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CSR ESSAY CONTESTS — 897, 898, 899 & 900*

“Childhood memories are timeless Sometimes, ghastly childhood
treasures of the heart.” memories make a man emerg e
Memories are strong imprints on stronger. Nevertheless, it can be said
life’s pages that not only long last but that the ‘inner child’ is kept alive by
also provide a constant reminder of childhood memories in all of us.
the bygone times. These memories are There is always a child inside every
like fresh air in our otherwise person. It may come out all of a
monotonous lives of today, which we sudden at any stage in life. It may
can recall to bring smiles back on our also be expressed every day in the
faces even when we feel sad. The little things that we enjoy doing. Our
nostalgia and the retreat given by our ‘inner child’ is especially seen when
childhood memories transcend us to a we meet our childhood friends.
different world where we feel so Regardless of how grown-up we think
relaxed and refreshed. These memories Ms. Vidita Mehta we are, we become like kids the
are some of the most crucial things moment we are with old childhood
First prize winner of
we can cherish throughout our lives. friends. Memories also take up most
They also build our personality as all CSR Essay Writing Contest 897. of our conversations when we meet
our basic knowledge and refreshing Ms. Vidita Mehta has done B.Sc. and old friends after many years.
experiences are stored in them. B.Ed with teaching experience as a The trip down memory lane is
Childhood memories are the best as TGT for seven years. Hailing bitter-sweet as we long for a generally
they are the most carefree phase of cherished time we will not get back.
our lives, where we do not fret over from Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, she Some may be excited about seeing
small things and are not burdened with loves teaching, dramatics and swings; some may act like a child
expectations. These memories make dancing. when they see panipuri. This is
us smile even in our old age. because we get reminded of our
childhood memories. The same happens when we enter
Importance of Childhood Memories the children’s play park and recall our favourite rides. It is
Childhood memories are very significant in our lives, as even more so when we eat ice cream or our favourite ice
generally, those times can be regarded as the best times of candy—the same we used to eat as a five-year-old. Hence,
our lives. Childhood memories build up our future and childhood memories play a very vital role in our lives.
way of thinking. People with good childhood memories
are happy people. On the other hand, some bad childhood My Memories
memories also affect an individual’s future. The things a My childhood was spent in a beautiful village of
person learns during childhood remain important lessons Pithoragarh, where natural beauty is in abundance. Large
and memories for life. It applies to things like family and tracts of forests interspersed with trees, water-gushing
society values, morals, understanding the importance of streams, and snow-clad hills kept all children busy. We
friendships and being respectful to adults. were a group of young girls who played around the village
Without learning proper manners in childhood, people the whole day. We went to school in the morning, where
can become reckless and take unnecessary risks. Childhood the same teacher taught us all the subjects. On our way
memories are also strongly related to good habits such as back, we used to climb trees to pluck fruits, and by the
proper discipline and cultivating the proper attitude. These time we reached home, we were all too exhausted to even
values, which are very important for success in adult life, have lunch. I lived in a joint family with my siblings, and
cannot be learnt overnight at a later stage. Childhood the house was filled with the sounds of our laughter and
memories do not define anyone, but they play a pivotal role noises.
in one’s life. The best part of my childhood was that it was free
It is not necessary that a person with good memories from all the vices of social media, which keep the children
always lives a prosperous life while a person with bad of the present generation glued to mobile phones the
memories always lives a life of struggles and poverty. whole day. I played all outdoor games such as kho-kho,

*We present here the four FIRST PRIZE WINNING ESSAYS of the CSR Essay
Contests 897, 898, 899 & 900, contributed by Ms. Vidita Mehta, Ms. Srijan Mukhopadhyay,
Ms. Kirti Yadav and Ms. P. Priyadarshini.


