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Labreportnew - 2024-04-05T163409.442

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NAME: Mr. SUBHASH PAL Collected: 04/Apr/2024 08:07 PM

Age / Gender: 54 Y 0 M 0 D /Male Analysed: 04/Apr/2024 08:56 PM
Referred BY: Self Reported: 04/Apr/2024 09:39 PM
Report STATUS: FINAL Barcode NO: DRX024246
Address: N/A Lab NO: 012404040107

Test Name Result Unit Ref. Interval

Viral Profile-Qualitative
HIV Qualitative NON REACTIVE Non Reactive
Method: Chromatography

HBsAg Screening (Rapid) NON REACTIVE Non Reactive

Method: Chromatography

HCV Qualitative NON REACTIVE Non Reactive

Method: Chromatography


Sample Type:Serum

These are screening test only

A negative result does not exclude the possibility of infection with HIV. Levels of HIV Antibodies may be undetectable in the window period. This is a
screening assay, all positive result should be confirmed by other supplementary methods like Western Blot Assay / HIV PCR
A negative test result does not exclude the possibility of exposure to or infection with Hepatitis B Virus. levels of HbsAg may be undetectable both in
early infection and late after infection.
The test should be used for the detection of HBsAg in serum or plasma only and not in other body fluids.
This is only a Screening test. All reactive samples should be confirmed by confirmatory test. Therefore for a definitive diagnosis, the patient’s clinical
history, symptomatology as well as serological data, should be considered. The results should be reported only after complying with above procedure.
Additional follow up testing using available clinical methods (along with repeat test) is required, if test is non-reactive with persisting clinical symptoms.
False positive results can be obtained due to the presence of other antigens or elevated levels of RF factor. This occurs in less than 1% of the samples

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NAME: Mr. GAURAV Collected: 05/Apr/2024 02:15 PM

Age / Gender: 24 Y 0 M 0 D /Male Analysed: 05/Apr/2024 03:03 PM
Referred BY: Self Reported: 05/Apr/2024 03:03 PM
Report STATUS: FINAL Barcode NO: DRX024245
Address: N/A Lab NO: 012404050003

Test Name Result Unit Ref. Interval

CBC ( Complete Blood Count)
Haemoglobin 17.0 g/dL 13.0 - 17.0
Method: Non Cyanide - SLS

Total Leucocyte Count (TLC / WBC) 7.9 10^3/μL 4.0 - 10.0

Method: Light Scattering

RBC Count 5.61 10^6/μL 4.5-5.78

Method: Electronic Impedance

Packed Cell Volume (PCV / HCT) 51.1 % 40.0-50.0

Method: Cumulative Pulse

Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) 91.2 fl 83-101

Method: Electric Impedence

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) 30.3 pg 27-33

Method: Electric Impedance

Mean Corpuscular Hb Co (MCHC) 33.20 gm/dL 31.5-34.5

Method: Electric Impedence

RDW-CV 13.10 % 11-16

Method: Electric Impedance

Platelet Count 210 10^3/cumm 150-410

Method: Hydro - Dynamic Focusing

MPV 10.70 µm³ 7.9 - 13.7

Method: Electric Impedence

PCT 0.22 % 0.17 - 0.4

Method: Electric Impedance

Differential Leucocyte Count

Neutrophils 54 % 40-80
Method: Microscopy/Flowcytometry

Lymphocytes 34 % 14-40
Method: Microscopy/Flowcytometry

Monocytes 11 % 2-9
Method: Microscopy/Flowcytometry

Eosinophils 01 % 1-6
Method: Microscopy/Flowcytometry

Basophils 0 % 0-2
Method: Microscopy/Flowcytometry

Large Immature Cells (LIC) 0 % 0-1.0

Method: Microscopy/Flowcytometry

Absolute Differential Leucocyte Count

Absolute Neutrophils 4.27 10^3/μL 2.0-6.7
Method: Electric Impedence

Absolute Lymphocyte 2.69 10^3/μL 1.1-3.3

Method: Electric Impedance

Absolute Monocyte 0.87 10^3/μL 0.2-1.0

Method: Electric Impedence

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NAME: Mr. GAURAV Collected: 05/Apr/2024 02:15 PM

Age / Gender: 24 Y 0 M 0 D /Male Analysed: 05/Apr/2024 03:03 PM
Referred BY: Self Reported: 05/Apr/2024 03:03 PM
Report STATUS: FINAL Barcode NO: DRX024245
Address: N/A Lab NO: 012404050003
Absolute Eosinophils 0.08 10^3/μL 0-0.4
Method: Electric Impedance

