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Cooling Load

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Calculations and Principles of Cooling Load

1.0 OBJECTIVE Cooling load calculations may be used to accomplish one or more of the following

a) Provide information for equipment selection, system sizing and system design.
b) Provide data for evaluating the optimum possibilities for load reduction.
c) Permit analysis of partial loads as required for system design, operation and control.

This course provides a procedure for preparing a manual calculation for cooling load. A number of
published methods, tables and charts from industry handbooks, manufacturer’s engineering data and
manufacturer’s catalog data usually provide a good source of design information and criteria in the
preparation of the HVAC load calculation. It is not the intent of this course to duplicate this information
but rather to extract appropriate data from these documents as well as provide a direction regarding
the proper use or application of such data so that engineers and designers involved in preparing the
calculations can make the appropriate decision and/or apply proper engineering judgment. The course
includes two example calculations for better understanding of the subject.

2.0 TERMINOLOGY Commonly used terms relative to heat transmission and load calculations are defined
below in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 12-75, Refrigeration Terms and Definitions.
Space – is either a volume or a site without a partition or a partitioned room or group of rooms.
Room – is an enclosed or partitioned space that is usually treated as single load.
Zone – is a space or group of spaces within a building with heating and/or cooling requirements
sufficiently similar so that comfort conditions can be maintained throughout by a single controlling
British thermal unit (Btu) - is the approximate heat required to raise 1 lb. of water 1 deg Fahrenheit,
from 590 F to 600 F. Air conditioners are rated by the number of British Thermal Units (Btu) of heat they
can remove per hour. Another common rating term for air conditioning size is the "ton," which is 12,000
Btu per hour and Watts. Some countries utilize one unit, more than the others and therefore it is good if
you can remember the relationship between BTU/hr, Ton, and Watts. ƒ
1 ton is equivalent to 12,000 BTU/hr. and ƒ
12,000 BTU/hr is equivalent to 3,516 Watts - or 3.516 kW (kilo-Watts).

Cooling Load Temperature Difference (CLTD) – an equivalent temperature difference used for
calculating the instantaneous external cooling load across a wall or roof.

Sensible Heat Gain – is the energy added to the space by conduction, convection and/or radiation.
Latent Heat Gain – is the energy added to the space when moisture is added to the space by means of
vapor emitted by the occupants, generated by a process or through air infiltration from outside or
adjacent areas.
Radiant Heat Gain – the rate at which heat absorbed is by the surfaces enclosing the space and the
objects within the space.
Space Heat Gain – is the rate at which heat enters into and/or is generated within the conditioned space
during a given time interval.
Space Cooling Load – is the rate at which energy must be removed from a space to maintain a constant
space air temperature.
Space Heat Extraction Rate - the rate at which heat is removed from the conditioned space and is equal
to the space cooling load if the room temperature remains constant.
Temperature, Dry Bulb – is the temperature of air indicated by a regular thermometer.
Temperature, Wet Bulb – is the temperature measured by a thermometer that has a bulb wrapped in
wet cloth. The evaporation of water from the thermometer has a cooling effect, so the temperature
indicated by the wet bulb thermometer is less than the temperature indicated by a dry-bulb (normal,
unmodified) thermometer. The rate of evaporation from the wet-bulb thermometer depends on the
humidity of the air. Evaporation is slower when the air is already full of water vapor. For this reason, the
difference in the temperatures indicated by ordinary dry bulb and wet bulb thermometers gives a
measure of atmospheric humidity.

Temperature, Dewpoint – is the temperature to which air must be cooled in order to reach saturation or
at which the condensation of water vapor in a space begins for a given state of humidity and pressure.

Relative humidity - describes how far the air is from saturation. It is a useful term for expressing the
amount of water vapor when discussing the amount and rate of evaporation. One way to approach
saturation, a relative humidity of 100%, is to cool the air. It is therefore useful to know how much the air
needs to be cooled to reach saturation.

Thermal Transmittance or Heat Transfer Coefficient (U-factor) – is the rate of heat flow through a unit
area of building envelope material or assembly, including its boundary films, per unit of temperature
difference between the inside and outside air. The U-factor is expressed in Btu/ (hr 0 F ft2 ).

Thermal Resistance (R) – is the reciprocal of a heat transfer coefficient and is expressed in (hr 0 F ft2
)/Btu. For example, a wall with a U-value of 0.25 would have a resistance value of R = 1/U = 1/0.25=4.0.
The value of R is also used to represent Thermal Resistivity, the reciprocal of the thermal conductivity.

3.0 SIZING YOUR AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM Concepts and fundamentals of air conditioner sizing is
based on heat gain, and/or losses in a building. It is obvious that you will need to remove the amount of
heat gain - if it is hot outside. Similarly, you'll need to add in the heat loss from your space - if outside
temperature is cold. In short, heat gain and loss, must be equally balanced by heat removal, and
addition, to get the desired room comfort that we want. The heat gain or heat loss through a building
depends on:
a. The temperature difference between outside temperature and our desired temperature.
b. The type of construction and the amount of insulation is in your ceiling and walls. Let's say, that you
have two identical buildings, one is build out of glass, and the other out of brick. Of course the one built
with glass would require much more heat addition, or removal, compared to the other - given a same
day. This is because the glass has a high thermal conductivity (U-value) as compared to the brick and
also because it is transparent, it allows direct transmission of solar heat.
c. How much shade is on your building’s windows, walls, and roof? Two identical buildings with different
orientation with respect to the direction of sun rise and fall will also influence the air conditioner sizing.
d. How large is your room? The surface area of the walls. The larger the surface area - the more heat can
loose, or gain through it.
e. How much air leaks into indoor space from the outside? Infiltration plays a part in determining our air
conditioner sizing. Door gaps, cracked windows, chimneys - are the "doorways" for air to enter from
outside, into your living space.
f. The occupants. It takes a lot to cool a town hall full of people.
g. Activities and other equipment within a building. Cooking? Hot bath? Gymnasium?
h. Amount of lighting in the room. High efficiency lighting fixtures generate less heat.
i. How much heat the appliances generate. Number of power equipments such as oven, washing
machine, computers, TV inside the space; all contribute to heat.

The air conditioner's efficiency, performance, durability, and cost depend on matching its size to the
above factors. Many designers use a simple square foot method for sizing the air-conditioners. The most
common rule of thumb is to use "1 ton for every 500 square feet of floor area". Such a method is useful
in preliminary estimation of the equipment size. The main drawback of rules-of-thumb methods is the
presumption that the building design will not make any difference. Thus the rules for a badly designed
building are typically the same as for a good design.

It is important to use the correct procedure for estimating heat gain or heat loss. Two groups—the Air
Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air
Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)—publish calculation procedures for sizing central air conditioners.

Reputable air conditioning contractors will use one of these procedures, often performed with the aid of
a computer, to size your new central air conditioner.

3.1 Heating Load V/s Cooling Load Calculations As the name implies, heating load calculations are
carried out to estimate the heat loss from the building in winter so as to arrive at required heating
capacities. Normally during winter months the peak heating load occurs before sunrise and the outdoor
conditions do not vary significantly throughout the winter season. In addition, internal heat sources such
as occupants or appliances are beneficial as they compensate some of the heat losses. As a result,
normally, the heat load calculations are carried out assuming steady state conditions (no solar radiation
and steady outdoor conditions) and neglecting internal heat sources. This is a simple but conservative
approach that leads to slight overestimation of the heating capacity. For more accurate estimation of
heating loads, one has to take into account the thermal capacity of the walls and internal heat sources,
which makes the problem more complicated.

For estimating cooling loads, one has to consider the unsteady state processes, as the peak cooling load
occurs during the day time and the outside conditions also vary significantly throughout the day due to
solar radiation. In addition, all internal sources add on to the cooling loads and neglecting them would
lead to underestimation of the required cooling capacity and the possibility of not being able to
maintain the required indoor conditions. Thus cooling load calculations are inherently more
In determining the heating load, credit for solar heat gain or internal heat gains is usually NOT included
and the thermal storage effects of building structure are generally ignored. Whereas in cooling load
calculations, the thermal storage characteristics of the building play a vital role because the time at
which the space may realize the heat gain as a cooling load will be considerably offset from the time the
heat started to flow.
We will discuss this further in succeeding sections.


