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Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Borse Shubham Sanjay

Enrolment No: 2100790204
Name of Program: Computer Technology Semester: V
Course Title: Software Testing Code: -22518
Title of the Micro Project: Mobile Shopee Management System

Course outcomes achieved:

a) CO-a Apply various Software Testing Methods.

b) CO-b Prepare test cases for different types and levels of testing.
c) CO-c Prepare a test plan for an application.
d) CO-d Identify bugs to create a defect report of the given application.
e) CO-e Test software for performance measures using automated testing methods.
Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project:

Characteristic to be Poor Average Good Excellent
assessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6 - 8) (Marks 9-10)
(A) Process and Product Assessment (Convert above total marks out of 6 marks)
1 Relevance to the Course
Literature Survey /
Information Collection
Completion of the Target as
per project proposal
Analysis of data and
5 Quality of Prototype / Model
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation / Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 marks)
8 Presentation
9 Viva
Micro – Project Evaluation Sheet:
Process Assessment Product Assessment
Part Project Part Individual Total
A – project Methodology B – Project Presentation / Marks 10
Name of Student Proposal (2 marks) Report / Working Viva (4 marks)
(2 marks) Model(2 marks)

Borse Shubham Sanjay

Comments / Suggestions about teamwork / leadership / inter – personal communication (if any) Any
Other Comment

Name and designation of the faculty Member: Mr.G.M.Lodha Signature


CHANDWAD-423101 (Nashik)

Academic year 2023-24

Mobile Shopee Management System

Program:Computer Technology Program Code:CM

Course: Software Testing Course code: 22518


Sr.No. Name of Student Roll Enrollment No: Seat No:

1. Borse Shubham Sanjay 22 2100790204

This is to certify:
Borse Shubham Sanjay
The student of 5th Semester of Diploma in Computer Technology at Institute, SHHJB
POLYTECHNIC, CHANDWAD (Code:0079) has satisfactorily completed the Micro-
Project in Subject Software Testing(22518) for the academic year 2023- 2024 as prescribed in
the curriculum.


Date: / 10 /2023

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

(Mr.G.M.Lodha) (Mr.P.R.Sali) (Dr. V.A.Wankhede)



Part A

1.0 Brief Introduction

2.0 Aim of Micro Project

3.0 Action Plan

4.0 Resources Required

Part B

1.0 Brief Description

2.0 Aim of Micro Project

Course Outcome Integration

4.0 Actual Procedure Followed

5.0 Actual Resources Used

6.0 Outputs of the Micro-projects

7.0 Skills Developed

8.0 Applications of this Microproject

Part A-Plan

Title of Micro-Project: Mobile Shop Management System

1.0 Aim/Benefits of the Micro-Project-Information Technology has been growing rapidly.

With the course of time, as technology and human knowledge converge to a twilight, the
need for the betterment of their own sustaining life also increases. Rapid need for high-
speed data access and faster delivery is one of the major requirements of a product.
Technology has given many gifts to the human race to lead a sophisticated life. One of the
fabulous gifts was Mobile Phone which was invented by Joel Engel and Richard
Frenkiel in 1983.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed-

a) CO-A Apply various Software Testing Methods.
b) CO-B Prepare test cases for different types and levels of testing.
c) CO-C Prepare a test plan for an application.
d) CO-D Identify bugs to create a defect report of the given application.
e) CO-E Test software for performance measures using automated testing methods.

3.0 Proposed Methodology-

 The proposed system is computerized and has been developed using

advanced language; therefore, it gives more facilities than the present
system. It provides quick access to any data. In this system, user has to
enter the data only once, and then it gets linked with all files. This
reduces the workload of the user, and it is also a time-saving process.
The information about any Subscriber can be easily retrieved. The
system maintains all records easily.

 The new system will convert manual work to the computerized work.

 By converting manual work to the computerized work, in that case, it

will remove all paperwork.

 By maintaining all the work on the computer will increase our accuracy
as well as the speed of our work.

