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ISSN 0583-3655

© Department of Statistics, Ministry of Trade & Industry, Republic of Singapore

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form
(including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not
transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the prior written
permission of the copyright owner except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright
Act (Cap. 63). Application for the copyright owner's written permission to reproduce any part of
this publication should be addressed to:

Chief Statistician
Department of Statistics
Ministry of Trade & Industry
100 High Street #05-01
The Treasury
Singapore 179434
Republic of Singapore

Statistical activities conducted by the Singapore Department of Statistics are

governed by the provisions of the Statistics Act (Cap. 317). The Act
guarantees the confidentiality of information collected from individuals and
companies. It spells out the legislative authority and responsibility of the
Chief Statistician. The Act is available in the Department’s Website

The Yearbook of Statistics Singapore, 2007 is the fortieth edition of an

annual series published by the Singapore Department of Statistics. The publication
provides a comprehensive, current statistical record of the key socio-demographic and
economic characteristics of Singapore. Users are able to get a snapshot of the Singapore
economy and population based on the latest available information.

Improvements are continuously made to the Yearbook to enhance its value to

users. New data series on topics of interest are added as and when appropriate. Since
1968 when the Yearbook was first released, the number of tables in the publication has
increased from 124 to 258.

In addition to this Yearbook, the Department disseminates official statistics

on Singapore through a variety of electronic services. These include the Statistics
Singapore Website, SingStat Time Series Online System and SingStat Express. Internet
users can now download softcopies of statistical publications via the SingStat website
without charge. For users who have specific data needs, the Department’s Statistical
Information Services offer personalized assistance on cost-recovery basis.

The data series in the Yearbook are compiled by the Singapore Department
of Statistics and other government ministries and departments, statutory boards and
private organisations. I would like to extend my deep appreciation to all the
organisations that have contributed to the success of this publication for the past forty
years. I look forward to their continued support.

Wong Wee Kim

Chief Statistician

Aug 2007

To develop and manage a national statistical
information system of quality and integrity to
support Singapore's social and economic

Performance Pledge

We pledge to maintain high service standards in meeting the data

needs of local and overseas users :

Accessibility We provide a wide range of products and services

which are readily accessible by the general public.

Relevance We make special efforts to improve the relevance of

statistical data to meet user needs.

Reliability We benchmark ourselves against international best

practices in statistical activities and adopt rigorous
quality assurance standards.

Timeliness We strive for the earliest possible release of data, while

balancing the need to maintain data quality.

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore, 2007


Ο Preface i

Ο Notes on Changes and Revisions xv

Ο Statistical Tables 1

Key Indicators 1
Climate and Air Quality 15
Demography 19
Labour and Productivity 37

National Income and Balance of Payments 55

Research and Development 73
The Corporate Sector 79
Companies and Businesses 85

Agriculture, Animal Production and Fisheries 91

Manufacturing 95
Construction and Real Estate 109
Services 123

External Trade 139

Transport and Communications 157
Tourism 169
Finance 177

Public Finance 203

Prices 215
Education 235
Health 259

Hawkers and Food Establishments 269

Community Services 273
Culture and Recreation 281
Miscellaneous 293

Ο Information Dissemination Services 298


Key Indicators 1

1.1 National Income 2

1.2 Inflation, Labour and Business Costs 3
1.3 Manufacturing and Building & Construction 4
1.4 External Trade and Tourism 5
1.5 Transport and Communications 6

1.6 Government Finance 7

1.7 Banking and Finance 8
1.8 Population and Land Area 9
1.9 Vital Statistics 9
1.10 Employment 10

1.11 Health 10
1.12 Education and Literacy 11
1.13 Public Housing and Utilities Usage 12
1.14 Culture, Recreation and Public Safety 12
1.15 Other Social Indicators 13

Climate and Air Quality 15

2.1 Air Temperature and Sunshine 17

2.2 Mean Relative Humidity and Rainfall 17
2.3 Air Pollution Levels 18

Demography 19

3.1 Population and Growth Rate 22

3.2 Vital Rates 23
3.3 Mid-Year Estimates of Singapore Residents by Age Group and Sex 24
3.4 Singapore Residents by Age Group, Ethnic Group and Sex, End June 2006 25
3.5 Age-Specific and Total Fertility Rates 27

3.6 Live-births by (a) Sex (b) Birth Order and (c) Place of Occurrence 27
3.7 Male and Female Age-Specific Death Rates 28
3.8 Deaths by Broad Group of Causes 29
3.9 Age at First Marriage and Divorce 30
3.10 Age-Specific Marriage Rates 30

3.11 Grooms by Age Group 31

3.12 Brides by Age Group 32
3.13 Marriages Registered by Ethnic Group of Couple 33
3.14 Age-Specific Divorce Rates 33
3.15 Male Divorcees by Age Group 34


