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GHT 22

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Por favor, no devuelva el aparato al lugar de compra.
Veuillez ne pas retourner l’outil au détaillant.

Instruction Manual
Manual de Instrucciones
Manuel d’Instructions

GHT 180
GHT 220

Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before
using this product. Failure to do so can result in serious injury.
Lea el manual de instrucciones y siga todas las advertencias e
instrucciones de seguridad. El no hacerlo puede resultar en lesiones
Lire le manuel d’instructions et bien respecter tous les avertisse-
ments et toutes les instructions de sécurité. Tout défaut de le faire
pourrait entraîner des blessures graves.

Electrolux Home Products, Inc.

250 Bobby Jones Expressway
Augusta, GA 30907

Copyright E2002 Electrolux Home Products, Inc. 530086901 4/23/02

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D Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up fuel spills
before starting the engine.
Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from
fuel and fueling site before starting engine.
D Always store gasoline in a container ap-
WARNING: Failure to follow all proved for flammable liquids.
Safety Rules and Precautions can result in OPERATE YOUR UNIT SAFELY
serious injury.
BE DANGEROUS! This unit can cause serious moves momentarily after the trigger is re-
injury including amputation or blindness to the leased. Do not attempt to clear away cut ma-
operator and others. The warnings and safety terial when the blade is in motion. Make sure
instructions in this manual must be followed to the switch is in the OFF position, the spark
provide reasonable safety and efficiency in us- plug wire is disconnected, and the blade has
ing this unit. The operator is responsible for fol- stopped moving before removing jammed
lowing the warnings and instructions in this material from the cutting blade. Do not grab or
manual and on the unit. Never allow children to hold the unit by the cutting blade.
use this tool. D Inspect unit before each use for worn,
KNOW YOUR UNIT loose, missing, or damaged parts. Do not
S Read your instruction manual carefully until use until unit is in proper working order.
you completely understand and can follow D Keep outside surfaces free from oil and
all warnings and safety rules before operat- fuel.
ing the unit. D Never start or run engine inside a closed
D Restrict unit to users who understand and room or building. Breathing exhaust fumes
will follow all warnings and safety rules in can kill.
this manual and on the unit. D Avoid dangerous environments. Do not use
in unventilated areas or where explosive
PLAN AHEAD vapors or carbon monoxide build up could
be present.
WARNING: Inspect area before start- D Do not overreach or use from unstable sur-
ing unit. Remove all debris and hard objects faces such as ladders, trees, steep slopes,
such as rocks, glass, wire, etc. that can rico- rooftops, etc. Keep firm footing and balance
chet, be thrown, or otherwise cause injury or at all times.
damage during operation. D Do not raise unit above your shoulders; the
D Always wear eye protection when operating, cutting blade can come dangerously close
servicing, or performing maintenance on unit. to your body.
Wearing eye protection will help to prevent D Always keep unit in front of your body. Keep
brush or debris from being thrown or ricochet- all parts of your body away from the cutting
ing into eyes and face which can result in blade.
blindness and/or serious injury. Eye protec- D Keep the cutting blade and air vents free
tion should be marked Z87. from debris.
D Wear hearing protection when using this D Use only for jobs explained in this manual.
D Secure hair above shoulder length. Secure D Have all maintenance other than the rec-
or remove jewelry, loose clothing, or cloth- ommended procedures described in the in-
ing with loosely hanging straps, ties, tas- struction manual performed by an autho-
sels, etc. They can be caught in moving rized service dealer.
parts. D Disconnect spark plug before performing
D Stay alert. Do not operate unit when you are maintenance except for carburetor adjust-
tired, ill, upset, or if you are under the influence ments.
of alcohol, drugs, or medication. D Do not use a cutting blade that is bent,
D Keep children, bystanders, and animals warped, cracked, broken, or damaged in
away from work area a minimum of 30 feet any other way. Have worn or damaged
(10 meters) when starting or operating unit. parts replaced by an authorized service
D Eliminate all sources of sparks or flame (in- D Use only recommended Weed Eater! cut-
cluding smoking, open flames, or work that ting blades and replacement parts; use of
can cause sparks) in the areas where fuel is any other parts may void your warranty and
mixed, poured, or stored. cause damage to your unit.
D Mix and pour fuel in an outdoor area; store D Empty fuel tank before storing the unit. Use
fuel in a cool, dry, well ventilated place; use up fuel left in carburetor by starting engine and
an approved, marked container for all fuel letting it run until it stops.
purposes. D Hand carry the unit with the engine stopped
D Do not smoke while handling fuel or while and the muffler and cutting blade away from
operating the unit. your body.
D Do not fill fuel tank while engine is running. D Allow engine to cool, empty the fuel tank,
D Make sure the unit is properly assembled and secure the unit before storing or trans-
and in good operating condition. porting it in a vehicle.