 It will be easily used, and the time-consumingconsuming processis


4.0 Action Plan-


1 Relevance to the
2 Literature survey /
information collection.
3 Project proposal.

4 Completion of the
target as per project
5 Analysis of data and
6 Quality of prototype /
7 Report preparation.

8 Presentation.

9 Defense.

5.0 Resources Required:

- Name of Resource/Material | Specification Quantity Remarks

1. Computer (Desktop/Laptop) | I5,RAM 8GB | 1 Available
2. Microsoft office word 2017 1 Available
3. Books Software testing - Available
4. Websites Chrome,google - Available


Title of micro-project: Mobile Shopee Management System

1.0 Brief Information Technology has been growing rapidly with the course of time. As
technology and human knowledge converge to a twilight, the need for the betterment of their
own sustaining life also increases. Rapid need for high-speed data access and faster delivery
is one of the major requirements of a product. Technology has given many gifts to the human
race to lead a sophisticated life. One of the fabulous gifts was Mobile Phone which was
invented by Joel Engel and Richard Frenkiel in 1983

2.0 Aims/Benefits of Micro Project: Information Technology has been growing rapidly,
with the course of time, as technology and human knowledge converge to a twilight, the
need for the betterment of their own sustaining life also increases. Rapid need for high-
speed data access and faster delivery is one of the major requirements of a product.
Technology has given many gifts to the human race to lead a sophisticated life. One of the
fabulous gifts was Mobile Phone which was invented by Joel Engel and Richard
Frenkiel in 1983.
3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved:
a) CO-a Apply various Software Testing Methods.
b) CO-b Prepare test cases for different types and levels of testing.
c) CO-c Prepare a test plan for an application.
d) CO-d Identify bugs and create a defect report for the given application.
e) CO-e Test software for performance measures using automated testing methods
4.0 Actual Methodology/Procedure Followed:

1.Me and the subject teacher, we decide the topic of the micro project.
2. After reading some of the books of software engineering as well as referring to some of the
websites, we gathered useful information about the project, which was mobile shopee
management system.
3.I'm made a proposal for the project at the starting period, which contained a brief
description, aim, resource required.
4.I'm starting the use case diagram, class diagram, as well as activity diagram of my project.
5. All the related data about the project is in the output section itself.
5.0 Actual Resources Used:

Sr.No Name of Resource/Material | Specification Quantity Remarks

1. Computer (Desktop/Laptop) | I5,RAM 8GB | 1 Available
2. Microsoft office word 2010 1 Available
3. Books -- -- Available
4. Websites -- -- Available

The current system is manual, hence not speedy, accurate, efficient, and time-
consuming. An essential part of system analysis, which enables the developer to
understand the system correctly. It is undertaken to obtain details of the system.
To understand the physical flow of information through the current system.
Collect various information through various fact-finding techniques. Identify
the procedural difficulties experienced by the user. Study the bottlenecks to find
out the redundant work being performed in the system.

Brief description:
Information Technology has been growing rapidly with the course of time. As
technology and human knowledge converge to a twilight, the need for the
betterment of their own sustaining life also increases. Rapid need for high-speed
data access and faster delivery is one of the major requirements of a product.
Technology has given many gifts to the human race to lead a sophisticated life.
One of the fabulous gifts was Mobile Phone which was invented by Joel
Engel and Richard Frenkiel in 1983

Aim of Micro project :

1. To know how requirements are gathered for any kind of software.
2. To understand how SRS is created from all software requirements and its
procedures , protocols.
3. To understand how UML diagrams are created for a particular topic.
4. To understand how mobile shopee management system works.

1. With all team members and the subject teacher, we decided the topic of the
2. After reading some of the books of software engineering as well as referring
to some of the websites, we gathered useful information about the project,
which was mobile shopee management system.
3. We made the proposal for the project at the starting period, which contains a
brief description, aims, and resources required.