In air-conditioning design, four related heat flow rates, each of which varies with time, must be
a. Space heat gain ----------------How much heat (energy) is entering the space?
b. Space cooling load -------------How much energy must be removed from the space to keep
temperature and relative humidity constant?
c. Space heat extraction-----------How much energy is the HVAC removing from the space?
d. Cooling load (coil) ---------------How much energy is removed by the cooling coil serving various spaces
plus any loads external to the spaces such as duct heat gain, duct leakage, fan heat and outdoor makeup

4.1 Space Heat Gain This instantaneous rate of heat gain is the rate at which heat enters into and/or is
generated within a space at a given instant. Heat gain is classified by: The manner in which it enters the
space –
a. Solar radiation through transparent surfaces such as windows
b. Heat conduction through exterior walls and roofs
c. Heat conduction through interior partitions, ceilings and floors
d. Heat generated within the space by occupants, lights, appliances, equipment and processes
e. Loads as a result of ventilation and infiltration of outdoor air
f. Other miscellaneous heat gains

Whether it is a sensible or latent gain –

Sensible heat - Heat which a substance absorbs, and while its temperature goes up, the substance does
not change state. Sensible heat gain is directly added to the conditioned space by conduction,
convection, and/or radiation. Note that the sensible heat gain entering the conditioned space does not
equal the sensible cooling load during the same time interval because of the stored heat in the building
envelope. Only the convective heat becomes cooling load instantaneously. Sensible heat load is total of
a. Heat transmitted thru floors, ceilings, walls
b. Occupant’s body heat
c. Appliance & Light heat
d. Solar Heat gain thru glass
e. Infiltration of outside air
f. Air introduced by Ventilation

Latent Heat Loads - Latent heat gain occurs when moisture is added to the space either from internal
sources (e.g. vapor emitted by occupants and equipment) or from outdoor air as a result of infiltration
or ventilation to maintain proper indoor air quality. Latent heat load is total of
a. Moisture-laden outside air form Infiltration & Ventilation
b. Occupant Respiration & Activities
c. Moisture from Equipment & Appliances To maintain a constant humidity ratio, water vapor must
condense on cooling apparatus at a rate equal to its rate of addition into the space. This process is called
dehumidification and is very energy intensive, for instance, removing 1 kg of humidity requires
approximately 0.7 kWh of energy.

4.2 Space Heat Gain V/s Cooling Load (Heat Storage Effect)
Space Heat Gain is ≠ to Space Cooling Load
The heat received from the heat sources (conduction, convection, solar radiation, lightning, people,
equipment, etc...) does not go immediately to heating the room air. Only some portion of it is absorbed
by the air in the conditioned space instantaneously leading to a minute change in its temperature. Most
of the radiation heat especially from sun, lighting, people is first absorbed by the internal surfaces,
which include ceiling, floor, internal walls, furniture etc. Due to the large but finite thermal capacity of
the roof, floor, walls etc., their temperature increases slowly due to absorption of radiant heat. The
radiant portion introduces a time lag and also a decrement factor depending upon the dynamic
characteristics of the surfaces. Due to the time lag, the effect of radiation will be felt even when the
source of radiation, in this case the sun is removed.

Differences between instantaneous heat gain and cooling load is due to heat storage affect. The relation
between heat gain and cooling load and the effect of the mass of the structure (light, medium & heavy)
is shown below. From the figure it is evident that, there is a delay in the peak heat, especially for heavy

4.3 Space Cooling V/s Cooling Load (Coil)

Space cooling is the rate at which heat must be removed from the spaces to maintain air temperature at
a constant value. Cooling load, on the other hand, is the rate at which energy is removed at the cooling
coil that serves one or more conditioned spaces in any central air conditioning system. It is equal to the
instantaneous sum of the space cooling loads for all spaces served by the system plus any additional
load imposed on the system external to the conditioned spaces items such as fan energy, fan location,
duct heat gain, duct leakage, heat extraction lighting systems and type of return air systems all affect
component sizing.
The total building cooling load consists of heat transferred through the building envelope (walls, roof,
floor, windows, doors etc.) and heat generated by occupants, equipment, and lights. The load due to
heat transfer through the envelope is called as external load, while all other loads are called as internal
loads. The percentage of external versus internal load varies with building type, site climate, and
building design. The total cooling load on any building consists of both sensible as well as latent load
components. The sensible load affects the dry bulb temperature, while the latent load affects the
moisture content of the conditioned space.
Buildings may be classified as externally loaded and internally loaded. In externally loaded buildings the
cooling load on the building is mainly due to heat transfer between the surroundings and the internal
conditioned space. Since the surrounding conditions are highly variable in any given day, the cooling
load of an externally loaded building varies widely. In internally loaded buildings the cooling load is
mainly due to internal heat generating sources such as occupants, lights or appliances. In general the
heat generation due to internal heat sources may remain fairly constant, and since the heat transfer
from the variable surroundings is much less compared to the internal heat sources, the cooling load of
an internally loaded building remains fairly constant. Obviously from energy efficiency and economics
points of view, the system design strategy for an externally loaded building

should be different from an internally loaded building. Hence, prior knowledge of whether the building
is externally loaded or internally loaded is essential for effective system design.

6.0 COOLING LOAD CALCULATION METHOD For a thorough calculation of the zones and whole-building
loads, one of the following three methods should be employed: a. Transfer Function Method (TFM): This
is the most complex of the methods proposed by ASHRAE and requires the use of a computer program
or advanced spreadsheet. b. Cooling Load Temperature Differential/Cooling Load Factors (CLTD/CLF):
This method is derived from the TFM method and uses tabulated data to simplify the calculation
process. The method can be fairly easily transferred into simple spreadsheet programs but has some
limitations due to the use of tabulated data. c. Total Equivalent Temperature Differential/Time-
Averaging (TETD/TA): This was the preferred method for hand or simple spreadsheet calculation before
the introduction of the CLTD/CLF method. These three methods are well documented in ASHRAE
Handbook Fundamentals, 2001

6.1 Accuracy and Reliability of Various Calculation Methods

For each cooling load calculation method, there are several benefits/limitations which feature each
method. Simplicity and accuracy are two contradicting objectives to be fulfilled. If a method could be
considered to be simple, its accuracy would be a matter of question, and vice versa. While modern
methods emphasize on improving the procedure of calculating solar and conduction heat gains, there
are also other main sources coming from internal heat gains (people, lighting and equipment)

Handbooks include tables for the heat gain estimations from the internal sources. However, such tables
are incomplete. For example, for equipment not mentioned in the tables, only limited information is
indicated about them. Sometimes recommendations are mentioned about using 25% to 50% of the
nameplate power consumption, where the final value is left to the interpretation of the designer. In
other times it is the accurate predictability of the occurrence is also important, e.g. the frequency of
using of equipment is very important to determine the heat gain. This example for internal heat gain
shows that, when thinking about accuracy, it is not only the method (simple vs. complex) which is
effective, but uncertainties in the input data are also important.
There are high degrees of uncertainty in input data required to determine cooling loads. Much of this is
due to the unpredictability of occupancy, human behavior, outdoors weather variations, lack of and
variation in heat gain data for modern equipments, and introduction of new building products and HVAC
equipments with unknown characteristics. These generate uncertainties that far exceed the errors
generated by simple methods compared to more complex methods. Therefore, the added time/effort
required for the more complex calculation methods would not be productive in terms of better accuracy
of the results if uncertainties in the input data are high. Otherwise, simplified methods would, likely,
have a similar level of satisfactory accuracy.
For strictly manual cooling load calculation method, the most practical to use is the CLTD/SCL/CLF
method as described in the 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals. This method, although not optimum, will yield
the most conservative results based on peak load values to be used in sizing equipment. It should be
noted that the results obtained from using the CLTD/CLF method depend largely on the characteristics
of the space being considered and how they vary from the model used to generate the CLTD/CLF data
shown on the various tables. Engineering judgment is required in the interpretation of the custom tables
and applying appropriate correction factors.


