SoW IGCSE Greek Final 7
SoW IGCSE Greek Final 7
SoW IGCSE Greek Final 7
This scheme of work (SoW) has been made available as a word document rather than PDF, allowing you to edit the document in a way that suits your
teaching style and student needs.
International GCSEs have 120 guided learning hours.
Guidance provided within the course planners, schemes of work and lesson plans are suggested approaches that centres can adapt to suit
their particular context.
The following SoW is based on 6 terms of 10 weeks each and of two one-hour lessons per week. This is one possible model of delivery
and includes considerable revision time. It is configured on the understanding that some topic areas are cognate and may overlap. The
first few lesson ideas are somewhat lengthier than the ones that follow, as they establish a pattern, which is to be emulated in the
schemes of work that come later.
All four Assessment Objectives (writing, reading, summary and grammar) should be covered when teaching each Topic Area.
Please note that all suggested exemplar lessons are merely suggested lessons that you may want to use in order to help you teach the
specification. They are by no means required, and you do not need to use these lessons in order to appropriately cover the specification.
The sections (in the order presented across the Scheme of Work) include:
Topic Area A - Youth matters
Topic Area B - Education
Topic Area C - Media
Topic Areas D - Culture
©1Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Topic Area E - Sport and Leisure
Topic Area F - Travel and Tourism
Topic Area G – Business, work and employment
Topic Area H – Environment
Topic Area I- Health
Topic Area J- Technology
In recent years, higher education institutions and global employers have consistently flagged the need for students to develop a range of transferable
skills to enable them to respond with confidence to the demands of undergraduate study and the world of work. To support the design of our
qualifications, we have mapped them to a transferable skills framework. The framework includes cognitive, intrapersonal skills and interpersonal skills
and each skill has been interpreted for each specification to ensure they are appropriate for the subject. Further information on transferable skills is
available on the website. Pearson materials, including this scheme of work, will support you in identifying and developing these skills in students.
In the final two columns of this scheme of work we have indicated which transferable skills are explicitly assessed, and also where there are
opportunities for them to be developed through teaching. Our intention is that teachers can use these columns to increase opportunities for
transferable skills development in students.
Assessment Objectives
All four Assessment Objectives (writing, reading, summary and grammar) should be covered when teaching each Topic Area.
AO1 (i) Read and understand a range of texts, selecting and interpreting information, ideas and opinions.
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(ii) Understand how the writer uses techniques to create effect.
AO2 (i) Communicate in writing effectively and imaginatively in different forms for particular audiences and purposes.
(ii) Organise writing into clear and coherent sentences and whole texts.
(iii) Use accurate spelling.
AO3 (i) Show understanding and correct application of the morphology of nouns, adjectives, pronouns and verbs.
(ii) Show understanding and correct application of the syntax relating to the verb and verb phrase, the noun and noun phrase.
(iii) Show understanding and correct application of main and subordinate clauses. Understand and respond, in writing, to written language.
Electronic Resources
1. The following electronic resources provide abundant material relevant to the 10 topics (including source texts, exemplar activities and essays).
b. Ο λόγος ανάγκη της ψυχής (Β΄ & Γ’ Γυμνασίου):
c. Διαδραστικά σχολικά βιβλία Γλώσσας, Έκφρασης Έκθεσης και Λογοτεχνίας:
2. The following indicative list of online newspapers and journals has published and may often publish material relevant to the topics of this
©3Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
b. Περιβάλλον 21:
e. For a list of open access journals:
