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Electrical engineering (Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University)

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not applicable for
subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The figures
drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may vary and
there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based on
candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.

Q. Marking
Q. Answer
No. Scheme
1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10 Marks
a) List out any four precautions to be taken to avoid fire caused by Electrical reason.
Precautions to be taken to avoid fire caused by Electrical reason:
1. Use correct rating fuse and MCB.
2. Follow IE Rules while working with every electrical installation.
3. Use ISI Mark material / equipment.
4. Provide sound and proper Earthing.
5. Use correct rating wires, cables, auxiliaries etc.
6. Carry out regular and proper maintenance.
7. Keep heat - producing appliances unplugged when not in use. ½ Mark for
8. Don’t ignore signs of trouble like as burn marks/discoloration around a socket, each of any
burning smell when an item is plugged in or in use, electrical sparks each time you four
plug in a device, one (or all) of your breakers frequently trips or your fuses regularly precautions
blow etc. = 2 Marks
9. Keep always ready and use proper firefighting equipment.
10. Avoid poor joints and loose connections.
11. Provide proper protective gears/system.
12. Replace or repair loose or frayed cords on all electrical devices.
13. Avoid running extension cords across doorways or under carpets.
14. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for operating every electrical machine / device /
equipment etc.
15. Consider having additional circuits or outlets added by a qualified electrician so you
do not have to use extension cords.
16. Avoid overloading outlets. Plug only one high-wattage appliance into each receptacle
outlet at a time.
17. Place lamps on level surfaces, away from things that can burn and use bulbs that
match the lamp’s recommended wattage.
OR Equivalent Answers/Points
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
b) State the concept of predictive maintenance.
Concept of Predictive Maintenance:
Predictive maintenance is a technique that uses condition-monitoring tools & techniques to
track performance of equipment during normal operation to detect possible defects and fix
1 Mark
them before they result in failure.
Ideally predictive maintenance allows the maintenance frequency to be as low as possible
1 Mark
to prevent unplanned reactive maintenance without incurring costs associated with doing
too much preventive maintenance.
OR Equivalent Answer
c) Define the following terms in connection with safety.
i) Hazard
ii) Accident
i) Hazard:
Hazard is a probable or possible cause of an accident. OR, The things that arise without 1 Mark
planning or at random. OR, Hazard is a potential condition awaiting to be converted
into an unwanted event or accident. OR, Hazard is potential source of harm.
ii) Accident:
The event that happens unexpectedly and causes damage or injury is called as accident.
OR, An event that is without apparent cause or is unexpected. OR, An unwanted event
which cannot be anticipated in advance may be termed as an accident. OR, An 1 Mark
occurrence in an industrial establishment causing bodily injury to a person which
makes him unfit to resume his duties in the next 48 Hours.
d) State the meaning of special test. Give one example of special test.
Meaning of Special Test:
Special tests are conducted to know behavior of machine / equipment / product in different 1 Mark
conditions and are conducted only when results of such tests are demanded by purchaser.
Example of special test:
1. Determination of noise / sound level.
2. Measurement of the harmonics of the no-load current.
1 Mark for
3. Determination of zero phase sequence impedance level etc.
any one
4. Dielectric special tests.
5. Determination of capacitances windings-to earth, and between windings.
6. Determination of transient voltage transfer characteristics.
7. Short-circuit withstand test.
8. Measurement of the power taken by the fan and oil pump motors.
9. Measurement of dissipation factor (tan δ) of the insulation system capacitances etc.
e) List the different methods of drying of insulation.
Methods of drying of insulation:
The drying out of electrical equipment can be carried out by applying heat by any one of ½ Mark for
the following methods: each of any
1. Circulating hot oil through suitable purifying plant (for oil filled equipment). four methods
2. Circulating hot air (for air or SF6 gas filled equipment). = 2 Marks

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
3. Blowing in hot air.
4. Hot oil spray under vacuum.
5. Using space heaters / heat radiating high wattage lamp.
6. Heating by induction coil.
7. Heating by short circuit method.
8. Heating the equipment in hot chamber.
9. Vacuum type drying.
10. By connecting using immersion type heaters in the transformer tank.
f) List out the routine tests to be carried out on transformer as per IS-2026. (any four).
Routine tests to be carried out on transformer as per IS-2026:
1. Measurement of insulation resistance.
2. Measurement of winding resistance.
3. Turns ratio test.
4. Voltage ratio test.
5. Polarity test. ½ Mark for
6. Vector group test. each of any
7. No-load losses and current test. four tests
8. Measurement of impedance voltage, short-circuit impedance and load losses OR = 2 Marks
Short circuit test.
9. Continuity test
10. Magnetizing current, no load losses OR Open circuit test
11. Magnetic balance test
12. High voltage test.
13. Dielectric tests.
14. Separate source AC voltage test.
15. Induced overvoltage test.
16. Lightning impulse voltage tests.
17. Test on the “On-load tap changers”.
18. Phasing out test.
g) State the use of following.
i) Bearing puller
ii) Growler
i) Use of bearing puller:
A bearing puller is a tool used to remove bearing sets, pulleys or gears from a rotating
machine shaft or from a blind bearing hole. The most common application is 1 Mark
removing a caged set of ball or tapered bearings from a rotating shaft.
iii) Growler:
A growler is an electrical device used for testing insulation of a motor winding etc. 1 Mark
for shorted coils. It is an equipment used for finding shorted turns of armature coil or
stator / rotor winding.
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 Marks
a) Differentiate between Equipment Earthing and Neutral Earthing.
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
Difference between Equipment Earthing and Neutral Earthing:
Equipment Earthing Neutral Earthing