skipping, pakdam-pakdai, chor-police, hide and seek, and swam like a fish. That day also taught me a valuable lesson
pitthu, to name a few. Indoor games such as carrom, ludo, about taking the first step in any daunting task.
snakes and ladders were also interesting, which we played The most vivid childhood memory is of listening to
for long sessions. We went hiking on weekends in the stories from our mother. She is a great storyteller, and all
nearby hills, where we carried our lunch. Those were the my siblings used to wait for the night storytelling sessions,
carefree days of my life wherein the word ‘stress’ had no where my mother used to narrate the stories of Ramayana,
place. Mahabharata and other folk tales. We all listened in rapt
The moonlit nights of the village gave the feeling of a attention and learnt a lot of lessons from these stories.
fairyland where we chased the firefly and slept on the There was a shop in our village which used to rent
rooftop gazing at the star-lit sky. The feeling was of total storybooks at a nominal rate. In the summer holidays, I
abandonment, where I relished the most beautiful dreams used to take a lot of books on rent and read them
which took me into another world filled with fairies and throughout the day. This inculcated a habit of reading
princes. I used to wake to the most beautiful sunrise with books in me, which has helped me a lot in my professional
the Sun glowing brightly to its glory and the blue sky life. In contrast, reading books as a hobby has now
welcoming the rising Sun. The trees were filled with birds almost become a thing of the past with the proliferation
chirping, and at a distance, I could hear the temple bells of e-books and tablets, which has its downside.
ringing. There was no hurry, no chaotic traffic, no yelling
of people fighting with each other. We could just hear the Conclusion
gossip of older people and their frequent laughter—a time Childhood memories keep the ‘child in us’ alive. No
when there was no animosity and jealousy between them. matter how old we get, there is always a child within each
The time I remember very fondly was swimming in the of us, which comes out at different times. We act like a
village’s free-flowing streams. I have always loved playing in child when we see swings and get excited like a child when
the water. Even though I loved the water, at first, I could we eat ice cream or are offered candy. This happens because
not swim as I was not aware of the basics of the sport. our childhood memories remind us of the carefree times
Slowly, as I learned to kick and paddle, it became easier to associated with these things. Therefore, childhood
swim in shallow water. The big test was swimming in deep memories play a significant role in our lives. I cherish all
water, as it was a terrifying thought but also simultaneously my childhood memories as they are my companions and
exciting. I still remember the day I decided to let go of my my “bliss of solitude”, which remind me of the days free
fears and dived into the deep end of a water body. The of complexities and full of innocence. My childhood
instant I jumped into the water, the fear was gone, and I memories will always remain close to my heart.

“The most magnificent creature in the entire world, Efforts To Conserve Tigers In India
the tiger is”, so rightly says noted American zoo keeper The most popular and well-known tiger conservation
Mr. Jack Hanna. Tigers, the majestic big cats, have initiative in India is ‘Project Tiger’. One of the most crucial
captivated the human imagination for centuries with their steps in India’s tiger conservation was the launch of Project
power, beauty and grace. Tigers are an ancient species that Tiger in 1973. This pioneering initiative aimed at identifying
have evolved over two million years. However, their survival and protecting critical tiger habitats designated as tiger
has been under threat due to habitat loss, poaching, and reserves. The project sought to ensure a viable and healthy
other human-induced factors. tiger population, focusing on ecological balance and
India, a country with a significant tiger population, has sustainable development for local communities. Project
been at the forefront of global tiger conservation efforts. Tiger increased the tiger population to 3,500 in the 1990s,
This essay explores India’s tireless endeavours to protect but the numbers suffered a setback after that due to habitat
this iconic species and the challenges faced in the process. destruction and large-scale poaching.
The Status Of Tigers In India The Idea Of Habitat Protection
Historically, India boasted a vast tiger population, with Creating and maintaining inviolate spaces for tigers to
estimations reaching tens of thousands two hundred years roam freely is essential for their conservation. The Indian
ago. Tragically, this number declined drastically due to Government, in collaboration with non-governmental
relentless hunting and habitat destruction. It is estimated organisations (NGOs) and local communities, has sought
that over 82,000 tigers were slaughtered between the years to develop protected places such as national parks, secure
1875 and 1925. By the 1970s, the tiger population in India zones, and animal sanctuaries. These areas are carefully
plummeted to an alarming low of around 1,827. managed to safeguard the natural habitats and ensure the
Realising the urgency of the situation, the Indian availability of abundant prey for tigers.