3. The following links may offer useful insights into essay writing.
4 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Scheme of Work
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
1-5 Topic Area A- Relationships, Lesson Idea 1: Films: Communication –
Youth Matters family 1. Η δε γυνή να φοβήται τον dialogues, productive
In class: άνδρα (1965) writing, pairwork – is
Potential cross- Relationships assessed in AO1,
referencing to with friends Brainstorm the topic of family relationships by asking 2. Πέππερμιντ (1999) AO2 and AO3
topic areas on: students to give their views on ideas about family and
Education, Identity how these have changed over the years. Prompts such 3. Πολίτικη Κουζίνα (2003) Collaboration
Culture, issues and as questions about the relationships between children Pairwork is assessed
Environment teenage and parents, issues of respect, and gender roles within 4. Straight Story (2006) in AO1, AO2 and AO3
problems the family structure may be given to students in advance
so they have time to think about their answers. Extracts from literary texts Interpersonal skills
Other lead-in devices could include pictures that may and online sources:
contain diverse portrayals of families or short text and 1. Αλέξανδρος Παπαδιαμάντης, Interpretation is
web based excerpts that may show changes in the Πατέρα στο σπίτι (Άπαντα) assessed in AO1,
concept of family and family relations through the ages AO2 and AO3
(captioned photos of famous families/ descriptions of 2. Μαργαρίτα Λυμπεράκη, Τα
family gatherings in earlier and more recent literary ψάθινα καπέλα Critical Thinking is
texts/extracts from older and contemporary Greek films) assessed in AO1 and
may be used as a stimulus. 3. Μένης Κουμανταρέας, Ο γιος AO2
του θυρωρού (Η μυρωδιά τους
Collate the students’ ideas and discuss in plenary με κάνει να κλαίω) Adaptive learning is
session. Write key ideas on the board. assessed in AO1,
Transition to lengthier extracts on the topic (text or 4. AO2 and AO3
digital). γονείς-σε-ένταση-και-παιδί/
©5Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
Lesson Idea 2:
In class:
6 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
For homework:
Lesson Idea 3:
In class:
©7Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
For homework:
8 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
6-10 Topic Area Β- The role of Lesson idea 1: Extracts from literary texts Communication is
Education education and and online sources: assessed in AO1,
challenges of Introduce the topic by asking students to discuss in 1. Γιώργος Ιωάννου, Να 'σαι AO2 and AO3
today’s groups what they consider to be the role of education in καλά, δάσκαλε! ( Εφήβων και
educational preparing young people for a useful and happy life. Ask μη) Self-presentation
system the groups to report back to the whole class, justifying
their opinions. You may write key ideas and vocabulary 2. UNESCO, Εκπαίδευση, ο Productivity is
Educational on the board, during plenary feedback. θησαυρός που κρύβει μέσα της, assessed in AO1,
models Έκθεση της Διεθνούς Επιτροπής AO2 and AO3
Transition to written extracts on the topic or show για την Εκπαίδευση στον 21ο
excerpts from relevant films, accompanied with αιώνα (Εγχειρίδιο Νεοελληνικής Analysis is assessed
questions that elicit both factual details and critical γλώσσας Β’ Γυμνασίου, in AO1 and AO2
thinking. Devise a number of activities modeled on the
SAMS ranging from: Critical thinking is
short and extended response questions 3. Οι 10 τεχνολογικές assessed in AO1,
summary writing καινοτομίες που θα αλλάξουν AO2 and AO3
grammar transformation tasks and gap-fill την εκπαίδευση»,
exercises ένθετο «ΒΗΜΑSCIENCE», Intellectual interest
©9Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
Lesson Idea 2:
In class:
Lesson Idea 3:
10 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
In class:
For homework:
1-5 Topic Area C– Synchronous Lesson idea 1: Possible websites for research Critical thinking is
Media (radio, TV) and source material: assessed in AO1,
and In class: 1. AO2 and AO3
Potential cross- asynchronous Show a power point presentation with headlines on the 2015/09/blog-post_22.html
referencing to (blogs, same issue, taken from different newspapers, online Interpretation is
topic areas on: newspapers, magazines or blogs. Ask students to comment on the assessed in AO1,
Technology, magazines) distinguishing features of these headlines and in the way AO2 and AO3
Youth matters. media and they manifest bias or objectivity when they report news
their role in or tackle a contemporary issue. Discuss possible 2010/10/blog-post_8156.html Creativity is assessed
the repercussions from reporting that misleads or influences in AO1 and AO2
dissemination 3.
public opinion inappropriately.
of 2014/02/22/mme/ Executive function is
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
12 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
είναι αντικειμενικά;
Πώς διαμορφώνουν γνώμες και συνειδήσεις τα
μέσα ενημέρωσης;
Ποιοι κίνδυνοι υπάρχουν στον τρόπο που
λειτουργούν; Τι παραδείγματα μπορείτε να
Tι γνώμη έχετε για την παράδοση της σχολικής
For homework:
Lesson idea 3:
In class:
Students bring an extract from their favourite blog to
class. They present their ideas about content and the
features they find appealing. A list of questions to
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
For homework:
Assign an article for students to read and respond
critically (e.g. Μιχάλης Παναγιωτάκης,
Παραπληροφόρηση στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης.
