Bassaganyas-Bars y McNally (2020)
Bassaganyas-Bars y McNally (2020)
Bassaganyas-Bars y McNally (2020)
1 Introduction
During a period of great interest in the well-known definiteness effect for
existential there be-sentences in English ((1a)), Keenan (1987) offered an early,
classic discussion of what have come to be known as existential have-sentences,
which appear to manifest a similar effect ((1b)).1
1 We follow Keenan in using the term to refer specifically to sentences of the form in (1b) and
not to existential sentences whose main verb is a form of have, such as haver-hi (‘have-there’)
sentences in Catalan; see Section 3.2 on the latter.
Open Access. © 2020 Bassaganyas-Bars and McNally, published by De Gruyter. This work is
licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License.
180 Toni Bassaganyas-Bars and Louise McNally
Although the contrast in (1a) has received considerable attention in the inter-
vening years and the analysis of existential sentences and the definiteness effect
has reached a certain level of maturity (see Section 2.1, as well as McNally 2016a
for a broader overview), considerably fewer works have focused on the contrast
in (1b), and the debate over the analysis of existential have has remained
unresolved (see Section 4 for references). The goal of this paper is to draw
renewed attention to have-sentences and contribute to settling this debate.
We begin in Section 2 by demonstrating that the definiteness effect in these
sentences is in fact different from the one found with there be-sentences. Section
3 explains how these contrasts reflect differences in the semantics of the two
sorts of sentences independently argued for in McNally (1997) and Bassaganyas-
Bars (2018). The discussion will specifically challenge two assumptions that are
frequently made about the definiteness effect in have-sentences: (1) that it is
related to any version of the so-called “weak”/“strong” distinction that has been
used to characterize the effect in there be-sentences since Milsark (1977); and (2)
that it is limited to relational nouns like handle and follows from treating such
nouns as two-place predicates. Finally, in Section 4 we show how our account is
superior to other accounts that have been offered of the definiteness effect in
determiners such as every, most, both and neither (2c,d), as well as partitive
noun phrases (2e), and proper names and personal/demonstrative pronouns (2f)
(“??” signals out of the blue oddness, without any claim as to the reason for this
The examples in (2) contrast with the clearly acceptable ones illustrated in (3):
2 This in (2b) has another, indefinite use (Prince 1981) on which it is fully acceptable in there
be-sentences. The marked judgment in (2b) is intended to reflect deictic/anaphoric uses.
3 Milsark (1977) characterized the acceptable determiners in (3) as “weak,” and the unaccep-
table ones as “strong.” We will not get into a discussion of these terms here, both because there
is an ample literature on them and because not all researchers have used these terms to
characterize the definiteness effect (see, e.g. Keenan 1987). However, it is worth pointing out
that as the emphasis on the analysis of the definiteness effect shifted from the determiner to the
full noun phrase, attempts to define “weak” and “strong” underwent a similar shift. See
McNally (to appear), for a review and discussion.
4 This contrast led both Barwise and Cooper and Keenan to treat the string [Det1 of (Det2)] in
partitives as a complex determiner. Though analysis of partitives has been controversial (see, e.g.
Zamparelli 1998; Sauerland and Yatsushiro 2004 and references cited there), as far as we can
determine, all analyses treat Det2 as forming a syntactic and compositional unit with the noun
phrase following it, to the exclusion of Det1. We make this same latter assumption here. It is this
182 Toni Bassaganyas-Bars and Louise McNally
the full noun phrase became even clearer once some complications to the
pattern in (2)–(3) were pointed out.
On the one hand, Jenkins (1975), Lumsden (1988) and others observed that
the effect disappears completely when the descriptive content in the pivot noun
phrase picks out a (sub)kind or type, as in (4) (examples from McNally 1997; see
also Wilkinson 1995).
These examples intuitively refer anaphorically to, or quantify over, kinds, and
assert for the kinds in question the existence of instances of those kinds: That is,
they are paraphrasable as, for example, There were books of those kinds at the
The sentences in (5), similar instances of which were discussed in Prince
(1992), arguably have a similar kind of interpretation, even though they do not
contain nouns that conventionally describe (sub)kinds specifically.5
That is, these can also be paraphrased as There were ingredients of the necessary
kinds to make a cake, or There was an instance of the craziest idea imaginable in
that talk. Crucially, in all of these examples, the noun phrase does not refer to or
quantify over token instances that have already been introduced into the dis-
course. The data in (4)–(5) clearly show that in at least some cases, the putative
definiteness effect does not have to do with the determiner at all.
assumption that renders partitives problematic for the hypothesis that it is the denotational
properties of the determiner alone that conditions the definiteness effect.
