CATEGORY 9 - AEROSPACE AND turbine engines which meet all of the following:
a. Certified by the civil aviation authority in
a country listed in Supplement No. 1 to Part 743;
“PARTS,” “COMPONENTS,” AND b. Intended to power non-military manned
“SYSTEMS” “aircraft” for which any of the following has
been issued by a Wassenaar Arrangement
N.B.: For propulsion systems designed or Participating State listed in Supplement No. 1 to
rated against neutron or transient ionizing Part 743 for the “aircraft” with this specific
radiation, see the U.S. Munitions List, 22 CFR engine type:
part 121.
b.1. A civil type certificate; or
9A001 Aero gas turbine engines having any of b.2. An equivalent document recognized
the following (see List of Items Controlled). by the International Civil Aviation Organization
License Requirements
Note 2: 9A001 does not apply to aero gas
Reason for Control: NS, MT, AT turbine engines designed for Auxiliary Power
Units (APUs) approved by the civil aviation
Country Chart authority in a Wassenaar Arrangement
Control(s) (See Supp. No. Participating State (see Supplement No. 1 to part
1 to part 738) 743 of the EAR).
NS applies to entire entry NS Column 1
MT applies to only to those MT Column 1 b. [Reserved]
engines that meet the
characteristics listed in 9A101
AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1 9A002 ‘Marine gas turbine engines’ designed
to use liquid fuel and having all of the
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for following (see List of Items Controlled), and
a description of all license exceptions) “specially designed” assemblies and
“components” therefor.
GBS: N/A License Requirements
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List of Items Controlled: List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
a description of all license exceptions)
Related Controls: N/A
Related Definition: N/A LVS: $5000
Items: GBS: N/A
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a.2. Metal “matrix” “composites” reinforced Technical Note: For the purposes of
by any of the following: 9A010.d, ‘response time’ means the time required
to achieve 90% of total rated thrust from start-up.
a.2.a. Materials specified by 1C007;
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List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for b. Related equipment and “components”, as
a description of all license exceptions) follows:
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(c) See ECCN 0A606.b for certain armored a.1. ‘Maximum thrust value’ greater than
ground transport vehicles that prior to January 6, 400 N (achieved un-installed) excluding civil
2014 were classified under ECCN 9A018.b. certified engines with a maximum thrust value
greater than 8,890 N (achieved un-installed);
9A101 Turbojet and turbofan engines, other a.2. Specific fuel consumption of 0.15 kg N-
1 -1
than those controlled by 9A001, as follows (see h or less (at maximum continuous power at sea
List of Items Controlled). level static conditions using the ICAO standard
License Requirements
a.3. ‘Dry weight’ less than 750 kg; and
Reason for Control: MT, AT
a.4. ‘First –stage rotor diameter’ less than 1
Country Chart m.
Control(s) (See Supp. No.
1 to part 738) Technical Notes:
MT applies to entire entry MT Column 1
AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1 1. ‘Maximum thrust value’ in 9A101.a.1 is
the manufacturer’s demonstrated maximum
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for thrust for the engine type un-installed at sea level
a description of all license exceptions) static conditions using the ICAO standard
atmosphere. The civil type certified thrust value
LVS: N/A will be equal to or less than the manufacturer’s
GBS: N/A demonstrated maximum thrust for the engine
List of Items Controlled
2. ‘Dry weight’ is the weight of the engine
Related Controls: 9A101.b controls only without fluids (fuel, hydraulic fluid, oil, etc.) and
engines for non-military unmanned aerial does not include the nacelle (housing).
vehicles [UAVs] or remotely piloted
vehicles [RPVs], and does not control other 3. ‘First-stage rotor diameter’ is the
engines designed or modified for use in diameter of the first rotating stage of the engine,
“missiles”, which are “subject to the whether a fan or compressor, measured at the
ITAR” (see 22 CFR parts 120 through leading edge of the blade tips.
Related Definitions: ‘Maximum thrust
value’ in 9A101.a.1 is the manufacturer’s b. Engines designed or modified for use in
demonstrated maximum thrust for the “missiles” or UAVs with a range equal to or
engine type un-installed. The civil type greater than 300 km, regardless of thrust, specific
certified thrust value will be equal to or less fuel consumption, ‘dry weight’ or ‘first-stage
than the manufacturer’s demonstrated rotor diameter’.
maximum thrust for the engine type.
9A102 ‘Turboprop engine systems’
a. Engines having all of the following “specially designed” for items controlled in
characteristics: 9A012 for MT reasons, and “specially
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License Requirements
9A105 Liquid propellant rocket engines.
Reason for Control: MT, AT (These items are “subject to the ITAR.” See
22 CFR parts 120 through 130.)
Country Chart
Control(s) (See Supp. No.
1 to part 738) 9A106 Systems, “parts” or “components,”
MT applies to entire entry MT Column 1 other than those controlled by 9A006, usable
AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1 in “missiles”, and “specially designed” for
liquid rocket propulsion systems, as follows
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for (see List of Items Controlled).
a description of all license exceptions)
License Requirements
GBS: N/A Reason for Control: MT, AT
The list of items controlled is contained in the List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
ECCN heading. a description of all license exceptions)
Technical Note to 9A102: For the purposes
of 9A102 a ‘turboprop engine system’
incorporates all of the following:
a. Turboshaft engine; and List of Items Controlled
b. Power transmission system to transfer
the power to a propeller. Related Controls: Items described in
9A106.a, .b, and .c are “subject to the
ITAR” (see 22 CFR parts 120 through
9A103 Liquid propellant tanks “specially Related Definitions: N/A
designed” for the propellants controlled in Items:
ECCNs 1C011, 1C111 or other liquid
propellants used in “missiles.” (These items a. Ablative liners for thrust or combustion
are “subject to the ITAR.” See 22 CFR parts chambers;
120 through 130.)
b. Rocket nozzles;
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4. Deflection of exhaust gas steam (jet 9A108 Solid rocket propulsion “parts” and
vanes or probes); or “components,” other than those controlled by
9A008, usable in rockets with a range
5. Thrust tabs. capability of 300 km or greater. (These items
are “subject to the ITAR.” See 22 CFR parts
d. Liquid, slurry and gel propellant (including 120 through 130.)
oxidizers) control systems, and “specially
designed” “parts” and “components” therefor, 9A109 Hybrid rocket motors, usable in
designed or modified to operate in vibration rockets with a range capability of 300 km or
environments greater than 10 g rms between 20 greater, other than those controlled by 9A009,
Hz and 2000 Hz. and “specially designed” “parts” and
“components” therefor. (These items are
Note: The only servo valves, pumps and gas “subject to the ITAR.” See 22 CFR parts 120
turbines controlled by 9A106.d, are the through 130.)
a. Servo valves designed for flow rates equal 9A110 Composite structures, laminates and
to or greater than 24 liters per minute, at an manufactures thereof “specially designed” for
absolute pressure equal to or greater than 7 9A012 items that are controlled for MT
MPa, that have an actuator response time of less reasons.
than 100 ms;
License Requirements
b. Pumps, for liquid propellants, with shaft
speeds equal to or greater than 8,000 rpm at the Reason for Control: MT, AT
maximum operating mode or with discharge
pressures equal to or greater than 7 Mpa; or Country Chart
Control(s) (See Supp. No.
c. Gas turbines, for liquid propellant 1 to part 738)
turbopumps, with shaft speeds equal to or greater MT applies to entire entry MT Column 1
than 8,000 rpm at the maximum operating mode. AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1
e. Flight control servo valves designed or List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
modified for use in “missiles” and designed or a description of all license exceptions)
modified to operate in a vibration environment
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The list of items controlled is contained in the 9A116 Reentry vehicles, usable in “missiles”,
ECCN heading. and equipment designed or modified therefor.