14 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
Potential cross- lifestyle Brainstorm the topic by asking students to give Philologia/Composition/
referencing to views/preferences about music and fashion, with Psyxagogia.htm Creativity is assessed
topic areas on: (cognate topic justification. Prompts such as pictures of famous in AO1 and AO2
Youth matters, area: topic musicians or extracts from interviews may be used as 2.http://
Education. area A: Youth springboard for discussion. A list of questions may be Problem solving is
matters, topic handed out for group discussion. The list may include the 2011/05/blog-post_16.html assessed in AO1,
Area B: following questions: AO2 and AO3
Education, 3.http://
topic area E: Ο ρόλος της μόδας: Πώς επηρεάζει τους νέους, diapolitismikiekpaidefsi.blogspot Adaptive learning is
Sport and ποια είναι η σημασία της; Ποιος είναι ο ρόλος assessed in AO1,
Leisure) των ΜΜΕ και της μόδας όσον αφορά τη AO2 and AO3
διαμόρφωση προτύπων ομορφιάς και ευτυχίας; 3.http://
Forms of Ποια είναι η επιρροή των διασήμων στον κόσμο; Ethics is assessed in
entertainment Πώς επηρεάζουν τη νεολαία η συμπεριφορά και ο 2016/12/blog-post.html AO1 and AO2
: then and τρόπος ζωής ειδώλων της μουσικής, του
now κινηματογράφου; Ποια είναι τα θετικά ή 4. Communication is
αρνητικά πρότυπα, γιατί; assessed in AO1,
Popular Ο ρόλος των προτύπων στη διαμόρφωση 05/opinion/epikairothta/politikh AO2 and AO3
culture versus συμπεριφοράς και αξιών. /h-a8hna-den-einai-
highbrow polypolitismikh Analysis is assessed
culture For homework: in AO1 and AO2
Culture in Students are asked to compose essays, in which they sholio/diafora/syner/po.po- Executive function is
Education argue or persuade/interest on topics, that derive from c01_diapolitismiko-ap.htm assessed in AO1,
the discussion. For example: AO2 and AO3
World 6.http://
cultures i. Η μόδα επηρέαζει όχι μόνο τι φοράμε, αλλά και το Self-directed learning
τι σκεφτόμαστε. 2015/11/blog-post_10.html is assessed in AO1,
ii. Η λατρεία των διασήμων έχει καταντήσει εθνική AO2 and AO3
παράνοια. Film:
iii. Η μορφωτική αξία της Σωτήρη Γκορίτσα, Μπραζιλέρο Collaboration is
μουσικής/τέχνης/λογοτεχνίας. (2001) assessed in AO1,
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
Lesson idea 2: is assessed in AO1
and AO2
In class:
Show students images or film extracts from the past of Decision making is
people enjoying themselves. Ask students to note down assessed in AO1,
the things that made an impression and carry out AO2 and AO3
comparisons between past and present form of
entertainment (and consequently, forms of interaction
between people, behavioural patterns, relationships etc).
For homework:
Using the students’ texts as source material,
create a set of exercises based on the model
exemplified in the SAMS.
