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SA-10 Battalion

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SA-10/SA-20 battalion by Alex Kontz


The history of SA-10 (S-300 in Russian designation) started in 1969, after Vietnam and Middle
East Wars. Getting new experience during the wars, Army wanted to use high mobile AA systems of
medium range against enemy aircrafts instead sited ones, to get a chance go out of disclosed position
in the enemy face. Shortly, S-300 was invented as a replacement for SA-2 (S-75). Testing of the new
system began in 1975 and it entered in service in 1978, with one experimental regiment formed in
1979, although actually the Soviet Army got new S-300 systems in 1982, when was replaced missile
first generation Anti-Aircraft Defence around Moscow SA-1 (S-25). For almost 30 years of service
S-300 was modernized several times and modern S-300 stay far away from the original S-300
system. Final evolution of the S-300 was S-300 PMU-2 or SA-20 in NATO designation. It has range
enlarged up to 200km, although it still look like SA-10. Were used new missile and new electronic
components, but exterior of the system wasn’t changed. This allow easy upgrade existing SA-10
systems up to SA-20, which appeared to be a strategic area defence AA system, itended to protect
most important fixed targets, like military bases, nuclear sites, airfields, government and industrial
centres, and so on. In Russia S-300 systems completely replaced oldier SA-2 and SA-5 (S-75 and S-
200) AA systems by the end of 90’s-00’s (only one SA-5 site still remain in service in Kaliningrad
region due of tactical reason). Lasted about 20 years total modernisation of Anti-Aircraft Forces
was one of most succefull reequipment programs in the Soviet/Russian Army. Considered as “Russian
Patriot”, modern the S-300 actually is much better than US Patriot system by many parameters like
range, mobility and survivabilty. This make the S-300 one of most wanted AA system in the world
and it is exporting in many countries, first ex-USSR satellites, also as China, Vietnam, India, Kiprus,
Algeria. Lethal effectiveness of the S-300 make it not only deadly weapon, but a political tool too.
It was a subject of political interests when Iran tried import some the S-300 in the face of US
treatment. Also known, many other countries, especially from Asia and South America regions,
would like to purchase S-300, but every time they meet a strong resistance from USA. The S-300
was never used in war conflicts and maybe there is a part of its desert.


S-300 battalion consist of Command Post van, group of radars including Big Bird surveillance
radar, Flap Lid missile guidance radar, Clam Shell low altitude target acquisition radar and launch
battery, consisting of 12 TELs, 12 missile loaders, 12 missile transporters. Battalion management
realize via pair Command Post - Big Bird radar. This is the heart of the S-300. As an unit, they able
to manage up to 6 (six) S-300 launch batteries, that mean 6 Flap Lid radars and 72 TELs, for a
distance up to 20 km. Along with high mobility of the system, this make the S-300 almost non-killed
enemy. Even destroing the heart of the system can’t kill the battalion, if there is at least one more the
S-300 in a distance up to 20 km. Receiving information about targets from Big Bird radar, Command
Post’s computer decide what tactic is better for engagement and send commands to Flap Lid radar
on missiles start. Since that a missile guidance realize in automatic mode. The S-300 is very high
mobile system with deployed time only 5 minutes, however, if there is no Clam Shell radar. Clam
Shell low altitude tartgets acquisition radar is optional equipment, placed on the top of 25 or 39
meters mast, can reduce deployment time up to 2 hours.
(Satellite map. See detailed explanation below)
54K6 command post is constructed on MAZ-
543 chassis. The 54K6 can be engaged against 36
targets simultaneously and guide 72 missiles.
Computer system of the 54K6 is able to count on
optimal tactic against single tagret or group of
targets for a short time, basing on data received
from Big Bird 64N6 surveillance radar, and realize
operational control via Flap Lid guidance radar.
Also, 54K6 has identification friend or foe ability,
normally realized by separate radar in previous
SAM systems, different from SA-10/SA-20
systems. The crew of the 54K6 consist of 5 men.