5 Some of these examples, particular (5d-e), might also be understood as asserting the exis-
tence of amounts of ingredients, people, etc. For arguments that amounts and kinds are closely
related, see Anderson and Morzycki (2015) and Mendia (2018).
There be- and have-sentences 183
On the other hand, various counterexamples to the effect have been identi-
fied which involve not the type of entity described by the pivot, but rather its
(non)uniqueness or status in discourse. For example, Woisetschlaeger (1983),
Holmback (1984), and Barker (1995), among others, have shown that definites
and possessives are acceptable when the full noun phrase does not have a
unique extension. This happens, for example, when the noun describes a rela-
tion and the complement to the noun is indefinite, as in (6).
Crucially, in contrast to what is possible with kind nouns shown in (4)–(5), these
sorts of cases are not possible with distributive determiners, such as each or
both, nor do they sound natural out of the blue with demonstratives:
Informally, what distinguishes cases like (6) from other examples with definites and
possessives is that the novelty and non-uniqueness of the referent of the preposi-
tional phrase complement or possessor noun phrase ensures that the referent of the
full pivot is also novel. The definite article and possessor phrase signal that there is a
familiar relation – that of being a lid to something, or of being a parent to someone,
but not that there is a familiar lid or parent already presupposed in the discourse.
Partitives provide another set of counterexamples. Hoeksema (1989: 123), ques-
tioned Milsark’s judgment that partitives are unacceptable in the construction,
claiming instead that partitives with at least some indefinite determiners can be
acceptable in the pivot position of there be-sentences when there is a so-called coda
phrase, as in (8a–b), which contrast with (8c), where no coda phrase is present.
6 Hoeksema does not discuss partitives with proportional but not necessarily distributive
determiners, such as half or all in (2e), which present further complications that will not be
crucial to the main point of this paper. See McNally (1998) for discussion of these.
184 Toni Bassaganyas-Bars and Louise McNally
oddness of partitives in existentials with no coda is due to the fact that such
sentences are completely redundant if their only contribution is to assert the
existence of a subset of individuals within a larger set whose existence is already
familiar in the discourse. When there is a coda, at least the fact that this subset
has the property the coda describes could be informative.
The partitive data suggest that in at least some cases, Milsark’s judgments
did not reflect ungrammaticality or anomaly, but rather simply a lack of
appropriate contextualization. Perhaps the most convincing evidence that
this is the case came in Abbott (1993), Ward and Birner (1995), and Abbott
(1997), in addition to works they cite, as well as in the statistical study in
Beaver et al. (2005). Abbott, and Ward and Birner, present a notable number of
there be-sentences attested in corpora in which true definites, demonstratives,
some pronouns, and proper names appear in pivot position, a sample of which
is given in (9).
(9) a. I’d love to get away from my job, the kids, the bills… I’ve thought of
chucking it all and going to Hawaii. But there are the kids to consider.
(Ward and Birner 1995: (8b))
b. The worst one that existed was 10 thousandths on the single 0-ring on the
Titan, and there are 20 of the five-segment….There were […] two five-
and-a-half segments, which was a way of getting a little additional
performance. And I believe every one of them flying now is the five-
and-a-half segment device. And there is not any evidence, but there
was this 10 thousandths. (Ward and Birner 1995: (6))
c. I think there was one flight where we had one problem. It wasn’t ours, but
there was that one flight. (Ward and Birner 1995: (10))
d. FS: A lot of times interpreting what people are saying is a problem.
SS: There’s that, but there's also the fact that the field is basically
bullshit. (Abbott 1997: fn. 4, (ib))
e. A: I guess we’ve called everybody.
B: No, there’s still Mary and John. (Abbott 1993: (5))
f. OK, let’s finish up this guest list. There's you and me. Who else is
coming? (Abbott 1997: (6))
Although they did not agree on exactly what generalization might cover these
examples, they did agree that not all of them correspond to the so-called “list”
interpretation of there be-sentences (see, e.g., Rando and Napoli 1978), illu-
strated in (9e–f). Fortunately, for our purposes, the exact conditions facilitating
these sentences are less important than the fact that they are attested at all.
