Pre Qualification Dossier Phase 1
Pre Qualification Dossier Phase 1
Pre Qualification Dossier Phase 1
Petrobras PROD1000
SCR Flexible Joint
Pre-Qualification Dossier
Document No.
Report SP1E-23-754 A
Title Date
Revision History
A 12 Aug 22 Approved
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Report SP1E-23-754 A
Title Date
Table of Contents
1.0 PETROBRAS PROD1000 PRE-QUALIFICATION SCENARIOS _______________________ 1
3.0 CONCLUSION___________________________________________________________ 9
Appendix A Drawings
Table 1.1 Scenarios and Service Conditions at Top Riser ____________________________ 1
Figure 1-1 Prod1000 Flexible Joints: Operating Temperature vs Pressure Comparison ____ 2
Figure 1-2 Prod1000 Flexible Joints: Design Temperature vs. Pressure Comparison ______ 3
Figure 1-3 Prod1000 Flexible Joints: Design Pressure vs Riser OD Comparison __________ 4
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Oil States Industries, Inc. (OSI) has manufactured flexible joints and successfully
performed FAT and full-scale qualification testing to meet these scenarios and riser
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The data provided in Table 1.1 has been compared to Oil States’ current database of
flexible joints in a graphical presentation in the following figures. Figure 1-1 graphically
shows the operating pressure and temperature requirements of the Prod1000 scenarios
relative to the OSI’s database of JIP Method-based flexible joint designs and qualification
tests that have already been performed.
Figure 1-2 shows a similar comparison, but with the design pressure and temperature
requirements while Figure 1-3 shows a comparison with design pressure requirements
and riser OD size. All three chart relate the JIP designed flexible joints in terms of
Technical Readiness Levels (TRL) per API 17N. TRL-7 represents flexible joints that have
been in service for 3 years or longer. TRL-6 are flexible joints with less than 3 years of
service. TRL-5 represent designs that are complete and accepted but not delivered.
Figure 1-1
Prod1000 Flexible Joints: Operating Temperature vs Pressure Comparison
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Figure 1-2
Prod1000 Flexible Joints: Design Temperature vs. Pressure Comparison
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Figure 1-3
Prod1000 Flexible Joints: Design Pressure vs Riser OD Comparison
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FlexJoint Components
Attach Flange: Typically forged out of A707 L5, A707 L3, 4130, or A694 F65 material.
This forging bolts to the top of our Body forging and is typically associated with the
requirements of the hull piping specifications and is not considered a high fatigue
component. The bottom half of this forging is defined by Oil States, but the top half is
completely customer specified. This part can have a range of cladding options, from
none to fully clad.
Body: Much like the Attach Flange, this forging can be made from A707 L5, A707 L3,
A694 F65, or possibly 4130 but the latter is relatively unlikely. This forging’s purpose is
twofold. First is for pressure containment between our flex element (bonded elastomer
and Reinforcements) and the Attach Flange and the second is to transfer the loads from
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the Extension, through the flex element, and into the Receptacle Basket. It is not
considered a high fatigue component.
Extension: The Extension is a forged tubular shaped piece with one end that bugles out
into a spherical shape and is considered a high fatigue component. The design code
used for this component must follow more closely to the riser design code. The
Extension is designed by Oil States and will follow our material specifications along with
any of those the customer may add onto its requirements. Like the Attach Flange, it can
have a range of cladding options, from none to fully clad.
Reinforcements/Shims: Reinforcements are manufactured from either spin forming
plate or ring-rolled forged and machined to the finished product.
b. In this section it is requested that OSI supply a parts list with material
specification for the main components. This is satisfied with both the response in
section (i) above along with the table below which is pulled from one of OSI’s
typical Design Basis documents.
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c. In this section it is requested that Oil States supply a description of the Bellows
we plan to supply. This is accomplished in sections (i) and (ii) above along with
Oil States’ document TQF-OSI-002 Oil States Full Scale Fatigue Bellows
Qualification Waiver
d. In this section it is requested that Oil States provide a Statement of Flexible Joint
dimensional compatibility with any of Petrobras’s standard receptacle types,
specifically Type A, Type B, or Type C. Oil States can state that our current
standardized design of flexible joints that meet these criteria are equal to the
flexible joints that we are supplying on the Buzios 7 project. The two designs,
Production and WAG, are both 8” on this project and as you can see by the
drawings in Appendix A these flexible joints have a spacer included into the
design of the flexible joint so that it properly fits into the current Buzios 7 Baskets,
as our designs are smaller than the Type C’s basket design. These flexible joints
will also fit into Petrobras Type A receptacles without the use of a spacer.
Therefore, the Oil States flexible joints cited in this qualification are compatible
with all three Petrobras receptacle sizes (A, B, and C).
ii) In this section Petrobras is requesting that Oil States summarize the evidence for
qualification waivers and compare the conditions to the current conditions. The
comparison of these conditions to the previous projects is completed in the previous
sections of this document, please see Section 1.0 above. The list below of
qualification waivers from the Buzios 7 project will also be applicable to this scope as
SP1E-23-723 A Petrobras SLWR Flexible Joint Elastomer Qualification Testing
SP1E-23-724 B Petrobras SLWR Flexible Joint Elastomer Aging and Chemical
Degradation Study
TN-359 B Development and Qualification History of the Bellows for SCR Flexible
joint Applications
TQF-OSI-001 OSI Full Scale Flexible Joint Fatigue Qualification Waiver
TQF-OSI-002 OSI Full Scale Fatigue Bellows Qualification Waiver
TQF-OSI-003 OSI Flexible Element JIP Methodology Validation Waiver
TQF-OSI-004 OSI Flexible Element Thermal Mapping Waiver
TQF-OSI-005 OSI Petrobras Approved Cladding WPSs and Phased Array AUT
Volumetric Clad Inspection
TQF-OSI-006 OSI Elastomer Physical Properties Testing and Qualification
iii) In this section Petrobras states that if a new qualification is needed that it should
follow the key variables listed in Table 4. As noted in the above-mentioned
qualification waivers, no additional qualification should be necessary.
iv) In this section Petrobras establishes the basis for the service parameters and long-
term loadings of the flexible joints to be considered in the design and qualification, if
needed. As stated above and evidenced by the service parameters and loadings
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As documented in Section 2.0 (above) Petrobras has approved all of the qualification
elements listed in I-MD-0000.00-1519-940-P9U-002 Rev. C on flexible joint supply
projects for the Saphinhoa Norte, Sepia, Buzios 5, and Mero 3 projects executed by OSI.
The supporting documentation from these projects relevant to each of the qualification
elements are provided in Section 2.0 (above).
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Appendix A
Appendix A
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Buzios 7 SCR Flexible Joint Full-Scale Qualification Test Summary 4 May 2021
Appendix A
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Buzios 7 SCR Flexible Joint Full-Scale Qualification Test Summary 4 May 2021
Appendix A
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