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B2 Skills Session 2 M1

Your objectives
CAN express discontent
CAN persuade a colleague to do a favour
CAN use the past perfect

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B2 Skills Session 2 M1
CAN express discontent
Lets look at some expressions that you can use when you are
Am I the only one that has a problem with him?
I'm sick and tired of
That's ridiculous!
This is too much!
I was afraid something like this would happen.
Are you serious?
Calming down
He's just speaking his mind, don't let that bother you.
I realise that
Okay, let's all relax.
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B2 Skills Session 2 M1
CAN express discontent
Have a discussion with your trainer about the way different people
react to news. Remember to use expressions that you learnt from
the previous slide.
How would you react if someone forgot to tell you about an
important phone call.
Your colleague isnt present at an important meeting.
Think of a colleague in the past who was very difficult to
work with. Describe them to your trainer. Why were they
difficult to work with? What was the nature of the conflicts?
How did you deal with them?

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B2 Skills Session 2 M1
CAN persuade a colleague to do a favour
When you are trying to convince someone to help you with
something, these structures can help:
The sooner (we do something unpleasant), the (comparative)
(something pleasant will happen).
e.g. The sooner we get started, the earlier we can go home.
e.g. The sooner we deal with this problem, the happier our client
will be.
If you (do something for me), I will (do something for you).
e.g. If you help me with this project, I will help you next time.
e.g. If you stay overtime today, I will never ask you again.

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B2 Skills Session 2 M1
CAN persuade a colleague to do a favour
Role play the following scenarios with your trainer using the
expressions you learnt.
Scenario 1:

You are working on a presentation that you have

to finish by tomorrow. Time is running out and you
need someone to help you. Ask a colleague for
their help.

Scenario 2:

You are the team leader of a project. The

members of your team are anxious to finish for the
day, but you want them to finish a report before
they go.

Copyright YES N YOU, All Rights Reserved.

B2 Skills Session 2 M1
CAN use the past perfect
We form the past perfect with: had + past participle
e.g. I had written the report.
e.g. He hadnt finished his meal.
e.g. Had they arrived at the airport?
We use the past perfect to show that one action happened
before another action in the past.
e.g. Joe had left the party by the time we arrived.
* Note: The action that happened second is in the past simple
We often use these conjunctions with the past perfect: by, by the
time, before, after, when, etc.

Copyright YES N YOU, All Rights Reserved.

B2 Skills Session 2 M1
CAN use the past perfect
Fill in the gaps by putting the verbs in either the past perfect or
past simple.
1. I couldnt find my keys because I __________ (forget) where I
__________ (put) them.
2. He __________ (keep) looking at her wondering where he
__________ (see) her before.
3. When Marie __________ (see) that Jack __________ (leave)
the oven on, she __________ (get) very angry.
4. When Michael __________ (return) to his flat, he __________
(see) that burglars __________ (break) in.
Copyright YES N YOU, All Rights Reserved.

B2 Skills Session 2 M1
Have my objectives been met?
Not at all


With some

Quite easily

Very easily

CAN express discontent


CAN persuade a colleague to do a favour


CAN use the past perfect


Can use diplomatic language to complain


Copyright YES N YOU, All Rights Reserved.

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