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Kingman1967 CompletelyRandomMeasures

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Vol. 21, No. 1, 1967



The theory of stochastic processes is concerned with random

functions defined on some parameter set. This paper is con
cerned with the case, which occurs naturally in some practical
situations, in which the parameter set is a ^ algebra of subsets
of some space, and the random functions are all measures
on this space. Among all such random measures are
distinguished some which are called completely random, which
have the property that the values they take on disjoint subsets
are independent. A representation theorem is proved for all
completely random measures satisfying a weak finiteness condi
tion, and as a consequence it is shown that all such measures
are necessarily purely atomic.

1. Stochastic processes X(t) whose realisation are nondecreasing

functions of a real parameter t occur in a number of applications of
probability theory. For instance, the number of events of a point
process in the interval (0, t), the 'load function' of a queue input [2],
the amount of water entering a reservoir in time t, and the local
time process in a Markov chain ([8], [7] §14), are all processes of
this type. In many applications the function X(t) enters as a convenient
way of representing a measure on the real line, the Stieltjes measure
defined as the unique Borel measure for which

(1) (a, b] = X(b + ) X(a + ), ( c o < < b< o o ) .

For example, in the application to point processes, (B) is just the

number of events occurring in the Borel set B. In this and other
applications, it would seem in some ways more natural to consider the
random measure rather than the associated function X.
The advantage of working directly in terms of random measures
becomes more obvious when the space involved is more complicated
than the real line. For example, a point process in several dimensions,
(as considered by Bartlett [1] and others) would be difficult to work
with in terms of the analogue of X(t), but it seems easy and natural
to consider a random measure such that {B) is the number of
points of the process in the set B. (Such an approach is implicit in
the work of Ryll Nardzewski [10].) Another application in which it
is reasonable to introduce a random measure is one studied by Whittle
[11], in which a model for an agricultural situation might be formul
ated in terms of a measure , with (B) representing the yield from
a plot B.

Returning now to one dimension, one of the simplest stochastic

models for the nondecreasing process X(t) is that which assumes that
X(t) has independent increments. To this model we can of course
apply the extensive theory ([3] Chapter VIII, [9] Chapter XI) of pro
cesses with independent, but not necessarily nonnegative, increments.
This theory, however, simplifies very considerably when the increments
are required to be nonnegative, which suggests that a direct approach
might be fruitful.
In terms of the Stieltjes measure associated with X by (1),
the condition that X have independent increments is just the condition
that take independent values on disjoint sets. This latter condition
does not involve the special structure of the real line, and enables the
whole theory to be extended to more general spaces.
These considerations lead us to introduce the notion of a completely
random measure on a general measure space S. This is a random
measure on S with the property that the values it takes on disjoint
sets are independent. A representation theorem is obtained for the
possible distributions of , and this is used to prove that a completely
random measure can be regarded as the sum of three components, one
deterministic, one concentrated on a fixed set of atoms, and one con
centrated on a random set of atoms. Thus, except possibly for a
deterministic component, a completely random measure is purely atomic.
In case S is the real line, this reduces to known results about processes
with independent, nonnegative increments.

2> Let S be any set and @ a algebra of subsets of S. To

avoid trivial complications, we assume without further comment that

(2) {x} e @ f or all x e S .

By a measure on S we shall as usual mean a additive function from
© into the compactified half line R+ = [0, oo], taking the value 0 on
the empty set .
We shall be concerned with random measures on S, i.e., random
variables whose values are measures on S. More formally, let (Ω, g, P)
be a probability space. Then a random measure defined with re
spect to this space is a function which associates with each eΩ a
measure on S such that, for all Ae&, the function

> {A)

from Ω into R+ is g measurable. In what follows, we shall suppress

all reference to the underlying probability space Ω, and write (A)
for the random variable . (A).
A random measure will be said to be completely random if,

for any finite collection Al9 A , , An of disjoint members of @, the

random variables {AX), (A2), « , (An) are independent.
Let be a completely random measure, and let Bu B2i , Bm
be members of @, not necessarily disjoint. Then (Bj) can, for any
j , be expressed as the sum of expressions of the form

where B\ is either B{ or its complement S — Biy and these expressions

are, by hypothesis, independent of one another. It follows that the
joint distribution of (B ){j = 1, 2, , m) is determined once the dis
tribution of {A) is known for all Ae@. For this reason we shall
concentrate on the distribution of {A), and the way in which it
depends on A.

