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Teacher Evaluation Sheet: Title of The Icro Project Course Outcomes Achieved

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Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Rakecha Aryan Ajay

Enrolment No: 2200790168
Name of Program: Computer Technology Semester:-IV
Course Title: (GAD) Code: -22034
Title of the Micro Project: Student record management system

Course Outcomes Achieved:-

a) CO-a Use Visual Studio IDE to design application.

b) CO-b Develop GUI Application using Form Controls and its events.
c) CO-c Apply Object Oriented concepts in GUI Application.
d) CO-d Use Data access controls to store data in Database and retrieve it.
e) CO-e Use Data Binding in GUI Application.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project:

Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent
assessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6 - 8) (Marks 9-10)
(A) Process and Product Assesssment (Convert above total marks out of 6 marks)
1 Relevance to the Course
Literature Survey /
Information Collection
Completion of the Target as
per project proposal
Analysis of data and
5 Quality of Prototype / Model
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation / Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 marks)
8 Presentation
9 Viva
Micro – Project Evaluation Sheet:
Process Assessment Product Assessment
Part Project Part Individual Total
A – project Methodology B – Project Presentation / Marks 10
Name of Student Proposal (2 marks) Report / Working Viva (4 marks)
(2 marks) Model(2 marks)

Rakecha Aryan Ajay

Comments / Suggestions about team work / leadership / inter – personal communication (if any)

Any Other Comment

Name and designation of the faculty Member: : Ms.S.V.Zalte Signature

Teacher Evaluation Sheet
Name of Student: Shrishrimal Manish Deepak
Enrolment No:2200790175
Name of Program: Computer Technology Semester:-IV
Course Title: (GAD) Code: -22034
Title of the Micro Project: Student record management system

Course Outcomes Achieved:-

a) CO-a Use Visual Studio IDE to design application.

b) CO-b Develop GUI Application using Form Controls and its events.
c) CO-c Apply Object Oriented concepts in GUI Application.
d) CO-d Use Data access controls to store data in Database and retrieve it.
e) CO-e Use Data Binding in GUI Application.

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project:

Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent
assessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6 - 8) (Marks 9-10)
(A) Process and Product Assesssment (Convert above total marks out of 6 marks)
1 Relevance to the Course
Literature Survey /
Information Collection
Completion of the Target as
per project proposal
Analysis of data and
5 Quality of Prototype / Model
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation / Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 marks)
8 Presentation
9 Viva
Micro – Project Evaluation Sheet:
Process Assessment Product Assessment
Part Project Part Individual Total
A – project Methodology B – Project Presentation / Marks 10
Name of Student Proposal (2 marks) Report / Working Viva (4 marks)
(2 marks) Model(2 marks)

Shrishrimal Manish Deepak

Comments / Suggestions about team work / leadership / inter – personal communication (if any)

Any Other Comment

Name and designation of the faculty Member: : Ms.S.V.Zalte signature


CHANDWAD-423101 (Nashik)

Academic year: 2023-24

Student record management system

Program:Computer Technology Program Code:CM

Course: GAD Course code: 22034


Sr.No. Name of Student Roll No Enrollment No Seat

1. Rakecha Aryan Ajay 45 2200790168 403114
2. Shrishimal Manish Deepak 52 2200790175 403121

This is to certify 1) Rakecha Aryan Ajay
2) Shrishimal Manish Deepak

of 4th Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology of Institute, SHHJB

POLYTECHNIC, CHANDWAD (Code: 0079) has completed the Micro-Project
satisfactorily in Subject GAD (22034) for the academic year 2023- 2024 as prescribed in the

Date: / /2024

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

(Ms.S.V.Zalte) (Mr. P. R. Sali) (Dr. V. A. Wankhede)


Part A

1.0 Brief Introduction

2.0 Aim of Micro Project

3.0 Action Plan

4.0 Resources Required

Part B

1.0 Brief Description

2.0 Aim of Micro Project

3.0 Course Outcome Integrated

4.0 Actual Procedure Followed

5.0 Actual Resource Used

6.0 Outputs of the Micro-projects

7.0 Skill Developed

8.0 Applications of this Microproject


Title of micro-project: Student Record Management System

1.0 Aim/Benefits of the Micro-Project-

1. To learn Different Types of features which are used in VB.Net.
2. To study different applications and programs.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed-

A)Use Visual Studio IDE to design application.
B) Develop GUI Application using Form Controls and its events.
C) Apply Object Oriented concepts in GUI Application.
D) Use Data access controls to store data in Database and retrieve it.
E )Use Data Binding in GUI Application

3.0 Proposed Methodology-

The proposed methodology for a student record management system encompasses several key steps to
ensure efficiency, accuracy, and security. Firstly, a comprehensive analysis of the existing record-
keeping processes should be conducted to identify shortcomings and areas for improvement. This
analysis should involve consultation with stakeholders including administrators, teachers, and IT
professionals to understand their specific needs and requirements.

