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Synthetic Data For Face Recognition: Current State and Future Prospects

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Synthetic Data for Face Recognition: Current State and Future

Fadi Boutros1 , Vitomir Struc2 ,Julian Fierrez3 , Naser Damer1,4
arXiv:2305.01021v1 [cs.CV] 1 May 2023

Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD, Darmstadt, Germany
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
School of Engineering, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Department of Computer Science, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Email: fadi.boutros@igd.fraunhofer.de

Abstract ity of large-scale identity-labeled face datasets have

Over the past years, deep learning capabilities and reshaped the research landscape of face recognition
the availability of large-scale training datasets ad- (FR) over the past years. These emerging technolo-
vanced rapidly, leading to breakthroughs in face gies have dramatically improved FR performances
recognition accuracy. However, these technologies leading to the wider integration of FR in a variety
are foreseen to face a major challenge in the next of applications from logical access control and con-
years due to the legal and ethical concerns about sumer low-end devices to automated border control.
using authentic biometric data in AI model train- State-of-the-Art (SOTA) FR models [1, 2] utilized
ing and evaluation along with increasingly utilizing large-scale face datasets e.g. CASIA-WebFace [3],
data-hungry state-of-the-art deep learning models. MS-Celeb-1M [4], or VGGFace2 [5] to train deep neu-
With the recent advances in deep generative mod- ral networks (DNN) with millions of trainable pa-
els and their success in generating realistic and high-rameters, where the goal is to optimize the empir-
resolution synthetic image data, privacy-friendly syn- ical risk minimization function given input training
thetic data has been recently proposed as an alterna- samples, their corresponding labels, and DNN train-
tive to privacy-sensitive authentic data to overcome able parameters. Achieving such a goal without being
the challenges of using authentic data in face recog- over-optimized, i.e. overfitted, requires that training
nition development. This work aims at providing a datasets are of large scale (massive number of im-
clear and structured picture of the use-cases taxon- ages of many identities) and representative of various
omy of synthetic face data in face recognition along variations that exist in the real world. Large and
with the recent emerging advances of face recognition representative data is also required to evaluate FR
models developed on the bases of synthetic data. We accuracies against different variations that present in
also discuss the challenges facing the use of syntheticreal operation scenarios e.g. pose, aging, occlusion,
data in face recognition development and several fu- or lighting. Data is required to evaluate the vulnera-
ture prospects of synthetic data in the domain of face bility of FR against different types of attacks such as
recognition. morphing, presentation, master-face, and deep fake
attacks. FR components, face processing models,
1 Introduction attack detectors, and face image quality estimation
models are not different as they require face data for
The breakthroughs of deep neural networks and training and evaluation. Besides the technical limita-
their training optimizations as well as the availabil-

tion of collecting large-scale data with realistic vari- 2 Where is the synthetic data
ations, there are increased concerns about collecting,
maintaining, redistributing, and using biometric data
due to legal, ethical, and privacy concerns [6]. Con- To analyse the properties of the needed synthetic
sequently, many widely used datasets for FR devel- data, one should start by building a clear taxonomy
opment such as VGGFace2 [5] and MS-Celeb-1M [4] of the different possible uses-cases of synthetic data in
have been retracted by their creator. Table 1 sum- its interaction with FR. This taxonomy here will con-
marizes the most widely used datasets to train FR sider the operations where the synthetic data is used
models. Even though many of these datasets have to interact with the recognition part of FR systems,
been publically released, there are not any more ac- i.e. the feature extraction. Therefore, synthetic data
cessible. that is meant to interact with other system compo-
Processing biometric data is governed by a set of nents, as defined in ISO ISO/IEC 19795-1:2021 [30],
legal restrictions [6]. Taking the General Data Pro- are out of scope, e.g. synthetic data used to train
tection Regulation (GDPR) [6] as an example, it cate- or evaluate face detection or segmentation solutions.
gories biometric data as a special category of personal Additionally, synthesizing faces as a means of domain
data subjected to rigorous data protection rules [7], transformation, e.g. from thermal to visible face ap-
requiring high protection in connection with funda- pearance [31] is also out of scope as it just transfers
mental rights and freedoms of individuals. Dealing the appearance of the image.
with such data requires adherence to one of the ex- Figure 1 presents the use-case taxonomy of the syn-
emptions of biometric data processing [8], the related thetic face data interaction with FR. These use-cases
national laws [9], maintaining processing records [10], are categorised under 4 groups, along with the prop-
and the preparation of data protection impact as- erties of the possibly needed data under each category
sessment [11, 12], among other restrictions. Depend- (the latter will be discussed in detail in the next sec-
ing on the purpose of the biometric data processing, tion). The four use-case categories are discussed in
this set of restrictions can be rigorously extended the following.
[13, 14, 15]. Besides the legal complications of us-
ing and sharing biometric data, ethical requirements 1. Training FR: Modern FR solutions are based
are commonly necessary, such as the approval of an on deep learning models that are either trained
ethics committee or competent authorities. directly to generate identity-discriminant feature
The increased concerns about the legal and ethical representations (e.g. triplet loss [20]) or to clas-
use of authentic data in biometrics along with the sify the identity classes in the training data (e.g.
technical limitation in collecting large and diverse ArcFace [2], ElasticFace [1], etc.). In the latter
face datasets motivate recent works to propose the approach, embeddings proceeding the classifica-
use of synthetic data as an alternative to privacy- tion layer of the network are then used to extract
sensitive authentic data in FR training [16, 17, 18]. the identity-discriminant representations. This
In an attempt to provide a clear understanding of family of approaches is currently predominantly
the feasibility of utilizing synthetic face data to train, leading to SOTA FR performances. In both
evaluate, attack, or privacy enhancement, this work cases, training face data that represents the high
is the first to analyze the properties needed of the inter and intra-class diversity of real applications
synthetic data for FR, the use-cases taxonomy of syn- is needed to train the models. As mentioned in
thetic data in FR, the current state of synthetic-based the introduction, the diversity of such data, if
FR, the limitations and challenges facing the use of authentic, is limited by practical data collection
current synthetic face data in FR, and possible fu- constraints, and its collection and handling are
ture research directions that might give a larger space hedged by privacy, legal, and ethical concerns.
for synthetic data in different aspects of FR develop- Synthetic data can come in handy to train such
ment. FR models in different manners based on the

