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JUNE 2005

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JUN 2005 00-00-2005 to 00-00-2005
The Need for Speed. Hypersonic Aircraft and the Transformation of 5b. GRANT NUMBER
Long Range Airpower





Air University,School for Advanced Air and Space Studies,325 Chennault
Circle,Maxwell AFB,AL,36112




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Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)

Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18

The undersigned certify that this thesis meets masters-level standards of research, argumentation,
and expression.




The conclusions and opinions expressed in this document are those of the author. They do
not reflect the official position of the US government, Department of Defense, the United States
Air Force, or Air University.


Major Kenneth F. Johnson received his commission through the Reserve Officer Training
Corps and completed his bachelor’s degree in 1989 at the University of Utah. He graduated
from Undergraduate Pilot Training in 1991 and flew as a T-37 instructor pilot until 1996. He
then flew as an aircraft commander and instructor pilot in the B-52H. He is a 1999 graduate of
the USAF Weapons School. He then flew as a mission commander and eventual instructor pilot
in the B-2 starting in 2001. Major Johnson in a senior pilot with over 3,400 hours and was
qualified in four different aircraft. He has a Bachelors Degree in Applied Physics from the
University of Utah, a Master’s of Aerospace Science in Aerospace Operations from Embry
Riddle Aeronautical University, a Master’s of Military Operational Art and Science from Air
Command and Staff College, and a Masters of Airpower Art and Science from the School of
Advanced Air and Space Power Studies. In July 2005, Major Johnson will be assigned to be the
Operations Officer in the 11 RS at Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field where he will work
in the MQ-1 Predator program.


I would like to thank several people without whose support and help I would ever have
gotten off the ground with this study. I want to first thank Professor Dennis Drew for the
direction he gave me writing this paper. His ideas and mentoring made a direct impact and kept
me on the right track when I repeatedly attempted to get “lost in the weeds.”

I especially want to thank my father for his inputs, insight, and encouragement. I also
need to give credit to MGen Bob Elder who helped give me a starting point and initial vector on
this subject matter.

Most importantly, I want to express my sincere appreciation to my wife, Lisa, and our
three children for their love, patience, and understanding during those times when I was absent in
spirit and personage while writing this paper. Their support, understanding, and patience were
all very important to me and made a large impact in ensuring the successful completion of this


Transformation to the next level of technology is a pressing issue for the Air Force’s
strategic planers. Just how much of a leap in technology do engineers try to take when designing
a new system? The answer depends if new discoveries have increased the technology available
when they design a new system. However, it makes little sense to build new equipment that does
not provide an improved capability or a more reliable system. That being said, the next long-
range strike platform could take that technological leap and be a very fast near-space vehicle.
Past events, such as the 2004 X-43 launch, show that technological progress is occurring on
critical hypersonic components. While this is not a paper on the technology per se, it covers the
implications of building and operating a “hypersonic” bomber force. This paper addresses the
question of whether or not the hypersonic bomber is worth the required investment and covers
several aspects involved with hypersonic bomber operations. The purpose of this study is to
determine if the advantages gained from developing a hypersonic fleet outweigh the
disadvantages. The author concludes that the advantages gained from developing a hypersonic
fleet outweigh the platform’s disadvantages.

This study first covers several attempted hypersonic programs and how the strategic
thought at the time affected them. The USAF’s first and arguably largest hypersonic bomber
project was the Dyna-Soar X-20. However, the Dyna-Soar program’s mission changed multiple
times in attempts to maintain funding at a time when the nation focused on other issues. Without
a well defined strategy for the hypersonic bomber, the Department of Defense cancelled the

Hypersonic programs have since had various starts and stops. There have been several
attempts to build an airbreathing hypersonic vehicle. They all have failed in part because they
could not meet the technological challenges. Recent developments, however, hold more
promise. Instead of building a large hypersonic bomber, agencies such as DARPA and NASA
are working technological advancements on a step by step level. A further promising
development is that the National Aerospace Initiative forces competing agencies to cooperate
with one another.

A hypersonic bomber would give the USAF the capability to strike any place in the world
within a couple of hours. It would enable parallel attack in locations without regional access and
reduce the need to establish forward bases for every contingency. A hypersonic bomber would
be survivable against current surface to air missile systems, and should be able to carry a variety
of weapons. These advantages do not come without costs and problems. A hypersonic bomber
will be very expensive. There are difficulties in the flight profile, surface heating, plasma fields
and testing capabilities. Other facets in need of consideration before investing in a hypersonic
bomber include the decision to make the bomber piloted or unpiloted. Overflight issues are also
a potential problem that needs looking at.

However, there are returns on technology that compensate for the large costs of the
system. Additionally, a hypersonic bomber fares well in a comparison to other strike assets. The
evidence gathered in this study shows the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and that the
USAF should invest in hypersonic technology.


Chapter Page


ABOUT THE AUTHOR…………………………………………………………iii



INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................1

1 DYNAMIC SOARING ..………………………………………………………… 5

2 THE ERA OF THE X-PLANES ……………………………………………….. 17

3 THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY …………………...…………..….. 36

4 PUZZLE PIECES ………………………………………………………….…… 49

CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………….……… 64

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………….……… 66



1 Systems Comparisons ………………………………….……………………….. 60


Military forces have a need for speed. Striking a distant target in minimal time is a
historical problem. Long transit times wear down navies, armies, and even air forces. Think of
what might have happened during the Peloponnesian War if it had not taken the Athenians a year
to travel to and attack Syracuse. Napoleon’s Russian campaign might have ended differently if it
had not taken so long to get to Moscow. The time it took the Eighth Air Force’s B-17s to fly
from their English bases to strike German targets and then return took its toll on the bomber
crews. Higher speeds could have made a difference supporting ground troops or accomplishing
time sensitive targeting in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq. In essence, speed equates to shorter
long-range strike timelines.
The capability to strike distant targets from bases in the United States exists today.
However, to carry out such global strike sorties requires long duration missions, tanker bridges to
provide necessary fuel, and often diplomatic overflight clearances. These long sorties are taxing
on both the aircraft and the crews flying them. B-2s flying Operation Enduring Freedom sorties
flew 44-hour missions and were airborne over 24 hours before they were in the target area. The
same airplanes and crews flying CONUS based sorties to Operation Iraqi Freedom flew 18 hours
before they reached their targets. From a safety aspect alone it is difficult to guarantee that a
weary aircrew will not make fatigue-induced mistakes. To shorten response times, it currently
takes the deployment of a large number of forces. It can take days, weeks, or months to deploy
and prepare these forces for combat.
There may be technology available in the near future to shorten the time required to strike
these long distance targets. The next long range strike platform could be a bomber capable of
hypersonic speeds. A hypersonic bomber can fill the Air Force’s need for speed. A hypersonic
bomber would transform the bomber force and give the United States the capability to affect
operations worldwide in only a matter of a few hours. The purpose of this paper is to determine
if the advantages gained from developing a hypersonic fleet outweigh the platform’s
disadvantages. Potential capabilities are weighed against limitations, and an investigation of
such factors as manned and unmanned capabilities, overflight considerations, survivability

against current threats, and lost opportunity costs is included. In short, the question of whether
or not the hypersonic bomber is worth the required investment is analyzed.
Hypersonic flight is defined as vehicle speeds greater than Mach 5. Assumptions are that
a hypersonic bomber will fly at altitudes above 100,000 feet, and that released weapons will also
be accurate enough to destroy sensitive and/or hardened targets. Therefore, a hypersonic bomber
is a vehicle capable of dropping accurate bombs at high speeds and altitudes.
Technology obviously will play a vital role in hypersonic bomber development. The
United States Air Force cannot build a reusable air-breathing hypersonic bomber unless
significant technological breakthroughs occur. Although the USAF experienced many
difficulties in past hypersonic programs discussed in this paper, an assumption of this study is
that engineers will discover the needed technological requirements and the United States will
therefore have the capability to build a hypersonic bomber within 20 years.
Long-range strike is an important USAF capability. Its bomber force gives the USAF the
flexibility and firepower to strike at targets deep within enemy territory. Beyond traditional
strategic bombing missions, operations in Afghanistan proved the USAF could convert a
bomber’s range to overhead battlefield presence. B-1s and B-52s spent many flight hours on call
in orbits supporting troops on the ground. Long-range strike is a critical niche that no other
service has the capability to fill. Therefore, long-range strike is and will continue to be an
important USAF capability.
This study’s greatest limitation is that it is unclassified. All the surveyed source material
came from unclassified sources. The author did not have access to any classified data and
therefore did not obtain data from any existing programs.
This paper begins with a discussion of the history of hypersonics. Chapter One covers
the beginning of hypersonic aspirations until the cancellation of the first true United States
hypersonic bomber project, the X-20A Dyna-Soar. The discussion shows that the idea of fast
long-range strike originated as soon as man took to the sky. These ideas came closer to reality as
the Germans studied the feasibility of hypersonic bombers in the World War II era. The USAF
took those ideas and began development of its own hypersonic bomber, the Dyna-Soar. The
hypersonic Dyna-Soar promised many things, particularly a quick response from takeoff to time
over target. However, there was no steady overarching strategy to employ the weapon system.

The lack of a consistent strategy for the Dyna-Soar hypersonic bomber was a large factor in the
systems cancellation.
Chapter Two continues the story of hypersonic historical development from 1964 to the
present. The United States attempted to build several hypersonic vehicles, including bombers,
but did not have the technology or correct roadmap to complete the process. Hypersonic
bombing technology saw little advancement in the period during and immediately following the
Vietnam War. The nation then set out to build a hypersonic national aerospace plane (NASP)
during the Reagan Years. The program’s goals overran the available technology, which led to
NASA and the USAF to cancel the expensive project. In the early 1990’s another investment
flurry occurred and both the USAF and NASA invested in the X-33 and X-34. Both these
hypersonic projects failed to meet initial expectations. In addition, NASA and the Air Force
both pushed for different project end-states. NASA liked the idea of a single stage to orbit
hypersonic vehicle. The Air Force did not need the single stage to orbit vehicle, only one
capable of traveling great distances. This lack of cooperation and technological challenges
cancelled these programs. We are currently on the midst of another hypersonic push. Recent
test flights have had encouraging results.
Chapter Three covers both the advantages and disadvantages of a hypersonic bomber.
The benefits to the USAF include an expanded long-range strike capability, reduced time from
launch to strike, and survivability. Disadvantages include technological challenges, high costs,
and plasma fields.
Chapter Four brings everything together. Significant operational decisions and
implications necessary to employ a hypersonic bomber successfully are discussed. The chapter
then covers the opportunity costs of investing in hypersonic technology, and includes a
discussion in foreign investment. Finally, recommendations for hypersonic bomber development
are presented.

Chapter One

Dynamic Soaring: Missed


Long-range strike is not a new concept. Several visionaries foresaw the potential up to
100 years ago. British author H.G Wells foretold of ferocious power dealt from the air. Wells,
concerned about the then 220-mile range of the Zeppelin, foresaw airships flying across the
Atlantic Ocean and then destroying New York City, leaving terror in their wake.1 Wells
believed nations at war would destroy an enemy’s great cities once they had the capability to
navigate over them freely.2 Bringing Wells’ imagination to life, both the British and the
Germans used long-range strategic bombing during World War I. The British felt they could
attack the heart of Germany from their bases in France while Germany also bombed targets in
Southeast England from bases in Belgium.3 Although the results had negligible impact on the
war, these bombing campaigns stoked the fires of imagination among airmen throughout the
The idea of long-range strike burned brightly among United States airmen as they
developed their doctrine, strategies, and aircraft prior to World War II. United States bombers
began deep bombing missions over Germany on a daily basis by 1943. In the post-war world,
the newly independent United State Air Force (USAF) initially relied on the marriage of the B­
29 and nuclear weapons for their long-range strike capabilities.4 The USAF followed this initial

H.G. Wells, The War in the Air (London, U.K.: George Bell and Sons, 1908), 208.
Robert Wohl, A Passion for Wings: Aviation and the Western Imagination 1908-1918 (Singapore: C.S. Graphics
Ltd., 1994), 74.
Neville Jones, The Beginnings of Strategic Air Power: A History of the British Bomber Force 1923-1939 (Totowa,
N.J.: Frank Cass and Co. Ltd., 1987), i, 13.
Barry D. Watts, Moving Forward on Long-Range Strike, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments
(Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 27 September 2004), 2.

capability by the development of the B-52, other long-range bombers, and intercontinental
ballistic missiles (ICBMs).
In pre-WWII Germany, the idea of hypersonic long-range strike started as an
hypothesized capability with the aim of increasing the range of rocket-powered weapons. Early
German aviation pioneers helped develop the idea of hypersonic flight and then their military
attempted to develop strategies to use these scientists’ ideas. These ideas eventually led to
hypersonic development in the United States, specifically a manned hypersonic bomber called
the Dyna-Soar.
This chapter covers the early German attempts to develop a hypersonic bomber that could
strike the United States and the resulting policies associated with the successes and failures this
new field. It then walks through the first attempt to build a United States hypersonic bomber.

Early Pioneers

Hypersonic flight’s genesis occurred in the mid-1930s when Dr. Eugen Sänger, a rocket
expert at the University of Vienna, developed the concept of a winged vehicle that could fly into
space and arrive anywhere on the planet in a little over an hour. His theoritical-winged vehicle,
known as the Silverbird, would use liquid fueled rockets to propel itself to the upper atmosphere
and then glide with no power until it hit denser air.5 The Silverbird would then use its kinetic
energy to skip off the atmosphere back up to higher altitudes, much as a stone does when skipped
along the water. Each skip would reduce the craft’s available energy, or amplitude, until, unable
to maintain itself above the atmosphere, it would glide to a normal landing. When launched
from Germany, Sänger estimated the Silverbird would be over the eastern United States on its
third skip.6 Sanger named the theory of skipping a vehicle in the upper atmosphere the “boost­
glide” concept.
The Hermann Göring Institute in Germany recruited Sänger to develop rocket motors.
While there, he modified his Silverbird concept to be an armed space plane capable of bombing

Gregory E. Moster and John G. Martin, Oscillatory Trajectories applied to NASA’s DF-7 Configuration, AAIA
Paper 99-4931 (Norfolk, Va.: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, November 1999), 1.
Dan Johnson, “Sänger Amerika Bomber Luft ’46 entry.” Luft ’46 – WWII German Aircraft Projects, 28 November
2004, n.p. On-line, Internet, 11 December 2004, available from http://www.luft46.com/misc/ sanger.html.

New York City.7 Sänger named it the Antipodal Bomber because of its ability to deliver a
warhead to the opposite side of the globe.8 If the Germans had built Sänger’s hypersonic
Antipodal Bomber, it could have been a formidable weapon. There were also other German
scientists developing hypersonic technology.
Independent of Sänger’s work, Lieutenant General Walter R. Dornberger, the director of
guided missile development for the German ministry of munitions, had his team refine the boost-
glide concept. 9 The Germans wanted more range for the A-4 (V-2 rocket), and Dr. Wernher
von Braun, Dornberger’s assistant, predicted a range increase for the A-4 of up to 360 miles by
placing wings on the airframe. The winged A-4 was designated the A-9. Von-Braun also
concluded that an added booster would allow the A-9 to travel 3,000 miles in only 17 minutes.
The German rocket development division successfully launched an A-9 in January 1945.10
The German military initially ignored Sänger’s antipodal bomber proposal. Even Air
Ministry interest in the rocket airplane did not persuade the military to continue Silverbird’s
development. This was due in part to a temporary Army and Luftwaffe merger in rocket
experimentation, which shut down the research at the Göring Institute and moved it to
Peenemünde. Additionally, Von Braun recommended the Air Ministry not hire Sänger because
their efforts would be duplicative. In reality, Von Braun may have seen Sänger as a rival.11
The German Air Ministry eventually hired Sänger to create a rocket research institute
away from Von Braun and the joint Army-Luftwaffe effort. Sänger’s assignment was to test
rocket motors and then develop large boosters. Luftwaffe chief Hermann Göring wanted a
Luftwaffe rocket force independent of the Army and saw the strategic potential of the rocket
bomber as a step in that direction.12 However, in 1942 the war forced German research to
concentrate on proven designs, changing the Luftwaffe effort, and ending Luftwaffe competition

Hypersonic Glide Rocket Weapon System, ARDC Abbreviated Development Plan, ARDC Report DD-R&D/A/119
(Baltimore, Md.: Air Research and Development Command, 24 October 1957), 26.
Robert Godwin, ed. Dyna-Soar – Hypersonic Strategic Weapons System (Burlington, Ontario: Collector’s Guide
Publishing, 2003), 7.
Clarence J. Geiger, History of the X-20A Dyna Soar, Volume I (Narrative), AFSC Historical Publications Series
63-50-I, Document ID ASD-TR-63-50-I. (Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio: Aeronautical Systems Division Information
Office, September 1963), 2.
Ibid., ix, 2-3.
Michael J. Neufeld, The Rocket and the Reich: Peenemünde and the Coming of the Ballistic Missile Era
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995), 61.
Dan Johnson, “Sänger Amerika Bomber Luft ’46 entry.” Luft ’46 – WWII German Aircraft Projects, 28
November 2004, n.p. On-line, Internet, 11 December 2004, available from http://www.luft46.com/misc/

with the Army rocket program.13 Therefore, Sänger shifted his research from the Antipodal
Bomber to other projects, and Germany failed to achieve any operational capability from the
long-range hypersonic Antipodal Bomber concept.