(These items are “subject to the ITAR.” See 22
CFR parts 120 through 130.)
9A111 Pulse jet engines, usable in rockets,
missiles, or unmanned aerial vehicles capable
of achieving a “range” equal to or greater than 9A117 Staging mechanisms, separation
300km, and “specially designed” “parts” and mechanisms, and interstages therefor, usable
“components” therefor. (These items are in “missiles”. (These items are “subject to the
“subject to the ITAR.” See 22 CFR parts 120 ITAR.” See 22 CFR parts 120 through 130.)
through 130.)
License Requirements
9A119 Individual rocket stages, usable in
Reason for Control: MT, AT rockets with a range capability greater than
300 km or greater, other than those controlled
Country Chart by 9A005, 9A007, 9A009, 9A105, 9A107 and
Control(s) (See Supp. No. 9A109. (These items are “subject to the
1 to part 738) ITAR.” See 22 CFR parts 120 through 130.)
MT applies to entire entry MT Column 1
AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1
9A120 Complete unmanned aerial vehicles,
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for not specified in 9A012, having all of the
a description of all license exceptions) following characteristics (see List of Items
GBS: N/A License Requirements
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Country Chart
Control(s) (See Supp. No. Technical Notes:
1 to part 738)
MT applies to entire entry MT Column 1 1. An aerosol consists of particulate or
AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1 liquids other than fuel components, by-products
or additives, as part of the “payload” to be
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for dispersed in the atmosphere. Examples of
a description of all license exceptions) aerosols include pesticides for crop dusting and
dry chemicals for cloud seeding.
GBS: N/A 2. An aerosol dispensing
system/mechanism contains all above devices
List of Items Controlled (mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, etc.), which
are necessary for storage and dispersion of an
Related Controls: See ECCN 9A012 or the aerosol into the atmosphere. This includes the
U.S. Munitions List Category VIII (22 CFR possibility of aerosol injection into the
part 121). Also see ECCN 2B352.i for combustion exhaust vapor and into the propeller
controls on certain spraying or fogging slip stream.
systems, and “parts” and “components”
therefor, “specially designed” or modified
for fitting to aircraft, “lighter than air 9A515 “Spacecraft” and related commodities,
vehicles,” or “UAVs.” as follows (see List of Items Controlled).
Related Definitions: N/A
Items: License Requirements
a. Having any of the following: Reason for Control: NS, RS, MT, AT
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exported, reexported, or transferred (in-country) a.5. Are not described in ECCN 9A515.a.1,
with defense articles “subject to the ITAR” .a.2, .a.3 or .a.4.
integrated into and included therein as integral
parts of the item. In all other cases, such defense Note: ECCN 9A515.a includes commercial
articles are subject to the ITAR. For example, a communications satellites, remote sensing
9A515.a “spacecraft” remains “subject to the satellites, planetary rovers, planetary and
EAR” even when it is exported, reexported, or interplanetary probes, in-space habitats, and
transferred (in-country) with a “hosted payload” “sub-orbital craft,” not identified in ECCN
described in USML Category XV(e)(17) 9A004 or USML Category XV(a).
incorporated therein. In all other cases, a
“hosted payload” performing a function b. Ground control systems and training
described in USML Category XV(a) always simulators “specially designed” for telemetry,
remains a USML item. The removal of the tracking, and control of the “spacecraft”
defense article subject to the ITAR from the controlled in paragraphs 9A004.u or 9A515.a.
spacecraft is a retransfer under the ITAR and
would require an ITAR authorization, regardless c. [Reserved]
of the CCL authorization the spacecraft is
exported under. Additionally, transfer of d. Microelectronic circuits (e.g., integrated
technical data regarding the defense article circuits, microcircuits, or MOSFETs) and
subject to the ITAR integrated into the spacecraft discrete electronic components rated, certified, or
would require an ITAR authorization. otherwise specified or described as meeting or
exceeding all the following characteristics and
a. “Spacecraft,” including satellites, and space that are “specially designed” for defense articles,
vehicles and “sub-orbital craft,” whether “600 series” items, or items controlled by ECCNs
designated developmental, experimental, 9A004.v or 9A515:
research or scientific, not enumerated in USML
Category XV or described in ECCN 9A004.u or d.1. A total dose of 5 x 105 Rads (Si) (5 x 103
.w, that: Gy (Si));
a.1. Have electro-optical remote sensing d.2. A dose rate upset threshold of 5 x 108
capabilities and having a clear aperture greater Rads (Si)/sec (5 x 106 Gy (Si)/sec);
than 0.35 meters, but less than or equal to 0.50
meters; d.3. A neutron dose of 1 x 1014 n/cm2 (1 MeV
a.2. Have remote sensing capabilities beyond
NIR (i.e., SWIR, MWIR, or LWIR); d.4. An uncorrected single event upset
sensitivity of 1 x 10-10 errors/bit/day or less, for
a.3. Have radar remote sensing capabilities the CRÈME-MC geosynchronous orbit, Solar
(e.g., AESA, SAR, or ISAR) having a center Minimum Environment for heavy ion flux; and
frequency equal to or greater than 1.0 GHz, but
less than 10.0 GHz and having a bandwidth equal d.5. An uncorrected single event upset
to or greater than 100 MHz, but less than 300 sensitivity of 1 x 10-3 errors/part or less for a
MHz; fluence of 1 X 107 protons/cm2 for proton energy
greater than 50 MeV.
a.4. Provide space-based logistics, assembly,
or servicing of another “spacecraft”; or e. Microelectronic circuits (e.g., integrated
circuits, microcircuits, or MOSFETs) and
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discrete electronic components that are rated, dimension greater than 0.35 meters but less than
certified, or otherwise specified or described as or equal to 0.50 meters;
meeting or exceeding the characteristics in either
paragraph e.1 or e.2, AND “specially designed” g.2. Optical bench assemblies “specially
for defense articles controlled by USML designed” for ECCN 9A515.a.1, 9A515.a.2,
Category XV or items controlled by ECCNs 9A515.a.3, or 9A515.a.4 “spacecraft;” or
9A004.u or 9A515:
g.3. Primary, secondary, or hosted payloads
e.1. A total dose ≥1 X 105 Rads (Si) (1 x 103 that perform a function of ECCN 9A515.a.1,
Gy(Si)) and < 5 x 105 Rads (Si) (5 x 103 Gy(Si)); 9A515.a.2, 9A515.a.3, or 9A515.a.4
and a single event effect (SEE) (i.e., single event “spacecraft.”
latchup (SEL), single event burnout (SEB), or
single event gate rupture (SEGR)) immunity to a h. Spacecraft thrusters using bi-propellants or
linear energy transfer (LET) ≥80 MeV-cm2/mg; mono-propellants that provide thrust equal to or
or less than 150 lbf (i.e., 667.23 N) vacuum thrust.