Demography (continued)

3.16 Female Divorcees by Age Group 35

3.17 Divorces by Ethnic Group of Couple 36

Labour and Productivity 37

4.1 Labour Force 41

4.2 Age-Specific Resident Labour Force Participation Rates 41
4.3 Age-Specific Resident Male Labour Force Participation Rates 42
4.4 Age-Specific Resident Female Labour Force Participation Rates 42
4.5 Employed Residents Aged 15 Years and Over by Occupation 43

4.6 Employed Residents Aged 15 Years and Over by Industry 44

4.7 Government Employees by Divisional Status 45
4.8 Central Provident Fund Members by Age Group 45
4.9 Active Central Provident Fund Members by Age Group 46
4.10 Active Central Provident Fund Members by Wage Level 46

4.11 Active Central Provident Fund Members by Industry 47

4.12 Employment Services 47
4.13 Changes in Labour Productivity by Industry 48
4.14 Multifactor Productivity : Contributions to Growth in Real GDP 48
4.15 Average Monthly Nominal Earnings Per Employee by Industry 49

4.16 Average Weekly Hours Worked by Industry 49

4.17 Average Monthly Recruitment Rate by Industry and
Occupational Group 50
4.18 Average Monthly Resignation Rate by Industry and
Occupational Group 51
4.19 Skills Development Fund Value of Assistance and Training Places
Committed by Type of Training 52
4.20 Trade Unions and Membership 53

4.21 Labour Relations 53

National Income and Balance of Payments 55

5.1 Indigenous Gross National Income 59

5.2 Output, Saving and Investment 60
5.3 Gross Domestic Product by Industry 61
5.4 Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product 62
5.5 Private Consumption Expenditure 63

5.6 Gross Fixed Capital Formation 64

5.7 Gross Domestic Product Deflators by Industry 65


National Income and Balance of Payments (continued)

5.8 Deflators of Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product 65

5.9 Income Components of Gross Domestic Product 66
5.10 Balance of Payments 67

5.11 Stock of Foreign Direct Investment in Singapore by Industry 69

5.12 Stock of Singapore's Direct Investment Abroad by Industry 69
5.13 Stock of Foreign Direct Investment in Singapore by Region/Country 70
5.14 Stock of Singapore's Direct Investment Abroad by Region/Country 71

Research and Development 73

6.1 Organisations Performing R&D by Sector 75

6.2 R&D Manpower by Occupation 75
6.3 R&D Expenditure by Sector 75
6.4 R&D Expenditure by Area of Research, 2005 76
6.5 R&D Expenditure by Type of Costs, 2005 76

6.6 R&D Expenditure by Major Industry in the Private Sector 77

6.7 R&D Output 77

The Corporate Sector 79

7.1 Total Equity by Industry 81

7.2 Total Assets by Industry 81
7.3 Returns on Equity by Industry 82
7.4 Returns on Assets by Industry 82
7.5 Equity Ratios of Companies by Industry 83

7.6 Current Ratios of Companies by Industry 83

Companies and Businesses 85

8.1 Active Companies by Industry 87

8.2 Active Businesses by Industry 87
8.3 Formation of Companies by Industry 88
8.4 Cessation of Companies by Industry 88
8.5 Formation of Businesses by Industry 89

8.6 Cessation of Businesses by Industry 89

Agriculture, Animal Production and Fisheries 91

9.1 Production of Principal Crops 93

9.2 Livestock Slaughtered 93
9.3 Fish Supply and Auction 93


Manufacturing 95

10.1 Principal Manufacturing Statistics 98

10.2 Selected Averages and Ratios in the Manufacturing Sector 98
10.3 Manufacturing Establishments by Industry 99
10.4 Manufacturing Output by Industry 100
10.5 Total Output by Industry 101

10.6 Value Added of Manufacturing Establishments by Industry 102

10.7 Workers in Manufacturing by Industry 103
10.8 Remuneration in Manufacturing by Industry 104
10.9 Index of Industrial Production 105
10.10 Indices of Unit Business Cost and Unit Labour Cost 106

10.11 Investment Commitments in Manufacturing by Industry 107

10.12 Investment Commitments in Manufacturing by
Country of Origin 107

Construction and Real Estate 109

11.1 Available and Vacant Private Residential Properties 113

11.2 Supply of Private Residential Properties in the Pipeline by
Development Status 114
11.3 Approval, Construction Commencement and Completion of
Private Residential Properties 114
11.4 Available and Vacant Commercial and Industrial Properties 115
11.5 Supply of Commercial and Industrial Properties in the Pipeline by
Development Status 116

