Wheeler Spectrum 2021
Wheeler Spectrum 2021
Wheeler Spectrum 2021
COVID-19 in the United States and the protection of persons who are at high risk for com-
plications (3, 4). Both vaccines use nucleoside-modified mRNA with a lipid nanoparticle-for-
mulation to encode the spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV-2.
It is considered critical that SARS-CoV-2 vaccines provoke a strong immune
response against the spike protein, particularly the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of
the spike protein which contains many neutralizing epitopes (5). Therefore, many vac-
cines utilize stabilizing mutations in the S glycoprotein to maintain the prefusion con-
formation and prevent shedding of the S1 subunit (6). Available information to date
seems to indicate that these mutated S proteins are more immunogenic than the wild-
type S protein. Both the mRNA-1273 vaccine (Moderna) and the BNT162b2 vaccine
(Pfizer) (7) encode the full-length viral S ectodomain with a transmembrane anchor
and two S-2P mutations which serve to stabilize the prefusion conformation (7, 8).
Initially, Pfizer clinically investigated the BNT162b1 vaccine candidate that incorpo-
rates modified mRNA to encode only the RBD portion of the S protein, thought to be
the key target of virus-neutralizing antibodies (9). The RBD antigen that resulted from
BNT162b1 had an additional T4 fibritin-derived fold in the trimerization domain which
served to increase immunogenicity (10). Later, Pfizer reported that the BNT162b2,
which encoded the full-length stabilized S glycoprotein, elicited dose-dependent
SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody titers comparable or higher than those elicited by a
defined panel of convalescent SARS-CoV-2 serum samples (11). The full-length protein
vaccine was shown to have fewer side effects and was better tolerated than other vac-
cine candidates. Using the full-length glycoprotein vaccine, a randomized, placebo-
controlled trial was performed with over 40,000 participants. The trial found that two
doses of BNT162b2 demonstrated 95% protection against COVID-19 (7).
The Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine encodes the S-2P antigen (15-1208; a mutant
recombinant version of the S glycoprotein with proline replacements at amino acids
986 and 987) (12, 13), a transmembrane anchor, and an S1-S2 cleavage site. The prefu-
sion conformation is stabilized by the consecutive proline substitutions which are
located in the S2 subunit at the top of the central helix (6, 14). Findings from the
30,000-participant phase III clinical trial demonstrated an efficacy of 94.1% after a me-
dian follow-up of 2 months in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 with laboratory con-
to the fact that the CDC does not recommend measuring postvaccination titers for
COVID-19: “Antibody testing is not currently recommended to assess for immunity to
SARS-CoV-2 following COVID-19 vaccination because the clinical utility of postvaccina-
tion testing has not been established” (27). However, to reduce the current pandemic
and limit the burden of COVID-19 worldwide by effectively vaccinating as many people
as possible, we must also select and validate appropriate assays and comprehensively
characterize antiviral immunity associated with COVID-19 vaccines.
Although a consistent proof of protective immunity after vaccination may only
come via reinfection challenge experiments or longitudinal studies of postvaccina-
tion individuals, studies analyzing antibody response to different SARS-CoV-2 anti-
gens after vaccination of healthy volunteers and recovered COVID-19 individuals
are important for establishing the “levels of protection” to be determined by FDA-
approved clinical laboratory assays. In addition, testing of vulnerable populations
for sufficient vaccine response will be critical in stemming the spread in these pop-
ulations and requires that we define a normal or sufficient vaccine response for
comparison. The goal of this study was to determine the level of antibodies to RBD,
S1, S2, and nucleocapsid (N) SARS-CoV-2 antigens in the sera of volunteers receiv-
ing Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines by evaluating the feasibility of novel
BioPlex 2200 SARS-CoV-2 IgG panel. Our results demonstrate the dynamic of anti-
body production after the two-dose vaccine schedule and establish differences
between antibody generation induced by a vaccine and natural COVID-19 disease.
Although some of the immune mechanisms described here are not novel, our study
provides critical, confirming evidence that key antibody pathways are indeed
modulated under the COVID-19 vaccination procedure.