Government and various conservation organisations took
affirmative action to prevent the tiger’s extinction. Through Community Participation
a series of initiatives and collaborations, they have worked Tiger conservation efforts in India have recognised the
relentlessly to reverse the declining tiger population trend. importance of involving local communities. Collaborative
PM Indira Gandhi was the one to promulgate the Wildlife efforts with indigenous people have improved protection
Protection Act in 1972, and as a result, 29 tiger reserves measures and sustainable practices that benefit both tigers
were created. and local livelihoods. This method has helped lessen


conflicts between humans and tigers, species’ survival and ecological
creating a favourable environment for balance.
Challenges And Future
Anti-Poaching Measures Perspectives
Employed Despite the remarkable success,
Poaching remains one of the most tiger conservation in India faces
significant threats to tigers in India. To chronic issues that require urgent
counter this menace, the government attention and creative solutions.
has strengthened anti-poaching units, Habitat fragmentation, human-
equipped forest officials with better wildlife conflict, ongoing poaching,
training and resources, and enacted illegal trafficking, and the most recent
stringent laws to discourage poaching and unanticipated threat—climate
and wildlife trafficking. Ms. Srijan Mukhopadhyay change are all critical challenges.
First prize winner of These challenges, caused by human
Scientific Research And encroachment and engagement,
Monitoring CSR Essay Writing Contest 898. remain a significant worry for
Understanding tiger behaviour, Ms. Srijan Mukhopadhyay is a Law tiger populations. Expansion of
population dynamics, and ecological student and published author of the agricultural operations, infrastructural
requirements is crucial for effective book “The Mark of a Heart”. Hailing development, and human settlements
conservation. India has invested in frequently result in habitat degradation
scientific research and advanced from Pune, Maharashtra, she loves and isolation, interfering with tiger
monitoring techniques, including reading, writing, listening to music migration and gene flow. Conflicts
camera traps and radio-collaring, to and watching old films. between humans and tigers are
g ather essential data on tiger becoming more severe as human
movements and population trends. However, the downsides populations grow. Tigers occasionally enter human-
of these measures should also be taken note of. Firstly, dominated settings, resulting in human deaths and retaliatory
the collars may interfere with the tiger’s natural behaviour, tiger killings. Despite enforcement efforts, organised criminal
causing stress and potential injuries. Secondly, the networks drive tiger product demand, particularly in foreign
technology relies on batteries and signal transmission, which markets. Poaching for tiger body parts and illegal wildlife
can fail or be affected by environmental factors, leading to trading continue to be serious problems. Climate change
data gaps and incomplete monitoring. adds new obstacles to tiger conservation. Weather patterns
and changes in prey availability can all affect tiger habitats
Public Awareness And Education and prey dynamics.
Educating the public about the importance of tiger To address these challenges and ensure the long-term
conservation and the need to protect these magnificent survival of tigers in India, a multi-pronged approach is
creatures is paramount. Various awareness campaigns and necessary:
educational programmes have been launched to foster a a) Strengthening Law Enforcement: Robust law
sense of responsibility and empathy among the citizens of enforcement and penalties for wildlife crimes are crucial
India with respect to tigers. to deter poaching and illegal wildlife trade; b) Habitat
Connectivity: Creating corridors to link fragmented tiger
Results And Achievements habitats enables tigers to move freely and maintain gene
The collective efforts of the Indian Government, flow between populations; c) Community Involvement:
conservation organisations and local communities have Empowering local communities through sustainable
yielded promising results in tiger conservation. India has livelihood options and incentivising conservation efforts
3,682 tigers, as per Tiger census data. When Prime Minister can foster support for tiger protection; d) Climate
Mr. Narendra Modi released the “Status of Tigers 2022” Resilience: Integrating climate change adaptation strategies
to mark the completion of 50 years of “Project Tiger” in into tiger conservation planning can help mitigate the
2022 in Mysuru, the Government had said there are at impacts of climate change on tiger habitats.