To calculate the space cooling load, detailed building information, location, site and weather data,
internal design information and operating schedules are required. Information regarding the outdoor
design conditions and desired indoor conditions are the starting point for the load calculation and is
discussed below.

7.1 Outdoor Design Weather Conditions ASHRAE Handbook 1993 Fundamentals (Chapter 26) list tables
of climate conditions for the US, Canada and other International locations: In these tables: The
information provided in table 1a, 2a and 3a are for heating design conditions that include:
a. Dry bulb temperatures corresponding to 99.6% and 99% annual cumulative frequency of occurrence,
b. Wind speeds corresponding to 1%, 2.5% and 5% annual cumulative frequency of occurrence, c. Wind
direction most frequently occurring with 99.6% and 0.4% dry-bulb temperatures and
d. Average of annual extreme maximum and minimum dry-bulb temperatures and standard deviations.
The information provided in table 1b, 2b and 3b are for cooling and humidity control conditions that

a. Dry bulb temperature corresponding to 0.4%, 1.0% and 2.0% annual cumulative frequency of
occurrence and the mean coincident wet-bulb temperature (warm). These conditions appear in sets of
dry bulb (DB) temperature and the mean coincident wet bulb (MWB) temperature since both values are
needed to determine the sensible and latent (dehumidification) loads in the cooling mode.

b. Wet-bulb temperature corresponding to 0.4%, 1.0% and 2.0% annual cumulative frequency of
occurrence and the mean coincident dry-bulb temperature

c. Dew-point temperature corresponding to 0.4%, 1.0% and 2.0% annual cumulative frequency of
occurrence and the mean coincident dry-bulb temperature and humidity ratio (calculated for the dew-
point temperature at the standard atmospheric pressure at the elevation of the station).

d. Mean daily range (DR) of the dry bulb temperature, which is the mean of the temperature difference
between daily maximum and minimum temperatures for the warmest month (highest average dry-bulb
temperature). These are used to correct CLTD values.

In choosing the HVAC outdoor design conditions, it is neither economical nor practical to design
equipment either for the annual hottest temperature or annual minimum temperature, since the peak
or the lowest temperatures may occur only for a few hours over the span of several years. Economically
speaking short duration peaks above the system capacity might be tolerated at significant reductions in
first cost; this is a simple risk - benefit decision for each building design.

Therefore, as a practice, the ‘design temperature and humidity’ conditions are based on frequency of
occurrence. The summer design conditions have been presented for annual percentile values of 0.4, 1
and 2% and winter month conditions are based on annual percentiles of 99.6 and 99%. The term “design
condition” refers to the %age of time in a year (8760 hours), the values of dry-bulb, dew-point and wet-
bulb temperature exceed by the indicated percentage. The 0.4%, 1.0%, 2.0% and 5.0% values are
exceeded on average by 35, 88, 175 and 438 hours.

The 99% and 99.6% cold values are defined in the same way but are viewed as the values for which the
corresponding weather element are less than the design condition 88 and 35 hours, respectively. 99.6%
value suggests that the outdoor temperature is equal to or lower than design data 0.4% of the time.

Design condition is used to calculate maximum heat gain and maximum heat loss of the building. For
comfort cooling, use of the 2.5% occurrence and for heating use of 99% values is recommended. The
2.5% design condition means that the outside summer temperature and coincident air moisture content
will be exceeded only

2.5% of hours from June to September or 73 out of 2928 hours (of these summer months) i.e. 2.5% of
the time in a year, the outdoor air temperature will be above the design condition.

Note, in energy use calculations, hour-by-hour outdoor climate data of a design day should be adopted
instead of summer and winter design values.
7.2 Indoor Design Conditions and Thermal Comfort
The indoor design conditions are directly related to human comfort. Current comfort standards, ASHRAE
Standard 55-1992 [4] and ISO Standard 7730 [5], specify a “comfort zone,” representing the optimal
range and combinations of thermal factors (air temperature, radiant temperature, air velocity, humidity)
and personal factors (clothing and activity level) with which at least 80% of the building occupants are
expected to express satisfaction. The environmental factors that affect the thermal comfort of the
occupants in an air-conditioned space are mainly:

a. Metabolic rate, expressed in met (1 met = 18.46 Btu/hr.ft2 ) determines the amount of heat that must
be released from the human body and it depends mainly on the intensity of the physical activity.

b. Indoor air temperature (Tr) and mean radiant temperature (Trad), both in °F. Tr affects both the
sensible heat exchange and evaporative losses, and Trad affects only sensible heat exchange.

c. Relative humidity of the indoor air in %, which is the primary factor that influences evaporative heat

d. Air velocity of the indoor air in fpm, which affects the heat transfer coefficients and therefore the
sensible heat exchange and evaporative loss.

e. Clothing insulation in clo (1 clo = 0.88 h.ft 2 .°F/Btu), affects the sensible heat loss. Clothing insulation
for occupants is typically 0.6 clo in summer and 0.8 to 1.2 clo in winter.

For comfort air-conditioning systems, according to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-1992 and ASHRAE/IES
Standard 90.1-1989, the following indoor design temperatures and air velocities apply for conditioned
spaces where the occupant’s activity level is 1.2 met, indoor space relative humidity is 50% (in summer
only), and Tr = Trad:

If a suit jacket is the clothing during summer for occupants, the summer indoor design temperature
should be dropped to 74 to 75°F. The recommended indoor relative humidity, in %, is:
The Psychrometric chapter of the Fundamentals Handbook (Chapter 6, 2001) provides more details on
this aspect. The load calculations are usually based at 75ºF dry bulb temperatures & 50% relative

7.3 Indoor Air Quality and Outdoor Air Requirements

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 1989, the causes of
indoor air quality complaints in buildings are inadequate outdoor ventilation air. There are three basic
means of improving indoor air quality: (1) eliminate or reduce the source of air pollution, (2) enhance
the efficiency of air filtration, and (3) increase the ventilation (outdoor) air intake.
Abridged outdoor air requirements listed in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62-1989 are as follows:

These ventilation requirements are based on the analysis of dilution of CO2 as the representative human
bioeffluent. As per ASHRAE standard 62-1999, comfort criteria with respect to human bio-effluents is
likely to be satisfied, if the indoor carbon dioxide concentrations remain within 700 ppm above the
outdoor air carbon dioxide concentration.
Refer to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62-1999 for details.

7.4 Building Pressurization

The outdoor air requirements are sometimes governed by the building pressurization needs. Most air-
conditioning systems are designed to maintain a slightly higher pressure than the surroundings, a
positive pressure, to prevent or reduce infiltration and untreated air entering the space directly. For
laboratories, restrooms, or workshops where toxic, hazardous, or objectionable gases or contaminants
are produced, a slightly lower pressure than the surroundings, a negative pressure, should be
maintained to prevent or reduce the diffusion of these contaminants to the surrounding area.

For comfort air-conditioning systems, the recommended pressure differential between the indoor and
outdoor air is 0.02 to 0.05 inch-WG. WG indicates the pressure at the bottom of a top-opened water
column of specific inches of height; 1 in -WG = 0.03612 psig.

