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Shreeyash College of Engineering and Technology (Polytechnic), Chh. Sambhajinagar Micro-Project

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1) Rathod Bajirao Bandu EN. NO.2210920291
2) Chavan Dhiraj Sanjay EN. NO.2210920252
3) Jadhav Ranjit Sunil EN. NO.2210920268
4) Rathod Dinesh Mansing EN. NO.2210920293
5) Chavan Rahul Rohidas EN. NO.23511510452


This is to certify that Mr. Rathod Bajirao Bandu of Fourth Semester of Diploma in Electrical Engineering
of Institute Shreeyash College of Engineering and Technology (Polytechnic) has successfully completed
Micro-Project Work in Course of DEM for the academic year 2023-24 as prescribed in the I-Scheme

Date:- 06/04/2024 Enrollment No:- 2210920291

Place:- chh. Sambhajinagar Exam Seat No.:- 450006

Signature Signature Signature

Guide HOD Principal

Seal of Institute

We wish to express our profound gratitude to our guide Prof. M. B. Chavan who
guided us endlessly in framing and completion of Micro-Project. He / She guided
us on all the main points in that Micro-Project. We are indebted to his / her
constant encouragement, cooperation and help. It was his / her enthusiastic
support that helped us in overcoming of various obstacles in the Micro-Project.
We are also thankful to our Principal, HOD, Faculty Members and
classmates for extending their support and motivation in the completion of this
1) Rathod Bajirao Bandu EN. NO.2210920291
2) Chavan Dhiraj Sanjay EN. NO.2210920252
3) Jadhav Ranjit Sunil EN. NO.2210920268
4) Rathod Dinesh Mansing EN. NO.2210920293
5) Chavan Rahul Rohidas EN. NO.23511510452
Micro-Project Proposal
(Format or Micro-Project Proposal about1-2pages)

Title of Micro-Project: Half Adder And Full Adder

1.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project (minimum30-50words)

A half adder micro-project aims to demonstrate fundamental concepts in digital electronics. It provides
hands- on experience in designing and implementing basic logic circuits, specifically for addition.
Understanding half adders is crucial as they form the building blocks for more complex arithmetic units in
digital systems. By completing this project, learners gain insights into binary addition, logic gates,
andcircuit design, fostering a solid foundation for further exploration in the field of digital logic.
2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed
1. Understanding Basic Digital Logic: Participants will grasp the fundamental principles
of digital logic, including Boolean algebra and logic gates, through the implementation
of a half adder.

2. Circuit Design Proficiency: Learners will enhance their ability to design and analyze
simple digital circuits by creating a half adder circuit using logic gates.

3. Problem-Solving Skills: Through troubleshooting any issues encountered during the

construction of the half adder circuit, students will develop problem-solving skills crucial in
the field of digital electronics.

4. Critical Thinking and Analysis: Participants will engage in critical analysis of the
functionality and efficiency of the half adder circuit, evaluating its performance in terms
of speed, power consumption, and reliability.

5. Proposed Methodology

1. Conceptual Understanding: Begin by understanding the theoretical principles behind

half adders, including binary addition, truth tables, and logic gates.

2. Component Selection: Identify and gather the necessary components, including logic
gates (such as AND, OR gates), breadboard, wires, and power supply.

3. Circuit Design: Design the half adder circuit on the breadboard based on the logic
gate configurations required for adding two binary digits.

4. Implementation: Physically connect the selected components on the breadboard

according to the designed circuit layout, ensuring proper wiring and connections.

5. Testing and Verification: Verify the functionality of the half adder circuit by
inputting various combinations of binary digits and observing the outputs.

6. Troubleshooting: Address any issues or errors encountered during testing, such as

incorrect outputs or unstable behavior, through systematic troubleshooting techniques.