Table 1: Overview of the most widely used authentic and synthetic facial datasets commonly used to train
FR models, along with the number of images, identities, images per identity, and the fact that each database
is public and/or still accessible. Note that many of the public databases are not accessible (raising a practical
problem for researchers and developers) anymore based on legal and ethical concerns and even those that
are available are ethically questioned as the individual consent of the data subjects is not always insured.

Name Year # Images (m) # Identities (k) Avg. Public Accessible Authentic
CASIA-WebFace [3] 2014 0.5 10.6 47 4 8 4
DeepFace [19] 2014 4.4 4.0 1092 8 8 4
FaceNet [20] 2015 200.0 8,000.0 25 8 8 4
Facebook [21] 2015 500.0 10,000.0 50 8 8 4
VGGFace [22] 2015 2.6 2.6 992 4 8 4
CelebFaces [23] 2016 0.09 5.4 16 4 4 4
MS-Celeb-1M [4] 2016 10 100.0 100 4 8 4
MegaFace2 [24] 2017 4.7 672.0 7 4 4 4
UMDFaces [25] 2017 0.4 8.3 46 4 8 4
VGGFace2 [5] 2018 3.3 9.1 363 4 8 4
IMDbFace [26] 2018 1.7 59.0 29 4 4 4
MS1MV2 [2, 4] 2019 5.8 85.0 68 4 8 4
MillionCelebs [27] 2020 18.8 636.0 30 8 8 4
WebFace260M [28] 2021 260 4,000.0 65 4 4 4
WebFace42M [28] 2021 42 2,000.0 21 4 4 4
SynFace [17] 2021 0.5 10 50 4 4 8
DigiFace-1M-A [29] 2022 0.72 10 72 4 4 8
DigiFace-1M-B [29] 2022 0.5 100 5 4 4 8
SFace [16] 2022 0.63 10.6 60 4 4 8
USynthFace [18] 2022 0.4 0.4 1 4 4 8

training requirements. If the model is trained in kind can also be used to train face detectors,
one of the two approaches mentioned above, then face segmentation, and attack detection meth-
the synthetic data has to contain a large number ods (e.g. morphing attack detection [33]).
of identities and multiple samples of each iden-
tity. If the model is trained on partially authen- 2. Evaluating FR: FR algorithmic evaluation, fol-
tic data, however, the intra-class variation of this lowing the ISO ISO/IEC 19795-1:2021 [30], re-
data is low, then the synthetic data needs to con- quires the existence of a large set of genuine
tain multiple samples for each of the authentic (same identity) and imposter (different identity)
identities, i.e. act as an augmentation strategy. face image pairs that represent the real opera-
Finally, if the FR model is trained in an unsuper- tional scenario. The need for a large number
vised manner, then the synthetic training data of these pairs is intensified by the ever-more
is not largely concerned with the identity group- accurate performance of FR algorithms. FR
ing, but rather just requires a set of faces of ran- algorithms can produce two main algorithmic
dom identities. This data has also been shown errors, genuine pairs classified wrongly as im-
to be successful in training processes during the posters (false non-match (FNM)) or imposter
training-aware quantization of models based on pairs classified wrongly as genuine (false match
full precision parameters [32]. Although it is out FM). As the algorithms produce lower and lower
of the scope of this work, synthetic faces of this rates of decision errors, the FM rates (FMR) and
FNM rates (FNMR), the number of evaluated