7.5 Building Characteristics

To calculate space heat gain, the following information on building envelope is required:
a. Architectural plans, sections and elevations – for estimating building dimensions/area/volume
b. Building orientation (N, S, E, W, NE, SE, SW, NW, etc), location etc
c. External/Internal shading, ground reflectance etc.
d. Materials of construction for external walls, roofs, windows, doors, internal walls, partitions, ceiling,
insulating materials and thick nesses, external wall and roof colors - select and/or compute U-values for
walls, roof, windows, doors, partitions, etc. Check if the structure is insulated and/or exposed to high
e. Amount of glass, type and shading on windows

7.6 Operating Schedules

Obtain the schedule of occupants, lighting, equipment, appliances, and processes that contribute to the
internal loads and determine whether air conditioning equipment will be operated continuously or
intermittently (such as, shut down during off periods, night set-back, and weekend shutdown). Gather
the following information:
• Lighting requirements, types of lighting fixtures
• Appliances requirements such as computers, printers, fax machines, water coolers, refrigerators,
microwave, miscellaneous electrical panels, cables etc
• Heat released by the HVAC equipment.
• Number of occupants, time of building occupancy and type of building occupancy


Design cooling load takes into account all the loads experienced by a building under a specific set of
assumed conditions. The assumptions behind design cooling load are as follows:

a. Weather conditions are selected from a long-term statistical database. The conditions will not
necessary represent any actual year, but are representative of the location of the building. ASHRAE has
tabulated such data.

b. The solar loads on the building are assumed to be those that would occur on a clear day in the month
chosen for the calculations.

c. The building occupancy is assumed to be at full design capacity.

d. The ventilation rates are either assumed on air changes or based on maximum occupancy expected.
e. All building equipment and appliances are considered to be operating at a reasonably representative
f. Lights and appliances are assumed to be operating as expected for a typical day of design occupancy.
g. Latent as well as sensible loads are considered.
h. Heat flow is analyzed assuming dynamic conditions, which means that heat storage in building
envelope and interior materials is considered.
i. The latent heat gain is assumed to become cooling load instantly, whereas the sensible heat gain is
partially delayed depending on the characteristics of the conditioned space. According to the ASHRAE
regulations, the sensible heat gain from people is assumed 30% convection (instant cooling load) and
70% radiative (delayed portion).
j. Peak load calculations evaluate the maximum load to size and select the refrigeration equipment. The
energy analysis program compares the total energy use in a certain period with various alternatives in
order to determine the optimum one.
k. Space (zone) cooling load is used to calculate the supply volume flow rate and to determine the size
of the air system, ducts, terminals, and diffusers. The coil load is used to determine the size of the
cooling coil and the refrigeration system. Space cooling load is a component of the cooling coil load.
l. The heat transfer due to ventilation is not a load on the building but a load on the system.
8.1 Thermal Zoning
Thermal zoning is a method of designing and controlling the HVAC system so that occupied areas can be
maintained at a different temperature than unoccupied areas using independent setback thermostats. A
zone is defined as a space or group of spaces in a building having similar heating and cooling
requirements throughout its occupied area so that comfort conditions may be controlled by a single
thermostat. When doing the cooling load calculations, always divide the building into zones. Always
estimate the building peak load and individual zones airflow rate. The building peak load is used for
sizing the refrigeration capacity and the individual zone loads are helpful in estimating the airflow rates
(air-handling unit capacity). In practice the corner rooms and the perimetric spaces of the building have
variations in load as compared to the interior core areas. The following facts may be noted:

a) The buildings are usually divided into two major zones. • Exterior Zone: The area inward from the
outside wall (usually 12 to 18 feet, if rooms do not line the outside wall). The exterior zone is directly
affected by outdoor conditions during summer and winter. • Interior Zone: The area contained by the
external zone. The interior zone is only slightly affected by outdoor conditions and usually has a uniform

b) Single-zone models shall be limited to open floor plans with perimeter walls not exceeding 40 feet in

c) For large building footprints, assume a minimum of five zones per floor: one zone for each exposure
(north, south, east & west) and an interior zone.


before, the heat gain to the building is not converted to cooling load instantaneously. CLTD (cooling load
temperature difference), SCL (solar cooling load factor), and CLF (cooling load factor): all include the
effect of (1) time-lag in conductive heat gain through opaque exterior surfaces and (2) time delay by
thermal storage in converting radiant heat gain to cooling load. This approach allows cooling load to be
calculated manually by use of simple multiplication factors.

a. CLTD is a theoretical temperature difference that accounts for the combined effects of inside and
outside air temp difference, daily temp range, solar radiation and heat storage in the construction
assembly/building mass. It is affected by orientation, tilt, month, day, hour, latitude, etc. CLTD factors
are used for adjustment to conductive heat gains from walls, roof, floor and glass.

b. CLF accounts for the fact that all the radiant energy that enters the conditioned space at a particular
time does not become a part of the cooling load instantly. The CLF values for various surfaces have been
calculated as functions of solar time and orientation and are available in the form of tables in ASHRAE
Handbooks. CLF factors are used for adjustment to heat gains from internal loads such as lights,
occupancy, power appliances.

c. SCL factors are used for adjustment to transmission heat gains from glass

9.1 External Cooling Load

As discussed before, the total cooling load on a building consists of external as well as internal loads.
The external loads consist of heat transfer by conduction through the building walls, roof, floor, doors
etc, heat transfer by radiation through fenestration such as windows and skylights. All these are sensible
heat transfers.

9.1.1 ROOF
The basic conduction equation for heat gain is q = U A ∆T.
• q = Heat gain in Btu/hr
• U = Thermal Transmittance for roof in Btu/hr.ft².°F
• A = area of roof in ft2
• ∆T = Temperature difference in °F
The heat gain is converted to cooling load using the room transfer functions (sol-air temperature) for the
rooms with light, medium and heavy thermal characteristics. The equation is modified as
Q = U * A * (CLTD)
Where • Q = cooling load, Btu/hr
• U = Coefficient of heat transfer roof or wall or glass, Btu/hr.ft².°F
• A = area of roof, ft2
• CLTD = cooling load temperature difference °F. The values are determined from tables available in
chapter 28 of AHSRAE fundamentals handbook.

Since the ASHRAE tables provide hourly CLTD values for one typical set of conditions i.e. outdoor
maximum temperature of 95°F with mean temperature of 85°C and daily range of 21°F, the equation is
further adjusted to apply correction factors for conditions other than the mentioned base case. Thus,

Q Roof = U * A * CLTD Roof Corrected

The typical steps to calculate the Roof load are as follows:

Step #1 Determine roof construction and overall heat transfer coefficient (U) (Chapter 28 ASHRAE 1997,
Table A24-4, A29-5)
Step #2 Select roof no. from ASHRAE Table 31 or Text table 7-34 which is closest to matching actual roof
Step #3 Select CLTD Roof for time of interest, typically on an hourly basis (Chapter 28 ASHRAE Table
A28-32, A28-34).
Step #4 Corrections: Values on tables are for a. Four latitudes on July or August

b. Indoor temperature of 78°F

c. Outdoor maximum temperature of 95°F with mean daily temperature of 85°F and daily range of 21°F
CLTD ROOF Corrected= [CLTD Roof+ (78 – TR) +(TM – 85)]

o (78 – TR) = indoor design temperature correction
o (TM – 85) = outdoor design temperature correction
o TR = Indoor room temperature
o Tm = Mean outdoor temperature
o Tmax = Maximum outdoor temperature
o Tm = Tmax – (Daily Range) / 2

Step # 5 Calculate roof area (A) from architectural plans Step

#6 Q Roof = U * A * CLTD Roof Corrected
What is Sol-air temperature?
The sol-air temperature is a fictitious number that defines the value of the outside air temperature
which would, in the absence of all radiation exchanges, give the same rate of heat flow (Q) into the
outer surface of the wall as the actual combination of temperature difference and radiation exchanges.

The sol-air temperature represents the equivalent outdoor design air temperature that combines
convection to the outdoor air, radiation to the ground and sky, and solar radiation heat transfer effects
on the outer surface of a building. It takes into account the mass of the wall or roof, the daily
temperature range (which affects the heat storage), the color of the outside surface (which affects solar
heat absorption rate) and the latitude and month. When the sol-air data is combined with the inside
design temperature, a cooling load temperature difference (CLTD) is obtained.

Hourly sol-air temperature values are presented in tables for various orientations of a surface for 21 July
at 40° N latitude, with standard surface absorption factor for light and dark colored surfaces in ASHRAE
handbook of fundamentals. The sol-air temperatures are listed for a given air temperature cycle.