11.6 Approval, Construction Commencement and Completion of

Commercial and Industrial Developments 117
11.7 Contracts Awarded by Sector and Type of Work 118
11.8 Progress Payments Certified by Sector and Type of Work 119
11.9 Properties Under the Management of Housing and
Development Board 120
11.10 Residential Units Constructed and Sold by Housing and
Development Board 120

11.11 Residential Units Under the Management of Housing and

Development Board, 31 December 2006 121
11.12 Demand, Supply and Occupancy of JTC Corporation
Standard/Flatted Factories and Industrial Lands 122

Services 123

12.1 Principal Statistics of Services 127

12.2 Selected Averages and Ratios of Services 130


Services (continued)

12.3 Retail Sales Index 133

12.4 Catering Trade Index 134
12.5 Domestic Wholesale Trade Index 135

12.6 Foreign Wholesale Trade Index 136

12.7 Business Receipts Index for Services Industries 137
12.8 Revenue of the Information and Communication Technology Industry 138

External Trade 139

13.1 External Trade by Type 142

13.2 Total Trade by Region/Country 143
13.3 Imports by Region/Country 144
13.4 Exports by Region/Country 145
13.5 Domestic Exports by Region/Country 146

13.6 Non-oil Domestic Exports by Region/Country 147

13.7 Imports by Commodity Section 148
13.8 Exports by Commodity Section 150
13.9 Domestic Exports by Commodity Section 152
13.10 Re-Exports by Commodity Section 154

Transport and Communications 157

14.1 Sea Cargo and Shipping Statistics 159

14.2 Civil Aircraft Landings, Passengers and Parcel Mail 159
14.3 Air Cargo Discharged by Region/Country of Origin 160
14.4 Air Cargo Loaded by Region/Country of Destination 161
14.5 Air Passenger Arrivals by Region/Country of Embarkation 162

14.6 Air Passenger Departures by Region/Country of Disembarkation 163

14.7 Public Roads 164
14.8 Motor Vehicle Population by Type of Vehicle 164
14.9 Car Population by CC Rating 165
14.10 Age Distribution of Cars 165

14.11 Road Casualties 166

14.12 Vehicles Involved in Road Accidents by Type of Vehicle 166
14.13 Mass Rapid Transit Operation and Ridership 167
14.14 Postal Articles Handled and Telecommunications 168

Tourism 169

15.1 Visitor Arrivals by Region /Country of Residence 171

15.2 Visitor Arrivals by (a) Sex and (b) Age Group 172
15.3 Visitor Arrivals by Length of Stay 173


Tourism (continued)

15.4 Tourism Receipts by Selected Tourism Generating Markets 173

15.5 Average Expenditure Per Visitor Per Day by Region/Country of Residence 174

15.6 Outbound Departures of Singapore Residents by Mode of Transport 174

15.7 Hotels and Cess Collection 175

Finance 177

16.1 Currency in Circulation 180

16.2 Money Supply 180
16.3 Monetary Survey 181
16.4 Official Foreign Reserves 182
16.5 Exchange Rates 182

16.6 Number of Financial Institutions in Singapore 183

16.7 Assets of Domestic Banking Units 185
16.8 Liabilities of Domestic Banking Units 186
16.9 Loans and Advances of Domestic Banking Units to Non-bank
Customers by Industry 187
16.10 Assets and Liabilities of Asian Currency Units 188

16.11 Assets and Liabilities of Finance Companies 189

16.12 Finance Companies' Loans and Advances by Industry 190
16.13 Assets and Liabilities of Domestic and Asian Currency Unit
Operations of Merchant Banks 191
16.14 Domestic Interest Rates 192
16.15 Contributions and Withdrawals of Central Provident Fund 192

16.16 Withdrawals of Central Provident Fund by Type 193

16.17 Turnover on the Singapore Exchange (Equities) 194
16.18 Singapore Exchange – Security Trading Sectoral Indices 196
16.19 Pledges at Pawnshops 196
16.20 Life Insurance Policies 197

16.21 Revenue and Expenditure Accounts of Life Insurance Funds 198

16.22 Assets of Life Insurance Funds 199
16.23 Premiums and Claims of General Insurance Funds 200
16.24 Revenue and Expenditure Accounts of General Insurance Funds 201
16.25 Assets of General Insurance Funds 202

16.26 Credit and Charge Cards 202

Public Finance 203

17.1 General Government Finance 206

17.2 Government Finance 206
17.3 Government Operating Revenue 207


Public Finance (continued)

17.4 Government Operating Expenditure 208

17.5 Government Development Expenditure 209

17.6 Sources and Uses of Development Fund 210

17.7 Government Debt by Instrument 210
17.8 Government Debt by Maturity 211
17.9 Taxable Individuals by Assessed Income Group, YA 2005 212
17.10 Taxable Companies by Assessed Income Group, YA 2005 213