3* For any t > 0, and any i e @ , define

(3) xt(A) = log E { e ~ t { )

} ,

where 2? denotes expectation with respect to P and — log 0 — + oo.

Then clearly

(4) 0 g \t{AL) g oo ,

and we have

(5) \t(A) = 0 <=> A){ = 0 a.s. ,

(6) Xt(A) = oo « a>(A) = oo a.s.

(Here an expression of the form 'Z a.s/ stands for P{Z} = 1.)
If Au A,, . . . are countably many disjoint sets in @, with union
A, then

and the (An) are independent and nonnegative, so that

Hence since t(^) = 0, * is a measure on S. Equation (5) shows that

the measures t (for different values of t) are mutually absolutely
continuous, while (6) shows that they are finite or infinite together.
In particular, the ideal §> of @ defined by

(7) = µeS;

is independent of t, and has the alternative expression

(8) § = {A e <S; P[ (A) < oo] > 0}

In other words, A belongs to % unless (A) is almost surely infinite.

The whole discussion simplifies very considerably if we assume
that Xt is finite. In view of (6), this amounts to assuming that
satisfies the following condition:

<g^: There exists a countable collection {Cn} of sets in @ having

union S and such that

(9) P{ (Cn)< oo}>0.

Condition ^ will be assumed until § 11, where the effect of drop
ping it will be indicated. We shall take the sets {CJ to be chosen
once for all, and we shall arrange the choice, as we clearly may, so
that they are disjoint. Certain of the constructions to be made ap
pear to depend on the choice of {Cn}; the reader will easily verify
that this apparent dependence is illusory.

4. Let be a completely random measure satisfying <g=% and let

the measures t be as given by (3). Then, since they are mutually
absolutely continuous, they have the same set s$? of atoms;

(10) j ^ {x e S; Xt({x}) > 0} .

In fact, (5) shows that
(11) X G J / « P[ ({x}) > 0] > 0 ,
and we therefore call the points of s^ the fixed atoms of . Because
Xt is finite, the set szf is countable (and hence belongs to @).
If, for any x e j y , we write (x) = ({x}), then (x) is independ
ent of the values of on any collection of sets not containing x. In
particular, the random variables (x)(x e Ssf) are independent.
If we write

(12) f {A) = (A J*O, i(A) (A (S j*0) ,

then it is clear that each of f and 1 is a completely random measure
satisfying ^ , and that = f + l9 Moreover, f and are in
dependent, and f is given by

f= (x) , ,

where x is the Dirac measure concentrating mass 1 at the point x.

Thus we have the following theorem.

THEOREM 1. L et be a completely random measure satisfying

<&. Then
(13) = +
f l9

(i) f and x ar e independent, completely random measures
satisfying ^,
(ii) f is given by
(14) /= ^<p(x)8m,

where s^f Q S is countable, and the random variables (x) are in

dependent, and
(iii) 1 has no fixed atoms, so that, for any x e S,

(15) }) = 0 a.s.,

Thus from a completely random measure , we can 'subtract off'

the fixed atomic component f, and we are left with a completely
random measure with no fixed atoms. For this reason we lose noth
ing by confining attention to completely random measures without
fixed atoms, which we now do.

5* Let therefore be a completely random measure satisfying

<^ and having no fixed atoms. Then each Xt is a nonatomic measure.
Let A e §, so that a = X^A) < oo. Since x is nonatomic, it follows
from a well known result ([5] p. 174; a special case of Lyapunov's
theorem) that, for any integer n, we can find a measurable dissection
{Anj; j = 1, 2, , n} of A for which

X1(Anj) = a/n .

E\e u
^\ = e~aln ,

from which, for any OO,

1 o/n
P{ (Anj) ^
1 e~ c

lim max P{ (Anj) ^ c] = 0 ,

n *oo j

so that the variables (Anj) are uniformly asymptotically negligible.

