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Basic 2 Unit 1

Unit 1
Buying And Selling

Phone Sales
a. Here are some examples of phone sales messages. Match each store or company in column
B to a mesage in column A.

We have the best coats in town. All our coats come from
1 France. a Dream Travels

Sharp knives, small knives, long knives - 50% off all our
2 The Kitchen
knives for the next three days only. b
For only $20 a month, we bring the news to your door
3 every morning! Winterwear Fas-
We’re holding the biggest sale of the year! Now you can buy
4 fun gifts for your children at half price! d The Daily News

Do you ever dream about Paris, London, or Prague? Call us now

5 and find out about our special holiday deals! e Toys 4 Kids

1 Co
Basic 2 Unit 1

b. Complete the phone sales message with the words below.

best • calling • price • remember • sale • something

“Hi there! This is Susan Thomas (1) from Winterwear Fashions.

We have the (2) coats in town and this week we have

(3) great for you! Our big end-of-season (4) !

All our coats are half (5)

! Call now! The number is 677-7999.

And (6) , our end-of-season sale is for one week only.”

c. Write your own phone sales message. Include the following information:

• your name

• the name of the product

• the price

• a contact phone number

d. You are a salesperson from one of the companies in activity a. Try to convince your partner
to buy your product.

Basic 2 Unit 1

Wrong Color
a. Do you remember the characters in the story “Wrong Color”? Who did what? Mark Ms.
Green or Mr. Brown next to the sentence that is true for them. Some sentences are true for

Ms. Green... Mr. Brown...

1. ordered a green chair.

2. waited for the delivery of the chair.

3. got the wrong color chair.

4. was angry and called the store manager.

5. went to the store but it was closed.

6. met Ms. Green outside the store.

7. smiled when she saw the handsome man.

8. got the right chair in the end.

b. Imagine you are either Ms. Green or Mr. Brown. Write about your day in your diary. Use
the sentences from activity a. to help you.

July 27th Dear Diary,

What a day I had today!

c. Read your partner’s diary and guess which character he/she is.

9 Cop
Basic 2 Unit 1

d. Did you understand all the words in the story, “Wrong Color”? Rewrite the sentences using
the words below to replace the word in bold.

angry • deliver • handsome • manager • mistakes

1. Ms. Green waited for the man to bring her chair.

2. Ms. Green was really mad.

3. The storekeeper said, “We all make errors.”

4. The person in charge of the store laughed.

5. There was a good-looking man outside the store.

e. Read Part 2 of the story, “Wrong Color”, and find out how it ends.

Wrong Color – Part 2

A few months later, Ms. Green called to order a brown table from the same
store. The store manager was very surprised. “I thought you were still angry
about the mistake we made with your chair,” he said. “Oh, no, not at all,”
said Ms. Green. “We all make mistakes!”
“When do you want us to deliver the table?” asked the store manager.
“Any time this week,” said Ms. Green. “You can write ‘For Mrs.
Brown’ on the package,” she added happily and smiled at her
handsome new husband, Mr. Brown.

f. Did you understand Part 2 of the story? Mark the sentences that are true.

1. Ms. Green and Mr. Brown want to buy two different tables.

2. Ms. Green wants the table in the next 7 days.

3. Ms. Green is still angry with the store manager.

4. Ms. Green and Mr. Brown are in love.

Basic 2 Unit 1

Dress from Paris

a. Do you remember the dialogue, “Dress from Paris”? Write the sentences below in the correct

Of course. It’s beautiful. Is it new?

Well, it’s really nice. What a lovely dress!
Really? Do you like it? Yes. I bought it in Paris last week. Thank

Woman 1:

Woman 2:

Woman 1:

Woman 2:

Woman 1:

Woman 2:

b. Your friend buys something new and you think it’s great! Complete the dialogue
between you and your friend.

You: What a lovely. !

Your friend: Really? Do you it?

You: Yes, it’s . Is it ?

Your friend: Yes, I bought it in .

You: Well, it’s really .

Your friend: !

c. Practice the dialogues from activity a. and activity b. with your partner, then take turns
reading the different parts.

11 Cop
Basic 2 Unit 1

Be-Past: Statements and Questions

a. Yesterday, when Mr. Brown was shopping at the mall, his shopping bags disappeared.
Somebody stole them! Mr. Brown went to the police. Complete the questions the policeman
asked Mr. Brown.

Policeman: (1) in your shopping bags?