least 3,167 tigers in India. The number of tigers in India
has increased from 2,967 in 2018 to 3,682 in 2022, an Conclusion
annual rise of 6%, according to the latest government India’s efforts in tiger conservation have shown remarkable
data released on the International Tiger Day. With this, progress in recent years, contributing significantly to the
India has become home to approximately 75% of the global conservation agenda. The country’s commitment to
world’s tiger population, Union Minister of State for Forest, protecting its national symbol is evident through various
Environment and Climate Change Mr. Ashwini Kumar initiatives, research, and community involvement.
Choubey said while releasing the data. However, challenges persist, demanding sustained
These achievements are attributed to robust conservation dedication and innovative strategies. By addressing these
measures, including the establishment of protected areas, challenges head-on and building upon the successes
anti-poaching initiatives, and community involvement in achieved, India can continue to be a shining example of
tiger conservation programmes. effective tiger conservation, ensuring that future generations
Several tiger reserves have become success stories, can witness the magnificence of these iconic big cats
demonstrating the effectiveness of conservation measures. roaming freely in their natural habitats. The preservation
Notably, the tiger population in Kaziranga National Park of tigers is not just a matter of ecological balance but also
and Corbett Tiger Reserve has shown steady growth, a testament to our responsibility as stewards of the planet’s
exemplifying the positive impact of targeted conservation biodiversity. Only through collective efforts can we secure
initiatives. The country has witnessed a remarkable resurgence a thriving future for tigers in India and safeguard this
in the tiger population, showcasing a positive effect on the majestic animal for generations to come.


“I don’t really judge. To each his own. ‘Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana’, ‘Mahila
You like what you like,” rightly says e-haat’, etc. The 33% reservation of
renowned American actor seats for women in Panchayati Raj
Mr. Martin Lawrence. Institutions brought about by the
Each of us is a unique individual. 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act,
We are alike in many ways, but we 1992, has also helped empower
also have our differences. A women at the grass-roots level.
homogenous society wouldn’t be that Economic participation of women
fun to live in, after all. Here comes and pay parity have also seen
the significance of the Latin phrase improvements.
“suum cuique”, which means “to The latest development of
each his own” or “may all get their Parliament passing a new historic
due”. Everyone has different Ms. Kirti Yadav Constitution (One Hundred and
strengths, weaknesses, desires, Twenty Eighth Amendmant) Bill
talents, tastes, liking and disliking. First prize winner of 2023 on September 20, 2023, to
Various factors like our country, CSR Essay Writing Contest 899. reserve 33% seats in Lok Sabha, State
religion, caste, gender, family, friends, Ms. Kir ti Yadav is doing B.A. Assemblies and the Legislative
teachers, etc., shape our preferences. Economics from St. Teresa’s College, Assembly of the NCT of Delhi for
So, it’s essential to understand that Kochin. Hailing from Mahendragarh, women will also go a long way in
we cannot be typecasted and cannot Haryana, she loves reading, running, empowering women in India.