But, for each n,

(A) = £ (Anj) ,
and therefore (A) must be infinitely divisible (or, in the terminology
of [9], decomposable).
Since (A) is nonnegative, it follows from the Levy Khinchin re
presentation theorem (in the special form for nonnegative variables
given for instance, in [6]) that there exists a finite measure (A, .)
on the class 33+ of Borel subsets of R+, such that, for t ^ 0,

(16) E{e *™} = e x p [ ( k(t, z) (A, dz)] ,


(17) k(t, z) = \Ze~ l> kV> 0) = t

In other words, when Ae$, we must have

(18) \t(A) = \ k(t, z) (A, dz) .

Our next task is to examine the way in which depends on A,

and to extend (18) to all i e @ .

6. Let ^ denote the class of all (finite or infinite) measures

+ +
on (R , 95 ). If µu µ2y ••• belong to ¤, define a set function µ by

Then, for any countable dissection of E into Borel sets Em, we have

µ(E) £ £ µ (EJ = £ £ µn(Em) = £ µ(Em) ,

%=1 m = 1 m = l n=l w=l

so that µe^t. Hence we can define countable sums in ^ % More

over, it is immediate from Fubini's theorem and monotone convergence

m n n m

and that, for any nonnegative Borel function /,

(20) f J( ^ = ( Jdµ%.
J B+ n n J R+
Now the function which sends A into the measure (A, •) de~
fined in the previous section is a function from % into ^ . We show
first that is additive, and then that it may be extended from §>

to @ in such a way as to preserve the <7 additivity.

Let Au A2, be disjoint sets in <3 whose union A belongs to §,
so that each An necessarily belongs to S. Then, using (18) together
with the fact that xt is a measure, we have

fe( , z) (A, <fe) = ( W, *) (An, dz)

R+ w=l JR +

= \ k(t, z) '(A, dz) ,

(A,dz) = ± (An,dz).
Putting = 1 shows that '(A, .) is finite. Replacing t by t + 1 and
subtracting the results (using the fact that
k(t + 1, s) fc( , s) = " ) ,
we get

Since this holds for all t ^ 0, it follows that (A, .) = '(A, .), and
hence we have proved that, if {An} is a measurable dissection of A e §,


For any i e @ , write

Here {Cn} is the dissection occurring in condition <g=% and the defini
tion has meaning since A Cn e §. Moreover (21) shows that
(A, .) = (A, .)
for Ae$, so that x extends from § to @. Again, it follows at
once from (19) that is additive in its first argument Finally, for
any Ae&,

= \ +Ht, z) (A Cn, dz)

( Ht, z)\jt (A C., d


Hence 1 is an extension of from § to @ which preserves the

relations (18) and (21). We shall henceforth drop the suffix, and then
(18) and (21) are true for all i e ® . Notice that, because of the de
finition of sums in ^J , (21) is equivalent to

(22) (A, E) = £ (Ani E), (Ee®+) ,

= l

so that, for fixed E, (., E) is a measure on S.

Summing up these results, we obtain the following theorem.

THEOREM 2. Let be a completely random measure satisfy

ing ? and having no fixed atoms. Then there exists a function
:& S8+ >R+ such that
( i ) for i e @ , (A, .) is a measure on (J +, S5+)
(ii) for J5'GS3 , (., E) is a measure on (S, @),

and (iii) for all A e @, t > 0,

(23) E {e * ^} = exp { ( \ ~ e~" (A, dz)\ .

I J^+1 — e )

Remarks. (1) Since, for fixed , fc( , z) is bounded away from zero
and infinity, (A, R+) < oo if and only if t(<A) < ^ , i.e. if and only
if Ae$.
(2) A knowledge of determines E{e~t U)} for all , and hence
determines the finite dimensional distributions of . Conversely, for
a given , is given uniquely by (23).
(3) Since the idea of a function of two arguments which is
additive in each is perhaps unfamiliar, it may be helpful to remark
that there is a one to one correspondence between the class of func
tions satisfying conditions (i) and (ii) of the theorem and the
measures * on the product space S x R+, given by

<24) *(A x E) = (A, E), (A e @, Ee 23+) .

Thus the conclusion of the theorem can be stated:

There exists a measure F * on S x R+ such that

t U)
(25) E {e } = e x p { 1 fc(t, z) *(A x dz)\ .