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y.4. Space grade or for spacecraft Related Controls: (1) Launch vehicles,
applications hall effect sensors; missiles, and rockets are subject to the
ITAR (see 22 CFR § 121.1, USML
y.5. Space grade or for spacecraft Category IV). (2) See ECCN 0A919 for
applications subminiature (SMA and SMP) plugs foreign-made “military commodities” that
and connectors, TNC plugs and cable and incorporate more than a de minimis amount
connector assemblies with SMA plugs and of U.S.-origin “600 series” controlled
connectors; and content.
Related Definitions: N/A
y.6. Space grade or for spacecraft Items:
applications flight cable assemblies.
a. Thermal batteries “specially designed” for
systems controlled under USML Category IV
9A604 Commodities related to launch capable of a range equal to or greater than 300
vehicles, missiles, and rockets (see List of km.
Items Controlled).
b. Thermal batteries, except for thermal batteries
License Requirements controlled by 9A604.a, that are “specially
designed” for systems controlled under USML
Reason for Control: NS, RS, MT, AT, UN Category IV.
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f.1. Systems capable of a range equal to or 9A610 Military aircraft and related
greater than 300 km; commodities, other than those enumerated in
9A991.a (see List of Items Controlled).
f.2. Individual rocket stages usable in
9A604.f.1 systems; License Requirements
f.3. Solid propellant rocket motors or hybrid Reason for Control: NS, RS, MT, AT, UN
rocket motors having a total impulse capacity
equal to or greater than 8.41 x 105 Ns; or Country Chart
Control(s) (See Supp. No.
f.4. Liquid propellant rocket engines 1 to part 738)
integrated, or designed or modified to be NS applies to entire entry NS Column 1
integrated, into a liquid propellant propulsion except:
system which has a total impulse capacity equal 9A610.b; parts and components
to or greater than 8.41 x 105 Ns. controlled in 9A610.x if being
exported or reexported for use in
f.5. Thrust vector control systems usable in an aircraft controlled in
rockets, space launch vehicles (SLVs), and 9A610.b; and 9A610.y.
missiles capable of delivering at least a 500 kg RS applies to entire entry RS Column 1
payload to a range of at least 300 km. except:
9A610.b; parts and components
f.6. Re-entry vehicles or warhead heat shields controlled in 9A610.x if being
usable in rockets, SLVs, and missiles capable of exported or reexported for use in
delivering at least a 500 kg payload to a range of an aircraft controlled in
at least 300 km. 9A610.b; and 9A610.y.
RS applies to 9A610.y China, Russia,
f.7. Safing, arming, fuzing, and firing or Venezuela
components usable in rockets, SLVs, and missiles (see
capable of delivering at least a 500 kg payload to §742.6(a)(7))
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that facilitates operations in confined areas, Note to paragraph .u: Apparatus and devices
“specially designed” for aircraft controlled by “specially designed” for the handling, control,
either USML paragraph VIII(a) or ECCN activation and non-ship-based launching of UAVs
9A610.a. controlled by either USML paragraph VIII(a) or
ECCN 9A610.a with a maximum range less than
g. Aircrew life support equipment, aircrew safety 300 km are controlled in paragraph .x of this
equipment and other devices for emergency entry.
escape from aircraft controlled by either USML
paragraph VIII(a) or ECCN 9A610.a. v. Radar altimeters designed or modified for use
in UAVs controlled by either USML paragraph
h. Parachutes, paragliders, complete parachute VIII(a) or ECCN 9A610.a, and capable of
canopies, harnesses, platforms, electronic release delivering at least 500 kilograms payload to a
mechanisms, “specially designed” for use with range of at least 300 km.
aircraft controlled by either USML paragraph
VIII(a) or ECCN 9A610.a, and “equipment” Note to paragraph .v: Radar altimeters
“specially designed” for military high altitude designed or modified for use in UAVs controlled
parachutists, such as suits, special helmets, by either USML paragraph VIII(a) or ECCN
breathing systems, and navigation equipment. 9A610.a that are not capable of delivering at least
500 kilograms payload to a range of at least 300
i. Controlled opening equipment or automatic km are controlled in paragraph .x of this entry.
piloting systems, designed for parachuted loads.
w.1. Pneumatic hydraulic, mechanical, electro-
j. Ground effect machines (GEMS), including optical, or electromechanical flight control
surface effect machines and air cushion vehicles, systems (including fly-by-wire and fly-by-light
“specially designed” for use by a military. systems) and attitude control equipment designed
or modified for UAVs controlled by either USML
k. through s. [Reserved] paragraph VIII(a) or ECCN 9A610.a, and capable
of delivering at least 500 kilograms payload to a
t. Composite structures, laminates, and range of at least 300 km.
manufactures thereof “specially designed” for
unmanned aerial vehicles controlled under USML Note to paragraph .w.1: Pneumatic,
Category VIII(a) with a range equal to or greater hydraulic, mechanical, electro-optical, or
than 300 km. electromechanical flight control systems
(including fly-by-wire and fly-by-light systems)
Note to paragraph .t: Composite structures, and attitude control equipment designed or
laminates, and manufactures thereof “specially modified for UAVs controlled by either USML
designed” for unmanned aerial vehicles paragraph VIII(a) or ECCN 9A610.a, not capable
controlled under USML Category VIII(a) with a of delivering at least 500 kilograms payload to a
maximum range less than 300 km are controlled range of at least 300 km are controlled in
in paragraph .x of this entry. paragraph .x of this entry.
u. Apparatus and devices “specially designed” for w.2. Flight control servo valves designed or
the handling, control, activation and non-ship- modified for the systems in 9A610.w.1 and
based launching of UAVs controlled by either designed or modified to operate in a vibration
USML paragraph VIII(a) or ECCN 9A610.a, and environment greater than 10g rms over the entire
capable of a range equal to or greater than 300 km. range between 20Hz and 2 kHz.