Dynamics of antibody response to vaccination. A common measure of the effec-
tiveness of a vaccine is the specific antibody response in serum samples. Common pat-
terns of antibody response to four different SARS-CoV-2 antigens after vaccination of
healthy individuals are shown in Fig. 1. All volunteers demonstrated no antibodies to
any tested antigens before vaccine administration. The first dose of a vaccine induced
FIG 1 Individual antibody responses to two doses of mRNA vaccines. Blood specimens were collected from healthy individuals before and after the first
and second doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines and then every month. IgG antibodies binding to RBD, S1, S2, and nucleocapsid SARS-CoV-2 structural
proteins were screened and differentiated by the BioPlex 2200 SARS-CoV-2 IgG multiplex panel as described in Materials and Methods. Each time point
represents individual values with the mean and SEM. 10 U/ml is the negative cutoff concentration.
in “2nd dose” group was not significant at day 45 (P = 0.056) but was significant on
day 75 (P , 0.001). At the same time, the difference between the “45d” and “75d”
groups was not statistically significant for anti-RBD antibody levels (P = 0.752).
Similar results were obtained for anti-S1 IgG. The “1st dose” group (median,
64.0) data were significantly lower than data obtained from all other groups: the
FIG 2 Time-course of antibody response to vaccination with mRNA vaccines. Antibody responses to two doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccination were
assessed for RBD, S1, S2, and nucleocapsid. (A) Summation of two-dose vaccine-induced antibody development to different SARS-CoV-2 antigens in healthy
volunteers. The x axis shows time points before and after two doses of vaccine administration and 45 and 75 days after a completed vaccination; the y axis
shows the logarithmic antibody concentrations shown as means 6 the SEM. Significant differences with corresponding P values for each antigen are
presented in the text. 10 U/ml is the negative cutoff concentration. (B) RCDCs of antibody response in healthy volunteers postvaccination for each of the
three antigens. The x axis represents the antibody concentration values in log scale; the y axis is the proportion of subjects having at least that antibody
level. The curve begins at 100% and then descends from left to right. When the RCD curves overlap, the two doses of vaccines induced comparable
immune responses. If one curve is above another one, it indicates the higher immune response.
Age (yr)
Median 50.00
Mean 6 the SD 49.29 6 12.81
Range 19–70
FIG 3 Comparative analysis of antibody response to two mRNA vaccines. Antibody responses to two doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccination of healthy
volunteers were assessed by the BioPlex 2200 SARS-CoV-2 IgG multiplex panel. Results represent individual values (dots) and means 6 the SEM (bars) for
IgG antibodies recognizing RBD, S1, and S2 SARS-CoV-2 antigens. P values were determined using an unpaired t test. 10 U/ml (dotted line) is the negative
cutoff concentration.
test with Welch’s correction (after evaluation for normal distribution by Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test) revealed no statistically significant differences in the potency of immune
response to RBD protein after first and second doses of either mRNA vaccine. No statisti-
cally significant differences in the duration of anti-RBD responses to Pfizer and Moderna
vaccines were also detected (Fig. 3). Antibody response to S1 protein showed a signifi- Dawn pointed this out
cantly higher response to first dose of Moderna (96.23 6 18.13 U/ml) than Pfizer
(51.61 6 9.54) vaccine, while no statistically significant differences were detected at all fol-
lowing time points. Finally, no differences between two vaccines in antibody response to
S2 protein after vaccination were determined (Fig. 3). Overall, we did not reveal differences
between Pfizer and Moderna in terms of the antibody response to spike protein after two-
dose vaccination in healthy volunteers.
Relative analysis (age and gender). We next evaluated whether the antibody
response to mRNA vaccination was similar in males and females. Comparative results
are shown in Fig. 4A. An unpaired t test analysis revealed no statistically significant dif-
Age difference did exist in the first dose but disappeared in the
second dose based on p-values
FIG 4 Gender and age differences in antibody responses to mRNA vaccination. Antibody responses to two doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccinations of
healthy volunteers were assessed by the BioPlex 2200 SARS-CoV-2 IgG multiplex assay. (A) Results represent individual values (dots) and means 6 the SEM
of IgG antibodies recognizing RBD, S1, and S2 SARS-CoV-2 antigens in males and females 2 weeks after the first and second doses and 45 and 75 days
after the second shot. The y axis represents antibody levels in U/ml in logarithmic scale. P values were calculated using an unpaired t test. (B) Pearson
correlation analysis of antibody responses versus age of healthy volunteers. Two age cohorts separated based on the median age (50) are shown for clarity.