be put into pre-existing frames. The playing football and learning But there are still many countries
one-size-fits-all approach is a total languages. where women don’t even have basic
failure that doesn’t account for the human rights. One such country in
sheer multitude of people that live on Earth. our neighbourhood is Afghanistan. BBC reported that
Whether boys prefer sports or girls prefer clothes should since the Taliban regained control of Afghanistan in 2021,
be totally left to their individual choices. I am a girl who women’s freedom has progressively diminished. Women
loves playing football, running & cycling. I also love playing have been barred from getting education beyond the
football with like-minded boys and girls. But loving sports third grade. They can’t go to gyms or parks or play any
doesn’t mean I have no interest in the latest fashion sports. They are not even allowed to work. Zareena, a
trends & clothing styles. Why is it that I have to prefer Law graduate from Kabul, told the news channel WION:
one over the other? Aren’t they two completely different “We don’t want peace. We want freedom. We want to
things? So, as far as I am concerned, I will prefer both. work.” The same is the plight of many more Afghan
After all, why should boys have all the fun? women. Moreover, the Taliban has also enforced the
However, all is not sunny and bright. Gender equality is harshest and most oppressive dress code possible, which
definitely an important issue, even in the 21st century. calls for women to wear head-to-toe clothing in public.
This is clear from the recently released 17th Global Gender Thus, forget about sports or clothes; women under Taliban
Gap Report 2023. It was released by the World Economic rule can’t even step outside their houses independently.
Forum (WEF), evaluating the status of Gender Parity They can’t even breathe freely. Their voices have been
across 146 countries. It benchmarks countries on their silenced brutally. A lot needs to be done in Afghanistan
progress towards gender parity in four key dimensions, before we can even ask whether girls prefer sports or
i.e., economic participation & opportunity, educational clothes. As far as boys are concerned, they are free to
choose anything they want. (Although in Afghanistan,
attainment, health & survival, and political empowerment.
even boys may not have the liberty to choose fashionable
The Global Gender Gap Score in 2023 stands at 68.4%, clothing.)
indicating only a slight improvement of 0.3% compared We need to strive for a “gender-equal society,” which
to that in 2022. At the current rate of progress, it will take Giona Steinmen rightly said, “would be one where
131 years to achieve full gender parity. everyone can be themselves.” Different people have
India has been making progress in improving gender different tastes, and variety is indeed the spice of life. So,
equality, as reflected in the significant jump in its ranking why should all boys be typecasted as preferring sports
from 135 (in 2022) to 127 out of 146 countries. But there and girls typecasted as preferring clothes?
is still a long way to go. The Government is working on You should do what you like and what makes you
bridging the gap. It has launched various programmes happy without worrying about what society thinks of you
like the ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’, ‘Mahila Shakti Kendra’, stereotypically. I recently watched the latest Hollywood
‘Mahila Police Volunteers’, ‘Rashtriya Mahila Kosh’, blockbuster ‘Barbie’. The movie nicely questions


stereotypical roles the society has set for men and women, only ones having power. The movie ends with Barbie
both in the ‘Real World’ and in ‘Barbie Land’. The ‘Real realising that she doesn’t have to be stereotypical and can
World’ is shown as dominated by men, while ‘Barbie do whatever she wants. Also, Ken realises he’s ‘Kenough’
Land’ is dominated by women. Australian actress Margot and has his own identity even without Barbie. In the
Robbie plays the role of stereotypical Barbie and is words of Friedrich Nietzsche, “You have your way.
shocked to see no women in positions of power in the I have my way. As for the right, correct, and only way, it
‘Real World.’ However, she misses out on the fact that doesn’t exist.”
even all men are not powerful, as brought out by the I firmly believe that we need to understand and respect
character Arron, who says: “I’m a man with no power. each other’s differences and opinions. Nobody should be
Does that make me a woman?” After that, Barbie is cast in a stereotypical frame and expected to behave in a
saddened to see Kens take over ‘Barbie Land’ and make it particular way because of their gender, religion, state,
‘Kingdom’. Nobody in ‘Barbie Land’ bothered about the caste, age, etc. We should celebrate diversity and judge a
Kens until they wrested power. The movie depicts that little less. Let us understand there’s nothing wrong with
the world is meant for all of us to be our unique selves. boys preferring clothes and girls preferring sports or vice
Any kind of gender-based discrimination is wrong. Neither versa. C.G. Jung aptly says, “The shoe that fits one person pinches
men nor women have to rule over the other or be the another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.”

