Loeppert 1977
Loeppert 1977
Loeppert 1977
Kucharsky and Safarik, 1965). Amphiprotic solvents such the appropriate solvent were then titrated. Primary standard
as water, methanol, and acetic acid exhibit varying degrees benzoic acid was weighed directly into the appropriate solvent and
of autodissociation; however, aprotic solvents such as titrated.
pyridine, acetone, benzene acetonitrile, dimethylform-
amide (DMF), and nitromethane show very little or no Preparation of Clays
autodissociation. Kaolinite, ultrafine hydrite grade, was obtained from the
Solvent-solute acid-base interactions are summarized in Georgia Kaolin Company. The <2.0 ^im clay fraction was
the following equations: separated by Na2CO3 dispersion, centrifugation, and decantation.
Aliquots were A1-, H-, and K-saturated with the appropriate
chloride solution. Saturation was accomplished by four 20-min
AH + SH A- + SH,+ [1] mechanical shakings of the clay fraction with 20 symmetries of
appropriate solution. The suspension was centrifuged and the
B + SH BH [2] supernate discarded after each washing.
The clay samples were desalted by successive 10-min washings
where AH, B, and SH represent acidic-solute, basic-solute, with deionized water until the supernate gave a negative test for
and solvent species, respectively. If these reactions proceed Cl~". The clay was subsequently freeze-dried, stored at 0°C, and
equilibrated over P2O5 in a desiccator for 18 hours prior to
to the right to any extent as will occur in solvents with titration.
appreciable acidic character, a sharp titration endpoint will
not be obtained (Huber, 1967; Fritz, 1973). Amphiprotic Titration Procedures
solvents are subject to the protolysis reactions illustrated Titrant was added at a rate of 0.03125 ml/min using an
above, depending on the acidities and basicities of solutes autoburette (Radiometer ABU 13 with TTT50 titrator module).
in the system. Generally, it is not possible to obtain sharp Potentials were determined with a digital pH meter (Radiometer
endpoints in aqueous systems for acids with pKa > 8, such PHM 64) and recorded using a strip chart recorder (Radiometer
REC 61 with RE A 160 titrigraph module). Potentiometric de-
as some phenolic compounds or pH-dependent edge sites terminations were performed with one of the following electrode
on clays. Aprotic solvents, however, have been used to systems: (i) Orion rugged combination electrode, (ii) Orion glass
titrate acids having pKa values much > 8 (Huber, 1967). indicator electrode and Orion sleeve-type calomel reference
Inert aprotic solvents also have much wider working electrode, (iii) Beckman rugged combination electrode with fiber
potential ranges than most amphiprotic solvents (van der junction, and (iv) Radiometer combination electrode with porous
Heijde and Dahmen, 1957). Properly chosen solvents can plug liquid junction. Electrode response was standardized with a
pH 7.00 buffer.
be used to obtain sharp stepwise titration curves for Solvent (40 ml) previously dried over 3A molecular sieves was
mixtures of weak acids (Kucharsky and Safarik, 1965). added to the sample, or sample plus salt, and allowed to
The objectives of this study were to investigate the equilibrate for approximately 20 min prior to continuous titration.
titration of benzoic acid, HC1, and AlCls in selected All titrations were performed under dry N2, and suspensions were
solvents, and H-, A1-, and K-saturated kaolinite in water agitated with a mechanical stirrer during determinations. The
and acetonitrile. Special attention was given to experimen- glass electrode was soaked in water and wiped clean prior to
titration (Fritz, 1973). All titration curves were corrected for the
tal technique required for nonaqueous titrations. acidic liter of the solvent.
The excess salt used in this study was tetramethylammonium
MATERIALS AND METHODS chloride. Salt, previously dried over P2O5, was added to give a
0.1/V solution.
The solvents used in this study were deionized water, spectro-
quality methanol, 2-propanol, DMF, pyridine, acetonitrile, and Nonaqueous Titration Techniques
acetone. The presence of acidic impurities was checked by
titrating 20 ml of solvent with 0.0415Q/V tetrabutylammonium Of the four electrode systems originally tested, the Orion
hydroxide. The solvent was considered acceptable if < 0.04 ml of rugged combination electrode was found to be unacceptable
standard base was required to reach the potentiometric endpoint. for use in nonaqueous solvents. Potential readings were
All solvents were dried over 3A molecular sieves prior to use erratic, response was slow, and the capillary junction
(Forman and Hume, 1964). appeared to clog. Fritz (1973) observed a similar phenome-
non with a capillary liquid junction. The other electrode
Preparation of Basic Titrants systems were acceptable, although the fiber junction elec-
Potassium hydroxide titrant was prepared by dissolving 2.80 g trode apparently clogged and response was sometimes slow
of KOH in 100 ml of methanol and diluting to one liter with in the less polar solvents.
