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ÉMUN 2024

École Mondiale World School

Model United Nations
Ecole Mondiale World School
Model United Nations

Our Vision
At École Mondiale, we believe in
nurturing the leaders of tomorrow,
and our Model United Nations
program is a testament to this
commitment. Our vision is to create
a platform where young minds can
engage in thought-provoking
discussions, develop a global
perspective, and become
responsible global citizens. We aim
to inspire, educate, and empower
the youth to tackle the world's
most pressing issues through
diplomacy and collaboration.

Our Model United Nations

The Model United Nations, often
referred to as MUN, is a simulation
of the United Nations where
students take on the roles of
diplomats representing various
countries. It is a unique platform
that allows students to delve into
the complexities of international
relations, global politics, and
diplomacy. Through MUN, students
gain invaluable skills such as
critical thinking, negotiation, public
speaking, and teamwork. We
believe that a MUN is a global
affair that brings about
international mindedness in
students, that is why the entire
approach stresses a global
perspective allowing students to
see the larger picture. Along with
having provocative and overlooked
motions, the motions we discuss
are universal and are relevant to a
variety of international
Ecole Mondiale World School
Model United Nations

4 Letters from the Secretariat

7 WHO Committee Agenda

8 ECOSOC Committee Agenda

10 UNHRC Committee Agenda

11 UNEP Committee Agenda

11 UNSC Committee Agenda

12 UNICEF Committee Agenda

13 Meet the Team!

14 Registrations
Ecole Mondiale World School
Model United Nations

Letter from
Secretary General

The UN was not created to take mankind to heaven but

to save humanity from hell
– Dag Hammarskjold (2nd Secretary General of The UN)

Hello, my name is Yashita and it's my pleasure to

welcome all of you to the 2023 Ecole Mondiale Model
United Nations Conference! In an increasingly
interconnected world with globalisation and the
integration of global systems as inevitable outcomes, the
presence of intergovernmental organizations like the UN
is imperative for maintaining peace and stability. Hence
in light of the ongoing diaspora Ecole Mondiale Model
United Nations with a celebrated legacy of over 10 years,
holds its MUN with a dedicated team at the helm ready
to shape a new set of future global leaders.

I believe that through MUN we stand strong beside

democracy, affirming ourselves of its value and how it
has stood the test of time withstanding all sorts of brute
force and power. Democracy is not only a form of
government but a way of life. With equality and justice at
the roots stemming to eventually nurturing the value of
respecting and revering every human being by not just
accommodating the differences but by embracing and
celebrating them as members of a common global

MUN supports the largest value of the pillars of

democracy, voice. It provides a voice to all you young
students to display your opinions and thoughts to your
peers and community. This is our world, and in an
increasingly short time we are going to be at the wheel.
To all my fellow delegates— EMUN is your space to
collaborate, engage and debate the world of today, to
lead the world of tomorrow.

Warm Regards,
Yashita Goel
Ecole Mondiale World School
Model United Nations

Letter from
Deputy Secretary

Dear delegates,
Imagine this, your voice being heard, your opinions well noted, you
being given an opportunity to make a change, you being given the
credits and recognition. What if we told you it could all be plausible?
What if we told you it was just not possible, but a win-win situation,
given the fact that the process will also yield in you being more skilful
in realms of confidence, public speaking, leadership, teamwork,
negotiation with an immersion in real-world diplomacy, a bunch of new
friends. It certainly would give you a scintillating crystal to embed in
your resume. You need not be hesitant, regardless of your educational
background or board, regardless of how finely-tuned you are at this
moment, regardless if you feel scared to talk in public right now, it can
all be managed. There’s just one thing we expect from you – your