pairs required to produce statistically significant The second type of attack by generated face im-
evaluation results become higher. This need for ages might focus on generating a face image of a
large-scale evaluation data is one of the main mo- specific identity. Such attacks are commonly re-
tivations behind requiring synthetic data for the ferred to as Deep-Fakes and they are commonly
evaluation. Another reason is that some author- used to fool the viewer into wrongly believing
ities that require in-house testing on their own that a certain person has said or done an action
data when purchasing FR solutions do only pos- in an image or a video. A third attack can use
sess a single image per identity in their databases synthetic faces that maintain a certain identity
(think of visa systems) and thus it is impossible but excludes a specific pattern with the aim of
to have genuine pairs to evaluate FR algorithms. attacking a biometric-based system that ensures
Such situations would require synthetic data to a legal operation of a process. Such an attack can
be generated so it belongs to a certain authentic be by presenting the attacker’s real identity, but
identity, but with realistic variations. In a third excluding the information that points out that
scenario where the operation scenario would re- the user is underage, in a service that requires
quire a very low FMR, the need for a huge num- age verification.
ber of imposter pairs is required to evaluate, with
statistical significance, the FMR. In such cases,
4. Enhancing the privacy for FR users: Al-
random synthetic faces with random identities though excluding certain patterns from gener-
can be used to create such imposter pairs. Again, ated images of specific identities can be seen as
although it is out of the scope of this work, these
an attack on biometric systems, in different use-
synthetic faces, regardless of their identity infor-
cases, they can be seen as a privacy-enhancing
mation, can be used to evaluate face detectors,
tool when they are used to avoid the illegal or
face segmentation, and presentation/morphing
unconsented processing of the data. Such gener-
attack detection. ation of the data aims at maintaining a certain
set of visual patterns but removing the clues of a
3. Attacking FR: Commonly, developers would
specific pattern. Depending on the use-case, this
use technology to enhance the convenience and
excluded pattern can be related to the identity
security of individuals and societies. However,
in what is widely known as image-level face de-
technology can also be used maliciously to create identification, which is defined under the stan-
attacks on individuals, systems, and societies. dard ISO/IEC 20889:2018 [34]. The excluded
This is the case also with synthetic face data, pattern can be related to certain soft biomet-
which can also be used as an attack. Synthetic
ric attributes like age or gender, which is com-
data can be created so that a certain face can
monly referred to as soft-biometric privacy en-
be matched with two or more faces. This can
hancement. Although it is out of the scope of
target automatic FR comparison or human im- this work, the generated faces can exclude pat-
age verification, or both. Such attacks can be terns that makes them detectable to face detec-
face morphing attacks, where an image is gener- tion tool, i.e. excluding the information that
ated to match two or more identities, then used
makes the face a face in the view of automatic
on an identity or travel document with the al-
face detection.
phanumeric data of when the targeted matches.
Later such a document can be used by the other
targeted identities illegally, leading to a serious So far, we presented a discussion on the possible
security threat. Another attack in the same cat- use-cases of synthetic face data in FR. Each of these
egory is the MasterFace attack, where the syn- use-cases has different needs when it comes to syn-
thetic face is created to match a wider proportion thetic data. These needs are discussed in the next
of the population, raising many security threats. section.

Figure 1: A taxonomy of the synthetic data use-cases (on the top of the figure) directly interacting with
FR models, either by training them, evaluating them, attacking them, or enhancing the privacy of the
information extracted by them. This taxonomy lists the existing and foreseen synthetic data types that are
needed by these use-cases (under each use-case). These data needs are grouped by their main properties by
color and discussed, along with the use-cases in this paper.