Mr. Brown: Just some gifts for my family, and clothes for myself.
Policeman: (2) full?
Mr. Brown: Yes, the bags were quite full.
Policeman: (3) when the bags disappeared? Mr.
Brown: I was near the cashier.
Policeman: (4) around you?
Mr. Brown: No, there weren’t many people around me.

b. When was the last time you bought something you weren’t happy with? Write about what
happened. What was wrong with the product? Were you angry? Did you call the store?

Last I bought at .

I wasn’t happy with it because .

I was , so I the store.

They .

c. Exchange stories with a partner. Your partner is the store manager and you are calling to
complain. Practice the dialogue.

Basic 2 Unit 2

Unit 2
Healthy Eating

a. Match the food to the pictures.

chicken • cucumbers • fish • fruit • lemons • eggs • milk • vegetables

5. 6. 7. 8.

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Basic 2 Unit

b. Which of the food from activity a. did Sheila talk about in the radio show, “Sheila’s

c. Did you enjoy the radio show, “Sheila’s Kitchen”? What do you think Sheila will say
next? Mark the sentences that she might say.

1. Durelle products are very expensive.

2. Salads are quick and easy to make.

3. Vegetables are a very important part of our everyday diet.

4. Can I please have a big plate of fruit salad for dessert?

5. Another great thing about salads is that they are tasty, but not fattening.

6. You can add many kinds of dressings to salads.

d. Imagine you are presenting a radio show about healthy food. Complete the phrases

1. Hello and welcome to .

2. Today’s program is about .

3. When I was young, .

4. Today we know that .

5. And now a few words about .

e. Read your radio show script to your partner. Record yourself and play the
recording to the class.

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Basic 2 Unit 2

Dieters Are Feeling Great!

a. What did you learn about dieting from the article “Dieters Are Feeling Great”? The
following sentences are false. Correct them to make them true.

1. Steak is better for you than chicken.

2. Salty food is very healthy.

3. Dinner is the most important meal of the day.

4. The body doesn’t need any food first thing in the morning.

5. If you want to lose weight, eat lots of fried food

b. Imagine you are on the “Kim Fit” diet. Write a list of important rules to remember.

“Kim Fit” Rules to Remember







c. Exchange rules with your partner. Does your partner have any good rules that you can
add to your list?

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Basic 2 Unit

d. Read this letter from one of Kim Fit’s readers. Complete the letter using the
following words:

body • breakfast • diet • energy • fried foods • never • salt • weight

Dear Kim Fit,

A few months ago I decided to go on a (1) .

I stopped eating (2) and I also started to use
less (3) . I ate only vegetable salads for
(4) , lunch and dinner.
At first I lost a lot of (5) , but after a few
weeks, I couldn’t continue any more.
My (6) needed more (7) !
It’s always the same story – I can (8) stay on
a diet for long! What can I do? Please help me.
Jack Roland

e. Which of these sentences do you think will be in Kim Fit’s answer to Mr. Roland?

1. Don’t give up. Try to find a diet that you can keep to.

2. Nobody can live on only vegetable salads for long.

3. Eat as much as you want, especially fried foods.

4. It’s OK to eat unhealthy food sometimes.

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Basic 2 Unit 2

f. You are Kim Fit. Write your answer to Jack Roland. Use some of the sentences from
activity e.

Dear Jack,

Thank you for your letter.

Best wishes, Kim Fit

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Basic 2 Unit

Piece of Cake
a. Separate the sentences to make two alternative dialogues.

But even people on diets have to eat. OK.

If you say it’s good.
Mmm. This is delicious!
Thanks, but I really don’t want any cake.
I’m not hungry right now, but thanks anyway. OK.
You don’t have to get angry.
I’m not angry. I’m just on a diet.
But it’s really very good. Are you sure? It
is good. Here you are.
No, thank you. I’m on a diet.

Dialogue 1
Man: Would you like some cake?

Dialogue 2
Man: Would you like some cake?

b. Choose one of the dialogues and practice it with a partner. Take turns reading the
different parts.

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Basic 2 Unit 2

c. Mark which of the following phrases express refusal and which express acceptance.

Refusal Acceptance

1. You’re right!

2. Sure, why not?

3. Sorry, I don’t like…

4. I said I don’t want any.

5. No, thank you anyway.

6. Not now, thanks.

7. Great! I’d love to.

d. Write a dialogue for one of the following situations:

• Your friend wants to go out, but you are too tired.

