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Blue Star RA7

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S.M. Nirman Infrastructure & Development Pvt. Ltd.

20/3, S.N. Roy Road, Kolkata-700 038

Contractor Name : - Blue Star Enterprise
Bill Date : - 07.03.2024 Bill No . 7th RA Bill Period:- 01.02.2024 to 01.03.2024 PAN NO: CMQPS6034Q
Cleaning & Earth Filling at T12 Ground Floor
1 JCB Hours 850 10 8500.00 0.00 10.000 8500.00
2 Man Power Nos 450 62.66 28197.00 0 0.00 62.660 28197.00
Safety Hard Baricading T12 Ground Floor
1 Hard Baricading Nos 850 20 17000.00 0 0.00 20.000 17000.00
2 Fabrication Work Nos 4540 1 4540.00 0 0.00 1.000 4540.00
Urinal Fixing 7th Floor T12
1 Well Making (With Material) Nos 3500 1 3500.00 0 0.00 1.000 3500.00
2 Urinal (With Material) Nos 7339 1 7339.00 0 0.00 1.000 7339.00
3 Labour Charge Nos 2500 1 2500.00 0 0.00 1.000 2500.00
4 Proffit 5% 13339.00 1 666.95 0 0.00 666.95
Making of Toilet & Shade For Water Tank
1 JCB Cost Hour 850 4 3400.00 0 0.00 4.000 3400.00
2 Cement Bags 380 48 18240.00 0 0.00 48.000 18240.00
3 Sand CFT 88 187.5 16500.00 0 0.00 187.500 16500.00
4 Stone Chips CFT 114 90 10260.00 0 0.00 90.000 10260.00
5 Masson Nos 640 25 16000.00 0 0.00 25.000 16000.00
6 Labour Nos 500 52 26000.00 0 0.00 52.000 26000.00
7 Supervisor Nos 1000 2 2000.00 0 0.00 2.000 2000.00
8 Machinory Nos 600 1 600.00 0 0.00 1.000 600.00
9 Fabrication Work Nos 13400 1 13400.00 0 0.00 1.000 13400.00
10 Pan Nos 500 5 2500.00 0 0.00 5.000 2500.00
11 Pipe4'' Nos 580 4 2320.00 0 0.00 4.000 2320.00
12 Band Nos 170 5 850.00 0 0.00 5.000 850.00
13 T Pipe Nos 130 4 520.00 0 0.00 4.000 520.00
14 Labour Charge Nos 1700 1 1700.00 0 0.00 1.000 1700.00
15 Proffit 10% 7890.00 789.00 0 0.00 789.00
Qube Curing Vat
1 Dressing With JCB Hours 850 3 2550.00 0 0.00 3.000 2550.00
2 Masson Nos 625 8 5000.00 0 0.00 8.000 5000.00
3 Labour Nos 500 12 6000.00 0 0.00 12.000 6000.00
4 Supervisor Nos 500 1 500.00 0 0.00 1.000 500.00
5 Bricks Nos 11.5 400 4600.00 0 0.00 400.000 4600.00
6 Stone Chips CFT 114 50 5700.00 0 0.00 50.000 5700.00
7 Sand CFT 88 100 8800.00 0 0.00 100.000 8800.00
8 Cement Bag 380 19 7220.00 0 0.00 19.000 7220.00
9 Proffit 5% 40370.00 2018.50 0.00 2018.50
Labour Hartment Cleaning & Dressing
1 JCB Cost Hours 850.00 8 6800.00 0.00 8.000 6800.00
T12 Back Side Eart Filling & Dressing
1 JCB Cost Hours 850.00 8 6800.00 0.00 8.000 6800.00
2 JCB Cost Hours 850.00 8 6800.00 0.00 8.000 6800.00
3 JCB Cost Hours 850.00 4 3400.00 0.00 4.000 3400.00
Gas Cutting Work
1 7th Floor Share Wall Renf. Cutting Hours 450.00 4 1800.00 0.00 4.000 1800.00
2 7th Floor Share Wall Renf. Cutting Hours 450.00 13.5 6075.00 0.00 13.500 6075.00
RAC 4th Floor & Above Roof

1 Reinforcement Cutting Bending & Placing work for

all lead & any Height. MT 6000.00 0.523 3138.00 0.000 0.00 0.523 3138.00

2 Concreteing Cumt 110.00 23.480 2582.80 0.000 0.00 23.480 2582.80

3 Column, Shear Wall, Slab & Beam Shuttering Work Sq.M 210.00 8.834 1855.14 0.000 0.00 8.834 1855.14
4 Fly Ash Filling Cumt 640.00 37.570 24044.80 0.000 0.00 37.570 24044.80
Sleeve Chipping
1 Helper Nos 450.00 709.00 319050.00 0.000 0.00 709.000 319050.00
2 Skilled Chipper Hrs. 110.69 345.50 38243.40 0.00 0.00 345.500 38243.40
3 Welder Hrs. 110.69 28.000 3099.32 1.000 110.690 29.000 3210.01
4 Welder Helper Hrs. 68.75 0.000 0.00 1.000 68.750 1.000 68.75
5 Supervisor Hrs. 28.75 101.500 2918.13 0.00 0.00 101.500 2918.13
6 Welding Rod Nos 5.75 41.000 235.75 2.000 11.500 43.000 247.25
Core Cutting
1 75 mm Dia(115mm thk. Slab) Nos 250.00 47.000 11750.00 11.000 2750.00 58.000 14500.00
2 150 mm Dia(115mm thk. Slab) Nos 256.00 49.000 12544.00 18.00 4608.00 67.000 17152.00
3 150 mm Dia(200mm thk. Wall) Nos 600.00 0.000 0.00 1.00 600.00 1.000 600.00
Gross Bill Amount 680846.78 8148.94 688995.72
Less T.D.S. 1.0 % -6808.47 -81.49 -6889.96
Less if any 0.00 0.00
Less Materials Issued 0.00
Less Advance Paid Including Khoraki 0.00
Hold Amount for any work 0.00
Deducation Amount for Supply 0.00
Round Off -0.31 -0.45 -0.76
Payble Bill Amount 674038.00 8067.00 682105.00
Eight Thousand Sixty Seven Rs Only.
Contractor Name : Blue Star Enterprise
RA Bill : 7th Core Cutting Nos
Work 75 mm Dia 150 mm Dia

Core Cutting (115 mm

2/15/2024 0.000 6.000 20 & 21
1 thk. Slab)
Core Cutting (115 mm
2/17/2024 6.000 7.000 20 & 21 & 22
2 thk. Slab)
Core Cutting (115 mm
2/23/2024 3.000 3.000 22 & 23
3 thk. Slab)
Core Cutting (115 mm
2/29/2024 1.000 1.000 23
4 thk. Slab)
Core Cutting (115 mm
3/1/2024 1.000 1.000 6 &13
5 thk. Slab)
TOTAL (NOS) 11.000 18.000
Core Cutting (200 mm
2/29/2024 0.000 1.000 22
6 thk. wall)
TOTAL (NOS) 0.000 1.000

Contractor Name : Blue Star Enterprise

RA Bill : 6th
SL NO. DATE welder Floor
Welder Welding Rod Supervisor
Work helper

1 2/29/2024 Sleeve Rod Cutting 1.000 1.000 2.000 0.000 22

TOTAL 1.000 1.000 2.000 0.000
Unit Hrs. Hrs. Nos Hrs.

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