3 What data is needed and ing FR models in an unsupervised manner. They

additionally can be used to evaluate FR models,
what properties make it specifically evaluate the FMR, especially when
good? the targeted operational point is at a very low
FMR, requiring an extremely large number of
The properties of the needed synthetic data under diverse imposter pairs to make the evaluation
the different use-cases (discussed in the previous sec- result statistically significant. Here, such data
tion) are grouped by their required properties under should be realistic, i.e. act like authentic data
different colors in Figure 1 and are discussed in detail when processed by the FR model. A successful
in the following: way to measure that was proposed in [32] and
it is based on comparing the activation function
1. Single faces of random identities: As de- value ranges in the FR model when processing
tailed in the previous section, and illustrated in authentic data versus when processing the syn-
Figure 1, synthetic face images of random identi- thetic data. Additionally, the distribution of the
ties without the requirement of multiple images comparison scores between pairs of these single
to belong to one identity can be used for train-

images of random identities should theoretically such data will lead to models that are not trained
be similar to those of imposter comparisons of to tolerate intra-class variation (e.g. pose, ex-
authentic data to ensure the similarity to the pressions, age, illumination, etc.) and thus are
authentic inter-identity variation, which was ex- expected to lead to high FNMR in practical op-
plored in [18]. erations. When evaluating FR, evaluation data
in some practical cases such as an authority that
2. Multiple faces per random identity: This
possesses only a single (or few) images per iden-
kind of data represents what one would typi-
tity (e.g. visa applicant database) would not be
cally expect from FR training or evaluation data.
sufficient to evaluate the expected FNMR as no
That is, multiple identities, with multiple im-
(or few) genuine pairs exist in the data. Both
ages per identity. This, given a sufficient inter
cases require acquiring more samples of each of
and intra-class (identity variation), can be used
the existing identities. These samples have to
to train an FR model in a supervised manner.
be of realistic variation that matches the tar-
This also would contain both imposter and gen-
geted scenario. Such samples might be created
uine pairs to evaluate the performance of FR
synthetically and would act as an augmentation
by calculating both possible errors, FMR and
approach when training an FR model, or as addi-
FNMR. Such data should also interact with the
tional samples to create genuine pairs when eval-
FR model similarly to authentic data, this as
uating FR models (or training FR in a triplet
mentioned earlier can be measured by monitor-
loss-like strategy). Such synthetic data should
ing the value range of the model’s activation
interact with the FR model similarly to authen-
functions. Here, the data should possess an in-
tic data, as previously discussed. It should also
ter and intra-class variability of the targeted au-
result in genuine comparison score distribution
thentic data scenario. We specify “targeted”
that matches the targeted authentic data sce-
here as different evaluation and training goals
nario. One must take notice that this should be
of FR might occur, e.g. a model is evaluated
the case when the pairs are between the existing
specifically for cases with an extreme pose or
authentic sample is compared to the synthetic
extreme age differences between the comparison
images of the same identity, but also, if needed,
pairs (intra-class variations), or for cases of pairs
between the synthetically generated samples of
of twins or siblings (inter-class variation). This
the same identity themselves.
goes for training as well, as an FR model can be
trained to specifically be tolerant to mask occlu-
4. A face of multiple identities: A synthetic
sions, and thus the training data inter and intra-
face can also be used as an attack, the fact that
class diversity should represent that. The suit-
a face can be generated synthetically with prop-
ability of such data can be measured by compar-
erties that enables an attack on identity systems
ing its genuine and imposter comparison scores
pursues researchers to foresee such attacks. A
distributions with that of the targeted authentic
face can be synthesized in a way that it matches
data (which can be much smaller in size) as per-
two more specific (known) identities to create
formed in [16]. For specifically targeted attribute
what is referred to as a morphing attack. A mor-
variations, such as age and pose, attribute pre-
phing attack image is designed to match with
dictors can be used to ensure the existence of
a number of specific identities and can be cre-
such attribute variations in the synthetic data
ated on the image level by interpolating the im-
to the same degree as the authentic data.
ages of the targeted identities, or generated syn-
3. Multiple faces of an existing identity: Au- thetically to possess the identity information of
thentic face data with insufficient intra-class the targets [35]. Such an image, if used in as-
variation is problematic for the training and eval- sociation with a passport or an identity docu-
uation of FR. In terms of training an FR model, ment can enable multiple persons to be verified