The Advent of United States Hypersonic Research

The USAF started investigating hypersonic vehicles soon after WWII. In May 1946,
RAND researchers determined it was feasible to design a capsule with wings for manned space
flight. Former German scientist Walter R. Dornberger began working for the Bell Aircraft
Company in 1950.14 Under his guidance, it took less than three years for the Bell Aircraft
Company to propose a manned bomber-missile, known as the BOMI (short for Bomber-Missile).
The Air Force was skeptical due to the fact that although the BOMI would advance the Air
Force’s technical bombing knowledge, the Atlas ballistic missile and the Navajo cruise missile
offered more promise for successful deployment. However, the Air Force thought the BOMI
also presented potential reconnaissance abilities far in advance of other programs. Therefore, the
USAF funded a research study to determine if the piloted BOMI vehicle was more advantageous
than an unmanned version and if a reconnaissance mission compromised the system’s long-range
striking ability.15 Hypersonic boost-glide technology promised to fuse the best characteristics of
the unmanned Atlas and Navajo missiles with the best qualities of the manned heavy bomber and
reconnaissance systems.16 Air Force officials considered the program somewhat radical but
thought that it was not outside the realm of possibilities. As BOMI technology matured, the Air
Force recommended Bell focus its efforts on a more advanced vehicle called the BRASS
BELL.17 The BRASS BELL used BOMI technology, but changed the primary mission from
bombing to reconnaissance and surveillance.
In the 1950s, strategic bombing was the pillar of the USAF Cold War strategy. Air Force
doctrine described strategic bombardment as the most decisive use of air power yet developed.
General Curtis E. LeMay also viewed strategic bombardment as the most decisive form of
military power in the American arsenal. LeMay believed a properly manned, equipped, and
Michael J. Neufeld, 62.
Geiger, 5.
Geiger, 7.
Roy Franklin Houchin, “The Rise and Fall of Dyna-Soar: A History of Air Force Hypersonic R&D, 1944-1963”
(PhD diss., Auburn University, 1995), 111.

trained force in being with a universally recognized and unquestioned combat capability could
only maintain Strategic Air Command’s (SAC) deterrent influence on the Soviet Union.18 SAC
bombers constituted a major, and initially the only, component of America’s nuclear deterrent.
The long-range strike capability embodied in heavy bombers was a key ingredient in United
States strategy.19 Hypersonic bombers would have provided the next giant step in strategic
The United States was not the only country involved in hypersonic flight. The Soviet
military obtained copies of Sänger’s analysis at the end of World War II and became interested
in the possibilities of boost-glide flight. The Soviets even sent a team to Paris to find and
“acquire” Sänger. Luckily, they failed. 20 Even without Sänger, the Soviets continued to pursue
hypersonic flight for strike and reconnaissance missions. An article found in a 1958 Soviet
aviation journal referred to a Russian glide-bombing system capable of reaching 295,000 feet
and striking a target 3,500 nautical miles away. Later, an American aviation periodical reported
that Russian scientists were developing an antipodal, glide missile, designated the T-4A.
Intelligence estimates in 1960 determined the Soviets would be capable of performing both
reconnaissance and bombing missions over the United States by 1967.21 As the Soviet Union
developed nuclear warheads, ICBMs, and long range strategic airpower with a hypersonic
potential, the need to maintain the superiority of USAF assets seemed all the more important in
determining the outcome of a future conflict.22 The reaction to these estimates gave the United
States the incentive to develop an offensive deep strike capability, helping push the USAF cause
for a long-range hypersonic strike platform.
The Air Force wanted to develop an intercontinental vehicle with a range of 25,000
miles. Air Force leaders also believed such a high profile program needed other contractors in
addition to Bell offering competitive concepts.23 As a result, in 1955 the Air Force announced
General Operational Requirement 12, calling on a study for a piloted, high altitude,
reconnaissance, and weapon system to be available by 1959. By year’s end, nine companies

Steven L. Rearden, “U.S. Strategic Bombardment Doctrine Since 1945,” in Case Studies in Strategic
Bombardment, ed. R. Cargill Hall (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1998), 402 - 403.
Barry D. Watts, 2.
Robert Godwin, 7.
Geiger, 4
Houchin, “Rise and Fall of Dyna-Soar,” 8-9.
Geiger, 8.

were in the race for Operational Requirement 12’s lucrative hypersonic bomber contract.24
These companies investigated the adaptability of boost-glide rockets and vehicles using air-
breathing engines in the hypersonic near-space regime.25
The Air Research and Development Command (ARDC) designated the hypersonic
rocket-bomber study “ROBO” for rocket-bomber. ROBO’s goal was to determine the feasibility
of a manned, hypersonic, bombardment and reconnaissance system capable of intercontinental
operation. The ROBO’s main requirement was to circumnavigate the globe at a minimum of
100,000 feet, performing both intercontinental strike and reconnaissance roles.26 The contractors
presented their proposals for the ROBO vehicle in June of 1957.27
The ROBO project competed for funding with five other programs and as a result, the ROBO
ran into budget shortfalls in early fiscal year 1957.28 However, ARDC still issued a hypersonic
system requirement for an abbreviated systems development plan and changed the program’s
emphasis to the Hypersonic Weapons Research and Development Supporting System, or
HYWARDS. The HYWARDS vehicle’s purpose was to provide research data on aerodynamic,
structural, human factor, and component problems. In short, HYWARDS was a research vehicle
used as a test craft to develop subsystems employed on any future boost-glide systems.29

The Dyna-Soar X-20

Shortly thereafter, the Air Force recommended consolidating the three separate hypersonic
projects into one, where one company managed the entire boost-glide program. The Air Force
then consolidated the HYWARDS, BRASS BELL, and ROBO studies into a three-step
abbreviated development plan called System 464L, the Dyna-Soar. Each of the three research
projects was now a phase of the Dyna-Soar program.30 With Dyna-Soar, the Air Force

Boeing, the Republic Aircraft Company, the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, General Dynamics Corporation,
Douglas, and North American Aviation all responded to the hypersonic request. Bell, Lockheed, and Martin later
joined the study.
Geiger, 13.
Ibid., 14.
Bell and Douglas favored a three-stage, boost-glide vehicle. General Dynamics also proposed a three-stage
system, but placed a control rocket and turbojet engine in the glider itself. North American advanced a two-stage
vehicle using conventional rocket fuels. Republic supported an unmanned vehicle powered by a hypersonic cruise,
ramjet engine, boosted by a single-stage rocket. Boeing also favored an unmanned version where its vehicle was an
intercontinental glide-missile.
The ROBO competed with the X-13, X-14, XB-47D, X-15, and vertical-takeoff-and- landing aircraft.
Geiger, 15 - 18.
Geiger, 20-21, 30-31. Thirteen companies bid on the first stages of the plan. A delta wing vehicle was the basis
for every design but one’s (North American proposed an X-15 like vehicle) and was the size of fighter jets like the

maintained its institutional attraction for a manned long-range bombardment role while it
incorporated ballistic missile technology and reconnaissance satellite technology into a manned
space weapon system.31 The Dyna-Soar project encompassed this goal, giving the Air Force a
hypersonic boost-glide vehicle capable of both intercontinental bombardment and
reconnaissance missions.
The next question was how large would the hypersonic forces need to be? General LeMay
concluded it would be impractical to plan a bombardment campaign calling for sustained
operations such as those conducted against Germany and Japan in WWII.32 There was just not
enough money available anymore to build a force that large. The Air Force found part the
answer in technology and the Dyna-Soar. Throughout the time-period, the Air Force pushed for
a stronger military space policy. Having established itself as the aerospace service, the Air Force
believed it had the strongest case for being the United States primary practitioner of space
operations.33 Events such as the Sputnik launch helped the Air Forces cause.
The Dyna-Soar built upon the foundation of strategic bombardment. The USAF leadership
argued that the Dyna-Soar hypersonic, boost-glide vehicle offered a significant extension of
speed, range, and altitude over other conventional Air Force systems. The hypersonic boost-
glide concept represented a major step toward manned space flight, expanding the manned flight
regime. A hypersonic bomber could also destroy missed intercontinental ballistic missile targets.
The Dyna-Soar could penetrate hostile airspace easier than traditional air breathing bombers and
could provide more detailed and accurate intelligence data than other Air Force reconnaissance
systems under development. Operationally and tactically, it made sense. However, future
administrations did not see the Dyna-Soar the same way.
The Department of Defense (DoD) directed the Air Force, not the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA), to fund the Dyna-Soar project, since it was a military venture.
This gave the military a manned space vehicle. However, the Eisenhower administration was
determined to use space for exclusively peaceful purposes. The President did not want to start an
armed space race with the Soviet Union, and would not fund the Dyna-Soar if it were a military
vehicle. Therefore, in order to enable continued research on this program, the Air Force

F-106. The Air Force selected the Martin and Boeing designs as a basis for the first phase of the Dyna-Soar. These
were the only two proposals with vehicles capable of reaching orbital velocities.
Houchin, 140.
Rearden, 408.
Houchin, 411.

classified the Dyna-Soar a research platform in 1958. Nevertheless, if the USAF designated
Dyna-Soar a research vehicle, funding would be less than half of what it would be if the system
included military objectives. Hence, the development of an operational long-range strike system
was in jeopardy before there was a working prototype.34 The ideology of pushing the Dyna-Soar
program to achieve a manned military space system would not fit in the government’s space-for-
peace policies.35
The Air Force was at odds with the DoD over the Dyna-Soar. The Air Force still wanted a
truly hypersonic high-altitude bombing system. In contrast, the DoD wanted to concentrate on a
maneuverable intercontinental vehicle capable of controlled landings, with the function of
weapons delivery and attaining orbital velocities secondary. The two departments compromised
in November 1959. The Dyna-Soar project office formulated a three-step approach comprised of
the development of a suborbital glider, an orbital system, and an operational weapons system.
This allowed the Air Force to pursue a research vehicle and then use the findings to develop
military capabilities later.36 Additionally, the Air Force thought the shift toward the
reconnaissance mission meant more funding for the program. Soon afterwards, the Secretary of
the Air Force announced the contract.37
John F. Kennedy was critical of Eisenhower’s defense program and reliance on massive
retaliation. The new President thought the United States was starting to lag behind the USSR in
ICBM technology. Kennedy felt there was a need for a broader range of military options,
including greater flexibility in the use of nuclear power and improved capabilities for
conventional warfare.38 “We have been driving ourselves into a corner,” Kennedy contended,
“where the only choice is all or nothing at all, world devastation or submission – a choice that
necessarily causes us to hesitate on the brink and leaves the initiative in the hands of the
Secretary McNamara took to task the job of following through on Kennedy’s wishes.
McNamara launched a full-scale review of defense policy to determine how the United States
could adjust strategic plans and doctrine to reduce dependence on nuclear striking power. He
Geiger, 34-36.
Houchin, 141.
Geiger, 49. Boeing would develop the hypersonic vehicle and the Martin Company would produce the boosters.
Houchin, 201.
Rearden, 424.
Quoted in Steven L. Rearden, “U.S. Strategic Bombardment Doctrine Since 1945,” in Case Studies in Strategic
Bombardment, ed. R. Cargill Hall (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1998), 424.

placed greater emphasis on second-strike capabilities, on retaliation as opposed to preemption.
He wanted to add flexibility in the choice of targets, timing, warheads, and bombs.40
There were still debates over the research or military use of the system, but the DoD assigned
$16.2 million of fiscal year 1960 funds, and the development of the Dyna-Soar (now designated
the X-20A) could proceed. The DoD continued to doubt the usefulness of the system. However,
the Air Force convinced the Kennedy administration of its importance, and funding level for
1962 was set at $70 million, later raised to $100 million.41
Priorities again changed for the Dyna-Soar in late 1961. A new development plan
characterized the program as a manned, orbital research system (almost a precursor to the space
shuttle). The Air Force then formalized the plan to cancel the Dyna-Soar’s bombardment
mission in December, which Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara approved in early 1962.
However, less than six months later the Dyna-Soar project again became a military space and
suborbital hypersonic bomber. The projected budget increased to $130 million in 1963 and $125
million in 1964.42 Additionally, the Air Force projected manned flights to start in November
1964.43 Total projected costs of the entire Dyna-Soar program were in the billions of dollars.44
The USAF spent $400 million on the program by 1963.45
Secretary McNamara introduced the nuclear policy of assured destruction after the Cuban
Missile Crisis. This policy sought to destroy Soviet government and military controls, plus a
large percentage of its population and economy after a Soviet surprise attack.46 This policy cost
less and was thought easier to implement because it required only the maintenance and
coordination of a smaller force with the ability to respond after a first strike. Therefore, for the
first time, McNamara was able to count on ICBMs sitting in hardened shelters instead of
bombers as the heart of the strategic weapons inventory. Nonetheless, the force structure
remained larger than the one probably necessary for assured destruction. Still, considerable
savings followed over what the nation would spend following previous nuclear strategies.
McNamara therefore started to rely on targetable bombs and warheads as the most important

Rearden, 425.
Geiger, ix - xiv. The vehicle was designed to be a low-wing, delta-shaped glider weighing approximately 10,000
Geiger, xv-xvii.
Ibid., 61.
Ibid., 82.
Godwin, 10.
Rearden, 429.

strategic assets, not delivery vehicles.47 Unfortunately, the Dyna-Soar fell in the offensive
category of delivery vehicles.
Secretary McNamara seriously questioned whether Dyna-Soar represented the best
expenditure of the nation’s resources.48 This again resulted in more changes. The secretary
directed a review and a comparison of the Dyna-Soar with the Gemini program. The study
showed that a modified Gemini might perform a military function in space better and cheaper
than the Dyna-Soar.49 Gemini’s significance to the Air Force also increased because NASA
allowed the Air Force to participate in the program. However, the Air Force still wanted a
manned military platform and recommended continuing Dyna-Soar even after the release of the
secretary’s evaluation.50
By mid-1963, the Kennedy administration directed NASA and DoD to not indulge in any
manned programs without fully considering the other agency’s needs. Consequentially,
Secretary McNamara did not want to spend more money on the Dyna-Soar until the Air Force
clearly defined the need for the system. He did not want to spend $1 billion on a vehicle solely
involved in basic hypersonic research where the program objectives were just too narrow.51
President Johnson took the oath of office on 25 November 1963. McNamara persuaded
President Johnson to level off on the accelerated development of offensive strategic programs.
The DoD then cut expenditures on strategic programs by almost half. Two weeks later the
government officially cancelled the Air Force Dyna-Soar project.52
The Air Force did all it could to save the Dyna-Soar program. General LeMay pointed out
that the USAF would have to place increasing emphasis on the Dyna-Soar because it was the
only military system capable of leading to manned space flight. Without the Dyna-Soar X-20A,
there would be no manned military space program.53 The Air Force also tried to change the
Dyna-Soar’s mission and place it where the money was, under the management of the Air Force
Ballistic Missile and Space Committee. It appears the USAF was reaching for anything it could,
even changing its strategy multiple times, to get the Dyna-Soar funded.