2 When the non-current When neutral of three phase star

carrying metallic part of the connected sides of transformers,
electrical equipment are generators, motors is connected to
connected to earth through a earth then it is called as neutral
very low resistance path then earthing.
it is called as equipment
earthing. 1 Mark for
3 It provides protection to live Provides elimination of arching each of any
beings (animals / humans) grounds and over voltage surges. four
against electric shocks. differences
4 Does affect stability of the Stability of the power system is = 4 Marks
power system in any way. increased.
5 Equipment earthing is Neutral earthing is provided through
provided through pipe solid earthing, resistance earthing,
earthing, plate earthing or reactance earthing etc.
earth mats etc.
6 It does not provide any It provides suitable means for earth
means for protection of the fault protection of the equipment /
system against earth faults. system.
OR Equivalent Answer
b) Explain moisture proofness test conducted on single phase Induction motor.
Procedure of Moisture Proof-ness Test Conducted on Single Phase Induction Motor:
1. Disconnect / remove the single phase induction motor from supply completely.
2. Keep / put the single phase induction motor in a closed chamber having humidity
of 90% with a temperature of 420C.
3. Maintain the above said condition for a full day / 24Hours.
4. Afterward take the motor out of the chamber and then conduct it for insulation 4 Marks
resistance test and high voltage test.
5. If the results of insulation resistance test and high voltage test are satisfactory then
the result of moisture proof-ness test is OK.
6. If the results of insulation resistance test and high voltage test are not satisfactory
then it means that the motor windings are with moisture, further action / activity
should be taken accordingly.
c) List any four External causes for abnormal operation of electrical equipment.
External Causes for Abnormal Operation of Electrical Equipment:
1. Sometimes in the generating station / receiving station / substation there occurs over
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
voltage or under voltage which affect the normal working of the machine /
2. High voltage disturbances.
3. Sustained power frequency over voltage disturbances.
4. Lightning surges.
5. Switching surges.
6. Travelling waves.
7. Arcing grounds.
8. Resonance conditions.
9. External short circuit – the short circuit may occur in two or three phases of feeder /
distributor lines.
10. Sometimes due to wind, rains, birds etc. short circuit occurs in the supply system 1 Mark for
which affects working of machine / equipment instantly. each of any
11. If supply system generator working in generating station is subjected change in the four causes
speed of prime mover, then supply frequency changes which affects the working of = 4 Marks
machine / equipment / system connected to this supply system.
12. Under frequency effect in power transformers i.e. if frequency reduces in a system,
flux in the core changes and causes abnormal operation for the machine / equipment
which are supplied by such transformers.
13. Sometimes negative sequence currents are developed due to unbalance supply system
which affects the normal working of the machine / equipment.
14. If external load on the machine is sustained for a length of period, the insulation may
start burning due to excessive temperature rise.
15. External damage to machine / equipment supply cable, fault in MCCB, fault in MCB,
damage happened by mechanical means as accidental breakage of cable etc.
d) List eight agents which contaminate the insulating oil.
Agents Which Contaminate the Insulating Oil:
1. Water.
2. Moisture. ½ Mark for
3. Dirt / dust. each of any
4. Carbon deposits. eight agents
5. Sulphur. = 4 Marks
6. Acids.
7. Gases.
8. Alcohols.
9. Grease.
10. Acetones and aldehydes.
11. Presence of sludge which is mainly an oxidation product, whose formation is
accelerated by temperature and contact with air.
12. Presence of solid particles.
3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 Marks
a) Distinguish between routine and break down maintenance of electrical equipment.
Distinguishing points between Routine and Breakdown Maintenance of Electrical
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
Item Routine Maintenance Breakdown Maintenance
1. Definition Maintenance carried daily for Maintenance carried after breakdown
not to have any breakdown of / fault intended to repair equipment.
2. When to Almost daily After fault / breakdown.
3. Objective Includes visual inspection, To bring back the faulty machine into
cleaning, minor repairs in service at the earliest.
initial stage.
4. Nature of It is a partial planed schedule. It is not a planned schedule. Carried
Schedule after breakdown. 1 Mark for
each of any
5. Scope for There is scope for delay This cannot be delayed at any cost. four
Delay sometimes / delay of one / two distinguishing
days. points
6. Staff This work is carried by This work is carried by experts / = 4 Marks
Involved operator of machine or by the trained maintenance staff only.
maintenance staff.
7. Down No down time occurs as the Cannot predict about downtime as it
Time activities are simple and can depends on the nature of fault, but
perform / check on line also. definitely downtime occurs.
8. Example / Cleaning / checking / daily Rewinding of burnt winding,
Activities records etc. replacement of blown fuses and the
work carried out after fault.
9 Schedule There is a fix maintenance There is no fix maintenance schedule
schedule / programme as per / programme.
service manual.
OR Equivalent Answer
b) Explain with neat diagram impulse test on a power transformer.
Impulse Test on a Power Transformer:
The set up for impulse test is shown in the following figure as:

1 Mark

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
For carrying out impulse test an “Impulse Generator” is used which will develop
unidirectional desired wave shapes with the help of H. V. transformer, rectifier unit. The
rod gap and sphere gap arrestors are used for producing chopped wave as well as for
circuit protection and the CRO is used for measurement / recording purposes. During the
test one terminal of the impulse generator is connected to any one terminal of the
transformer and other terminals of winding under test, frame etc. are effectively earthed.
The impulse test is carried out in the following sequence by application of –
(i) One full wave
(ii) Two chopped waves
(iii) Two full waves
1. One full wave:
First of all, one full 1/50 wave is applied to the transformer under test, by application of
this wave which has a very steep wave front, it is seen that whether the insulation of
transformer will withstand for the very high rate of rise of voltage to which it will be
subjected at the time of lightning surges. The maximum value of test voltage for different
voltage rating windings is given in the bellow table. 1 Mark
2. Two chopped waves:
If the transformer insulation withstands 1/50 wave without any damage, then two chopped
waves are applied within a very short interval (of 3 micro seconds to 6 micro seconds) of
time as shown in the figure. The aim of application of a chopped wave is that at the time of
puncturing of rod gap the voltage suddenly falls to zero, hence similar situation can be
3. Two chopped waves:
If the transformer insulation withstands above two tests without any damage, then it will
be tested for this part. Here two full 1/50 waves are applied in sequence to the equipment.
The maximum value of test voltage for different voltage rating windings is given in the
bellow table.

1 Mark

voltage 3.6 7.2 12 17.5 24 36 52 72.5 100 145 170 245
rating in kV
1 Mark
Test voltage
in kV 45 60 75 96 125 170 250 325 450 650 750 1050

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
c) List out DO’s and Don’ts to achieve safety for electrical supervisor while working in
substation (any four points).
DO’s and Don’ts to Achieve Safety for Electrical Supervisor While Working in
1. Work on low & medium voltage mains and apparatus should be carried only by
authorized person(s) and all mains and apparatus to be worked upon shall be isolated
from all sources of supply before starting the work.
2. Warning boards shall be attached to or kept adjacent to the line apparatus and the
limit of the zone, in which work may be carried out, should be specifically indicated.
3. Ensure that all the safety apparatus such as rubber mats, stool, platforms or other
safety devices to be used, should be in good condition.
4. When any live mains are to be earthed, the procedure prescribed should be
scrupulously followed.
5. Maintenance on H.T. Breaker should be attempted only when it is fully isolated and
6. No work should be done on the transformers unless, it is disconnected from all
external electrical circuits and all windings have been solidly earthed.
7. De - energize incoming power before removing top and side access or cover plates of
any bus cover. Lock out the incoming power source. Earth the main horizontal bus
before working on the bus.
8. Check voltage, if any, by multi meter / test lamp so as to be sure that circuit breaker /
switches are open or that the bus is de - energized.
9. Isolate all remote-control voltage sources when working on the board.
10. Pad - lock the breakers with isolated position and test before working on a branch
11. Follow proper Electrical Isolation procedures to avoid in - advertent activation of any
Electrical equipment i.e., put "Men at Work" tally on the isolated circuit. Remove the
fuses etc. before working.
12. Obey warnings to stay away from electrical circuits and locked - out equipment. ½ Mark for
13. Wear rubber gloves and any other assigned protective clothing and safety equipment each of any
while working. four points
14. Inspect electrical tools before each use. = 2 Marks for
15. Keep all electrical circuit contact points enclosed. Dos
16. Do use a quality surge suppresser with enough sockets for every component.
17. Do look out for overhead power lines every time you use an insulated ladder or pole.
Stay at least 10 feet away from any electrical lines.
18. When in doubt, seek help from experts and advice to the juniors.
19. Keep away any chemicals which are compatible from electrical panels etc.
20. Follow manufacturers’ recommendations and requirements while working on that
machine / equipment.
21. Eliminate all potential tripping hazards in the work area.
22. If any device / machine emits an unusual odor, turn it off and unplug it immediately.
Do not use the device / machine until it is repaired.
23. Wear safety glasses while working.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
24. If you see that cables of electrical device are worn or frayed, make sure you replace it
as soon as possible.
25. Ensure every rotating / static machine has been installed properly and is stable.
26. Employers should control any remaining risk by providing the worker / operator with
the necessary information, instruction, training, supervision and appropriate safety
27. Ensure control switches are clearly marked to show what they do.
28. Have emergency stop controls where necessary.
29. If machines are controlled by programmable electronic systems, changes Made in
any programme should be carried out by a competent person to all the concern
30. Know the work content and work sequentially.
31. Place sign “Men are working” or other warning boards on the Main Switch before
32. Cultivate the habit of turning your face away whenever an electric arc or flash may
33. Guard against arcs as well as high voltages, remember that burns from arcs may be
very serious.
34. Take extreme care when breaking an inductive circuit as dangerously high voltage is
likely to result.
35. Thoroughly discharge to earth all the cables before working on their cores.
36. Always treat the circuit alive until you have proved them to be dead.
37. Test insulating rubber glows periodically.
38. Place rubber mats in front of electrical switching panels.
1. Do not touch a person who is in direct contact with live electrical conductors. By
this, you can receive serious shock too.
2. In hazardous area, avoid direct contact between explosive mixture and means of
3. Do not inadvertently activate any electrical equipment. Follow standard electrical
isolating procedure to avoid inadvertent activation on any electrical equipment.
4. Do not panic in case of power failure. Emergency lighting have been provided in all
working areas in company through Diesel Generating Sets which start automatically
within 10 - 15 seconds of the power failure. Stay calm until then.
5. Do not work alone in main switch or feeder panel enclosure.
6. Never leave electrical equipment without properly earthed.
7. Do not put in use any piece of electrical equipment that gives a tingling sensation
when touched. This is defective. Inform about it to your supervisor immediately.
8. No live part should be within unsafe distance of a person working on live low and
medium voltage mains, so that he does not come in contact with it unless he is
properly protected.
9. Do not touch or temper with any electrical gear or conductor, unless you have made
sure that it is dead and earthed. High voltage apparatus may give leakage shock or
flash over even without touching.
10. Do not disconnect earthing connections.
11. Do not expose your eyes to an electric arc. Painful injury may result even with short