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y.11. Lavatories;
x. “Parts,” “components,” “accessories,” and
“attachments” that are “specially designed” for a y.12. Life rafts;
commodity enumerated or otherwise described in
ECCN 9A610 (except for 9A610.y) or a defense y.13. Magnetic compass, magnetic azimuth
article enumerated or otherwise described in detector;
USML Category VIII and not elsewhere specified
on the USML or in 9A610.y, 9A619.y, or y.14. Medical litter provisions;
y.15. Cockpit or cabin mirrors;
y. Specific “parts,” “components,” “accessories,”
and “attachments” “specially designed” for a y.16. Passenger seats including palletized seats;
commodity subject to control in this entry, ECCN
9A619, or for a defense article in USML y.17. Potable water storage systems;
Categories VIII or XIX and not elsewhere
specified in the USML or the CCL, and other y.18. Public address (PA) systems;
aircraft commodities “specially designed” for a
y.19. Steel brake wear pads (does not include
military use, as follows, and “parts,”
sintered mix or carbon/carbon materials);
“components,” “accessories,” and “attachments”
“specially designed” therefor:
y.20. Underwater locator beacons;
y.1. Aircraft tires;
y.21. Urine collection bags/pads/cups/pumps;
y.2. Analog gauges and indicators;
y.22. Windshield washer and wiper systems;
y.3. Audio selector panels;
y.23. Filtered and unfiltered panel knobs,
indicators, switches, buttons, and dials;
y.4. Check valves for hydraulic and pneumatic
y.24. Lead-acid and Nickel-Cadmium batteries;
y.5. Crew rest equipment;
y.25. Propellers, propeller systems, and
propeller blades used with reciprocating
y.6. Ejection seat mounted survival aids;
y.7. Energy dissipating pads for cargo (for pads
y.26. Fire extinguishers;
made from paper or cardboard);
y.27. Flame and smoke/CO2 detectors;
y.8. Fluid filters and filter assemblies;
y.28. Map cases;
y.9. Galleys;
y.29. ‘Military Aircraft’ that were first
y.10. Fluid hoses, straight and unbent lines (for
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d. If “specially designed” for gas turbine y.3. Fluid hoses, and lines (for a commodity
engines controlled in 9A619.a, uncooled turbine subject to control in this entry or a defense
blades, vanes, disks, and tip shrouds; article in USML Category XIX), fittings,
couplings, and brackets therefor;
e. If “specially designed” for gas turbine
engines controlled in 9A619.a, combustor cowls, y.4. Fluid filters and filter assemblies;
diffusers, domes, and shells;
y.5. Clamps (for a commodity subject to control
f. Engine monitoring systems (i.e., those that in this entry or a defense article in USML
conduct prognostics, diagnostics, and monitor Category XIX);
health) “specially designed” for gas turbine
engines and components controlled in this ECCN y.6. Shims;
y.7. Identification plates and nameplates;
g. through w. [RESERVED]
y.8. Fluid manifolds; and
x. Parts,” “components,” “accessories,” and
“attachments” that are “specially designed” for a y.9. Check valves for fluid systems.
commodity controlled by this ECCN 9A619
(other than ECCN 9A619.c) or for a defense
9A620 Cryogenic and “superconductive”
article enumerated in USML Category XIX and
equipment, as follows (see list of items
not specified elsewhere on the USML or in
ECCN 3A611.y, 9A610.y or 9A619.y.
License Requirements
Note to paragraph .x: “Parts,”
“components,” “accessories,” and
Reason for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN
“attachments” specified in USML subcategory
XIX(f) are subject to the controls of that
Control(s) Country Chart
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Related Controls: Electronic items that are Heading Note: In order for a vehicle to be
enumerated in USML Category XI or other classified as a nonmilitary mobile crime scene
USML categories, and technical data laboratory under ECCN 9A980, the vehicle must
(including software) directly related contain one or more analytical or laboratory
thereto, are subject to the ITAR. items controlled for Crime Control (CC) reasons
Related Definitions: N/A on the CCL, such as ECCNs 3A980 and 3A981.
License Requirements
a. Equipment “specially designed” to be installed
in a vehicle for military ground, marine, airborne, Reason for Control: CC
or space applications, and capable of operating
while in motion and of producing or maintaining Country Chart
temperatures below 103 K (−170 °C). Control(s) (See Supp. No.
1 to part 738).
Note to 9A620.a: ECCN 9A620.a includes CC applies to entire entry CC Column 1
mobile systems incorporating or employing
“accessories” or “components” manufactured List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
from non-metallic or non-electrical conductive a description of all license exceptions)
materials such as plastics or epoxy-impregnated
materials. LVS: N/A
b. “Superconductive” electrical equipment
(rotating machinery and transformers) “specially List of Items Controlled
designed” to be installed in a vehicle for military
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List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for LVS: N/A
a description of all license exceptions) GBS: N/A
b. Off highway wheel tractors of carriage a.2 Trainer aircraft bearing “T” designations
capacity 9 mt (20,000 lbs) or more; and major and using reciprocating engines or turboprop
“components” and “accessories,” n.e.s. engines with less than 600 horsepower (s.h.p.).
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LVS: $5000, except N/A for MT The list of items controlled is contained in the
GBS: Yes, except N/A for MT ECCN heading.
9B004 Tools, dies or fixtures, for the solid state Reason for Control: NS, AT
joining of “superalloy”, titanium or
intermetallic airfoil-to-disk combinations Country Chart
described in 9E003.a.3 or 9E003.a.6 for gas Control(s) (See Supp. No. 1
turbines. to part 738)
NS applies to entire entry NS Column 1
License Requirements AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1
Reason for Control: NS, MT, AT List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
a description of all license exceptions)
Country Chart
Control(s) (See Supp. No. LVS: N/A
1 to part GBS: N/A
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Note: 9B005.a does not control wind tunnels Related Controls: See also 9B106. Note that
“specially designed” for educational purposes some items in 9B006 may also be
and having a ‘test section size’ (measured controlled under 9B106.
laterally) of less than 250 mm. Related Definitions: N/A
Technical Note: For the purposes of
9B005.a ‘test section size’ means the diameter of The list of items controlled is contained in the
the circle, or the side of the square, or the longest ECCN heading.
side of the rectangle, at the largest test section
9B007 Equipment “specially designed” for
b. Devices for simulating flow-environments at inspecting the integrity of rocket motors and
speeds exceeding Mach 5, including hot-shot using Non-Destructive Test (NDT) techniques
tunnels, plasma arc tunnels, shock tubes, shock other than planar x-ray or basic physical or
tunnels, gas tunnels and light gas guns; or chemical analysis.