There be- and have-sentences 185
A few things should be noted about these data. First, necessarily distributive
determiners such as each or most are conspicuously absent in the counterex-
amples these authors discuss. Second, demonstrative pronouns seem to be more
common as pivots than are personal pronouns. Finally, the pronoun it is also
absent in their data.
We can sum up the relevant empirical generalizations in this section as
(i) Necessarily distributive determiners such as each are acceptable in pivot
position as long as they quantify over “higher order” entities (kinds, or
(ii) Any noun phrase that can have a non-quantificational interpretation is in
principle acceptable in pivot position, irrespective of the sort of noun it
contains (including a proper name); however, when the noun phrase
describes a familiar discourse referent, it must be appropriately
(iii) Generalization 2 also holds for pronouns, with the apparent exception of
it, which is extremely rare, if attested at all.
In Section 3.1 we present the account of this pattern on McNally’s (1997) analysis
of there be-sentences, but first we compare it to the definiteness effect in have-
2.2 Have-sentences
7 These generalizations are consistent with the data presented in Beaver et al. (2005) (see
especially their footnote 9), but their study does not directly speak to them for various reasons:
(1) they did not collect data on proper names; (2) they did not consider the noun in the pivot as
a factor in determiner distribution; and (3) they present statistics not on absolute frequency in
pivot position but rather on the ratio of occurrences of the determiner/pronoun in subject vs.
pivot position.
8 For our purposes, these two terms can be considered synonymous.
186 Toni Bassaganyas-Bars and Louise McNally
Aside from this difference, most of the literature presupposes that the definiteness
effects in there be and have-sentences are two instances of the same phenomenon,
given that, at first blush, the type of noun phrases that allow for a relational
reading mirror the ones that yield out of the blue felicitous existential statements
with there be. That is, the type of determiners that impede a relational reading, as
illustrated in (12), parallel those in (2) above (setting aside possessives, proper
names and pronouns, which cannot be relational). In turn, (13) shows that the
determiners that allow for the relational reading are the ones in (3) above.
We have seen in Section 2.1 that this simple opposition does not capture the full
pattern of data observed in there be-sentences, and that a more nuanced view of
the definiteness effect is necessary. However, this rethinking of the effect has
not, to our knowledge, been systematically applied to existential-have. We will
now show that cracks similar to those found in the pattern illustrated by (2) and
(3) for there be also affect the picture provided in (12) and (13) for have.
First, we saw in (4)–(5) that the definiteness effect in there be-sentences
disappears if the pivot has a kind(-like) interpretation. The same is true if the
There be- and have-sentences 187
object of have picks out a (sub)kind or some other sort of higher-order entity
(e.g. an individual concept, as in (15d)).9 All the sentences in (14) and (15) have a
relational reading.10
These sentences assert that the subject referent is related to one or more token
entities which instantiate the relevant kind(s) through the relation associated
with the relational noun in each case. That is, (14a) can be paraphrased as Jan
has a sister of this kind, and (15c) can be paraphrased as Jan’s and Kim’s kind/
amount of intelligence are the same.
We also saw in Section 2.1 a range of data suggesting that the definiteness
effect is at least partially discourse dependent. The first sort of case, in (6),
involved definites that are acceptable in there be-sentences if the noun is
relational and the entity to which its referent is related is expressed by an
indefinite. This case is not directly applicable to have: if this entity is expressed
within the direct object, the sentence cannot assert that the relation in question
holds with the subject referent.
However, a similar type of example provides a further window into the
definiteness effect with have. The objects in both (16a) and (16b) have definite
articles, but both have clear relational interpretations.
9 The observation in footnote 5 applies in examples like (15) as well; some of these sentences
can be understood as being about amounts of assets or intelligence, for example.
10 Myler (2016: 334) acknowledges the existence of these cases but does not account for them.
12 From Caprice Crane, With a little luck: A novel, New York: Random House, 2011, p. 7.
188 Toni Bassaganyas-Bars and Louise McNally
What seems to go wrong in (17) is that the sentence assumes a set of sister-
individuals that exist independently of Kim. We return to this problem in
Section 3.2.
Finally, examples parallel to (9e–f), where context licenses proper names
and pronouns, do not have equivalents with have, since in principle existential-
have sentences need a relational nominal as the direct object. Regarding pro-
nouns, however, have-sentences show the opposite behavior to that of there be-
sentences. It is the only pronoun that does not appear as the pivot in there-
existentials, but it is the one that occurs most easily as the object of have with a
relational interpretation, as shown in (18a), though examples with demonstra-
tives are also attested, as in (18b).