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Blades can throw objects violently
D You can be blinded or injured.
Safety D Wear safety glasses.
Hazard zone for thrown objects
D Blades can throw objects violently.
D Others can be blinded or injured.
30 ft. D Keep people and animals 30 feet
(10 m) (10 meters) away.
Blades move Allow blades to stop WARNING:
momentarily before removing Blades move momentarily after the
after the them from the cut. trigger is released.
trigger is D The blades can seriously cut you or
released. others.
D Allow blades to stop before
removing them from the cut.

D Do not store the unit or fuel in a closed area SPECIAL NOTICE: This unit is equipped
where fuel vapors can reach sparks or an with a temperature limiting muffler and spark
open flame from hot water heaters, electric arresting screen which meets the require-
motors or switches, furnaces, etc. ments of California Codes 4442 and 4443. All
D Store the unit so the cutting blade cannot U.S. forest land and the states of California,
accidentally cause injury. Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ore-
D Store in a dry area out of reach of children. gon, and Washington require by law that
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibrations many internal combustion engines be
through prolonged use of gasoline powered equipped with a spark arresting screen. If you
hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve operate in a locale where such regulations ex-
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of ist, you are legally responsible for maintaining
people prone to circulation disorders or ab- the operating condition of these parts. Failure
normal swelling. Prolonged use in cold to do so is a violation of the law. Refer to the
weather has been linked to blood vessel dam- SERVICE section for maintenance of the
age in otherwise healthy people. If symptoms muffler and spark arresting screen.
occur such as numbness, pain, loss of
strength, change in skin color or texture, or
loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints, ASSEMBLY
discontinue the use of this tool and seek
medical attention. An anti vibration system NOTE: It is normal for the fuel filter to rattle in
does not guarantee the avoidance of these the empty fuel tank.
problems. Users who operate power tools on
a continual and regular basis must monitor ASSEMBLY
closely their physical condition and the condi- Your hedge trimmer is fully assembled; no as-
tion of this tool. sembly is required.

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UNIT. Compare the illustrations with your unit to familiarize yourself with the location of the vari-
ous controls and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
Spark Plug
Throttle Lock
Hand Guard Throttle
Primer Bulb
Choke Lever Fuel Mix Fill Cap


The ON/OFF SWITCH is used to stop the en- The PRIMER BULB removes air from the car-
gine. To stop engine, move switch to OFF. buretor and fuel lines and fills them with fuel.
This allows you to start the engine with fewer
pulls on the starter rope. Activate the primer
CHOKE bulb by pressing it and allowing it to return to
The CHOKE helps to supply fuel to the engine its original position.
to aid in cold starting. Activate the choke by THROTTLE TRIGGER
moving choke lever to the desired position. See The THROTTLE TRIGGER controls engine
STARTING YOUR ENGINE for complete start- speed. Squeeze the trigger for full speed opera-
ing information. tion; release it for idle speed.