Induction of anti-RBD antibody after first (left panel) and second (right panel) doses of a vaccine are shown in the y axis. Regression lines and correlation
coefficients with the corresponding P values are shown. CIs (95%) and prediction intervals (95%) are also indicated.
FIG 5 Serum anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels in COVID-19 recovered individuals. Antibody levels
were assessed by using the BioPlex 2200 SARS-CoV-2 IgG multiplex panel (A) and the EuroImmun IgG
ELISA (B) in 59 COVID-19-recovered persons 3 to 8 months after disease. Antibody levels are
expressed in U/ml in logarithmic scale (A) and index values (B), as described in Materials and
Methods. 10 U/ml (dotted line) is the negative cutoff concentration for panel A. A, index value of 1
(dotted line) is the negative cutoff concentration for panel B. Results from a representative cohort of
patients are shown.
logarithmic (Fig. 6C) scale. This suggests that vaccine-induced antibodies are seen at
higher levels compared to mild natural disease-induced antibodies at least during a
few months after vaccination. Interestingly, vaccination of a person several months af-
ter mild confirmed COVID-19 recovery resulted in a dramatic induction of anti-RBD,
-S1, and -S2, but not anti-N, antibodies up to 40,000 U/ml, which is almost 1,000-fold
higher than in healthy vaccinated volunteers (Fig. 6E and F). Importantly, although the
second vaccine dose resulted in the highest boosting of antibody production, even the
first dose stimulated a dramatic antibody response in a COVID-19-recovered person,
which was significantly higher than the average response in previously COVID-19-free
FIG 6 Vignettes to compare healthy to previously infected volunteers. Examples of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels in a vaccinated healthy volunteer (A
and B), a mild COVID-19 recovered person (C and D), and a previously SARS-CoV-2-infected individual receiving a two-dose mRNA vaccine (E and F) are
shown. Antibody levels were assessed by using a BioPlex 2200 SARS-CoV-2 IgG multiplex panel. Results are expressed as antibody levels in U/ml (y axis) in
the linear (B, D, and F) and logarithmic (A, C, and E) scales for comparison. The x axis indicates time points before, 2 weeks after the first and second
vaccine doses, and 45, 75, and 105 days after the second shot (A, B, E, and F) or days after natural disease (C and D). 10 U/ml (dotted line) is the negative
cutoff concentration.
assessed other COVID-19 vaccine products for use in their countries. All major first-gen-
eration COVID-19 vaccines approved in the United States utilize spike protein coding
for immune response targeting and thus induce RBD, S1, and S2 antibody production.
Interestingly, the Pfizer phase I/II COVID-19 vaccine trial with BNT162b1, an mRNA that
encodes the RBD of the spike protein, showed that a detectable level of RBD-binding
IgG was seen before the second dose, but the peak was 1 week after the booster (31).
For Moderna, there were detectable antibodies by the day of second dose with the
peak on day 15 after second injection (14). The follow-up data for the Moderna mRNA-
1273 vaccine provide immunogenicity data set 90 days after the second vaccination,
showing high levels of RBD binding and neutralizing antibodies that declined slightly
over time, as expected (32). Similarly, blood from six adults receiving the mRNA-based
SARS-CoV-2 vaccines was analyzed for the immune responses to S protein and RBD by
ELISA (16). This study found that immune responses were highest 1 week after the sec-
ond dose of vaccine with a subsequent decline in antibody titers. Neutralizing anti-
body titers displayed a comparable trend for all vaccinees (16). These results were con-
firmed by retrospective analysis of healthy donors’ serologic response to immunization
with the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine. All participants demonstrated no S protein (RBD)
antibodies before vaccination and were all positive for S protein antibodies by 2 weeks
after the first vaccine dose. The serum levels of S protein antibodies peaked at 4 to
5 weeks following the initial vaccine dose (33). Though correlates of protection against
SARS-CoV-2 infection are not yet widely proven, our results and those of others signify
that even with a slight and expected decrease in the level of circulating binding and
neutralizing antibodies, mRNA vaccines have the ability to deliver lasting humoral
Utilizing a new multiplexed antibody detection approach here, we demonstrated
induction of diverse anti-spike antibodies after both the first and the second doses of
spike protein encoding Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, including a strong response to
RBD, which is the major target of neutralizing antibodies in convalescent patients (34).
