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10 December 2022
This is not a tax invoice

Your account number

Mr Gabriel M. Schiopu 224713800
276 Gillott Road
West Midlands
B16 0RU
Please pay

to reach us by 16 December 2022
Your amended electricity bill
For 19 October 2022 to 18 December 2022

Latest meter reading

Electricity 19 October 2022 Your reading 69664

Your account summary Your amended bill

Credit Debit We’ve updated your account for the
Cancelled charges from bill dated on period shown above. This bill reflects
£35.09 £35.09
19 October 2022 your most recent tariff and usage
Cost of electricity you’ve used £139.62 information. If you have any questions,
please visit npower.com/amended
Your account balance £139.62

Could you pay less?

It’s easy to switch to the best tariff online. Just go to npower.com/cheapesttariff to find out how.
Remember - it might be worth thinking about switching your tariff or Switching tariffs could mean a significant
supplier. Below are the cheapest tariffs we have available for you today change to your terms and conditions and
and you can find details of your current tariff in "Your energy charges and some tariffs have eligibility criteria. For
tariff information" section. Your personal projection is calculated based example, you may need to change your
on your estimated usage for the next 12 months and your tariff prices. payment method or manage your account
VAT and any announced price changes are included, Warm Home online. Some tariffs are available for a
Discounts are excluded. If your tariff has an end date, then our standard limited time only.
prices are used after that. You may be able to save money by
switching to Direct Debit.
Personal The cheapest option The cheapest option Compare tariffs and jcbZGFfAWyyMx63wJ9XqZjcbZ

Projection similar to your current from all of our tariffs access your personal bccRYRUuQZVuSxPZwvRTRccbP

tariff energy information :UbpP6lwvlvQHAK1gHp0eyzsP

and usage, by 8FuSxcI8F6AuSo9ICtyGuSZeR
Estimated You could save £ You could save £ scanning this QR code 8XpbnU6ZUI75AKAJwd3Yrf62X
electricity cost 30.81 a year on 30.81 a year on with your smartphone. Lh08xHgDnZ8NvyRydYMEnpOpP
£181.02 Fix Online v38 June 2023 Fix Online v38 June 2023 zzzPP0zP0tz0t0P00PPt000zP

Elec DD Elec DD
Your energy charges and tariff information
Here’s how we’ve calculated your energy charges, showing the meter readings we’ve used, the prices per unit of
energy and the tariff that you’re on. You can use this information to compare prices against other tariffs available. If
you’d like to see more of your meter readings, visit npower.com to activate or login to your online account.

Electricity About your tariff

You used This cost Tariff name Fix 2 Year Plus v8 July 2023
Elec ROB
Standard SC Electricity ROB
On this tariff, the price for each unit of energy is
69544 69554 10 kWh at 17.785p £1.78 fixed. Your payment amount is based on your
Our estimate 19 Our estimate 20 energy used.
October 2022 October 2022
Payment method Every 3 months
Standing charge 5 days at 26.284p £1.31
Tariff end date 31 July 2023
New tariff: Fix 2 Year Plus v8 July 2023 Elec ROB
Early exit fee None
69554 69664 110 kWh at 17.549p £19.30
Our estimate 20 Your reading 21 Annual usage Estimated 476 kWh
October 2022 October 2022
24HR 476 kWh
Standing charge 163 days at 24.347p £115.34
VAT @ 5.00% £1.89
Electricity charges £139.62

Your average daily energy use

We haven’t been able to compare your daily energy use to last
year. For hints and tips on easy ways to use less energy and
save money, go to npower.com/energysaving
Useful information
If you’d like a bill in large print, Braille or audio CD, call
0800 073 3000 or for textphone, call 0800 413 016
General enquiries Talk to our live chat team at: Your account number 224713800
and advice npower.com/contactus
Mon-Fri 9am-6pm
We’re happy to help if you’ve got
any questions about this bill or
Lost power?
your account. 0800 073 3000 Call 105
If you require help with Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat 8am-6pm
communication, access or safety
needs relating to your energy Write to us at: Your distributor is
account, join our Priority Western Power Distribution,
Services Register. It’s free. You npower, PO Box 177,
can find out more at Houghton-le-Spring, DH4 9AQ Information Centre, Avonbank, Feeder
npower.com/priorityservices Road, Bristol, BS2 0TB
Moving home Talk to our live chat team at:
It’s easy to take us with you, just npower.com/contactus
contact us within the 28 days Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Your meter details
before your move. You can find
out more at npower.com/moving Electricity meter number
0800 316 8558
Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat 8am-6pm
Complaints npower.com/complaints Electricity supply number
If there’s anything you’re
unhappy with, our Complaints 0800 316 9328 01 801 001
Team could put things right. You
can download a copy of the
Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat 8am-6pm
S 14 1547 4231 004
‘Putting Things Right’ leaflet Write to us at:
from our website, or ask us to
send you a copy in the post. npower Complaints, PO Box 177,
Houghton-le-Spring, DH4 9AQ
Citizens Advice
Contact Citizens Advice if you
need help with an energy problem citizensadvice.org.uk/energy
- for example with your bills or 03454 04 05 06
meters, or if you’re struggling to
pay for the energy you use.
They're the official source of free npower.com/knowyourrights
and independent energy advice
and support.

Ombudsman It’s quickest and easiest to find

If we’ve sent you our ‘final information and register your complaint
position’ letter or we haven’t been
able to resolve your complaint
online at:
within eight weeks, you can take ombudsman-services.org/energy
your complaint to Ombudsman 0330 440 1624
Services: Energy - there to help
resolve disputes between energy
suppliers and their customers.

Amount due bank giro credit

(no fee payable at P.O. counter)

2247 13800 157 1311 £

Reference (customer account number) Credit account number Cheque acceptable at a Post Office

Your signature
Date Cheque
Cashier's Stamp
and Number
/ / 57-13-11 Collection account npower
Please do not write or mark below this line or fold this counterfoil

2247138005 V7241571311 000039624 74 X

Phone calls: We may monitor and/or record calls for security, quality or training purposes. Calling us on an 0800 or 0808 number should be free from all mobiles
and generally free from all landlines. The cost of calls to other companies or organisations may vary, please check with them and your provider for exact charges.
npower is a registered trademark and the trading name of Npower Northern Limited (Registered No. 3432100) who also act as an agent for Npower Northern
Supply Limited (Registered No. 2845740) for the supply of electricity. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Office: Windmill Hill Business Park, Whitehill
Way, Swindon SN5 6PB.

Ways to pay
Direct Debit Card Pay by cash
The easiest way to pay. Pay securely online by visiting Take this payment slip along with your
Visit npower.com/directdebit to sign npower.com/payment or call us on cash to any bank, Post Office or any
up. We’ll collect your payments for 0800 073 3000 with your debit or bank Payzone/PayPoint agent.
you so you'll never miss one. credit card details and your account

App Internet banking Pay by post

Pay quickly through your smartphone Use your online banking service to Make your cheque payable to “npower”,
or tablet by downloading our app at pay us directly. You’ll need to quote enclose this payment slip and send to:
npower.com/app our sort code 62-30-09, our account npower, Payment Processing Centre,
number 00000000 and your account PO Box 203, Leeds, LS14 3WE.
number. Write your account number on the back
of the cheque. We don’t accept
post-dated cheques and please don’t
send cash through the post.

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