to the alphanumeric information on the card. A can be identity information, age, gender, ethnic-
wider attack that surfaced lately in the litera- ity, or even the patterns that make a face de-
ture is the MasteFace attack, where the attack tectable as a face, among other attribute pat-
image is synthesized to match a wide range of terns. Such a process can be seen as an attack
the population without the need to know the if it is aimed at avoiding a consented required
targeted identities [36]. As these attacks might process, such as automatic age verification to re-
be used to attack visual inspection, automatic ceive a service or make an online purchase. How-
verification, or both, they first have to have a ever, such a process can also be seen as a privacy
natural appearance. This natural appearance enhancement mechanism. Excluding the iden-
is best measured by user studies, where indi- tity, while maintaining the image appearance
viduals are asked if an image appears realis- and other attributes to some degree is commonly
tic or not. The vulnerability of automatic FR referred to as image-level face de-identification
to such attacks, and thus the measure of how and it aims at avoiding the unconsented iden-
good is the synthetic data for its purpose, can tification of face images, whether in the public
be measured using the Mated Morph Presenta- or private space. A subset of this is to exclude
tion Match Rate (MMPMR) [37]. The MMPMR the patterns of the face that makes it detectable
refers to the fraction of morphs whose similarity and thus avoid further processing. Removing
to both identities used to morph, are below the other patterns like gender or age falls within the
selected FR comparison score threshold relative image-level soft-biometric privacy enhancement
to all morphs. techniques that aim at maintaining the identifi-
cation possibilities without allowing unconsented
5. A face of specific authentic identity: Syn-
estimation of soft-biometric attributes. Evaluat-
thesizing a face of a specific authentic identity
ing the ability to synthesize these face images is
is usually related to the need to synthesize this
based on evaluating the degree to which the pat-
face with also a specific expression or domain,
terns that need to be excluded and the ones that
unlike generating such faces of an authentic iden-
need to be maintained are detectable, where the
tity where a realistic variation is needed. This is
first need to be as undetectable as possible and
commonly related to what is referred to as Deep-
the latter needs to be as detectable as possible.
Fake faces but also includes other face manipula-
A comprehensive survey and discussion on these
tion techniques such as expression and attribute
technologies are presented by Meden et al. in
manipulations. As such attacks aim at manipu-
lating human viewers, their success is best mea-
sured by how realistic they are to these view-
ers and how well they succeeded in the targeted
manipulation in the view of the viewers through
user studies related to the exact goal of the ma- 4 Where are we now?
nipulation. However, more within the scope of
this work is the ability of these attacks to fool au- 4.1 Face image generation:
tomatic FR and attack detection algorithms. A
A deep generative model (DGM) is a deep neu-
comprehensive survey on the issue of DeepFakes
ral network that is trained to interpret and model
and facial image manipulation is presented by
a probability distribution of the authentic training
Tolosana et al. in [38].
data. Specifically, a deep generative model takes
6. A face that excludes a specific pattern: random points from e.g. Gaussian distribution and
A face synthesizing process can maintain a sub- maps them through a neural network such as the
set of patterns from a specific face and excludes generated distribution closely matches the authentic
other subsets of these patterns. Such patterns data distribution. The main DGM approaches that

Table 2: Verification accuracies (%) on five different FR benchmarks achieved by the supervised and un-
supervised FR models trained on the synthetic training databases with the numbers of real and synthetic
training samples. The result in the first row is reported using the FR model trained on the authentic dataset
to give an indication of the performance of an FR model trained on the authentic CASIA-WebFace dataset
[3]. To provide a fair comparison, all model results are obtained from the original published works using
the same network architecture (ResNet50) trained on relatively same training dataset size. KT refers to
knowledge transfer from the pretrained FR model. LFW [40], AgeDB-30 [41], CFP-FP [42], CA-LFW [43],
CP-LFW [44] are widely used FR evaluation benchmarks.
Method Unsupervised Data augmentation # Synthetic Images # Authentic Images KT LFW AgeDB-30 CFP-FP CA-LFW CP-LFW
CosFace [45] 8 - 0 500K 8 99.55 94.55 95.31 93.78 89.95
SynFace [17] 8 GAN-based 500K 0 8 91.93 61.63 75.03 74.73 70.43
DigiFace-1M [29] 8 - 500K 0 8 88.07 60.92 70.99 69.23 66.73
DigiFace-1M [29] 8 Accessory + Geometric and color 500K 0 8 95.40 76.97 87.40 78.62 78.87
SFace [16] 8 - 634K 0 8 91.87 71.68 73.86 77.93 73.20
USynthFace [18] 4 GAN-based + Geometric and color 400K 0 8 92.23 71.62 78.56 77.05 72.03
IDnet [46] 8 - 528K 0 8 84.83 63.58 70.43 71.50 67.35
IDnet [46] 8 Geometric and color 528K 0 8 92.58 73.53 75.40 79.90 (3) 74.25
SynFace [17] 8 GAN-based 500K 40K 8 97.23 81.32 87.68 85.08 80.32
DigiFace-1M [29] 8 Accessory + Geometric and color 500K 40K 8 99.05 89.77 94.01 90.08 87.27
SFace [16] 8 - 634K 0 4 99.13 91.03 91.14 92.47 87.03