7. We now go on to study in more detail the function which

determines (via (23)) the finite dimensional distributions of the com
pletely random measure . We first write
(26) (A) (A, {0});

is then a ^ finite measure on S. Next, for any positive integer v,

we set Iv = (1/v, 1/v — 1), and write

<27) ∆V(A, E)=\ (1 e y' iA, dz).


Then ∆v is a function from @ x 33+ into i? + , additive in each argu

ment, and (since (1 — e~z)~ is bounded on /„) ∆V(A, R+) < oo for Ae .

(28) Xt(A) = t (A) + ( Jl "") (A, dz) .

For any zeR+, put

{29) r Z) (A, [0, «]), πv(A) = ∆V{A, R+) .

Then πv(m, z) and rv(.) are measures on S which are finite on 3, and
are thus finite (by ^ ) , and moreover πv(., z) is absolutely continuous
with respect to 7 V(.). For any z in the set Q+ of finite rationals in
R+ let i^(., z) be (a version of) the Radon Nikodym derivative of
7 V(., ^) with respect to v(.), so that

(30) π,(A, z) = \ Fv(x9 z)πv(dx), (Ae&,ze Q+) .

If z1 < z2 are rational, then πv(., z ) Sπv( , ^ ) , so that

for almost all x (modulo πv). Hence (since Q+ is countable) for π

almost all x9 Fv(x, .) is a nondecreasing function of z e Q+. For any
z e Q+,

πv(A, z) == lim rv(A, z + w 1 )

= lim I Fv(x, z + ^ ^^

so that, for Tr^ almost all x, Fv(x, z +) = F (x, z). A similar argument
shows that, for ^ almost all x,

lim Fv(x, n) = 1 .

Hence, by changing Fv(x, .) on a ^ null set of values of x, we can

find a function Fv: S x Q+ +R such that, for each xeS, F (x, .) is
nondecreasing and right continuous, with

Fv(x, 0) = 0, lim Fv(x, z) = 1 ,


and such that (30) holds.

This function defines, for each x, a probability measure pv(x9 .)
on ( +, SS+) by

(31) p9(x, (z , z2]) = Fv(x, z2) F9(x, zj, (z, <z2e Q+) ,
which satisfies

(32) r,(A, z) = \j>9(x, (0, z])π9(dx), (z e Q + ).

Hence, by (29),

(33) J9(A, E)=[\ \ pv{x, dz)πv(dx), (Ae@,Ee

Moreover, it is clear from the way in which p has been constructed
that pv(x, E) is a measurable function of x, and that

(34) pv(x, I9) = l .

Combining (28) and (33), we have

Xt(A) = t (A) + £ ( ( J l e *°)pv(x, dz)π (dx)

v=l J JB+

= t (A) + ( ruv(dx)\l \ e »p9(x, dz)] .

Hence Theorem 2 leads to the following result:

THEOREM 3. Let be a completely random measure satisfying <&
and having no fixed atoms. Then there exist finite measures
, πu π2> "' o n S> and probability measures

pv(x,.)(v = l,2, . . . ; ? e S )
on R+ with pv(., E) measurable for each Ee$$+, such that, for all
t> 0,

(35) E{er*™} exp { t (A) ± ^ [1 p*(x, t)]πv(dx)} ,


(36) p*(x, t) = \ e~"pv{x, dz) .

REMARK. It may seem that we can say more about the measures

, 7 l9πi9 than that they are finite, because a countable dissection

of S can be chosen on which all the measures are simultaneously
finite. Call a collection S?~ of measures on S uniformly finite if
there exists a countable dissection {An} of S with µ(An) < oo for all
n and all µ e JX~. Then { , πlf π2, •} is a uniformly finite collection
of measures. However, this strengthening is only apparent, since any
countable collection of finite measures is uniformly finite. This
result is proved in Appendix 1.