Country Chart
9B006 Acoustic vibration test equipment Control(s) (See Supp. No. 1
capable of producing sound pressure levels of to part 738)
160 Db or more (referenced to 20 µPa) with a NS applies to entire NS Column 1
rated output of 4 kW or more at a test cell entry
temperature exceeding 1,273 K (1,000C), and MT applies to entire MT Column 1
“specially designed” quartz heaters therefor. entry
AT applies to entire AT Column 1
License Requirements entry
Reason for Control: NS, AT List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
a description of all license exceptions)
Country Chart
(See Supp. No. LVS: N/A
1 to part GBS: N/A
NS applies to entire entry NS Column 2 List of Items Controlled
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Country Chart
9B009 Tooling “specially designed” for Control(s) (See Supp. No. 1
producing gas turbine engine powder to part 738)
metallurgy rotor “parts” or “components” NS applies to entire entry NS Column 1
having all of the following (see List of Items AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
License Requirements a description of all license exceptions)
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The list of items controlled is contained in the
List of Items Controlled ECCN heading.
License Requirements
9B104 ‘Aerothermodynamic test facilities’,
usable for rockets, missiles, or unmanned Reason for Control: MT, AT
aerial vehicles capable of achieving a “range”
equal to or greater than 300 km and their Country Chart
subsystems, and having an electrical power Control(s) (See Supp. No. 1
supply equal to or greater than 5 MW or a gas to part 738)
supply total pressure equal to or greater than MT applies to entire entry MT Column 1
3 MPa. AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1
License requirements List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
a description of all license exceptions)
Reasons for Control: MT, AT
Country Chart GBS: N/A
Control(s) (See Supp. No.
1 to part 738) List of Items Controlled
MT applies to entire entry MT Column 1
AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1 Related Controls: See also 9B005
Related Definitions: N/A
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for Items:
a description of all license exceptions)
The list of items controlled is contained in the
LVS: N/A ECCN heading.
Note: 9B105 does not control wind tunnels for
List of Items Controlled speeds of Mach 3 or less with the dimension of
the ‘test cross section size’ equal to or less than
Related Controls: See ECCNs 9D101, 9E001 250 mm.
and 9E002.
Related Definitions:‘Aerothermodynamic Technical Notes:
test facilities’ include plasma arc jet
facilities and plasma wind tunnels for the 1. ‘Aerodynamic test facilities’ includes wind
study of thermal and mechanical effects of tunnels and shock tunnels for the study of airflow
airflow on objects. over objects.
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2. ‘Test cross section size’ means the a.1.b. Temperature range from below -
diameter of the circle, or the side of the square, 50 C to above 125 C; and
or the longest side of the rectangle, or the major
axis of the ellipse at the largest ‘test cross a.2. Incorporating, or designed or modified
section’ location. ‘Test cross section’ is the to incorporate, a shaker unit or other vibration test
section perpendicular to the flow direction. equipment to produce vibration environments
equal to or greater than 10 g rms, measured ‘bare
table,’ between 20 Hz and 2 kHz while imparting
9B106 Environmental chambers usable for forces equal to or greater than 5 kN;
rockets, missiles, or unmanned aerial vehicles
capable of achieving a “range” equal to or Technical Notes:
greater than 300 km and their subsystems, as
follows (see List of Items Controlled). 1. Item 9B106.a.2 describes systems that
are capable of generating a vibration
License Requirements environment with a single wave (e.g., a sine
wave) and systems capable of generating a broad
Reason for Control: MT, AT band random vibration (i.e., power spectrum).
a.1. Capable of simulating any of the b.2.b. Temperature range of at least -50 C
following flight conditions: to +125 C.
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LVS: N/A List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
GBS: N/A a description of all license exceptions)
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UN controls
Related Controls: N/A
List Based License Exceptions (see Part 740 for Related Definitions: N/A
a description of all license exceptions) Items:
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tools; Items:
e. Ceramic shell wax pattern preparation The list of items controlled is contained in the
equipment; ECCN heading.
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for Special Conditions for STA
a description of all license exceptions)
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License
LVS: N/A Exception STA (§ 740.20(c)(2) of
GBS: N/A the EAR) may not be used for any
item in 9C610.
List of Items Controlled
List of Items Controlled
Related Controls: (1) See also 1C010 and
1C210.c. (2) The only resin Related Controls: USML subcategory XIII(f)
impregnated fiber prepregs controlled by controls structural materials specifically
entry 9C110 are those using resins with a designed, developed, configured, modified,
glass transition temperature (Tg), after cure, or adapted for defense articles, such as
exceeding 418 K (145C) as determined by USML subcategory VIII(a) aircraft. See
ASTM D4065 or national equivalents. ECCN 0A919 for foreign made “military
Related Definitions: N/A commodities” that incorporate more than a
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b.3. Imide matrix, metal matrix, or ceramic NS applies to “software” for NS Column 1
matrix composite material (i.e., reinforcing fiber equipment controlled by
combined with a matrix) “specially designed” for 9A001 to 9A004, 9A012,
defense articles enumerated or described in 9B001 to 9B010, and
USML Category XIX paragraphs (f)(1) – (f)(4) technology controlled by
for engines listed in paragraph (f)(1). 9E003.
MT applies to “software” for MT Column 1
Note 1: Materials enumerated elsewhere in equipment controlled by
the CCL, such as in a CCL Category 1 ECCN, are 9B116 for MT reasons.
controlled pursuant to the controls of the AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1
applicable ECCN.
Reporting Requirements
Note 2: Materials described in paragraph .a of
this entry that are “specially designed” for both See § 743.1 of the EAR for reporting
an engine enumerated in USML Category XIX requirements for exports under License
and an engine enumerated in ECCN 9A619 are Exceptions, and Validated End-User
subject to the controls of this ECCN 9C619. authorizations.
Note 3: Materials described in this entry that List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
are or have been used in gas turbine engines in a description of all license exceptions)
production (i.e., not in development) that are not
enumerated or otherwise described on the USML TSR: N/A .
or ECCN 9A619 are not controlled by this entry.
Special Conditions for STA
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List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for TSR: N/A.
a description of all license exceptions)
Special Conditions for STA
TSR: Yes, except N/A for MT
STA: License Exception STA may not be
List of Items Controlled used to ship or transmit software in
9D004.a and 9D004.c to any of the
Related Controls: (1) See also 9D103. (2) destinations listed in Country Group
“Software” “required” for the “use” of A:6 (See Supplement No.1 to part
equipment specified in ECCNs 9A004 740 of the EAR)
(except for items that are subject to the
EAR), 9A005 to 9A011, 9A101.b (except List of Items Controlled
for items that are subject to the EAR),
9A103 to 9A105, 9A106.a, .b, and .c, Related Controls: See also 9D104.
