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G1 - CHEM224.2 - Experiment 5 Data Sheet 1

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GROUP 1 Physical Chemistry 1 Laboratory December 15, 2023



Prepared By:
ABCEDE, Kier ETOC, Sherlyn GRUMEZ, Clyde
DACOCO, Victoria Fe FABRE, Sheenamel GROUP 1
ERONICO, Carla FABRIA, Gwenyvier

Prepared To:
Mrs. Kristianie Lomonsod-Nagamora, RCh, MSc


Volume Empty Mass Mass Mass Mass Specific
Percent Isopropanol Volume Empty Beaker (with Beake Isopropan Mass Mass in Volume, Actual Percent
Concentration H2O, Beaker H2O, pycnometer, Concentration
, mL (Isopropan Beaker Isopropanol) r (with ol, g mL
mL (H2O), ,g H2O), g g
ol), g
g g
0 0 35.103 62.138 - 36.4492 46.729 0
8 3 2
10 4.48 31.593 29.8178 59.205 4.128 33.5167 46.680 10.9673
4 8 7 9
20 8.96 28.083 34.1883 54.584 8.499 28.8957 46.306 22.7282
25.6891 25.6891
0 8 2 1
30 13.44 24.572 37.8795 51.907 12.19 26.2184 45.891 31.7386
6 5 04 6
40 17.92 21.042 42.0500 48.253 16.36 22.564 45.639 42.032
3 1 09 5
50 22.40 17.551 45.6968 45.052 20.00 19.3632 45.151 50.8185
9 3 77 7
60 26.9 14.04 56.3678 49.475 21.20 14.2926 37.290 60.5917
4 71 7 8
70 31.4 10.5 60.1179 45.704 24.95 10.5433 36.691 71.3063
35.1607 35.1607 0 72 7
80 35.8 7.00 63.2696 42.398 28.10 7.2373 36.245 80.3103
0 86 3
100 44.8 3.50 70.2445 - 35.08 - 35.406 100.2394
38 6

Figure 1. Specific volume vs. Weight percent of Isopropanol


Table 1. Volume of Isopropanol and Water for each Percent Concentrations

Percent Concentration ( %) Volume Isopropanol, mL Volume H2O, mL

0 % 0 35.1038

10 % 4.48 31.5934

20 % 8.96 28.0830

30 % 13.44 24.5726

40 % 17.92 21.0423

50 % 22.40 17.5519

60 % 26.9 14.04

70 % 31.4 10.5

80 % 35.8 7.00

100 % 44.8 3.50

Table 1 shows the result upon the preparation of approximately 35 mL samples of solutions of isopropanol and water containing 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and
100% (wt/wt) . The solutions were then accurately weighed in two components into a stoppered bottle using an Analytical Balance. The volume for each percentage was
obtained using the formula: mass of sample / density of water at 25°C. Separate calculations were used to identify the different volume for water and isopropanol for each
percent concentration. Based on the data, the volume of water is much greater than the volume of isopropanol in a sample of 35g from 0% to 40% and as it reached 50%, the
volume of isopropanol increased as compared to the volume of water. The said shift of change in volume is also applied to 60%, 70%, 80%, and 100%. This simply indicates
that extensive properties of solutions (such as volume, free energy, enthalpy, etc.) cannot be truly added when pure components are mixed. The surroundings of a molecule is
very important in determining how much volume it will occupy, how much energy it will have, etc. So, an H2O molecule surrounded by other molecules behaves quite differently
from an H2O molecule surrounded by isopropanol molecules. The quantity of a substance in each environment is known as the partial molar quantity of that substance in that
given environment.

Table 2. Calculated Mass of Isopropanol (C3H8O) and Water (H2O) after weighed

Percent Concentration ( %) Mass Isopropanol, g Mass H2O, g

0 % - 36.4492

10 % 4.1287 33.5167

20 % 8.4992 28.8957

30 % 12.1904 26.2184

40 % 16.3609 22.564

50 % 20.0077 19.3632
60 % 21.2071 14.29267

70 % 24.9572 10.5433

28.1086 7.2373
80 %

100 % 35.0838 -

Table 2 shows the result for the calculated mass for Isopropyl and Water after weighed using an Analytical Balance. It was observed that after the beaker was weighed
with isopropanol, and beaker with water, at 0% to 40%, the mass calculated for isopropanol is lesser than the mass of water but at 50% to 100% concentrations, the mass of
isopropanol is greater than the mass of water (H2O). This implies that as the percent concentration gets higher, the amount of Isopropanol dominates the solution over water.
Basically, the amount of water present in the solution is larger at the percent concentration of 0% to 40%, and the amount of Isopropanol observed in the solution is larger at
50% to 100%. This means that water is no longer found at 100% concentration in the solution.
Figure 1. Specific volume vs. Weight percent of Isopropanol

The graph shows that as the weight percent increases, so does the specific volume. This implies that the weight percent and the specific volume of Isopropanol are
directly proportional to each other. It is also evident in the graph that at 60% to 100%, it is almost linear which means the specific volume of 60%, 70%, 80% and 100% only has
a small difference in the values obtained as calculated.
Figure 2. Calculation for the Volume of Pycnometer

Given the density of water at 250C, ρ = 0.997044 g/ml, and the density of isopropanol, ρ = 0.786 g/ml, the volume of the pycnometer was calculated using the formula:

V= wg - wp / ρ

Where wp is the weight of the pycnometer, wg is the weight of the pycnometer & H2O, and ρ (rho) is the density of water at 25 °C .

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