are proposed in the literature are Variational Auto- • Multiple faces per random identities: Ap-
Encoder (VAE) [47], Generative Adversarial Network proaches such as Face-ID-GAN [56], DiscoFace-
(GAN) [48], Autoregressive model [49], and Normal- GAN [57], GAN-Control [58], InterFaceGAN
izing Flows [50] and Diffusion Models (DiffModel) [59], and CONFIG [52] proposed GAN mod-
[51], in addition to a large number of hybrid mod- els based on disentangled representation learning
els that combined two of previous approaches such to conditionally generate face images from syn-
as GAN with VAE [52]. A comprehensive review of thetic identities with predefined attributes e.g.
deep generative modelings is presented by [53]. Each age, pose, illumination, or expression. As gen-
of these approaches presented contributions towards erated images are explicitly controlled by a pre-
providing a better trade-off between generated sam- defined set of attributes, such images might lake
ple quality i.e. producing samples of high perceived the intra-class diversity that exists in real-world
quality and fidelity that resemble the DGM train- face data and it is needed to train and evaluate
ing data, inference time i.e. enabling fast sampling FR.
mechanism, architecture restrictions i.e. some of the
DGMs are limited to underlying network architecture • Multiple faces of an existing identity: DGM ap-
and sample appearance variations. proaches such as CONFIG [52] are able to re-
generate multiple faces of an existing identity
by reconstructing input faces with a predefined
4.2 How do the DGM approaches set of attributes such as changing expression,
match the needed synthetic face wearing sunglasses, adding makeup, or changing
data properties? hair color. However, such attribute manipula-
tion approaches might induce some artifacts in
• Single faces of random identities: DGM ap- reconstructed faces, which might affect identity
proaches such as StyleGAN [54] presented very preservation between the input and the recon-
promising results in generating single faces of structed faces. Also, as such approaches are ex-
random synthetic identities with high visual fi- plicitly manipulating the attributes of their in-
delity. However, the generated faces could share put faces, the generated faces might not contain
the identity information, to a small degree, with large appearance variations, which are needed
DGM’s original training (as reported in [55, 16]). to train and evaluate FR models. More im-

portantly, identity preservation in reconstructed
samples is rarely evaluated and reported.
• A face of multiple identities: DGM approaches
were not explicitly designed and trained to gen-
erate a face of multiple identities. However, re-
cent works such as MorGAN [35], MIPGAN [60],
and MorDIFF [61], make use of generative mod-
els to generate a face of multiple identities by
interpolating two or more latent vectors of syn-
thetic or real faces and then generating a new
face of multiple identities. In a similar manner, DigiFace-1M
however, with latent vector optimization rather
than optimization, MasterFaces [36] are gener-
ated to match unknown identities.
• A face of specific authentic identity: DGM ap- SFace
proaches that targeted image-to-image model-
ing achieved impressive results in generating a
face of specific authentic identity. This has been
commonly achieved by manipulating the input IDnet
source face to match specific attributes or a tar-
get domain while maintaining the identity in-
formation of the source image. Although such
approaches did not target generating Deep-Fake
attacks, they have been widely used in generat- Figure 2: Sample of synthetic data used in SynFace
ing such kinds of attacks [38]. [17], UsynthFace [18], DigiFace-1M [29] SFace [16]
and IDnet [46]. It can be clearly noticed the high
• A face that excludes a specific pattern: None variations in SFace images in comparison to other
of the SOTA DGM approaches explicitly target synthetic datasets. Although SynFace and Usynth-
generating a face that excludes a specific pattern. Face utilized the same DGM (DiscoFaceGAN), it can
A number of works make use of DGM approaches be also observed the appearance variations in USyn-
to exclude a specific pattern e.g. identity, age, or thFace using geometric and color transformations.
gender of authentic input faces, especially when
such models include attribute disentanglement.
However, to the best of our knowledge, none of following discussion presents the use of synthetic data
the previous works present solutions to gener- in FR grouped by the use-cases (discussed earlier in
ate a face of synthetic identity that excludes a this paper and presented in Figure 1).
specific pattern, rather this is done for faces of
authentic identities. An overview of the current
state of this issue can be found in [39]. 4.3.1 Training FR