It is all possible with EMUN 2024! The much-awaited event, hosted at

Ecole Mondiale World School, Juhu. 82% of MUN alumni report that it
enhanced their research and analytical skills and 95% said it made them
better public speakers. This year, we intend to notch up many things –
the grandeur is going to be grander, the fun is going to be funnier, and
the ease is going to be easier! Unlike others, EMUN intends to bring to
the table – education, entertainment and ease. A trifecta amalgamated
especially for you, to make this time of the year, something you would
cherish for an eternity to come.
Yes, it is going to be demanding, yes, you will have to research to have
an opinion, yes, you will need to depict a nation’s or an organization’s
voice in alliance with yours. However, now, the choice rests upon you.
Do you always want to be scared and stutter every time you speak up in
public, leave a recognized certification distant from your resume and
leave a potential trophy away from your shelf and let go of something
that will leave an indelible mark on your life OR come together, show up
and hone your skills for a lifetime, show up and meet new people, show
up and maybe find a new interest you are passionate about, show up
and showcase what you are worth, show up and scream to the world
that even if you are a teen, your opinion counts! Show up and make
history about something beyond the bland pages of a textbook, one
resolution at a time! Together, our power is boundless. We leave you
with the power to decide. What’s the future you want for yourself?

Today, we at EMUN stand before you amid the enthusiasm and spirit of
youth, where dreams are being woven and futures are being fabricated.
Ideas are sparkling like brilliant constellations on a charcoal night. We
invite you – irrespective if you are now a beginner wanting to explore
something new, or a pro-MUNer ready to seize another opportunity and
inspire someone else – Are you ready to be a saviour?
Your Deputy Secretary,
Jainam T. Jain.
Ecole Mondiale World School

Letter from
Model United Nations

Deputy Secretary

“A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t” -

Jack Dempsey

You can be the champion! Debating is a great

opportunity for you - and what better chance than
participating in Ecole Model United Nations? The
existence of intergovernmental organizations like the
UN, EU, and IMF are essential for the status of peace
and power in a world that is becoming more
developed and integrated. Model United Nations is a
replica that mimics the steps the UN takes to solve
problems in the real world. It is an academic
recreation of the UN's processes. Negotiation,
discourse, and passionate discussions are the
mainstays of UN action in the MUN simulation.

I am devoted to creating an environment at the Ecole

Model United Nations that allows a student to be able
to express their opinions, thoughts, values, beliefs,
etc. As a passionate debater and a person who is
intrigued by global politics, I believe that EMUN gives
you a foundation to develop assets that are beneficial
for you. Strive for representing countries and
promoting equality, respect, and peace - this is your
area of focus and responsibility - can you take it?

“A person who never made a mistake never tried

anything new” - Albert Einstein

Don’t be afraid to show your skills - and remember -

you’re always learning everyday. I look forwards to
seeing all of you very soon!

Yours truly,
Arshia Soni
Ecole Mondiale World School
Model United Nations

World Health
The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the
novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, has had far-
reaching consequences worldwide, including
significant loss of life, economic disruptions,
and unprecedented impacts on public health
systems. This motion is designed to address
the critical issue of transparency during the
early stages of the pandemic, particularly
focusing on the impact of delayed
information sharing by China and
considering measures to promote more
transparency in future global health crises.

COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan,

Hubei Province, China, in December 2019.
The virus quickly spread to other parts of
the world, leading to a global pandemic.
In the early stages of the pandemic, there
were concerns about a lack of transparency
from Chinese authorities. It was reported
that local whistleblowers and doctors who
tried to raise alarms about the virus were
silenced, leading to delays in understanding
the true extent of the outbreak. China's
central government was criticized for not
promptly sharing information with the
international community, causing skepticism
and hindering global preparedness.

Addressing the issues of transparency during
the early stages of COVID-19 pandemic,
focusing on the impact of delayed
information-sharing by China and considering
measures to promote more transparency in
future global health crises
Ecole Mondiale World School
Model United Nations

Economic and
Social Council
The world is altering with unbridled speed,
regardless of whether we capture its essence or
not, the question is – should we? Cryptocurrency
refers to digital/virtual tokens, which are employed
for ‘decentralised’ transactions, in other terms,
without the involvement of a central authority like a
bank or government. Consequently, the ‘regular’
rules of transaction that help regulate volatility and
crime are no longer efficiently functional.

Apart from the general legal reformations

considering cryptocurrency, the committee
highlights its effects on people who lack access to
technology, the ones on the other side of the digital
divide. Is it an injustice to them that they are not
accessible to opportunities even though it is not
their fault? Or is it their fault?