8* If we combine Theorems 1 and 3, we see that the finite dim

ensional distributions of a completely random measure satisfying ^
are completely described by the following characteristics :
( i ) a countable subset j^f of S (the set of fixed atoms),
(ii) for every X G J / , a probability measure q(x, .) on R + (the
distribution of {x)),
(iii) a nonatomic finite measure on S,
(iv) for each positive integer v, a nonatomic finite measure πv
on S,
(v) for each positive integer v, and every xeS, a probability
measure pv(x, .) on R+ — {0}, with pv(., E) measurable for each Ee%$+.
In terms of these characteristics, the distribution of (A) is given
(37) log E[e~t U)} =
log q*(x, t) t {A ) £ ( [1 p*( , t)]π.(dx) ,
(38) q*(x, t) = \ e~tzq(x, dz) .

We now prove a result which is a converse to the theorems already


THEOREM 4. If j ^ , q, , πVJ pv are given satisfying (i) (v), then

there exists a completely random measure satisfying ^ and having
distributions given by (37).

We prove the theorem by constructing completely random measures

f, d, u 02, 0 3 , such that
(39) E{e~i f^}=

(40) E{e~t *U)} = e~t U) ,


(41) E{e—'«>} = exp { j j l p*(x, t)]π.(dx)}, v = 1, 2, ..) .

If all these measures are taken to be independent, and if

(42) a =

(43) = (P, + d + o

is a completely random measure satisfying (37). Moreover, it is easily

verified (using the result of Appendix 1) that satisfies <g=\
The first component f is obtained by taking independent random
variables (x)(x e sf) such that (x) has probability measure q(x, .),
and setting

(44) 0/ = *(*)«..
Then f is a completely random measure satisfying (39). It is clearly
concentrated on the countable set s/ %
The second component is constructed trivially by putting

(45) d =

so that d is purely deterministic.

To obtain (where v is a positive integer), first construct a
Poisson process v on S according to the measure πv (see Appendix 2).
Thus will consist of a countable number of random points of
S, the number of points in disjoint sets being independent, the
number in a set A having a Poisson distribution with mean π (A)
if this is finite, and otherwise being almost surely infinite. Condi
tional on V1 construct, for each x e v, a random variable (x) hav
ing distribution pv(x,.), different (x) being independent. Then ele
mentary computations show that

(46) <P =

is a completely random measure satisfying (41).
Thus the proof of the theorem is complete.
If we call two random measures equivalent if they have the same
finite dimensional distributions, then we have proved that any comple
tely random measure satisfying ^ is equivalent to one of the form
implied by equations (42) (46). In particular we have the following

THEOREM 5. Every completely random measure satisfying ^ is


equivalent to the sum of two such measures, one of which is purely

deterministic and the other purely atomic.

9* If is any completely random measure, then it is an

immediate consequence of the monotone convergence theorem that the
function m given by
(47) m(A) = E{ (A)} , (Ae@),
is a measure on S. If satisfies <g% and thus has a distribution given
by (37), then

(48) m(A) = ( *«(&, dz) + (A) + ( π (dx)\ pv(x, dz) .

SS A JR+ v=l J J R+

Notice that, even under <g% m need not be finite.

A rather more complicated set function is that given by
(49) V(A) = var { (A)}f (AeS) .
Here var (X) denotes the variance of X, with var (X) = oo if
E(X2) = oo. If A and B are disjoint, the independence of (A) and
(B) shows that
V(A UB)= V(A) + V(B) ,
so that V is a finitely additive, but not necessarily additive, set
function on S. However, it is easy to show that, if V(A) < oo f then
the restriction of V to subsets of A is additive. For a discussion
of V when S = R we refer to [11].
There are a number of other set functions connected with which
are of some interest. In particular, we leave it to the reader to verify
(50) (A) log P{ (A) = 0}, (4eS)
is a measure on S, while
(51) o(A) = log P{ (A) = oo} , (Ae&)
defines a finitely additive, but not in general additive, set function
on S.

