(Unit 4) Me 366 Solutions Manual (28 - 05 - 2021)
(Unit 4) Me 366 Solutions Manual (28 - 05 - 2021)
(Unit 4) Me 366 Solutions Manual (28 - 05 - 2021)
Unit 4, Problem 1
550 15 pud ud
Mean film temperature T f 282 .5 0 C (555 .5K ) But Re = From Tables
2 μ μ
6 0.15
μ 4.515 x 10 5 m 2 /s; k 4.39 x10 -5 kW/m K ; and Pr 0.68 Re x 19933.6
4.515 10 5
Hence , Nu 0.332 0.68 199336 12 823/288 0.117 46.6
46.6 x4.39 x 10 5
h Nu k/x 0.01364 kW/m 2 K
The arrange heat transfer deficient h zhx
2 0.01364
0.02728 W/m2 K
Heat transfer Q h A s (Ts T )
0.02728 2 0.15 550 15
= 4.38 kW
Unit 4, Problem 2
160 40
Mean bulk temperature Tb 100 0 C From the table provided
ud 1.5 0.01
Re 735.3 Re 2300 hence flow is laminar
20.4 10 6
ρ 839 kg 6 2 Nu 3.65
m , μ 20.4 10
3 m , C p 2.22 KJ K; k 0.137 W k
s kg mK
3.65 0.137
h 50.005 w 2
0.01 m K
Unit 4, Problem 3
Mean film temperature T f 0.5352 288 320 K
2 gρ 2 δ 3 Δt gδ 3 Δt
Pr 0.702, v 1.759 10 5 m ; Gr
s 2 ν2
1 9.81 79 15 0.6
Grx 1.522 109
1.759 10 2
288 5
Unit 4, Problem 4.
Properties: The density and dynamic viscosity of water are given to be = 999.7 kg/m3 and =
1.30710-3 kg/ms, respectively.
Analysis: (a) First we need to determine the flow regime. The Reynolds number of the flow is
Vm D (999.7 kg/m 3 )(1.2 m/s)(2 10 -3 m)
Re 1836 Water
1.307 10 -3 kg/m s
which is less than 2300. Therefore, the flow is laminar. Then the D = 0.2 cm
friction factor and the pressure drop become 1.2 m/s L = 15 m
64 64
f 0.0349
Re 1836
L Vm2 15 m (999.7 kg/m 3 )(1.2 m/s) 2 1 kN 1 kPa
P f 0.0349 2
188 kPa
D 2 0.002 m 2 1000 kg m/s 1 kN/m
(b) The volume flow rate and the pumping power requirements are
V A V (D 2 / 4) (1.2 m/s)[(0.002 m) 2 / 4] 3.77 10 6 m 3 / s
V m c m
6 1000 W
W pump VP (3.77 10 m 3 / s)(188 kPa ) 0.71 W
1 kPa m /s
Therefore, power input in the amount of 0.71 W is needed to overcome the frictional losses in the flow
due to viscosity.
Unit 4, Problem 5
50 10
Mean film temperature T f 30 0C 303K
50 10
P air 0.575 kg 3
RTair 287 303 m
ud 0.575 20 0.5
1.85 10 5 K 0.0263; Pr 0.7 Re
1.85 105
For flow over is another mal horizontal flat plate with Re 5 105 and 0.6 pr 50
1 1
Nu 0.664 Re 2 P 3
Units 4, Problem 6
Tf = 100 10 55 O C ( 328K)
P 0.2 101.325 103
air 0.2153 kg m3
RT 287 328
N u K 48.134 0.0284
Q = hA (Tw T ) h 6.84 W 2
x 0.2 m k
h (Tn To ) 6.84 90 615.6 W 2 .
A m
Unit 4, Problem 7
R V 107 v
U e
For atr at 20 C 1 ATM, = 1.53 x 10-5
Unit 4, Problem 9
Unit 4, Problem 10
Unit 4, Problem 11
Unit 4, Problem 12
Unit 4, Problem 14
1. Since both sides of each fin are exposed to the surroundings air, the surface area for convective heat
transfer is:
The heat flow from the surface to the fluid is given by Newton’s law of cooling:
2. The convective heat flow from a solid surface to the surrounding fluid is given by Newton’s law of
Substituting the given data, we obtain, 8.8 = 1.136A (65-20)
8. In case of turbulent flow through a tube, the average value of heat transfer coefficient is prescribed by
the relation,
Further, as there is no change in the temperatures, the fluid properties remain constant.
(i) When the tube diameter and the fluid properties remain constant
That is, two-fold increase in the flow velocity results into 74.1 % increase in heat transfer.
(ii) When the flow velocity and the fluid properties remain unchanged
That is, with two-fold increase in tube diameter, the heat transfer decreases by 13 %.
9. For air at tf = 325 K and p = 1 atm, the thermo-physical properties of air are:
This is well in excess of the critical Reynolds number for flow in tubes (2500); the flow is turbulent and
the given correlation applies,
Convective film coefficient,