Ibid., 430.
Geiger, 87.
Walter A. McDougal, The Heavens and the Earth: A Political History of the Space Age (Baltimore, Md.: The
John Hopkins University Press, 1985), 340.
Geiger, xvii – xviii, 115.
Houchin, 4.
Godwin, 11.

Strategy, diplomacy, and bureaucratic politics all converged to make 1963 the great turning
point in the United States military space program. The DoD cancelled the X-20A Dyna-Soar
program along with all other space weapons systems with the exception of a crude anti-satellite
program. While missile technology continued, the United States implemented a space sanctuary
policy in an attempt to persuade the Soviet Union to follow suit.54
The strategic decision to abandon the weapons program took away any tactical ability to
employ the Dyna-Soar. If the Dyna-Soar X-20A had been operational in the late 1960’s as
planned, the hypersonic vehicle’s intercontinental reconnaissance capabilities could have
discovered that the probability of a Soviet bomber attack against the United States with nuclear
weapons remained low. It also would have shown other factors that may have proved the Soviet
Union was not as powerful as the United States thought, for it would have discovered that Soviet
nuclear submarines were rarely at sea.55


The Dyna-Soar X-20A had the potential to be a successful USAF hypersonic program.
However, there was no clear mission and concept of operations for the hypersonic bomber. The
bottom line shows there was no clear consensus of purpose, any single-minded and perceptive
leadership, and no quick attainment of the advanced technology needed to ensure the Dyna-Soar
survived.56 The USAF changed policies too many times for it to develop strong enough to guide
any hypersonic strategy. This lack of a defined hypersonic military strategy ultimately killed the

Walter A. McDougal, 341.
Houchin, 21.
Ibid., v.
Godwin, 11.

Chapter Two

The Era of the X-Planes:

New Policies, Many New Directions

Both the USAF and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have
attempted various hypersonic vehicle projects since Dyna-Soar’s cancellation. However, over
the past 40-plus years airbreathing hypersonic flight efforts have suffered from a series of fits
and starts. Therefore, there has not been a true, sustainable hypersonic vehicle built. The
primary reason is that airbreathing hypersonic efforts have focused simply on getting somewhere
faster. What does this mean? There has not been a clear requirement established making
essential use of the time advantage gained through hypersonic flight. This chapter examines the
repeated efforts of the United States to build a hypersonic vehicle from 1965 to 2005.
Although a small amount of research occurred during the Vietnam War era, a new round
of hypersonic activity kicked off in the 1980 during which both NASA and the USAF
unsuccessfully tried to build the X-30 National Aerospace Plane (NASP). A decade later, the
United States again attempted to build several hypersonic vehicles. These included the X-33, X­
34, and expendable launch vehicle (ELV) programs. NASA and the USAF are currently
working a number of new hypersonic concepts today. NASA recently successfully flew its last
X-43 Hyper-X mission, while the USAF is currently working with the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) on a new military hypersonic vehicle through the Force
Application and Launch from CONUS (FALCON) program. Recent events are promising
because the push for transformation has benefited hypersonic research. In response to a
challenge made by the Secretary of Defense (SecDef), the Department of Defense (DoD) issued
an initiative that forces everyone working on hypersonic projects to coordinate their actions. The
hypersonic world is finally receiving some direction.

60s to the 70s – a Period of Inaction

The USAF conceived of a hypersonic Aerospaceplane in the early 1960s and viewed it as a
Dyna-Soar follow on. 58 Aerospace concepts of operation included radical ideas, including close
formation flying and Mach 6 in-flight refueling inside of the tanker’s shock wave. However, the
Aerospaceplane’s development did not include any off-the-shelf technology. Scientists and
engineers had to invent and develop everything needed, the propulsion, materials, cooling, and
aerodynamics.59 The Aerospaceplane effort died around the same time as the Dyna-Soar, with
Secretary McNamara’s fiscal year 1964 budget cuts.
The cancellation of the Aerospaceplane and Dyna-Soar had two significant
consequences. First, it temporally ended the Air Force’s military exploration of hypersonic
flight. The USAF’s manned space priorities shifted to concentrating on the manned orbiting
laboratory, a space station for military purposes. As a result, there were no hypersonic bomber
projects on the drawing board. Second, NASA began to take over the Air Force’s hypersonic
research projects. Eventually the Space Shuttle offered the Air Force another chance for a joint
venture equal in scope to Dyna-Soar.60

The Space Shuttle

NASA developed the space shuttle as a means to provide a recoverable, reusable launch
capability with a large payload. Although reusable, the shuttles do not takeoff and accelerate on
their own to orbital velocity. Rather, they require two solid rocket boosters and need to carry a
large expendable main propellant tank to lift them to orbit.61
The shuttle needed to be larger than the Dyna-Soar to be effective. Von Braun, among
others, suggested that using the same vehicle repeatedly had to be cheaper than discarding it after
one flight. In theory, the more the shuttle flies the cheaper it is to use. Therefore, using the
shuttle repeatedly would lower the cost and allow for quick turn-around between flights. That

Marquardt, General Applied Science Labs (GASL), General Dynamics, North American, Lockheed, and Douglas
Aircraft participated in the early Aerospace plane research.
Thomas A. Heippenheimer, “Origins of Hypersonic Propulsion: A Personal History,” Air Power History 47, no. 3
(Fall 2000), 15.
Roy F. Houchin. “The Rise and Fall of Dyna-Soar: A History of Air Force Hypersonic R&D 1944 – 1963” (PhD
diss., Auburn University, 1995), 1.
John W. Hicks and Gary Tripensee, “Hypersonic X-Plane Flight Development of Technologies and Capabilities
for the 21st Century Access to Space,” Address, AGARD Future Aerospace Technology in Service to the Alliace,
Paris, France, 18 April 1997.

was the core argument NASA used to sell the shuttle to Congress and the White House during
Richard M. Nixon’s first term.62
Nixon’s reasons for approving the shuttle and keeping people in space were convincing.
He wanted to maintain a strong industrial base. The participating companies could then retain
the technology developed and the economy could give high-tech jobs to the public. More
pressing, Nixon did not want to break the legacy started during the Kennedy administration. It
would be political suicide to leave manned space activity solely to the Russians.63 In the
meantime, testing continued on hypersonic capable lifting bodies.
The space shuttle made its first flight in 1981 and was the pinnacle of the nation’s space
program. However, the Air Force did not like the fact that the space shuttle was a NASA launch
vehicle. NASA allowed Air Force personnel to fly in the shuttle as astronauts, but the USAF did
not control the program. Another concern in Air Force plans was that the proposed shuttle
replacement was a rocket. At the time, the replacement did not improve greatly on Air Force
space operations. Therefore, the USAF had little to gain from the shuttle program.

Other Hypersonic Research

In addition to the space shuttle, the United States tested several subscale, piloted, low-
speed (less than Mach 2) lifting-body demonstrators from 1963 to 1975. NASA funded the M2­
F1, M2-F2, M2-F3, and HL-10 and the Air Force developed the X-24A and X-24B. These
vehicles demonstrated that hypersonic lifting-body configurations could fly a powerless
approach to a runway landing following a rocket boost into or a recovery from the hypersonic
speeds experienced in the upper atmosphere. This research allowed the space shuttle
development team to abandon the idea of incorporating landing engines in the shuttle design.
However, more than this, these lifting-body demonstrators spawned further interest in
developing a piloted hypersonic demonstrator aircraft.64
The United States again displayed some hypersonic interest. In mid-1976, a variety of
Air Force and NASA research studies eventually combined into a $200-million development
program for a National Hypersonic Flight Research Facility (NHFRF). The NHFRF could test a

William E. Burrows, This New Ocean: The Story of the First Space Age (New York, N.Y.: Modern Library,
1998), 518.
Ibid., 519.
Why and Wither Hypersonics Research in the US Air Force, United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board
Report SAB-TR-00-03 (Washington, D.C.: United States Air Force, December 2000), 7.

variety of modular systems, including airbreathing propulsion concepts, weapons separation, and
sensor developments, at speeds up to Mach 8. The NHFRF did not last long. NASA quit after
the first year. It was obligated to the Shuttle program, and NASA could not afford both the
shuttle and a hypersonic demonstrator. The Air Force also could not afford to tackle the project
alone, so it had little choice but to follow suit and cancel the NHFRF program.65 The hypersonic
project again faded away as the money disappeared.
NASA’s 1963-1980 hypersonic research primarily focused on bringing rocket-powered
reusable spacecraft back to earth. The supersonic combustion ramjet (scramjet) was different. It
opened up opportunities that the Air Force embraced. Antonio Ferri was a hypersonic specialist
who believed there was no natural limit to aircraft speeds and performance. Ferri led a group
who pioneered an idea for advanced jet engines to tap into the atmosphere’s oxygen instead of
carrying the fuel to very high speeds and altitudes. Hypersonic vehicles would not need to carry
large fuel tanks for oxygen if this idea would work. These new engines could make it possible to
accomplish space flight with vehicles resembling a supersonic airliner. Others took Ferri’s idea
and ran with it. They named the new engine the supersonic combustion ramjet, or scramjet.66
NASA placed dummy scramjet engines on the X-15 so they could monitor airflows in
and around the engine at hypersonic speeds. There, they discovered that engine pods at
hypersonic speeds were dangerous after a pod fell off and nearly downed one of the X-15s. The
engine needed to blend in with the fuselage.67
Scramjet technology developed slowly. Furthermore, there were only two companies
involved in scramjet research.68 Their early research came up short and neither of them had a
working prototype when the allocated funds ran out. Therefore, the government was forced to
stop financing the research. Development also slowed because solid fueled rocket technology
matured enough to become the primary means of getting items into space. However, the United
States government took control of the hypersonic engine experiments and founded the
Hypersonic Propulsion Branch at NASA-Langley where they conducted high-speed wind tunnel
experiments with hypersonic engines.

Thomas A. Heippenheimer, 15.
Ibid., 17-18.
Lockheed and General Applied Science Laboratories were the only two companies investigating scramjet
technology during the late 1960s.

Disjointed Space Policy

United States post-Apollo space planning was purposely vague. NASA thought it poor
strategy to broadcast any long-range plans when the costs of new programs were unpredictable
and the country’s focus was on other priorities. High cost plans were sure to seem too excessive
in the Vietnam/Great Society era. Additionally, USAF policy concentrated on both the Cold
War and Vietnam. Any policy to fund research had to compete with these other factors where
any long-range plans might be mistaken as an Air Force or NASA attempt to fish for big
money.69 Therefore, 1960s space diplomacy moved ahead on four principles. The first was the
protection of United States military space programs. The second emphasized United States
cooperation with the USSR in space arms control and space science. The third principle was to
cooperate, and sometime compete with European allies. Lastly, NASA had to keep the
communications satellites operating.70 There was no national policy or attempt to produce a
hypersonic vehicle.
The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 resulted in a collective inaction problem that affected
hypersonic bomber development because it eliminated an important incentive for military space
development, the country’s personal gain.71 The treaty prohibited nuclear weapons in outer
space and prevented military operations on the moon. However, it did not demilitarize space.72
What the treaty did do was to discourage productive competition between the United States and
Soviet Union. This effectively drained away twenty years of Cold War energy from space.73
Subsequently, the emphasis to continue hypersonic research waned.
The fears and hopes of 1969 also distracted United States hypersonic development.
There was the fear of social disintegration fueled by the Vietnam War. It was difficult to invest
in a hypersonic program while the nation focused on social control. However, there was a hope
that the government could do the same thing to alleviate poverty, pollution, and decaying cities
that it did to the Apollo program. It was the hope for human capability in the face of terrible
challenges. Just as NASA helped the United States beat the Soviets in the space race, so the

Walter A. McDougal, The Heavens and the Earth: A Political History of the Space Age (Baltimore, Md.: The
John Hopkins University Press, 1985), 420.
Ibid., 345-346.
Everett C. Dolman, Astropolitik: Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age (London, Great Britain: Frank Cass
Publishers, 2002), 138.
Walter A. McDougal, 419.
Everett C. Dolman, 137.

country wanted to see the government take on problems that were more down to earth. This took
more attention away from high-priced technology based projects.74 Space flight, including
hypersonic research, now started to become dispensable.
Hypersonic interest increased briefly as the Vietnam War died down and more money
became available.75 However, the nation did not put an effort into building a hypersonic vehicle.
In fact, the long-range bomber force was at its pinnacle. The nation could no longer afford to
build and maintain large numbers of long-range, multiengine bombers. The results are evident
today. The Air Force arsenal decreased from 624 B-52s and FB-111s in 1973 to 266 B-1s, B-2s,
and B-52s in 1993, to approximately 140 heavy bombers in 2005.76

The Roaring 80’s and the X-30 NASP

President Reagan revitalized hypersonic thinking in the 1980s. Reagan was amazed (and
saddened) that no technology existed to protect the Unites Stated from a single missile. He
therefore directed his national security advisor, Daniel Graham, to try to come up with a solution.
In 1982, Graham proposed a Global Ballistic Missile Defense System whose heart would be 432
space-based killer satellites. This was Reagan’s “Star Wars” plan. In addition to a robust laser
defense system, high-performance space planes were also included in the plan.77 Reagan
proposed a new space plane in his 1986 State of the Union address that could one day take
passengers from New York to Tokyo in a little more time than it takes to watch an in-flight
movie.78 This space plane program took the name of the X-30 National Aerospace Plane
(NASP). Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger decided the X-30 would have bombing
capabilities and proceed as a major Defense Department initiative. Both the USAF and NASA
participated in its development. The projected first flight was to be in the early 1990’s.
The NASP combined technology from the Dyna-Soar and Space Shuttle to produce a
vehicle capable of both commercial and military uses. The NASP would be a seed-shaped lifting
body that could take off and land like an airplane. The NASP was an attempt to develop a single
stage to orbit concept using multiple propulsion cycles centered on the duel-mode ramjet­

Walter A. McDougal, 413.
Thomas A. Heippenheimer, 20.
Richard G. Davis, “Strategic Bombardment in the Gulf War,” in Case Studies in Strategic Bombardment, ed R.
Cargill Hill (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1998), 531.
William E. Burrows, 534-535.
Jim Wilson, “Two Hours to Tokyo,” Popular Mechanics 178, no. 7 (July 2001): 65.

scramjet. Among the military missions identified for such a craft were strategic bombing,
reconnaissance, in-orbit inspection, and even interdiction.79 The previous decade’s hypersonic
scramjet work played a significant role in the NASP design.
There were expectations that X-30 technology would result in additional hypersonic
developments. 80 The Air Force believed these follow-on vehicles would be capable of
performing military missions with the speed of an ICBM and the flexibility of a bomber. It
would be the ultimate Cold War asset. This vehicle could be on an alert status, where the crew
could scramble the aircraft, quickly take-off, get into orbit, and then change its flight path as
necessary to confuse any monitoring adversary. In theory, the Soviets could not get an accurate
fix, let alone take an accurate shot at a penetrating hypersonic bomber.81

Troubled Times

Engineers counted on technological discoveries to build the NASP successfully. The

technology to build a prototype did not exist, and thus, the design changed many times. The
original plan was for a small vehicle weighing approximately the same as a large fighter aircraft.
However, the initial designs lacked basic essentials such as landing gear, maneuvering rockets,
and flight safety equipment. The NASP also needed much more fuel than the original designers
envisioned. The NASP grew and grew from takeoff weight and thrust requirements of a fighter
to a craft heavier than any current USAF bomber, over 550,000 pounds. Cost overruns and
delays plagued the program. The original cost estimate was $3.1 billion with a 1993 expected
test flight date. By 1993, the price tag increased to $15 billion and engineers postponed the first
launch until at least 2004. 82 In only seven years, the X-30 expenditures increased 5-fold and the
prototype’s first flight slipped 11 years.
There never was a leading X-30 supporter in the government since the program covered
so many aspects of space. Only the researchers of Air Force Systems command truly advocated
the system, and on the negative side, NASA saw the X-30 as a threat to the space shuttle.