9A107 to 9A109, 9A110 (for items that are Related Definitions: N/A
“specially designed” for use in missile Items:
systems and subsystems), and 9A111 to
9A119 is “subject to the ITAR” (see 22 a. 2D or 3D viscous “software”, validated with
CFR parts 120 through 130). (3) wind tunnel or flight test data required for
“Software” directly related to defense detailed engine flow modelling;
articles that are “subject to the ITAR” (see
22 CFR parts 120 through 130) is also b. “Software” for testing aero gas turbine engines,
“subject to the ITAR” (see 22CFR parts assemblies, “parts” or “components”, having all
120 through 130). of the following:
Related Definitions: N/A
Items: b.1. “Specially designed” for testing any of
the following:
The list of items controlled is contained in the
ECCN heading. b.1.a. Aero gas turbine engines,
assemblies or components, incorporating
“technology” specified by 9E003.a, 9E003.h or
9D004 Other “software” as follows (see List 9E003.i; or
of Items Controlled).
b.1.b. Multi-stage compressors
License Requirements providing either bypass or core flow, specially
designed for aero gas turbine engines
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List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for Country Chart
a description of all license exceptions) Control(s) (See Supp. No.
1 to part 738)
TSR: N/A NS applies to entire entry NS Column 1
except 9D610.y.
Special Conditions for STA MT applies to software MT Column 1
“specially designed” for the
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License operation, installation,
Exception STA (§ 740.20(c)(2) of maintenance, repair, overhaul,
the EAR) may not be used for any or refurbishing of commodities
item in this ECCN 9D604. controlled for MT reasons in
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9A610 or 9B610.
RS applies to entire entry RS Column 1 b.1. Static structural members;
except 9D610.y.
RS applies to 9D610.y. China, Russia b.2. Exterior skins, removable fairings, non-
or Venezuela removable fairings, radomes, access doors and
(see panels, and in-flight opening doors;
§ 742.6(a)(7)).
AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1 b.3. Control surfaces, leading edges, trailing
UN applies to entire entry See § 746.1(b) edges, and leading edge flap seals;
except 9D610.y. for UN controls
b.4. Leading edge flap actuation system
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 commodities (i.e., power drive units, rotary
for a description of all license exceptions) geared actuators, torque tubes, asymmetry
brakes, position sensors, and angle gearboxes)
“specially designed” for fighter, attack, or
TSR: N/A bomber aircraft controlled in USML Category
Special Conditions for STA
b.5. Engine inlets and ducting;
STA: (1) Paragraph (c)(1) of License
Exception STA (§ 740.20(c)(1) of b.6. Fatigue life monitoring systems
the EAR) may not be used for “specially designed” to relate actual usage to the
9D610.b. (2) Paragraph (c)(2) of analytical or design spectrum and to compute
License Exception STA (§ amount of fatigue life “specially designed” for
740.20(c)(2) of the EAR) may not be aircraft controlled by either USML subcategory
used for any software in 9D610. VIII(a) or ECCN 9A610.a, except for Military
Commercial Derivative Aircraft;
List of Items Controlled
b.7. Landing gear, and “parts” and
Related Controls: Software directly related “components” “specially designed” therefor,
to articles enumerated or otherwise “specially designed” for use in aircraft weighing
described in USML Category VIII is more than 21,000 pounds controlled by either
subject to the control of USML paragraph USML subcategory VIII(a) or ECCN 9A610.a,
VIII(i). except for Military Commercial Derivative
Related Definitions: N/A Aircraft;
b.8. Conformal fuel tanks and “parts” and
a. “Software” (other than software controlled in “components” “specially designed” therefor;
paragraphs .b or .y of this entry) “specially
designed” for the “development,” “production,” b.9. Electrical “equipment,” “parts,” and
operation, or maintenance of commodities “components” “specially designed” for electro-
controlled by ECCN 9A610, ECCN 9B610, or magnetic interference (EMI) – i.e., conducted
ECCN 9C610. emissions, radiated emissions, conducted
susceptibility and radiated susceptibility –
b. “Software” “specially designed” for the protection of aircraft that conform to the
“development” or “production” of any of the requirements of MIL-STD-461;
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a. “Software” (other than software controlled in metering, oil flow management), heat exchangers
paragraph .b of this entry) “specially designed” (air/air, fuel/air, fuel/oil), debris monitoring (inlet
for the “development,” “production,” operation, and exhaust), seals (carbon, labyrinth, brush,
or maintenance of commodities controlled by balance piston, and knife-edge), permanent
ECCN 9A619 (except 9A619.y), ECCN 9B619 magnetic alternator and generator, eddy current
(except 9B619.y), or ECCN 9C619. sensors;
b. “Software” “specially designed” for the b.9. Torquemeter assembly (i.e., housing,
“development” or “production” of any of the shaft, reference shaft, and sleeve);
b.10. Digital engine control systems (e.g.,
b.1. Front, turbine center, and exhaust frames; Full Authority Digital Engine Controls (FADEC)
and Digital Electronic Engine Controls (DEEC))
b.2. Low pressure compressor (i.e., fan) “specially designed” for gas turbine engines
“components” and “parts” as follows: nose cones, controlled in this ECCN; or
casings, blades, vanes, spools, shrouds, blisks,
shafts and disks; b.11. Engine monitoring systems (i.e.,
prognostics, diagnostics, and health) “specially
b.3. High pressure compressor “components” designed” for gas turbine engines and
and “parts” as follows: casings, blades, vanes, components controlled in this ECCN.
spools, shrouds, blisks, shafts, disks, and
impellers; c. to x. [RESERVED]
b.4. Combustor “components” and “parts” as y. Specific “software” “specially designed” for
follows: casings, fuel nozzles, swirlers, swirler the “development,” “production,” operation, or
cups, deswirlers, valve injectors, igniters, maintenance of commodities enumerated in
diffusers, liners, chambers, cowlings, domes and ECCN 9A619.y or 9B619.y.
b.5. High pressure turbine “components” and 9D620 “Software” “specially designed” for
“parts” as follows: casings, shafts, disks, blades, cryogenic and “superconductive” equipment,
vanes, nozzles, and tip shrouds; as follows (see List of Items Controlled).
License Requirements
b.6. Low pressure turbine “components” and
“parts” as follows: casings, shafts, disks, blades, Reasons for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN
vanes, nozzles, and tip shrouds;
Country Chart
b.7. Augmentor “components” and “parts” as Control(s) (See Supp. No. 1
follows: casings, flame holders, spray bars, pilot to part 738)
burners, augmentor fuel controls, flaps (external, NS applies to entire entry NS Column 1
convergent, and divergent), guide and RS applies to entire entry RS Column 1
syncronization rings, and flame detectors and AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1
sensors; UN applies to entire entry See §746.1(b) for
UN controls
b.8. Mechanical “components” and “parts” as
follows: fuel metering units and fuel pump List Based License Exceptions (see Part 740 for
metering units, valves (fuel throttle, main a description of all license exceptions)
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STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License The list of items controlled is contained in the
Exception STA (§740.20(c)(2) of the ECCN heading.
EAR) may not be used for any
“software” in 9D620.
