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Perspectives On Monoclonal Antibody Therapy As Potential Therapeutic Intervention For Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19)

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Asian Pacific Journal of

Allergy and Immunology

Perspectives on monoclonal antibody therapy

as potential therapeutic intervention
for Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19)
Balamurugan Shanmugaraj,1,2 Konlavat Siriwattananon,1,2 Kittikhun Wangkanont,3 Waranyoo Phoolcharoen1,2


Last decade witnessed the outbreak of many life-threatening human pathogens including Nipah, Ebola, Chikungunya,
Zika, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), Severe Acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
(SARS-CoV) and more recently novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV or SARS-CoV-2). The disease condition associated with
novel coronavirus, referred to as Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The emergence of novel coronavirus in 2019 in
Wuhan, China marked the third highly pathogenic coronavirus infecting humans in the 21st century. The continuing
emergence of coronaviruses at regular intervals poses a significant threat to human health and economy. Ironically, even
after a decade of research on coronavirus, still there are no licensed vaccines or therapeutic agents to treat coronavirus
infection which highlights an urgent need to develop effective vaccines or post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent future
epidemics. Several clinical, genetic and epidemiological features of COVID-19 resemble SARS-CoV infection. Hence,
the research advancements on SARS-CoV treatment might help scientific community in quick understanding of this
virus pathogenesis and develop effective therapeutic/prophylactic agents to treat and prevent this infection. Monoclo-
nal antibodies represent the major class of biotherapeutics for passive immunotherapy to fight against viral infection.
The therapeutic potential of monoclonal antibodies has been well recognized in the treatment of many diseases. Here, we
summarize the potential monoclonal antibody based therapeutic intervention for COVID-19 by considering the existing
knowledge on the neutralizing monoclonal antibodies against similar coronaviruses SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Further
research on COVID-19 pathogenesis could identify appropriate therapeutic targets to develop specific anti-virals against
this newly emerging pathogen.

Key words: Coronavirus; Emerging threat; Monoclonal Antibody, Immunotherapy, Infectious diseases; Viruses; Zoonoses

From: Corresponding author:

Research unit for Plant-produced Pharmaceuticals, Waranyoo Phoolcharoen
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand E-mail: Waranyoo.P@chula.ac.th
Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany,
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University,
Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science,
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

In December 2019, cases of pneumonia of unknown cause The structural proteins such as membrane (M), envelope (E)
were reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China which was lat- protein, nucleocapsid (N) protein and spike protein (S) play a
er confirmed to be caused by novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. major role in virus entry and virus replication in the host cell.5-8
The clinical condition caused by novel coronavirus is referred Two highly pathogenic coronaviruses of zoonotic origin such
to as COVID-19.1-4 Coronaviruses (CoVs) are a large family as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV were identified earlier which
of viruses that are phenotypically and genotypically diverse. causes widespread epidemics and fatality in many countries.
CoVs are enveloped viruses containing single-stranded pos- SARS-CoV-2 is the third known highly pathogenic human
itive-sense RNA that belongs to Coronaviridae family of the coronavirus infection in the last two decades after MERS-CoV
Orthocoronavirinae subfamily which can cause illness in birds, and SARS-CoV.3 Although it is believed to be originated from
mammals and humans. The viral genome is about 27-32 kb, bats, the exact source of SARS-CoV-2, animal reservoir and
which encodes for both structural and non-structural proteins. enzootic patterns of transmission still remain uncertain.