To sum up, the relevant generalizations stemming from this section are the
(i) As with there be-sentences, necessarily distributive determiners are accep-
table in the direct object of have on a relational interpretation as long as
they quantify over higher-order entities (kinds or types).
(ii) Definite NPs are acceptable as the direct object of have on a relational
interpretation as long as they can be understood as a description of a
higher-order entity (e.g. a kind or an individual concept).
(iii) Directly referential noun phrases, names and pronouns are not acceptable
as the direct object of have on a relational interpretation, except for
demonstratives and it.
We now turn to our analyses of the two definiteness effects, rejecting the
possibility of explaining the definiteness effect in there be- and have-sentences
as instances of the same phenomenon. We will also question the assumption
(which we have followed so far for the sake of discussion) that the definiteness
effect in have-sentences is limited to noun phrases containing relational nouns.
What is crucial in this proposal is that the pivot in there be-sentences does not
denote or quantify over ordinary token entities. Rather, it denotes or quantifies over
something more abstract – a higher order entity –, which McNally (1997) modeled
formally as a nominalized function (also sometimes called an entity correlate of a
property), drawing on Chierchia and Turner’s (1988) property-theoretic semantics.
Chierchia and Turner’s proposal addressed the fact that we ascribe properties not
only to entities, but also, intuitively, to other properties, such as when we say
Happiness is difficult to achieve. To capture this double nature of properties, as
things we ascribe but also talk about, they introduced a nominalization operator, ∩
(see (21), below), which turns properties-as-functions (corresponding to their
190 Toni Bassaganyas-Bars and Louise McNally
predicative use) into their entity correlates (corresponding to their use as arguments
to other predicates), effectively “nominalizing” them.15
Building on Partee’s (1987) theory of noun phrase type shifting, McNally
posited that any noun phrase with a predicative use, as demonstrated by the
possibility of appearing in predicate position in a copular sentence, could be
interpreted as a nominalized function. As (20) illustrates, such noun phrases
include not only indefinites but also definites.
Her analysis of a there be-sentence like (21a), then, was as in (21b–d), where xnf
stands for a variable over nominalized functions.16
15 This brief description of Chierchia and Turner’s system deals imprecisely with various
important technical details; see their paper and Chierchia (1984) for discussion.
16 The coda phrase was treated as a verb phrase adjunct on this analysis, and not as the main
or selected secondary predicate.
There be- and have-sentences 191
17 To the extent that Francez’s analysis treats the pivot as a predicate, it resembles the analyses
in Milsark (1977) and McNally (1998) (the latter of which is a reformulation of the analysis
adopted here). However, Francez’s account differs in treating the pivot as not as a property of
individuals but as a property of properties (i.e. a generalized quantifier). This difference mainly
affects the analysis of the part of the definiteness effect that involves necessarily quantifica-
tional determiners.
In contrast, the differences between treating the pivot as a first-order predicate (i.e. of
(functional) semantic type <e,t> or <s,<e,t≫) vs. the entity correlate of property (i.e. as the
type e counterpart of such a function) are more subtle, and essentially preserve the account of
192 Toni Bassaganyas-Bars and Louise McNally
(24) λxλyλs.R(x)(y)(s)
This analysis relies on (i) a treatment of relational nouns that challenges widely-
accepted formal semantic accounts, and (ii) the hypothesis that sortal nouns are
pragmatically associated with relations that make them function in a pseudo-
relational way in discourse. We consider these two aspects of the analysis in
The well-established treatments of relational nouns in Barker (1995) and
Partee (1997) treat them as two-place, rather than one-place, properties. The
difference between a sortal noun like woman and a relational noun like sister is
thus one of semantic type.
the definiteness effect presented in the text – see McNally (2009) for discussion. No matter
which of these variants of the analysis of the pivot is chosen, the source of the definiteness
effect will contrast with the source of the effect on our analysis of have-sentences. We further
compare the sources of the definiteness effects at the end of Section 3.2.
There be- and have-sentences 193
Bassaganyas-Bars (2018) challenges this view after reviewing the tests that
have been used as evidence for the distinction in (25). Instead, he proposes
treating such nouns as one-place, relation-entailing predicates, as in (26a); this
entailment is modeled as a meaning postulate, as in (26b).
(27) is motivated by two observations. First, have is one of very few verbs that
accepts such direct objects.19 Relational nouns are generally a degraded way of
introducing new referents into a discourse (Landman 2004).
