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Homework Is Bad Because

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Homework has been a staple of education for decades, but recent studies have shown that it may not

be as beneficial as we once thought. In fact, homework can have negative effects on students' mental
and physical health, as well as their overall learning experience.

The Negative Effects of Homework

One of the main reasons homework is bad is because it can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety for
students. Many students already have busy schedules with extracurricular activities, family
commitments, and other responsibilities. Adding hours of homework on top of that can be
overwhelming and lead to burnout.

Homework can also have a negative impact on students' physical health. Sitting for long periods of
time completing assignments can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which can increase the risk of obesity
and other health issues. Additionally, lack of sleep due to late nights spent on homework can also
have negative consequences on a student's health.

Furthermore, homework can hinder the learning process by causing students to focus on completing
tasks rather than understanding the material. This can lead to surface-level learning and a lack of
critical thinking skills. It can also create a competitive environment among students, where the focus
is on completing assignments rather than learning and collaborating with peers.

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Disclaimer: ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ is not responsible for any academic dishonesty that may occur from
using our services. Our services are intended to assist students in completing their assignments and
should not be used to submit work as their own.
He has a great anecdote about Americans trying to duplicate the success of an Italian village's
wonderful preschool system. I swear when Cade started Kindergarten three years ago, they had a
meeting to tell the parents about how all the academics are basically raised two grade levels with the
changes in the standards of education. I've seen it in plenty of friends' families as well. I like that
they have a lot of time to play and jump and wrestle and beat on each other and build robots out of
random crap around the house. But hey, that's what it's all about- dialogue and exchanging ideas.
Rather than homework supplementing learning and making it a fun activity, it is becoming a threat to
learning by all means. I allowed her to attend public school, but it was terrible for our relationship.
So, I totally agree with you, that homework should be eliminated. We also use third-party cookies
that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Given that this country still maintains
some semblance of freedom of speech, we all have the right to voice those opinions, and are NOT
required to keep them to ourselves. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy
with it. Ok. As students struggle to complete multiple homework assignments, they take many hours
at night, get stressed, and do not have enough sleep. Thanks very much. Joshua Zerbini from
Pennsylvania on July 12, 2012: Hey Lizzy, I think you did a great job presenting your opinion.
Additionally, it also helps teachers determine how well their students understand the lessons. And
that’s a failure of communication that should be remedied. Well, here are some reasons is homework
good or bad. When do our children get time to just be kids, the way we did 30 years ago. The take-
home assignments give the parents an opportunity to access. I am saddened by the reason why— my
third grader had a significantly reduced homework load last week. Recent research by Psychologist
Harris Cooper studied the effects of assignments on students’ learning. Talk to the single mother
working two jobs with an absentee father sending no child support money, struggling desperately to
balance everything, how much time or energy she has to help her kids with homework. Photo by
Jessica Lewis on Unsplash Reasons Why Homework Is Bad No doubt I will take some flak for the
ideas presented in this article. They get upset if we have more than two hours of school a day.
Someone above said something about a math boot camp. This is done on weekends and outside of
school, during holidays. If you are caught by the teacher, you may be punished for plagiarism. It
causes stress and could result in serious health problems. Seriously, though, it’s like you’re reading
my mind. This means that second grades, for instance, should do about 20 minutes of homework
each day. They should make the lectures fun, and they should awaken a student’s curiosity.
Yet, he was self-taught, well-read and educated (and also possessed far more common sense) than
many college graduates. The reason is that everyone has problems, everyone is different and everyone
is special and unique in their own way. According to American researchers, Heavy reading drastically
increases stress levels in children. They get upset if we have more than two hours of school a day.
Homework can destroy students’ relationship with parents 4. I homeschooled my two youngest
children most of their childhoods. There are several actions that could trigger this block including
submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Well, I was an only child,
and my mother did the best she could, rest her patient soul. To clarify, Finland has nearly half the
number of students. We were doing all of it and the little c’s was just getting old so I told my kid
what the answer was (6) and then the homework came home WRONG because there were 11! WTF.
Students who go to school have to deal with many different in-school activities. Although your
instructor wouldn’t want you to hear this, we will share it with you. I assume my students will read
at home and occasionally I will ask them to work on finishing an essay, etc. Let’s explore the realities
and find out more about homework. Seriously, though, it’s like you’re reading my mind. Barbie -
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Company (fr. Another interference is that assignments wastes the time of children who are already