Reiterating our primary predicament, how people

with the absence of technology cannot profit if it is
so, from the development of cryptocurrency - or is
their lack truly safeguarding them? It all boils down
to what’s necessary - the scale will slide down on
which side: the need or the want? But
cryptocurrency - for rather unprivileged segments
of the globe - would fit in which category? ECOSOC
at EMUN opens the floor for a wide spectrum
discussion, for the world is changing. So it is the
time to wake up and pace as to keep up with its
glory or keep sleeping tranquilly as it would
exacerbate itself. The limited sand from our
hourglass is slipping, pushing us towards the
caprices of questing the very basis of economy and
its fabrication with social welfare. Time is losing
grip, leaving us with no choice, but to choose.

The effects of advancements in
cryptocurrency to groups on the other side of
the digital divide: a boon or a bane?
Ecole Mondiale World School
Model United Nations

Rapid urbanization worldwide means every five days,
the world adds buildings equivalent to the size of
Paris, with the built environment sector already
responsible for 37 per cent of global emissions. “Until
recently, most buildings were constructed using
locally sourced earth, stone, timber, and bamboo. Yet
modern materials such as concrete and steel often
give only the illusion of durability, usually ending up
in landfills and contributing to the growing climate
crisis,” said Sheila Aggarwal-Khan, Director of UNEP’s
Industry and Economy Division. “Net zero in the
building and construction sector is achievable by
2050, as long as governments put in place the right
policy, incentives and regulation to bring a shift the
industry action,” she added. To date, most climate
action in the building sector has been dedicated to
effectively reducing “operational carbon” emissions,
which encompass heating, cooling, and lighting.

Thanks to the growing worldwide decarbonisation of

the electrical grid and the use of renewable
energies, these are set to decrease from 75 per cent
to 50 per cent of the sector in the coming decades.
Since buildings contain materials produced in
disparate regions across the globe, reducing
“embodied carbon” emissions from the production
and deployment of building materials requires
decision-makers to adopt a whole life-cycle
approach. This involves harmonized measures across
multiple sectors and at each stage of the building
lifecycle – from extraction to processing, installation,
use, and demolition. As time flies out of our grasps,
to what extent can we reverse climate change before
its too late?

To what extent has the role of UNEP helped in
reducing emissions in the construction sector?
Ecole Mondiale World School
Model United Nations

Veto is an extended power to 5 countries to
make or break the decision at hand. The US
has used the veto 82 times, while the Russia
even more than that, especially, when matters
where in the wake of its rivals like Israel. The
UNSC bolsters the maintenance of peace, its
utmost objective. However, giving such power
to a limited group of countries has limited the
opinions of several nations to be employed as
final decisions. Is it to be frowned upon that
the UNSC is caught in a circle as a snake
biting its own tail: those unheard countries
revolting and deterring peace while Veto
continues the cyclicity by keeping their ears
shut? Or is it a thoughtful decision to enable
the ‘wise’ and ‘advanced’ nations, as they
claim to be, make decisions as ludicrous
fathers for the whole globe?

UNSC at EMUN encourages all delegates to

bring in discussions from eclectic segments of
history, throwing light on whether a
reformation to its structure is needed or
should the current regulations be continued,
and what effects would the world yield on
either pathway – of how these political coy
alter the life of a normal citizen of the globe,
regardless of the nationality they took birth in
and/or are a part of. Moreover, if reformation
are needed, of what sort and who should be
given this power to decide and why?

Is it time for the veto powers to resign? Would
the results be a more free society or an
unprecedented turmoil for the world?
Ecole Mondiale World School
Model United Nations

Emergency Fund
Since decades, UNICEF is committed to ensuring ‘special’
protection for the most disadvantaged children. This has
led to better upbringing, and hence, ‘better’ humans from
rather marginalised segments of the globe. UNICEF has
hoped to serve for enhanced safety against sexual
offences for girls, and ameliorated education for working
classes. On the contrary, regardless of these attempts
being perennial or ephemeral, are they in vain? Are they
needed in a world wherein we all want a free, equal and
democratic society? Are our moral and ethical compasses
re-calibrating to favour equity over equality? – How is this
changing the perceived identity of young wet-clay-like