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
12. Do not close or open a switch or fuse slowly or hesitatingly, do it quickly and
13. Do not use metal case flash light around apparatus which is energized.
14. Do not get closer than 10 feet to a power line (if you’re an unqualified employee). ½ Mark for
15. Do not reach blindly into a space that may contain energized equipment. each of any
16. Do not use a power tool that smokes, sparks, smells, or shocks. four points
17. Do not store liquids of any sort near electrical equipment. = 2 Marks for
18. Do not assume the black coating on wires is insulation – it could be just plastic Don’ts
weatherproofing that provides no protection from contact injuries.
19. Do not use damaged or brittle electrical cords, even if bare wires aren’t visible.
20. Do not allow untrained, unqualified staff to handle key maintenance or inspection
21. Do not undertake maintenance tasks in an arbitrary order. You need a way to rank
electrical components in order of how critical they are and then follow that order
22. Do not take a run - to - failure attitude to electrical parts. You should replace them
before they become inefficient and potentially dangerous.
23. Do not renew a blown fuse until you are satisfied as to the cause and you have
rectified the irregularity.
24. Do not close any Switch / GOS / Breaker unless you are familiar with the circuit,
which it controls and know the reason for its being kept open.
25. Do not work on energized circuits without taking extra precautions as use of rubber
gloves and gauntlets.
26. Do not touch or tamper with any electrical equipment or conductor, unless you have
made sure that it is dead and earthed.
27. Do not work on the live circuit without the specific orders of the supervisor and make
certain that all safety precautions have been taken.
28. Do not disconnect earthing connection or render ineffective safety gadgets installed
on mains and apparatus.
29. DO not use fire extinguisher on electrical equipment unless it is clearly marked for
that purpose.
30. DO not throw water on live electrical equipment in case of fire.
31. DO not remove danger notice plates or other signs or interface with safety barriers or
go beyond them.
32. DO not allow visitors and un-authorized persons to touch or handle electrical
apparatus or come within the danger zone of H.V. apparatus.
33. Don't allow unauthorized and untrained persons to work on Electrical Systems.
OR Equivalent Answer
d) Describe the factors affecting the preventive maintenance schedule.
Factors Affecting the Preventive Maintenance Schedule:
1. Type of machine / equipment and its working conditions.
2. Working environment of industry i.e., presence of dirt, moisture, chemical fumes,
atmospheric temperature etc.
3. Some industry finds heavy load during particular period of year and during other

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
period they are lightly loaded, during which maintenance can be carried out,
ultimately the operating cycle of plant affect the schedule.
4. Whether the machine is continuously working or intermittently working?
5. If the machines / equipment is continuously overload then it needs more maintenance
and also needs suitable time for the preventive maintenance so affects preventive
maintenance schedule.
6. If the machine fails, how much loss of money and time, it will cause due to its down
7. Ageing of machine / equipment (If the breakdown takes place, the cost of the repair
will be more than cost of the machine, and whether it can be replaced by a new one).
8. Production requirement i.e., the machines / equipment used in production work
comes under essential equipment and they need to maintained very much carefully.
9. Non availability of spares & raw material.
10. Non availability of tools, jacks, fixture required for preventive maintenance.
11. Non availability of trained & skilled technicians.
12. Operating cycle of equipment or machine affect the maintenance schedule. ½ Mark for
13. Cost of the maintenance. each of any
14. Due to accident, fires, worker strike the work is held up for certain period. This is eight points
also a cause of disturbing a preventive maintenance schedule. = 4 Marks
15. Load cycle of the machine.
16. Cost of standby machines and equipment.
17. Cost of outage due to failure of supply against cost of maintenance.
18. Improper communication / co-operation with production department.
19. Importance of the machine / equipment.
20. Sometimes even if the maintenance may be necessary but the production requirement
needs that machine may be kept running to complete the production target. It means
that for particular time production is most urgent and profitable than the cost of
breakdown period of machine during the repairs.
21. Large capacity / highly precise machine / equipment used in industry upon which
maximum operation depends are to be maintained properly otherwise affects the
preventive maintenance schedule.
OR Equivalent Answer
4. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12 Marks
a) With the help of neat diagram, explain phasing out test to be carried on transformer.
Phasing Out Test to be Carried on Transformer:

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
This test is carried out to find out the corresponding HV and LV phase winding
• The circuit diagram is as shown in figure. Here normal ac voltage is applied to one of
the HV or LV windings. In this case to HV winding and the voltages across all three LV
windings are measured.
• The winding across which is much more measured voltage obtained compared to other 3 Marks for
two windings represent the secondary of the winding to which supply is connected. diagram.
The test is repeated for finding out remaining concerned secondary windings in the same
manner. OR

This test is carried out only on three phase transformers to identify primary and secondary
winding belonging to the same phase.
As shown in figure all the phases of three phase transformer are short circuited except a
3 Marks for
primary and supposed secondary.
A low voltage D.C. supply is given through a battery to the primary winding. The
galvanometer is connected to the terminals of secondary winding which is not shorted.
The key "K" is connected shown. Now the keys pressed and deflection of galvanometer is
observed carefully.
Similarly, galvanometer is connected to the other secondaries and procedure is repeated.
The winding across which maximum deflection occurs is the secondary phase winding that
corresponds to primary winding to which source connected.
Repeat the same procedure for other primary winding and find the corresponding was
secondary side.
NOTE: In place of galvanometer low range voltmeter or multi-meter can also be used

b) State factors involved in designing a rotating machine foundation.

