Heat Load Calculations
Heat Load Calculations
Heat Load Calculations
The importance of accurate load calculations for air-conditioning design and selection
of equipment can never be overemphasized. In fact, it is on the precision and care exercise by
the designer in the calculations of the cooling load for summer and the heating load for winter
An important consideration in this exercise is the date and time which these
calculations are made. The date would depend on the local climatic conditions. In the USA,
although the longest day in summer is June 21, the hottest and most humid day may occur in
July. Similarly, the coldest day may occur in January or even February instead of December
21. Again, though the maximum temperature may occur outside At 1 or 2 p.m., the maximum
heat gain of the room may occur at 3 or 4 p.m. due to the direct solar radiation through glass
on the west side, or even later due to the time lag for the heat transfer through the structure.
Further, the application for which the building is intended to be used would also govern the
choice of time. For example, for an office building in winter that is not used at night, the time
load calculations may be taken during the early hours of the morning, although the maximum
heating load may occur at night. Similarly, an office building in summer may have the
maximum cooling load at 7 p.m. due to the time lag, but since no occupants would be present
at that time, the time for load calculation may be taken at 4 or 5 pm.
The major components of load in building are due to the direct solar radiation through
the west glass, transmission through the building fabric or structure and fresh air for
ventilation. In the case of application such as theatres and auditoriums, the occupancy load is
Solar radiation incident on a surface and its transmission through glass and heat
transmission and infiltration through structure. These form the components of load on the
building from the external environment. The internal and system heat gains or losses also
Thus, components that may cause cooling loads include the following:
In this paper, the method for evaluation of the above mentioned and other individual
loads are presented, followed by summary of all loads at the end along with an example and
calculation sheet illustrating the procedure that is followed by practising engineers. In the
first instance the cooling load estimation is given followed by that of the heating load.
The sensible and latent heat gains due to occupants, lights, appliance, machines piping, etc.,
within the conditional space, form the components of the internal heat gains.
The occupants in a conditioned space give out heat at a metabolic rate that more or less
depends on their rate of working. The relative proportion of the sensible and latent heats
given out, however, depends on the ambient dry bulb temperature. The lower the dry bulb
Typical value of heat given out are given in Table 1. The values for restaurants
include the heat given out by food as well. It will be seen that the sensible heat (S) gain does
not vary much with activity, more and more heat being liberated as latent heat (L) thus
The usual problem in calculating the occupancy load lies in the estimation of the exact
Electric lights generated sensible heat equal to the amount of the electrical power consumed,
Most of the energy is liberated as heat and the rest as light which also eventually becomes
tubes, it may be stated that the electric power absorbed at the fitting is about 25 percent more
than necessary to produce the required lighting. Thus, a 60W tube will need 75W at the
As a rough calculation, one may use the lighting load equal to 35.5 W/m2 to produce a
lighting standard of 540 lumens/m2 in an office space; 20 W/m2 is minimum. After the
For LED lights (white) the efficiency is 80 lumens/watts, so to produce a lighting standard of
540 lumens/m2. Therefore the calculation for heat gain where LEDs are utilized is carried out
as follow:
on the function the appliance perform, such as drying, cooking, etc. Gas appliances produce
providing properly designed hoods with a positive exhaust system or suction over the
The appliances in the conditioned space are a common features in cafeterias. Table 2
gives a general guidance about the sensible and latent heat loads of unhooded common
restaurant appliances.
Electric motors contribute sensible heat to the conditioned space. A part of the power
input is directly converted into heat due to the inefficiency of the motor and is
The rest of the power input is utilized by the driven mechanism for doing work which
may not result in heat gain to the space. This depends on whether the energy input
2.4 Piping, Tank, Evaporator of Water from a Free Surface and Steam
Heat is added to the conditioned space from running pipes carrying hot fluids due to heat
transfer. On the other hand, cold pipes take away heat from space. Open tanks containing
warm water contribute both sensible heat and latent heat to the space due to evaporation. This
In industrial air conditioning, products have often to be dried. This involves both the
latent heat and the sensible heat gain to the space from the hot surface of the dryer depending
upon the drying rate. For these calculations, a knowledge of the heat and mass transfer
coefficient is essential.
