Flight Control Law
Flight Control Law
Flight Control Law
A flight control mode or flight control law is a computer software algorithm that
transforms the movement of the yoke or joystick, made by an aircraft pilot, into movements
of the aircraft control surfaces. The control surface movements depend on which of several
modes the flight computer is in. In aircraft in which the flight control system is fly-by-wire,
the movements the pilot makes to the yoke or joystick in the cockpit, to control the flight, are
converted to electronic signals, which are transmitted to the flight control computers that
determine how to move each control surface to provide the aircraft movement the pilot
ordered. There are three different types of loops can be identified to the overall control
architecture, they are;
1. Control Loop
2. Guidance Loop
3. Navigation Loop
Airbus Flight Control Systems:
The design of architecture of airbus flight control laws based on fulfilling two requirements:
i. In the usual operating domain, the normal flight control law shall provide an
instinctive piloting with the same behaviour as a conventional aircraft, as well as an
accurate and comfortable control that is;
o Stability and manoeuvrability
o Homogeneous aircraft response with respect to pilot inputs in the whole normal flight
o Compensation of aircraft configuration changes
o Minimization of turbulence effect on flight path and bank angle
o Balanced effort in pitch and roll
o Safe behaviour in case of engine asymmetry detection.
In extreme situation, it should provide protection in order to remain in the safe operating
domain and reduce the risk of overcontrolling or over stressing the aircraft while at same time
giving the highest authority to pilot in order to achieve best possible aircraft performance.
i. Normal Law (normal flight envelope)
Flight control Normal Law provides three axis control, flight envelope protection and
manoeuvre load alleviation. Normal Law operates in different modes depending on the stage
of flight. These modes include:
Ground Mode
Flight Mode
Flare Mode
Ground mode
Ground mode is active whilst the aircraft is on the ground. The auto trim feature is
turned off and there is a direct relationship between sidestick deflection and elevator
response. The horizontal stabilizer is automatically set to 4° up but manual settings (e.g. for
centre of gravity) override this setting. Immediately after the wheels leave the ground, flight
mode progressively takes over from ground mode. The reverse occurs after touch down
during the landing phase.
Flight Mode
The flight mode of Normal Law provides five types of protection: pitch attitude, load
factor limitations, high speed, high-AOA and bank angle. In addition, Low Speed Protection
is available in certain phases of flight. Normal Law flight mode is operational from take-off
and remains active until 100 feet above the ground during the landing phase. Failure of
certain systems or multiple failures will result in degradation of Normal Law to Alternate
Law (ALT 1 or ALT2). Unlike conventional controls, in Normal Law flight mode the
sidestick provides a load factor proportional to stick deflection which is independent of
aircraft speed. When the sidestick is neutral in manual flight, the system will maintain a 1g
load factor and the aircraft will remain in level flight with no requirement for the pilot to
change the elevator trim, even during a speed or configuration change. For manual turns up to
33° bank, no sidestick back pressure is required as the system automatically trims the aircraft
to maintain level flight. The system freezes the auto-trim when the angle of attack becomes
excessive, the load factor exceeds 1.3g or when the bank angle exceeds 33°. If these
situations occur as the result of a deliberate manoeuvre, the pilot must apply back pressure on
the sidestick to maintain the selected attitude. In all cases, Load Factor Protection
automatically limits the control inputs so that the aircraft remains within AOM "g"
limitations and Pitch Attitude Protection limits the aircraft attitude to a maximum of 30° nose
up or 15° nose down.
High Angle of Attack Protection, which protects against stalling and the effects of
winds hear has priority over all other protection functions. The protection engages
when the angle of attack is between α-Port and α-Max and limits the angle of attack
commanded by the pilot's sidestick to α-Max even with full sidestick deflection. If the
autopilot is engaged, it is automatically disengaged with activation of High Angle of
Attack Protection. α-Floor (automatic application of TOGA thrust) may be activated
by the auto thrust system if engagement parameters are met.
High Speed Protection will engage to automatically recover from high speed upset.
There are two speed limitations for high altitude aircraft, VMO (Velocity Maximum
Operational) and MMO (Mach Maximum Operational). The two speeds are the same
at approximately 31,000 feet, below which overspeed is determined by VMO and
above 31,000 feet by MMO. Activation of High-Speed Protection results in reducing
the positive spiral static stability of the aircraft from its normal 33° to 0° which means
that if the pilot releases the sidestick, the aircraft will roll to a wings level attitude. It
also reduces the sidestick nose down authority and applies a permanent nose up order
to help reduce speed and recovery to normal flight. Activation of High-Speed
Protection results in automatic autopilot disengagement. Once the speed has
decreased below VMO/MMO, Normal Law is restored and the autopilot can be re-
Bank Angle Protection limits the maximum bank angle of the aircraft. Within the
normal flight envelope, if the sidestick is released when bank angle is above 33°, the
bank angle is automatically reduced to 33°. With full sidestick deflection, the
maximum achievable bank angle is 67°. If either Angle of Attack or High-Speed
Protection are active, full sidestick deflection will result in a maximum bank angle of
45°. With High Speed Protection active, release of the sidestick will cause the aircraft
to return to a wings level (0° bank) attitude.