WARNING: Muffler is very hot during Experience indicates that alcohol blended fuels
and after use. Do not touch the muffler or al- (called gasohol or using ethanol or methanol)
low combustible material such as dry grass or can attract moisture which leads to separation
fuel to do so. and formation of acids during storage. Acidic
gas can damage the fuel system of an engine
BEFORE STARTING ENGINE while in storage. To avoid engine problems,
empty the fuel system before storage for 30
WARNING: Be sure to read the fuel days or longer. Drain the gas tank, start the en-
information in the safety rules before you be- gine and let it run until the fuel lines and carbure-
tor are empty. Use fresh fuel next season. Nev-
gin. If you do not understand the safety rules,
er use engine or carburetor cleaner products in
do not attempt to fuel your unit. Call the fuel tank or permanent damage may occur.
S Use the minimum throttle speed necessary
WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowly to effectively cut hedges for optimal hedge
when refueling. trimmer performance.
This engine is certified to operate on un- S Never attempt to use this hedge trimmer to
leaded gasoline. Before operation, gasoline cut hedges that have any branches with a
must be mixed with a good quality synthetic diameter larger than 7/16" (1 cm).
2-cycle air-cooled engine oil designed to be OPERATING POSITION
mixed at a ratio of 40:1. Poulan/Weed Eater
brand synthetic oil is recommended. A 40:1 Hearing
Protection Eye
ratio is obtained by mixing 3.2 ounces of oil Protection
with 1 gallon of unleaded gasoline. DO NOT
USE automotive oil or boat oil. These oils will
cause engine damage. When mixing fuel, fol-
low instructions printed on oil container. Once
oil is added to gasoline, shake container mo-
mentarily to assure that the fuel is thoroughly
mixed. Always read and follow the safety
rules listed under HANDLE FUEL WITH

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D To stop the engine, move the ON/OFF Lever
switch to the OFF position.
D Fuel engine. Move at least 10 feet (3 me-
ters) away from the fueling site.
D Hold the unit on the ground in the starting
position as shown. Support unit so the
blade is off of the ground and away from
trees, bushes, onlookers, etc.

5. Pull starter rope handle sharply until en-

gine sounds as if it is trying to run, but do
not pull rope more than 6 times.
6. Move the choke lever to the HALF
CHOKE position.
7. Pull starter rope sharply until the engine
runs, but no more than 6 pulls.
STARTING A COLD ENGINE (or a NOTE: If the engine doesn’t start after 6
warm engine after running out of pulls (at the HALF CHOKE position),
check to make sure the ON/OFF switch is
fuel) in the ON position. Move the choke lever
to the FULL CHOKE position and press
Throttle Lock the primer bulb 6 times; pull the starter
Throttle rope 2 more times. Move the choke lever
Lock-out to the HALF CHOKE position and pull the
starter rope until the engine runs, but no
more than 6 more pulls. If the engine still
doesn’t start, it is probably flooded. Pro-
Throttle GINE.
Trigger 8. Once the engine starts, allow the engine to
run 10 seconds, then move the choke lever
to the OFF CHOKE position. Allow the unit to
run for 30 more seconds at the OFF CHOKE
position before squeezing and releasing the
1. Move the ON/OFF switch to the ON posi- throttle trigger to release the throttle lock.
tion. NOTE: If engine dies with the choke lever
2. Engage the throttle lock as follows: in the OFF CHOKE position, move the
D press the throttle lock--out; choke lever to the HALF CHOKE position
D squeeze and hold throttle trigger; and pull the rope until the engine runs, but
D press and hold throttle lock, then no more than 6 pulls.
D release the throttle trigger STARTING A WARM ENGINE
NOTE: Keep the throttle lock engaged until 1. Move the ON/OFF switch to the ON posi-
the engine starts. tion.
2. Slowly press the primer bulb 6 times.
3. Move the choke lever to the HALF
ON OFF CHOKE position.
Switch 4. Engage the throttle lock as directed in
NOTE: Keep the throttle lock engaged until
the engine starts.
5. Pull starter rope sharply until engine runs,
but no more than 5 pulls.
6. Allow the engine to run 10 seconds, then
move the choke lever to the OFF CHOKE
7. Release the throttle lock by squeezing and
releasing the trigger.
NOTE: If engine has not started, pull starter
3. Slowly press the primer bulb 6 times. rope 5 more pulls. If engine still does not run, it
4. Move the choke lever to the FULL CHOKE is probably flooded. Proceed to STARTING A