Paul B. States, Space and National Security (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1987), 43.
Stephen L. Davis, “Speed Kills: Implications of Prompt Global Strike” (master’s thesis, School of Advanced Air
and Space Studies, June 2003), 9.
Rebecca Grant, “Is the Spaceplane Dead?,” Air Force Magazine 84, no. 11 (November 2001), 69.
Thomas A. Heippenheimer, 21.

Thousands of shuttle related jobs would be lost if the NASP succeeded.83 Furthermore, the Air
Force’s Strategic Air Command (SAC) and Space Command concentrated on operational issues,
to include current bomber and missile forces in addition to the existing space systems.84 SAC
and Space Command therefore were reluctant to advocate a program that had no direct linkage to
a future capability.
The X-30 NASP never got off the ground. It took early hits when the program underwent
budget cuts within a year of President Reagan’s announcement. Additionally, the contractors
failed to build anything larger than the fuel tank. The NASP’s biggest accomplishments were
wind-tunnel tests of experimental scramjet engines. Then the Soviet Union collapsed and the
immediate need for the bomber disappeared.85 Therefore, it was no surprise that with design
problems, escalating costs, diminutive support, and declining military spending, the DoD
officially cancelled the X-30 NASP in 1995.86 Steven Walker, the director of DARPA’s
FALCON program says the NASP’s demise resulted in part from trying to do too much too soon
in the push for a reusable hypersonic system. In other words, the designers were not willing to
do a stair step approach. They tried to invent the multiple technologies necessary to build the X­
30 all at the same time.87

Mid-1990s Efforts

In 1994, a new United States Space Transportation Policy formally divided the effort on
launch vehicles between the NASA and the DoD. NASA was given the responsibility to develop
new reusable launch vehicles (RLV) and the DoD covered expendable launch vehicles (ELV).
The X-33, X-34, and the evolved expendable launch vehicle (EELV) are programs that flowed
directly from this space strategy. The USAF also dug up the Dyna-Soar. The USAF needed a
manned spaceplane if it was going to control space, or somehow achieve space superiority. The
Space Military Vehicle, renamed the Space Operations Vehicle (SOV) received its start during
this period. A team of Air Force and NASA engineers worked on the concept and eight

NASP program managers projected the X-30 follow-on could accomplish spacelift from anywhere between $50
and $400 per pound as compared to the Space Shuttles cost of $4,300 per pound.
Larry Schweikart, “Hypersonic Hopes: Planning for NASP, 1986-1991,” Air Power History 41, no. 1 (Spring
1994), 39.
Jim Wilson, “Two Hours to Tokyo,” Popular Mechanics 178, no. 7 (July 2001): 67.
Thomas A. Heippenheimer, 23.
John Cost, “Weapons Delivery Goes Hypersonic,” Aerospace America 42, no. 5 (May 2004), 40.

companies competed for the RLV contract.88 NASA awarded the X-33 contract to Lockheed-
Martin and the X-34 contract to Orbital Sciences.
The X-33 was a lifting body smaller than the space shuttle. The X-33 program focused
on developing an operational demonstration of a low-cost, reliable aircraft-like single stage to
orbit (SSTO) system that required a smaller footprint, or logistics trail, than the current space
systems. NASA was involved because it was already planning a transatmospheric replacement
for the shuttle.89 The DoD was initially involved with the X-33 program, but dropped out after
NASA awarded the contract to Lockheed-Martin.90 Again, as with other proposed space
vehicles, the X-33 was to make the old dream of hypersonic flight into reality.91
The X-34 was another RLV project. The X-34 was a derivative of Orbital Science’s
Pegasus launcher. It would be launched from an L-1011 airliner airframe and then propel itself
to a low earth orbit. The X-34 then could deploy a satellite and then return to land on a
runway.92 The X-34 theoretically could deploy weapons, but that was not its intended purpose.
NASA looked to use the X-34 as a cheaper method to get satellites into orbit and was not
concerned with the hypersonic bombing mission.
Both the X-33 and X-34 promised to test advanced technologies that could be used in
future reusable launch vehicles, but they encountered major problems and delays.93 The
technology for the X-33’s novel aerospike engine and composite fuel tanks did not exist.
Engineers were unable to build lightweight fuel tanks that could hold the extremely cold liquid
fuels required. An accident even damaged one of the hydrogen tanks during a 1999 load test.94
The ELV (and Evolved ELV) is the DoD’s launch system program and is in use today.
The ELV is a family of boosters designed to lift payloads to space. The ELV also can serve as
the first stage of a multi-stage hypersonic bomber. The ELV program survived the budget cuts,

Kelly Spaec and Technology, Kistler Aerospace Corporation, Orbital Sciences, Pioneer Rocketplane, Rotary
Rocket Company, Space Access LLC, Vela Technology Development, and Lockheed Martin Skunk Works are all
developing commercial RLVs.
NASA was the major partner. The Air Force only played a small part, trying to incorporate military-specific
objectives into the X-33. The Air Force spent $16 million of the $163 million spent on the project.
Peter L. Hays, United States Military Space into the Twenty-First Century (Maxwell AFB, Ala.: Air University
Press, 2002), 24.
William E. Burrows, 615.
John A. Tirpak, “The Flight to Orbit,” Air Force 81, no.11 (November 1998), n.p., on-line, Internet, 2 February
2005, available from http://wwww.afa.org/magazine/Nov1998/1198orbit_print.html.
Jeff Foust, “NASA kills X-33 and X-34,” Spaceflight Now, 1 March 2001, n.p., on-line, Internet, 29 January 2005,
available at http://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0103/index2.html.

but got the attention of Congress as the Air Force and Boeing are under investigation for
conspiracy to possess and conceal trade secrets. The ELV class rockets can lift the current SOV
to altitudes and speeds where it can achieve both orbital and hypersonic near-space operations.
The Air Force is developing a SOV, a reusable launch platform that can act as the base
vehicle for a hypersonic military space vehicle. There are many potential SOV configurations,
including launching other vehicles into low-earth or even higher orbits. The USAF chose the
name SOV after President William J. Clinton cut funding to the space military vehicle, its
predecessor. The President did not want to give the impression that the United States was using
space for other than peaceful purposes. However, the USAF has not currently funded the SOV at
levels that will produce an operating system in the near future. It hopes to start development in
2008 and have an initial operating capability by 2014.95 The SOV will have many of the same
technological challenges as a previous hypersonic bomber projects but will try to use existing
technology to overcome them. For instance, an operating scramjet is not required to power the
SOV. The SOV also does not rely on the SSTO requirements NASA puts on their hypersonic
President George W. Bush announced a new spacelift initiative on March 2001 and cut
funding for the X-33 and X-34 even before NASA flew any test flights.96 The government
determined the benefits gained from testing the two X-vehicles (X-33 and X-34) did not justify
the required expenditure. Higher priorities, such as developing the technology for the next-
generation RLV and other programs under the spacelift initiative received funding.97 The
cancellation concerned the Air Force because Air Force Space Command (AFSC), thinking they
could piggyback on some of NASA’s technology breakthroughs, saw the X-33 as a major step in
developing the SOV.
The X-33 and X-34 programs may have failed because they were too ambitious. Again,
just as with the X-30, NASA cancelled the X-33 program in part due to a lack of technological
developments, particularly in high temperature materials and structural concepts appropriate to

Douglas J. Dolvin, “Integrating Vehicle Concepts and Critical Technologies for High-Speed Aerospace Vehicles,”
AFRL Horizons, September 2002, n.p., on-line, Internet, 4 February 2005, available at http://
Peter L. Hays, 23.
Jeff Foust, n.p.

them. 98 The thinking was ahead of the time. Additionally, a military study conducted by the Air
Force Studies Board determined there was not a firm military operational concept for
applications of hypersonic aircraft.99 Without an operational concept, or at least some sort of
doctrine it is difficult to determine or even design capabilities and specifications into a
hypersonic vehicle.

Hyper-X Program

The X-43 was NASA’s first vehicle in the Hyper-X series of experimental hypersonic
test vehicles. Hyper-X series started in 1996 as a follow up program of the X-30 NASP.100 The
Hyper-X program intent is to demonstrate scramjet operations at hypersonic speeds.101 NASA
built the X-43A, the first of three vehicle types, to demonstrate air breathing engine technologies
for future hypersonic aircraft and space vehicles achieving speeds greater than Mach 5. The
more advanced X-43B and C were supposed to accelerate to the hypersonic window themselves
without a rocket boost and explore even higher hypersonic speed operations.102 One thing was
different about this program. It focused solely on flight evaluations and not on developing an
operational vehicle. Therefore, there was no operational mission envisioned for the X-43
research vehicle, only research.103
The first X-43A flight failed after two elevons fell off the Pegasus booster eight seconds
after it launched from the B-52 mother ship. The vehicle and booster then went out of control
and engineers triggered the booster’s self-destruct mechanism.104 NASA launched a second X­
43A on 27 March 2004. The booster held together and the X-43 achieved a powered scramjet
run at Mach 5 for a short time before fuel ran out and the vehicle glided to an ocean splashdown.

Mark J. Lewis, “The Promise of Hypersonic Flight,” Physics World, December 2003, n.p., on-line, Internet, 16
November 2004, available from http://physicsweb.org/articles/world/16/12/6.
Hypersonic Technology for Military Application, National Research Council Report (Washington, D.C.: National
Academy Press, 1989), 1.
Michael O. Lavitt, “Hypersonic Successor,” Aviation Week and Space Technology 140, no. 20 (16 May 1994),
Allison Connolly, “The X-43A Streaks into Aircraft History,” The Virginian-Pilot, 17 November 2004, n.p., on­
line, Internet, 8 February 2005, available from http://home.hamptonroads.com/stories/story.cfm?
Evaluation of the National Aerospace Initiative, National Research Council of the National Academies Report
(Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press, 2004), 109-110.
John W. Hicks and Gary Tripensee, “Hypersonic X-Plane Flight Development of Technologies and Capabilities
for the 21st Century Access to Space,” Address, AGARD Future Aerospace Technology in Service to the Alliace,
Paris, France, 18 April 1997.
“Hyper-X Setback,” Air and Space Smithsonian 16, no. 3 (August/September 2001), 7.

The third and final X-43A flight achieved Mach 9.8 (around 7,000 mph) for 10 seconds,
flying almost 2 miles a second.106 The third X-43A launch marked the end of the Hyper-X
program as NASA cancelled the X-43B and C so the agency could concentrate on other
technologies. NASA will gain much valuable data from the two successful X-43 launches. The
key will be the matching of data taken from the flight and comparing it to the information
extracted from the wind tunnel tests. Then NASA will compare the data to computer models and
analyze it to design better engines.107
The DoD is now the prime contractor for overseeing hypersonic research, but NASA will
still contribute to scramjet research. The DoD started work on a second phase of Hyper-X by
awarding a $41.6 million contract to four developmental teams. However, the main effort will
shift to developing small launch vehicle prototypes capable of carrying a 1,000-pound satellite
into space for less than $5 million by 2007.108 This research will only benefit hypersonic bomber
technology, as orbital speeds need to pass through the near-space hypersonic speed envelope.
Additionally, the USAF and DARPA have teamed up to develop military applications of
hypersonic technology under the FALCON program.

The FALCON Project

DARPA is searching for key technologies that will allow the United States to overcome
the failure to successfully engage and destroy high value, time critical targets in conflict.109
DARPA created the Force Application and Launch from CONUS (FALCON) program as a
“long view” plan to provide the DoD with a reusable hypersonic cruise vehicle (HCV) by
2025.110 However, the USAF has learned from the past and made FALCON’s initial goals less
ambitious than the X-30 NASP. The intent is to develop and validate in-flight technologies that
will allow both near and far term capabilities to execute time-critical, prompt global-reach
missions. FALCON will have a near term goal of developing a hypersonic military vehicle using
existing technologies. The programs first aspiration is to build a capable hypersonic vehicle that
will not require a national expenditure on the magnitude of the X-20, X-30, or X-33. To

“Extreme Speed,” Weekly Reader – Senior 82, no. 25 (7 May 2004), 7.
Guy Gugliotta, “NASA Scramjet Beats Air Speed Record Again,” Washington Post, 17 November 2004, A8.
Thomas A. Heippenheimer, 25.
Allison Connolly, “The Final Flight of X-43A,” The Virginia-Pilot, 8 November 2004, n.p.
“USAF Invites Hypersonic Ideas,” Professional Engineering 16, no. 12 (9 July 2003): 12.
Ben Iannotta, “Paving the Way,” Armed Forces Journal, January 2004, 24.

accomplish this DARPA hopes to accomplish this first phase by building a small launch vehicle
(SLV), a simpler and shorter-term version of the HCV.111
The initial phase of FALCON was a six-month study to develop conceptual designs,
performance predictions, and demonstration plans for the SLV. Nine companies participated in
the first phase (29 contractors bid for it). 112 One proposed near-term SLV capability will be
conducted by way of a rocket boosted, expendable munitions delivery system that carries its
payload to the target by executing boost-glide maneuvers at hypersonic speeds. This concept
allows the SLV to deploy a Common Aero Vehicle (CAV) capable of delivering up to 1,000
pounds of munitions to a target 3,000 nautical miles down-range. The use of rockets allows the
FALCON program to concentrate on the technologies needed to make the reusable hypersonic
cruise vehicle itself, and not the engine. Since there are no scramjet engines to develop, DARPA
expects the SLV to fly by 2010. 113 The powered HCV program can gain from knowledge
obtained from the gliders and apply that understanding to future programs.114
FALCON’s HCV capability entails developing a reusable, hypersonic bomber capable of
delivering 12,000 pounds of payload to a target 9,000 nautical miles from a CONUS launch in
less than two hours. In other words, DARPA and the USAF are trying to develop a true
hypersonic bomber. The FALCON program also addresses many high priority mission areas and
applications such as global presence, space control, and space lift.115 Four contractors received
funding awards totaling more than $41 million to conduct a 10-month preliminary design and
developmental effort and move forward on their current launch vehicle designs.116

Andrews Space Inc., Lockheed Martin Co., and Northrop Grumman have the contract to explore a hypersonic
vehicle that an SLV could launch, or even takeoff from a runway.
K. L. Vantran, “FALCON Phase 1 Contractors Selected,” American Forces Information Service News Articles,
22 December 2003, n.p., on-line, Internet, 5 November 2004, available from http://www.
defenselink.mil/news/Dec2003/n12222003 _200312221.html.
Tariq Malik, “Going Hypersonic: Flying FALCON for Defense,” Space.com, 23 July 2003, n.p., on-line,
Internet, 9 November 2004, available from http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/darpa_falcon_ 030723.html.
John Cost, 40.
Evaluation of the National Aerospace Initiative, 114.
“Hypersonic Research,” Signal 59, no. 3 (November 2004), 6. The four companies competing for the small
launch vehicle contract are Airlaunch LLC, Lockheed Martin, Microcosm Incorporated, and Space Exploration

Transformation and a New Push towards Hypersonic Planes

USAF interest in hypersonic programs appears to go in cycles. The USAF approves new
proposals only to quickly cut funds after a prototype develops slower than required to justify the
massive expenditure necessary to continue. This happens, in part, because prior to 2001 there
was no clear statement on the mission needs for a hypersonic vehicle. 117 In 2001, however, the
National Aerospace Initiative, the Quadrennial Defense Review, and the resulting National
Military Strategy made significant changes with major impacts on hypersonic flight programs.