However, some isolated neutralizing antibodies may exert their function without inter-
fering with RBD-ACE2 recognition or even without binding to RBD (35–37). Indeed,
while RBD-binding antibodies are commonly referred to as “neutralizing” antibodies,
there is not a full correlation between the level of RBD-binding antibodies and the real
neutralizing potential of plasma or serum. For example, it was reported that the con-
cordance between seven different anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunoassays and virus neutrali-
zation tests varied widely (38). Although these observations may suggest that neutrali-
zation potency, as opposed to antibody to epitope specificity, is responsible for the
putative protection of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (39), these results also advocate that
detection and characterization of immune response to multiple viral protein domains
and antigens is well justified.
In our study, the anti-RBD response was the strongest, followed by the anti-S1 response,
whereas the anti-S2 response was the lowest in all tested individuals. While RBD and S1
antibodies are commonly associated with their ability to neutralize a virus, the clinical sig-
nificance of antibodies recognizing the S2 subunit is less clear. Recently, Voss et al.
reported that more than 80% of the anti-spike IgG repertoire bound to epitopes outside
the RBD, with about 40% of the circulating antibodies targeting the S2 subunit (40).
Protective activity of the neutralizing anti-S2 antibody has been also reported (35, 39, 41).
Thus, our data demonstrate that tested vaccines, in addition to the anti-RBD and anti-S1
responses, are also eliciting low but significant antibodies targeting the S2 subunit, which
are likely providing another layer of protection against the virus. Interestingly, recent char-
acterization of binding and neutralizing antibodies isolated from SARS-CoV-2-infected sub-
moderate levels of anti-S1 IgA and IgM antibodies after both the first and the second
doses of the vaccine, in contrast to the strong IgG response (23). Similarly, the
BNT162b2 vaccine compared to natural infection induces low anti-S and anti-RBD IgM
and IgA responses but does induce a strong IgG response (43). One possible explana-
tion for the relatively low IgM and IgA responses to the vaccine are the lipid compo-
nents of the vaccine formulation, which are relatively uncharacterized with respect to
their effect on the human immune system. Some early work indicates that the lipid
components may increase Th1-polarized CD41 T cell responses, thus creating early IgG
class-switching that could produce the observed high IgG and low IgA and IgM
responses (43). However, Wang et al. reported high levels of IgM and IgG anti-S and
anti-RBD binding titers in volunteers 8 weeks after the second vaccine injection (18).
Therefore, additional studies of different cohorts of vaccinated people are needed in
order to draw conclusions regarding the significance of polarized antibody responses
after COVID-19 vaccination.
Our data demonstrating a strong antibody response in an individual who experi-
ence a natural disease 9 months earlier (Fig. 6C) are in agreement with the results dem-
onstrating that the antibody response to the first vaccine dose in individuals with pre-
existing immunity is equal to or even exceeds the titers found in naive individuals after
the second dose (17, 44). These authors studied more than 100 vaccine recipients,
;40% of whom were seropositive for SARS-CoV-2 at the time of vaccination. They
found that median antibody titers among seropositive vaccinees after the first dose
were more than 10 times higher than titers among seronegative vaccinees after the
second dose. The fact that after a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine, people with a prior
COVID-19 infection had antibody levels similar to those of people without prior infec-
tion after two vaccine doses suggests the importance of testing anti-SARS-CoV-2 anti-
bodies prior to vaccination in order to prevent immune overboosting and limit poten-
tial adverse effects, as well as to minimize the unnecessary utilization of vaccines in
countries with restricted vaccine availability.