7. Documentation: Document the methodology, circuit diagram, test results, and any
observations made during the project for future reference and learning.
4.0 Action Plan

Name of
Sr. Planned Planned Responsible
Details of activity
No. Week Start Finish Team Members
date date
1 1 &2 Discussion & Finalization Bajirao Rathod
of Topic
2 3 Preparation of the Abstract Dhiraj Chavan
3 4 Literature Review Dinesh Rathod
4 5 Submission of Microproject Rahul chavan
Proposal ( Annexure-I)
5 6 Collection of information about
6 7 Collection of relevant content / Dinesh Rathod
materials for the execution
of Microproject.
7 8 Discussion and submission Rahul chavan
of outline of the
8 9 Analysis / execution of Dinesh Rathod
Collected data / information and
preparation of Prototypes /
drawings / photos / charts /
graphs / tables / circuits /
/ programs etc.
9 10 Completion of Contents Bajirao Rathod
of Project Report
10 11 Completion of Weekly Dhiraj chavan
progress Report
11 12 Completion of Project Report ( Rahul Chavan
12 13 Viva voce / Delivery Bajirao Rathod
of Presentation

5.0 Resources Required (major resources such asraw material, some machining
facility, software etc.)

Sr. Name of Resources / Materials Specification Qty Remarks

1 Google - 01 -
2 Youtube - 01 -
3 Refference Book - 01 -

Names of Team Members with En. Nos.

a) Rathod Bajirao Bandu EN. NO.2210920291

b) Chavan Dhiraj Sanjay EN. NO.2210920252
c) Jadhav Ranjit Sunil EN. NO.2210920268
d) Rathod Dinesh Mansing EN. NO.2210920293
e) Chavan Rahul Rohidas EN. NO.23511510452
(To be approved by the concerned teacher)

Micro-Project Report
Format for Micro-Project Report (Minimum 4 pages)

Title of Micro-Project:-

1.0 Rationale (Importance of the project, in about 30 to 50words.This is a modified version of

the earlier one written after the work)
The half adder project holds significant importance as it provides practical insights into digital
logic fundamentals. By designing and implementing a half adder circuit, learners gain essential
skills in binary addition, logic gate applications, and circuit design, laying a solid foundation
for more advanced studies in digital electronics.
2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:- (In about 50 to 150 words)
1. Conceptual Understanding: The micro-project enables participants to comprehend the foundational
principles of digital logic, particularly in binary addition and logic gate operations, through the practical
application of constructing a half adder circuit.
2. Hands-On Experience: Learners gain valuable hands-on experience by physically assembling the half
adder circuit on a breadboard, allowing them to deepen their understanding of circuit design
3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved (Add to the earlier list if more Cos are addressed)
 Build simple Combinational And Sequential Circuits

4.0 Literature Review:-

1. Online Tutorials and Guides: Websites like Electronics Tutorials (www.electronics-tutorials.ws) andAll
About Circuits (www.allaboutcircuits.com) offer detailed tutorials and guides on digital logic circuits,
including half adders, suitable for beginners.

2. Academic Papers and Journals: Research articles in journals like IEEE Transactions on Computersand
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems may delve into advanced topics related to half adders, providing
insights into cutting-edge research and applications.

5.0 Actual Methodology Followed (Write step wise work done, data collected and its analysis
(if any).The contribution of individual member may also be noted.)
An adder is a digital logic circuit in electronics that is extensively used for the addition of
numbers. In many computers and other types of processors, adders are even used to calculate
addresses and related activities and calculate table indices in the ALU and even utilized in other
parts of the processors. These can be built for many numerical representations like excess-3 or
binary coded decimal. Adders are basically classified into two types: Half Adder and Full Adder
Half Adder
The half adder circuit has two inputs: A and B, which add two input digits and generates a carry and a sum.
So, coming to the scenario of half adder, it adds two binary digits where the input bits are termed as augend and
addend and the result will be two outputs one is the sum and the other is carry. To perform the sum operation,
OR is applied to both the inputs, and AND gate is applied to both inputs to produce carry
The carry output is 0 unless both inputs are 1. The S output represents the least significant bit of the sum.