National Aerospace Initiative

In 2001, the DoD and NASA joined forces and developed the National Aerospace Initiative
(NAI). The NAI has three scopes of study and encourages sharing technology with other
projects. The three scopes of study are hypersonics, access to space, and space technology.118
The initiative emphasizes the first two because the space technologies scope was too broad to
focus on. The NAI brought together essentially all existing United States programs and
attempted to lay out a high speed/hypersonics technology roadmap.119 This creates an
environment where technologies from a different program, or pillar, can now benefit the
development of another. For example, the space access pillar may use the hypersonic pillar’s air
breathing scramjet engine as the second stage in a two stage to orbit (TSTO) launch system.
Therefore, the stage is now set for synergistic effects that can occur as technology gained from
one pillar enables a system in another.
The near-space region again received a national focus. The NIA provided focus and critical
mass to hypersonic science and technology development. It also offered the framework for the
long-term commitment needed to develop this challenging technology.120

Why and Wither Hypersonics Research in the US Air Force, vi.
Evaluation of the National Aerospace Initiative, vii.
Ibid., 24. A few of the different hypersonic research projects in 2001 were Army Hypersonic Missile, the Navy
Hypersonics Flight Demonstrator Program (HyFly), the Air Force Single-Engine Demonstrator, The Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Responsive Access, Small Cargo, Affordable Launch (RASCAL),
and NASA’s Next-Generation Launch Technology (NGLT).
Craig Covault, “Hypersonics Strategy Sets Stage for Next Great Step,” Aviation Week and Space Technology
154, no. 13 (26 March 2001), 29.

Rumsfield’s Plea

The Secretary of Defense called on the United States military to transform its forces and
capabilities in the 2001 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR). This continues the transformation
called for in the 1997 National Military Strategy. The 2001 QDR claims increasing diversity in
the sources and unpredictability in the location of potential future conflicts is going to be the
norm of future conflict. Not only will the location and type of conflict be unpredictable, but it
will also vary to such a degree that the United States will not be able to use deployed forces to
access all future enemies.121 The QDR expounds several tenets that comprise the essence of
United States defense strategy. These tenets are managing risks, developing a capabilities based
approach, defending the United States and projecting military power, strengthening alliances and
partnerships, maintaining favorable regional balances, and developing a broad portfolio of
military capabilities. The Secretary also stresses the need to develop transformational
capabilities to carry out new defense strategies and meet the demands of the 21st century.122
Hypersonic bombers fit right in.
The QDR creates an environment that promotes hypersonic research and development.
Hypersonic bombers can fill the QDR proposition to ensure contact with enemies and places
denying access to deployed forces. In addition, hypersonic bombers specifically help the 2001
QDR tenets “A Capabilities-Based Approach,” “Defending the United States and Projecting
United States Military Power,” and “Developing a Broad Portfolio of Military Capabilities.”
Capability based approaches include long-range precision strike. A hypersonic bomber can
project power at long ranges to “deter threats to the United States and when necessary, to disrupt,
deny, or destroy hostile entities at a distance.”123 Hypersonic vehicles also create substantial
margins of advantage across key areas of military competition and ensure access to distant
The National Military Strategy also mentions the need to transform to meet the
challenges of the twenty first century. The strategy identifies the need to ensure access to
distance theaters and protect United States space assets. It encourages innovation within the

Quadrennial Defense Review Report, Department of Defense Report (Washington, D.C.: Department of Defense,
30 September 2001), 12.
Ibid., 13-14.

armed forces and taking full advantage of science and technology.124 Additionally, the Security
Strategy identifies the need to create desired effects within hours of tasking, anywhere on the
globe, including locations deep within an adversary’s territory in its Prompt Global Strike Needs
Statement. Other documents support a hypersonic bombing capability.
The USAF Posture Statement 2003 and America’s Air Force Vision describe the tenets of
Global Vigilance, Global Reach, and Global Power and the concepts of operations under which
the Air Force operates. The fourfold objectives are first, to transform the Air Force into a
capabilities-focused expeditionary air and space force. Second, to make warfighting effects the
drivers for everything the Air Force does. Third, the Air Force will provide necessary resources
expeditiously to the warfighters. Lastly, the Air Force is to guide planning, programming, and
requirements reform. It is clear that a hypersonic bomber could contribute to the achievement of
those objectives.

Where to Now?

President George W. Bush is steering toward dividing NASA and DoD responsibilities.
He reinforced this split in a 2004 space policy speech where he outlined NASA’s three major
goals.125 Although the goals included a replacement vehicle for the shuttle by 2014, there was no
emphasis for NASA to accomplish hypersonic research. Theoretically, testing for the space
shuttle’s replacement, the new Crew Exploration Vehicle, will benefit the hypersonic world, but
there is clearly no civilian hypersonic emphasis.
The President mentioned the need for technological breakthroughs, including engine
propulsion, a key in a truly sustainable, maneuvering hypersonic bomber.126 The scramjet is the
next step in engine propulsion. Its promise of airbreathing flight to orbit stands today as an
unresolved issue for the new century. There is still much to learn. The successful X-43 tests did
not demonstrate that the United States could build anything like the X-30 NASP today.
Significantly, a decade of NASP research in critical fields showed that as the engineers learned
more, the prospects for a hypersonic vehicle grew weaker rather than stronger.127

National Military Strategy of the United States of America, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Washington,
D.C.: US Government Printing Office, 2004), 18.
President George W. Bush, Remarks by the President on United States Space Policy at NASA Headquarters,
Washington D.C., 14 January 2004.
President George W. Bush, 14 January 2004
Thomas A. Heippenheimer, 26.

However, the technology is moving forward and tools for hypersonic flight are becoming
more available each year. Plans are in the works for a new scramjet engine that should be ready
for testing in 2008. These engines should be large enough to fly on prototype hypersonic cruise
vehicles.128 Scramjet technology is only a small piece of the hypersonic flight puzzle, but it has
taken the center stage recently, particularly after the successful X-43 tests. These engines will be
nice to have, and may alleviate other technological problems, but they are not a necessity. A
vehicle can achieve hypersonic speeds without the scramjet. As the FALCON tests progress,
there can be gains in other critical systems necessary for hypersonic flight.
The last 40 years have been a roller coaster for hypersonic bomber development. The
development of the solid fueled rocket and the Cold War pushed the emphasis different
directions and away from the hypersonic bomber. The technology did not exist when the United
States finally attempted to develop the X-30 and X-33. There also was no USAF policy
developed that defined a mission for hypersonic bombers other then the time advantages gained
through speed. The Hyper-X and FALCON projects are attempts to gain lost ground using
technology currently available to springboard future hypersonic activity. These two projects
may be the key to fill the Air Force’s need for speed. The transformation atmosphere in today’s
military provides the foundation needed for hypersonic bombers to take hold.


Airbreathing hypersonic projects in the last 40 years have been a series of starts and stops.
Hypersonic research slowed almost to a standstill following the Dyna-Soar cancellation. The
national space policy and other priorities all caused hypersonic research and funding to stagnate.
A new surge of hypersonic activity occurred in the 1980s. The USAF and NASA unsuccessfully
tried to build the hypersonic X-30 National Aerospace Plane. The designers wanted nothing less
than a fully capable global hypersonic bomber. The X-30 technological requirements ended up
being too much for the times. The same thing happened a little more than a decade later with the
X-33. Technology again limited the X-33 development. The USAF and NASA cut funds after
the program failed to produce any concrete results.

Stanley W. Kandebo, “Bigger May be Better,” Aviation Week and Space Technology 161, no. 7 (16 August
2004), 50.

There are recent bright spots. The NAI is forcing other agencies to cooperate. This allows
developments in one hypersonic program to benefit others. The USAF is also taking a piecemeal
approach to hypersonic development. Instead of trying to build an entire hypersonic vehicle in
one shot, the USAF is conquering the technological challenges one-step at a time. This is
evident with the recent X-43 test flights working specifically on scramjet technology. As the
nation moves closer to having the technology to build a hypersonic bomber, the USAF will need
to make tough decisions on the hypersonic program’s research, development, and production.
To make these decisions, a thorough knowledge of hypersonic flight’s advantages and
disadvantages is needed.

Chapter Three

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly:

Hypersonic Advantages and Disadvantages

The hypersonic bomber is a transformational system that can fill a critical niche within
the Air Force’s future global strike task force. Hypersonic flight offers the promise of new
attributes for dramatically expanding and improving USAF capabilities and mission execution.
Many publications expound hypersonic flight’s exciting potential. Most give simple statements
of tantalizing new capabilities, such as how terrific hypersonic speeds will be for global
bombing. However, there are very few, if any sources listing both the advantages and
disadvantages of a hypersonic bomber. This chapter is an attempt to contrast the good and bad
characteristics of hypersonic flight in one location.


Hypersonic flight is consistent with classic tenants of warfare. For instance, Sun Tzu
declared, “Rapidity is the essence of war.”129 Hypersonic speeds offer the rapidity Sun Tzu
spoke of over global distances. Furthermore, J. F. C. Fuller taught that a nation’s combined
tactics had to form around its weapon of greatest reach.130 A hypersonic bomber clearly would
be one of the USAF’s weapons of greatest reach. A hypersonic bomber offers a blend of speed,
range, and flexibility that is presently unequaled in other systems.131
Hypersonic bombers provide several advantages. First, their speed allows rapid global
response, offering new capabilities in a crisis. They may even limit escalation by providing a
rapid show of force in a few hours. Second, they may eliminate or at least reduce the need for
Lionel Giles, Sun Tzu on the Art of War (London, England: British Museum, 1910), 72, 110.
Colonel J.F.C. Fuller, The Foundations of the Science of War (London, England: Hutchinson and Company,
1926), 149-150.
Why and Wither Hypersonics Research in the US Air Force, United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board
Report SAB-TR-00-03 (Washington, D.C.: United States Air Force, December 2000), 9.

forward basing. Third, they are more survivable than other aircraft. Lastly, they could carry a
variety of weapons. These weapons would be as accurate as today’s munitions, and would bring
incredible standoff distances.

Basic Capabilities

The most compelling reason to build a hypersonic bomber is speed. Speed gives the
USAF the capability to respond to almost any crisis in a timely manner. A hypersonic bomber
allows for rapid response times from either the continental United States or forward operating
locations. The hypersonic bombers will allow the USAF to execute long-range strike operations
without the need to deploy a large number of support or strike forces. This high speed
additionally increases the USAF ability to respond to time sensitive targets (TSTs) with limited
windows of vulnerability or attack opportunity.
A goal of DARPA’s Force Application and Launch from CONUS (FALCON) hypersonic
program is to develop the capability to strike anywhere in the world within two hours.132 Basic
mathematics says this will require an average speed of 4,500 mph, or almost Mach 7 to strike a
target 9,000 miles away.133 Using the same guidance, it will require a speed of Mach 9 to reach
targets on the exact opposite side of the earth within two hours. The craft would further need to
fly in the near-space environment at altitudes between 100,000 feet to 300,000 feet.134
Hypersonic bombers will improve the USAF strike capability. Planners can easily work
hypersonic bombers into an Air Tasking Order (ATO) strike package. The hypersonic bomber
can be on the leading edge of a global strike task force opening land, sea, and air corridors for
joint strike packages in conflicts where there are anti-access issues and asymmetric threats to
deal with. This provides the USAF with an impervious strike platform capable of precision
engagement as well as gaining predictive battle space awareness throughout the theater in all
conflict phases.135
Hypersonic bombers will be more flexible than current space launch systems. A
hypersonic bomber will be reusable consistent with other bomber operations today. The

“Hypersonic Bomber,” Popular Mechanics 180, no 9 (September 2003), 23.
John Cost, “Weapons Delivery Goes Hypersonic,” Aerospace America 42, no. 5 (May 2004): 39.
Seymour M. Bogdonoff, Hypersonic Flight Vehicles: Perspective and Prognosis, Princeton University Report
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1999), 6.
The Military Spaceplane: Providing Transformational and Responsive Global Precision Striking Power, One
Team White Paper on the Operational Utility of a Military Spaceplane (Peterson AFB, Colo.: One Team, January
2002), 2.

hypersonic bomber will be able to takeoff and land from a conventional military runway and
carry a 12,000-pound payload capable of a high-speed munitions release.136 It will not be limited
to static launch sites as today’s land-based rocket force is. The fleet size will be similar to the B­
2 bomber, measured in tens and twenties, and not hundreds.137
Hypersonic engines will be air-breathing scramjets. Air-breathing engines have several
advantages over rockets. NASA’s recent X-43 test flight showed that vehicle technologies might
someday yield sustained air-breathing cruise speeds of Mach 7 or more.138 Mach 7 is an
important number because it is the minimum speed guaranteed survivability in today’s threat
environment. An air-breathing engine uses oxygen from the atmosphere instead of a carried
oxidizer. Therefore, to produce the same thrust, air-breathing engines require less than one-
seventh the propellant that rockets do. This results in lighter, smaller, and cheaper launch
vehicles. Missions can also be more flexible because a hypersonic vehicle will be more
maneuverable than a long-range rocket. Furthermore, there is a higher safety factor. A
hypersonic flight can takeoff from a typical bomber runway, abort on the climb out, and then
glide back to a multitude of landing fields. The sortie does not need to launch over the ocean as
space flights do now and hence, will not be restricted by the distance to a suitable landing field.
Something needs to accelerate an air-breathing bomber to hypersonic velocities, since
scramjets only work at high speeds. One method to accelerate the hypersonic vehicle to high
speeds is to use a two-stage system. The first stage would accelerate both the booster and
vehicle to high speeds. The hypersonic bomber would then separate and continue its mission.
Today, the first stage is normally a rocket booster that falls into the atmosphere or into the ocean
when its fuel is spent. However, future first stages need to be reusable if there are going to be
quick and efficient turnarounds.
There could be some advantages for a reusable two-stage launch system. For instance,
the USAF could employ both stages for global attack missions. The first stage could even
continue on a different mission after launching the hypersonic bomber, performing the same
missions envisioned for the regional bomber. The second stage would be the long-range
hypersonic bomber. These two-stage dual-use vehicles could also augment conventional

Military Spaceplane System Roadmap: Operationally Responsive Spacelift for the 21st Century, Volume 2
(DRAFT), Air Force Space Command White Paper (Colorado Springs, Col.: AFSPC, 31 May 2003), 40.
John Cost, “Weapons Delivery Goes Hypersonic,” Aerospace America 42, no. 5 (May 2004), 39.
John Cost, 42.

transport aircraft. For instance, after separation, the first stage could employ to the theater in
minutes rather than hours to deliver equipment, spare parts, or personnel during time-critical
The capability exists for a hypersonic vehicle to have other missions besides bombing. A
hypersonic bomber can be equipped to conduct surveillance and reconnaissance. Pre and post
strike reconnaissance is a necessary part of bombing missions. A hypersonic reconnaissance
capability will augment and replenish space-based ISR capabilities. The hypersonic bomber can
help ensure that commanders can see the enemy while effectively commanding and controlling
their own forces from peacetime through war termination.140

Anti-Access Environments

Hypersonic bombers can be the key enablers that knock down the door for follow on
forces. An enemy’s long-range strike assets may hold USAF regional combat assets at risk. The
USAF must have assured access to gain strategic control. A hypersonic bomber is vital in this
environment because of its ability to strike high-priority targets such as air defense batteries,
command and control infrastructure, and missile batteries that keep current United States forces
out of striking distance. A hypersonic bomber can strike these targets without regard to
asymmetric threats that further impede conventional forces.141 Directly striking these threats
may allow the United States to act at anytime, any place, without its adversary dictating the pace
or flow of USAF operations. In doing so, a long-range hypersonic bomber will contribute to
strategic control.142
Hypersonic capabilities will free the military from relying on overseas air bases to station
bombers and tankers to support them.143 The current and future international political
environment severely constrains this country’s ability to conduct long-range strike missions on
high value, time critical targets from outside the continental United States. It is easy to imagine