busy. 5. Homework can Kill the interest to learn in children One of the other reasons why homework
is bad is completing assignments usually has nothing to do with development. Essay about internet
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thoughtful and articulate to be a rant. It can also disrupt students' sleep patterns, leading to fatigue
and reduced academic performance. I honestly believe that the 'style' or 'type' of homework may
well be a function of policies set by local school districts.else why would he have had the same
issues from grade school through high school. If it can be made fun, made into something that is
interesting for the child - it would not be resented. This is a waste of time, paper, and face it, a cause
of frustration, extra tiredness, and sloppy penmanship. I think planning out and learning to
notprocrastinate is an insanely important skill that you can’t expect kids to just know how to do (or a
lot of parents (me included)). Perhaps you can print out the article, along with the comments, and
you can show your science teacher that many adults are in agreement with you. So what parents
know might be outdated and out of order with the new curriculum. Homework Helps Motivated
Students To Get Ahead Students do not always desire homework. I would also like to see how the
answer was arrived at. Heavy assignments can also deprive children of their sleep. Apart from the
coursework, they are also expected to participate in other co-curricular activities.
I am saddened by the reason why— my third grader had a significantly reduced homework load last
week. They may think they understood, but they may have missed some salient point or
misinterpreted something the teacher said. The following statistics highlight the impact of homework
on work-life balance. This lack of belief in the effectiveness of homework raises questions about its
value and purpose. It’s great preparation for high school, college, and their adult lives. However,
there are other methods that can lead to the same effects without all the disadvantages that
homework has. Try to find a good average of homework and make homework more interesting. That
said, it is my own frustrating experiences WITH those homework assignments that led me to my
current position on the matter: that, and my further experiences in frustration while having the same
battles over homework with my own kids that my mother had with me. There are other ways of
teaching our children responsibility and work ethic. Any cookies that may not be particularly
necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via
analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. She dawdled, got
distracted, took breaks, made excuses, goofed off, squirmed, and generally took over 2 hours to do
half an hour's worth of work. I have a son with ADD and trying to get his homework done is like
experiencing the seven stages of grief every single night. I'm a good student and I always have been
but it takes a little help to stay at the top and this is where I get it. At the elementary school level
especially, this is a bad idea because: Young children are known for having a very short attention
span. Since the government constantly sees fit to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and at
the expense of education with their continual cuts to funding, school has become little more than a
babysitting service. Most professors insist that solving assignments or homework problems is a
fundamental way to reinforce what the children are taught in school. I think all homework should be
material that has been covered well in class so students are successful. Homework also gives the
parents an insight into the progress of a. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Pinterest Reddit Recent
Posts How long do students spend on homework. This creates a disparity among students, with
some having an advantage over others based on their access to technology, internet connectivity, or
educational support at home. You May Also Like Determine the Causes of Academic Failure and
How to Deal With It Bad reasons: Is Homework Good or Bad. After school, most students want to
spend their free time doing what they want, when they want. Some college students may have to
drop by a part-time workplace after class. These cookies do not store any personal information. And
I’m really sure the new math is great, I’m sure it is. I respect your viewpoint, although we may have
some differences. So, should you get rid of it or should you give less or more. Answer: Primarily,
homework is still around because it's an entrenched concept that's been around for centuries. I
homeschooled my two youngest children most of their childhoods. However, some parents may
encourage their children to cheat or do their homework.
Best wishes. Jason B Truth from United States of America on July 20, 2019: Liz Elias. This means
that second grades, for instance, should do about 20 minutes of homework each day. But if teachers
assign heavy homework during weekends and evenings, students can’t have enough time for that. It’s
painful. It’s miserable. And it would take more than one glass of wine for me (though I prefer a
Malbec). We were doing all of it and the little c’s was just getting old so I told my kid what the
answer was (6) and then the homework came home WRONG because there were 11! WTF. I do not
write for them, and have no clue about what that might be like. Dubai - Office - No 2415, 24th floor,
Burjuman Business tower - Dubai, UAE PO Box: 127048. Early mornings consisted of me
badgering her to get ready for school. Enough studies show homework at this age has no positive
impact on school performance. It also brings to mind this one shirt that was out there when I was in
the fifth grade, that said that homework caused brain damage. Moreover, homework also boosts
continuous learning as students can revise their syllabus independently. Evenings, early to bed, or
worse yet, arguments about getting to sleep when she didn't want to. Although your instructor
wouldn’t want you to hear this, we will share it with you. Solving complicated math problems and
reading and memorizing in school is challenging and consumes a lot of energy. I think homework
gets a bad rap because there IS evidence to indicate that it is beneficial to learning, provided it is high
