Vavilov (1926) listed different centres of origin for pea. Area comprising Central Asia, the
Near East, Abyssinia and the Mediterranean is the centre of origin based on genetic diversity.
Cultivated garden pea is not seen in wild state and it might have been originated from wild field
pea or other related species.
Pea is a diploid with 2n=14. Field pea with coloured flowers belong to Pisum arvense
and the garden pea with white flowers belong to P. sativum. Pea is a herbaceous annual plant
with tap root system. Stem is upright, slender and usually single. Leaves are pinnately
compound with the rachis terminating in a single or branched tendril. There are large stipules at
base of leaf. Inflorescence is a raceme arising from axils of leaves and individual flowers are
typical papilionaceous. Gynoecium is monocarpellary with ovules (up to 13) alternately attached
to placenta. Style bends at right angle to ovary and stigma is sticky. Pods are straight or curved
and seeds are smooth or wrinkled.
Pea cultivars grown in different parts of the world exhibit wide variation in height of stem,
branching, pod size, seeds per pod, shelling percentage, smoothness of seeds (smooth /
wrinkled) etc.
The cultivars / varieties are grouped based on various characters as given below:
Basal on maturity period
• Early types – green pods will be ready for harvest by 65 days after sowing.
• Mid season types – pods will be ready for harvest by 85-90 days after sowing.
• Late main season types – pods will be ready for harvest by 110 days after sowing
Based on height of plant
• Bush or dwarf types
• Medium tall
• Tall
Usually dwarf types are early and mid season types are medium tall. Late types are tall
and require support.
A brief description of improved varieties is given below:
Developing Variety Special features
IIHR, Bangalore. Arka Ajit Resistant to powdery mildew and rust. Yield
10t/ha in 90 days.
UN 53-6 A snap pea where the whole pod is edible. Yield
8-9 t/ha in 90 days.
IARI, New Delhi. Arkel* Early season variety introduced from England
Dwarf plants bearing double pods at lower nodes
and single at upper nodes. Pods 8.8 cm long and
sickle shaped. Suitable for fresh market and
dehydration. Susceptible to collar rot at high
temperature. Yield 7.5 t/ha in 50-55 days.
Bonneville* Mid season variety introduced from USA.
Medium tall plants bearing double pods. Pods
more than 9 cm long. Yield 8.5 t/ha. Seeds green
and wrinkled.
Sylvia Introduced edible podded variety suitable for
kitchen garden. Pods curved, yellowish green
without parchment.
IARI, Regional Lincoln* Early season variety introduced from France.
Station, Katrain Medium tall plants bearing double pods of 8-9 cm
length and sickle shaped. Mature seeds
wrinkled. First picking 85-90 days after sowing
(DAS). Yield 68-10 t/ha.
IIVAR, Varanasi. VRP 2* Plants 50 cm tall. Pods straight and medium
sized. First harvest 55-58 DAS. Yield 10 t/ha.