Adjustments can be introduced for other dates, latitudes and air temperature cycles. When this method
is used in conjunction with custom tables generated by appropriate computer software, and for
buildings where external shading is not significant, it can be expected that it will produce results very
close to that produced by the TFM.

For a complete discussion of this concept, refer to the ASHRAE Handbook of fundamentals.
9.1.2 WALLS The cooling load from walls is treated in a similar way as roof: Q Wall = U * A * CLTD Wall
Corrected Where
• Q Wall = Load through the walls in Btu/hr
• U = Thermal Transmittance for walls in Btu/ (h ft2 F)
• A = area of walls in ft2
• CLTD = Cooling Load Temperature Difference for walls in °F
The typical steps to calculate the Wall load are as follows:
Step #1 Determine wall construction and overall heat transfer coefficient (U) (Chapter 24 ASHRAE 1997,
Table A24-4, A29-5)
Step # 2 Select wall type from ASHRAE Table 33 which is closest to matching actual wall construction.
Pay attention to effect of mass distribution (inside insulation, outside insulation or evenly distributed).
#3 Select CLTD Wall for time of interest, typically on an hourly basis (Chapter 28 ASHRAE Table A28-32,

Step #4 Corrections: Values on tables are for

a. Four latitudes on July or August
b. Indoor temperature of 78°F
c. Outdoor maximum temperature of 95°F with mean daily temperature of 85°F and daily range of 21°F

CLTD Wall Corrected= [CLTD Wall+ (78 – TR) +(TM – 85)]

Where o (78 – TR) = indoor design temperature correction
o (TM – 85) = outdoor design temperature correction
o TR = Indoor room temperature
o Tm = Mean outdoor temperature
o Tmax = Maximum outdoor temperature
o Tm = Tmax – (Daily Range) / 2

Step #5 Calculate walls area (A). Use the architectural drawings to determine how much wall area you
have. Since you will be finding window and door losses separately, exclude windows and door and count
only wall area.
Step #6 Q Wall = U * A * CLTD Wall Corrected

Example: The wall has a 4" brick exterior, a 1" air gap, and 8" concrete block wall. Calculate the overall U
value of the walls (Btu/hr/ft2 /°F) based on the materials used and the standards set forth in ASHRAE.
The tabulated values are as follows:

Two ideas are important here. The first is the idea of thermal resistance. Heat energy flows from hot
spaces to cold spaces and it increases as the temperature difference increases. The material which
separates the temperature extremes has a certain resistance to energy flow. When the resistance is
high, the rate at which energy flows through the material is low; when the resistance is low, high energy
flow rates are expected. We insulate walls to lower the rate at which energy flows through the walls.
Insulation increases the thermal resistance or “R value” of the wall. The second important idea is the
idea of the heat capacity of the building materials. Heat capacity is a measure of a material’s ability to
store heat energy. Metals tend to have low heat capacities. When heat energy flows through a metal, it
changes temperature quickly. On the other hand, stone or cement has a much higher heat capacity.
When heat energy flow into stone, it changes temperature very slowly and tends to “store” the heat
energy. Passive solar homes usually include a large mass of stone, rock, or other material with a high
heat capacity. This thermal mass will heat up during the day when the sun shines. At night when it is
cooler, energy can be drawn from the thermal mass. It is interesting to note that water has a very high
heat capacity. Open water inside a house might create humidity problems, but in our atmosphere, the
heat capacity of water has a significant effect on moderating temperature and on the weather pattern in


Solar load through glass has two components: 1) Conductive and 2) Solar Transmission The absorbed
and then conductive portion of the radiation through the windows is treated like the roof & walls where
CLTD values for standard glazing are tabulated in ASHARE fundamentals handbook. For solar
transmission, the cooling load is calculated by the cooling load SCL factor and shading coefficient (SC).
The cooling load equations for glass are: Conductive Q Glass Conductive = U * A * CLTD Glass Corrected
Solar Transmission Q Glass Solar = A * SC * SCL Where • Q Conductive = Conductive load through the
glass in Btu/hr
• Q Solar = Solar transmission load through the glass in Btu/hr
• U = Thermal Transmittance for glass in Btu/ (h ft2 F)
• A = area of glass in ft2
• CLTD = Cooling Load Temperature Difference for glass in °F
• SC = Shading coefficient • SCL = Solar Cooling Load Factor


Step # 1 For the glass types used, select from ASHRAE tables the overall heat transfer coefficient (U). The
glass is the major contributor of heat gain in the commercial buildings. Pay attention to effect of
shading, reflective films, curtains, drapes etc (refer to example below)
Step # 2 Select CLTD Glass for time of interest, typically on an hourly basis (Chapter 28 ASHRAE Table
34). Step
# 3 Corrections: CLTD Glass Corrected= [CLTD Glass+ (78 – TR) +(TM – 85)]
Where o (78 – TR) = indoor design temperature correction
o (TM – 85) = outdoor design temperature correction
o TR = Indoor room temperature
o Tm = Mean outdoor temperature
o Tmax = Maximum outdoor temperature
o Tm = Tmax – (Daily Range) / 2

Step # 4 Calculate glass area (A) from architectural plans

Step # 5 Q Glass = U * A * CLTD Glass Corrected


Step # 1 Determine shading coefficient (SC) from ASHRAE 1997 Chapter 27, Table 11
Step # 2 Determine zone type from ASHRAE 1997 Chapter 29, Table 35 B
Step # 3 Determine solar cooling load factor (SCL) from ASHRAE 1997 Chapter 28, Table A28-36
Step # 4 Calculate glass area (A) from architectural plans
Step # 5 Q Glass Solar = A * SC * SCL

Estimating U value and compare cooling load of different glass types/with or without drapes
U values can also be estimated, if thermal resistance (R) or thermal conductivity of glass material is
known. U value is inverse of R-value.
The R-value is calculated as R = l/k where l is the thickness of the material and k is the thermal
The thermal resistances for the window with and without drapes are:
Without drape: R Total = R airfilm + R window + R airfilm
With drapes: R Total = R airfilm + R drapes + R gap + R window + R airfilm
Assumed data
• Thickness of glass = 1/8 inch
• Curtain-window spacing = 3.5 inch
• Conductivity of glass = 0.81 BTU/(hr ft °F)
• Conductivity of drapes = 0.035 BTU/(hr ft °F)
• Thickness of drapes = 1/16 inch
• Thickness of insulated drapes = ½ inch R - Values from ASHRAE Fundamentals (2001

For calculating
U-values: R series = R1 + R2 + R3 + etc
U series = 1/ R series
Using the equation above the different type of window/drapes will yield following results:
For single glazed windows, adding drapes reduces heat loss by 37%. Adding the same drapes to double
glazed windows reduces heat loss by 30%. Adding insulated drapes to a single glazed window reduces
heat loss by 56% (48% for double glazed windows).
So, for single and double glazed windows, both claims are approximately true. The reduction in heat
loss is smaller for double glazed windows than it is for single glazed windows.

9.1.4 PARTITIONS, CEILINGS AND FLOORS Whenever a conditioned space is adjacent to a space with a
different temperature, transfer of heat through the separating physical section must be considered.

Q = U A (Ta - Trc)
Where • U = coefficient of overall heat transfer between adjacent and conditioned space in Btu/ (h ft2 F)
See 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 24 or 2001 ASHRAE Fundamentals, and Chapter 25.
• A = area of partition in ft2 , ceiling or floor calculated from building plans
• Ta = Temperature of adjacent space in °F (Note: If adjacent space is not conditioned and temperature
is not available, use outdoor air temperature less 5°F)
• Trc = Inside design temperature of conditioned space in °F (assumed constant)

Note that the temperature Ta may range widely from that in the conditioned space. The temperature in
a kitchen or boiler room, for example, may be as much as 15 to 50°F above the outdoor air temperature.
Actual temperatures in adjoining spaces should be measured when possible. Where nothing is known,
assume outdoor air temperature less 5°F.