• Your friend wants to invite you to a movie that you don’t want to see.
• Your friend wants to go out to lunch, but you just ate something.

Your friend:
Your friend:
Your friend:

e. Now change your dialogue so that this time you agree to do what your friend wants.

Your friend:
Your friend:
Your friend:

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Basic 2 Unit

Nouns: Quantifiers
a. Kim Fit is talking to her friend Fiona about her diet. Use the quantifiers below to
complete their conversation. There is more than one possible answer.

a lot of • some • a few • much • any

Kim: Do you eat (1) fried food?

Fiona: Well, I usually eat (2) chips with my lunch.

Kim: How about cake and chocolate?

Fiona: Oh, I love cake. I always have (3) cake with my

morning coffee.

Kim: What do you have for breakfast?

Fiona: I don’t really have (4) breakfast.

Kim: Do you drink (5) coffee?

Fiona: I drink (6) cups of coffee a day, but not many really.

b. Do you think that Fiona’s diet is healthy? Why? Why not?

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Basic 2 Unit 3

Unit 3
Getting Help

Directions to the Museum

a. Match the answers in column B to the questions in column A.

1. Can you give me directions? a. No, I don’t smoke.
2. Have you got a pen? b. Sorry, I haven’t got one.
3. Have you got a cigarette? c. Sure, no problem.
4. Do I turn left at the men’s shop? d. No, you turn left at the cinema.

b. Give your partner directions to your house from your school.

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Basic 2 Unit

c. Look at the map and mark which of the directions are true and which are false.

True False
1. The men’s store is next to the school.

2. Phil is standing in front of the sports store.

3. The gift store is on the corner of Hill Street and Trenton Street.

4. The school is opposite the bus station.

5. The library is on the corner of Canal Street and Trenton Street.

6. To go to the bus station you turn left at the men’s store.

d. How can Phil get to his house? Write down directions to help him get home.





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Basic 2 Unit 3

Clean-House Agency
a. Here is another ad for a business. Read and complete the ad with the words below.

cleaning up • everywhere • have • help • phone • tired

Is your new dog barking all night long, biting holes in your trousers, and making a mess
(1) ? Do you feel (2) from the sleepless
nights and from (3) ? Then (4) Happy Dog
Trainers. We can (5) you! No matter what the problem is or what
kind of dog you (6) , Happy Dog Trainers always know to do.

Our phone number is: 999-0771. Call us soon! You wont’ be sorry!

b. Can you tell which ad belongs to which business? Match the ads in column B to the
businesses in column A.

1. Park Gardeners a. “What you drive is what you are.”

2. Shiny Hair Salon b. “We can make your green dreams come true!”

3. Clean Car Agency c. “We care for your hair.”

c. Choose one of the businesses from activity b. and write an ad for it. Use the words and
phrases from activities a. and b. to help you.

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Basic 2 Unit

a. Do you remember the “Newsstand” dialogue? Complete it by putting the words below
in the correct order.

1. isn’t there / near here / a train station? / Excuse me,

2. new / sure / I’m not / sir. / Ah, / here. / I’m

3. sell / you / maps? / Do

4. think / I / don’t / so.

5. Please / you / Are / sure? / look.

6. I / any. / don’t / Well, / see

b. Imagine you are asking a newspaper salesman for help, but this time he/she can answer
your questions. Write a dialogue for this situation.

You: Excuse , can you ?

Salesman: Yes, .
You: I’m looking for . Where ?
Salesman: It’s .
You: Do you maps?
Salesman: Yes, .

c. Practice the dialogue with a partner.

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Basic 2 Unit 3

Present Simple: Statements/Wh Questions

a. Rose Smith works as a housekeeper for the “Clean-House Agency”. Mark the
sentences that Rose might say about her daily routine.

1. I will write you a letter when I have time.

2. Every day I clean somebody else’s home.
3. I work very hard and don’t stop until the house is clean and tidy.
4. I went to see a good movie last night.
5. I start work early in the morning.
6. I always begin with the bedrooms and I end with the kitchen.

b. Answer the questions about yourself.

1. When do you get up in the morning?

2. What do you eat for breakfast?

3. When do you start work/school?

4. How do you get to work/school?

5. What do you eat for dinner?

c. Compare your routine with your partner’s. Do you have similar routines or are they very

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Basic 2 Unit

d. Rose wants to work for a new company called “Keep It Clean”. She is at a job
interview. Complete the questions that her interviewer asks.