“Necessity is the mother of developing the related industries. A
invention” is a known proverb. student from Chengalpattu city in
Likewise, “Improvement is the Tamil Nadu can travel down to an
father of development”. The more Arts and Science College in Parry’s
we strive for development, the more Corner in Chennai at the cheapest
we will be developed. Indian cost of Rs. 20 without traffic chaos
Railways has always been an epitome through a suburban train.
of continuous development. From One of the major evolutions of
steam engines of colonial times to railways in the 21st century is the
the luxury locomotives of the Metro trains. With the onset of
present modern era, the Indian Metros, the traffic issues in major
Railways has gone through various cities like Mumbai, Delhi and
developmental stages. And it is Ms. P. Priyadarshini Bengaluru have noticeably
still improving itself in multiple First prize winner of decreased. These Metro trains
aspects, proportionally uplifting CSR Essay Writing Contest 900. have opened up a wide range of
passengers’ lives. Ms. P. Priyadarshini is a Bachelor of job opportunities for the youth.
Transport is the backbone of any Engineering (B.E.). Hailing from Unlike the suburban trains, the
developing nation. A good transport Kengeri Satellite Town, Bengaluru, Metros are very well equipped with
facility reduces the daily hassles and Karnakata, she loves reading books, systematic ticketing systems in the
guarantees the movement of men writing short stories, travelling and form of coins, codes and cards
and material to reach their ensuring that nobody travels
listening to music.
destination in time. A vegetable without ticket.
vendor in the KR market area of
Bengaluru can guarantee his customer to deliver Railways In Freight Transport
vegetables because he can depend on the freight train Goods from any part of the country can be
from Chennai that in turn delivers his goods to him transported to any other corner of the country. Indian
safely and quickly. A business executive in Mumbai can Railways facilitates these movements with its freight
attend his client meeting in Gujarat at noon with the trains. Such trains are the spine of the logistics sector.
help of Vande Bharat Express. Vistadome train provides As per official 2022 statistics, with the network of over
a lifetime experience while traversing through the 68,000 kms, more than 1.4 billion tonnes of freight
enchanting Western Ghats section. One can enjoy the traffic can be shuttled across the country every year.
nature’s beauty via 360 degree view glass windows along E-commerce is witnessing good days in India largely
their way. because of the railways. Scheduled deliveries are now
easily possible because of the uninterrupted services
Suburban Trains And Metros provided by the Indian Railways.
Suburban trains act as the prime mode of commuting Further, it is also cost effective when compared to
in major cities. Millions of people travel on a daily other modes of transport. Even military arms and
basis. Major industries, markets, universities, hospitals, ammunitions are transported with utmost care via
tourist spots, temples, schools and malls are all well railways. Major army cantonments, Air Force stations
connected with these suburban lines proportionally and Naval bases are well connected with rail networks


for uninterrupted transport of ammunitions and soldiers. the second wave of the pandemic. Apart from core
To fulfil the needs of Indian economy, the first proposal business, the Railways extended its help to the public
for ‘Dedicated Freight Corridor’ was made in 2005. by restructuring the train berths as isolation wards and
hospital beds for mildly affected patients of Corona
Railways In Tourism virus. The Railways deployed nearly 5800 isolation
From Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Gujarat to coaches with more than 72,000 beds. It mobilised its
Assam, Indian Railways has a vast network of routes to resources to manufacture major pandemic resources like
enhance the tourism industry. Vistadome trains, Ooty sanitisers, beds, PPE kits, ventilators and more. Thus,
trains, Darjeeling Himalayan trains must be experienced Indian Railways commendably extended a helping hand
at least once in lifetime. Luxury trains like the Golden to the nation to help fight the pandemic effectively.