9.2 Internal Cooling Loads

The various internal loads consist of sensible and latent heat transfers due to occupants, products,
processes appliances and lighting. The lighting load is only sensible. The conversion of sensible heat gain
(from lighting, people, appliances, etc.) to space cooling load is affected by the thermal storage
characteristics of that space and is thus subject to appropriate cooling load factors (CLF) to account for
the time lag of the cooling load caused by the building mass. The weighting factors equation determines
the CLF factors. CLF = Q cooling load / Q internal gains Note that the latent heat gains are considered
9.2.1 People
Q sensible = N (QS) (CLF)
Q latent = N (QL)
Where • N = number of people in space from ASHRAE, Table A28-3
• QS, QL = Sensible and Latent heat gain from occupancy is given in 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals Chapter
28, Table 3)
• CLF = Cooling Load Factor, by hour of occupancy. See 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 28, Table
37 Note: CLF = 1.0, if operation is 24 hours or of cooling is off at night or during weekends. The table
below gives representative rates at which heat and moisture are given off by human beings in different
states of activity. Often these sensible and latent heat gains constitute a large fraction of the total load.
Even for short-term occupancy, the extra heat and moisture brought in by people may be significant.

These values are for 78°F room dry bulb temperature. For 80°F dry bulb temperature, the total heat
remains the same, but the sensible heat value should be decreased by approximately 8% and the latent
heat values increased accordingly.
Occupants generate both sensible and latent heat components according to activity level. The sensible
heat rate increases slightly with higher activity but latent heat increases dramatically because of greater
perspiration rates needed to maintain body temperature.

9.2.2 Lights
The primary source of heat from lighting comes from light-emitting elements. Calculation of this load
component is not straightforward; the rate of heat gain at any given moment can be quite different
from the heat equivalent of power supplied instantaneously to those lights. Only part of the energy from
lights is in the form of convective heat, which is picked up instantaneously by the air-conditioning
apparatus. The remaining portion is in the form of radiation, which affects the conditioned space only
after having been absorbed and re-released by walls, floors, furniture, etc. This absorbed energy
contributes to space cooling load only after a time lag, with some part of such energy still present and
reradiating after the lights have been switched off.
Generally, the instantaneous rate of heat gain from electric lighting may be calculated from:
Q = 3.41 x W x FUT x FSA
Cooling load factors are used to convert instantaneous heat gain from lighting to the sensible cooling
load; thus the equation is modified to Q = 3.41 x W x FUT x FSA x (CLF)
• W = Watts input from electrical lighting plan or lighting load data
• FUT = Lighting use factor, as appropriate
• FSA = special ballast allowance factor, as appropriate
• CLF = Cooling Load Factor, by hour of occupancy. See 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 28, Table
Note: CLF = 1.0, if operation is 24 hours or if cooling is off at night or during weekends. The total light
wattage is obtained from the ratings of all lamps installed, both for general illumination and for display
The special allowance is the ratio of the wattage in use for the conditions under which the load estimate
is being made, to the total installed wattage. For commercial applications such as stores, the use factor
would generally be unity. The special allowance factor is for fluorescent fixtures and/or fixtures that are
either ventilated or installed so that only part of their heat goes to the conditioned space. For
fluorescent fixtures, the special allowance factor accounts for the ballast losses, and can be as high as
2.19 for 32 W single lamp high-output fixtures on 277 V circuits. Rapid start, 40 W lamp fixtures have
special allowance factors that vary from a low of 1.18 for two lamps at 277 V to a high of 1.30 for one
lamp at 118V, with a recommended value of 1.20 for general applications. Industrial fixtures other than
fluorescent, such as sodium lamps, may have special allowance factors varying from 1.04 to 1.37,
depending on the manufacturer, and should be dealt with individually.
For ventilated or recessed light fixtures, manufacturers' or other data must be sought to establish the
fraction of the total wattage that may be expected to enter the conditioned space directly (and subject
to time lag effect), versus that which must be picked up by return air or in some other appropriate

9.2.3 Power Loads

The industrial and commercial applications use various equipments such as fans, pumps, machine tools,
elevators, escalators and other machinery, which add significantly to the heat gain. There are 5
equations in use for different scenarios.
Case #1 If the motor and the machine are in the room the heat transferred can be calculated as
Q = 2545 * (P / Eff) * FUM * FLM
P = Horsepower rating from electrical power plans or manufacturer’s data
Eff = Equipment motor efficiency, as decimal fraction
FUM = Motor use factor (normally = 1.0)
FLM = Motor load factor (normally = 1.0)
Note: FUM = 1.0, if operation is 24 hours
In this situation the total power are transferred as heat to the room.
Note! If the machine is a pump or a fan most of the power are transferred as energy to the medium and
may be transported out of the room. For such cases, case 4 shall be used.

Case #2 If the motor is outside and the machine is in the room the heat transferred can be calculated as
Q = 2545 * P * FUM * FLM

P = Horsepower rating from electrical power plans or manufacturer’s data

FUM = Motor use factor
FLM = Motor load factor
Note: FUM = 1.0, if operation is 24 hours

Case #3 If the motor is belt driven and the motor and belt is outside and the machine is in the room the
heat transferred can be calculated as
Q = 2545 * P * Belt Eff * FUM * FLM
P = Horsepower rating from electrical power plans or manufacturer’s data
Belt Eff = Belt transmission efficiency, as decimal fraction
FUM = Motor use factor
FLM = Motor load factor
Note: FUM = 1.0, if operation is 24 hours

Case #4 If the motor is in the room and the machine is outside the heat transferred can be calculated as
Q = 2545 * [P/Eff - P] * FUM * FLM
P = Horsepower rating from electrical power plans or manufacturer’s data
Eff = Motor efficiency, as decimal fraction
FUM = Motor use factor
FLM = Motor load factor
Note: FUM = 1.0, if operation is 24 hours

Case #5 If the motor is belt driven and the motor and belt is in the room and the machine is outside the
heat transferred can be calculated as
Q = 2545 * [P/ (motor Eff) – P/ (belt Eff)] * FUM * FLM
P = Horsepower rating from electrical power plans or manufacturer’s data
FUM = Motor use factor
FLM = Motor load factor

The highest quantum of heat gain shall be from the

case #1, when both the motor and driven equipment are located inside the space. The physical location
of equipment is not the only governing criteria on using a particular case. An exception is taken for
pumps and fans to use case# 4 equation in lieu case#1, even if both the driver & driven equipment is
located inside the space, provided the fluid is pumped outside to the conditioned space. This is due to
the fact that the heat energy is carried away by the fluid. It is important to use the discretion judiciously,
for example for the direct driven exhaust fans, the case #3 is applicable while for the supply or intake
ventilation fans, the case #1 is applicable. Note that the heat output of a motor is generally proportional
to the motor load, within the overload limits. Because of typically high no-load motor current, fixed
losses, and other reasons, FLM is generally assumed to be unity, and no adjustment should be made for
under-loading or overloading unless the situation is fixed, can be accurately established, and the
reduced load efficiency data can be obtained from the motor manufacturer.

9.2.4 Appliances In a cooling load estimate, heat gain from all appliances-electrical, gas, or steam-should
be taken into account. Because of the variety of appliances, applications, schedules, use, and
installations, estimates can be very subjective. Often, the only information available about heat gain
from equipment is that on its name-plate.
Q Sensible = Qin x Fu x Fr x (CLF)
Q Latent = Qin x Fu
Where • Qin = rated energy input from appliances. See 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 28, and
Table 5 thru 9 or use manufacturer’s data. For computers, monitors, printers and miscellaneous office
equipment, see 2001 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 29, Tables 8, 9, & 10. [If the appliance nameplate
provides the power ratings in Watts, Qin can be estimated as 3.14 x Wattage of equipment]
• Fu = Usage factor. See 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 28, Table 6 and 7
• Fr = Radiation factor. See 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 28, Table 6 and 7
• CLF = Cooling Load Factor, by hour of occupancy. See 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 28, Table
37 and 39
Note 1: CLF = 1.0, if operation is 24 hours or of cooling is off at night or during weekends.
Note 2: Set latent load = 0 if appliance under exhaust hood.