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STARTING A FLOODED ENGINE Cleaning the air filter:
Flooded engines can be started by placing A dirty air filter decreases engine perform-
the ON/OFF switch in the ON position and the ance and increases fuel consumption and
choke lever in the OFF CHOKE position and harmful emissions. Always clean after every
engaging the throttle lock as directed in the 5 hours of operation.
STARTING A COLD ENGINE section; then, 1. Clean the cover and the area around it to
pull the rope to clear the engine of excess keep debris from falling into the carburetor
fuel. Starting could require pulling the starter chamber when the cover is removed.
rope many times depending on how badly the 2. Remove parts as illustrated.
unit is flooded. If the unit still doesn’t start, refer NOTE: Do not clean filter in gasoline or other
to the TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE or call flammable solvent. Doing so can create a fire
1-800-554-6723. hazard or produce harmful evaporative emis-
3. Wash the filter in soap and water.
SERVICE 4. Allow filter to dry.
5. Add a few drops of oil to the filter; squeeze
filter to distribute oil.
WARNING: Ensure ON/OFF switch 6. Replace parts.
is in the OFF position and disconnect the INSPECT MUFFLER AND SPARK
spark plug before performing maintenance
except for carburetor adjustments. ARRESTING SCREEN
The warranty on this unit does not cover items For normal homeowner use, the muffler and
that have been subjected to operator abuse spark arresting screen will not require any ser-
or negligence. To receive full value from the vice.
warranty, the operator must maintain unit as After 50 hours of use, we recommend that
instructed in this manual. Various adjust- your muffler be replaced by an authorized
ments will need to be made periodically to service dealer.
properly maintain your unit.
FASTENERS AND PARTS Your carburetor is equipped with limiter caps.
S Spark Plug Boot Carburetor adjustment is a complicated task.
S Air Filter We recommend that you take your unit to an
S Housing Screws authorized service dealer. Damage will occur
if you turn the needles beyond the limiter
Contact an authorized service dealer for re- REPLACE SPARK PLUG
placement of damaged or worn parts. Replace spark plug each year to ensure the
S ON/OFF Switch -- Ensure ON/OFF switch engine starts easier and runs better. Set
functions properly by moving the switch to the spark plug gap at 0.025 inch. Ignition timing is
OFF position. Make sure engine stops; then fixed, nonadjustable.
restart engine and continue. 1. Twist, then pull off spark plug boot.
S Fuel Tank -- Do not use unit if fuel tank shows 2. Remove spark plug from cylinder and dis-
signs of damage or leaks. card.
INSPECT AND CLEAN UNIT AND 3. Replace with Champion RCJ-6Y spark
LABELS plug and tighten securely with a 3/4 inch
S Before and after each use, inspect com- socket wrench.
plete unit for loose or damaged parts. After 4. Reinstall the spark plug boot.
each use, clean the unit and labels using a REPLACE FUEL FILTER
damp cloth with a mild detergent. To replace fuel filter, drain unit by running it dry
S Wipe off unit with a clean dry cloth. of fuel, then remove fuel cap/retainer assem-
CLEAN AIR FILTER bly from tank. Pull filter from tank and remove
it from the fuel line. Install new fuel filter on fuel
line; reinstall parts.
Air Filter

Fuel Filter

Fuel Line
Air Filter

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TION section of this manual, see message la-
beled IMPORTANT regarding the use of ga-
sohol in your engine. Fuel stabilizer is an ac-
WARNING: Perform the following ceptable alternative in minimizing the formation
steps after each use: of fuel gum deposits during storage. Add stabi-
S Allow engine to cool, and secure the unit lizer to gasoline in fuel tank or fuel storage con-
before storing or transporting. tainer. Follow the mix instructions found on sta-
S Store unit and fuel in a well ventilated area bilizer container. Run engine at least 5 minutes
where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or after adding stabilizer.
open flames from water heaters, electric ENGINE
motors or switches, furnaces, etc. S Remove spark plug and pour 1 teaspoon of
S Store unit with all guards in place. Position 40:1, 2-cycle engine oil (air cooled) through
unit so that any sharp object cannot acci- the spark plug opening. Slowly pull the
dentally cause injury. starter rope 8 to 10 times to distribute oil.
S Store unit and fuel well out of the reach of S Replace spark plug with new one of recom-
children. mended type and heat range (see RE-
Prepare unit for storage at end of season or if S Clean air filter.
it will not be used for 30 days or more. S Check entire unit for loose screws, nuts,
If your unit is to be stored for a period of time: and bolts. Replace any damaged, broken,
S Clean the entire unit. or worn parts.
S Store in a clean dry area. S At the beginning of the next season, use
S Clean all parts and check for damage. only fresh fuel having the proper gasoline to
Have damaged parts repaired or replaced oil ratio.
by an authorized service dealer. OTHER
S Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight. S Do not store gasoline from one season to
S Lightly oil external metal surfaces, includ- another.
ing the blade. S Replace your gasoline can if it starts to rust.
To oil the blade, do the following:
S Stop the engine and allow blade to come to
a complete stop. NEED ASSISTANCE?
S Ensure ON/OFF switch is in the OFF posi-
S Disconnect the spark plug wire. NEED ASSISTANCE?
S Apply a light machine oil along the edge of Call 1-800-554-6723 for assistance.
the top strap as shown. NEED SERVICE PARTS?
Contact your authorized service dealer.