quality work and not “busy work.” I also think that it’s important for students to learn the value of a
routine — I go to school, I come home, I have a snack, I do homework, I go to soccer, mommy
drinks a lot of wine ?? — so that when the homework does get to be harder, more intense, they can
ease into it. Homework helps teachers evaluate a student’s learning Homework teaches students how
to set priorities. I was not made or forced to learn it, I learned it because I am fascinated with
Japanese culture and hope to go there one day. For example, their parent may have told them to be
home by a certain time or is waiting for them in the pick-up queue—a common scenario these days.
Liz Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on October 01, 2010: Hi, there, triosol, Thanks for stopping by.
This means that second graders, for instance, should do about 20 minutes of homework each day.
Homework for children would involve their parents time, hence it should be in the natural of
optional projects for children which can be done to the extent the parents are able to find the time.
Additionally, it also helps teachers determine how well their students understand the lessons. I know
I won't convince you - bad experiences as a child permanently colour the attitude of a person. A
contributing editor of the study, Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman, told CNN that she found it
“absolutely shocking” to learn that kindergarteners had that much homework. I will send a study
guide out before a test but that’s about it. Richer students spend about 11 hours on homework a
week. The greatest school systems in the world are not data-driven. Let us explore practical reasons
to affirm this claim. Shouldn’t our child be playing competitive soccer on the weekends, traveling for
gymnastic meets, and meeting weekly for Spanish club. For kids in first grade, that means 10 minutes
a night, while high school seniors could get two hours of work per night.
Additionally, research has indicated that homework may contribute to inequalities in education, as
students from disadvantaged backgrounds may have less access to resources and support needed to
complete assignments. Homework is bad, and there is no doubt about it regardless of the continuing
debates on its usefulness. They are in a constant struggle to achieve important goals. I too have found
our afternoons more relaxed when the homework is more manageable for my 4th grader. I don’t
blame teachers at ALL for this excessive homework. RachelPearson36 Unlocking the Power of
ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present. They need time to digest the material, not
do busy work at home. 2. Homework Is Busywork Busywork, you say. If only I could think of
another trendy d word to go with those three. Additionally, it also helps students remember what
they learn during the day. You may always share creative and fun homework assignments on Twitter.
But I believe that anything more than that is excessive. Promotes the discipline of practice
Homework teaches time management skills Encourages self-learning Creates a communication
network Homework helps teachers evaluate a student’s learning Allows for more learning time
Homework improved academic outcomes Reduce screen Time Homework Helps Motivated Students
To Get Ahead Gives parents and children time together You May Also Like Bad reasons: Is
Homework Good or Bad. So what? The payoff would be of far greater benefit than the ritual of
homework. Such a failure to complete tasks leads to increased stress levels and worsens the situation.
Overall, students reported getting less sleep than the National Sleep Foundation’s (2000)
recommended 8.5 to 9.25 hours per night for healthy adolescent development. UK - London - 60
WindsorAvenue, London SW19 2RR, United Kingdom. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior
to running these cookies on your website. Lesson learned: don't throw temper tantrums. Lesson not
learned: how to do the math problems! To this day, some sixty years later, I still bear the mark. Yet
Copper still believes students younger than 6th grade should receive homework. About 2 in 3
students in Finland will go on to college. Perhaps you can print out the article, along with the
comments, and you can show your science teacher that many adults are in agreement with you. I got
assignments in 1st grade, but they weren’t regular and I still remember the freedom of the evening.
However, many students and even teachers think that Homework is useless and just causes problems.
In this blog, we will look at 20 different reasons why is Homework good or bad for students. About
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Bezzy. What are the negative effects of homework, especially when you give too much. Look at all
the extra paperwork that would eliminate! 3. The researchers expressed concern that students at high-
pressure high schools can get burned out before they even get to college. “School, homework,
extracurricular activities, sleep, repeat — that’s what it can be for some of these students,” said
Noelle Leonard, PhD, a senior research scientist at the New York University College of Nursing, and
lead study author, in a press release. Every child needs to have occasional breaks from studying not
to lose their desire to learn. 6. Homework can waste a lot of time According to American researchers
in Boston College, nowadays, kids are busier than ever. DevGAMM Conference Barbie - Brand
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Developing and Maintaining a Creative Company (fr. Desks should be spaced sufficiently to
discourage passing of notes.
It can also disrupt students' sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and reduced academic performance. I
try to stay positive and upbeat so my daughter will not pick up on my bad vibes, but we usually
deteriorate early on and everyone melts down. A child with ADD, for example, is going to have a
very tough time trying to accomplish homework after having had to be in school all day. However, I
have worked in several high schools for a short period of time and know that many students are
given time in class to do their homework but don't do it. They have spent the day solving difficult
