Q. Marking
Q. Answer
No. Scheme
1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10 Marks
a) List out any four precautions to be taken to avoid fire caused by Electrical reason.
Precautions to be taken to avoid fire caused by Electrical reason:
1. Use correct rating fuse and MCB.
2. Follow IE Rules while working with every electrical installation.
3. Use ISI Mark material / equipment.
4. Provide sound and proper Earthing.
5. Use correct rating wires, cables, auxiliaries etc.
6. Carry out regular and proper maintenance.
7. Keep heat - producing appliances unplugged when not in use. ½ Mark for
8. Don’t ignore signs of trouble like as burn marks/discoloration around a socket, each of any
burning smell when an item is plugged in or in use, electrical sparks each time you four
plug in a device, one (or all) of your breakers frequently trips or your fuses regularly precautions
blow etc. = 2 Marks
9. Keep always ready and use proper firefighting equipment.
10. Avoid poor joints and loose connections.
11. Provide proper protective gears/system.
12. Replace or repair loose or frayed cords on all electrical devices.
13. Avoid running extension cords across doorways or under carpets.
14. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for operating every electrical machine / device /
equipment etc.
15. Consider having additional circuits or outlets added by a qualified electrician so you
do not have to use extension cords.
16. Avoid overloading outlets. Plug only one high-wattage appliance into each receptacle
outlet at a time.
17. Place lamps on level surfaces, away from things that can burn and use bulbs that
match the lamp’s recommended wattage.
OR Equivalent Answers/Points
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1 Mark
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1 Mark
voltage 3.6 7.2 12 17.5 24 36 52 72.5 100 145 170 245
rating in kV
1 Mark
Test voltage
in kV 45 60 75 96 125 170 250 325 450 650 750 1050
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This test is carried out only on three phase transformers to identify primary and secondary
winding belonging to the same phase.
As shown in figure all the phases of three phase transformer are short circuited except a
3 Marks for
primary and supposed secondary.
A low voltage D.C. supply is given through a battery to the primary winding. The
galvanometer is connected to the terminals of secondary winding which is not shorted.
The key "K" is connected shown. Now the keys pressed and deflection of galvanometer is
observed carefully.
Similarly, galvanometer is connected to the other secondaries and procedure is repeated.
The winding across which maximum deflection occurs is the secondary phase winding that
corresponds to primary winding to which source connected.
Repeat the same procedure for other primary winding and find the corresponding was
secondary side.
NOTE: In place of galvanometer low range voltmeter or multi-meter can also be used
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2 Marks
Determination of Efficiency:
The readings of all ammeters, voltmeters and watt-meters are noted in observation table as
given bellow:
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= × 100 1 Mark
Wcu / 2 = I22R02
Z02 =Vsc / Isc= ((V2/2)/I2)
X02 =√
% Regulation
b) Draw and explain the circuit diagram to perform no load and Block Rotor test on three
phase Induction Motor.
No Load and Block Rotor Test on Three Phase Induction Motor:
No Load Test on Three Phase Induction Motor:
1½ Marks for
1. Determine the meters and their ratings based on the name plate readings of the three-
phase induction motor under test.
2. Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.
1½ Marks for
3. Set / check the three-phase autotransformer to be at zero output.
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1½ Marks for
1. Determine the meters and their ratings based on the name plate readings of the three-
phase induction motor under test.
2. Connect the circuit as shown in circuit diagram.
3. Set / check the three-phase autotransformer to be at zero output. 1½ Marks for
4. Block the rotor mechanically in such a way that it does not revolve (speed of rotor explanation
must maintain zero).
5. Now switch ON the 3-phase supply and close the TPST.
6. Gradually increase the voltage applied to the motor until up to full load current will
circulate in the stator winding.
7. Take the corresponding readings of voltmeter (as input voltage Vsc), ammeter (as
input current Isc), wattmeter (as input power Wsc).
c) Draw and explain vacuum impregnation method of varnishing.
Vacuum Impregnation Method of Varnishing:
2 Marks
The vacuum impregnating plant consist of a large air tight double jacketed vacuum
impregnated chamber which has a removable top cover. The interior part of tank can be
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6. Since no-load current I0 is very Since the voltage applied is very small
small (usually 2-10 % of rated (usually 2-10 % of rated voltage). Iron
current). Cu losses in primary under losses in short circuit condition are
no-load condition are negligible as negligible as compared with copper
compared with iron losses. losses.
d) Describe the procedure for conducting polarity test of a single phase transformer with the
necessary circuit diagram.
Polarity Test of a Single-Phase Transformer:
• The rated voltage (V1) is applied to the primary
and its two terminals are marked as A1 and A2,
respectively, as shown in figure. 2 Marks for
• The secondary winding terminals are also circuit
marked as a1 and a2, as shown in figure and the diagram
voltage measured across it will be V2.
• Now a voltmeter V3 is connected
across A2 and a2. if it measures the difference
of V1 and V2, Then the A2 and a2 are of the 2 Marks for
same polarity. description
• If a voltmeter V3 measures the addition of V1 and V2 then the A2 and a2 are of opposite
e) Give different factors affecting the life of insulating materials.
Different Factors Affecting the Life of Insulating Materials:
1. Dielectric strength / Electrical stress / High voltage stress.
2. Temperature / Thermal stress / High temperature.
3. Mechanical stress.
4. Moisture absorption.
5. Water. ½ Mark for
6. Dirt and dust particles on the surface of insulation. each of any
7. Surface tracking and arcing. eight factors
8. Ageing. = 4 Marks
9. Improper handling.
10. Oxidation.
11. Atmosphere.
12. Impurities.
13. Light.
14. Chemical reaction.
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