Factors Involved in Designing a Rotating Machine Foundation:
1. Drawings of the dimensions of the foundation from design point of view, drawings of
fasteners, as well as auxiliary equipment, communications and hole sizes.
2. Actual foundation drawing of machine provided by the manufacturer.
3. Dimensions as length, width and height of the machine.
4. The technical characteristics of machines (name, type, number of rotations per
minute, power, total weight, duty cycle etc.)
5. Data about condition of soil as bearing capacity, soil density and ground water table
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
6. Weight of the machine as erecting weight, operating weight, imposed weight and
weight of accessories.
7. CG (center of gravity) location in static and dynamic conditions of machine.
8. Level of plinth (it should be above the maximum flood level of the site).
9. Ground water level.
10. Surrounding atmospheric conditions.
11. Type of machine whether it is static, rotating or reciprocating.
12. Earth quake resistance should be considered while designing the foundation.
13. Foundation should be able to absorb vibrations while operating at its full capacity.
14. The dimensions of foundation should be proportional to safe bearing capacity of soil. ½ Mark for
15. Foundation should transmit both static and dynamic weight of the machine to ground. each of any
16. Data on the geological conditions of the construction site and soil properties. twelve factors
17. The frictional resistance between foundation block and soil should be sufficient to = 6 Marks
withstand the possible horizontal thrust caused by machine while in operation. This
will avoid sliding of foundation over the soil due to the horizontal thrust.
18. The foundation block should be so spread that the resultant of all the forces should
pass with in the foundation block. This will safely guard against overturning of the
machine while in operation.
19. Information / data about the magnitudes, places of application and directions of
action of static loads, as well as about amplitudes and frequencies, places of
application and direction of dynamic loads.
20. Information / data about location of the designed foundation relative to the nearest
21. The requirements for the protection of the foundation from groundwater, as well as
other external factors characteristic of the design environment.
22. Data on maximum permissible deformations of the foundations and their basement.
OR Equivalent Answer
c) Prepare trouble shooting chart of three phase induction motor for any three faults.
Troubleshooting Chart of Three Phase Induction Motor:
Motor Fault /
Cause Remedies
Check and correct supply lines for open
One phase may be open
Change type or size. Consult motor
Wrong application
Overload Reduce load.
Motor stalls
Check that nameplate voltage is
Low voltage maintained. Check and correct
Fuses blown. Check and correct overload
Open circuit
relay, stator and push buttons.
Unbalanced line Check and correct the leads and
Unequal terminal volts
current on poly- connections.
phase motors Check and correct for open contacts,
Single phase operation
during normal blown fuse etc.
operation Unbalanced voltage Check and Correct for the unbalanced

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)


Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
power supply.
Blown fuses Replace fuse with proper type and rating.
Overload control may be
Check and reset overload in starter.
Check and correct for rated power supply
Improper power supply /
which agrees with nameplate
fault with supply
Check connections with wiring diagram
Improper line connections
supplied with motor and correct / tight the
/ loose connections
This is normally indicated by a humming
Open circuit in stator sound when switch is closed. Check for
winding or control switch loose wiring connections. Confirm that all
or in starter or in rotor control contacts are closing. Check and
winding correct for open circuit in stator / rotor
Check to see that motor and drive turns
Mechanical failure freely. Check bearings and lubrication.
Correct it
Motor fails to start
Indicated by blown fuses. Stator / rotor
Short circuited stator /
winding must be repaired / rewound
rotor winding
Poor stator coil Remove end belts, locate poor connections
connections with test lamp & correct it.
Check for broken bars or end rings then
Rotor defective
repair / replace it accordingly.
Reduce load or load the motor as per its
Motor may be overloaded
Wrong connections of
Check physically and correct them.
control circuit
Stator / rotor winding may
Check or insulate the stator / rotor winding
be earthed or touched
or rewind the faulty winding.
with body
In case of slip ring induction motor check
Brushes making no spring pressure on the brushes or replace
contact with slip rings worn out brushes or check and correct the
condition of slip rings.
Air gap not uniform Check and correct bracket fits or bearing.
Rotor unbalance / Check and correct the balancing /
Misalignment of rotor misalignment of rotor or rebalance rotor.
One phase may be open / Check and correct supply lines for open
Single phasing phase.
Noisy Operation /
Rotor rubbing on starter / Check and correct the alignment / bent
Motor giving noise/
Broken rotor bars / Bent shaft of rotor, check for broken rotor bars
Humming of motor
shaft and repair / correct it.
Any part of the motor Check and fit all the parts of motor
may be loosely fitted correctly.
Mechanical problems like Check and correct against all concern
squeezed bearing, cooling mechanical problems.
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Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
fan touching with stator,
improper belt pressure,
improper mounting,
wrong coupling, improper
Magnetic locking between Check and correct against magnetic
stator and rotor locking / use skewed rotor.
In case of slip ring
induction motor there is
Check and correct against equal rotor
unequal rotor resistance
resistance per phase and rectify open
per phase / open circuit on
circuit / inter turn / short circuit fault of
one phase / Inter turn or
stator winding.
short circuit fault in stator
winding 2 Marks for
Earth fault with stator / each fault
Locate and repair the earth / ground fault. with two
rotor winding
Incorrect supply causes and
Maintain the rated / constant frequency.
frequency concern
In case of slip ring remedy of
induction motor the rotor any three
may be open circuited or faults
Check and correct against open circuit in
brushes are not making = 6 Marks
rotor winding, spring pressure of brushes.
correct contact or slip ring
Replace the correct slip rings.
surface may be rough or
slip rings may be
Check for loose connections to line or
Power failure break in cable or blown fuses or tripped
MCB and correct it.
Check for starter contacts and clean /
Starter / starting gear may replace them. Check for starter coil, repair
Motor runs and then
be defective / replace it. Use proper rating starter /
dies down
overload relay.
Loose connections in Check and correct for all types of loose
stator / rotor winding / connections in stator / rotor winding /
burnt supply cable / burnt replace or repair proper size supply cable /
MCB / burnt main switch MCB / main switch.
Excessive load Reduce load and load the motor properly
Low voltage during start Check for high resistance. Adequate wire
Motor takes too
up size.
long to accelerate
Defective / short squirrel
and / or draws high Replace with new rotor
cage rotor
current (Amps)
Improve voltage at terminals of
Applied voltage too low
transformer by tap changing.
Wrong sequence of Reverse connections at motor or at
Wrong rotation
phases switchboard.
Motor does not Motor is applied for the Consult manufacturer for right application
come up to speed or wrong application of motor.
Motor runs slow or Voltage too low at motor Use higher voltage on transformer