Potential therapeutic intervention for COVID-19

The COVID-19 symptoms have reportedly ranged from intervention strategies including vaccines, monoclonal anti-
mild to severe that can ultimately lead to death. The symp- bodies, peptides, interferon therapies and small-molecule drugs
toms usually appear 2-14 days after viral exposure which in- to combat SARS-CoV-2, it may require several months to test
cludes fever, cough, shortness of breath and pneumonia. The its efficacy in vitro/in vivo and also it largely depends on the
severe cases showed respiratory, hepatic, gastrointestinal and results of the clinical trials. Even though this virus is newly
neurological complications that can leads to mortality. The identified, the clinical and genetic features showed similarity
transmission of COVID-19 is reported to be human-to-human with SARS-CoV.3 Their similarities would make it easier to uti-
transmission via., respiratory droplets or direct contact with lize the existing knowledge and adapt the available vaccines or
the infected patients.1-3,6,9-13 The virus spreads to more than 20 therapeutic models developed against other coronaviruses to
countries within short period and nearly 73,000 infected cas- target the unique aspects of SARS-CoV-2.
es of COVID-19 with a total of 1,870 deaths were reported as Immunotherapy is regarded as an effective method for
of February 18, 2020. The numbers of infected cases and death clinical treatment of infectious diseases. The use of monoclo-
associated with COVID-19 is increasing daily. More number nal antibodies is a new era in infectious disease prevention
of infected cases has been reported in China, followed by Sin- which overcomes many drawbacks associated with serum
gapore, Hong Kong Thailand, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, therapy and intravenous immunoglobulins preparations in
Vietnam, Australia, Germany, USA, France, UAE, UK, Cana- terms of specificity, purity, low risk of blood-borne pathogen
da, Italy, Philippines, India, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Belgium, contamination and safety. Monoclonal antibodies are versatile
Nepal, Sri Lanka, Egypt, and Cambodia.13 class of pharmaceuticals that have been successfully used by
Significant efforts have been made to develop therapeutic pharmaceutical industry which can provide an efficient ther-
interventions against coronavirus infection. Major research apeutic intervention with a highly specific treatment against
has been focused on identifying anti-viral molecules targeting particular disease.20-23 Many monoclonal antibodies against
the spike protein as it mediates viral entry, and their potential viruses are developed in recent years and some are in clinical
in inducing host immune responses and eliciting protective pipeline.24-26
antibody responses in infected individuals. In this review, we CoV infection starts with the interaction of receptor bind-
highlight the therapeutic potential of neutralizing antibodies ing domain located in the S protein and target receptor on the
that showed promising efficacy against SARS-CoV or MERS- host cell surface such as Angiotensin converting enzyme 2
CoV which might have the potential for the therapy and pro- (ACE2) for SARS-CoV and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4) for
phylaxis of SARS-CoV-2. MERS-CoV.27 The effective treatment options against SARS-
CoV-2 can either based on the use of broad-spectrum anti-vi-
Therapeutic Intervention for COVID-19 ral drugs or by using specific therapeutic molecules that can
Neither an effective vaccines nor anti-viral therapeutic directly interrupt any stages of the viral lifecycle or the recep-
agents have been approved to treat COVID-19 or any other tor proteins located in the host cell surface to restrain the vi-
human CoV infection till date. The current approach to coro- rus binding thereby blocking the virus attachment and entry.
navirus disease management focuses on supportive care. Rap- This can be achieved by using peptidic fusion inhibitors, anti-
id public health interventions with antibodies, anti-virals or SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing monoclonal antibodies, anti-ACE2
novel vaccine strategies are highly essential to contain the monoclonal antibodies and protease inhibitors. The spike pro-
virus and disease transmission. Passive antibody therapy can tein present on the viral membrane plays a vital role in virus
be considered as a way to limit COVID-19 epidemics. Pas- entry and is the principal antigenic component responsible for
sive immunization of antibody that can recognize epitopic inducing host immune response.28 Hence, it has been consid-
regions in the foreign virus particle can reduce the virus rep- ered as a key target to develop potential effective therapeutics
lication and disease severity. Antibodies for passive immuno- against coronavirus infection. The receptor-binding motif lo-
therapy can be isolated from the blood of the infected patients cated in the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of S1 sub-unit of
or it can be manufactured in the laboratory. Immunotherapy spike protein interacts with the cell receptor and mediates the
by transferring the convalescent sera to infected patients may virus attachment with the host cells.29 Similar to SARS-CoV,
be effective in humans in neutralizing the virus and prevent SARS-CoV-2 utilizes host receptor, angiotensin-converting
further infection. Based on the existing evidence and prior enzyme 2 (ACE2) for its attachment and entry (Figure 1).30-32
experience in treating other viral infections such as influenza, Hence the therapies for SARS-CoV can be extrapolated to use
SARS, MERS and Ebola, the early administration of convales- for SARS-CoV-2. The specific neutralizing monoclonal anti-
cent plasma or hyper-immune immunoglobulin from patients bodies either against receptor-binding domain (RBD) in spike
that contains significant antibody titers can likely reduce the protein or specific antibody that binds to ACE2 could effec-
viral load and disease mortality.14-19 However, the key chal- tively block the virus entry (Figure 2). The structure of SARS-
lenges such as availability of sufficient donors, clinical condi- CoV-2, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV spike protein and mono-
tion, viral kinetics, and host interactions of SARS-CoV-2 needs clonal antibody interaction sites are shown in figures 3, 4, and
to be elucidated before considering convalescent plasma as a 5. The protein structure figures were generated by PyMOL.
therapeutic option. However, there is an urgent need to con- As both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 uses same host cell sur-
sider novel therapies for treating clinically advanced condi- face receptor, potential blocking agents or strategies tested to
tions in order to reduce mortality, virus spread and to mitigate prevent SARS entry could be evaluated against SARS-CoV-2.
the potential future outbreaks. Although researchers are in Coughlin and Prabhakar, (2012) reported a series of human
the process of developing specific preventive and therapeutic monoclonal antibodies targeting the RBD region of S protein

Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2020;38:10-18 DOI 10.12932/AP-200220-0773


Receptor ACE2 Receptor DPP4 Receptor ACE2

Figure 1. Graphical representation of SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 and its cellular receptor.
The schematic representation shows the envelope spike proteins of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV that binds to host receptor angio-
tensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4), respectively. Similar like SARS-CoV, novel coronavirus
SARS-CoV-2 uses ACE2 as its receptor for host entry. Binding between receptor binding domain in spike protein and the cellular
receptor mediates membrane fusion and initiate the virus life cycle.

SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing mAb

Spike Protein Receptor ACE2

Host cell

Viral RNA release


Endosomal membrane

Figure 2. Schematic representation of SARS-CoV-2 neutralization mechanism.

Interaction of spike protein and the cellular receptor is required for membrane fusion and entry into the target cell. The monoclonal
antibodies targeting spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 could potentially inhibit the virus binding to its cellular receptor thereby prevent-
ing its entry into the cell.

Potential therapeutic intervention for COVID-19

Host Cell

A) B) RBD C)
(in) (out)




SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Viral Envelope

Figure 3. Structure of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein ectodomain (PDB ID 6VSB)71.
A) Ribbon diagram of the trimeric spike protein.
B) Surface representation (side view) of the trimeric spike protein.
C) The surface facing the host cell consists of the N-terminal domain (NTD) and the receptor binding domain (RBD). The RBD can
be in either the in or out conformation. The out conformation is proposed to interact with the host receptor ACE2.

ACE2 80R

F26G1 m396 S230

SARS-CoV Spike Protein

Figure 4. Structure of the trimeric SARS-CoV spike protein ectodomain in the RBD out conformation (PDB ID 6NB7)51.
The binding surface of the ACE2 receptor (PDB ID 6CS2)72 and the following antibodies are shown in magenta: 80R (PDB ID
2GHW)73, F26G1 (PDB ID 3BGF)74, m396 (PDB ID 2DD8)75, and S230 (PDB ID 6NB7)51.

