WCN Open Ended Experiment-1
WCN Open Ended Experiment-1
WCN Open Ended Experiment-1
Kamalika Dutta(2104025)
Khitish Kumar Das(2104026)
Mohit Kumar Das (2104029)
Shriman Narayan Bohidar(2104048)
This project aims to implement a cellular network using Cisco Packet Tracer, a simulation tool
widely used for networking education and training. The cellular network model consists of
multiple components including cell towers, mobile devices, and a central switching system. The
implementation involves configuring routers, switches, and wireless access points to mimic the
functionality of a real-world cellular network.
Design and implementation of cellular network using cisco packet tracer
Software Used:-
Cisco Packet Tracer
The implementation of a cellular network using Cisco Packet Tracer is rooted in fundamental
principles of telecommunications and networking. Cellular networks, also known as mobile
networks, are complex systems designed to provide wireless communication services to mobile
devices over a wide geographic area. The theory underlying the implementation encompasses
several key concepts:
● Cellular Architecture-: Cellular networks are divided into cells, each served by a cell
tower or base station. These cells collectively cover a geographic area, and as mobile
devices move within the network, they seamlessly transition between cells to maintain
● Frequency Reuse:- To maximize spectral efficiency, cellular networks employ frequency
reuse schemes. By dividing the available frequency spectrum into smaller bands and
allocating them to different cells, the same frequencies can be reused across non-adjacent
cells, thereby increasing network capacity.
● Handover and Roaming:- Handover mechanisms enable mobile devices to switch
between cells during active calls or data sessions without interruption. Roaming allows
subscribers to access cellular services outside their home network by connecting to
partner networks, facilitated through agreements between network operators.
● Centralized Switching:- Cellular networks typically employ a central switching system,
often referred to as Mobile Switching Center (MSC) or Base Station Controller (BSC), to
manage call routing, handovers, and other network functions. This centralized
architecture enhances network efficiency and enables advanced features such as call
forwarding and location tracking.
● Wireless Protocol-s: Cellular communication relies on wireless protocols such as GSM
(Global System for Mobile Communications), CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access),
or LTE (Long-Term Evolution) to facilitate data transmission between mobile devices
and the network infrastructure. These protocols govern aspects like channel access,
modulation, and error correction.
● Network Infrastructure:- Cellular networks comprise various network elements,
including cell towers, antennas, routers, switches, and backhaul connections. These
components work together to provide coverage, handle traffic, and route data between
mobile devices and external networks such as the internet or public switched telephone
network (PSTN).
Understanding these theoretical concepts is crucial for designing and configuring a cellular
network using Cisco Packet Tracer. By applying this knowledge, users can effectively simulate
real-world cellular infrastructure and gain insights into the operation and optimization of wireless
communication systems.
It was observed that after the network was successfully set up the mobile
communication between the different service providers (JIO,BSNL,AIRTEL)
Was successfully taking place.
Moreover the Server was also set up along with three routers and Routing
Information Protocol was for routing and the transmission of packets was
successfully taking place in the network.
Kamalika Dutta(2104025)
Faculty Signature