18 (27) is based on a similar condition proposed in Grimm and McNally (2013) for deverbal
19 To our knowledge, only the verbs want, need and give also allow for this possibility. See
Beavers et al. (2009) for a unified analysis of have and these three verbs, based on the idea that
they all take relational(ized) objects; see also e.g. Larson et al. (2018) for the related (and
independently motivated) proposal that want and need embed an abstract have relation. Note
that these verbs differ from verbs of possession (e.g. possess, own), which do not allow such
discourse-new objects. Though space precludes a full discussion as to why this difference
exists, we suspect that it has to do with the fact that possess and own specifically entail
possession relations, whereas on the account defended here, have does not.
194 Toni Bassaganyas-Bars and Louise McNally
(29) a. Jan brought his sister and four of his cousins to the party. Eve is now
dancing with the sister, and Kim is talking to a cousin.
b. After a woman found out via Facebook that a man who’d ‘poked’ her in
real life had a long term girlfriend, she turned to digital manners advice
givers Farhad Manjoo and Emily Yoffe of Slate to ask whether she should
tell the girlfriend. (Bassaganyas-Bars 2018: 84)
Let us now examine the hypothesis that sortal nouns are associated with rela-
tions that allow them to behave pseudo-relationally. Consider a noun like dog.
This predicate can be used to describe an individual irrespective of its connec-
tion to any other entity in the world, as in (30a). However, it can also be used to
refer to an entity whose existence in discourse is tied to another individual. This
is the case of (30b) and (30c), in the latter of which a nominal possessive is used.
The natural “possessive” interpretation of (30b) and (30c) is the one on which,
lacking any context, we understand Kim to be an adult human being with no
particular features. This interpretation corresponds to the relation that entities of
this kind normally have with dogs, namely the one that links dogs-as-pets to
their owners. It is easy to observe, however, that in a richer context, where we
are instructed to treat the “possessor” as the realization of a more specific (sub)
kind of entity, the relation that we need to add to our discourse model can be
different (examples from Bassaganyas-Bars 2018: 93).
about the subkind of dog we should add to our discourse model and the kind of
relation the dog stands in to the subject referent. This relation is not necessarily
a possession relation in the sense that this relation is usually understood.
On this view, the crucial difference between have and more run-of-the-mill
transitive verbs is that a value must be supplied for the underspecified relation
that have contributes. If a have-sentence is uttered in a context where discourse
does not provide any relation, it has to resort to one provided by the noun in
object position. To see this, imagine (32a) or (32b) are uttered discourse-initially.
In (32a), the required relation is provided by the entailment associated with the
relational noun sister (see (26)). This means that the sentence will be interpreted
as asserting that Kim stands in a siblinghood relation to another entity. More
specifically, the account predicts that, in the absence of any previous context,
this is the only reading of (32a).
By contrast, (32b) can only have an interpretation if we know what kind of
entity Kim is taken to be. By default, we resort to the interpretation that Kim is an
ordinary adult person, and entities of this type tend to have a relation with dogs that
we may call “default person-dog.”20 The logical representations for (32a) and (32b)
are given in (33), where, for illustrative purposes, the contribution of the indefinite
determiner is modeled as a choice function (f in (33); see, e.g., Winter 1997).
(33) a. ∃s∃f.siblinghood(f(sister))(k)(s)
b. ∃s∃f.default_person-dog(f(dog))(k)(s)
Let us now turn to the predictions of this account for violations of the definite-
ness effect. Consider (34a–d).
20 This view implies that any sortal noun can in principle function in this pseudo-relational
way, as long as world knowledge provides a sufficiently salient relation between the kinds
instantiated by the subject and object discourse referents.
196 Toni Bassaganyas-Bars and Louise McNally
Neither (34a) nor (34b) can have the relational interpretation, which
Bassaganyas-Bars calls “non-contextualized”: they cannot convey the relation
entailed by the relational noun (in this case, that of siblinghood).21 The novelty
of this approach is that it does not attribute the definiteness effect to have, but
rather to the way relational nouns can be used in discourse in general.
The noun phrases the sister and every sister presuppose that certain entities
the noun sister is true of have been previously introduced into the discourse.
According to the condition in (27), this requires that we know who these sisters
are sisters of. Neither (34a) nor (34b) can thus have the reading that these
entities are Kim’s sisters. They need to be someone else’s sisters if these object
noun phrases are to be felicitous at the point where (34a) or (34b) are uttered. If
the entities in question were really in a siblinghood relation with Kim, uttering
(34a–b) would be a pointless conversational move. However, both sentences will
be felicitous if context gives us a specific relation – different from siblinghood –
that can give content to R in the logical representation of have (see (24)).
