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Lesson Planning PPU

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Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades - Licenciatura en Idioma Inglés.

Reference Material: Top Notch 3 Level: Advanced Time: 90 minutes

Focus: Speaking/Writing Age: 16 Framework: PPU (Presentation, Practice, Use)

Number of students: 26

Teachers: Katherinne Johanna Castillo Chavez

Vanessa Melissa Orantes Barrientos
Fatima Carolina Ruano Ramirez
Unit 1: Make small talk
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: At the end of the unit, SWBAT: recognize and understand correctly the use of “Isnt” and “Aren't”
in different contexts, such as: written tasks and daily conversations that will allow them to communicate effectively.
SPECIFIC (learning) OBJECTIVE: At the end of the lesson, SWBAT: manage with 98% accuracy on the use of " isn't"
and "aren't" in their daily communication by performing a roleplay.

 Teacher will bring some pieces of paper
Warm up in a box with personal questions or the S V-A
word “candy” which means that if the S-S
10 m Candy or question student gets that piece of paper will not T-S
answer any question and

he/she will have a candy, and in the back side Appendix A,

will be a number depending of the students colored papers,
presented in class. box, speaker.
 Students will stay at their seats so the teacher
will pass the box student by student while he
is playing a song, when the teacher stops the
music, the student with the box will choose a
piece of paper and say what it has writing

See appendix A
Presentation • Ask students to work in pairs. Reading V-A
• Ask them to use the book top notch 3 in unit 1 and
10 m Conversation model page 4 speaking Appendix B, book
• Ask students to practice the conversation and top notch 3
identify the question. T-S
• Some students will come forward to say the S-S

See appendix B

Presentation • Ask students to work in groups of 3. Reading V-A

5m • They will use the book Top Notch 3 from unit 1, and
Discussion page 3. speaking Appendix B, book
top notch 3

• Ask students to discuss the questions in activity T-S

B. S-S
• Ask students and listen to their answers

See appendix B
Explanation Grammar: Tag questions: Use and form Writing, V-A
15 m Topic Use a projector to explain the use of tag questions and Appendix C,
and what their form is. After that, explain the listening projector board,
difference between "Isn't" and "Aren't" and their full markers, notebook,
pen, pencil.
forms with examples on the board to explain better.
See appendix C

• Teacher will have the students in pairs and give

Practice 1 them a worksheet where they have to complete Writing, V-A
10 m each statement with the correct tag question. reading
Identifying tag question • They will have six minutes to do it, then they and Appendix D
will discuss it for four minutes to verify if they speaking.
got the correct answer. T-S
See appendix D
 Teacher will bring to each student a page in Writing-
Practice 2 blank where they have to create five sentences reading V-A
10 m since zero about tag questions, then the and
Creating tag questions teacher will ask some students to read aloud speaking Pages in blank
their questions, giving them feedback about T-S-S
pronunciation and grammar structure.

See appendix D
• The teacher will ask the students to go to their Reading,
Practice 3 book, Top notch 3 page 3, and will practice writing V-A
10 m photo story conversation, then they will find and
Find the grammar where and underline all the tag questions there. speaking Top notch 3
• Teacher will ask randomly to a student to give
her the tag question he/she found. T-S
See appendix D
 The teacher will tell the students to get in group
20 m of three and they have to create a conversation Writing
Use activitie
based on the topic previously taught. and
Role play  After some minutes, the teacher will write a speaking
number in her hand and each group will have S-S V-A-K
to guess the number, the group of students
who guess it, will pass and do the role play
they have prepared.

Appendix A
Appendix B

Appendix C
Appendix D

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