Why and Wither Hypersonics Research in the US Air Force, 51-52.
The Military Spaceplane, 2.
Jack Spencer, “Guidelines for Modernizing America’s Armed Forces,” The Heritage Foundation Backgrounder,
28 March 2001, 10., on-line, Internet, 4 January 2005, available from http://www.heritage.
Long Range Global Precision Engagement Study, Department of Defense Planning Guidance (Washington, D.C.:
Department of Defense, 1 April 2003), 8.
Andrew Bridges, “U.S. Military Seek Global-Reach Bomber,” The Honolulu Advisor, 8 December 2003, n.p., on­
line, Internet, available from http. Available from http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/article/2003/

a critical need to project United States power worldwide without waiting for permission to use
overseas bases or for overflight permission. Access to facilities is likely to be a problem in
future conflicts. Host nations also will likely have a say in target selection. A hypersonic
bomber will give the United States the capability to project United States uninhibited power
worldwide without waiting for either permission to use overseas basing or overflight rights, thus
allowing unfettered access to strike every target. Furthermore, it can be difficult to base strike
aircraft close enough to adversaries so that the strike assets will not tie up valuable tankers.
Early warning and other aircraft detection capabilities are increasing. The Chinese are
developing a passive defense system that can detect the slight turbulence of commercial radio
and television waves caused by aircraft flight. This capability could prove effective against
stealthy aircraft.144 A hypersonic aircraft has the potential to survive without dependency on
stealth. By the time it is detected in the atmosphere, it is too late for an enemy to react. Speed,
altitude, and standoff all ensure survivability. Lastly, it provides a surveillance capability when
the enemy compromises other assets.145


Survivability in a high threat environment is one of the hypersonic bombers most

important characteristics.146 The hypersonic bomber’s high operating speed and flight altitude
provide inherent defenses against fairly robust and integrated air defense systems (IADS).
Current fighters will not be able to engage a hypersonic bomber. Few surface-to-air missiles
(SAMs) have the capability to intercept a highflying hypersonic bomber successfully.
Consider for example, a Mach 7 hypersonic bomber against capable threats. The SA-5,
SA-10, and SA-12 are used because they are capable high-altitude missiles that have unclassified
parameters listed in Jane’s publications. Using the last test of the X-43 as an example a
hypersonic bomber, parameters are 4900 mph (Mach 7) at 100,000 feet.147 Jane’s claims the SA­

Jack Spencer, “Guidelines for Modernizing America’s Armed Forces,” The Heritage Foundation Backgrounder,
28 March 2001, n.p., on-line, Internet, 4 January 2005, available from http://www.heritage.
Michael W. Kehoe and Rodney H. Ricketts, “Getting Up to Speed in Hypersonic Structures,” Aerospace America
30, no. 9 (September 1992), 19.
Peregrine Hypersonic Strike Fighter Weapons System, A proposal in response to the AIAA Foundation Graduate
Team Aircraft Design Competition request for proposals (Atlanta, Ga.: Georgia Institute of Technology, 5 June
2000), i.
Mach 1 at standard day conditions at sea level is approximately 761 mph. The speed in mph decreases to 660
mph around 40,000 feet and then slowly increases again to above 700 mph at altitudes greater than 120,000 feet.

5’s best missiles fly at speeds up to Mach 8 and are capable of striking targets at 130,000 feet.148
However, the maximum target velocity for the SA-5 is approximately 2600 mph, and therefore
cannot hit a hypersonic bomber.
The SA-10 can fly at speeds up Mach 6 and hit targets as high as 150,000 feet but its
maximum target speed is 2610 mph and thus cannot hit a hypersonic bomber at 100,000 feet.
However, Jane’s claims the SA-12’s maximum target speed is over 6500 mph, or Mach 9.5.
This is greater than the notional Mach 7 hypersonic bomber speed. Nevertheless, Jane’s claims
the SA-12’s maximum effective altitude is 98,000 feet. Therefore, a hypersonic bomber can also
operate unimpeded near an SA-12 “Giant” surface-to-air missile system.
The previous examples demonstrated that a hypersonic bomber stands a good chance of
surviving against the best air defenses currently available. Survivability chances only go up as
the speed increases. The Air Force Scientific Advisory Board claims a Mach 15 hypersonic
bomber could elude any enemy missile defense systems.149 An anti-ballistic missile system
(ABM), such as Russia’s Gazelle ABM-3 system could be a threat, but standoff weapons can
counter it. Thus, it appears that air defense systems will have considerable difficulty against a
hypersonic bomber and its fast flying warheads.

Weapons Type and Payload

The United States continually demonstrates the need for a weapons platform that can
respond in a timely manner to take out high value, time critical targets from a standoff distance.
A hypersonic bomber will be able to accomplish this. The USAF desires a 12,000-pound
payload for its hypersonic bombers. This allows the bomber to carry a payload equivalent to six
2,000-pound Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs).
The hypersonic bomber primary weapon will be the common aero vehicle (CAV). A
CAV can deliver several different types of explosives or warheads.150 The CAV is a
maneuvering reentry vehicle designed to bring weapons down through the atmosphere making it

Mach 1 is 675 mph at 100,000 feet on a standard day. For this paper, the author chose to approximate Mach 1 at
700 mph to average the time a projectile traverses the entire airspace spectrum.
The author used unclassified data taken from “Jane’s Land-Based Air Defense documents” for this study.
Jim Wilson, “Two Hours to Tokyo,” Popular Mechanics 178, no. 7 (July 2001): 67.
Airlaunch LLC, Andrews Space Inc, Exquadrum, Inc., KT Engineering, Lockheed Martin, Mococosm Inc.,
Orbital Sciences Corp., Scafer Corp., and Space Exploration Technologies each received a contract to propose a
small launch vehicle that would launch FALCON weapons.

possible to withstand the extreme heats associated with the friction of the atmosphere.151 The
CAV denotes a common, aero thermodynamic, maneuvering reentry vehicle that could carry
multiple payloads for dispensing or direct impact. The hypersonic bomber would launch the
CAV into a suborbital trajectory.152 The CAV will then act as a reentry “shell” that can
maneuver to deliver one or more accurate munitions.153 CAV development is currently
underway with four companies receiving federal contracts to study hypersonic weapons.154
Each CAV will carry a variety of submunitions. The payload can vary from low-cost
autonomous attack submunitions to small bombs to a single penetrating warhead. One of these
warheads is a 1,000-pound class designed to penetrate into deeply buried targets. It will have an
impact speed of up to 4,000 feet per second (approx. 2,700 mph, or Mach 3.5) and be accurate to
within three meters.155 CAV’s can even supplement ISR assets. A CAV can carry small-
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for possible use as a battle damage assessment tool or to look
for targets of opportunity for subsequent aircraft.156
Hypersonic impact speeds allow for smaller weapons. Weight comparisons of a large
gravity bomb and an equivalent hypersonic penetrator indicate the weapon can achieve the same
effects with reduced weights. For example, a 250-pound bomb can do the same damage as a
5,000-pound bomb. Since the penetration depth is proportion to its kinetic energy (equal to ½ M
× V2, where M is the weapons mass and V is its velocity), a reduction of 20 times in weight can
be traded for a 201/2 (or square root of 20) increase in velocity. For example, the GBU-28 bunker
buster’s impact velocity can be as high as 1,300 feet/second. Using the above scaling, a 250­
pound hypersonic penetrator’s velocity must be approximately 4.5 times faster, or approximately
5,800 ft/second to achieve the same effects. In practice, the velocity scaling is more favorable,
and the scaled velocity needs to be only about 3,000 ft/sec. This is in the CAVs capability since

Military Spaceplane System Roadmap, 11.
John Cost, 41.
Frank Colucci, “FALCON Aims at Global Striking Power,” Military Aerospace Technology 3, no. 2 (25 June
2004), n.p. on-line, Internet, 8 Mar 2005, available from http://www.military-earospace-technology.
“Four Military Contractors to Study Hypersonic Weapons,” New York Times, 26 November 2003, C4. The four
companies are Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Boeing Co., and Andrews Space
Ben Iannotta, “Paving the Way,” Armed Forces Journal, January 2004, 24.
Why and Wither Hypersonics Research in the US Air Force, 51.

they have the potential of achieving impact velocities of approximately 4,000 feet per second.157
This could be an important advantage for use with hypersonic strike aircraft. A booster motor on
a hypersonic penetrator can increase the desired weapons effects.158
Another option is an inert glide bomb. It would weigh less than current munitions.
However, the mass of the glide bomb alone would be sufficient to destroy a target upon impact
because of the high impact speeds resulting from a hypersonic weapons delivery.159 Friction
would not significantly slow the inert weapons to where there would be a need for explosives.
This is very similar to the concept of space based inert weapons.
A significant advantage is the range from which a hypersonic bomber can deploy a CAV.
A hypersonic CAV release may be over 3000 miles away, while the cross-range, or capability to
strike offset the target, can be as much as 800 miles.160 All this should occur in 800 seconds, or a
little over 13 minutes from launch to strike.161 Plans call for an enhanced CAV (ECAV) with
even more capability. The ECAV will be able to glide for over 10,000 miles with a cross-range
of over 3,400 miles.162 The ECAV’s time of flight is 3,000 seconds, or 50 minutes.163 The
ECAV gives the hypersonic bomber true global reach.
The extended CAV and ECAV flight times seem to negate the hypersonic time sensitive
targeting (TST) capability, but there are other capabilities. Fixed targets will not be the only
available strike option. A CAV can take en route targeting updates or even wave off orders
based on TST procedures. Therefore, hypersonic bombers can strike mobile targets. A CAV
may also maneuver around terminal defenses, giving the weapon additional flexibility.164
Hypersonic bombers also increase the USAF’s nuclear options. The bomber will be able
to deliver a nuclear weapon quickly to the other side of the world. However, unlike
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), it will be recallable independent of a man in the loop
or not. A hypersonic bomber will bring a better balance to the USAF bomber fleet. It will bring

Frank Colucci, “FALCON Aims at Global Striking Power,” Military Aerospace Technology 3, no. 2 (25 June
2004), n.p. on-line, Internet, 8 Mar 2005, available from http://www.military-earospace-technology.
Why and Wither Hypersonics Research in the US Air Force, G-7.
“Hypersonic Bomber,” Popular Mechanics 180, no 9 (September 2003), 23.
Major Jake Porter, “CAV benefits to the Warfighter,” AFSPC/DRMF Presentation, 3 Feb 03.
John Cost, 41.
Ben Iannotta, 24.
John Cost, 41.
Frank Colucci, “FALCON Aims at Global Striking Power,” Military Aerospace Technology 3, no. 2 (25 June
2004), n.p. on-line, Internet, 8 Mar 2005, available from http://www.military-earospace-technology.

the USAF a platform capable of high speed and altitude, high payload, long range, survivability,
and quick global response with the ability to recall after launch.


The hypersonic bomber, like anything else, has its disadvantages. High development
costs, flight profile problems, surface heating, plasma fields, and testing capability can challenge
any potential military advantage gained by hypersonic speeds.165 This section discusses these
disadvantages associated with hypersonic flight. Several technological problems are important
enough to warrant discussion even though the paper assumes the technology will be available to
overcome them.


High costs have been a major issue with hypersonic development since the beginning.
The government cancelled the Dyna-Soar X-20 in part because of cost. The X-30 and X-33
experienced cost overruns. The projected cost of building X-30 National Aerospace Plane
prototypes was between $5 and $15 billion in 1980’s dollars, plus an additional $1 billion in
research.166 It will only be higher today. NASA cancelled the last two series of X-43 testing
because they needed to spend the money elsewhere. Finally, ACC worries about the huge
developmental costs and the number and type of facilities required to support the research,
development, and testing of hypersonic systems.

The Skip-Glide Reality

The hypersonic bomber concept originally called for continuously skipping out of the
atmosphere on a periodic trajectory to allow the vehicle to cool in areas of less friction and
possibly extend its range by transiting in areas with lower drag. Engineers initially felt this
boost-glide or skipping concept was a feasible method of operation. This is the very concept
called for by Sänger’s Silverbird bomber. However, there are several problems associated with
the skip-glide concept.

Hypersonic Technology for Military Application, National Research Council Report (Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press, 1989), 1.
Pat Jackson, “Gold in the skies?” Ad Astra 2, no. 10 (November 1990), 10.

Oscillatory trajectories reduce a hypersonic vehicles range by as much as 30 percent.
The drag at the lower portion of the periodic trajectories is too strong to maintain energy. The
stresses put on the hypersonic airframe are strong enough that it is questionable whether the
vehicle can survive the large changes in angle of attack, airflow, and intense heating. The pull-
up maneuvers also produces higher peak heating, with repeated thermal and mechanical
cycling.167 The boost-glide concept also has problems. Engineers doubt whether the propulsion
system can safely shut down and restart without inducing large pitching moments.168 In addition,
rockets are not reliable enough to safely launch and sustain boost-glide operations. There are no
potential improvement advantages over steady state cruise, where the hypersonic vehicles angle
of attack can manage the heat buildup.


The hypersonic bomber faces major challenges in areas of high-temperature structures

and thermal protection – the thermal protection system being the most difficult.169 The technical
challenges of thermal protection increase dramatically as the vehicle speed increases.170
Technology development and demonstration are required to mature critical hypersonic
technologies before building a hypersonic bomber.
A global hypersonic bomber will experience a severe cooling problem. The vehicle flies
its entire flight in the harsh environment that space vehicles only transit through. The whole
flight profile is only a re-entry problem for space vehicles, such as the space shuttle. A
hypersonic bomber is going to experience long exposure times to the high temperatures caused
from the friction of the atmosphere. Thermal protection systems only delay heat build up, and
hypersonic heating problems are more than skin-deep. Designers need to manage the heat that
builds up inside the vehicle also.171 This high-friction, high-temperature environment is a tough
environment in which to operate, as shown with the space shuttle Columbia accident.

Gregory E. Moster and John G. Martin, Oscillatory Trajectories applied to NASA’s DF-7 Configuration, AAIA
Paper 99-4931. Norfolk, Va.: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, November 1999, 9.
Military Spaceplane System Roadmap, 40.
John Cost, 41.
Evaluation of the National Aerospace Initiative, National Research Council of the National Academies Report
(Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press, 2004), 3.
Frank Colucci, “FALCON Aims at Global Striking Power,” Military Aerospace Technology 3, no. 2 (25 June
2004), n.p. on-line, Internet, 8 Mar 2005, available from http://www.military-earospace-technology.

The heat problem differs from the ballistic missile re-entry problem. A ballistic missile
experiences higher temperatures than a hypersonic vehicle, however, the hypersonic bomber
experiences a higher total heat flux.172 One penalty for a hypersonic bomber is the weight of the
coolant required to withstand aerodynamic heating over a longer period.

