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Unit 3

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Intermediate 1 Unit 3

Unit 3

a. Do you remember the radio call-in program from the compuer lesson? Which
celebrations are the people from the program talking about? Match the celebrations in B
to the sentences in A.

c 1. It has always been a tradition to celebrate it with a fair in the park.
b 2. My whole family gathered for the event.
a 3. I consider it an honor to be an American.
d 4. We had a fireworks display and our annual bake sale.

a. Thanksgiving
b. A Birthday Party
c. Bank Holiday
d. Independence Day

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Intermediate 1 Unit 3

b. Did you notice the way Doug, the radio host, answered his callers? Mark the sentences
below which he used to respond to the callers.

1. It’s been an honor for us to have you on our program.

2. This might sound unusual.
3. That sounds very English.
4. Hi Doug! This is Stella.
5. I can almost taste that apple pie.
6. Your favorite celebration really is unique.

c. Which of these sentences best describes how Doug answered his callers? In class, discuss
your answer with a partner.
a. He was very rude to his callers.
b. He was very friendly to his callers.
c. He wasn’t interested in his callers.

d. Continue the radio call-in between Doug and another caller who also wants to talk about
his/her favorite celebration. Use the words and phrases from activities a. and b. to help
Doug: Now we’re going to hear more about your favorite celebrations. Caller number

five, you’re on the air.

Caller: Hello, Doug. This is __________________________________________________

Doug: __________________________________________________________________

Caller: __________________________________________________________________

Doug: __________________________________________________________________

Caller: __________________________________________________________________

e. Practice your call -in with a partner.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 3

The First Thanksgiving

a. Kenji wrote to his German pen pal, Hans, about celebrating Thanksgiving with his American
friend, Andrew. Complete his letter with the words below.

Christmas • dessert • famous • giant • honor • parade • symbolizes

Thanksgiving • traditional • turkey

Dear Hans,
se for Thanksgiving dinner.
Today I went to my friend Andrew’s hou
(1) __________________ of the first
Thanksgiving is an American holiday in on
____ to eat a big meal with your family
to the U.S It is (2) __________________
d that the
___________________ the new foo
Thanksgiving, and to eat food that (3)
’s house we had turkey with sweet pota
first Americans found here. At Andrew
’t like the
________ we ate pumpkin pie. I didn
and corn bread, and for (4) _________
h but the pumpkin pie was delicious!
(5) ___________________ very muc
iving Day (6) _________________ on
After dinner we watched the Thanksg York
___________ department stores in New
Every year one of the most (7) ______ Claus.
At the end of the parade we saw Santa
holds a (8) _______________ parade. ind
s comes at the end of the parade to rem
Andrew explained to me that Santa Clau
___________ isn’t far away.
children and parents that (9) _________
fun - now I’m looking forward to cele
(10) _________________ was a lot of
my first American Christmas.


b. Write about your favorite festival. Answer the following questions:

• When is the festival?

• What does it celebrate?
• How do you celebrate it?
• Do you eat special foods?
• Do you wear special clothes?

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Intermediate 1 Unit 3

Sorry I’m Late

a. Jean was supposed to meet Phil at a restaurant for dinner, but she arrived late. Read their
conversation. Then write who is speaking – Phil or Jean.

______________: I’m sorry I didn’t get here on time.

______________: It’s OK. Don’t worry about it.
______________: But I promised that I would not be late today.
______________: Really, it’s no problem. I have been enjoying myself.
______________: Oh. What have you been doing?
______________: Just talking with Beth.

b. Write the phrases from activity a. which have a similar meaning to the phrases below.

1. I have been having a good time. __________________________________________

2. It doesn’t matter. __________________________________________
3. That’s all right. __________________________________________
4. I arrived late. __________________________________________

c. Look at this picture of a party. One of the guests has arrived late and is apologizing to
the host. Why do you think she was late? Choose one of the following reasons and write
a dialogue between the guest and the host. Use the words and phrases from activities a.
and b. to help you.

1. Her car broke down.

2. She had to wait for the babysitter.
3. She had to answer an urgent phone call.

d. Practice your dialogue with a partner.

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Intermediate 1 Unit 3

Passive Voice: With or Without Agent

a. The article below is about a very special parade. It is called the Lord Mayor’s Show and
it takes place in London. Read the article and underline the phrases that use the Passive


The Lord Mayor’s Show is a giant parade streets of London in a special carriage.
that is held every year in the city of This carriage is made of gold and was
London. Over 5,500 people attend the made for the mayor in 1751 by a local
parade and it is the biggest event of its artist. During the year, the carriage can
kind in the world. All the main roads are be seen in the Museum of London. The
closed for the procession, so if you want mayor is accompanied by lots of people
to get close to the parade, you have to dressed in special costumes. In the
arrive very early in the morning. evening, a fireworks display is held on a
boat on London’s River Thames and there
The Lord Mayor’s Show has been
is dancing and music in the streets.
celebrated by the people of London
since 1215. The mayor rides through the

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Intermediate 1 Unit 3

b. Answer the following questions about the Lord Mayor’s Show. Use the passive voice in
your answers.

1. Where is the Lord Mayor’s Show held?

2. Why do you need to arrive early if you want to get close to the parade?

3. When was the Lord Mayor’s Show first celebrated?


4. Where can the Lord Mayor’s carriage be seen during the year?

5. What is special about the firework display at the end of the show?

c. List three ways the Lord Mayor’s Show is celebrated.

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

d. Underline the agent in the two sentences below.

1. The Lord Mayor’s Show has been celebrated by the people of London since 1215.

2. This carriage is made of gold and it was made for the mayor in 1751 by a local artist.

e. Write about a parade that you know about, took part in, or watched. Answer the following
• Is the parade held every year?
• Are the main roads closed?
• For how many years has the parade been held?
• Is anything special made for the parade?

f. Tell your partner about your parade. Are the two parades similar in any way?

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