benzene. The resulting solution contained 0.041 SON KOH. The For titrations in water, aqueous KC1 was used as the
aqueous titrant was prepared by dissolving 2.80 g of KOH in filling solution for the calomel cell; however, for titrations
deionized H2O to give a solution containing exactly 0.041 SOW
KOH. Tetrabutylammonium hydroxide was prepared in ben- in organic solvents the calomel cell was filled with a
zene-methanol according to the procedure outlined by Cundiff saturated solution of KC1 in methanol (Cundiff and Mar-
and Markunas (1956) and diluted to exactly 0.04150^ with kunas, 1956). With aqueous KC1 the working potential
benzene. The basic titrants were standardized with primary ranges in the organic solvents were reduced and the
standard benzoic acid. potential endpoints were not as sharp as for titrations with
KC1 in methanol as the filling solution. Fritz (1973)
Preparation of Acid Solutions suggested that a saturated solution of tetramethylammo-
Solutions of HC1 and A1C13 were prepared in water to be nium chloride in 2-propanol would also make an excellent
approximately 5.ON. Additions of 10 /uliter of these solutions to filling solution.
+iooo r + 1000r-
• pyridine
• acetonltrlle
+ 600 2-propanol +600 - - — - pyridine
• water dimethylformamide
|+400 + 400 2-propanal
+200 t-200
-200 -200
-400 -400
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
0.04150 N Tetrabutylammonlum Hydroxide, ml
Fig. 1—Titration of benzoic acid in selected solvents with 0.0415Q/V -600
tetrabutylanunonium hydroxide, using a calomel reference elec- 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
trode with sleeve junction and glass indicator electrode. 0.04150 N Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide, ml
Fig. 2—Titration of 10 juliter of 5.0V aqueous HC1 in 40 ml of
selected solvents with 0.04150/V tetrabutylammonium hydroxide,
Both the Orion sleeve junction calomel cell with glass using a combination electrode with porous plug liquid junction.
electrode and the Radiometer combination electrode were
found suitable for continuous potentiometric titrations in
nonaqueous solvents. The sleeve junction calomel cell quantity of standard base to reach the final potentiometric
required frequent filling, indicating a high rate of loss of endpoint in each of the solvents except DMF. When DMF
KC1 and methanol into the solvent system; therefore, in was used as the solvent medium, approximately 1.3 eq of
later titrations, the authors relied primarily on the Ra- standard base were required to reach the potentiometric
diometer electrode. endpoint of 1 eq of AlCb. A preliminary inflection was
Conditioning of the glass electrode affected the shapes of evident at approximately 80% of the titrant volume at the
the titration curves. Repeated titration in nonaqueous final endpoint. These phenomena may have resulted from
solvents apparently resulted in dehydration of the surface of formation of an Al-hydroxy complex with DMF or with
the glass electrode. The effect was especially evident in aluminate formation. Titration of AlCla yielded a single
DMF. Reproducible potentials were obtained when the endpoint in each of the other solvents. Titration steps
glass electrode was conditioned in an aqueous buffer for a corresponding to the separate stages of hydrolysis were not
few minutes between titrations in nonaqueous solvents. The evident.
electrode was removed from the aqueous buffer, rinsed
with deionized water, gently blotted dry, and placed Nonaqueous Titration of Kaolinite
immediately in the suspension to be titrated. Titrations of kaolinite samples in nonaqueous solvents
were affected by titrant flow rate, sample mixing, and
Nonaqueous Titration of Acids treatment of the glass electrode. For titrations of kaolinite
The glass electrode responded satisfactorily in water, samples, a stepped titration mode was employed with a
methanol, 2-propanol, DMF, pyridine, acetone, and ace- titrant addition rate of 0.03125 ml/min and a vertical sweep
tonitrile. Titration curves of benzoic acid (Fig. 1) and HC1 rate of 50mV/min. Solutions of KOH in benzene-methanol
(Fig. 2) showed sharp endpoints with each of the solvents. and tetrabutylammonium hydroxide in benzene-methanol
Wider potential ranges were obtained in the organic resulted in similarly shaped titration curves, however,
solvents than in the aqueous system. Working ranges of potential ranges were reduced when KOH was used as the
approximately 500, 1,100, and 1,200 mV were observed in titrant. Slightly lower potentials observed when KOH was
water, DMF, and acetonitrile, respectively, during the used as the titrant in the organic solvents may have been
titration of HC1. The wider potential ranges of organic due to an alkali error caused by K + .
solvents are advantageous in the resolution of mixtures of Adequate sample agitation was essential during non-
acids of different strengths (Fritz, 1973). aqueous titrations. Poor agitation resulted in low liters of
Titration of A1C13 (Fig. 3) required an equivalent standard base and nonreproducible inflections. Also, equil-
1104 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 41, 1977
+ 1000 +800
+ 800 xx
. /
I +400
/ >
+ 600 dimethylformamide / E
pyridlne / o +200
i "^
water c
+400 methanol
I o - woter
• water with excess salt
———— acetonitrile
1+200 -200 ———— acetonitrile with excess salt
1 -400
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14
+600 +600
+400 +400
•g +200 _- +200
<a s
£. o
-water £ - water
-water with excess salt >• water with excess salt
-200 ——.—acetonitrile -200 — acetonitrile
————acetanitrile with excess salt — acetonitrile with excess salt
-400 -400
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14