Model statistics: number of polygons - 117,315

price - $120

64N6 in Russian designation or Big Bird (also
known as Tombstone) in NATO designation is an
early warning surveillance radar. Big Bird is a 3-D
radar (it detect height of targets along with distance
and asimuth), which has range of 300 km and can
display up to 200 targets simulta-neously, including
tactical ballistic missiles with launching range of
1000 km. The radar can detect a target with speed
of up to 10000 km/h. Although the 64N6 weight
is 60 tons, this is very mobile equipment and its
deployment time is only 5 minutes. The radar is
placed in two vans, towed by MAZ-7410 tractor.
The crew of the 64N6 consist of 4 men. The radar dish is rotating at 6 or 12 rpm.
Command Post 54K6 and 64N6 radar are a regimental unit and can be expluatated both in a battalion
or a regimental levels. In the last case, up to six S-300 battalions can be united under 54K6 <-> 64N6
Model statistics: number of polygons - 263,349 price - $160

Clam Shell, or 76N6 in Russian designation, is
fully automatic low altitude acquisition radar
designed to detect and track targets at extremely
low altitudes, especially cruise missiles. It has
weight of 11 tons and rotation speed 20 rpm. The
radar constructed on the top of 25 meters or 39
meters masts and can be deployed for one or two
hours. Same mast can be used for Flap Lid radar,
enlarging range of S-300 battalion (but losing in
mobility). Clam Shell is optional equipment.

Model statistics: number of polygons - 235,753

price - $170
36N85 in Russian designation, the S-300 fire
control radar is more difficult to detect and track
by aircraft’s receiver, than predecessors like Fan
Song (SA-2), Low Blow (SA-3) and Square Pair
(SA-5). Unlike mechanically steered and scanned
the predecessors, 36N85 is electronic beam
steering with very low sidelobes and narrow beam
mainlobe radar, while most anti-radar missiles rely
on sidelobes engaging a target. That make any
attempt to kill 36N85 from the forward sector
of the radar very critical. Meantime 36N85 can
engage up to six targets simultaneously with two
missiles assigned to every target.
Model statistics: number of polygons - 160,977
price - $140

S-300 TEL (Transporter Erector Launcher) is
constructed on MAZ-543 chassis and carry four
sealed tube missile containers. Missile use a single
stage solid propellant motor and armed with 100-
180kg warhead. It is vertically launched, that
provide fastest reaction time capability to counter
targets approaching from any azimuth. TEL use
cold launch by gas catapult, trowing a missile out
for 30 meters. While lifting to such a height the
missile is tended toward the target by a gas-
dynamic system. Then solid rocket propellant
drive the missile toward the target with maximum
speed at 2 km/sec. If intensive maneuvering before
contact with a target is required, a missile use gas-
dynamic control system to realise
“supermaneuvering” mode. Missile engagement
altitude has a range from 25 to 30000 meters and a distance up to 200 km (for SA-20). Guarantee
non-serviceable storage period of a missile in its container is 10 years.

Model statistics: number of polygons - 124,366 price - $115

5T58 is Russian designation for S-300 missile
transporter, towed by BAZ-6402 6X6 tractor.
BAZ tractors produced by Bryansk Automobile
Zavod and replaced oldier KrAZ-260, used in
early S-300 modifications as a transporter tractor.
BAZ-6402 is able to tow 13 tons weight, that’s
enough to tow a trailer loaded with four rounds.

Model statistics: number of polygons - 292,037

price - $140
22T6 in Russian designation is a missile loader,
based on Ural-5323 8X8 chassis. Ural-5323 is an
offroad truck capacity of 9 tons, produced since
1989. It has number of modifications, designed
to fit various purposes.

Model statistics: number of polygons - 239,716

price - $140

Summary price: $985 $650!

If you have any questions or comments, please, contact author by e-mail: alex_kontz@mail.ru

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