Interviewer: Why (1) ?

Rose: Because I enjoy cleaning people’s homes – and it’s a good exercise!
Interviewer: Where (2) ?
Rose: I live right in the center of town.
Interviewer: How (3) ?
Rose: Well, I don’t have a car, but I can get anywhere by train and by bus.
Interviewer: When (4) ?
Rose: Oh, I can start right away! Thank you!

e. What about you? Imagine you are looking for a new job. Complete the following
interview by answering the questions in full sentences.

1. What do you do?

2. Where do you live?

3. Do you enjoy helping people?

4. What do you prefer, a day job or a night job?

f. Practice the dialogue from activity d. with a partner.

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Basic 2 Unit 4

Unit 4

a. Mark the sentences you expect to hear in a sports report.

1. Sven Erickson is going to win this year’s tennis championship.

2. The Prime Minister is visiting the United Nations today.
3. The Russian ballet is performing in New York this week.
4. The London marathon started this morning.
5. Tonight is the big football match between Everton and Liverpool.
6. That’s all the sports news tonight!

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Basic 2 Unit 4

b. Match the pictures to the reports.


1. “In soccer, Bill Brown had the best game of his career.”
2. “The Tour de France bicycle race started yesterday.”
3. “In California, the Children’s Olympics started yesterday.”
4. “Tonight is the big tennis match between rock star Maxi and Peter Anson.”
5. “In baseball, Toronto won first place.”

c. Put the sports in the correct categories. Some sports can go in both.

athletics • baseball • basketball • cycling • golf • swimming • soccer • tennis

Team Sports Individual Sports

d. Which sports do you play? Which do you prefer, team sports or individual sports? Why?

I play .
I prefer because .

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Basic 2 Unit 4

e. Read the sentences below to find out what happened a few days later in the world of sports.
Match the phrases in column B to the phrases in column A.


1. Sam Wilson’s baseball team won this year’s

a. to René Lion.
championship, too,

2. In the Children’s Olympics, Natasha Svedova

b. What a bad loser he is!
received her third gold medal

3. Last year’s Tour de France champion, Jacques c. for her wonderful athletics
Chardin, lost this year’s race performance.

4. Actor Peter Anson says that rock star Maxi

d. just as he said they would!
cheated in their tennis match.

f. You are a sports announcer. Prepare your next sports report. Use the sentences from activity
e. to help you. You can also make up your own sports news.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is Jack Hill with the latest
sports report.
Let’s look at baseball first
In athletics
_________________________________________________. In this
year’s Tour de France, the new

And that’s all the sports news for tonight!

g. Read your sports report to your partner.

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Basic 2 Unit 4

People Are Crazy About Sports

a. Did you understand the difference between a sports fan and a sports player? Mark the correct
boxes in the table below.

Sports Players Fans

1. pay a lot of money for tickets to a match
2. get excited when their team wins
3. love to watch sports
4. earn a lot of money if they’re good
5. fill the stadium in the thousands

b. What do you think about sports? Answer the questions below. Write in full sentences.

1. Are you a sports fan?

2. What are your favorite sports?

3. Do you get excited when your team wins?

4. Do you prefer to play sports or watch sports?

c. Compare your answers with a partner’s. Do you have anything in common?

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Basic 2 Unit 4

Let’s Go Swimming
a. Here are two more friends talking about sports. Number the sentences in the correct

Oh. Then why don’t we play tennis instead? Yes,

that’s a good idea. Let’s go!
Let’s go swimming this morning.
Because Suzy said she is going swimming today and I don’t want to see her. Why
Ah, I don’t think so.

b. You and your friend have the day off today. You suggest playing your favorite sport together,
but your friend prefers to stay home and watch a football match on TV. Write a dialogue
between you and your friend. Use the sentences above to help you.

Your friend: You:
Your friend:
Your friend: You:
Your friend:

c. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

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Basic 2 Unit 4

Comparison of Adjectives
a. Read Peter Anson’s account of his latest tennis match with rock star Maxi. Fill
in the blanks with the correct form of adjectives.

“Last week’s tennis match with Maxi was the (1) (unfair) match I’ve ever

played! That ball she hit was out! I’m a much (2) (good) player

than her and everyone knows it! In fact, people say I’m (3) (good).

Maxi is just a beginner. She can’t hit the ball (4) (fast) me.

