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727 - Task 2-1

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Article 1:

The article, “The Impact of TV Consumption on Cultural Knowledge: An Empirical Study

Based on Gratification – Cultivation Theory” by Tirasawadichai et al. (2020) analyzes in
detail the impact of Chinese TV Series on cultural awareness, acceptance, and knowledge among
Thai viewers. To assess the implications of media consumption patterns on cultural perceptions,
the paper is is based on theories of Uses and Gratification (U&G) and Cultivation. To determine
the nature of the relationship between Chinese TV series consumption and other endogenous
variables, it uses statistical methods such as correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis
(CFA), and structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of the study posit a significant
cultivation effect of media usage on cross-cultural engagement and meaningful learning.
After studying this paper, I have learned that media consumption is a complex and significant
phenomenon that determines how people view the world. This study examines the role of
Chinese TV series in shaping cross-cultural awareness and acceptance among Thai viewers. To
understand media effects on cultural adaptation, one needs to consider both theoretical
frameworks and empirical evidence. The paper’s methodological rigor and theoretical synthesis
are what make it important and distinct. By combining U&G and Cultivation theories, a detailed
analysis has been presented of how media consumption leads to cultural learning and adaptation.
The theories used by the article are also relatable to real-life situations where they show how
media consumption affects people’s perceptions of other nations and their cultures. In today’s
globalized world, people are exposed to a vast variety of media content through different digital
platforms – even foreign TV series and shows. Understanding how these media experiences
impact cultural attitudes and behaviors is essential in enhancing coexistence amidst different
I have also observed that streaming services are instrumental in exposing individuals to different
cultural perspectives. Chinese TV series for example can be used to learn about the Chinese
culture leading to interest among viewership. Furthermore, new digital platforms such as social
media websites promote intercultural engagement and diffusion of knowledge. Overall, the
article touches on a common experience in terms of real-life media usage dynamics and cross-
cultural interaction. Future studies could examine the cultural impact of media consumption
across different cultures not just Thailand. Additionally, by investigating how social media
platforms mediate cultural interactions and perceptions, we can further understand prevailing
modern media dynamics.

Article 2:
The article “Cultivation Theory: Effects and Underlying Processes” by Shrum (2017)
discusses in detail the cultivation theory that states television influences the perceptions, beliefs,
attitudes, and values of viewers. It delineates the various components of the theory which include
media systems, message production, and message effect in which the emphasis is on latter.
Empirical data examined in this paper supports cultivation effects including TV viewing
correlating with perceptions of societal violence, materialism, and other social realities.
As I reflect on this paper, I have learned more about the complex psychological mechanisms
behind how television viewership shapes people’s perceptions and worldviews, including
memory-based judgments, heuristics processing, and online processing of TV
informationRecounting the reasons why and how watching television causes a change of opinion
among its viewers, these steps help identify this. The article offers an overview of cultivation
theory and the psychological mechanisms that underlie it. This shows how important the concept
is in understanding media shaping people’s ideas, values, norms and social expectations.
Moreover, such scholars can come up with ways on how to reduce any adverse effects from
media exposure through these processes.
Cultural homogenization illuminates how media impinge on individuals in real-life situations. By
cognizing the influence of violence or materialism as portrayed by the media on its audience,
media literacy programs or media regulations can be improved. Moreover, it is important to
identify cultivation effects as they help in critically watching content and developing personal
skills of media education.
In my observation, the way certain groups are presented in the media has changed significantly;
this has had a great effect on public attitudes and beliefs. This supports cultivation theory’s belief
that exposure to mass media over time helps shape societal values and beliefs. Media effects
need to be understood with regard to critical consumption of mass communication content.
Future research may focus on investigating whether social media and other forms of
communication have any implications for cultivation. Additionally, individual peculiarities (like
personality traits and media literacy) might moderate cultivation effects that remain unknown
until now.
Tirasawasdichai, T., Obrenovic, B., & Alsharif, H. Z. H. (2022). The impact of TV series

consumption on cultural knowledge: An empirical study based on gratification–

cultivation theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.


Shrum, L. J. (2017). Cultivation Theory: Effects and underlying processes. The International

Encyclopedia of Media Effects, 1–12.


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