10* In the decomposition (43) of a completely random measure

satisfying <g% the fixed atomic component f and the deterministic
component d are relatively uninteresting, and we therefore concen
trate attention on the third component o, which we call the
ordinary component of . This is a purely atomic measure, and its
atoms form the superposition

(52) = Q v
v =l

of the independent Poisson processes . Notice that, since the me

asures π are nonatomic, the sets v are almost certainly disjoint.
Because a superposition of independent Poisson processes is itself
a Poisson process, it follows that the atoms of o follow a Poisson
process corresponding to the measure

(53) π=X πv .
v l l

This last measure is not necessarily cr finite. It is this fact that

necessitates the awkward splitting of o into its components

11. All the above analysis has been carried out using the condi
tion ^ and it is worthwhile noting the points at which this condition
enters the argument. If it is not assumed, the measures \t can still
be defined by (3), but they no longer need be finite. Thus, if §>
is the (/ ideal generated by % (the class of countable unions of sets in
3), §> may be a proper sub ideal of @.
The first application of <& occurs in § 4, where it is used to
establish the countability of the set s^f of fixed atoms. If ^ is not
assumed, j ^ may be uncountable, and indeed nonmeasurable. When
this is so, there is no obvious way of 'splitting off' the fixed atomic
component as is done in Theorem 1.
The analysis of Theorem 2 goes through, as long as we restrict
attention to sets in %. Thus is defined for Ae%, and then ex
tended as in § 6 to %. If we then set

(54) (A, E) = oo, (A e 8, E ),

(23) is valid for all i e 6 .
The argument of §7, in which the structure of is examined
in detail, relies heavily on the Radon Nikodym theorem, and so requires
some sort of finiteness restriction. The condition & seems to be the
simplest such restriction. Whether Theorem 5 is true if c^ is not
assumed I do not know.
Since c ? is, in a sense, a condition of finiteness on the com
pletely random measure , it is worth asking what relation it bears
to the more obvious condition,
g"\ is finite for almost all e Ω.
The trivial example in which S has just one point s and

0 < P{ ({S}) = 00} < 1

shows that <g> does not imply <jg". It is also true that <g" does not
imply <g*; in fact it is possible to construct a completely random
measure on the Borel subsets of R with the following properties
(m denoting Lebesgue measure):
(i) is finite for all ,
(ii) if m{A) > 0, then (A) = co a.s.,
(ill) if m(A) = 0, then <P(A) = 0 a.s.
In this case 3 (and so also §) consists of the sets of Lebesgue me
asure zero and so ^ is not satisfied. The details of the construction
are given in Appendix 3; the result shows the depth of pathology
which can be reached if ^ is not assumed.

Appendix 1* Uniform finiteness. The concept of a uniformly

finite collection of measures was defined in §7. It is trivial that
the members of such a collection must each be finite, and that a
finite collection of finite measures is uniformly finite. Less trivial
is the corresponding result for countable collections, which is a coroll
ary of the following theorem, which is itself related to a result of
Feldman ([4], Theorem 7.4).

THEOREM 6. If µu µ2j are finite measures on a space (S, @),

there exist strictly positive numbers cu cif such that 2 =i cnµn is

Proof. Since µn is finite, it is dominated by a probability me

asure n, and so by the probability measure

— / l " \>n

Hence, for some finite nonnegative function / ,

µn(dx) = fn{x)X(dx) .
As —> oo, X{x;fn(x) > a}—»0, and hence we can choose an so that, if
A = {x; fn(x) > an}, then X(An) < 2~n. We now write

cn = 2~na~\ µ = £ onµn

it suffices to prove that µ is finite.


Bn = U A k (n = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . ) ,
74 J. F . C. KINGMAN

X(Ak) < 2~ k = 2~ n ,
k=n+l k=n+l

and therefore, if

we have ( oo) = 0.
Hence µn{BJ) = 0 for all n, and so µiB^) = 0, and it suffices to
prove that µ is finite on S — B^. Now

S JBo. = 0 ( 5.)

( > = S) and it thus suffices to prove that µ is finite on An — Bn.

To do this, write

ft — n u U /* ft L. . . . i /» n J _ ^ /» //

On the right hand side the first n terms are finite on An — Bn, and
it suffices to show that the last is also finite. It is in fact totally
fiaite on An — Bn, since

f crµr)(An B%)= cr\ fr(x)Mdx)

= r\ ar\(dx)
r=n+l j n~Bn

= erar = 2~% <C oo .

This completes the proof.

COROLLARY. There exists a countable dissection {Am} of S with
µn(Am) < oo for all m, n.