Top Strap

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WARNING: Always stop unit and disconnect spark plug before performing all of the
recommended remedies below except remedies that require operation of the unit.
Engine will not 1. ON/OFF switch in the 1. Move ON/OFF switch to the ON
start. OFF position. position.
2. Engine flooded. 2. See “Starting a Flooded Engine”
in Operation Section.
3. Fuel tank empty. 3. Fill tank with correct fuel mixture.
4. Spark plug not firing. 4. Install new spark plug.
5. Fuel not reaching 5. Check for dirty fuel filter; replace.
carburetor. Check for kinked or split fuel line;
repair or replace.
6. Compression low. 6. Contact an authorized service dealer.
Engine will 1. Carburetor requires 1. See “Carburetor Adjustment” in
not idle adjustment. Service and Adjustments Section.
properly. 2. Crankshaft seals worn. 2. Contact an authorized service dealer.
3. Compression low. 3. Contact an authorized service dealer.
Engine will not 1. Air filter dirty. 1. Clean or replace air filter.
accelerate, 2. Spark plug fouled. 2. Clean or replace plug
lacks power, and regap.
or dies under 3. Carburetor requires 3. See “Carburetor Adjustment” in
a load. adjustment. Service and Adjustments Section.
4. Carbon build-up on 4. Contact an authorized service dealer.
muffler outlet screen.
5. Compression low. 5. Contact an authorized service dealer.
Engine 1. Choke partially on. 1. Adjust choke.
smokes 2. Fuel mixture incorrect. 2. Empty fuel tank and refill with
excessively. correct fuel mixture.
3. Air filter dirty. 3. Clean or replace air filter.
4. Carburetor requires 4. See “Carburetor Adjustment” in
adjustment. Service and Adjustments Section.
Engine runs 1. Fuel mixture incorrect. 1. See “Fueling Engine” in Operation
hot. section.
2. Spark plug incorrect. 2. Replace with correct spark plug.
3. Carburetor requires 3. See “Carburetor Adjustment” in
adjustment. Service and Adjustments Section.
4. Carbon build-up on 4. Contact an authorized service dealer.
muffler outlet screen.
ting line, or rotating head parts that will wear and
LIMITED WARRANTY require replacement with reasonable use during
the warranty period. This warranty does not
ELECTROLUX HOME PRODUCTS, INC., cover predelivery setup or normal adjustments
warrants to the original purchaser that each new explained in the instruction manual.
Weed EaterR R brand gasoline tool or attach- THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC
ment is free from defects in material and work- LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY HAVE OTH-
manship and agrees to repair or replace under ER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO
this warranty any defective gasoline product or STATE.
attachment as follows from the original date of NO CLAIMS FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR
2 YEARS -- Parts and Labor, when used for AND THERE ARE NO OTHER EXPRESS
household purposes. WARRANTIES EXCEPT THOSE EX-
60 DAYS -- Parts and Labor, when used for PRESSLY STIPULATED HEREIN.
commercial, professional, or income producing SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITA-
30 DAYS -- Parts and Labor, if used for rental RANTY LASTS OR THE EXCLUSION OR
This warranty is not transferable and does not SEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE
cover damage or liability caused by improper LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT
handling, improper maintenance, or the use of APPLY TO YOU.
accessories and/or attachments not specifically The policy of ELECTROLUX HOME PROD-
recommended by ELECTROLUX HOME UCTS, INC., is to continuously improve its
PRODUCTS, INC., for this tool. Additionally, products. Therefore, ELECTROLUX HOME
this warranty does not cover tune--ups, spark PRODUCTS, INC., reserves the right to
plugs, filters, starter ropes, starter springs, cut- change, modify, or discontinue models, de-