In conclusion, our results suggest that postvaccination testing of multiple antibody
responses is a vital and practicable instrument for following vaccinated people for
selecting individuals who need additional boosting because of low responsiveness or
in compliance with Good Clinical Practice and all applicable laws and guidelines consistent with ethical
principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Blood samples were collected 6 to 72 h prior to the initial vaccine administration, 2 weeks (14 to
16 days) after the first dose of either vaccine, 2 weeks after the second dose, and then monthly at day 45
(42 to 46 days), day 75 (73 to 78 days), 105 (102 to 108 days), and 135 (132 to 138) after the completed
Detection of virus-specific antibodies. Blood samples were collected into BD serum gel separator
tubes and centrifuged after complete clotting at room temperature (1,200 g, 10 min). All specimens
were deidentified and aliquoted for assessment. Serum samples were stored at 230°C for 1 to 3 months
before analysis.
SARS-CoV-2 antibody assays were performed in CLIA certified high-complexity clinical laboratories at
the (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center). For screening and differentiation of the antibody response
to COVID-19 vaccines, we used the BioPlex 2200 CoV-2 IgG Panel (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Hercules,
CA). The BioPlex 2200 SARS-CoV-2 IgG panel is a multiplex assay for the qualitative (IgG screen) and
semiquantitative (U/ml) detection of IgG class antibodies against the RBD, S1, S2, and nucleocapsid (N)
proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in human serum and plasma. The analytical measuring range was 1 to
100 U/ml, with onboard dilutions of 1:8, 1:16, and 1:32. Samples that displayed any antibody levels
higher than 3,200 U/ml were manually diluted 1:5 or 1:10 using the Bio-Rad dilution solution. The SARS-
CoV-2 IgG calibrator set included five levels of each antibody specificity, with a 4PL calibration curve fit;
for the SARS-CoV-2 IgG quality control, two levels were utilized. Performance studies showed an overall
specificity of 99.8% and an overall sensitivity of 96.3%, according to the manufacturer’s instructions for
use. Evaluation and validation of this assay in our lab confirmed these characteristics (Cook et al., unpub-
lished). Results that are ,10 U/ml are considered negative, and positivity is $10 U/ml.
For the expansion and verification of serum antibody results, we also used an ADVIA Centaur SARS-
CoV-2 total (COV2T) chemiluminescent immunoassay (Siemens USA, Malvern, PA) intended for qualita-
tive detection of total antibodies, including IgG and IgM, to SARS-CoV-2. The COV2T assay on ADVIA
Centaur XP system is a fully automated one-step antigen sandwich immunoassay using acridinium ester
chemiluminescent technology, in which antigens are bridged by antibodies present in the patient sam-
ple. The solid phase contains a preformed complex of streptavidin-coated microparticles and biotinyl-
ated SARS-CoV-2 recombinant S1-RBD antigen. A direct relationship exists between the level of SARS-
CoV-2 antibodies present in the patient sample and the amount of relative light units (RLUs) detected
by the system. A result of reactive or nonreactive is determined according to the index value established
with the high and low calibrators. Within the measuring interval 0.05 to 10.00 index, results were
reported as nonreactive (,1.0 index) or reactive ($1.0 index). Manual dilution of serum samples (1:10 to
1:1,000) was utilized if required. This assay was evaluated in the lab and the results were published (46).
For additional confirmation of antibody results, we used an anti-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA (EuroImmun, NJ)
that provides semiquantitative determination of human IgG antibodies targeting spike protein, which
has been evaluated and verified in our lab previously (46, 47). The assay was run according to the manu-
facturer provided protocol using an iMark microplate absorbance reader (Bio-Rad Laboratories). The ab-
We thank Mary Yost, Vincent Maskivish, and Sharon Palmosina for help with blood
collection and preparation of serum samples, and we thank Bio-Rad Laboratories for
providing key reagents and supporting antibody detection. We also thank all
volunteers participating in the study.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public,
commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
We confirm that all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and all necessary
IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained. Bio-Rad Laboratories had
no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of
the report. All authors had full access to all the data in the study and had final
responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.
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