Proof. Take a dissection {Am} with µ(Am) < oo. Then

< ^ oo

Appendix 2. The construction of Poisson processes. By a

Poisson process on an abstract space S we mean a random set of points
with the property that the numbers of points in disjoint sets are in
dependent Poisson variates. More precisely, let (S, @, µ) be a measure
space, let be a random subset of S and let


(Here, for any set B,%B denotes the number of points in B if B is

finite, and +00 if B is infinite.) Then we say that is a Poisson
process with measure µ if
( i ) whenever Au A2y , An are disjoint numbers of @,

are independent,
(ii) if µ(A) < 001 then N(A) has a Poisson distribution with mean
(iii) if µ(A) = oof then N(A) = 00 a.s.
Thus, in the terminology of this paper, is a Poisson process with
measure µ if and only if N is a completely random measure with (in
the notation of §3)
(56) Xt(A) =
It is far from obvious that, given a space (S, @, µ), there does
exist a Poisson process as described above. The object of this appendix,
which is the outcome of discussions with Professor D. G. Kendall, is
to show how, under suitable conditions, such a process can be con
We first remark that, for a Poisson process to exist, µ must be
nonatomic. For, if x e S has µ{x} = a > 0, we have

P{N({x}) S 1} = e~a + ae~a < 1 ,

which contradicts the obvious fact that

) = # ({x} ) £ 1 .
It is, of course, possible to modify our definition to avoid this difficulty,
but this seems hardly worthwhile, and we shall be content to assume
that µ is nonatomic.
The obvious way to proceed to the construction of is as follows.
As in §2, the assumption that N is a completely random measure
satisfying (56) leads to a consistent family of finite dimensional dis
tributions for the stochastic process

Hence, by the Daniell Kolmogorov theorem, there does exist a stochastic
process with these finite dimensional distributions. In particular, N
is almost surely a finitely additive, integer valued set function satisfy
ing (i) (iii). The theorem is not, however, sufficiently strong to ensure
that N is additive. Kendall (private communication) has shown how
this sort of difficulty may be avoided by powerful general methods,
but in the simple case of a Poisson process it is possible to proceed

in a more elementary way. To do this we need to make a restriction

on the measure µ (apart from nonatomicity), and the result is given
in the following theorem.

THEOREM 7. Let (S, @, µ) be a nonatomic measure space, and

suppose that µ can be expressed as the sum of a countable number
of finite measures. Then there exists a Poisson process on S
with measure µ and is almost certainly countable.

Proof. Consider first the case in which µ is totally finite, and

write a = µ(S). Choose independent random variables Xl9 X2, , N,
(i) Xn takes values in S, and has distribution given by the
measure a~~ µ, and
(ii) N has a Poisson distribution with mean a.
— {Xu Xu , XN} .

Then elementary (if tedious) computations show that is a Poisson

process with measure µ. Clearly is almost certainly finite.
Now suppose that µ is finite. Then we can find finite measures
µu µ*, such that µ = µ . Construct, as in the previous paragraph
Poisson processes 3 on (S, @, µ3), and do this so that the 3 are in
dependent. Then easily
π = \j π J

is a Poisson process with measure µ, and is almost surely countable.

An exactly similar argument extends the result to countable
sums of finite measures, and preserves the countability of . Hence
the theorem is proved.
The Poisson processes discussed in §8 all correspond to measures
which satisfy the conditions of Theorem 7, and hence the argument
of that section is completed.
It is perhaps worth stressing that the Poisson process can be
countable even when the underlying measure µ is not finite.

Appendix 3. A pathological example. The object of this appendix

is to give details of the completely random measure referred to at the
end of § 11. This was a measure — . On (R, @) with
(i) finite f or all ,
(ii) (A) = oo a.s. whenever A has positive Lebesgue measure
(iii) (A) = 0 a.s. whenever A has zero Lebesgue measure.

Because the distribution of (A) is degenerate, this random measure

is in fact completely random.
Take the probability space Ω to be the unit interval, and P to be
Lebesgue measure on its Lebesgue subsets. Then define a random
measure on (R, S3) by

(57) (A) = %[Af)( + Q)], (A e 33).