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signs, specifications, and accessories of all warranty period begins on the date the small
products at any time without notice or obliga- off--road engine is purchased. LENGTH OF
tion to any purchaser. COVERAGE: This warranty shall be for a peri-
od of two years from the initial date of purchase.
PLACEMENT OF PARTS. Repair or replace-
EMISSION CONTROL ment of any warranted part will be performed at
no charge to the owner at an approved POU-
have any questions regarding your warranty
YOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS AND OBLIGA- rights and responsibilities, you should contact
TIONS: The U. S. Environmental Protection your nearest authorized service center or call
Agency and POULAN/WEED EATER, DIVI- POULAN/WEED EATER at 1--800--554--6723.
are pleased to explain the emissions control which is not scheduled for replacement as re-
system warranty on your year 2001--2004 small quired maintenance, or which is scheduled only
off--road engine. POULAN/WEED EATER for regular inspection to the effect of ”repair or
must warrant the emission control system on replace as necessary” shall be warranted for 2
your small off--road engine for the periods of years. Any warranted part which is scheduled
time listed below provided there has been no for replacement as required maintenance shall
abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance of be warranted for the period of time up to the first
your small off--road engine. Your emission con- scheduled replacement point for that part.
trol system includes parts such as the carbure- DIAGNOSIS: The owner shall not be charged
tor and the ignition system. Where a warrant- for diagnostic labor which leads to the deter-
able condition exists, POULAN/WEED EATER mination that a warranted part is defective if the
will repair your small off--road engine at no cost
diagnostic work is performed at an approved
to you. Expenses covered under warranty in-
clude diagnosis, parts and labor. MANUFAC- POULAN/WEED EATER servicing center.
emissions related part on your engine (as listed WEED EATER may be liable for damages to
under Emissions Control Warranty Parts List) is other engine components caused by the failure
defective or a defect in the materials or work- of a warranted part still under warranty. WHAT
manship of the engine causes the failure of such IS NOT COVERED: All failures caused by
an emission related part, the part will be repaired abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance are
or replaced by POULAN/WEED EATER. not covered. ADD--ON OR MODIFIED
OWNER’S WARRANTY RESPONSIBILI- PARTS: The use of add--on or modified parts
TIES: As the small off--road engine owner, you can be grounds for disallowing a warranty claim.
are responsible for the performance of the re- POULAN/WEED EATER is not liable to cover
quired maintenance listed in your instruction failures of warranted parts caused by the use of
manual. POULAN/WEED EATER recom- add--on or modified parts. HOW TO FILE A
mends that you retain all receipts covering CLAIM: If you have any questions regarding
maintenance on your small off--road engine, but your warranty rights and responsibilities, you
POULAN/WEED EATER cannot deny warran- should contact your nearest authorized service
ty solely for the lack of receipts or for your failure center or call POULAN/WEED EATER at
to ensure the performance of all scheduled 1--800--554--6723. WHERE TO GET WAR-
maintenance. As the small off--road engine RANTY SERVICE: Warranty services or re-
owner, you should be aware that POULAN/ pairs shall be provided at all POULAN/WEED
WEED EATER may deny you warranty cover- EATER service centers. Call 1--800--554--6723.
age if your small off--road engine or a part of it MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT AND RE-
has failed due to abuse, neglect, improper main- PAIR OF EMISSION RELATED PARTS: Any
tenance, unapproved modifications, or the use POULAN/WEED EATER approved replace-
of parts not made or approved by the original ment part used in the performance of any war-
equipment manufacturer. You are responsible ranty maintenance or repair on emission related
for presenting your small off--road engine to a parts will be provided without charge to the own-
POULAN/WEED EATER authorized repair er if the part is under warranty. EMISSION
center as soon as a problem exists. Warranty CONTROL WARRANTY PARTS LIST:
repairs should be completed in a reasonable Carburetor, Ignition System: Spark Plug (cov-
amount of time, not to exceed 30 days. If you ered up to maintenance schedule), Ignition
have any questions regarding your warranty Module. MAINTENANCE STATEMENT: The
rights and responsibilities, you should contact owner is responsible for the performance of all
your nearest authorized service center or call required maintenance as defined in the instruc-
POULAN/WEED EATER at 1--800--554--6723. tion manual.
This engine is certified to be emissions compliant for the following use:
Moderate (50 hours)
Intermediate (125 hours)
Extended (300 hours)

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