Create extended response writing tasks for a
variety of purposes:
16 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
Lesson idea 3:
In class:
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
πολυπολιτισμική κονωνία;
For homework:
1-5 Topic Area E- Sport, Fitness Lesson idea 1: Possible websites for research
Sport and and health and source material:
Leisure In class: 1.http:// Critical thinking is
Sportsmanshi Survey students’ attitudes towards sport and fitness. assessed in AO1,
Potential cross- p and Establish a connection between sport, fitness and health. 2016/05/blog-post_14.html AO2 and AO3
referencing to competition Make a list of the reasons why a modern lifestyle may or
topic areas on: may not contribute to a daily routine that includes 2. Communication is
18 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
Health, Youth Men and exercise. Distribute a text on a cognate subject (e.g. Ο newsletter/185/ assessed in AO1,
Matters, women in αθλητισμός στο σύγχρονο τρόπο ζωής focus_newsletter_el.htm AO2 and AO3
Education, sport
travel and syghronos-tropos-zois-epireazei-perivallon-kai-ygeia). 3. Analysis is assessed
tourism. Leisure, free Ask students to write on the board the key ideas in thisdefault.asp? in AO1 and AO2
time and text. pid=8&ct=11&articleID=7752&l
modern a=1 Teamwork is
lifestyle For homework: assessed in AO1,
• Use text from the article to create a set of 4. AO2 and AO3
exercises based on the model exemplified in the SAMS. article/nootropia-vias-sta-
gipeda-tis-kiprou Collaboration is
• Create extended response writing tasks for a assessed in AO1,
variety of purposes: 5. AO2 and AO3
to persuade; to inform; to explain; to el/news.php?n=240
narrate;to describe and to argue. For Co-operation is
example: 6. assessed in AO1,
Philologia/Composition/ AO2 and AO3
i. Πώς μπορούμε να καταπολεμήσουμε το γεγονός ότι EleutherosXronos.htm
ο σύγχρονος τρόπος ζωής ευνοεί την καθιστική ζωή; Personal and social
ii. «Η ανάγκη για συστηματική άσκηση δεν είναι 7. http://tassos- responsibility is
προσωπική υπόθεση αλλά κοινωνική assessed in AO1,
αναγκαιότητα». Πώς μπορούν να βοηθήσουν οι /blog-post_7836.html AO2 and AO3
τοπικές αρχές για τη σωματική καλλιέργεια των
πολιτών; 8.http:// Self-presentation
iii. Να γράψετε σ’ ένα φίλο/μια φίλη για να τους
πείσετε για τα οφέλη της άσκησης. Να δώσετε modules/ebook/show.php/ Self-directed learning
παραδείγματα από την προσωπική σας εμπειρία. DSGL-C130/601/3949,17593/ is assessed in AO1,
AO2 and AO3
mlsi.../Ανοικτό%20σχολείο- Reasoning/argument
Lesson idea 2: Αθλητισμός.doc is assessed in AO1
and AO2
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
In class:
Students bring power point presentations (in groups or Decision making is
individually) about their favourite athletes or teams and assessed in AO1,
discuss their achievements and trajectory. During AO2 and AO3
plenary discussions, introduce the idea of sportsmanship
and compare the ancient Greek ideal with current
perceptions, whereby sport is perceived as a
professionalised endeavour, often linked to sponsorship
and corporate business. Write key ideas on the board.
For homework:
Assign a text for the students to respond critically (e.g.
Ανδρέας Σταυρινίδης, Νοοτροπία βίας στα γήπεδα της
In class:
Ask students to survey their friends about their
20 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
For homework:
6-10 Topic Area F – The benefits Lesson idea 1: Possible websites for Adaptive learning
Travel and of travel research and source
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
22 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
Initiative is assessed
Lesson idea 2: in AO1, AO2 and AO3
For homework:
Use texts on cognate topics to create a set of
exercises based on the model exemplified in the
For example, Δράσεις για την ανάπτυξη του
αειφόρου τουρισμού στην Κύπρο,
Create extended response writing tasks for a
variety of purposes:
to persuade; to inform; to explain; to
narrate; to describe and to argue. For
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
Lesson idea 3:
In class:
Ask students, in groups, to research different types of
tourism through the ages and present a power point
presentation. Discuss the idea of alternative tourism as it
emerged in contemporary societies. Assign a cognate
text to read and ask students to write a summary. For
Η Κύπρος έχει όλα τα φόντα για εναλλακτικό
For homework:
Use the texts to create a set of exercises based on
the model exemplified in the SAMS.
Create extended response writing tasks for a
variety of purposes:
to persuade; to inform; to explain; to
narrate; to describe and to argue. For
24 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
iii. Να προτείνετε τρόπους με τους οποίους η χώρα ή η
κοινότητά σας θα μπορούσε να αξιοποιήσει τα
φυσικά και πολιτιστικά χαρακτηριστικά της για να
προσφέρει εναλλακτικό και όχι μαζικό τουρισμό.
