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Division Lanao del Norte

School Baloi National High School Grade Level 12

Teacher Melody P. Niez Learning Area
Time & Dates Quarter Third Quarter

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts and theories in
Standards operating a ride location.
B. Performance
The learner independently operates a ride location.

Prepare and inspect ride location

a. Inspect the ride in accordance with an approved checklist
b. Inspect location prior to arrival of customers
c. Check ride equipment in the ride location to ensure
readiness for operation
C. Learning
Competencies/ At the end of the session, students will able to:
Objectives a. Identify the preparedness of the ride location in accordance
(Write the code to the approved checklist;
for each LC) b. Evaluate how important is inspecting the ride location prior
to the arrival of customers;
c. Perform the checking of the ride equipment in the ride
location to ensure readiness for operation.

E. Integration of
Content Within
and Across


A. Subject Health and safety procedures for specific rides.

Matter Emergency procedures for specific rides.

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
Attractions and Theme Parks Operations with Ecotourism
2. Learner’s
Material Curriculum guide page 12/30
3. Textbook Attractions and Theme Parks Operations with Ecotourism pages 60-
Pages 67
4. Additional
Materials None
from LR
B. Other Learning
Learner’s Expected
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies Response/s

Ask the learners on what are the correct Ride stop (closed fists
and appropriate signals during the put together at chest
operations? Give examples. A volunteer height) it means the ride
from each group will act these signals in should be stopped.
A. Reviewing
front of the class. This is a by-group
activity. Unlock harness (open
lesson or
fist) this means that the
ride attendant is requesting
the new
the ride operator to unlock
the harnesses. This signal
should be held until the
harnesses have been

Teacher will now ask the learners some

questions that may lead to their interest
of learning the importance of health and
safety, and emergency procedure for a

B. Establishing Why is it important to learn the health This will help the (learners)
a purpose and safety procedure for a ride? determine the operational
for the worthiness of a ride based
lesson How can we prevent accident in the on a checklist and will be
theme park? able to identify the ride that
might require immediate
action and prepare reports
about events or issues and
will able to prevent any
disaster or riskin any ride.

Motivating Activity:
Ride operation videos presentation The rides were not
(youtube.com), an accident happened properly check prior the
in the rides during operation, many operation.
were injured and even caused death… There are certain issues in
This presentation will call forth the the equipment that were
hidden information in the minds of the not fully operational but
C. Presenting learners from watching the videos, and they forced it and caused
examples/ draw out their responses, reactions, the accident.
instances of feelings and thoughts that will further
the new formulate conclusion from the video.
lesson (After the video presentation, teacher
will ask some important processing
questions), how did you find the video


D. Discussing
Group Activity:

If a theme park employee is going to The gates, the fences, the

inspect a ride or attraction based on a seats, bolts, safety gears,
certain checklist, what should the devices, emergency
checklist contain? buttons and signals…

Monitoring the ride is an important task

of a theme park employee. What are
the things that a theme park employee
should monitor? Give at least three.

The learners will be divided into three

and will be asked to prepare a template
and CHECKLIST for the mentioned
practicing important things that should be
new skills #1 monitored by a theme park employee:


Each group formulate two (2) issues of

each of the important things and specify
the status/ remarks of the mentioned
important things.

(Let the class, or some members, work

in pairs to do challenge, for the Fast
learners, for Average learners, and
Below Average can meet )

E. Discussing Teacher will play a short video on the

new sample steps in inspecting a ride.
and (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
practicing steps.0888.inspecting457893.ride
new skills #2
F. Developing
mastery Processing the Activity: The teacher
will ask the following questions to
deepen understanding of the activity

1. How did you find the activity? 1. It is enjoyable and fun.

2. Why is it that this activity enabled you 2. Because it is a group
to accomplish the task? activity, everyone is
The teacher discusses the topic through
power point presentation about the

Preparing and inspecting a ride

location: The Daily Inspection Checklist
The Readiness of Operation

How important is the daily inspection It is very important

checklist in our day to day health and because in our home we
safety procedure in our individual also have different task to
G. Finding
homes? accomplish and these
tasks involves some tools
and equipment that will
of concepts
help our task easier, and
and skills in
the daily inspection
daily living
checklist can be used in
order for us to have a safer
and healthier procedure in
our daily task in order to
remember the necessary
points and the details of
the task.
H. Making
The teacher will now ask the learners to The learner will now give
give the recap on the his/her recap on the
n and
discussions/activities and sum up the discussion and sum up all
lessons for the day the lessons for the day.
about the

I. Evaluating Activity:
The class will be divided into three and the GROUPS will be asked
to do just one of the following:

(advance task for fast learners) This group will answer the following
questions: If a theme park employee is going to inspect a ride
location or attractions based on a certain checklist, what should the
checklist contain?

(Moderate task for average and below average learners) what are the
things that a theme park employee should monitor? Give the basic
and standardized points.

(if ride location is available in the industry tour, or just a dummy rides
available in the school), the learners will do the by group discussion
and presentation of the checking and inspecting of the ride location
prior to the arrival of customers, in accordance with the approved
checklist and will prepare a report about the issues identified during
the ride.
Present to the class. While the teacher will use the rubric in giving

Rubric for the Assessment

Points Description

The main idea is clearly stated in the brief

The play clearly reflects the understanding of
the learner
All key details are included.
Uses own wordings.
Has detailed situations that link to main idea in
Correctly cited section.

The main idea is stated in the description.

The play reflects the understanding of the

15 Most important details are included.

Uses mostly original language.
Details are logically linked.
Few mechanical errors.
Correctly cited section

Below Average
The main idea is vague and hard to understand.
Some important details may be missing.
Not original.
Detail sentences lack logical organization.
Has mechanical errors.
Incorrectly cited section.

5 Ineffective
The main idea is unclear.
Details are sketchy.
Disorganized details, randomly presented.
Many unoriginal phrases.
Many mechanical errors.
Incorrect, incomplete or absent works cited

J. Additional
activities for Bring tomorrow to the class pictures of
application or different rides in an amusement park,
remediation from local or international, then let them
identify the basic parts of it.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have

caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did

these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or

supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I use / discover

which I wish to share with other teachers?

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