Action plan:

Sr. no. Details of activity Planned Planned finish Name of

start date date responsible
team member
1 Discussion and Shubham
finalization of topic Borse

2 Preparation and Shubham

submission of abstract Borse

3 Literature review Shubham

4 Collection of data Shubham
5 Formulation of content Shubham
6 Compilation of report Shubham
& presentation Borse

7 Seminar/ viva Shubham

8 Final submission of Shubham
microproject Borse

USE CASE DIAGRAM FOR mobile shopee
management system

This use case diagram is a graphic description of interactions among

the elements of mobile shopee management system. This
representsrepresentsthe methodology used in system analysis to
identify, clarify, and organize requirements of a mobile shop
management system

This is the Login Activity of the Mobile Shop Management System, which
displays the flows of the Login Activity. The admin will be able to log in using
their username and password. After login, user can manage all the operations on
Brand, Payment Mobile, and Customeloden. All the pages, such as Mobile
Customer and Models, are secure, and the user can access these pages after
login. The diagram below helps demonstrate how the login page works in a
Mobile Shop Management System. The various objects in the Customer, Brand,
Payment Mobile, and Models page-interact over the course of the activity, and
the user will not be able to access this page without verifying their identity.


Mobile Shop Management System Class Diagram describes the structure of a

Mobile Shop Management System's classes, their attributes, operations (or
methods), and the relationships among objects. The main class of the Mobile
Shop Management System is Mobile, Customers, Brands, Sells, Payment, and


This ER (Entity Relationship) Diagram represents the model of the Mobile Shop
Management System Entity. The entity-relationship diagram of the Mobile Shop
Management System shows all the visual instruments of database tables and the relations
between Customers, Sells, Mobile, Stock, etc. It is used to structure data to define the
relationships between groups of Mobile Shop Management System. The main entities of the
Mobile Shop Management System are Mobile, Customers, Brands, Sales, Payment, and

Sequence Diagram :

This is the Login Sequence Diagram of Mobile Shop Management System

where the admin will be able to log in to their account using their credentials.
After legin user can manage all the operations on Brand Mobile, Stock,
Payment, and Sell. All the pages, such as Stock, Payment, Sell, are secure, and
the user can access these pages after login. The diagram below helps
demonstrate how the login page works in a Mobile Shop Management System.
The various objects in the Payment, Brand Mobile, Stock, and Sell, are over the
course of the sequence, and the user will not be able to access these pages
without verifying their identity.

Data Flow Diagrams:

Level 0 DFD.

This is the Zero Level DFD of Mobile Store System, where we have elaborated the high-level
process of Mobile. It's a basic overview of the whole Mobile Store System or process being
analyzed or modeled. It's designed to be an at-a-glance view of Payments, Stock, and Login,
showing the system as a single high-level process, with its relationship to external entities of
Mobile, Customer, and Brands. It should be easily understood by a wide audience, including
Mobile Brands and Payments. In zoro leve DFD of Mobile Store System, we have described
the high-level four of the Mobile system

Level 1 DFD :

First Level DFD (1st level) of the Mobile Store System shows how the system is divided into
sub-systems (processes), each of which deals with one or more of the data flows to or from an
external agent. Together, and which together provide all of the functionality of the Mobile
Store System as a whole. It also identifies internal data stores such as Login, Stock, Payments,
Sales, and Brands that must be present in order for the Mobile system to do its job and shows
the flow of data between the various parts of Mobile, Brands, Stock, Login, Payments, is the
system, including Level 1 provides a more detailed breakout of the pieces of the DFD. You
will highlight the main functionalities of Mobile

Level 2 DFD :
DFD Level 2 then goes one step deeper into the parts of Level 1 of Mobile. It may require
more functionalities of Mobile to reach the necessary level of detail about the Mobile
functioning. First Level DFD (1st level) of the Mobile Store System shows how the system is
divided into sub-systems.

Test Case Result:
Login Form.

