169908251563-68 Eassy Topics
169908251563-68 Eassy Topics
169908251563-68 Eassy Topics
“Childhood memories are timeless Sometimes, ghastly childhood
treasures of the heart.” memories make a man emerg e
Memories are strong imprints on stronger. Nevertheless, it can be said
life’s pages that not only long last but that the ‘inner child’ is kept alive by
also provide a constant reminder of childhood memories in all of us.
the bygone times. These memories are There is always a child inside every
like fresh air in our otherwise person. It may come out all of a
monotonous lives of today, which we sudden at any stage in life. It may
can recall to bring smiles back on our also be expressed every day in the
faces even when we feel sad. The little things that we enjoy doing. Our
nostalgia and the retreat given by our ‘inner child’ is especially seen when
childhood memories transcend us to a we meet our childhood friends.
different world where we feel so Regardless of how grown-up we think
relaxed and refreshed. These memories Ms. Vidita Mehta we are, we become like kids the
are some of the most crucial things moment we are with old childhood
First prize winner of
we can cherish throughout our lives. friends. Memories also take up most
They also build our personality as all CSR Essay Writing Contest 897. of our conversations when we meet
our basic knowledge and refreshing Ms. Vidita Mehta has done B.Sc. and old friends after many years.
experiences are stored in them. B.Ed with teaching experience as a The trip down memory lane is
Childhood memories are the best as TGT for seven years. Hailing bitter-sweet as we long for a generally
they are the most carefree phase of cherished time we will not get back.
our lives, where we do not fret over from Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, she Some may be excited about seeing
small things and are not burdened with loves teaching, dramatics and swings; some may act like a child
expectations. These memories make dancing. when they see panipuri. This is
us smile even in our old age. because we get reminded of our
childhood memories. The same happens when we enter
Importance of Childhood Memories the children’s play park and recall our favourite rides. It is
Childhood memories are very significant in our lives, as even more so when we eat ice cream or our favourite ice
generally, those times can be regarded as the best times of candy—the same we used to eat as a five-year-old. Hence,
our lives. Childhood memories build up our future and childhood memories play a very vital role in our lives.
way of thinking. People with good childhood memories
are happy people. On the other hand, some bad childhood My Memories
memories also affect an individual’s future. The things a My childhood was spent in a beautiful village of
person learns during childhood remain important lessons Pithoragarh, where natural beauty is in abundance. Large
and memories for life. It applies to things like family and tracts of forests interspersed with trees, water-gushing
society values, morals, understanding the importance of streams, and snow-clad hills kept all children busy. We
friendships and being respectful to adults. were a group of young girls who played around the village
Without learning proper manners in childhood, people the whole day. We went to school in the morning, where
can become reckless and take unnecessary risks. Childhood the same teacher taught us all the subjects. On our way
memories are also strongly related to good habits such as back, we used to climb trees to pluck fruits, and by the
proper discipline and cultivating the proper attitude. These time we reached home, we were all too exhausted to even
values, which are very important for success in adult life, have lunch. I lived in a joint family with my siblings, and
cannot be learnt overnight at a later stage. Childhood the house was filled with the sounds of our laughter and
memories do not define anyone, but they play a pivotal role noises.
in one’s life. The best part of my childhood was that it was free
It is not necessary that a person with good memories from all the vices of social media, which keep the children
always lives a prosperous life while a person with bad of the present generation glued to mobile phones the
memories always lives a life of struggles and poverty. whole day. I played all outdoor games such as kho-kho,
*We present here the four FIRST PRIZE WINNING ESSAYS of the CSR Essay
Contests 897, 898, 899 & 900, contributed by Ms. Vidita Mehta, Ms. Srijan Mukhopadhyay,
Ms. Kirti Yadav and Ms. P. Priyadarshini.
“The most magnificent creature in the entire world, Efforts To Conserve Tigers In India
the tiger is”, so rightly says noted American zoo keeper The most popular and well-known tiger conservation
Mr. Jack Hanna. Tigers, the majestic big cats, have initiative in India is ‘Project Tiger’. One of the most crucial
captivated the human imagination for centuries with their steps in India’s tiger conservation was the launch of Project
power, beauty and grace. Tigers are an ancient species that Tiger in 1973. This pioneering initiative aimed at identifying
have evolved over two million years. However, their survival and protecting critical tiger habitats designated as tiger
has been under threat due to habitat loss, poaching, and reserves. The project sought to ensure a viable and healthy
other human-induced factors. tiger population, focusing on ecological balance and
India, a country with a significant tiger population, has sustainable development for local communities. Project
been at the forefront of global tiger conservation efforts. Tiger increased the tiger population to 3,500 in the 1990s,
This essay explores India’s tireless endeavours to protect but the numbers suffered a setback after that due to habitat
this iconic species and the challenges faced in the process. destruction and large-scale poaching.