The simplified Boolean functions for the two outputs can be obtained directly from the truth table. The
simplified sum of products expressions are

S = x y + xy
C = xy

Full Adder
This adder is difficult to implement when compared to half-adder

The difference between a half-adder and a full-adder is that the full-adder has three inputs and two outputs,
whereas half adder has only two inputs and two outputs. The first two inputs are A and B and the third
input is an input carry as C-IN. When a full-adder logic is designed, you string eight of them together to
create a byte-wide adder and cascade the carry bit from one adder to the next.

A full adder is a fundamental building block in digital electronics used to perform binary addition of three
input bits: two operands (A and B) and a carry-in (Cin) from the previous stage. It produces twooutputs: the
sum (S) and the carry-out (Cout) for the next stage. The truth table for a full adder enumerates all possible
combinations of inputs and their corresponding outputs, aiding in its design and analysis.

The circuitry of a full adder typically consists of two half adders and an additional OR gate. The firsthalf
adder computes the sum of A and B inputs, while the second half adder calculates the sum of thefirst half
adder's output and the carry-in input. The OR gate combines the carry-out outputs from both half adders to
produce the final carry-out (Cout) of the full adder.

Full adders are crucial components in arithmetic units of digital systems, enabling the addition of multi-bit
numbers. They are utilized in applications such as microprocessors, arithmetic logic units (ALUs), and data
processing circuits. Understanding and implementing full adders are essential skills for students and
professionals in fields like electrical engineering, computer science, and digital design.
6.0 Actual Resources Used

Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks

1 Google - 01 -

Youtube - 01 -
Refference Book - 01 -

7.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects

1. Functioning Half Adder Circuit: The primary output is a working half adder circuit
constructed on a breadboard or simulated using digital design software. This circuit
demonstrates the ability to perform binary addition of two input bits and generate the sum (S)
and carry-out (Cout) outputs.

2. Truth Table Verification: Verification of the half adder's functionality through a truth table.
The truth table illustrates all possible combinations of input values (A and B) and the
corresponding outputs (S and Cout), ensuring that the circuit operates correctly according to
its logic.
8.0 Skill Developed/Learning outcome of this Micro-Project
1. Understanding of Digital Logic: Participants gain a deeper understanding of digital logic principles,
including binary addition, Boolean algebra, and logic gate operations.

2. Circuit Design Proficiency: Learners enhance their ability to design and implement basic digital circuits
by constructing a half adder circuit using logic gates.

3. Problem-Solving Skills: Engaging in troubleshooting activities during the construction and testing phases
helps develop problem-solving skills necessary for identifying and resolving issues in digital circuits.

9.0 Applications of this Micro-Project:-

The half adder micro-project lays the foundation for various practical applications in digital electronics. Its
implementation forms the basis for more complex arithmetic units in digital systems, including adders,
multipliers, and processors. Additionally, it is vital in fields like computer architecture, data processing, and
embedded systems design.

Name of Student:- Rathod Bajirao Bandu En. No. 2210920291

Name of Program:- Semester:- Fourth
Course Name:- DEM Course Code:-
Title of The Micro-Project:- Half Adder and Full Adder
Course Outcomes Achieved:-

Sr. Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent Sub

No. assessed (Marks1-3) (Marks4-5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks9-10) Total

(A) Process and Product Assessment (Convert Below total marks out of 6Marks)
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature
3 Completion of the Target
as Per project proposal
4 Analysis of Data and
Quality of
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation/Viva(Convert Below total marks out of 4Marks)
7 Presentation

(A) (B)
Process and Product Individual Presentation/ Total Marks
Assessment (6 Viva (4 marks) 10

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)

Name of Course Teacher:- M.B. Chavan

Dated Signature:- 06/04/2024

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