When steam is entering the conditioned space, the sensible heat gain is very little. It
equal to only the difference in the enthalpy of the steam at the steam temperature and the
enthalpy of the water vapour at the room dry-bulb temperature. The main load is in the form
In case of cold storages, the enclosures are insulated with at least 10-15 cm of thermocole and
are almost completely sealed. Thus, many of the loads present in buildings for comfort air
conditioning are either absent or lessened in the case of cold storages. However, in addition
to the heat which is removed from products at the time of initial loading, there is also the heat
produced by the commodities during storage. The heat of respiration forms a sizable product
The procedure of calculating the cooling and heating load for various industrial air-
conditioning processes is specific for each process. The requirements for the process may
i. Regain of moisture content by hygroscopic material, such as cotton silk, tobacco, etc.,
For details of these loads, one may refer to the ASHRAE Handbook (ASHRAE Guide and
components, viz., ducts, piping, air-conditioning fan, pumps, etc. This heat gain is to be
initially estimated and included in the total heat load for the air-conditioning plant. The same
The supply air, normally, has a temperature of 10 to 15° C. The duct may pass through an
heat gain till air reaches the conditioned space even though the duct may be insulated.
Q= UA (ta-ts)
where U is the overall heat-transfer coefficient, A is the surface of the duct system exposed to
As a rough estimate, a value of the order of 5 per cent of the room sensible heat
maybe added to the total sensible heat if the whole supply duct is outside the conditioned
It has been found that duct leakage are of the order of 5 to 30 per cent depending on
that workmanship. Air leakages from supply ducts results in a serious loss of the cooling
capacity unless the leakages take place within the conditioned space.
If all ducts are outside the conditioned space which, normally, is strictly avoided, a 10
per cent leakage is to be assumed which should be considered as a complete loss. When only
a part of the supply duct is outside the conditioned space, then only the leakage loss of this
portion is to be included. The faction of 10 per cent, to be added in such a case, is equal to the
ratio of the length outside the conditioned space to the total length of the supply duct.
system. If the fan motor is outside the air stream, the energy lost due to the inefficiency of the
motor is not added to the air. There are two types of air supply systems.
Draw-through System. In the draw-through system, the fan drawing air through the cooling
coil and supplying it to the conditioned space. This is the most common system. In this
system, the fan heat is in addition to the supply air heat gain. The heat should, therefore be
Blow-through System. In the blow-through system, fan blows air through the cooling coil
before being supplied to the conditioned space. In this system, the fan heat is added after the
room to the return air. Thus the fan heat is a load on the cooling coil. The heat should,
The fan efficiencies are of the order of 70 per cent for central air-conditioning plant
The fan horsepower depends on the quantity of air supplied and the pressure rise, viz.,
the total pressure developed by the fan. The supply air quantity in turn depends on the
dehumidified rise, which is of the order of 8 to 14° C. The fan total pressure depends on the
system pressure loss which comprises the pressure drop through the duct-work, grilles, filter,
cooling coil, etc. The approximate values of pressures to be developed by fans are given in
Table 4.
calculated. But these cannot be known until the load calculations have been completed.
Hence the procedure is to initially assume fan heat between 2.5 to 7.5 per cent of the room
sensible heat and check the value after the design has been completed. Designer usually take
5% of RSG as heat.
The calculation of the heat gain for return air ducts is done in exactly the same way as for
supply air ducts. But the leakage in this case is that of the hot and humid outside air into the
duct because of suction within the duct. If the ducts are outside the conditioned space, an in
leakage up to 3 per cent may be assumed depending on the length of the duct. If there is only
a short connection between the conditioning equipment and space, this leakage may be
The horsepower required to pump water through the dehumidifier adds heat to the system and
For this purpose, pump efficiencies may be assumed as 50 per cent for small pumps
The heat gain of dehumidifier piping may be calculated as a percentage of the grand
Note: It is to be noted that all heat gains after the room are not added to room heat gains, but
to the grand total heat load that directly falls on the conditioning equipment. These include
the return air duct heat and leakage gain, dehumidifier pump power, dehumidifier and piping
losses as outlined above and the fan sensible heat in the case of the blow-through system.