1-5 Topic Area G – Types of jobs Lesson idea 1: Possible websites for Critical thinking is
Business, work In class: research and source assessed in AO1,
and Equality in Brainstorm the topic by asking students to list aspects of material: AO2 and AO3
employment the work the ideal job. Draw up lists and useful vocabulary on the
place board. Alternatively, attempt a brief survey of the types Communication is
of jobs or internships students have had so far. Draw up 1.http:// assessed in AO1,
Economic lists of advantages and disadvantages pertaining to AO2 and AO3
issues: students’ work experience. Discuss the notion of εργασία 2015/07/blog-post_25.html
progress and vs the notion of επάγγελμα. Prompts could include: Problem solving is
crises 2.http:// assessed in AO1,
Επαγγέλματα που εξαφανίστηκαν και AO2 and AO3
Business and επαγγέλματα που δημιουργήθηκαν από τις 2013/05/10.html
technology ανάγκες της εποχής Responsibility is
Επαγγελματικός προσανατολισμός στο σχολείο 3. assessed in AO1,
Children in Επάγγελμα και παιδεία news.php?n=1493 AO2 and AO3
the workplace Νέες μορφές εργασίας (τηλεργασία)
4.http:// Initiative is assessed
Part time For homework: in AO1, AO2 and AO3
work Use cognate texts to create a set of exercises filinis/-_539_b_7510430.html
based on the model exemplified in the SAMS. Ethics is assessed in
Create extended response writing tasks for a 5. AO1 and AO2
variety of purposes: ine-gsee-sto-296-i-pragmatiki-
to persuade; to inform; to explain; to anergia-ayxisi-ftoheias-kai- Integrity is assessed
narrate; to describe and to argue. For koinonikoy-apokleismoy in AO1, AO2 and AO3
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
6. Teamwork is
i. Η εργασία δεν εξασφαλίζει μόνο μια αξιοπρεπή Philologia/Composition/ assessed in AO1,
διαβίωση αλλά και την αξιοπρέπεια του ατόμου. Anergia.htm AO2 and AO3
ii. Ποιοι είναι οι παράγοντες που θα επηρεάσουν την
επιλογή του επαγγέλματός σας. Να δικαιολογήσετε 7. Collaboration is
την απάντησή σας. modules/ebook/show.php/ assessed in AO1,
iii. Πώς συνδέεται η επαγγελματική εξέλιξη με τη δια DSB105/438/2912,11423/ AO2 and AO3
βίου μάθηση.
iv. Πώς μπορεί να βοηθήσει το σχολείο με την επιλογή Co-operation is
και εξασφάλιση επαγγέλματος; assessed in AO1,
AO2 and AO3
Lesson idea 2:
In class: is assessed in AO1
Introduce students to an article on the topic of the and AO2
challenges that young people face today, regarding work
(unemployment, equal opportunities, part-time versus Decision making is
full time work etc.). Two suggestions for articles on this assessed in AO1,
topic include: AO2 and AO3
26 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
For homework:
Use texts on this topic to create a set of exercises
based on the model exemplified in the SAMS.
Create extended response writing tasks for a
variety of purposes:
to persuade; to inform; to explain; to
narrate; to describe and to argue. For
Lesson idea 3:
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
For homework:
6-10 Topic Area H- Environmental Lesson idea 1 Possible websites for Critical thinking is
Environment issues : research and source assessed in AO1,
In class: material: AO2 and AO3
Saving the Ask students to create an information leaflet about
environment environmental issues they have researched in their area. 1. Communication is
List the issues, that the students discuss, on the board. modules/ebook/show.php/ assessed in AO1,
Government Brainstorm what the individual can do to protect the DSGL-C130/601/3949,17605/ AO2 and AO3
vs environment and then do a survey in the class. Ask
Individual students to write this up as a poster or a short 2. Problem solving is
roles paragraph. guest/s2/programme/dpp/ assessed in AO1,
news/archive/16828 AO2 and AO3
Weather and For homework:
climate Use texts on this topic to create a set of exercises 3.http:// Innovation is
based on the model exemplified in the SAMS. assessed in AO2 and
Create extended response writing tasks for a 2009/05/1420 AO3
variety of purposes:
to persuade; to inform; to explain; to 4.http:// Negotiation is
narrate; to describe and to argue. For assessed AO2
example: default.aspx?