She’s the (5) (bad) player I’ve ever seen! So anyone who thinks that she

really won that match is (6) (dumb) than a donkey!”

b. Imagine you are Maxi, the rock star. Write your own account of the tennis match. Make
comparisons between Peter Anson and yourself. Try to use all three forms – equal,
comparative and superlative – at least once.

Last week’s tennis match with Peter was .

I’m a much than .

I won the game because .

c. Read Maxi’s account to your partner.

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Basic 2 Unit 5

Unit 5
Enjoy Your Meal!

In the Restaurant
a. Mark the sentences that a customer says in a restaurant.

1. I’d like some…

2. How about some…?
3. Do you have any…?
4. How are the…?
5. I’m sorry we don’t have any…
6. Sure, here you are!
7. Please bring me some…

b. Who could say the other sentences?

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Basic 2 Unit

c. Do you remember the restaurant you saw in the video? Make up a name for the restaurant and
write it at the top of the menu. Use the words below to complete the menu.

soda • house salad • tea • hamburger • pizza • coffee taco salad • pasta • ice cream • fruit salad • lettuce sala


d. Look at the menu and plan what you want to order. Write a dialogue between yourself and a
waiter. Order food from the menu in activity c. Use the phrases from activity a. to help you.







e. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

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Basic 2 Unit 5

Sale at Shopright
a. Read the following two supermarket ads. Then decide where to go shopping. Mark
your answer in the table below.

Wally’s Food Mart has gone crazy!!!

This week you can buy food at Wally’s – almost for free!

Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Gayle’s Supermarket – open Mondays to Saturdays from 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Our fruit and vegetables are the best in town. This week our bread and cakes are half price!

And don’t forget this week’s special offer: Steak for only $1.00 a pound!
Only at Gayle’s Supermarket!!

Wally’s Gayle’s
Where will you go shopping….
Food Mart Supermarket
1. to buy fish?
2. to buy steak?
3. to buy bread?
4. on a Sunday morning?
5. for a birthday cake?

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Basic 2 Unit

b. Mark the information you should include in a supermarket ad.

1. Name of supermarket
2. Opening times
3. Shopping list
4. Recipes for desserts
5. Special offers on certain foods
6. A good cookbook
7. A sentence explaining why your supermarket is special

c. Write your own supermarket ad. Include the relevant information from activity b.

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Basic 2 Unit 5

Good to See You

a. How well do you remember the dialogue from “Good to See You”? Number the
sentences in the correct order.

Aww. . . sorry. I can’t. I’m in a hurry right now.

15 minutes? OK, sure. I’d love to.
Pam! It’s good to see you.
Look, do you have time for lunch? Great to
see you too, Paul.
Then how about a quick cup of coffee? Just 15 minutes, OK?

b. Here are some ways to say “no” to an invitation. Match the second parts of these
sentences to the first.

1. I’m sorry, I just had a big lunch, a. I’m not feeling very well.

2. I’m afraid I have an important

b. so I’m not hungry anymore.

3. I’d love to, but c. so let’s meet tomorrow!

c. Your friend wants to go out for lunch with you but you are too busy. Write a dialogue saying
“no” to your friend’s invitation. Use the sentences from activities a. and b. to help you.

Your friend:
Your friend:
Your friend:

d. Practice the dialogue with your partner.

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Basic 2 Unit

Nouns: Count and Non-Count

a. Katie and Amy are planning a picnic. Complete their phone conversation with
the quantifiers: any, some, a lot of, many, a few, a little, much. There may be more than one
correct answer.

Katie: Amy, do you remember we’re having a picnic for Nick’s birthday tomorrow? What
are you bringing? We need to make sure that there’s (1)
food and drink.
Amy: Oh no, I forgot to go shopping! Let me think what I can bring. I’ve got
(2) fruit at home so I can make (3) fruit salad.
Katie: That’s good. Make sure you make (4) fruit salad, because there
will be (5) people there. I’m going to bring (6)
chips and (7) drinks. Do you have (8) bread?
Amy: I’ve got (9) bread in the freezer, but I don’t think it’s enough for
Katie: OK. I’ll bring (10) bread, too. We also need (11)
meat for the barbeque.
Amy: Nick’s bringing (12) hot dogs, but we don’t need
(13) meat because (14) people are vegetarians.

b. Practice the dialogue from activity a. with a partner.

c. Plan a birthday picnic. Write a list of food for the picnic, using quantifiers.

Birthday Picnic List

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