Chariot, Royal Orient Express and Deccan Odyssey have
been designed to experience royalty while travelling. Major Drawbacks Of Indian Railways
Pilgrimage specific trains like Bharat Darshan train and The Indian Railways has undergone many changes
Buddhist special train cover a series of temple circuits at over several past few decades. However, still there are
reasonable fare. Suburban trains and Metros also fairly few pitfalls which make the train journey uncomfortable
contribute to the tourism industry. in India. Cleanliness inside and outside the train is a
major area that needs to be improved both from the
Railways As An Employer Government side and the public side. Considering the
The Indian Railways is the second largest employer above point, Railways can give contracts to cleaning
in India with 12,12,882 employees as of March 31, 2022. agencies that make use of modern equipment in cleaning
Digitalisation in the Railways has opened many channels the toilets, dustbins, platforms, seats, washbasins,
of employment for the youth. One best example is the windows, tracks and other surrounding areas on hourly
online ticket booking system which has reduced the basis.
inconvenience of offline ticket booking and done away Tobacco, cigarettes and alcohol should be completely
with the never-ending long queues at the railway ticket banned in trains and surrounding areas. Severe action
counters. should be taken against the violators of railways-related
The infrastr ucture developments and coach laws. Larceny is yet another major drawback in the Indian
manufacturing also create a number of job opportunities. Railways. The Railways should come up with lock-based
As per official statistics, on an average, 12,000 people are luggage spaces instead of open spaces under the train
working in Integ ral Coach Factory (ICF) that seats. Per person luggage count should be introduced
manufactures more than 170 types of coaches. Indian similar to airways. Only licensed vendors should be
Railways has created many jobs opportunities indirectly allowed to sell their goods inside and outside the trains.
too. These include food contracts, platform vendors,
hotels and restaurants inside and outside the railway On-arrival tickets should be provided to the people who
stations, electricity supply, water supply, cleaners, porters, travel in unreserved coaches similar to bus travel.
4-wheeler buggies and lot more. Travelling inside the reserved compartments without
ticket by sitting near the door or sitting on the train floor
Railways In Crisis Management should all be banned. The Indian Railways should start
The year 2020 was the year of quarantine for the entire focusing on automation of level crossing gates, signalling
world in view of Corona pandemic. It was for the first systems, control systems and other areas which
time in its history, the Indian Railways had to shut down involve extensive human work to avoid mishaps like the
all its passenger services. Shramik trains were initiated recent dreadful accident that happened in Odisha on
for the movement of stranded workers from their work June 2, 2023.
places to their home towns. Approximately 6.3 million
migrants were carried in these trains between the month Future Of Indian Railways
of May and June 2020. The Railways left no stone The Indian Railways has achieved many milestones
unturned and made most out of the crisis to help the under VISION-2020 goals and Digital India programme.
nation. And may more facilities are also proposed in coming
When the major freight movements like that of coal, times for safety and comfort of passengers and those
cement and iron went down due to economic shutdown, involved in freight sector. Semi-high-speed train Gatiman
the demand for other resources like food grains, Express was inaugurated in the year 2016. The work of
vegetables, fruits, medicines rose. At this time, parcel making the first Bullet train has also been started. In
trains and container cargo trains played a vital role in 2019, indigenous engineless semi-high speed train Vande
courier services and helped the e-commerce industry. Bharat was launched.
Dedicated freight trains like Kisan Rail and Doodh National Rail Plan was proposed in 2021 Budget,
Duronto helped farmers to transport their goods directly which is a 30-year plan (2021-2051) that focuses on
to the markets. privatisation, dedicated freight corridors, high speed rail
The Indian Railways ensured the timely movement corridors, 100% electrification, elimination of level
of PPE kits, ventilators, oxygen cylinders and medicines crossing on all Golden Quadrilateral-Golden Diagonal
between the demand and supply markets. Ingenious routes and a lot more. As the citizens of India, we rely
‘Oxygen Express’ trains were introduced to safely on the Indian Railways and look forward to it constantly
transfer liquid medical oxygen through green corridors revamping itself in all the possible ways to emerge as
from oxygen plants to hospitals across the nation in World’s No.1 Railway system.


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