Low Energy Protection is also available while in Normal Law when the aircraft is
between 100' and 2000' with flaps set at config 2 or greater. The low energy warning
is computed by the PRIMs using parameters of configuration, airspeed deceleration
rate and flight path angle. The aural warning "Speed Speed Speed" indicates to the
pilot that aircraft energy has become too low and that power must be added to recover
a positive flight path angle. α-Floor protection is available and will engage if pilot
actions are inappropriate or insufficient.
Flare mode
This mode is automatically engaged when the radar altimeter indicates 100 feet above
ground and provides for a direct sidestick to elevator relationship. At 50 feet the aircraft trims
the nose slightly down requiring the pilot to progressively move the sidestick rearward
emulating a conventional control input for landing.
ii. Alternate Law ()
Alternate Law is generally for situations where there has been a double failure of a
system which results in either lack of redundancy or integrity of the protections found in
normal law. Auto pilot and auto thrust are still available. Alternate Law is subdivided into
two somewhat different configurations dependent upon the specific failure(s). The ground
mode and flare modes for Alternate Law are identical to those modes for Normal Law.
Alternate Law 1 (ALT1) combines Normal Law lateral mode with Alternate Law
pitch modes. Low Energy Protection is replaced by Low Speed Stability meaning that
the aircraft no longer has automatic stall protection. At low speed, a nose down
demand is introduced based on IAS (instead of AOA) and Alternate Law changes to
Direct Law. In addition, an audio "STALL" warning is introduced. α-Floor protection
is not available so conventional pilot stall recovery action is required.
Load Factor and Bank Angle Protections are retained. High Speed and High Angle of
Attack Protections enter Alternate Law mode. Pitch Attitude Protection is lost.
ALT1 control law degradation will result from some faults in the horizontal stabilizer,
a single elevator fault, loss of a yaw-damper actuator, loss of slat or flap position
sensors or a single air data reference fault. Dependent upon the failure, autopilot may
not be available.
In Alternate Law 2 (ALT2), Normal Law lateral mode is lost and is replaced by roll
Direct Law and yaw Alternate Law. Pitch mode is in Alternate Law. Load factor
protection is retained. In addition to those protections lost in ALT1 (Pitch Attitude
and Low Energy Protection), Bank Angle Protection is also lost. In some failure
cases, High Angle of Attack and High-speed Protections will also be lost.
As is the case with ALT1, some failure cases that result in ALT2 will also cause the
autopilot to disconnect. ALT2 is entered when both engines flame out, with faults in
two inertial or two air-data reference units, with faults to all spoilers, certain aileron
faults or with a pedal transducers fault.
iii. Direct Law
In Direct Law (DIR), lateral modes are the same as ALT2; that is roll Direct Law and yaw
Alternate Law. Pitch control degrades to Direct Law and automatic trim is inoperative
requiring stab trim to be adjusted manually by the pilot. Control surface motion is directly
related to the sidestick motion. In Direct Law, autopilot function is always lost. DIR is
entered if there is failure of all three inertial reference units or all three primary flight
computers, faults in both elevators or flame out of both engines concurrent with loss of
Wind tunnel testing plays a crucial role in advancing aviation by allowing engineers and
researchers to study the aerodynamic behaviour of aircraft models. Let's explore the different
types of wind tunnel tests:
To perform the different types of analysis described above a wide set of validation means
are available from non-real time simulators to flight test aircraft. All these simulators use the
same flight mechanics and load models when available but representiveness off the system
parts such as, actuators, sensors, and computers are different. At start, the validation process
uses a non-real time fully simulated aircraft models that is non-real time desk top simulators.
A typical example,
o MATLAB: Simulink model provided support to the benchmark definition
o ATOSMA: dedicated to handling quality studies and manual laws
o SIMPA: dedicated to autopilot law validation
o ATLAS: dedicated to load computation
The flying qualities of an airplane is related to the stability and control characteristics and can
be defined as those stability and control characteristics are important in forming the pilot’s
impression of the airplane. The pilot forms a subjective opinion about the case of difficulty of
controlling the airplane in the steady and manoeuvring flight. In addition to the longitudinal
dynamics, the pilot’s impression of the airplane is influenced by the feel of the airplane,
which is provided by the stick force and stick force gradients. The Department of Defence
and Federal Aviation Administration has a list of specification dealing with airplane flying
qualities. These requirements are used by the procuring and regulatory agencies to determine
whether an airplane is acceptable for certification. The purpose of the requirements is to
ensure that the airplane has flying qualities that place no limitation in the vehicle’s flight
safety nor restrict the ability of airplane to perform its intended mission.
Classification of Airplanes
CLASS 1 Small Fight Airplanes Such as light utility,
Only analysis inputs are available. To perform piloting tasks, we must introduce a
pilot model that will control the different axes for given objectives on speed, sideslip
angle, heading, flight path angle. etc. Later in validation process a real time desktop
simulator is used. This consist of an interactive fully simulated aircraft model. It provides
simplified control devices to that design engine can interact with the simulator and
perform some basic sceneries which are more complex than single objective control.
We then switch to advanced simulators. This simulator contains a true representation
of cockpit and piloting devices. We can here begin to involve flight test pilots in the
validation process. Those simulators also progressively introduce real system in loop that
is, on board computer hydraulic system, electrical system, actuators etc. The last
validation means is of course the most representative the real aircraft