9.2.5 Infiltration Air

Q sensible = 1.08 x CFM x (To – Ti)
Q latent = 4840 x CFM x (Wo – Wi)
Q total = 4.5 x CFM x (ho – hi)

• CFM = Infiltration air flow rate. See 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 25, for determining
• To, Ti = Outside/Inside dry bulb temperature, °F
• Wo, Wi = Outside/Inside humidity ratio, lb water/lb dry air
• ho, hi = Outside/Inside air enthalpy, Btu per lb (dry air)

9.3 Heat Gain from Miscellaneous Sources 9.3.1 Supply Fan Heat Load Supply and/or return fans that
circulate or supply air to the space add heat to the space or system depending on the location relative to
the conditioned space. The heat added may take one or all of the following forms:
• Instantaneous temperature rise in the air stream due to fan drive inefficiency.
• Temperature rise in the air stream when the air is brought to static equilibrium and the static and
kinetic energy is transformed into heat energy. The location of the fan and motor relative to the cooling
coil and space being conditioned determines how the heat is added to the system. If the fan is
downstream of the cooling coil (draw-thru) then the fan heat load is added to the space cooling load. If
the fan is upstream of the cooling coil, then the fan heat load is added to the system cooling coil load.
The heat energy is calculated as follows:
Q = 2545 x [P / (Eff1 x Eff2)]

• P = Horsepower rating from electrical power plans or manufacturer’s data
• 2545 = conversion factor for converting horsepower to Btu per hour
• Eff1 = Full load motor and drive efficiency
• Eff2 = Fan static efficiency
Note: See 1997 ASHRAE Fundamentals, Chapter 28, and Table 4 for motor heat gain.

9.3.2 Ventilation Air

Ventilation air is the amount of outdoor air required to makeup for air leaving the space due to
equipment exhaust, exfiltration and/or as required to maintain Indoor Air Quality for the occupants.
(See ASHRAE Standard 62 for minimum ventilation requirements). The heat is usually added to the air
stream before the cooling coil and has no direct impact on the space conditions. The additional cooling
coil load is calculated as follows:
Q sensible = 1.08 x CFM x (To – Tc)
Q latent = 4840 x CFM x (Wo – Wc)
Q total = 4.5 x CFM x (ho – hc)

Where • CFM = Ventilation airflow rate.

• To = Outside dry bulb temperature, °F
• Tc = Dry bulb temperature of air leaving the cooling coil, °F
• Wo = Outside humidity ratio, lb (water) per lb (dry air)
• Wc = Humidity ratio of air leaving the cooling coil, lb (water) per lb (dry air)
• ho = Outside/Inside air enthalpy, Btu per lb (dry air)
• hc = Enthalpy of air leaving the cooling coil Btu per lb (dry air)

9.3.3 Duct Heat Gain

Unless the return ductwork system is extensive and uninsulated or passes over a non-conditioned space,
only the heat gained by the duct supply system is significant. This heat gain is normally estimated as a
percentage of the space sensible cooling load (usually 1% to 5%) and applied to the temperature of the
air leaving the cooling coil in the form of temperature increase.

9.3.4 Duct Leakage

Air leakage out of or into ductwork can have much greater impact than the duct heat gain or loss.
Outward leakage from a supply duct is a direct loss of cooling and/or dehumidifying capacity and must
be offset by increased air flow or reduced supply air temperature. Leakage into a return duct system
causes additional cooling coil capacity but it does not directly affect the space conditions. Commercial
type or existing older systems can have leakage from 10% to 20% of the total system airflow. Per energy
conservation guidelines, in a new installation, the duct system should not leak more than 1% to 3% of
total system airflow. The engineer or designer is cautioned to make sure that the proper allowance for
leakages is included in the calculations in order to ensure that the equipment selected is properly sized.

9.3.5 Diversity Factors

Diversity of cooling load results from not using part of the load on a design day. Therefore, diversity
factors are factors of usage and are applied to the refrigeration capacity of large air conditioning
systems. These factors vary with location, type and size of application. Generally, diversity factors can be
applied to loads from people and lights as there is neither 100% occupancy nor total lighting at the time
of such other peak loads as peak solar and transmission loads. The reduction in cooling loads from non-
use is real and should be accounted for. Listed are some average typical diversity factors for large
buildings during occupied periods.

10.0 SUPPLY AIR CALCULATIONS Calculations for the design supply air quantities are dependent on the
type of system used. Some generalizations and assumptions need to be made to assist in the use of the
cooling load calculations for equipment selection and sizing. For constant air volumes with reheat type
of system, the design supply air quantities required are based on the peak requirements for each space.
However, if the system selected allows for air flow to each zone to vary based on load, the peak load on
an air conditioning unit serving
several zones or spaces is not equal to the sum of the peak loads of each zone, but will be that amount
necessary to handle the maximum coincident load on the system at a given time. Determining the
maximum coincident load may require additional calculation and analysis. Supply air flow rate to a space
is based only on the total space sensible heat load, thus
CFM = 1.08 x [Q sensible / (TR – Ts)]

• CFM = air flow in cubic feet per minute
• 1.08 = conversion constant = 0.244 X (60/13.5)
• 0.244 = specific heat of moist air, Btu/lb d.a.
• 13.5 = specific volume of moist air, cu-ft. per lb. d.a. (@70°F, 50% RH)
• Q sensible = total room sensible heat gain, BTU per hr.
• TR = Room dry bulb temperature, °F
• Ts = Room supply air dry bulb temperature, °F (not necessarily the same as the temperature of the air
leaving the cooling coil). Refer to CEDengineering.com Course No: M05-005 “Air Conditioning
Psychrometrics” for further details on the subject. This course gives an example that will describe “How
to estimate the airflow rate for a given cooling load”?

11.1 Cooling Load Example in US units
An office building in Montreal area requires air conditioning for a single story building. The following
data is gathered: Location: Montreal Type of building: Office Number of floors: 1 Floor area: 64 ft x 80 ft
= 5120 ft2 Floor-to-floor Height: 15 ft Window area: 20 % of the wall area Windows: Double glazed

Wall: Wall number 13 [U= 0.2 Btu/h.ft2 .F, as per table 33A*, pg 28.46 Roof: Roof number 13 [U= 0.2
Btu/h.ft2 .F as per table 31, pg 28.42] Windows: U= 0.55 Btu/h.ft2 .F Recommended ventilation: ½ air
change per hour (min) or 20 cfm/person Occupancy: 7 persons per 1000 sq-ft Working: 8 hrs of working
- 9.00 to 17.00 hrs Estimate the cooling load using the Cooling Load Temperature Difference / Solar
Cooling Load/ Cooling Load Factor (CLTD/SCL/CLF) method.
Zone Division:
Due to solar exposure and sun movement, the heat gain through exterior walls (in perimetric areas) will
be much higher than the interior zones. As such the supply air requirements for exterior zones shall be
much higher than the interior zones. This aspect is very important in sizing and control of air-
conditioning equipment especially when single equipment (AHU) is feeding the entire area. For this job,
the building envelope is divided into 5 zones having 20 rooms of equal areas (It’s assumed the two
corners in each zone as a one room with the same situation with the other rooms on that zone). The
central zone heat gain conduction through the walls are zero due to ∆T=0 (There isn’t exterior walls in
central zone)
Roof area each room is 256 ft2 (16 * 16)
Window area for each wall is 48 ft² which is 20 % of gross wall area of 240 sq-ft (16 *15 * 0.2=48 ft²) Net
area for each wall is 192 sq. ft, which is gross wall area minus window area (240 ft² - 48 ft²=192 ft²)

ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions were made during the course of calculation
ZONE LOAD SUMMARY Tables below summarize the sensible, latent and total load for each zone. Note
that in tables below, the
a. Space loads (sensible and latent) = [Q roof + Q walls + Q windows + Q people + Q lights + Q
appliances] (It does not include ventilation load). --------- [This is also called Room Total Load].
b. Total loads = Space Loads + Ventilation Load-------- [This is also called Gross Total Load]. The yellow
highlighted row indicates the peak load at particular time of day
The usual need to look up values from various tables and charts makes the conventional hand
calculation quite laborious, time consuming and prone to errors and inaccuracies because of the
tendency to simplify truncate or interpolate tabulated values. Listed below are the suggested
applications and methodology of two computer programs Elite CHVAC and TRACE 700 that may be used
in the cooling and heating load calculations.