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Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
Motor starts terminals because of line terminals or reduce load. Check
sluggishly. drop connections. Check and use conductors of
proper size.
Check and correct the load on the motor
Starting load too high
which is supposed to carry at start.
Look for cracks near the rings. A new rotor
Broken rotor bars or loose
may be required as repairs are usually
temporary not permanent.
Open / short stator
winding or delta wound Locate fault with testing device and repair
motor connected in star or / rectify the concern cause.
single phasing
In case of slip ring
induction motor the rotor
may be open circuited /
external resistance may Check and correct against open circuit in
completely cut off / rotor winding, balanced external rotor
brushes are not making resistance, spring pressure of brushes.
correct contact or slip ring Replace the correct slip rings / brushes.
surface may be rough or
slip rings may be
Reduce load or load the motor as per its
Motor overloaded
Frame or bracket vents
Open vent holes and check for a
may be clogged with dirt
continuous stream of air from the motor /
and prevent proper
maintain proper ventilation / check and
ventilation of motor or
repair the cooling arrangements.
poor ventilation.
Motor may have one
phase open / loose Check to make sure that all leads are well
Motor overheats connections / wrong connected.
while running with connections
load / Motor runs
Grounded coils Locate and repair
hot / Thermal over
load Unbalanced terminal
Check for faulty leads, connections and
voltage / supply voltage is
supply voltage and correct for it.
too high
Rotor rubbing on starter / Check and correct the alignment of rotor,
broken rotor bars for broken rotor bars and repair / correct it.
Check against mechanical / load side
troubles like very tight belt / wrong
Mechanical / drive
coupling / gear problems / faulty or worn
bearings etc. Correct / repair / replace
Bent or sprung shaft Straighten or replace shaft.
Excessive belt pull Decrease belt tension.
Hot bearings
Pulley too far away Move pulley closer to motor bearing.
Pulley diameter too small Use larger pulleys.
Misalignment Correct by realignment of drive.

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Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
Maintain proper quantity of grease in
Insufficient grease
Remove old grease, wash bearings
Deterioration of grease or
thoroughly in kerosene and replace with
lubricant contaminated
new grease.
Hot bearings ball
Excessive lubricant Reduce quantity of grease.
Check and correct alignment, side and end
Overloaded bearing
Broken ball or rough Replace bearing, first clean housing
races thoroughly.
Sudden increase / Check and adjust the supply voltage as per
Excessive supply voltage rating.
Motor works with Motor may running under Load the motor as per its rating / avoid no
high speed load / no load load / under load running of the motor.
Starting gear may be Check and correct the starting gear
defective circuitry.
Motor misaligned Realign it.
Weak support / loose Strengthen base / properly support the
foundation motor.
Coupling out of balance Balance the coupling.
Driven equipment/ rotor
Re-balance driven equipment /rotor.
Defective bearings Replace bearing
Bearings not in line / bent Line up the bearings properly, check and
Motor vibrates shaft correct for bent shaft.
Balancing weights shifted Re-balance the motor.
Poly-phase motor running
Check for open circuit
single phase
Excessive end play /
Adjust bearing and belt pressure.
excessive belt pull
Provide specified supply voltage,
Fluctuating supply
frequency. Use power quality
voltage with harmonics
improvement circuitry.