RBD DPP4 m336 CDC2-C2
MERS-CoV Spike Protein





Variable Loop
of S2

JC57-14 MCA1 LCA60

Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2020;38:10-18 DOI 10.12932/AP-200220-0773


Figure 5. Structure of the trimeric MERS-CoV spike protein ectodomain in the RBD out conformation (PDB ID 5X59)76.
The DPP4 binding surface (magenta, PDB ID 4KR0)77 in the RBD is shown in two orientations (120° apart) for ease of comparison with the antibody binding surfaces.Three re-
gions in which targeting antibodies have been reported are the RBD, NTD, and the variable loop of the S2 connector domain. All the interaction surfaces are shown in magenta.
RBD: m336 (PDB ID 4XAK)78, CDC2-C2 (PDB ID 6C6Z)64, MERS-4 (PDB ID 5YY5)56, D12 (PDB ID 4ZPT)62, JC57-14 (PDB ID 6C6Y)64, MCA-1 (PDB ID 5GMQ)67, andLCA60
(PDB ID 6NB4)51. NTD: 7D10 (PDB ID 6J11)69 and G2(PDB ID 6PXH)70. Variable loop of the S2 connector domain: G4 (PDB ID 5W9I).63
Potential therapeutic intervention for COVID-19

of SARS-CoV.33 The monoclonal antibodies targeting spike For effective disease prevention, the combination of differ-
protein in SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV showed promising re- ent monoclonal antibodies that recognizes different epitopes on
sults in vitro and in vivo that could be potentially effective the viral surface could be assessed to neutralize wide range of
against SARS-CoV-2 are listed in the table 1 and 2. isolates including escape mutants and best candidates could be

Table 1. Neutralizing monoclonal antibodies targeting SARS-CoV and their mechanism of action

Mechanism of action References

• Binding to the conformational epitope (amino acid residues 426-492) on S1 fragment of SARS-CoV.
80R • Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor ACE2 using 6 complementary determining region 11,20,41,42

(CDR) in vitro and in vivo (Mouse).

• Binding to the amino acid residues 318-510 and amino acid residue 565 with high affinity on S1 fragment of SARS-CoV.
CR3014 43-45
• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor ACE2 in vitro and in vivo (Ferret).

• Binding to the amino acid residues 318-510 on S1 fragment of SARS-CoV.

CR3022 44
• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein (RBD) with cellular receptor ACE2 in vitro.

• Binding to the linear epitope (amino acid residues 460-476) on S1 fragment of SARS-CoV.
F26G18 42
• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein (RBD) with cellular receptor ACE2 in vitro.

• Binding to the conformational epitope (amino acid residues 359-362, 391-392, 424-427, and 486-492) on S1 fragment of
F26G19 SARS-CoV. 42

• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein (RBD) with cellular receptor ACE2 in vitro.

• Binding to the conformational epitope (amino acid residues 482-491) on S1 fragment of SARS-CoV.
m396 42,46
• Blocking the interaction of S subunit protein using CDR loops H1, H2, H3, and L3 with cellular receptor ACE2 in vitro.

• Binding to the Heptad repeat (HR) loops including heptad repeat 1 (HR1) and heptad repeat 1 (HR2) domain on S2 frag-
1A9 ment of SARS-CoV. 47,48

• Blocking the interaction of S2 subunit protein (amino acid residues 1111-1130) with cellular receptor in vitro.

• Binding to the amino acid residues 490-510 on S1 fragment of SARS-CoV.

201 33,49
• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor ACE2 in vitro and in vivo (Mouse Syrian Hamster).

68 • Binding to the amino acid residues 130-150 of SARS-CoV in vitro and in vivo (Mouse) 33,49

• Binding to the amino acid residues 12-261 of SARS-CoV and N-terminal of RBD
4D4 33,50
• Inhibiting the post-interaction in the viral penetration in vitro.

• Binding to epitopes partially overlapping with receptor binding motifs on B domain of SARS-CoV.
S230 51
• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor ACE2 in vitro

Table 2. Neutralizing monoclonal antibodies targeting MERS-CoV and their mechanism of action

Mechanism of action References

• Binding to the C-terminal segment of the β5-β6, β6-β7 and β7-β8 loops on the receptor-binding subdomain in RBD of
MERS-CoV with no overlap DPP4 binding surface.
MERS-4 52-55
• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor DPP4 in vitro by inducing β5-β6 shallow groove on
the RBD.