4.0 Action Plan-

Sr no. Details of activity Planned Start Planned Finish

Date Date
1. Finalization of topic

2. Preparation of Abstract

3. Collection of data

4. Preparation of concept

5. Seminar / Presentation

6. Submission of Micro Project

Sr.No Name of Resource/Material Specification Quantity Remarks

1. Computer (Desktop/Laptop) i3,RAM 2GB 1
2. Microsoft office word 2010 1
5. Softwares Visual studio IDE 1
5.0 Resources Required

Title of micro-project: Student Record Management System

1.0 Brief Description: Student Record Management System deals with all the activities done by
computer such as registration and admission process. staff and class management etc all these
processes are handled by computer management system. The admission form designs and feed the
information that is required for admission and to maintain the college records. At the time of
registration, the administration should feel the information correctly if any wrong information field in
records. It will be edited by record list carefully.

2.0 Aims/Benefits of Micro Project:

To learn Different Types of features which are used in VB.Net.

To study different applications and programs

3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved:

A)Use Visual Studio IDE to design application.
B) Develop GUI Application using Form Controls and its events.
C) Apply Object Oriented concepts in GUI Application.
D) Use Data access controls to store data in Database and retrieve it.
E )Use Data Binding in GUI Application

4.0 Actual Methodology/Procedure Followed:

The proposed methodology for a student record management system encompasses several key
steps to ensure efficiency, accuracy, and security. Firstly, a comprehensive analysis of the existing
record-keeping processes should be conducted to identify shortcomings and areas for improvement.
This analysis should involve consultation with stakeholders including administrators, teachers, and IT
professionals to understand their specific needs and requirements.

5.0 Actual Resources Used:

Sr.No Name of Resource/Material Specification Quantity Remarks

1. Computer (Desktop/Laptop) i3,RAM 2GB 1
2. Microsoft office word 2010 1
5. Softwares Visual Studio IDE 1
 System Design:

• First, we will design the System Model and simple high-level diagram of each module will be
enough. There are many kind of the diagram to model a system especially when you are
using Object-Oriented design. These models are specified in Unified Modelling Language
(UML) which not scope of this post.

A student must Log In to access the System

• The Administrator has to log in to the system with username and password provided during
registration process. No one is allowed to log in without a proper User ID and Password.

Administrators must provide valid Username and Password

• Once the Administrators logged in they can see form for Student Details where they can
Insert, Delete, Update and Clear the Student Records. They also have the option to go to
First Record, Last Record, Next Record and Previous Record.

Maintain Student Record using Student Details Form

• Next, there is an option to maintain the Course Details, when you click a Specific button. We
will discuss that later.

 Data Model:
• ER Model:

ER Diagram for Student Management

• Tables:
First steps after creating the data model are to make sure that you create an MS Access Database
called StudentDB.mdb. If you have MS Access 2007 or higher version, save your database with the
file extension (.mdb).

Create the following table with correct data types as shown in the following figures.

Course Table in Design View

Login Table in Design View

 Components of frmStudent Management System:

Form Student Management System


Name: lblStudentManagement

Caption: Student Management System

Font: MS Sans Serif

Font-Size: 24 PX

Font-Weight: Bold


Name: btnLogin

Caption: Log in

Font: MS-Sans-Serif

Font-weight: Bold

Font-Size: 10px

 Code for frmStudent Management System:

Private Sub Login_Click() frmLogin.Show

End Sub
 Components of frmLogin:

Login Form – Student Management


Name: lblUserID

Caption: User Name:

Name: lblPassword

Caption: Password Text-Boxes:

Name: txtUserID

Text: 'leave blank'

Name: txtPassword

Text: 'leave blank'


Name: cmdOK

Caption: Log in

Name: cmdCancel

Caption: Cancel

 Code for frmLogin:

Option Explicit
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim con As New ADODB.Connection

Dim constr As String

Public LoginSucceeded As Boolean

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()

'set the global var to false '