The Status Of Tigers In India The Idea Of Habitat Protection
Historically, India boasted a vast tiger population, with Creating and maintaining inviolate spaces for tigers to
estimations reaching tens of thousands two hundred years roam freely is essential for their conservation. The Indian
ago. Tragically, this number declined drastically due to Government, in collaboration with non-governmental
relentless hunting and habitat destruction. It is estimated organisations (NGOs) and local communities, has sought
that over 82,000 tigers were slaughtered between the years to develop protected places such as national parks, secure
1875 and 1925. By the 1970s, the tiger population in India zones, and animal sanctuaries. These areas are carefully
plummeted to an alarming low of around 1,827. managed to safeguard the natural habitats and ensure the
Realising the urgency of the situation, the Indian availability of abundant prey for tigers.
Government and various conservation organisations took
affirmative action to prevent the tiger’s extinction. Through Community Participation
a series of initiatives and collaborations, they have worked Tiger conservation efforts in India have recognised the
relentlessly to reverse the declining tiger population trend. importance of involving local communities. Collaborative
PM Indira Gandhi was the one to promulgate the Wildlife efforts with indigenous people have improved protection
Protection Act in 1972, and as a result, 29 tiger reserves measures and sustainable practices that benefit both tigers
were created. and local livelihoods. This method has helped lessen
“Necessity is the mother of developing the related industries. A
invention” is a known proverb. student from Chengalpattu city in
Likewise, “Improvement is the Tamil Nadu can travel down to an
father of development”. The more Arts and Science College in Parry’s
we strive for development, the more Corner in Chennai at the cheapest
we will be developed. Indian cost of Rs. 20 without traffic chaos
Railways has always been an epitome through a suburban train.
of continuous development. From One of the major evolutions of
steam engines of colonial times to railways in the 21st century is the
the luxury locomotives of the Metro trains. With the onset of
present modern era, the Indian Metros, the traffic issues in major
Railways has gone through various cities like Mumbai, Delhi and
developmental stages. And it is Ms. P. Priyadarshini Bengaluru have noticeably
still improving itself in multiple First prize winner of decreased. These Metro trains
aspects, proportionally uplifting CSR Essay Writing Contest 900. have opened up a wide range of
passengers’ lives. Ms. P. Priyadarshini is a Bachelor of job opportunities for the youth.
Transport is the backbone of any Engineering (B.E.). Hailing from Unlike the suburban trains, the
developing nation. A good transport Kengeri Satellite Town, Bengaluru, Metros are very well equipped with
facility reduces the daily hassles and Karnakata, she loves reading books, systematic ticketing systems in the
guarantees the movement of men writing short stories, travelling and form of coins, codes and cards
and material to reach their ensuring that nobody travels
listening to music.
destination in time. A vegetable without ticket.
vendor in the KR market area of
Bengaluru can guarantee his customer to deliver Railways In Freight Transport
vegetables because he can depend on the freight train Goods from any part of the country can be
from Chennai that in turn delivers his goods to him transported to any other corner of the country. Indian
safely and quickly. A business executive in Mumbai can Railways facilitates these movements with its freight
attend his client meeting in Gujarat at noon with the trains. Such trains are the spine of the logistics sector.
help of Vande Bharat Express. Vistadome train provides As per official 2022 statistics, with the network of over
a lifetime experience while traversing through the 68,000 kms, more than 1.4 billion tonnes of freight
enchanting Western Ghats section. One can enjoy the traffic can be shuttled across the country every year.
nature’s beauty via 360 degree view glass windows along E-commerce is witnessing good days in India largely
their way. because of the railways. Scheduled deliveries are now
easily possible because of the uninterrupted services
Suburban Trains And Metros provided by the Indian Railways.
Suburban trains act as the prime mode of commuting Further, it is also cost effective when compared to
in major cities. Millions of people travel on a daily other modes of transport. Even military arms and
basis. Major industries, markets, universities, hospitals, ammunitions are transported with utmost care via
tourist spots, temples, schools and malls are all well railways. Major army cantonments, Air Force stations
connected with these suburban lines proportionally and Naval bases are well connected with rail networks