List of Items Controlled 9D991 “Software”, for the “development”
or “production” of equipment controlled by
Related Controls: “Software” directly related 9A991 or 9B991.
to articles enumerated on USML are
subject to the control of that USML License Requirements
Related Definitions: N/A Reason for Control: AT
Software “specially designed” for the Country Chart
“development,” “production,” operation, or Control(s) (See Supp. No. 1
maintenance of commodities controlled by to part 738)
ECCNs 9A620 or 9B620. AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1
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Note 2: USML Category XV(f) and ECCNs 9E001 “Technology” according to the
9E001, 9E002 and 9E515 do not control the data General Technology Note for the
transmitted to or from a satellite or “spacecraft,” “development” of equipment or “software”,
whether real or simulated, when limited to controlled by 9A004, 9A012, 9B (except for
information about the health, operational status, ECCNs 9B604, 9B610, 9B619, 9B990 and
or measurements or function of, or raw sensor 9B991), or ECCN 9D001 to 9D004, 9D101, or
output from, the “spacecraft,” “spacecraft” 9D104.
payload(s), or its associated subsystems or
components. Such information is not within the
scope of information captured within the License Requirements
definition of “technology” in the EAR for
purposes of Category 9 Product Group E. Reason for Control: NS, MT, AT
Examples of such information, which are
commonly referred to as “housekeeping data,”
include (i) system, hardware, component Country Chart
configuration, and operation status information Control(s) (See Supp. No.
pertaining to temperatures, pressures, power, 1 to part 738)
currents, voltages, and battery charges; (ii) NS applies to “technology” NS Column 1
“spacecraft” or payload orientation or position for items controlled by
information, such as state vector or ephemeris 9A004, 9A012, 9B001 to
information; (iii) payload raw mission or science 9B010, 9D001 to 9D004 for
output, such as images, spectra, particle NS reasons.
measurements, or field measurements; (iv) MT applies to “technology” MT Column 1
command responses; (v) accurate timing for items controlled by
information; and (vi) link budget data. The act 9A012, 9B001, 9B002,
of processing such telemetry data – i.e., 9B003, 9B004, 9B005,
converting raw data into engineering units or 9B007, 9B104, 9B105,
readable products – or encrypting it does not, in 9B106, 9B115, 9B116,
and of itself, cause the telemetry data to become 9B117, 9D001, 9D002,
subject to the ITAR or to ECCN 9E515 for 9D003, or 9D004 for MT
purposes of 9A515, or to ECCNs 9E001 or 9E002 reasons.
for purposes of 9A004. All classified technical AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1
data directly related to items controlled in USML
Category XV or ECCNs 9A515, and defense Reporting Requirements
services using the classified technical data
remains subject to the ITAR. This note does not See § 743.1 of the EAR for reporting
affect controls in USML XV(f), ECCN 9D515, or requirements for exports under License
ECCN 9E515 on software source code or Exceptions, and Validated End-User
commands that control a “spacecraft,” payload, authorizations.
or associated subsystems for purposes of 9A515.
This note also does not affect controls in ECCNs List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
9D001, 9D002, 9E001, or 9E002 on software a description of all license exceptions)
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9E002 ‘‘Technology’’ according to the Related Controls: (1) See also 9E102. (2)
General Technology Note for the See also 1E002.f for ‘technology” for the
‘‘production’’ of ‘‘equipment’’ controlled by repair of controlled structures, laminates or
ECCN 9A004 or 9B (except for ECCNs 9B117, materials. (3) “Technology” that is required
9B604, 9B610, 9B619, 9B990, and 9B991). for the “production” of equipment described
in ECCNs 9A005 to 9A011 is “subject to the
License Requirements ITAR.”
Related Definitions: N/A
Reason for Control: NS, MT, AT Items:
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2. For the purposes of 9E003.c, ‘hole shape a. The outside dimension from valve
ratio’ is the nominal length of the axis of the hole cover to valve cover;
divided by the square root of its minimum 'cross-
sectional area'. b. The dimensions of the outside edges of
the cylinder heads; or
3. For the purposes of 9E003.c, ‘incidence
angle’ is the acute angle measured between the c. The diameter of the flywheel housing;
plane tangential to the airfoil surface and the
hole axis at the point where the hole axis enters Height: The largest of any of the following:
the airfoil surface.
a. The dimension of the crankshaft
4. For the purposes of 9E003.c, methods center-line to the top plane of the valve cover (or
for manufacturing holes include “laser” beam cylinder head) plus twice the stroke; or
machining, water jet machining, Electro-
Chemical Machining (ECM) or Electrical b. The diameter of the flywheel housing.
Discharge Machining (EDM).
f. “Technology” “required” for the “production”
d. “Technology” “required” for the of “specially designed” “parts” or “components”
“development” or “production” of helicopter for high output diesel engines, as follows:
power transfer systems or tilt rotor or tilt wing
“aircraft” power transfer systems; f.1. “Technology” “required” for the
“production” of engine systems having all of the
e. “Technology” for the “development” or following “parts” and “components” employing
“production” of reciprocating diesel engine ceramics materials controlled by 1C007:
ground vehicle propulsion systems having all of
the following: f.1.a Cylinder liners;
e.2. An overall power output of more than 750 f.1.c. Cylinder heads; and
kW based on 80/1269/EEC, ISO 2534 or national
equivalents; and f.1.d. One or more other “part” or
“component” (including exhaust ports,
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turbochargers, valve guides, valve assemblies or r.p.m., provided the rated speed is 2,300 r.p.m. or
insulated fuel injectors); more.
f.2. “Technology” “required” for the h. “Technology” for gas turbine engine
“production” of turbocharger systems with “FADEC systems” as follows:
single-stage compressors and having all of the
following: h.1. “Development” “technology” for
deriving the functional requirements for the
f.2.a. Operating at pressure ratios of 4:1 or “parts” or “components” necessary for the
higher; “FADEC system” to regulate engine thrust or
shaft power (e.g., feedback sensor time constants
f.2.b. Mass flow in the range from 30 to 130 and accuracies, fuel valve slew rate);
kg per minute; and
h.2. “Development” or “production”
f.2.c. Variable flow area capability within “technology” for control and diagnostic “parts”
the compressor or turbine sections; or “components” unique to the “FADEC system”
and used to regulate engine thrust or shaft power;
f.3. “Technology” “required” for the
“production” of fuel injection systems with a h.3. “Development” “technology” for the
“specially designed” multifuel (e.g., diesel or jet control law algorithms, including “source code”,
fuel) capability covering a viscosity range from unique to the “FADEC system” and used to
diesel fuel (2.5 cSt at 310.8 K (37.8C)) down to regulate engine thrust or shaft power;
gasoline fuel (0.5 cSt at 310.8 K (37.8C)) and
having all of the following: Note: 9E003.h does not apply to technology
related to engine-“aircraft” integration required
f.3.a. Injection amount in excess of 230 mm3 by civil aviation authorities of one or more
per injection per cylinder; and Wassenaar Arrangement Participating States
(See Supplement No. 1 to part 743 of the EAR) to
f.3.b. Electronic control features “specially be published for general airline use (e.g.,
designed” for switching governor characteristics installation manuals, operating instructions,
automatically depending on fuel property to instructions for continued airworthiness) or
provide the same torque characteristics by using interface functions (e.g., input/output processing,
the appropriate sensors; airframe thrust or shaft power demand).
