FTS #01 - Code A - Solutions
FTS #01 - Code A - Solutions
FTS #01 - Code A - Solutions
21/03/2024 CODE-A
21/03/2024 CODE-A
9. Answer (4)
[y] = [Ax] = [B]
[Cz] = [M0L0T0]
[C] =[z–1]
10. Answer (4)
5. Answer (4)
Least count errors within a limited size occurs both
Effective distance up in 2 s = 2 cm in systematic and random errors
So, 18 cm up moved in 18 s 11. Answer (3)
Next time, insect moves 6 cm and reaches into S 120
hole without sliding back and took = 1 s t = rel = = 12 s
vrel 10
T = 18 s + 1 s = 19 s
Distance covered by jeep = 30 × 12 = 360 m
Final Test Series for NEET-2024 Test-1 (Code-A)_(Answers & Solutions)
Test-1 (Code-A)_(Answers & Solutions) Final Test Series for NEET-2024
Final Test Series for NEET-2024 Test-1 (Code-A)_(Answers & Solutions)
SECTION - A 53. Answer (3)
51. Answer (4) Number of atoms in CO2 5 3 16
= = 4 : 11
Number of urea molecules Number of atoms in CH4 44 3 5
= 200 × 10–3 × 6.02 × 1023 = 12.04 × 1022 54. Answer (2)
Series Spectral region
= 1.2 × 1023
Lyman Ultraviolet
52. Answer (3)
Balmer Visible
%H = 20, %C = 100 – 20 = 80 Paschen Infrared
H C Brackett Infrared
Mass 20 80 Pfund Infrared
55. Answer (3)
20 80
Mole Energies of the orbitals in the same subshell
1 12 decrease with increase in the atomic number. (Zeff)
20 6.66 56. Answer (3)
20 6.66 s and p block elements are called representative
Simplest ratio elements
6.66 6.66
57. Answer (1)
Empircal formula = CH3 Work function of copper is greater than magnesium.
Test-1 (Code-A)_(Answers & Solutions) Final Test Series for NEET-2024
Final Test Series for NEET-2024 Test-1 (Code-A)_(Answers & Solutions)
Test-1 (Code-A)_(Answers & Solutions) Final Test Series for NEET-2024
SECTION - A 108. Answer (3)
101. Answer (4) In the life cycle of mosses, the first stage is the
protonema stage which develops directly from a
Green algae are usually grass green in colour due
spore. It is a creeping, green, branched and
to dominance of pigments chlorophyll a and b.
frequently filamentous stage.
102. Answer (2)
109. Answer (4)
Species of Sphagnum, a moss provides peat that
Fucus, shows diplontic life cycle pattern.
have long been used as fuel and as packing Sporophytic generation is represented by single
material. celled zygote in haplontic life cycle pattern.
103. Answer (1) 110. Answer (3)
Deuteromycetes is commonly known as imperfect Ustilago causes smut disease, tobacco mosaic
fungi because only the asexual/vegetative phases virus has ssRNA. Dinoflagellates are also called
of these fungi are known. Colletotrichum is a whirling whips. Claviceps causes ergot disease
member of class deuteromycetes, in which only 111. Answer (2)
asexual phases of these fungi are known. Double fertilisation is seen in angiosperms.
104. Answer (2) 112. Answer (2)
Trypanosoma is a flagellated protozoan, belongs Fungi have chitinous cell wall and the cell wall of
to kingdom protista. bacteria is made up of peptidoglycan.
105. Answer (3) 113. Answer (4)
Rhizopus belongs to the class phycomycetes in In fragmentation, the parent body which is
which sporangiospores are formed inside the filamentous, breaks into two or more fragments.
sporangia that are borne at the tips of special 114. Answer (4)
hyphae called sporangiophores. Fruiting body is Dinoflagellates reproduce both sexually as well as
absent in Rhizopus. asexually.