Absolute Basophils 0.00 10^3/μL 0-0.1

Method: Electric Impedance

Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) 1.59 % 1.0 - 3.0

Method: Electric Impedence
Sample Type:Whole Blood EDTA

1. ​Reference Ranges are in accordance with Dacie & Lewis Practical Hematology International Edition (12th).
2. As per International Council for Standardization in Hematology's recommendations Differential Leucocyte counts are additionally reported in Absolute
numbers in each cell per unit volume of blood.
3. Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) is used for Early Diagnosis of Sepsis, as an Inflammatory marker in Covid-19, Acute Pancreatitis, Acute Appendicitis,
Solid Tumour Etc.

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NAME: Mr. GAURAV Collected: 05/Apr/2024 02:15 PM

Age / Gender: 24 Y 0 M 0 D /Male Analysed: 05/Apr/2024 03:02 PM
Referred BY: Self Reported: 05/Apr/2024 03:02 PM
Report STATUS: FINAL Barcode NO: DRX024245
Address: N/A Lab NO: 012404050003

Test Name Result Unit Ref. Interval

Liver Function Test with GGT
*Bilirubin-Total 1.34 mg/dL 0.2-1.2
Method: DCA

Bilirubin-Direct 0.46 mg/dL 0.1 - 0.4

Method: DCA

Bilirubin-Indirect 0.88 mg/dL 0.0 - 1.20

Method: Calculated

Serum AST/SGOT 108 U/L 0 - 35.0

Method: IFCC

Serum ALT/SGPT 300 U/L 0 - 45.0

Method: IFCC

Alkaline Phosphatase 91 U/L 54.0 - 128.0

Method: IFCC

GGT 40 U/L 0 - 55.0

Method: IFCC

*Protein, Total 8.0 g/dL 6.0 - 8.3

Method: Biuret

Albumin 5.0 g/dL 4.0-5.3

Method: Bromocresol Green

Globulin 3.0 gm/dL 2.5 - 3.8

Method: Calculated

A/G Ratio 1.7 Ratio 0.8 - 2.0

Method: Calculated

AST/ALT Ratio 0.36 Ratio <1.0

Method: Calculated
Sample Type:Serum
Clinical Significance:
Total Bilirubin: Bilirubin comes from normal breakdown of old RBC. elevated levels may be seen in viral hepatitis, drug reactions, alcoholic liver disease, bile duct
disease, hemolytic anaemia, Gilbert syndrome.
SGOT (AST) and SGPT (ALT): AST is found in the highest concentrations in liver, muscles, heart, kidney, brain and red blood cells. Raised levels are seen in liver
damage, cardiac injury, kidney disease, cholestasis, muscle injury, hemolysis, muscle injury. SGPT is almost exclusively found in the liver. If ALT and AST are found
together in elevated amounts in the blood, liver damage is most likely present. Raised levels are seen in hepatitis, liver disease, hemolysis, high consumption of
vitamin A, drugs like statins , aspirin, barbiturate.
Alkaline Phosphatase and GGT: an enzyme found in liver,bones , kidney, placenta, intestinal epithelium. Elevated levels are seen in hepatitis, cirrhosis,
cholecyctitis, rickets, osteomalacia, paget's disease, bone cancer, pregnancy. GGT is present in highest concentration in the liver & it is raised in chronic alcoholic liver
disease. If Alkp. and GGT are elevated, a problem with liver and bile flow is most likely present.
Total Protein: ​Low protein levels in bleeding, liver and kidney disorder ,malnutrition, agammaglobulinemia, inflammatory bowel disease and High Protein levels
in dehydration , chronic inflammation, viral infection, bone marrow disorder.
A/G ratio: low ratio may reflect overproduction of globulin or underproduction of albumin, occurs with cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome. High ratio suggest
underproduction of immunoglobulins as seen in genetic deficiencies and in some leukaemias.
AST:ALT Ratio: AST:ALT ratio>1 is highly suggestive of advanced liver fibrosis. A ratio greater than 2.0 is highly suggestive of alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis (*Kim
E, Park SH. [Diagnosis and Severity Assessment of Alcohol-Related Liver Disease]. Korean J Gastroenterol. 2020 Aug 25;76(2):60-64).

Conditions of Reporting: All Lab results are subject to clinical interpretation by a qualified medical professional & This report is not subject to use for any medico-legal purpose.

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