math problems, reading several chapters and memorizing long lines in school. I really appreciate
hearing that, particularly in light of your perspective and experience. To sum up, while homework
may be beneficial for a child, excessive. The following statistics highlight the need for individualized
learning. Even my bottom sets are eager to complete my homework - and I work in a challenging
inner city school. He’s so behind already and it just seems dumb to make him try this crap. All these
can lead to a mental breakdown, depression, or other health complications. Another interference is
that assignments wastes the time of children who are already busy. 5. Homework can Kill the
interest to learn in children One of the other reasons why homework is bad is completing
assignments usually has nothing to do with development. When pressed about it, even my daughter’s
teacher had no real basis for assigning what is essentially busy work, other than “that’s what the
guidelines are.” That’s BS in my book. Damage blood vessel walls, making them stiff and less elastic
stretchy. In other words, students are more likely to discontinue extracurricular activities and spend
less time with friends and family. They fail to understand that the Italian system is a community
philosophy that has worked over time. The researchers found that first and second graders received
28 and 29 minutes of homework per night. Furthermore, this blog about is homework good or bad.
Well, it is time to get smart and let kids be kids. You can hardly find any task stimulating children’s
interest in exploring a subject more deeply. Analytics Analytics Analytical cookies are used to
understand how visitors interact with the website. I do think you are correct that there is a deficit of
challenging curricula for the more advanced students. But it also makes me want to hit the bottle a
few times a week. English is my strong point, people believe I have very good grammar and spelling
skills for a 14 year old, and I use that to help other people spell.However, mathematical skills are my
weak point.I find maths difficult and find that I am not able to focus and concentrate on maths for
long periods of time. And while they found a small gain in results between 70 and 90 minutes, it
required two hours more homework a week. Absolutely not. I cringe when I see young kids with
such heavy loads of books that they need a wheeled backpack to carry them back and forth. He had
zero patience and held the opinion that asking questions meant you had not paid attention. Some
textbook companies even have accompanying videos that the kids can go online and watch when
they get stuck on a problem. It’s painful. It’s miserable. And it would take more than one glass of
wine for me (though I prefer a Malbec). All of this tells me that his refusal to do his homework to the
point of getting bumped out of 'regular' school into continuation school meant that he was bored
with it.
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template. On average, Finnish students do only about three hours of homework a week. However,
too much homework means that you will have to lock yourself up in your room once you get back
home from school. However, in 2012 they scored sixth highest in the world in reading, not to
mention their 12th highest place in math on the OECD’s international test, known as PISA (Program
for International Student Assessment). Honestly, I believe that the best learning can get done at
home, away from the distractions of friends. If homework is, as is claimed, supposed to be a
reinforcement or practice, then it really should not have any bearing on the student's grade. This
article in Newsweek also claims in its title that homework is a good thing. In an interview with
Monitor on Psychology, Pope pointed out that students can learn challenging skills even when less
homework is assigned. Students in traditional public school go to school from 830am - 230pm.
There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase,
a SQL command or malformed data. As students struggle to complete multiple homework
assignments, they take many hours at night, get stressed, and do not have enough sleep. Nor would I
write an article about some aspect of chemical or civil engineering because I am not an engineer.
Sanam Hafeez, psychologist and founder of Comprehensive Consultation Psychological Services. Do
you know that many schools require teachers to assign homework, and that parents have been known
to become angry at LACK of homework. When they don’t achieve them all, they feel like a failure. I
read a lot of Alfie Kohn in school-he gives a great perspective on the art of teaching. It wasn’t
because it was hard; I always picked up on lessons rather easily. All these are violations of the
standards set by the NEA and NPTA. Ensuring the children comprehend what is being taught is
what's important. High achieving students also said that homework pressure even leads. I think
planning out and learning to notprocrastinate is an insanely important skill that you can’t expect kids
to just know how to do (or a lot of parents (me included)). Thanks, also for your praise and for the
support about the hard-liners' manner in expressing their opinions. They can invite the students in a
private Facebook group, where they will learn through discussions. The action you just performed
triggered the security solution. Here's how I believe that should be handled: When the kids walk in
the door, the teacher is at the door with a basket, into which must be deposited ALL cell phones,
Game Boys, or what have you that can cause all those distractions. This rule recommends a daily
maximum of 10 minutes of homework per grade level. Lastly, excessive homework can create a
heavy workload for students, potentially leading to feelings of overwhelm and a decreased
enjoyment of learning. I don’t at all. But if parents don’t know how to DO it, how can we possibly
“help” in a way that doesn’t send us or our kids through the roof. Your article reminds me of how
frustrating homework could be as a kid, especially as I got older and my schedule became tighter. PS:
I think they need to have new math workshops for parents.

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