In other words, is counting measure on the translate ( + Q) of
the rationale, and is thus o finite.
If X is the characteristic function of A, then

(58) (A) = X (C O + r ) .
r eq

showing that (A) is a measurable function of . If m(A) = 0,

for almost all , and so (A) = 0 a.s. Hence is a random measure

satisfying (i) and (iii), and it remains only to prove (ii).
Thus let A have m(A) > 0. Then there exists r e Q with

m{A (r, r + 1)} > 0 ,

and, from (58), for any integers n, q,

JLA) ^ tx <o + r + k/q) .

As q—>oo, the right hand side converges in !/(£?), and hence in
measure, to
v Afo + r) = w 4( + r) .


P{ (A) ^n}^ p\± XA(O> + T + k/q) ^ n\

U=l J
»P{nXjffi> + r) ^ } (q
= P{ + r 6 A}
= P{ e A r}
= m{(0, 1) n (A r)}
= m{A (r, r + 1)},
and letting n —»• co

= 00} ^ m{A n (r, r + 1)} > 0 .


Now let E be the set of for which (A) = < >, so that m(E) > 0.
From the definition of it is clear that
eE, reQ, + r e (0, l)=* + r eE .
Hence, if G(x) = m{E n (0, a?]}, (0 < x < 1), we have

G(x + r) G(r = G(a), ( 0 < x < x + r < l , r e Q ) .

Since G is right continuous,

G(x + y) = G(x) + G(y)

for all ?, 2/ > 0, a? + 2/ < 1, and hence

G(x) = xG(l) =
Thus, for almost all x e (0, 1),

E (x) = G'(»)
and since ^ =0 or 1 and m(E) > 0 it follows that m(J?) = 1. Thus
P{ (A) = ^} = ME) = 1 ,
and the proof of (ii) is complete.

1. M. S. Bartlett, Spectral analysis of point processes, J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B.
2 5 (1963), 264 296.
2. V. E. Benes, General Stochastic Processes in the Theory of Queues, Addison Wesley,
3. J. L. Doob, Stochastic Processes, Wiley, 1953.
4. J. Feldman, Subinvariant measures for Markoff operators, Duke Math. J. 2 9 (1962),
71 98.
5. P. R. Halmos, Measure Theory, van Nostrand, 1950.
6. D. G. Kendall, Extreme point methods in stochastic analysis, Z. Wahrscheinlich
keitstheorie 1 (1963), 295 300.
7. J. F. C. Kingman, The stochastic theory of regenerative events, Z. Wahrscheinlich
keitstheorie 2 (1964), 180 224.
8. P. Levy, Complement a Vetude des processus de Markoff, Ann. Sci. £cole Norm.
Sup. Ill 69 (1951), 203 212.
9. M. Loeve, Probability Theory, van Nostrand, 1963.
10. C. Ryll Nardzewski, Remarks on processes of calls, Proc. 4th Berkeley Sympos.
Math. Statist, and Prob. 1961, II, 455 465.
11. P. Whittle, On the variation of yield variance with plot size, Biometrika 4 3
(1956), 337 343.

Received February 24, 1966.



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Pacific Journal of Mathematics
Vol. 21, No. 1 November, 1967

Friedrich-Wilhelm Bauer, Der Hurewicz-Satz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

D. W. Dubois, A note on David Harrison’s theory of preprimes . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Bert E. Fristedt, Sample function behavior of increasing processes with
stationary, independent increments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Minoru Hasegawa, On the convergence of resolvents of operators . . . . . . . . . . 35
Søren Glud Johansen, The descriptive approach to the derivative of a set
function with respect to a -lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
John Frank Charles Kingman, Completely random measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Tilla Weinstein, Surfaces harmonically immersed in E 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Hikosaburo Komatsu, Fractional powers of operators. II. Interpolation
spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Edward Milton Landesman, Hilbert-space methods in elliptic partial
differential equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
O. Carruth McGehee, Certain isomorphisms between quotients of a group
algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
DeWayne Stanley Nymann, Dedekind groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Sidney Charles Port, Hitting times for transient stable processes . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Ralph Tyrrell Rockafellar, Duality and stability in extremum problems
involving convex functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Philip C. Tonne, Power-series and Hausdorff matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

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