g. “Technology” “required” for the i. “Technology” for adjustable flow path systems
“development” or “production” of ‘high output designed to maintain engine stability for gas
diesel engines’ for solid, gas phase or liquid film generator turbines, fan or power turbines, or
(or combinations thereof) cylinder wall propelling nozzles, as follows:
lubrication and permitting operation to
temperatures exceeding 723 K (450C), i.1. “Development” “technology” for
measured on the cylinder wall at the top limit of deriving the functional requirements for the
travel of the top ring of the piston; “parts” or “components” that maintain engine
Technical Note: For the purposes of
9E003.g, ‘high output diesel engines’ are diesel i.2. “Development” or “production”
engines with a specified brake mean effective “technology” for “parts” or “components” unique
pressure of 1.8 MPa or more at a speed of 2,300
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List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for
a description of all license exceptions) a description of all license exceptions)
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The list of items controlled is contained in the STA: (1) Paragraph (c)(1) of License
ECCN heading. Exception STA (§ 740.20(c)(1) of
the EAR) may not be used for ECCN
9E515.b, .d, .e, or .f unless
9E515 “Technology” “required” for the determined by BIS to be eligible for
“development,” “production,” operation, License Exception STA in
installation, repair, overhaul, or refurbishing accordance with § 740.20(g)
of “spacecraft” and related commodities, as (License Exception STA eligibility
follows (see List of Items Controlled). requests for certain 9x515 and “600
series” items). (2) Paragraph (c)(2)
License Requirements of License Exception STA (§
740.20(c)(2) of the EAR) may not be
Reason for Control: NS, MT, RS, AT used for any “technology” in 9E515.
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terrestrial mock-ups for connecting to or the EAR) may not be used for any
operating passenger or participant equipment item in this ECCN 9E604.
used for purposes other than operating the
“spacecraft”; or List of Items Controlled
List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740 for Reason for Control: NS, RS, MT, AT, UN
a description of all license exceptions)
Country Chart
TSR: N/A Control(s) (See Supp. No.
1 to part 738)
Special Conditions for STA NS applies to entire entry NS Column 1
except 9E610.y.
STA: Paragraph (c)(2) of License RS applies to entire entry RS Column 1
Exception STA (§ 740.20(c)(2) of except 9E610.y.
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b.8. Conformal fuel tanks and “parts” and installation, maintenance, repair, overhaul, or
“components” “specially designed” therefor; refurbishing of commodities or software
enumerated in ECCN 9A610.y or 9D610.y.
b.9. Electrical “equipment,” “parts,” and
“components” “specially designed” for electro-
magnetic interference (EMI) – i.e., conducted 9E619 “Technology” “required” for the
emissions, radiated emissions, conducted “development,” “production,” operation,
susceptibility and radiated susceptibility – installation, maintenance, repair, overhaul, or
protection of aircraft that conform to the refurbishing of military gas turbine engines
requirements of MIL-STD-461; and related commodities controlled by 9A619,
equipment controlled by 9B619, materials
b.10. HOTAS (Hand-on Throttle and Stick) controlled by 9C619, or software controlled by
controls, HOCAS (Hands on Collective and 9D619 (see List of Items Controlled).
Stick), Active Inceptor Systems (i.e., a
combination of Active Side Stick Control License Requirements
Assembly, Active Throttle Quadrant Assembly,
and Inceptor Control Unit), rudder pedal Reason for Control: NS, RS, AT, UN
assemblies for digital flight control systems, and
parts and components “specially designed” Country Chart
therefor; Control(s) (See Supp. No.
1 to part 738)
b.11. Integrated Vehicle Health Management NS applies to entire entry NS Column 1
Systems (IVHMS), Condition Based except 9E619.y.
Maintenance (CBM) Systems, and Flight Data RS applies to entire entry RS Column 1
Monitoring (FDM) systems; except 9E619.y.
RS applies to 9E619.y. China, Russia or
b.12. Equipment “specially designed” for Venezuela (see
system prognostic and health management of § 742.6(a)(7)).
aircraft; AT applies to entire entry AT Column 1
UN applies to entire entry See §746.1(b) for
b.13. Active Vibration Control Systems; except 9E619.y. UN controls
b.14. Self-sealing fuel bladders “specially List Based License Exceptions (See Part 740
designed” to pass a .50 caliber or larger gunfire for a description of all license exceptions)
test (MIL-DTL-5578, MIL-DTL-27422); or
b.15. Technology “required” for the
“development” or “production” of “parts” or Special Conditions for STA
“components” controlled in 9A610.x and
“specially designed” for damage or failure- STA: (1) Paragraph (c)(1) of License
adaptive flight control systems controlled in Exception STA (§ 740.20(c)(1) of
Category VIII(h)(7) of the USML. the EAR) may not be used for
9E619.b. or .c. (2) Paragraph (c)(2)
c. through x. [Reserved] of License Exception STA (§
740.20(c)(2) of the EAR) may not be
y. Specific “technology” “required” for the used for any technology in ECCN
“production,” “development,” operation, 9E619.
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b.2. Low pressure compressor (i.e., fan) c.2. High pressure compressor “components”
“components” and “parts” as follows: nose cones and “parts” as follows: blades, vanes, spools,
and casings; shrouds, blisks, shafts, disks, and impellers;
b.3. High pressure compressor “components” c.3. Combustor “components” and “parts” as
and “parts” as follows: casings; follows: diffusers, liners, chambers, cowlings,
domes and shells;
b.4. Combustor “components” and “parts” as
follows: casings, fuel nozzles, swirlers, swirler c.4. High pressure turbine “components” and
cups, deswirlers, valve injectors, and igniters; “parts” as follows: shafts and disks, blades,
vanes, nozzles, tip shrouds;
b.5. High pressure turbine “components” and
“parts” as follows: casings; c.5. Low pressure turbine “components” and
“parts” as follows: shafts and disks, blades,
b.6. Low pressure turbine “components” and vanes, nozzles, tip shrouds;
“parts” as follows: casings;
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The list of items controlled is contained in the 9E993 Other “technology”, not described
ECCN heading. by 9E003, as follows (see List of Items
9E991 “Technology”, for the “development”, Controlled).
“production” or “use” of equipment
controlled by 9A991 or 9B991. License Requirements
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