Recently, synthetically generated face data has been

4.3 What is the current state of the proposed as an alternative to privacy-sensitive au-
thentic data to train FR models mitigating the tech-
defined use-cases?
nical, ethical, and legal concerns of using authen-
Very recently a few works build on existing DGM ap- tic biometric data in training FR models. The
proaches to propose FR based on synthetic data. The currently proposed approaches in the literature uti-

lized synthetically generated data to train unsuper- 4.3.3 Attacking FR
vised (UsynthFace [18]) or supervised FR models
(SFace[16], SynFace[17], DigiFace-1M[29] and IDnet DGM approaches have been widely and successfully
[46]). Training the unsupervised FR model as in utilized to generate morphing, MasterFace, deep-
UsynthFace requires that the training data maintain fake, and manipulation attacks on FR. Researchers
the property 1 (Section 2) i.e. single face of ran- generally attempt to foresee such attacks and evalu-
dom identities, while supervised approaches, SFace, ate their potential. Deep-fake and face manipulation
SynFace, IDnet, and DigiFace-1M, require that the attacks are already a serious problem facing mod-
training data maintain the property 2 i.e. multi- ern societies and their generation is becoming more
ple faces per random identities (Section 2). Some available and realistic with time [38]. Morphing at-
of these approaches, SynFace and DigiFace-1M, pro- tacks based on synthesized faces are a serious threat
posed combining authentic with synthetic data dur- and FR recognition vulnerability to them is getting
ing the training or transferring the knowledge from close to that of image-level morphing [60]. Master-
the pretrained FR model to improve the recognition Face attacks are relatively new, their initial proposed
accuracies. Others (USynthFace) utilized only syn- form is based on optimization on a relatively weak
thetic data for FR training. Most synthetic FR ap- FR model [36] with other works arguing their fea-
proaches utilized GAN-based (UsynthFace, SynFace) sibility [62]. However, on the other hand, synthetic
and/or geometric and color transformation data aug- data has helped create privacy-friendly databases for
mentation (UsynthFace, IDnet, and DigiFace-1M) the detection of such attacks, specifically, the morph-
methods to create more challenging training samples ing attack [33, 63] and face presentation attack [64].
improving the model recognition accuracies. Table 2 Huber et al. [63] organized a competition on face
summarizes the achieved accuracies on five FR bench- morphing attack detection (MAD) based on privacy-
marks by recent FR models trained on synthetic data. aware synthetic training data [33]. The competition
It can be observed from the reported results in Ta- aimed at promoting the use of synthetic data to de-
ble 2 that including data augmentation in FR model velop MAD solutions and attracted 12 solutions from
training significantly improved the recognition accu- both academia and industry.
racies. Also, the unsupervised FR model (Usynth-
Face [18]) obtained very competitive results using un- 4.3.4 Privacy enhancement
labeled data to supervised synthetic-based FR mod-
els. Main advances in this respect are presented under one
of two categories, de-identification or soft-biometric
privacy. De-identification can be achieved by adding
4.3.2 Evaluating FR adversarial noise to the image, image obfuscation,
and image synthesis, the latter being the core focus
A few works proposed the use of synthetic data for of this work. Many solutions have been proposed in
evaluating FR. SynFace [17] presented a synthetic the literature, with a recent overview of these solu-
version of the Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) tions presented in [39]. The main challenge so far
dataset [40] and evaluated two FR models trained in this domain is the cross-FR model performance as
on authentic and synthetic data, respectively on the most works showed very good performances on the
synthetic version of the LFW. The model trained on FR models that were used to optimize the solution,
real data achieved an accuracy of 98.85% and the however, this performance drops when using other
one trained on synthetic data achieved an accuracy unknown FR models. Syntheses-based soft-biometric
of 99.98%. The work [17] also suggested that the privacy followed a similar trend as de-identification,
degradation in the verification performance between however, with much less dominance in the literature.
the two models is due to the domain gap between In this aspect, many works rather focused on soft-
synthetic and real training images. biometric privacy on the template level rather than