SR.NO Test Case Expected Actual Result. Test Result

1 Enter valid username Software As expected, Successful
and password and should give the user gets
click on the login an alert for logged in
button invalid data. successfully.
2 Enter Invalid name Software As expected, an Successful
and password. should get alert message is
user logged displayed.
Main Page :-
Sr. Test Case Expected Result: Actual Result. Test Result
1 Verify Menu All menu functions As expected, All Successful
Buttons should work properly. Menu Functions
Functioning. are working
2 Verify All department As expected, all Successful
departments sections' info should department
section. display sections' info is
3 Verify available All dataf model As all data is Successful
model mobile/mobile data displayed
mobile/mobile should be displayed. successfully.
4 Verify mobile All the data of mobile As expected, all Successful
entries/data model should work data of mobile
properly. model is
5 Verify that all data All the data of model As expected, all Successful
mobile datathe data of
6 Verify Payments All the data of mobile The system does Fail
Data model should work not displays the
properlydisplayed data of
successfully Payments

Functional Requirements :

 Prds are to these requirements shop management system. If for all of.
Expire shortly after a functional for shop
 management system will greatly reduce the application may want a time.
Indication of requirements mobile shop
 management system will limit access to verify the system could have a role
in their use. Our system has a development? Prepare
 your digital requirements for the shop management system to manage
stock records and basic project is
 designed for security and can be used. Without any specialized media
capabilities of the offline mode or android that your prd
 requires you thoughts from which platform. The instruments' performance
requirements for the mobile management system correspond with
 brands, attitudes, and files that version of items and resource. Documents
directly. Our requirements shop
 management system include document management system as intentional
or by email. The handling has both and
 requirements for mobile. The VB project online shopping system considers
things are the product vision
 statement and non-functional and customer. Generation and functional
requirement document management systems have
 to develop comprehensive definitions for running for contributing an
urgent problem with our project speed and easy. Spend
 on it a functional requirements shop management software, user
requirement as your email confirmation of the office.
 The functional requirements for shop purpose of advertisement in your
requriments and includes an online
 verification. The philosopher with an interview for mobile shop
management software library authors. Submit requirements


It is a type of static model used to estimate software development effort quickly

and roughly. It mainly deals with the number of lines of code, and the level of
estimation accuracy is less as we don’t consider all parameters belonging to the
project. The estimated effort and scheduled time for the project are given by the

Effort (E) = a*(KLOC)^b MM,

Scheduled Time (D) = c*(E)^d Months(M). Where,

E = Total effort required for the project in Man-Months (MM).

• D = Total time required for project development in Months (M).
• KLOC = the size of the code for the project in Kilo lines of code.
• a, b, c, d = The constant parameters for a software project.

Project type A b c d
Organic 5.4 1.05 2.5 0.83
Semidetached 3 1.12 2.5 0.35
Embedded 3.6 1.2 2.5 0.32

For a given project estimated with a size of 300 KLOC. Calculate the Effort,
Scheduled time for development. Also, calculate the Average resource size and
Productivity of the software for Organic project type.

Effort (E) = a*(KLOC)^b = 2.4*(300)1.05 = 957.61 MM,

Scheduled Time (D) = c*(E)^d = 2.5*(957.61)0.38 =33.95 Months(M),
Avg. Resource Size = E/D = 957.61/33.95 = 28.21 Mans,
Productivity of Software = KLOC/E = 300/957.61 = 0.3132 KLOC/MM = 313

Decision table:

condition 1.if mobile is available yes

2.if mobile is not available no yes

3.if model is available. no yes

4.if booking is available yes

5.if the boking. yes

action 1.respond customer mobile yes


2.respond not available, no yes

3.respond with "yes". yes

4. respond available, respond yes

fare for it.

5. refund the money. yes

SRS Diagram

Defect Report and Bug Report Diagram :

Skill Developed/ learning out of Microproject:

1. We learned how to gather requirement of the software testing.

2. We learned how to create the SRS using the given requirements and by
adding protocols and procedures to it.

3. We learned how to draw use case diagrams, class diagrams, as well as

activity diagrams for any software testing.

4. Overall, we learned how important software engineering is very much

important for developing software testing.


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