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Managing IT services today has rarely been more an IT help desk / support ticket solution or need to
challenging, and your users expect a lot from you. perform more advanced ITIL service management
With Ivanti® Neurons for ITSM, you gain a proven, processes, the modular design of Ivanti Neurons for
robust IT service management solution that transforms ITSM is packaged to deploy quickly and scale easily to
help desks and support teams into strategic business adapt as your requirements grow.
enablers. Optimized for the cloud but also available
Improve Service Quality
on-premises, this fully multi-tenant solution improves
day-to-day operations and helps IT teams administer Automation services enable service owners and
world-class service management for IT and for other business managers to adapt, design, and take control
business departments. of workflows without any coding, improving quality
and consistency of services. Pre-defined workflow
Deliver More Strategic Value blocks integrate smoothly with external systems Reduce Escalations
Ivanti Neurons for ITSM provides enterprise-capable, and data sources to pull in required information and
Empower your service desk team to quickly resolve
end-to-end service management capabilities connect to other tools for end-to-end automated
many more incidents on the first call without
throughout the service delivery lifecycle, from request processes. Analysts leverage relevant information
disrupting your customers. Service desk teams can
capture to remediation. Built on industry standards along with automatic ticket classification exactly when
use powerful diagnostic and remediation capabilities
with 11 ITIL 4-certified practices, Ivanti Neurons for they need it to grasp situations quickly and streamline
with confidence. Analysts can resolve incidents
ITSM is designed to expand as your needs increase. processes to resolve issues more efficiently.
immediately with automated, pre-packaged,
Automated workflows eliminate costly manual
specialist-level actions, cutting through the complexity
processes while making operations more efficient,
and high costs associated with most escalations.
compliant, and secure. Whether you’re looking for
Enjoy Proactive Support quickly and easily. Your users can simply have a
Leverage cloud-based bots powered by hyper- conversation with a bot to obtain answers, submit
automation to not only free up staff time but also requests, or ask for help. Ticket management is a snap
Built on a multi-tenant technology platform designed it part of your communication strategy so everyone
for the cloud, Ivanti Neurons for ITSM offers you full stays in touch and productive while on the move.