by a competent person.
According to above articles it is the duty of employer to make
a check and maintenance on electrical equipment. In case of
violation there may be serious health issues for workers.
Consequences company will face fines and legal actions.

Consideration of likelihood Due to the lack of check and maintenance of electrical

AND severity equipment to minimize the use of faulty electrical equipment
• types of injury or ill the likelihood is very probable because operators do not
health concern with management about these faulty equipment and
top management do not take any action for health and safety
• number of workers at of operators .
Use of faulty equipment results in electric shock which causes
• how often the activity many health issues include, physical burns, cardio respiratory
is carried out effects, muscular contraction and even death. So, as severity
• how widespread the categories mentioned below, the severity is categorized as
risk is Catastrophic.
Negligible : not resulting in injury or ill health
Minor: Injury or ill health which requires only first-aid
Moderate: Injury or ill health leading to partial disability
Major: serious injury or life threatening occupational disease
Catastrophic: Fatality-fatal-diseases or multiple major injuries

10 operators were at risk

As these equipment use throughout the whole 10 hours

working shift including one hour of lunch break and half hour
tea break so the frequency of the activity is very high.
The risk is present all over the work site as there was no
designated area for such activities.

How effective the action is

This control measure will maintain the electrical equipment in
likely to be in controlling the
safe condition. If any fault is identified during pre- check the
risk. This should include:
maintenance will be provided due to which there will be no
• the intended impact of flow of current in the body of electrical equipment and
the action; operators will be safe from hazard.
• justification for the
timescale that you The intended impact of this control is clearly positive for the
indicated in your risk company as on ensuring this action company will avoid
assessment; and financial loss as well as injury of operators.
• whether you think the
By accessing the level of risk, I recommended the time scale as
action will fully control
1 week because the operators were at high risk and this time
the risk
is enough to make necessary arrangements for this action.
Through successful implementation of this action and periodic
checkup on this action the risk will be fully controlled.

Justification for action 2

Action (Taken from column 4 Train workers on good manual handling techniques to avoid
of risk assessment) the injuries.
(Hazard category: Ergonomic)

Specific legal arguments Article 17(2). Of ILO C167- safety and health in construction
convention, 1988 (No. 167) state that Adequate instruction
for safe use shall be provided where appropriate by the
manufacturer or the employer, in a form of understood by the
According to R175 (HEALTH HAZARDS 43. And 44.) The
manual lifting of excessive weight which present a safety and
health risk to workers should be avoided by reducing the
weight, by the use of mechanical devices or by other means.
And whenever new products, equipment and methods are
introduced, special attention should be paid to informing and
training workers with respect to their implication for safety
and health.
Above mentioned articles requires employer to provide
training on good manual handling techniques to avoid
injuries. In case of violation company will have to face the
legal actions.
Consideration of likelihood Likelihood is very high as at work site many manual handling
AND severity tasks are performed by the workers.
• types of injury or ill During manual handling workers behave unsafely due to lack
health of manual handling techniques which may leads to some
• number of workers at injuries such as back injury, tendon and ligament injuries,
risk muscle injuries, hernies, WRULDs, cuts, and broken bones. So
the severity of hazard is major as mentioned in justification of
• how often the activity is action 1.
carried out
15 workers were at risk those who are performing manual
handling tasks.
• how widespread the
Every working day the workers are assigned to perform
risk is
manual handling tasks so the frequency of the activity is very
The risk is present in the area only where the manual handling
tasks are performed.
How effective the action is
This additional control measure will give the awareness to the
likely to be in controlling the
workers how to perform manual handling tasks safely
risk. This should include:
consequences, likelihood of accident will be reduced to a
• the intended impact of minimum.
the action;
• justification for the I have proposed a timescale of 2 weeks to the safety manager
timescale that you as this training does not requires any installation or
indicated in your risk purchasing process. Only the planning and approval is
assessment; and required For this action.
• whether you think the This action will minimize the risk adequately but the risk will
action will fully control
not eliminate fully through this action.
the risk

Justification for action 3

Action (Taken from column 4 Set a good housekeeping system at worksite to avoid the
of risk assessment) chances and spread of fire
(Hazard category: Fire)

Specific legal arguments According to Article 29 (1.a,b) and (2.) of ILO C167-Safety and
Health in Construction convention,1988 (No. 167) The
employer shall be take all appropriate measure to, avoid the
risk of fire combat quickly and efficiently any outbreak of fire
And Sufficient and suitable storage shall be provided for
flammable liquid, solids and gases.
Further SAFETY OF WORK PLACE 12.(a, b) of ILO R175-Safety
And Health in construction Recommendation, 1988 (No.175)
state that housekeeping programmers should be established
and implemented on construction site which should include
provision for,
a) The proper storage for materials and equipment.
b) The removal of waste and debris at appropriate
In case of breach of above articles company will have to face
legal actions.

Consideration of likelihood Hot work activities are such as welding and grander were
AND severity performed at worksite generates ignition which is the major
• types of injury or ill source of fire spread of flammable waste material in the area
health of hot work activities may results in fire. So the likelihood is
very high.
• number of workers at When workers are exposed to the fire they may face physical
burns and deaths so the severity is high and categories as
• how often the activity catastrophic which is mentioned in justification of action 1.
is carried out
All 150 workers at work site are at risk due to spread of fire.
• how widespread the
risk is Throughout the working hours the activity is performed on
daily base.
The risk is present at those areas where the welding and
grinding are performed.
How effective the action is
This control measure will control the chances of fire as well as
likely to be in controlling the
spread of fire. If the flammable waste is managed properly the
risk. This should include:
likelihood will be minimized which will avoid the workers
• the intended impact of injuries as well as property damage.
the action;
• justification for the I have proposed a long timescale of 1 month to the site
timescale that you supervisor as this action requires proper planning, approval,
indicated in your risk recruit the worker and train these worker. So this time scale is
assessment; and suitable for this action.
• whether you think the This action will not totally eliminate the risk but it is the
action will fully control
adequate control measure to minimize the risk.
the risk

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
• Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
• How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the
information: 100 - 150 words
• Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.
Planned review date/period I decided the next planned review will be conducted on April 8,
with reasoning 2024. Because the company policy requires that the health and
safety documents should be reviewed every year. This review
date may be change as per need , such as If, there is any
change in Pakistan health and safety laws ,any specific change in
workplace activities , change in machinery of work place,
complaints of workers regarding health and safety , and in case
any accident is occur. I will change my review date and conduct
review early to improve the safe system of work on site.
How the risk assessment To communicate the findings of risk assessment, I will arrange a
findings will be meeting with management. I will make sure the presence of
communicated AND who safety manager, Finance manager, maintenance manager, and
you need to tell the site supervisor in this meeting.
The information is shared with all middle management through
email. This middle management will be instructed to
communicate this information with workers verbally through
daily TBT. A hard copy of these findings will be displayed at
notice board. Health and safety survey will be conducted to give
awareness to the workers regarding risks and methods for
controlling these risks.
Facts obtained through this risk assessment will also be shared
on company website to make an easy approach for all.
How you will follow up on To check whether the proposed control measures are
the risk assessment to implemented at work site or not the follow-up action will be
check that the actions have taken. I will ensure proper communication with management to
been carried out fulfill the requirements for implementation of suggested
actions. I will provide my sport to the responsible person for
each suggested action completion.
To observe the performance regarding these actions I will plan a
monthly physical visit to the worksite.

If I realized any delay in suggested actions I Will find the reason

of delay. If the actions are delayed due to lack of resources I will
contact with area manager and ask him for providing the
resources. And if the delay is caused by any responsible person I
will take action against him by contacting with top management.

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