Bassaganyas-Bars (2018) calls these “contextualized” uses of have.22
Furthermore, this account predicts that neither (34c) nor (34d) has a reading
on which Kim keeps a dog or a set of dogs as pets. That is, neither sentence
naturally conveys the relation most saliently associated with dogs and (default)
people. We might think of this interpretive restriction as a counterpart of the
definiteness effect which arises with sortal nouns. Let us illustrate how this
restriction arises.
The felicity of (34c–d) relies on a dog or set of dogs being present in previous
discourse. On the analysis presented here, they could have been introduced either
as stand-alone entities or in relation to someone else, i.e. via a pseudo-relational
use of dog. It seems that if an entity described with a sortal noun is introduced
21 Two reviewers point out sentences with the noun kids (e.g. (i)) as possible counterexamples
to this claim.
(i) Kim cannot go out because she has the kids.
We note that the relation connecting an individual to their kids is so socially salient that it is
generally available even outside of have-sentences (iia); other relational nouns (e.g. parents)
cannot be used in the same way (iib-c).
into discourse on its own, it cannot be subsequently referred to using that sortal
noun in a context that would force a pseudo-relational interpretation of its
referent, i.e. an interpretation relying on the network of relations associated
with the noun. Rather, we need to resort to a contextually-supplied relation. For
(34c–d), it could be one where different pets are distributed among vets in a
context where it is clear that Kim is one of the vets.
If, by contrast, the relevant dog or set of dogs have been introduced, e.g., as
Jan’s dog(s), one cannot resort again to the network of relations between types
of things to give an interpretation to (34c–d): The relevant dogs exist in dis-
course in virtue of their link to Jan. Again, we must resort to a contextualized
interpretation, if the context provides one, in order to relate Kim to the dog(s).23
Summing up, both relational and sortal nouns manifest a definiteness effect
in have-sentences when the noun phrase containing them anaphorically refers to
a token-level entity. This effect, despite its name and the historical connection to
the definiteness effect in there be-sentences, is best viewed as a restriction on the
possible values of R. With relational nouns, it amounts to the impossibility of
using the relation associated with the noun by entailment to supply a value for
R. With sortal nouns, it means that we cannot interpret R as the relation that
connects the denotation of the object nominal with entities of the type under
which the subject referent is categorized in the context. In both cases, we must
resort to a contextually-supplied relation to interpret the have-sentence.
In Section 2 we pointed out some differences between the definiteness effect in
there be- and have-sentences. These involved some noun phrases that can be taken
As a reviewer notes, in some cases this becomes possible, e.g. if the noun is modified by same,
as in (iia). The siblinghood relation introduced by (ia) can also be used by contextualized
sentences like (iib), where the object is not described by the corresponding relational noun.
(ii) a. Kim has a good teacher, and gets great marks. Jan has the same teacher, but struggles
to pass.
b. Kim has a very nice sister, and Jan has Sam/a lazy brat.
as descriptions of kinds, some partitives, and the pronoun it. Let us now see how
this account treats each of these cases, and how the differences with there be arise.
First, recall that we saw that certain sorts of noun phrases, such as those
that overtly describe kinds or can be read as descriptions of kinds, are not
subject to the definiteness effect, as in (14a), (14b) and (16a), repeated here.
The acceptability of such sentences follows from our treatment of relational and
sortal nouns, the discourse condition in (27), and standard assumptions about
the interpretation of kind-level arguments to token-level predicates. Consider
(37): Its truth relies on Kim having seen token movies, not abstract entities like
This rule implies, for a sentence like (37), the introduction of a token-level entity
realizing the kind in question to support the truth of the utterance. The same
mechanism applies to have-sentences. (36a) requires that the previous discourse
contain a kind of sister that can be anaphorically referred to with the demon-
strative this. By virtue of Derived Kind Predication, the sentence serves to
introduce into the discourse one (or several) token-level entities realizing this
kind. These token entities, of which the predicate sister is true, are introduced
into the discourse together with the entity they are related to, and as part of a
construction that can assign the entailed relation as the value of R, thereby
conforming to the condition in (27).
Similarly, in (36b) every quantifies over a set of kinds of friends. As a result
of uttering the sentence, at least one token-level entity realizing each of these
kinds is introduced into the discourse; since have connects these entities (satis-
fying the description friend) to the entity they are related to, (27) is respected.