the image. Image and template level techniques are 5.2 Training FR
surveyed in [39]. An example of image-based tech-
niques is the FlowSAN [65] aimed at minimizing gen- Recent works that proposed the use of synthetic
der information in the resulting images. Here, as face data for FR utilized deep neural network ar-
the target is the soft-biometrics and not the identity, chitectures with hyper-parameters that are opti-
the main challenge is to achieve generalized perfor- mized on authentic data. Such training paradigms
mance across soft-biometric estimators while main- might be sub-optimal for learning face representa-
taining FR performance across FR models. tions from synthetic data. Future research works
might target proposing network architectures or
training paradigms designed specifically to learn from
synthetic data. In general, training FR solutions of
5 Where can we do better? synthetic data still fails behind those trained on au-
thentic data in terms of accuracy, which is the main
Here, based on the discussed use-cases taxonomy, the practical shortcoming that hinders placing such solu-
synthetic data requirements, and their current state tions in practical use currently. However, one must
along with the generation process, we discuss the keep in mind that training FR on synthetic data is
main issues where further improvement in future re- a very recently emerging research direction and it is
search can have a strong effect on the use of synthetic already achieving higher recognition accuracies than
data in FR. The following discussion will touch on the solutions trained on synthetic data less than a decade
generation process, the defined use-cases, as well as ago [19].
the general lack of well-defined suitability evaluation
5.3 Evaluating FR
The need for large-scale FR evaluation datasets that
5.1 Face image generation
represent real scenario variations is the main motiva-
Generating realistic and high-quality samples along tion for future research directions on synthetic data
with enabling high sampling speed and high- for FR evaluation. Although DGMs can generate ar-
resolution scaling have derived the main contribu- bitrary realistic face images, the utility of the gener-
tions of recent generative models proposed in the ated images for FR remains challenging. Future re-
literature. In addition, some DGM approaches tar- search works include but are not limited to, DGMs for
geted specific applications such as image in-painting, generating multiple faces of existing authentic iden-
attribute manipulation, face aging, image super- tities, which might target specific variations such as
resolution, and image-to-image and text-to-image age and pose, and generating complete evaluation
translations. Such applications mainly require that datasets of multiple images of multiple identities.
the generated samples are of high visual fidelity with
less focus on the identity information, which might 5.4 Attacking FR
be less optimal for biometric applications. When de-
veloping DGM for FR use-cases, the solution should Even though creating novel attacks on identity man-
focus on the utility of the generated images for the agement systems and society in general sounds is a
given tasks rather than only focusing on the human- serious malicious action, it is essential to foresee at-
perceived quality. The emerging works on training tacks created by real attackers to better enable their
FR solutions, presented earlier, are considered the detection. As the attackers would ask, the researchers
first step in this regard. This focus on utility, rather should also ask “What is the strongest attack I can
than only the perceived quality, should be the main create to serve the attack goals given the current state
drive in future research when synthesizing images for of basic technology?” This follows the never-ending
FR. game of cat and mouse between attacks and attack

mitigation. Therefore, the constant struggle here is a major role in training, evaluating, enhancing the
to always try to foresee new attacks and attack gener- FR user privacy, and even attacking FR. This work
ation methodologies and analyze their strengths and provided initial discussions on the use of synthetic
weaknesses, leading to better mitigation strategies. data in FR as an alternative to authentic data. We
started by analysing and defining taxonomies for dif-
ferent possible FR use-cases in which synthetic data
5.5 Privacy enhancement
can be used. Then, we discussed the needed proper-
The main challenge to generative face privacy en- ties of synthetic data under each FR use-case. This
hancement is the generalizability and robustness as it has been followed by presenting the current state of
must possess to maintain operation in real-world ap- synthetic FR. Finally, we provided several interest-
plications. This generalization must ensure that the ing directions of work that can be investigated in the
de-identification properties are strongly maintained future. As a concluding remark, the use of synthetic
even with unknown FR solutions. The same goes for data in different FR uses-cases is still in the early re-
soft-biometric privacy, where the privacy-enhanced search stage and this work provides a base discussion
images should maintain their privacy properties when on this research direction and aims at motivating and
processed by diverse soft-biometric estimators with promoting further research works toward responsible
different levels of knowledge [66]. Other open issues FR development.
that still require increasing attention are the lack of
clear quantifiability and provability privacy enhance-
ment, the limited public benchmarks, and the need Acknowledgment
for controllable privacy where the user can have a
choice of the privatised information [39]. This research work has been funded by the Ger-
man Federal Ministry of Education and Research and
5.6 Evaluation protocols the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research,
Science and the Arts within their joint support of
We provided in this work an initial discussion on what the National Research Center for Applied Cybersecu-
synthetic data is needed for different FR use-cases rity ATHENE and the ARRS research program P2-
and what properties are needed from such data based 0250 (B) Metrology and Biometrics Systems. This
on the way it is used. However, this initial discussion work has been partially funded by the German Fed-
should evolve into a much-needed set of evaluation eral Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
metrics and protocols that can precisely and com- through the Software Campus Project.
parably answer the question of “How well does the
created data fit its targeted properties within its use-
case?” Besides, and based on, the needed academic
efforts in this regard, given that the synthetic data References
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