Considering, sexual offences – in myriads of nations,

including India and USA – it is argued the laws against
sexual offences are inclined towards serving the feminine,
despite them prevailing as victim or villain. The boundary
lines of definition are smeared, whether it be sexual
crimes or poverty, or are they enact like it should be?
What about racketeering then? In halls of funds, is this an
unfit advantage for underprivileged children, does this
serve our motto of equality – is it even supposed to serve
such an idea? Does this mould the children to being
dependent on the government without merit and not
stand up on their own legs? Do they have wisdom to use
the sanction in the ‘right’ places? Or is it necessary, so
every child has doors to success in life? Or does this help
in ensuring they are not victims of slavery? But how
would they work, if UNICEF does not allow below-18s to

Dear Delegates, UNICEF at EMUN ia an environment

where we yearn to have free-flowing and yet concrete
ideas, addressing all facets open-mindedly. Time for tales
to tell for children to hail, or countries to sail?

Are the underprivileged children in
developing economies financially benefiting
from the emergency fund?
Ecole Mondiale World School
Model United Nations

Human Rights
The Sudan Conflict has been active for almost 20 years now.
The northern region, centred on the capital of Khartoum, is
predominantly made up of Muslims who are ethnically Arab,
while groups of Christians and animists live in the south. The
Khartoum government under General Omar al-Bashir wished
to create a more Islamic-based government that was
opposed by the southern groups and led to civil war.
Although the Darfur region is predominantly Muslim, there
were economic and tribal/ethnic differences in the region.
Economically, the Arab groups had been nomadic herders
while the African groups (such as the Fur, Maasalit and
Zaghawa) were pastoralists. The Sudanese government
exploited these differences by arming ethnic Arab militia
groups, known as the “Janjaweed,” to attack the ethnic
African groups. The government would attack from the air,
and then, the Janjaweed forces would enact a scorched
earth campaign, burning villages and poisoning wells. Nearly
400,000 people have been killed, women have been
systematically raped and millions of people have been
displaced as a result of these actions.

In 2004, the United States government recognized these

actions as genocide under the United Nations (UN) Genocide
Convention. Criminal proceedings have begun with the
International Criminal Tribunal, and both the African Union
and United Nations have sought to introduce forces to stop
the violence and aid the internally displaced, as well as
refugees who fled to Chad. In March 2009, the International
Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Sudanese
President Omar al-Bashir for directing a campaign of mass
killing, rape and pillage against civilians in Darfur, in addition
to the outstanding warrants for former Sudanese Minister of
State Ahmad Harun and Janjaweed militia leader Ali Kushayb.
Despite this progress, according to UN estimates, 2.7 million
Darfuris remain in internally displaced persons camps and
more than 4.7 million Darfuris rely on humanitarian aid. At
EMUN we are offering you the opportunity to delve deeper
into this conflict and propose a solution in the best interests
of your country. As our world is ravaged by one of the worst
forms of conflict known to man, is there any hope for these
innocent people deprived of their rights?

Resolved: The issue of genocide and Civil Rights
in Sudan
Ecole Mondiale World School
Model United Nations

Meet the Team!

Yashita Goel Arshia Soni Jainam Jain

Secretary General Deputy Secretary General Deputy Secretary General

Arwaan Jai Tara Priya Lohia Jannanvya Suri

Head of Delegate and Head of Delegate and Chair Head of Publicity
Chair Relations Relations and Marketing

Aryaveer Sekhon Pranava Patel Anisha Kacholia

Head of Logistics Head of Logistics Head of Decoration
and Finance and Finance

Arhaan Patel Kyna Kharbanda Daksh Sharma

Head of Decoration CoHead of Publicity CoHead of Publicity
and Marketing and Marketing
Ecole Mondiale World School
Model United Nations

Meet the Team!

Preet Pandit Ryan Shanbhag

Facilitator Facilitator

Zara Namjoshi Ziya Shah

CoHead of Publicity
and Marketing
Ecole Mondiale World School
Model United Nations

@ Ecole Mondiale
World School,
Gulmohur Cross
Road No.9 J.V.P.D.
Scheme, Juhu,
Mumbai India.
5th and 6th
April, 2024

Registration fee:₹2,500

All students from 6-12

are applicable to

sign up here!

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