'to denote a failed login '

LoginSucceeded = False


End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()

Dim userfound As Boolean With rs .Open


adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

'check the username '

.MoveFirst While Not .EOF

If txtUserName = !RollNo And txtPassword

= !Password Then frmSTUDREC.Show

LoginSucceeded = True

Exit Sub



txtUserName <> !RollNo Then



MsgBox "Invalid Password, try again!", ,

"Login" txtPassword.SetFocus

SendKeys "{Home}+{End}"

Exit Sub

End If



End With

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Call loadcon

MsgBox ("connected")

End Sub
 Components of frmCourse:

Form Course Details – Student Management


Name: lblCID

Caption: Course ID

Name: lblCname

Caption: Course Name

Name: lblDuration

Caption: Duration(Semester):


Name: txtCID

Text: 'leave blank'

Name: txtCname

Text: 'leave blank'

Name: txtDuration
Text: 'leave blank' Buttons:

Name: cmdAdd


Name: cmdDel


Name: cmdDisplay


Name: cmdExit

Caption: &EXIT

Name: cmdFirst

Caption: First Record

Name: cmdLast

Caption: Last Record

Name: cmdNext

Caption: Next Record

Name: cmdPrev

Caption: Previous Record

 Code for frmCourse:

Dim con As New ADODB.Connection

Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim constr As String

Private Sub cmdAddCourse_Click() con.Execute


Course(CourseID, CourseName, Duration) VALUES ('" +

txtCID.Text + "','" + txtCNAME.Text + "','" + txtDURATION.Text +

"')" txtCID.Text = "" txtCNAME.Text = "" txtDURATION.Text = ""


End Sub

Private Sub cmdDelCourse_Click()


WHERE CourseID = " & txtCID & ""

End Sub

Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()

Dim rsGrid As New ADODB.Recordset con.CursorLocation =

adUseClient rsGrid.CursorLocation

= adUseClient rsGrid.CursorType = adOpenStatic rsGrid.Open

"SELECT * FROM Student_Records

WHERE CourseID = " &

txtCID & "", con, adOpenForwardOnly,


Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rsGrid

End Sub

Private Sub cmdFirst_Click()

With rs .Open "SELECT * FROM Course",

con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

While Not .EOF txtCID.Text = rs!CourseID

txtCNAME.Text = rs!CourseName

txtDURATION.Text = rs!Duration



End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdLast_Click()

With rs .Open "SELECT * FROM Course",

con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

While Not .EOF txtCID.Text = rs!CourseID

txtCNAME.Text = rs!CourseName

txtDURATION.Text = rs!Duration


End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdNext_Click()

With rs .Open "SELECT * FROM Course",

con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

While Not .EOF txtCID.Text = rs!CourseID

txtCNAME.Text = rs!CourseName

txtDURATION.Text = rs!Duration



End With

End Sub

Private Sub cmdPrev_Click()

With rs .Open "SELECT * FROM Course",

con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

While Not .EOF txtCID.Text = rs!CourseID

txtCNAME.Text = rs!CourseName

txtDURATION.Text = rs!Duration


End With

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Call loadcon

MsgBox ("Connected")

End Sub

 Components of frmStudentDetails:

Form Student Record Details – Student Management


Name: lblStudentID

Name: lblFirstName

Caption: FIRST NAME:

Name: lblLastName

Caption: LAST NAME:

Name: lblCourseID

Caption: COURSE ID

Name: lblGrade

Caption: GRADE Text-Boxes:

Name: txtStudentID

Text: 'leave blank'

Name: txtFirstName

Text: 'leave blank'

Name: txtLastName

Text: 'leave blank'

Name: txtCourseID

Text: 'leave blank'

Name: txtGrade

Text: 'leave blank' Buttons:

Name: cmdAdd

Caption: &ADD

Name: cmdDel

Caption: &DELETE

Name: cmdUpdatev Caption: &UPDATE

Name: cmdClear

Caption: &CLEAR

Name: cmdExit

Caption: &EXIT
Name: cmdDisplay

Caption: &DISPLAY

Name: cmdStudentCourses

Caption: Student Courses

Name: cmdNext

Caption: &Next Record

Name: cmdPrev

Caption: &Previous Record

Name: cmdFirst

Caption: &First Record

Name: cmdLast

Caption: &Last Record

Data Grid Control

Name: DataGrid1

6.0 Output of the Micro-Project:

7.0 Skill Developed:

8.0 Applications of this Microproject:

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