Safety factor is strictly a factor of probable error in the estimation of the load. For the
purpose, additional 5 per cent heat should be added to the room sensible and latent heats.
The minimum-air requirements is taken as 0.2 m3/min per person. This is based on a
population density of 5 to 7.5 m2 per person and a ceiling height of 2.4 m. When people are
smoking, the minimum ventilation requirement is 0.4 to 0.7 m3/min per person.
calculation for load due to ventilation air. It was also pointed out in section 5.2 of the above
notes that the bypass factor of the cooling equipment affects the position of the grand sensible
heat factor line. As a matter of fact, the effect of the bypass factor is such as to add (X) (ma o)
amount of the outside air directly to the room, and allow only (1-X) (mao) to pass through the
apparatus. Although the room air is also bypassed, this does not affect the break-up of the
load as the room air going to the room does not change the load situation. Thus, we can say
that a part of the ventilation load forms a component of the room load. This bypassed outside
air load is proportional to the bypass factor X. It has both sensible and latent heat
components. The other part-which is proportional to 1-X, both sensible and latent, which is
These loads are imposed on the room in exactly the same manner as the infiltration
The effective sensible heat factor (ESHF) is the ratio of the effective room sensible
The term is devised to relate the bypass factor, apparatus dew point, room sensible
and latent heats and bypassed outside air loads and to permit a simplified calculation of the
The remaining outside air loads which are proportional to 1-BPF are accounted in the
The load is classified as the room load that falls on the room directly, and the total load that
Room Load.
ii. Solar and transmission heat gain through walls, roof, etc.
iv. Infiltration
vi. Additional heat gain, supply duct leakage loss and fan horsepower.
vii. Supply duct heat gain, supply duct leakage loss and fan horsepower.
The sum of all the above gives the room sensible heat (RSH) load. For the purpose of
psychrometric analysis, the following component is also included in the room sensible heat.
The sum of items (i) to (viii) gives the effective room sensible heat (ERSH).
i. Infiltration
iv. Additional heat gain not accounted above, safety factor, etc.
The sum of these gives the room latent heat (RHL). The other latent heat gain considered for
The sum of item A and B above gives the effective room total heat (ERTH). But the sum of
items (i) to (vii) in A, and (i) to (v) in B gives the room total heat (RTH).
A. Sensible Heat
iii. Return duct heat gain, return duct leakage gain, dehumidifier pump horsepower and
The sum of items (i) to (iii) above gives the total sensible heat (TSH).
B. Latent Heat
The sum of items (i) to (iii) above gives the total latent heat (TLH). Finally, the sum A and B
Heat balance method is a rigorous approach to cooling load calculations. It requires the use of
The heat balance on outside surface considers solar radiation, convective exchange, and
conductive heat flux. Numerical methods are used for wall conduction process. The heat
balance on inside surface considers heat fluxes from wall to air. Air heat balance takes into
account internal loads, infiltration and ventilation air, system loads etc.
An estimate of the heating load is made on the basis of the maximum probable heat loss of
the room or space to be heated. Thus the plant for the heating system is to be so designed that
it has a capacity just sufficient to meet the heating load requirement which develops when
most severe weather conditions occur. In this respect very brief periods of severe weather
i. Transmission Heat Loss: The transmission heat loss form walls, roof, etc., is
calculated on the basis of just the design outside and inside air temperature difference,
Q = UA (ti-to)
Thus, no allowances need be made for the walls and roof being exposed to sun. Also,
ii. Solar Radiation: There is generally no solar radiation present and hence, there is no
solar heat gain at the time of the peak load which normally occurs in the early hours
of the morning.
iii. Internal Heat Gains: Internal heat gains from occupants, lights, motors and machinery,
etc., diminish the heating requirement. These negative loads should be accounted for
in applications, such as theatres, assembly halls, stores, office buildings, etc., where
these loads are constantly present. But allowance for these loads must be made only
after careful consideration. An important aspect to keep in mind is the use of the space
Also, the heating plant should have sufficient capacity to bring up the inside
at 30°N latitude, the plan of which is shown in Fig. 1, the following data are given.