Plasma Fields

A hypersonic bomber flying above Mach 5 produces an ion sheath that produces plasma
and prevents communication with the vehicle. The plasma shield is the direct result of
compressed shock waves very close to the aircraft’s surface. Shock waves cause friction, friction
increases with speed, and air temperatures get so high chemical reactions change both the
composition and behavior of the airflow over the hypersonic vehicles surface. In other words,
the air gets so hot it ionizes. The ionized air molecules then form a plasma sheet that blocks
communication. This is the same reason why returning spacecraft lose communication when
reentering earth’s atmosphere. There is no particular speed where this occurrence takes place. It
is a function of the vehicle’s geometry.173 However, since vehicles will need to communicate in
the plasma environment, antennas can be built that double as parts of the thermal protection
system.174 Another disadvantage to plasma is that the presence of ionization trails could
facilitate enemy detection of the hypersonic vehicle.175 The detection will be a greater problem
if adversaries develop new defensive systems.
There is a bright spot to plasma. Plasma fields provide the prospect of extracting
incredibly high levels of electrical power, in the range of tens of megawatts, from the hypersonic
vehicle propulsion exhaust stream. A hypersonic bomber can utilize these plasma fields for
power production. Such power levels are high enough to drive directed-energy (DE) weapon
systems. DE weapons have a wide area of possible uses, including space control, SEAD, surface
attack, and counterair missions. Offensive and defensive hypersonic DE weapons could include

Hypersonic Glide Rocket Weapon System, ARDC Abbreviated Development Plan, ARDC Report DD-
R&D/A/119 (Baltimore, Md.: Air Research and Development Command, 24 October 1957), 28.
J. Lewis, “The Promise of Hypersonic Flight,” Physics World, December 2003, n.p., on-line, internet, 16
November 2004, available from http://physicsweb.org/articles/world/16/12/6.
Frank Colucci, “FALCON Aims at Global Striking Power,” Military Aerospace Technology 3, no. 2 (25 June
2004), n.p. on-line, Internet, 8 Mar 2005, available from http://www.military-aerospace-technology.
Clarence J. Geiger, History of the X-20A Dyna Soar, Volume I (Narrative), AFSC Historical Publications Series
63-50-I, Document ID ASD-TR-63-50-I. (Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio: Aeronautical Systems Division Information
Office, September 1963), 19.

high-energy laser and microwave systems. DE advantages include a zero-time of flight, wide
area coverage, long-range, a surprise factor, selective targeting abilities, and the capability to hit
many soft targets on a single sortie.176

Testing Restrictions

The need for test facilities that fully simulate the hypersonic flight problems is a key
element in hypersonic vehicle construction. This requires a long-term commitment to build as
well as a commitment to long-term hypersonic programs to use the facilities. In other words,
there needs to be a stable program to make the testing facilities feasible. Ground facilities need
to test vehicle prototypes because a flight test is not the time to determine whether there are
major problems that a ground test facility could have identified. If for some reason the test
vehicle is lost, the program stands a greater chance to lose future funding. The idea of building a
flight vehicle without the capability to test most of the known problems on the ground seems


The USAF is not going to build the hypersonic bomber without making sacrifices. The
technological breakthroughs needed to enable this technology require the USAF to make a
dedicated effort over the next several decades. There needs to be facilities capable of ground
testing vehicles at hypersonic speeds. The USAF cannot make the decision to build a hypersonic
bomber by merely weighing the advantages and disadvantages alone. Chapter Four will cover
other important aspects weighing into the design and decision to build a hypersonic bomber.

Why and Wither Hypersonics Research in the US Air Force, 53-54.
Seymour M. Bogdonoff, Hypersonic Flight Vehicles: Perspective and Prognosis, Princeton University Report
(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1999), 6-7.

Chapter Four

Puzzle Pieces:
Other Items Requiring Evaluation

Developing revolutionary technology is not an easy task. There are tough decisions on
how to apply breakthroughs. These decisions go beyond just the technology required to
accomplish the groundbreaking advancement. There is more to consider than just speed, range,
survivability, and payload. This chapter presents other important factors including manned and
unmanned configurations; near-space overflight; opportunity costs; and potential threats that
might warrant the continued research and eventual construction of a hypersonic bomber.

Manned vs. Unmanned

The proposal for unmanned hypersonic vehicles is not new. The USAF considered
making an unmanned hypersonic vehicle at the beginning of program development. However,
unmanned instrumentation at the time did not provide sufficient system flexibility or reliability.
On Bell Aircraft’s BOMI project, the company decided the manned system held the advantage.
However, current and projected technological advances over the next 20 years make an onboard
pilot an option rather than a requirement.
A large technology jump is not required to make an unmanned hypersonic vehicle. Most
space missions are currently unmanned now. They rely on an automated flight control systems.
An internal navigation system (INS) coupled to a GPS would make the system capable of flying
without any required sensor platform to update the bombers position. Bombing systems are
already automatic in other airframes. The technology also exists to land the vehicles either
remotely or even with an automated landing system.
One of the design difficulties of a manned system is the window placement. The extreme
heat makes it impossible to have a forward facing window. A window on a hypersonic vehicle

would only allow the pilot to look directly out the top of the vehicle. There would be no forward
visual ability for takeoffs or landings. Enroute clearing would not occur because there is no
cockpit forward visibility. The window would only give the pilot a good view of the stars.
However, a hypersonic vehicle could utilize a video system for takeoff, refueling (if necessary),
and landings. NASA is developing an external system that gives windowless takeoff and landing
visibility. This system, designed for fast jets where the nose gets in the way of the landing
picture, would work well with a hypersonic system These displays use video images enhanced
by computer-generated graphics to take the place of the view out of the front windows.178
Losses of unmanned vehicles generate fewer problems. Downed unmanned vehicles do
not produce grieving mothers, spouses, or children.179 The idea of unmanned bombers is
particularly appealing to an Air Force that spends millions of dollars to train a pilot and suffers
periodic pilot shortages.180 The national media coverage of such incidents such as the 1995
shoot down of an F-16 over Bosnia was much more intense than the loss of a Predator UAV the
very same day. The Predator loss had almost no coverage. The F-16 shoot down occupied the
media for weeks. The F-117 loss over Serbia in the Kosovo campaign and the loss and capture
of pilots in Iraq also illustrate the point. The USAF took great care to avoid losing a pilot during
Operation Iraqi Freedom. This compares to UAVs flying over heavily defended areas at will
during the same time. A UAV loss diminishes USAF capability. However, the psychological
impact caused from a downed pilot is just not present.
An unmanned hypersonic bomber will be lighter than the manned version. Additionally,
unmanned flights are also cheaper to accomplish because computers can perform all the
functions considered beneficial to the support of military forces without having to sustain a
human body above 50,000 feet.181 This results in a reduced aircraft size, increased operations
capability, and an obvious increase in crew safety. The smaller unmanned hypersonic system
also needs less fuel. Conversely, a manned systems additional weight necessitates a significant
increase in the fuel load required to travel the same distance. The hypersonic bomber will be
operating at altitudes above 100,000 feet. The U-2, the only operational manned high-altitude
military aircraft, requires the pilot to wear a pressure suit in case of a cabin depressurization.

NASA’s High Speed Research Program – The External Vision System Concept, NASA pamphlet, March 1998, 1.
Barry D. Watts, Moving Forward on Long-Range Strike, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments
Document, Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 27 September 2004, 22.
Steve Douglass, “B-3 and Beyond,” Popular Science 256, no. 2 (February 2000), 50.
Paul B. States, Space and National Security (Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1987), 43.

The SR-71, XB-70, and B-58 also required either pressure suits or heavy pressurized emergency
capsules, all adding weight to the vehicles. In addition, pressure suits require a time-consuming
preflight routine for the pilot and increase the number of required support personnel and possibly
the turn around time for the bomber. Such systems increase a bombers size and gross weight and
limits flexibility.182 The weight of the life support systems may prevent the hypersonic bomber
from meeting the stringent performance requirements, while the reduction of gross weight
associated with an unmanned system may allow the bomber to have a higher payload or fuel

Overflight Considerations

Airspace sovereignty has long been an important issue. However, the principles
governing sovereign airspace overflight do not pertain to outer space. States can put satellites in
orbit over the territory of other states. The precise location of the point where airspace ends and
outer space begins is uncertain and until now was unimportant. This is because the minimum
heights where satellites can remain in orbit were at least twice as high as the maximum altitude
an airplane could fly.183 This definition becomes fuzzier with the advent of hypersonic vehicles
because the altitude where a hypersonic bomber flies blurs the distinction between air and space.
The weapons they deploy, and even the bombers themselves will need to cruise or glide to a
landing where they may need to cross numerous national boundaries in the near space
environment. This is how the Space Shuttle lands.184 The major problem is what defines the
airspace hypersonic bombers operates in. There are two possible answers, the sovereign airspace
of a nation, or the freedom of navigation afforded by space.
Air Force Space Command defines near space as the altitudes between 65,000 ft (20 km)
and 325,000 ft (100 km). However, there are only two legally defined categories of airspace, air
space and outer space; the term near space has no meaning in domestic and international law.
The present international understanding of air and outer space is the only method to analyze

Peregrine Hypersonic Strike Fighter Weapons System, A proposal in response to the AIAA Foundation Graduate
Team Aircraft Design Competition request for proposals (Atlanta, Ga.: Georgia Institute of Technology, 5 June
2000), 18.
Michael Akehurst, A Modern Introduction to International Law, 5th ed. (London, Great Britain: George Allen &
Unwin, 1984), 289.
Everett C. Dolman, Astropolitik: Classical Geopolitics in the Space Age (London, Great Britain: Frank Cass
Publishers, 2002), 115.

activities conducted in near space currently.185 The United States does not recognize a specific
altitude at which air space ends and outer space begins. The United States believes any attempt
to define or delimit outer space would be an unnecessary theoretical exercise that could
complicate existing activities. A treaty might not be able to anticipate continuing technological
developments.186 It does not benefit the USAF to have a set definition without giving advantages
to other states or taking away capabilities from the United States. Therefore, the United States
has preferred to avoid setting an official space boundary. Other analysts claim that the boundary
of space is of negligible importance, since aircraft and spacecraft operate in very different
There are two approaches to definitions of the outer space boundary, spatial and
functional. The spatial approach explains that space begins just below the point where a satellite
can maintain orbit. Another name for this point is the “Karman primary jurisdiction line.” The
Karman line is the point where aerodynamic flight ends and centrifugal forces take over.188 The
significance of this altitude is that this is the lowest altitude where an object can sustain orbit
without outside force and matches the definition of the Karman primary jurisdiction line.189
There is an international push to set the demarcation of outer space at 325,000 ft (100 km). The
spatial approach is the most precise, because it is measurable. The functional approach is
propulsion based. It originates from the 1919 and 1944 International Air Conventions, which
defined aircraft as any machine that can derive support from air reactions. The functional
approach defines space as the area just beyond the maximum height of possible aerodynamic
Hypersonic bombers will require an accepted and precise definition of the air and space
environments. For nothing else, it sets determinations of legal responsibility in cases including
noise and environmental infringements. A definition of outer-space limits will be necessary to
prevent misunderstandings and future catastrophes.191 However, since there is no formally
accepted definition, other nations will likely view hypersonic flights operating below 325,000 ft

Walker, Mary, “Legal Regime Applicable to Near Space,” Memorandum to the Secretary and the Chief of Staff
of the Air Force, 2 September 2004, 1.
Walker, Mary, 1.
Everett C. Dolman, 114.
Everett C. Dolman, 116.
Walker, Mary, 1-2.
Everett C. Dolman, 116.
Everett C. Dolman, 115.

above their country without permission as an infringement of sovereign rights and a violation of
their territorial integrity.192
The United States may want to treat the near space environment like sovereign airspace
until the strategic landscape indicates otherwise. The USAF needs to question if it would be a
good precedence to start near space overflights. The United States might want to exercise
restraint with self-imposed limitations to respect airspace sovereignty unless there is a war. This
might protect the United States’ asymmetrical advantages. It may be a good idea to wait for
others to start flying over other nations in the near space environment and than follow suit just as
the United States did with Sputnik and space. North Korea may already have set the precedence
with a rocket launch transiting Japan’s airspace at near-space altitudes. If the United States
waits, the missile defense system should be capable of stopping an enemy hypersonic vehicle

Opportunity Costs

Every budgetary decision comes at the expense of something else. The something else is
the cost of the number one thing you did not do. Therefore, an opportunity cost is the price of
the best-forgone alternative. The decision to build a hypersonic bomber will cost the USAF
something in lost opportunity. Developing a fleet of hypersonic bombers is expensive and
requires at least a $25 billion investment over the next 20 years. Developmental costs alone are
approximately $2 billion per year. The dwindling Air Force budge cannot accommodate this
expense without a major impact on other programs.193 Hence, a hypersonic bomber will come at
the expense of other weapons systems. Therefore, the USAF needs to analyze the tradeoffs
between those other systems and a hypersonic bomber.194 The development of hypersonics
technology must take its place among other science and technology efforts and priorities to
ensure the proper balance between current, near term, and future combat capabilities.195

Walker, Mary, 1-2.
Why and Wither Hypersonics Research in the US Air Force, United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board
Report SAB-TR-00-03 (Washington, D.C.: United States Air Force, December 2000), 61.
Future Strategic Strike Forces, Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force (Washington, D.C.: Office of
the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, February 2004), 1-9.
Evaluation of the National Aerospace Initiative, National Research Council of the National Academies Report
(Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press, 2004), 17.

Funding a hypersonic bomber is about hope for the future. This ensures the United States
gives its brightest scientists and engineers a challenging mission. America depends upon its
position as the world leader in science and technology. National economic survival depends on
spinning off high technology down to the low-technology industries. Space exploration and
exploitation is a major driving force in advancing the frontiers of knowledge. High-tech
industries, particularly aerospace, always have been net contributors to the international balance
of trade of the United States. A lack of investment will only increase the trade deficit. Without
any investment, the United States aerospace technology lead will not hold forever.196 Every time
the United States gives up on a major aspect of this effort, another nation or alliance can take up
the slack.197
There is a positive spin on the cost issue. Economic benefits can justify the enormous
costs of hypersonic technology. Hypersonic industrial spin-offs will be a large economic plus.
For example, a few technological spin-offs will include new ice-prevention concepts, better
cryogenic materials handling techniques, machinery able to run at much hotter temperatures than
now possible, lightweight ceramic automobile engines and better automobile brakes. Even water
transportation will benefit. There will be a better understanding of computational fluid
dynamics, allowing for superior hull configurations on large ships. Propeller design also
benefits. The result will be faster, more fuel-efficient ships. Other industries gaining from
hypersonic technology include chemical and allied products, rubber and plastics, non-electrical
machinery, photo and optical goods, motor freight transportation, plus fabricated and primary
metal industries. The top ten industries benefiting from hypersonic technology transfer could
improve the sales income by at least one percent a year for ten years.198 In 1990, the revenue for
the top ten companies was $1.77 trillion a year. One percent is almost $18 billion. That
translates to a $180 billion impact over 10 years.199 From these results, the $25 billion spent will
make $180 billion in revenue. The taxes recovered alone should exceed the $25 billion spent.
Another opportunity cost to consider is the environment. The USAF needs to weigh the
effects hypersonic flights will have on the atmosphere. German officials studied the impact of
nitrogen oxides and the generated water vapor released into the upper atmosphere by hypersonic

Pat Jackson, “Gold in the skies?” Ad Astra 2, no. 10 (November 1990), 10.
Taylor Dinerman, “The Real Cost of the New Space Plan,” Ad Astra 16, no. 3 (July-September 2004): 27.
Pat Jackson, 10.

vehicles. They also researched the combustion effects of hydrogen fuel. They found these items
might trigger problems within the stratosphere. The Germans also found that there would likely
be very little environmental damage, mainly because of the low numbers of projected hypersonic
missions. However, if hypersonic flight leads to commercial development, the increased traffic
could damage the upper layers of the atmosphere.200

Do hypersonic Capabilities Mesh with Threats/Needs of the Future?

The United States is seeking to dissuade rising powers from challenging its military
dominance while at the same time trying to re-equip itself to fight low-tech insurgency threats.201
Although weapons systems designed to fight guerillas tend to be fairly cheap and low-tech, the
United States must retain its dominance in key high-tech fields, such as stealth technology,
precision weaponry, and manned and unmanned surveillance systems in order to dissuade
countries from trying to compete in these areas.
Secretary Rumsfeld is attempting to make the military far more engaged in heading off
threats prior to hostilities and serve a larger purpose of enhancing United States influences
around the world. There are newer challenges and problems, such as battling terrorists and
insurgents, over conventional military problems. Rumsfeld tells the military to focus on four
“core problems.”202 The military services need to develop forces that can first, build partnerships
with failing states to defeat terrorism. Second, defend the homeland, including offensive strikes
against terrorist groups planning ground attacks. Third, influence the choices of countries at a
strategic crossroads, such as China and Russia. Lastly, Secretary Rumsfeld wants to prevent the
acquisition of weapons of mass destruction by hostile states and terrorist groups.203
The military must be responsive in order to produce the desired operational effects
required of air and space forces in a modern conflict. As the B-2 is today, a hypersonic bomber
will be a high-value, low-density strike and support asset. There are only 21 B-2 bombers. Of
those, only 2/3, or approximately 14 of them can be combat ready at any given time because
training sorties, depot maintenance, and other issues limit their availability.

David Leonard, “Hypersonic High-Anxiety,” Ad Astra 3, no.3 (March – April 1991), 5.
Jaffe, Greg, “Rumsfeld Details Big Shift in New Document,” Wall Street Journal, 11 March 2005, A1.