(36c) is explained in the same way: the phrase the body of an athlete must be
There be- and have-sentences 199
The problem in such cases does not have to do with have, but with the condi-
tions on the use of relational nouns. (39) presupposes that there is a set of sisters
in the discourse connected by a siblinghood relation to another entity which is
not Kim; hence, the sentence cannot have the relational reading, independently
of any other variable, such as the presence of a coda.
Finally, let us consider the pronoun it. Recall that this pronoun cannot be
the pivot in a there be-sentence. This restriction does not hold for have: it not
only occurs naturally as the object of this verb, but it also preserves a relational
interpretation, as the following dialog illustrates.
can be interpreted as asserting that Jan has a car of the same type as Kim’s,
which is how we naturally interpret B’s reply in (40).24
At this point, it should be clear that, despite superficial similarities, we take
the definiteness effects in there be- vs. have-sentences to arise for different
reasons. In the former, we attribute the effect to the specialized function of the
construction for asserting the instantiation of the entity correlate of a property
with a generally novel token referent. The effect has a semantic component that
arises due to the restriction that the pivot denote a (nominalized) property or a
quantifier over such properties – that is, it is deeply connected to the origins of
there-existentials in the be-copular construction (recall the discussion of (20) and
(22), as well as footnote 17) – together with a pragmatic component related to a
(defeasible) discourse novelty condition. In the case of have, the effect follows
from (i) the fact that have expresses a relation determined by the nominal in object
position or by information in the context and (ii) independent assumptions about
how relational and sortal nouns function in discourse, as well as about how kind-
denoting noun phrases function as arguments of non-kind-level predicates. It
does not reflect any sortal restriction on the entities that have relates, and the
role of discourse novelty is slightly different than in the case of there be.
In disconnecting the sources of the definiteness effects in the two construc-
tions, our analysis predicts that we might find cross-linguistic variation in the
relation between the effects. That this is a welcome prediction is easily seen by
comparing English with Catalan, for example. Catalan manifests an ostensibly
weaker effect than in English – see, e.g., Villalba (2016) and references cited
there, as well as the Catalan sentences in (41), neither of which is translatable
with a there be-sentence.
24 Why this is not possible for it in there-existentials, when we have seen that it is possible for
demonstrative pronouns, is a question we must leave for future research.
There be- and have-sentences 201
25 A similar descriptive observation is made by Myler (2016: 329ff). In the spirit of the view we
defend here, he uses it to argue against the type of unified syntactic analysis of there be and
have in Freeze (1992) and Kayne (1993).
202 Toni Bassaganyas-Bars and Louise McNally
it exists, should have a common source. Despite the weak definiteness effect
attested for Catalan existentials, a reviewer has pointed out to us that for some
languages where be and have can both be used as existential predicates, the
definiteness effect is stronger for have than it is for be (see, e.g., Bentley et al.
2015 for Sardinian and Bassaganyas-Bars 2015 for Old Catalan).
We suggest that the stronger definiteness effect with have as compared to be in
such cases can be attributed on our account to the fact that sortal nouns functioning
as pivots in have-existential predicates are interpreted pseudo-relationally, i.e. are
introduced into the discourse anchored to another individual – in this case, a
location (loosely understood). Recall from (34c–d) above that if a token-level entity
can be felicitously referred to with a definite NP, that is because it has been
previously introduced as a stand-alone entity or in connection to another discourse
referent. In either case, the entity cannot then be made an argument to a construc-
tion that would make it start functioning pseudo-relationally (if it was previously
introduced as stand-alone entity) or in connection to a different entity from the one
it was initially anchored to (if it was already introduced pseudo-relationally). This is
enough to rule out the possibility of (token-denoting) definite NPs occurring as
pivots in some languages with have-existential predicates.
In the case of Modern Catalan, the weakened definiteness effect might be
attributable to the possibility of resorting to a contextualized interpretation in
sentences like (41); in languages where the effect is stronger than with be, such as
Sardinian and Old Catalan, the option of a contextualized interpretation appears
not to be available. Thus, languages would vary in whether their have verb allows
such an interpretation or not – and this suggests that the use of have we have
been calling non-contextualized is in some sense the basic one, with the avail-
ability of (derived) contextualized uses being language-dependent. The factors
influencing such variation might include competition with alternative means of
expressing existence (e.g. via be, an option available in Old Catalan but not
Modern Catalan) or with a consolidated division of labor between alternative
have-predicates (as in the case of haver-hi vs. tenir in Modern Catalan, a division
that was much less sharp in Old Catalan). However, the issue of this variation is
complex, and we must leave further exploration of it for future research.
