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B2 - Unit 2 Module 2

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B2 Skills Session 2 M2

Your objectives
CAN describe a person's behaviour
CAN distinguish gossip from fact
CAN understand and use cleft sentences

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B2 Skills Session 2 M2
CAN describe a person's behaviour
What do the following words / phrases mean?
a short fuse - cool off - come off as - come around
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words / phrases.
1. Peter __________ an expert in IT, but he actually knows very
little about computers.
2. Leave him alone. He just needs a little time to __________.
3. Jane has __________. She can explode at any minute when
things dont go her way.
4. Even though they appeared negative initially, in the end I
believe that they will __________ to our way of thinking.
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B2 Skills Session 2 M2
CAN distinguish gossip from fact
When people gossip at work, it is good to defend the person who
is being attacked. These phrases can help you do that:
Everyone has bad days.
It could happen to anyone.
He /She has a lot of stress too.
Its not entirely his /her fault.
Im sure he / she didnt mean it.
Thats not always true.
Youve got to remember (Bob) is under a lot of pressure too.

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B2 Skills Session 2 M2
CAN distinguish gossip from fact
How would you defend the people being attacked in these
Colleague: The sales department have sold a product that is
weeks away from being developed.
Colleague: Our manager only speaks to us when he wants to
complain about something.
Colleague: Jane has been coming late to work very often lately
and I get stuck having to cover for her.
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B2 Skills Session 2 M2
CAN understand and use cleft sentences
You can use cleft sentences when you want to emphasise a
particular point.
It + be + noun (you want to emphasise) + clause
e.g. It is Harry who changed departments, not William.
e.g. It was the traffic that delayed my arrival to work this morning.
e.g. Its the noise, not the music, that is giving me a headache.

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B2 Skills Session 2 M2
CAN understand and use cleft sentences
Make cleft sentences to emphasise the points below.
1. Some people thought that Sally was spreading rumours, when
in fact it was Carol.
2. Your presentation is due next week whereas your manager
thought that you had to present it at this weeks meeting.
3. You are taking two weeks holiday in June, not July.
4. You dont mind so much overtime as you do the pay reduction.
5. If you lose an account, you believe that the lack of sufficient
time to prepare will be to blame, not the quality of the work.
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B2 Skills Session 2 M2
Have my objectives been met?
Not at all


With some

Quite easily

Very easily

CAN describe a person's behaviour


CAN distinguish gossip from fact


CAN understand and use cleft sentences


Can write a letter of reprimand


Copyright YES N YOU, All Rights Reserved.

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