12.1 Elite CHVAC

CHVAC is a commercial Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning software platform developed by Elite
Software. This computer program calculates the maximum heating and cooling loads in commercial and
industrial buildings. Listed below are capabilities of CHVAC:

• Calculates peak heating and cooling loads

• Calculates both heating & cooling airflow CFM requirements
• Calculates run out and main trunk duct sizes
• Automates compliance with ASHRAE Standard 62
• Provides overall building envelope report
• Spreadsheet file compatibility
• Performs complete psychrometric analysis
• Prints bar graphs and exploded pie charts
• Exterior shading handles overhangs, fins, & glass tilt
• Uses exact ASHRAE CLTD procedures
• Built-in design weather data for hundreds of cities
• Analyzes up to 12 months per calculation
Calculates 24 hours per design day
• Allows unlimited number of zones per project
• Zones may be grouped under 100 air handlers
•Zones may be optionally grouped under VAV boxes
• Allows 12 walls, 12 windows, and 5 roofs per zone
• Allows simultaneous infiltration and ventilation
• Allows different summer and winter air rates
• Allows varying indoor conditions within a project
• Allows 6 master roof types, 8 master wall types, 8 master partition types, and 20 master glass types •
Allows glass to be tilted from 0 to 180 degrees
• Allows for roof and wall color effects
• Provision for both VAV and constant volume systems
• Proper handling of return air plenum loads
• Accounts for people diversity in total building load
• Computes supply fan horsepower and heat gains
• Accounts for both draw-thru and blow-thru fans
• Calculates reheat requirements if necessary
• Computes supply and return duct gains and losses
• Allows direct specification of supply CFM quantities
• Allows specification of minimum supply air quantities
• Allows heating only, cooling only, or both
• Excess supply air can be handled as reheat, reserve capacity, or by adjusting the leaving coil conditions
• Leaving coil conditions can be specified with a desired dry bulb temperature or a relative humidity
• Calculates chilled and hot water coil flow rates
• Allows for pretreated outside air
• Allows heating and cooling safety factors
• Lighting & equipment watts along with no. of people can be entered directly or on a per square foot

12.1.1 Calculation Method

CHVAC performs calculations using the CLTD/CLF procedures described in the ASHRAE Handbook of
Fundamentals. The programs use exact CLTD and MSHGF table values where possible, otherwise direct
calculations are made. This calculation technique allows the programs to calculate for any building
orientation and still produce output results that can be easily verified by hand.

12.1.2 Program Input

CHVAC is a true Windows program that uses all the latest data entry techniques such as toolbars, hyper
linked help, and form tabs. All input data is checked at the time of entry so that no improper data can be
entered. Five types of data are requested: general project data, outdoor design data, building material
data, air handler data, and specific zone data. The general project data includes the project and client
name, designer, building opening and closing hours, internal operating load schedules, and any desired
safety factors. The outdoor design data includes the summer and winter outdoor design conditions
(automatically looked up for you if a city reference is given) and the desired ventilation and infiltration
rates. The building material data includes the definition of master building material types for roofs,
walls, partitions, glass sections, and exterior shading. A user defined material library is available for
saving the data on common material types. The air handler data includes the fan and terminal type, the
desired heating and cooling supply air temperatures and data for duct heat gains and losses. The zone
data includes the zone name, floor length and width, number of people, equipment watts, lighting
watts, external shading data, and specific roof, wall, partition, floor, and glass data.

12.1.3 Program Output

The CHVAC program provides eleven types of reports, which can be selectively previewed on screen or
printed as desired. CHVAC supports all printers that work with Windows and numerous full color reports
are available. The reports are: General Project Data, Air Handler Input Data, Zone Input Data, Detailed
Project Zone Loads, Air System Zone Summary, Total Building, Air System, and Zone Load Profiles, Air
System Total Load Summary, Air System Psychrometric Analysis, Overall Building Envelope Report, Pie
Charts, Bar Graphs, and the Total Building Load Summary. Air system summary data can be exported to
your favorite spreadsheet.

12.2 TRACE® 700 The TRACE Load® 700 program is a commercial Heating, Ventilation and Air
Conditioning software platform developed by Trane’s CDS Group.

The Load phase of the program computes the peak sensible and latent zone loads, as well as the block
sensible and latent loads for the building. In addition, the hourly sensible and latent loads, including
weather-dependent loads, are calculated for each zone, based on the weather library. The building
heating/cooling load calculations, used in the load phase of the program for annual energy consumption
analysis, are of sufficient detail to permit the evaluation of the effect of building data such as
orientation, size, shape and mass, heat transfer characteristics of air and moisture, as well as hourly
climatic data.
The Design phase of the TRACE program calculates the design supply air temperatures, heating and
cooling capacities, and supply air quantities given the peak load files generated by the Load phase. For
applications where the building design parameters are known, you can override the calculation of these
values using optional entries to the System phase. This gives you the ability to simulate existing buildings
with installed equipment that may not be sized according to the loads calculated in the program’s Load
Beyond this, the calculations used to simulate the operation of the building and its service systems
through a full-year operating period, are of sufficient detail to permit the evaluation of the effect of
system design, climatic factors, operational characteristics and mechanical equipment operating
characteristics on annual energy usage. Manufacturers’ data is used in the program for the simulation of
all systems and equipment. The calculation procedures used in TRACE are based upon 8,760 hours of
operation of the building and its service system. These procedures use techniques recommended in the
appropriate ASHRAE publications or produce results that are consistent with such recommended
techniques. The following are the program features.

Project Navigator View

o Organizes entries by task to lead you through the modeling process
o Displays the status of each modeling step
o Accommodates up to 4 alternatives per project

Project Tree View

o Organizes all rooms, systems, and plants in a hierarchical list
o Displays all information about a system, zone, or room on 1 screen
o Supports cut, copy, and paste to save entry time
Component Tree
o Displays cooling set point for every room in the project on 1 screen
o Makes it easy to check and edit your work Task-oriented display guides you through the modeling
process as follows:

Select weather information

o Provides both design and typical weather data by location
o Choose from 400 climate locations o Import standard weather files for a full-year (8760) analysis
Create rooms
o Describe the construction, airflows, thermostat settings, heat sources, and schedules by room

Create airside systems

o Choose from more than 30 methods of air distribution o Add energy recovery, economizers, and
dedicated ventilation/makeup air Assign rooms to systems
o Create thermal zones and assign them to systems
o Determine airflows, coil loads, and fan sizes for each airside system If the only requirement is to
calculate the cooling and/or heating loads and the project does not require energy analysis and
economic evaluation, it is recommended that the Program Load® 700 be utilized instead of Full TRACE
700. The only difference is that Trace Load® 700 users only have access to the Load Design section (from
Project Information to Assign Rooms to Systems). Full TRACE 700 users will have full access to the Load,
Energy and Economic sections. The advantage of using only Trace Load® 700 is that all the added
features and capabilities (applicable to load design) in full TRACE 700 program are also available to the
Trace Load® 700 users. Also, same file extensions and libraries will enable users of both programs to
transfer archived files back and forth without any additional steps needed.

• 2001 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals
• 1997 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals • ASHRAE Cooling and Heating Load Calculation Manual
• ASHRAE Standard 62, Indoor Air Quality
• Trane C.D.S. Program Description and Capabilities • Elite Software Program Description and

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#Cooling load calculation for room

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#Cooling load Calculation ASHRAE

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#ASHRAE cooling and heating load calculation Manual PDF

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