• Binding to the C-terminal segment of the β6-β7 loop and β7 strand on RBD of MERS-CoV and overlap with the DPP4
MERS-27 binding surface. 52-57

• Blocking the interaction of S1subunit protein with cellular receptor DPP4 in vitro.

• Binding to the C-terminal segment of the β6-β7 loop and β7 strand on RBD of MERS-CoV and overlap with the DPP4
4C2 binding surface. 52,53,56,58

• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor DPP4 in vitro and in vivo (Mouse).

• Binding to the C-terminal segment of the β5-β8 strands, β5-β6 loop and β6-β7 loop in RBD of MERS-CoV and overlap
with the DPP4 binding surface.
m336 52,53,56,59-61
• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor DPP4 by mimicking the interaction between RBD and
DPP4 in the similar binding angle in vitro and in vivo (Mouse and rabbit).

G4 • Binding to the glycosylated surface on the S2 subunit protein in vitro. 52,62,63

• Binding to the C-terminal segment of the β6-β7 loop and β7 strand on RBD of MERS-CoV and overlap with the DPP4
D12 binding surface. 52,56,63,64

• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor DPP4 in vitro.

Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol 2020;38:10-18 DOI 10.12932/AP-200220-0773

Table 2. (Continued)

Mechanism of action References

• Binding to the C-terminal segment of the β6-β7 loop and β7 strand on RBD of MERS-CoV and overlap with the DPP4
JC57-14 binding surface. 52,56,64

• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor DPP4 in vitro.

• Binding to the C-terminal segment of the β5-β8 strands, β5-β6 loop and β6-β7 loop in RBD of MERS-CoV.
MERS-GD27 • Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor DPP4 by mimicking the interaction between RBD and 52,65

DPP4 in the same binding angle in vitro and in vivo (Mice).

• Binding to the C-terminal segment of the β5-β8 strands, β5-β6 loop and β6-β7 loop in RBD of MERS-CoV.
MERS-GD33 • Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor DPP4 mimicking the interaction between RBD and 52,66

DPP4 in the same binding angle in vitro.

• Binding to the C-terminal segment of the β8 strand, β6-β9 loop, and β6-β8 loop on RBD of MERS-CoV.
LCA60 51
• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor DPP4 in vitro.

• Binding to RBD with 6 complementarity-determining regions

MCA1 67,68
• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor DPP4 in vitro and in vivo (Mouse).

CDC2-C2 • Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor DPP4 in vitro and in vivo (Mouse). 64

• Binding to N-terminal domain of S protein of MERS-CoV

7D10 69
• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor DPP4 in vitro and in vivo (Mouse).

• Binding to N-terminal domain of S protein of MERS-CoV

G2 69,70
• Blocking the interaction of S1 subunit protein with cellular receptor DPP4 in vitro.

used for passive immunotherapy. Monoclonal antibody cock- MERS and SARS. Further detailed understanding of the virus
tail may exhibit more potent anti-virus activity that could in- pathogenesis might increase the opportunities for the realistic
crease the effectiveness of the treatment and prevent the viral design of therapeutics specific to novel coronavirus.
escape.34-36 Although, several monoclonal antibodies showed
promising result in neutralizing SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV Author Contributions
infection, the large-scale production of monoclonal antibodies All authors have made a considerable, direct and intellectual
is labor intensive, expensive and time consuming which out- contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.
weighs the monoclonal antibody clinical application especially
monoclonal antibodies against emerging pathogen. The recent
advancement in the therapeutic protein production platforms Acknowledgement
could make the monoclonal antibody production at lower Author (BS) would like to acknowledge the Second Century
production costs and affordable. The sequences of monoclonal Fund (C2F), Chulalongkorn University, for providing the fel-
antibodies that are effective against SARS-CoV could be cloned lowship.
and expressed in suitable expression system such as mamma-
lian, yeast or plant and recombinant monoclonal antibodies Conflict of Interest
could be tested against SARS-CoV-2. Plant expression system The authors declare that no conflict of interest.
could be considered for the rapid production of monoclonal
antibodies in a short time with the affordable cost which is
one of the major advantages to be considered especially during
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