The air tasking order (ATO) can task B-2s to strike targets daily during combat
operations. B-2s fly combat sorties mainly from the continental United State (CONUS) and
from a few select bases worldwide. It takes many hours, if not days just to complete one B-2
mission. A formation from one night’s strike can be on the way home while the next days sorties
are outbound toward their targets. This makes if difficult to sustain B-2 missions with a high
level of persistence.
Consider the same situation, only using hypersonic bombers. Assume there are 21
hypersonic bombers with 2/3 of them mission capable, similar to the B-2. These 14 mission
capable bombers could deploy from home station or even forward deploy to the same airfields
the B-2 uses. The ATO could task two hypersonic bombers, and they could complete their
mission before the B-2s, or any other long-range strike asset for that matter, left CONUS
airspace. The hypersonic bomber turn-around time alone already has a greater than 24-hour
advantage on current long-range strike capabilities. Therefore, the hypersonic bomber can
support a wide range of military missions quickly, with a higher level of persistence than current
assets can.
The United States is not the only nation developing hypersonic technology. Several
organizations throughout the world are pursuing and already have developed significant
scramjet-powered hypersonic vehicle expertise. Fortunately, no one has developed any
successful systems yet.204 However, these new developments can put the United States behind in
a race to develop a very capable threat. Hypersonic technology may offer possible aggressor
nations an important means of countering traditional American access strategies. For instance,
the emergence of a hypersonic anti-ship missile would be of great concern to the United States
Navy. 205
At this writing there are well-established hypersonic research, development, and testing
activities in Russia, France, Germany, Japan, China, India, England, and Australia. Russia has
the most extensive hypersonic research program. It includes advanced computation, ground
testing, and flight-testing capabilities. Russia is still investing in this area despite their economic
difficulties. Russian researchers could achieve a significant breakthrough in hypersonics at any
time. In fact, in late 2004, President Putin announced a new breakthrough in rocket technology.

Why and Wither Hypersonics Research in the US Air Force, E-3.
Ibid., 26-27.

He did not elaborate on any specifics, but it could be a scramjet launch system. If there is a
foreign hypersonic space launch system, it could easily capture most of the world’s commercial
space launch market. This would have a devastating impact on the United States’ market and
could drive up the price of the existing United States expendable launching systems.206
The Russian Space Agency manages the Oryol hypersonic flight-test program which is
investigating hypersonic airbreathing propulsion systems. Two conceptual designs are in the
works, the two-stage to orbit (TSTO) MiG design (MIGAKS) and the single stage to orbit
(SSTO) Tupolev Tu-2000 concept.207 Both designs employ horizontal takeoffs and landings. To
aid in the development of these designs, Russia can rely on its hypersonic ground-test
infrastructure for supporting aerodynamic and propulsion development. French and American
researchers have used Russian flight-test capabilities to conduct their own low-cost hypersonic
flight tests. Russia has also accomplished captive carry flight tests of a hydrogen fueled dual-
mode scramjet in the Mach 3.5 to 6.5 ranges using the “Kholod” hypersonic flying laboratory.
Russia also has the potential to use a second-generation flying test bed that will expand the tested
flight regime to Mach 12 or 14.208
Russia is conducting the world’s most extensive work on the utilization of weakly ionized
gas phenomena to control internal and external flow fields that may provide breakthrough
hypersonic weapons technology. They are also in the latter stages of developing a hypersonic
missile along with an intercontinental weapon that works as a boosted cruise missile after a
larger rocket launches it. The Russians claim this new weapon is primarily for self-defense. The
hypersonic boost enables the cruise missile to maneuver and avoid any surface to air missiles and
obviously increases a weapons kinetic effect.209
France has teamed with Russia to investigate a variable-geometry ramjet engine concept that
operates between Mach 3 and 12. This program aspires to provide a ground-test engine to
demonstrate the potential engine performance of an air breathing space vehicle. In addition,
France has been working on a hypersonic anti-ship missile. France and Germany have also
teamed on a Joint Airbreathing Propulsion for Hypersonic Research program. Additionally, the
Ibid., 11.
Robert Wall, “U.S. Hypersonics Know-How Eroding,” Aviation Week and Space Technology 154, no. 2 (8
January 2001), 26.
Why and Wither Hypersonics Research in the US Air Force, 36.
“Russia alerts world of new mobile N-missile by 2006,” Russian American National Security Advisory Council,
13 December 2004, n.p., on-line, Internet, 7 March 2005, available from http:// http://www.

Germans and Japanese have hypersonic aircraft in the preproduction stage.210 Japan has built
new ground-test facilities that significantly increase their ground-test capabilities. India and
China both possess ramjet-powered missiles and are they are actively exploring scramjet­
powered vehicles.211
An Australian team at the University of Queensland is accomplishing hypersonic engine
research. They used a sounding rocket to catapult its experimental scramjet to Mach 7.6. They
claimed to have the first-ever combustion with an air-breathing engine at hypersonic speeds.212
On the good side, the United States is cooperating and participating with the Australian’s
A developed foreign hypersonic system is a threat to United States security. Missiles
developed overseas can disrupt shipping traffic and adversely affect United States military
options. Russia, France, India, and China already have ramjet-powered missiles. The German
defense ministry recently decided to proceed with development of a hypersonic weapon. Most
of the work has concentrated on cruise missiles, although several countries claim they are
developing a high-speed air vehicle.214 There is a threat that the United States could lose its
leadership role and resulting advantages in the near-space and even outer space environment.

Comparison with Existing and Competing Systems

A comparison between the hypersonic bomber concept and other existing and future
weapons systems is necessary before proceeding on such an expensive project. The comparison
measures several different weapon systems against each other on simple qualitative, system level
bases as shown in Table I.215 The comparison consists of three system aspects, capability,
estimated cost, and employment. Different capability assessments include weapons payload,
combat mission radius, plus both cruise and combat speed. These capabilities received ratings
from 1 to 5. A rating of one represented far below desired threshold, three stood for meeting

Everett C. Dolman, 115.
Why and Wither Hypersonics Research in the US Air Force, 26-27.
David Malakoff, “Mach 12 by 2012?” Science 300, no. 5621 (9 May 2003), n.p.
Michael A. Dornheim, “Hypersonics Push,” Aviation Week and Space Technology 159, no. 25 (22 December
2003), n.p.
Robert Wall, 26.
The idea for a comparison came from the study Peregrine Hypersonic Strike Fighter Weapons System, A
Proposal in Response to the AIAA Foundation Graduate Team Aircraft Design Competition Request Proposals
(Atlanta, Ga.: Georgia Institute of Technology, 5 June 2000), 10-11. The author changed several systems, subjects,
methods, and ratings to better match capabilities to current and future weapons systems.

threshold, and a rating of five means the capability far exceeds desired thresholds. Two and four
fall in place between their respective ratings.
Measurements for the second comparison phase, estimated cost, include purchase cost,
operation and maintenance costs, and the cost per sortie in combat. A rating of one in this
category represents the highest cost and five symbolizes the lowest price. A five is the best
rating in both categories. The last aspect is a simple comparison between the operational area,
reusability, and survivability asset. A completely mobile staging area in two mediums (land and
sea) received a rating of 5. A rating of 4 meant one of the basing systems, land or sea, is
immobile. A rating of three means the system is mobile in one staging medium. A rating of 1 is
completely immobile and stages in only one medium. A reusable system received a 5, a one
time use weapon receives a 1. The survivability is an unclassified estimate of the systems
against the threats covered in Chapter Four. Stealth assets received a rating of 4 only because
they do not travel in the threat areas at hypersonic speeds and in the daytime they can be seen.
The overall rating gives the average of all the measurements in the capability and estimated cost

Strike Fighter Stealth Strike Heavy Stealth Cruise Cruise Conventional Hypersonic
Fighter Bomber Bomber Missile Missile ICBM Bomber

Payload 2 2 5 5 1 1 2 3
Radius 1 2 3 3 2 4 5 5
Speed 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 5
Speed 2 1 1 1 1 5 5 5
Cost 3 2 3 1 5 3 3 1
ESTIMATED Costs 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 3
COSTS Cost per
Sortie 5 4 5 4 2 1 1 4
Operation Mobile Land Mobile Land Mobile Land Land / Sea Land / Sea Unmobile Mobile Land
Area Land / Sea (5) (3) (3) (3) (5) (3) Land / Sea (4) (3)

EMPLOYMENT Reusability Yes (5) Yes (5) Yes (5) Yes (5) No (1) No (1) No (1) Yes (5)
Maneuverability Standoff + Low Altitude Speed + Speed +
Survivability (2) Stealth (4) Jamming (1) Stealth (4) (4) Speed (5) Trajectory (5) Altitude (5)

Overall 3.00 2.70 3.10 3.00 2.60 3.10 3.50 3.90

Table I: System Comparisons

The overall result from this basic comparison shows hypersonic bombers are the most
effective strike asset. They have the highest projected capability for the estimated associated
cost, or in other words, they are the best value. A hypersonic bomber will be able to respond
quickly and not be limited by the time of the day when attacking highly defended targets.

Conventional intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and hypersonic cruise missiles are the
next two overall highest rated systems. However, they are not reusable or recallable, two crucial
capabilities required for future operations. ICBMs also have political ramifications since they
have always been associated with nuclear weapons. It will be difficult for peer nuclear powers to
distinguish a nuclear from a conventional launch.216
Current USAF strike capabilities rank the lowest overall. On the positive side these assets
provide reusability, are recallable, and overall cheaper to develop and sustain. In addition, heavy
bombers can and will carry the largest payloads. However, they do not possess the same
response times and range as a hypersonic bomber. Additionally, the USAF bomber force is
already very old. The bomber force consists of 1950’s era B-52s, 1970’s technological era B-1s,
and B-2s built using 1980’s technology. All three bombers’ computer systems are antiquated
when compared to today’s equipment. Thus, it would appear that the USAF needs a new bomber
if it is to keep a persistent, long-range strike option open. The guiding principle dealing with a
new bomber should be that modernization must secure a competitive advantage for the United
States over current and potential adversaries. As a result, development of the hypersonic bomber
appears to be a rational and reasonable choice.
The USAF is going to face several other long-range strike capability shortfalls in the near
future. First, it is going to become more difficult to operate effectively at long ranges against an
anti-access environment. The USAF could lose its capability to single-handedly engage a robust
integrated air defense system (IADS), or even modern maritime defenses. Second, the USAF
will probably have a more limited ability to conduct long-range strike operations. It will be
difficult and require long lead times to establish the forward infrastructure needed to carry out
these strikes. Factors limiting USAF global reach include the lack of forward basing, limited air
refueling assets, and strategic and operational lift limitations. Third, the USAF will have a
limited ability to affect mobile targets prior to an adversary employing or moving them. The
USAF does not have a capability to meet a 0-12 hour prompt global strike timeline other than
ICBMs. A prompt conventional global strike can currently only be conducted with forward
deployed alert aircraft. Even with the F/A-22 and F-35 it is going to be very difficult to achieve

Peregrine Hypersonic Strike Fighter Weapons System, A proposal in response to the AIAA Foundation Graduate
Team Aircraft Design Competition request for proposals (Atlanta, Ga.: Georgia Institute of Technology, 5 June
2000), 10-11.

any persistence over a highly defended deep battlefield. Additionally, sustained time sensitive
strikes deep within enemy territory are difficult to accomplish without air superiority.217

How Do We Do It?

There are three possible solutions to these problems. The first is to increase weapons
speed. Increasing weapon speed decreases the time required to strike a target. High-speed
weapons are also more difficult for an enemy to counter. However, there are some limitations.
At fast weapon speeds, maneuvering targets may compromise desired accuracy. The weapon
may be going too fast to correct against last minute defensive maneuvers. Increasing the weapon
speed may create shorter response times, however it may limit the target sets these weapons can
The second option is to increase the speed of the delivery platform. Increasing the
vehicle speed also decreases the time required to strike a target. It is also more difficult for an
enemy to defend against hypersonic speed strike aircraft. However, a fast strike vehicle must
have the range to penetrate long distances in an anti-access environment or reach a remote,
inaccessible area faster than current strike platforms.
The third option is to decrease the distance of the aircraft to the target. One method to
accomplish this is forward basing. However, forward basing puts an airfield or carrier at a
greater risk to a countries tactical ballistic missile (TBM) and weapons of mass destruction
(WMD) threat.218 Another method is to develop a vehicle with the persistence to loiter near the
target set. This vehicle will be in an orbit preferable close to a target area and can theoretically
strike a target within a matter of minutes. However, an airplane will not be able to persist near a
target area if modern weapons defend it.
A hypersonic bomber launching high-speed weapons enables prompt global strike from
considerable ranges and reduces forward basing’s associated risks. The reusability of hypersonic
vehicles increases both their utility and cost-effectiveness. Forward-based assets have a greater
potential for persistent operations with response times similar to hypersonic vehicles, all without
the need for speed. However, they bear the risk of being closer to the threat, and thus they are
more vulnerable. They might not be able to be stationed close enough to the adversary to have

Air Force Doctrine Document (AFDD) 2-1, Air Warfare, 22 January 2000, 17..
House, Testimony by Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr. Before the House National Security Committee Subcommittees
on Military Procurement and Research and Development, 105th Cong., 1st Session, 1998, 3.

any significant responsiveness or even persistence. Consequently, the best solution is to build a
hypersonic bomber capable of transiting long ranges in a short time period.


The USAF must consider many factors concerning a hypersonic bomber. The USAF needs
to determine if the hypersonic bomber will fly with or without a pilot. The technology is
available for a remotely piloted vehicle. A pilot gives the hypersonic bomber added flexibility
but it comes at a high cost. The USAF also needs to consider another nation’s airspace
sovereignty. The hypersonic bomber will fly below low earth orbit altitudes and will cause an
international response when it deploys. The glide path of weapons dropped thousands of miles
from the target will also concern most third party states. Additionally, there are opportunity
costs to consider. An expensive system will require cuts in other systems. However, the USAF
must consider lost opportunities also. The 10-year tax revenues collected from the United Stated
hypersonic base will be higher than the dollars spent on system development. There are several
nations working on hypersonic weapons, the United States could be at a technological
disadvantage, and perhaps be threatened by those new weapons. The United States could lose its
strategic leadership in the space and near-space arenas. Finally, a hypersonic bomber stands up
well against other weapons systems. It fills several future long-range strike capability shortfalls.
The hypersonic bomber is worth the investment.


To meet current and future threats, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld wants to focus
the military on four core problems, none of them involving traditional military confrontations.219
The hypersonic bomber could help the military counter three of the four core problems. First, a
hypersonic bomber can defend the homeland by conducting preemptive strikes against terrorist
groups planning attacks against United States assets. A hypersonic bomber could strike quickly
from the United States once credible intelligence pinpoints a terrorist threat. This strike could
occur without much warning and have devastating effects on an unsuspecting terrorist cell.
Second, the hypersonic vehicle can influence states at strategic crossroads. The deterrence value
resulting from a hypersonic bomber capable of a quick, long-range strike might affect a potential
adversary’s strategic plan. A state may think it cannot compete against the technological
superior United States, or may reconsider the expense required to build facilities susceptible to
hypersonic bomber strikes. Lastly, a hypersonic bomber could prevent the acquisition and
storage of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by hostile states and terrorist groups by striking
a WMD site with either kinetic or directed energy weapons. Again, this can happen with only a
small lead-time. The USAF would have the capability to locate, identify, target, and then strike a
WMD site with United States based assets all within any given afternoon.
This paper included the question whether it was worthwhile for the United States to
invest in a hypersonic bomber. A hypersonic bomber offers the potential for revolutionizing
aerospace warfare. However, the road to achieving hypersonic flight will not be an easy one. It
will take an enormous amount of effort. The Air Force will need to initiate significant
technology development programs if there is ever going to be an operational, reusable air-
breathing hypersonic bomber.
The presented evidence in this paper demonstrates that the USAF needs to invest in
hypersonic technology. There are several technological difficulties to overcome, but
nevertheless, the Air Force must take the steps to overcome the technological challenges.

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