106. Answer (4) 115. Answer (4)
Prions are similar in size to viruses. Viroids are Both the words of a biological name should be
smaller than viruses and cause potato spindle printed in italics and underlined separately if
tuber disease. These are found to be free RNA handwritten.
and lack protein coat. 116. Answer (3)
107. Answer (1) Protozoans lack cell wall and they were kept in
Numerical taxonomy easily carried out using Animalia in two kingdom classification
computers, is based on all observable 117. Answer (3)
characteristics. Number and codes are assigned Pteridophytes are the first terrestrial plants
to all the characters and the data is then possessing xylem and phloem. Dominant phase in
processed. Unlike pteridophytes, in gymnosperms their life cycle is sporophytic plant body. Spores
the male and female gametophytes do not have are produced by meiosis in spore mother cells.
Water is required for fertilization.
an independent free-living existence.
Final Test Series for NEET-2024 Test-1 (Code-A)_(Answers & Solutions)
Test-1 (Code-A)_(Answers & Solutions) Final Test Series for NEET-2024
SECTION - A 159. Answer (2)
151. Answer (3) Members of phylum Echinodermata show radial
Animals placed in same phylum, class or family symmetry in their adult stage and bilateral
may have different habit and habitat. So habit and symmetry in their larval stage. Porifers are mostly
habitat are not the basis of animal classification. asymmetrical but some are also radially
152. Answer (1) symmetrical. Hemichordates and annelids show
Organ level of organisation is exhibited by the bilateral symmetry.
members of Platyhelminthes and other higher 160. Answer (2)
phyla where tissues are grouped together to form In sponges, water enters through ostia present in
organs, each specialised for a particular function. the body wall into a central cavity, spongocoel,
Obelia is a coelenterate having only tissue level of from where it goes out through the osculum. They
organisation. are monoecious as sexes are not separate in
153. Answer (2) them.
In an open type of circulatory system, the blood is
pumped out of the heart and the cells and tissues 161. Answer (4)
are directly bathed in it. In closed type of Name ‘Cnidaria’ is derived from the cnidoblasts or
circulatory system, the blood is circulated through cnidocytes which contain the stinging capsules or
a series of blood vessels of varying diameters. nematocysts.
154. Answer (3) 162. Answer (2)
In asymmetrical animals, any plane that passes
through the centre does not divide them into equal Bioluminescence (the property of a living
halves. Spongilla is an asymmetrical animal organism to emit light) is present in ctenophores.
placed in phylum Porifera. Pleurobrachia is a ctenophore and bears a pair of
155. Answer (4) tentacles. Hydra possesses multiple tentacles.
Members of the phylum Porifera are considered Limulus is an arthropod and is devoid of tentacles.
as most primitive multicellular animals. 163. Answer (3)
Coelenterates and ctenophores are diploblastic,
Ascaris, Taenia and Fasciola are endoparasites
radially symmetrical, acoelomate animals in which
whereas Hirudinaria is an ectoparasite. Both
mesoderm is absent in between ectoderm and
hooks and suckers are present in Taenia. Only
suckers are found in Hirudinaria and Fasciola.
156. Answer (4)
Ascaris lacks both hooks and suckers.
All members placed in the phylum Annelida to
Chordata are coelomates. Locusta is an arthropod 164. Answer (1)
and thus is a coelomate. Coelenterates and Complete alimentary canal with well developed
ctenophores are diploblastic acoelomates and muscular pharynx and presence of excretory pore
Aschelminthes are triploblastic pseudocoelomates. for removal of metabolic wastes are characteristic
157. Answer (1) features of Aschelminthes. Annelids possess
In some animals the body is externally and nephridiopores. Incomplete alimentary canal is
internally divided into segments with a serial found in platyhelminths.
repetition of at least some organs. It is called
165. Answer (2)
metameric segmentation and the phenomenon is
known as metamerism. Parapodia are unjointed appendages present in
158. Answer (2) Nereis for swimming. Statocyst is a balancing
Notochord is a mesodermally derived rod-like organ in aquatic insects. Bombyx is not aquatic.
structure formed on the dorsal side during Locusta is an insect having 3 pairs of jointed legs.
embryonic development in all chordates. So it is a Anopheles is a vector for Plasmodium which is a
unique feature of all chordates. protozoan and the causative agent for malaria.
Final Test Series for NEET-2024 Test-1 (Code-A)_(Answers & Solutions)
Test-1 (Code-A)_(Answers & Solutions) Final Test Series for NEET-2024
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