26 Myler (2016) could, to some extent, be counted in this group, although he explicitly rejects
assimilating the definiteness effect in there be- and have-sentences, as we already mentioned.
His discussion of the facts, however, is somewhat inconclusive (see Myler 2016: 329ff).
204 Toni Bassaganyas-Bars and Louise McNally
have, effectively making them two-place nouns subject to the same constraints
as relational nouns (a strategy that was already used for nominal possessives by
Vikner and Jensen 2002). We take Tham’s descriptive observations (on which
Beavers et al. build) to be empirically adequate. Nonetheless, unlike the propo-
sal in Bassaganyas-Bars (2018), these analyses cannot fully integrate contextua-
lized and non-contextualized uses of have, and need to posit different versions
of have, or of a relationalizing type-shifter that applies before a sortal noun
combines with have, in the case of Beavers et al.27 In addition, as with Partee’s
proposal, they cannot easily deal with the facts involving kind-describing noun
phrases, partitives and pronouns.
Another analysis within this line appears in Sæbø (2009). On this approach,
the direct object obligatorily forms a predicative structure with an (overt or covert)
small clause predicate. The role of have is to turn the resulting small clause into a
predicate whose variable corresponds to some relational argument within the
small clause, which is eventually identified with the sentence subject. Sæbø’s
treatment of the definiteness effect is, however, explicitly taken from Barwise and
Cooper (1981), thus failing to predict the facts illustrated in (14)–(17).
The other group of analyses, whose roots can ultimately be traced back to
Milsark (1977), includes Le Bruyn et al. (2013, 2016) and, to some extent,
Landman (2004). These analyses argue that have is an incorporating predicate
which takes <e,t>-type objects. Le Bruyn et al. suggest that the role of have is to
relationalize these predicates, introducing existential quantification over their
relational argument along the way. The need for this existential quantifier to
bind the relational argument (which therefore cannot be closed off by internal
quantification) is used to account for the definiteness effect. This type of
approach can capture the fact that the effect obtains both with sortal and
relational nouns. It cannot, however, easily predict the full gamut of noun
phrase types that yield existential readings as objects of have – for example, it
will not explain that some necessarily quantificational noun phrases can have
such a reading. Like Partee, these authors propose a second, “heavy” version of
have to deal with contextualized cases, whose denotation is equivalent to the
denotation proposed by Bassaganyas-Bars (2018) for all uses of have with noun
phrase complements.
27 Bassaganyas-Bars (2018) does not, however, integrate into his analysis one of the uses of
have singled out by Tham, which she calls “control-have,” exemplified in (i). Whether this
distinct use needs a separate treatment remains a subject for future research.
This latter aspect is the one that most conspicuously illustrates the differ-
ences between the analysis presented in Section 3.2 and these other accounts.
They all start from the assumption that, given that have looks like a very special
verb, a highly idiosyncratic analysis of its compositional workings, and of the
definiteness effect it gives rise to, is called for. Bassaganyas-Bars relies instead
on independently motivated assumptions about the behavior of sortal and
relational nouns and the way they can be used in discourse, irrespective of
the specific workings of have. The definiteness effect, and the difference between
contextualized and non-contextualized uses, follow from these assumptions,
without placing any further requirements on have. The semantic peculiarities
of this verb are then reduced to the fact that it denotes a highly underspecified
relation that must somehow get a value. Other than that, have is an ordinary
transitive verb. This analysis, therefore, has better predictive properties while
requiring fewer ad hoc assumptions.
Discussing the behavior of definite and indefinite arguments in there be and
have-sentences, Hoeksema (1989: 123) already warned that “more headway can
be made on the interpretation of existentials if discourse function is considered
alongside truth-conditions.” Both McNally’s and Bassaganyas-Bars’ accounts,
despite their differences, can be seen as an implementation of this desideratum.
5 Conclusion
We have shown that existential there be- and have-sentences manifest different
definiteness effects that reflect different semantics, and briefly pointed out ways
in which the resulting account is more successful than previous accounts of the
effect with have-sentences.
We leave for future research a deeper exploration of why the effects in the
two constructions look as similar as they do. However, the principles that have
guided our respective analyses suggest that the answer to this question will lie
in the pragmatics of discourse referent introduction, rather than in syntactic or
semantic factors.
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