5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12 Marks

a) Explain with neat circuit diagram back-to-back test on single phase transformer to
determine efficiency and regulation.
Back-to-Back Test on Single Phase Transformer:
 T1 and T2 are two identical transformers, T3 is autotransformer, S1 (At the input side of
primaries), S2 and S3 are switches. A-ammeters, V-voltmeters and W-watt-meters.
 As shown in figure the primaries of two transformers (T 1 and T2) are connected in parallel
across the supply at rated voltage of primary. Their secondaries are connected in phase
opposition or back-to-back fashion. When primaries of two transformers are energized
by switching ON switch S1, the emfs induced in secondary windings come in phase
opposition. Since the two transformers are identical, there is no circulating current in the
local circuit formed by secondary's even, if primaries energized.
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Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
 To ensure that the secondaries are connected in phase opposition, a voltmeter (V 3) and a
switch S3 is connected in parallel as shown. V3 should be of double range of that of
secondary voltage, because, if the polarities are not connected in phase opposition the
voltmeter may receive twice the voltage of secondary. When voltmeter V 3 indicates zero
it ensures that secondaries are connected in phase opposition, then switch S 3 is closed. If 2 Marks
voltmeter V3 does indicate zero or indicate more than zero, then secondary connections
are interchanged.
 To circulate the necessary full load current one auto transformer (T 3) is used in the
secondary circuit as shown. Voltage is injected by switching ON switch S 2 and by
varying the voltage with the help of T 3, full load current is circulated in the secondaries.
The current corresponding to this circulating current also flows in closed circuit formed
in primaries, however it does not appear in the ammeter and wattmeter connected in
primary side so the current taken from supply side is only the total no load current of
two transformers.
 The wattmeter reading (W1) connected in the primary side indicates total no load loss or
iron loss of two transformers.
 The wattmeter connected in secondary side (W2) indicates total copper loss or load loss
of two transformers caused by the circulating current.
 Since both the losses are known efficiency of the transformer can be easily determined.

2 Marks

Determination of Efficiency:
The readings of all ammeters, voltmeters and watt-meters are noted in observation table as
given bellow:

Since two transformers are identical,

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Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
Iron loss of each transformer =
Copper loss of each transformer = 1 Mark
So %Efficiency of each transformer =
Determination of regulation:
• Note down the no load voltage of transformer as 0V2
• The injected voltage (V2) supplied to secondary side circulates the full load current in
the secondaries of both transformers. The current corresponding to this circulating
current also flows in the primaries (in the local circuit formed). Thus, this injected
voltage (V2) supplies the voltage drops (IZ drop) of both transformers. Hence voltage
drop of one transformer will be V2 / 2, i.e., injected voltage / 2.

% Voltage Regulation = × 100

= × 100 1 Mark


Wcu / 2 = I22R02
Z02 =Vsc / Isc= ((V2/2)/I2)

X02 =√

% Regulation

b) Draw and explain the circuit diagram to perform no load and Block Rotor test on three
phase Induction Motor.
No Load and Block Rotor Test on Three Phase Induction Motor:
No Load Test on Three Phase Induction Motor:

1½ Marks for

1. Determine the meters and their ratings based on the name plate readings of the three-
phase induction motor under test.
2. Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.
1½ Marks for
3. Set / check the three-phase autotransformer to be at zero output.
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Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
4. First switch on the 3-phase supply and close the TPST. explanation
5. In this test the stator winding is connected to supply through auto transformer.
6. Gradually increase the voltage applied to the machine to the rated voltage. Motor runs
at a speed quite close to its synchronous speed.
7. Take the corresponding readings of voltmeter (as input voltage Vo), ammeter (as input
current Io), wattmeter (as input power Wo) & speed.
Block Rotor Test on Three Phase Induction Motor:

1½ Marks for

1. Determine the meters and their ratings based on the name plate readings of the three-
phase induction motor under test.
2. Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.
3. Set / check the three-phase autotransformer to be at zero output. 1½ Marks for
4. Block the rotor mechanically in such a way that it does not revolve (speed of rotor explanation
must maintain zero).
5. Now switch ON the 3-phase supply and close the TPST.
6. Gradually increase the voltage applied to the motor until up to full load current will
circulate in the stator winding.
7. Take the corresponding readings of voltmeter (as input voltage Vsc), ammeter (as
input current Isc), wattmeter (as input power Wsc).
c) Draw and explain vacuum impregnation method of varnishing.
Vacuum Impregnation Method of Varnishing:

2 Marks

The vacuum impregnating plant consist of a large air tight double jacketed vacuum
impregnated chamber which has a removable top cover. The interior part of tank can be
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Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
heated up by circulating steam or hot air through the jacket. The insulating varnish is kept 1 Mark
stored in another storage tank. A motor driven compressor cum vacuum pump with
suitable valves to create vacuum in the tank is used which can also create pressure as
Working of Vacuum Impregnation Plant:
• First the wound armature, stator or rotor is placed in the vacuum impregnating chamber
by opening the top cover, then it is tightly closed.
• The chamber is then heated up to 100 C by circulating steam or hot oil through jacket of
chamber for nearly four hours. During this period the air from chamber is pumped out
by vacuum exhauster and the vacuum is maintained which will help in vaporising the
moisture present in the coils and removing the air completely.
• Now insulating varnish from varnish tank is allowed to flow into vacuum impregnated
chamber till the varnish come up to level in which windings are completely immersed,
then the valve of varnish storage tank is closed.
• The pressure from compressor of about 1.4 to 2.1 kg/cm2 is applied above the varnish 3 Marks
surface, which will make the varnish to be forced in all the porous spaces in the interior
of coils and this pressure is maintained for an hour / two hours according to the size and
weight of the winding.
• Now the valve of varnish tank is opened and varnish is made to flow back to the tank
under air pressure till the excess varnish also gets drained out. The valve of tank is is
then closed and the armature is baked in the chamber at 1000 to 1100C for nearly 8
hours or till the varnish is completely dried out and become bone dry.
• The air pressure and circulating steam or oil in the jacket is then stopped and the
armature or stator is then removed by opening the top cover of chamber.
OR Equivalent Answer
6. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 Marks
a) Explain the sequence to be followed in operating any one type of fire extinguisher.
Sequence to be Followed in Operating the Fire Extinguisher:
There are a number of different types of portable fire extinguishers, each can be identified
by the colour coding and labelling. Check that the extinguisher you intend to use is
suitable for the type of fire encountered e.g., a water extinguisher must never be used on
4 Marks
any fire involving electrical equipment. There are four (4) basic steps for using modern
portable fire extinguishers. The acronym PASS is used to describe these four basic steps.
1. Pull (Pin)
Pull pin at the top of the extinguisher, breaking the seal.
2. Aim
Approach the fire standing at a safe distance. Aim the nozzle or outlet towards the base
of the fire.
3. Squeeze
Squeeze the handles together to discharge the extinguishing agent inside. To stop
discharge, release the handles.
4. Sweep
Sweep the nozzle from side to side as you approach the fire, directing the
extinguishing agent at the base of the flames.
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Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
b) Enlist routine test and type test performed on three phase alternator.
Routine Tests and Type Tests Performed on Three Phase Alternator:
1. Insulation resistance test on stator windings.
2. Measurement of d. c. resistance of armature windings and field windings.
3. Di-electric tests (High voltage tests) on stator windings by a. c. voltage for 1 minute.
4. Di-electric test with d. c. voltage. ½ Mark for
5. Measurement of d. c. resistance of field-discharge resistor. each of any
6. Measurement of vibrations. eight tests
7. Testing of insulation of the field-discharge resistor with respect to frame. = 4 Marks
8. Testing of insulation resistance and di-electric withstand of field insulation.
9. Noise measurement.
10. Measurement of air gap between stator and rotor.
11. Open-circuit characteristic by measuring terminal voltage for various field currents at
no load and rated speed.
12. Short-circuit characteristic by charging the field current and measuring short-circuit
armature current.
13. Sudden three phase short-circuit test to record the oscillograms of short-circuit currents
in three phases.
14. Testing of synchronizing circuits.
15. Testing on voltage regulators, excitation systems.
16. Polarity test for field poles.
17. Phase sequence test.
18. Heat run test.
c) Distinguish between O. C. test and S. C. test performed on transformer (any four points).
Distinguishing Points Between O. C. Test and S. C. Test Performed on Transformer:
Sr. No. O. C. Test on Transformer S. C. Test on Transformer
1. This test is conducted to determine This test is conducted to determine R01
the iron losses (or core losses) and (or R02), X01 (or X02) and full-load
parameters R0 and X0 of copper losses of the transformer.
2. In this test the rated voltage is In this test fraction of rated voltage
applied to the primary. (usually low- which is sufficient to circulate the full
voltage winding) while the load current is applied to the primary. 1 Mark for
secondary is left open circuited. each of any
3. Here usually low-voltage winding is Here usually high-voltage winding is four
supplied and high voltage winding supplied and low voltage winding is distinguishing
is left open circuited. made short circuited. points
= 4 Marks
4. As normal rated voltage is applied As normal rated full load current is
to primary, therefore, normal iron circulated in both primary & secondary,
losses will occur in the transformer therefore, full load copper losses will
core. occur in the transformer windings.
5. Here wattmeter will record the iron Here wattmeter will record the copper
losses and very small amount of losses and very small amount of iron
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Subject Name: Maintenance of Electrical Equipment Model Answer :
copper loss. loss.

6. Since no-load current I0 is very Since the voltage applied is very small
small (usually 2-10 % of rated (usually 2-10 % of rated voltage). Iron
current). Cu losses in primary under losses in short circuit condition are
no-load condition are negligible as negligible as compared with copper
compared with iron losses. losses.

d) Describe the procedure for conducting polarity test of a single phase transformer with the
necessary circuit diagram.
Polarity Test of a Single-Phase Transformer:
• The rated voltage (V1) is applied to the primary
and its two terminals are marked as A1 and A2,
respectively, as shown in figure. 2 Marks for
• The secondary winding terminals are also circuit
marked as a1 and a2, as shown in figure and the diagram
voltage measured across it will be V2.
• Now a voltmeter V3 is connected
across A2 and a2. if it measures the difference
of V1 and V2, Then the A2 and a2 are of the 2 Marks for
same polarity. description
• If a voltmeter V3 measures the addition of V1 and V2 then the A2 and a2 are of opposite
e) Give different factors affecting the life of insulating materials.
Different Factors Affecting the Life of Insulating Materials:
1. Dielectric strength / Electrical stress / High voltage stress.
2. Temperature / Thermal stress / High temperature.
3. Mechanical stress.
4. Moisture absorption.
5. Water. ½ Mark for
6. Dirt and dust particles on the surface of insulation. each of any
7. Surface tracking and arcing. eight factors
8. Ageing. = 4 Marks
9. Improper handling.
10. Oxidation.
11. Atmosphere.
12. Impurities.
13. Light.
14. Chemical reaction.

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