: 10 cm brick veneer
Occupancy : 100
Question: Find the room sensible and latent heats loads, and also the grand total heat load.
fo = 23 W m-2 K-1
Q̇ vo = 0.28(100) = 28 m3/min
Number of air-changes of ventilation air = Total m3/hr to be ventilated / Total Space volume
Outside wall: 0.2 (1900) + 0.1 (2000) + 0.0125 (1185) = 604 kg/m2
Correction for equivalent temperature differentials (Don’t worry too much about this!)
2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm 6pm 7pm
West wall 14.4 14.8 15.2 16.5 17.5
North wall 9.6 10.2 9.6 11.3 11.7
South Wall 13.1 14.7 16.0 17.4 17.8
Roof (Exposed) 24.0 25.8 28.0 29.7 30.5 30.2
Table 8: Rates of Solar Gains Through Glass on June 21 in W/m2
2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 5 pm
West glass 309 451 508 492
North glass 44 44 51 91
South glass 47 44 38 32
Door area = 1 ½ x 2 = 3 m2
North glass = 2 x 1 ½ = 3 m2
From the above calculations, it is obviously that the major components of the variable
cooling loads are solar and transmission heat gains through the west wall and glass, and the
roof. Of these, glass and roof loads are the predominant loads. The roof load is maximum at 6
pm when the equivalent temperature differential is 30.5°C. The solar gain through the west
glass has a maximum value of 508 W/m2 at 4 pm. Thus the time of maximum load is most
Wind pressure
The flow of air due to wind over a building creates regions in which the static pressure is
higher or lower than the static pressure in the undisturbed air stream. This pressure is positive
on the windward side resulting in the infiltration of air, and negative on the leeward side
resulting in exfiltration. In a tall building, the wind velocity is very high towards the top of
There are two methods of estimating the infiltration of air into conditioned space sue to wind
In the cracked method, the estimate is based on measured leakage characteristics and the
width and length of crack around windows and doors. The air-change method assumed a
certain number of air changes per hour for each space depending on its usage. The crack
method is generally regarded as more accurate and is used in the case of windows. The air
The leakage of air in this case is a function of the wind pressure Δρ which can be
Δp = 0.00047 C2
where Δρ is in cm H2O and C is in km/h. It is common practice to take 0.64 Δp only as the
pressure difference between the outside and inside air to evaluate the infiltration rate, which
Q̇ = C (Δp)n
where C is a constant, and n lies between 0.5 and 1. For non-weather-stripped windows, the
Q̇ = 0.125 (Δp)0.63
where Q̇ v is in L/m of the crack length, and Δp is in N/m2. The leakage rates of most windows
cracks fall between the four classes of double-hung wood windows as given in Table 9.
Similarly, Table 10 gives the leakage rates through cracks in doors on the windward side for
Infiltration rate for window, from Table 9 for 0.11 cm wind pressure
SHL = 75 W/person
LHL = 55 W/person
Other assumptions
i. Only 10% of the supply duct outside the conditioned space
The details of cooling load calculations are given on the calculation sheet in Table 11
Table 11: Calculation Sheet for Cooling Load estimated for Example
symbol TR. It is equivalent to the production of cold at the rate at which heat is to be
removed from one US tonne of water at 32°F to Freeze it to ice at 32°F in one day or 24
hours. Thus
where the latent heat of fusion of ice has been taken as 144 Btu/lb. The term one ton
refrigeration is a carryover from time the time ice was used for cooling. In general 1 TR
always means 12,000 Btu of heat removal per hour, irrespective of the working substance
used and the operating conditions, viz., temperature of refrigeration and the heat rejection.
The unit of refrigeration is currently in use in the USA, the UK and India. In many countries,
1 TR = 12,000 Btu/hr
Also, since 1 Btu = 1.055 kJ, the conversion of tom into equivalent SI unit is:
Or 1 kW = 0.28436 TR
= 38 TR