i. H περιβαλλοντική κρίση είναι η κρίση του tabID=138&itemID=1404&mid Leadership
σύγχρονου πολιτισμού και της επιστήμης. =1013
ii. Να γράψετε μια επιστολή σε εφημερίδα της πόλης Ethics is assessed in
σας εξηγώντας γιατί και πώς πρέπει να ληφθούν 5. AO1 and AO2
28 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
Using the materials from in class work ask students to
write a personal account of commitment to the
environment in the future. What will they do to protect
the environment? How will they adapt/change their
Lesson idea 3:
In class:
Hand students a list of questions and ask them to write
answers, paying attention to grammar, syntax and
including a good range of appropriate vocabulary. These
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
For homework:
Create extended response writing tasks for a
variety of purposes:
to persuade; to inform; to explain; to
narrate; to describe and to argue. For
30 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
1-5 Topic Area I- The Lesson idea 1: Possible websites for Critical thinking is
Health challenges of research and source assessed in AO1,
staying In class: material: AO2 and AO3
healthy vis a Conduct a class survey of dietary habits and then ask
vis a modern students to produce a graph, chart or poster to see how 1. Communication is
lifestyle healthy the class’s dietary habits are. Ask students to modules/ebook/show.php/ assessed in AO1,
enumerate the main challenges they face with regard to DSGL-C130/601/3949,17595/ AO2 and AO3
Accidents, leading a healthy life style and name good and bad
injuries, habits. 2. Problem solving is
common During plenary feedback, write down main ideas on the Pages/Teachers/ assessed in AO1,
ailments board. LessonMaterial.aspx AO2 and AO3
Distribute a text on the topic (e.g. Νους υγιής εν σώματι
Healthy υγιεί, 3. Co-operation is
eating koinonia/item/109389-sxoleio- assessed in AO1,
ygiis-en-somati-ygiei) mathites-health AO2 and AO3
Αsk students to read and devise a list of comprehension 4. Self- presentation
questions and exercises for their fellow students, health_education/__1.html
modeled on the SAMs, Give plenary feedback.For Adaptability is
homework: 5.http:// assessed in AO1,
Use the text from in class workand ask students to AO2 and AO3
write a summary of key points. health/article/4595/oi-mathites-
Create extended response writing tasks for a rotisan-kai-o Initiative is assessed
variety of purposes: in AO1, AO2 and AO3
to persuade; to inform; to explain; to 6.
narrate; to describe and to argue. For Tekmiriosi/epid/ Self-regulation is
example: Epidimiologikes_erevnes/ assessed in AO1,
hbscgr.php AO2 and AO3
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
Lesson idea 3:
In class:
Ask students to enumerate the factors that may affect an
individual’s mental and psychological well-being. Write
these factors on the board. Ask students, in groups, to
discuss attitudes towards mental and psychological
32 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
For homework:
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
34 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
For homework:
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
of purposes:
Term 6
1-10 All topics - Revision term Reading and writing activities from Sample Assessment A combination of the sources Self-monitoring/self-
examination before final Materials, self-produced, student-produced and other listed above, in addition to evaluation/self-
skills- all examination available materials. teacher and student produced reinforcement
assessment work.
objectives During this term, it may be advisable to give students Continuous learning
the opportunity to carry out some peer review of each
other’s work, so that they better understand the Critical thinking is
assessment criteria and implications. assessed in AO1,
AO2 and AO3
is assessed in AO1,
AO2 and AO3
Problem solving is
assessed in AO1,
36 © Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.
Weeks Topic Area Topic Area Suggested example classroom activities Resources Which transferable
Coverage skills could also be
acquired through
teaching and
Self-direction is
assessed in AO1,
AO2 and AO3
Productivity is
assessed in AO1,
AO2 and AO3
Intellectual interest
and curiosity
Creativity is assessed
in AO1 and AO2
is assessed in AO1
and AO2
Decision making is
assessed in AO1,
AO2 and AO3
Initiative is assessed
in AO1, AO2 and AO3
Pearson Education Ltd 2017. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free.