Prices 215

18.1 Consumer Price Index 218

18.2 Consumer Price Index for Households in Different Income Groups 219
18.3 Price Indices of Selected Consumer Items 220
18.4 Average Retail Prices of Selected Items 221
18.5 Domestic Supply Price Index 223

18.6 Singapore Manufactured Products Price Index 225

18.7 Import Price Index 227
18.8 Export Price Index 229
18.9 Construction Material Contracted Prices 231
18.10 Private Property Price Index by Type of Property 232

18.11 Commercial Property Rental Index by Type of Property 232

18.12 Price Indices of Non-landed Private Residential Properties by Locality
and Completion Status 233

Education 235

19.1 Enrolment in Educational Institutions 241

19.2 Students and Teachers in Educational Institutions, 2006 241
19.3 Enrolment in Government and Government-Aided Primary
Schools by Level and Age 242
19.4 Enrolment in Government and Government-Aided Secondary
Schools and Junior Colleges by Level and Age 243
19.5 Private Regular Schools, Students and Teachers 244

19.6 Students Admitted to Institutions of Higher Learning by Sex 245

19.7 Enrolment in Institutions of Higher Learning by Sex 246
19.8 Graduates from Institutions of Higher Learning by Sex 247
19.9 Enrolment in Polytechnic Diploma Courses by Type of Course 248
19.10 Enrolment in University First Degree Courses by Type of Course 249

19.11 Graduates from Polytechnic Diploma Courses by Type of Course 250

19.12 Graduates from University First Degree Courses by Type of Course 251


Education (continued)

19.13 Enrolment in Polytechnic Advanced Diploma Courses by Type of

Course 252
19.14 Enrolment in Higher Degree Courses by Type of Course 252
19.15 Graduates from Polytechnic Advanced Diploma Courses by Type
of Course 253

19.16 Graduates from Higher Degree Courses by Type of Course 253

19.17 Intake of Students/Trainees Under the Full-time Institutional Training and
Traineeship Programmes and Students/Trainees who Completed the
Programmes, 2006 254
19.18 Training Places Taken Up by Workers Under the Skills Training
Programmes and Workers who Completed the Programmes, 2006 255
19.19 Training Places Taken Up by Workers Under the Continuing
Academic Education Programmes and Workers who
Completed the Programmes, 2006 255
19.20 Government Expenditure on Education 256

19.21 Government Recurrent Expenditure on Education Per Student 257

Health 259

20.1 Hospitals and Public Sector Clinics 262

20.2 Hospital Admissions and Public Sector Outpatient Attendances 262
20.3 Hospital Admission Rate by Sex and Age 263
20.4 Registered Health Personnel 264
20.5 Visits to Public Sector Dental Clinics 265

20.6 Notifications of Specific Notifiable Diseases 265

20.7 Immunisation by Public and Private Sectors 266
20.8 Immunisation Coverage for Children at 2 Years of Age 267
20.9 Vaccination and Immunisation of School Children 267
20.10 Student Medical Check-up 268

20.11 Common Health Problems of Students Examined 268

Hawkers and Food Establishments 269

21.1 Licensed Hawkers Under National Environment Agency 271

21.2 Licensed Hawkers Under Other Agencies 271
21.3 Licensed Food Establishments 272

Community Services 273

22.1 Grassroots Organisations 276

22.2 Volunteers and Volunteer Groups 277


Community Services (continued)

22.3 Enrolment in Child Care Centres by Type of Programme

and Organisation 278
22.4 Public Assistance Recipients by Category 278
22.5 Residents in Old Folks’ Homes by Type of Organisation and Sex 279

Culture and Recreation 281

23.1 Television Licences, CableTV Subscribers, Rediffusion

Subscribers and Cinemas 285
23.2 Radio and Television Transmission 285
23.3 National Library Membership, Book Collections and Loan of
Library Materials 286
23.4 Daily Newspaper Circulation 286
23.5 Visitors to Places of Interest 287

23.6 Utilisation of Sports Facilities 288

23.7 Sports and Performing Arts Courses Conducted by Community Centres/Clubs,
Sea Sports Clubs and Residents’ Committees 289
23.8 The Arts 290
23.9 Registered Arts Societies and Companies 291

Miscellaneous 293

24.1 Water Sales 296

24.2 Electricity Generation and Sales 296
24.3 Gas Sales 296
24.4 Waste Disposed and Recycled 297
24.5 Fire Occurrences 297

24.6 Selected Criminal Offences 297

na not available
nec not elsewhere classified
- nil or negligible
.. not significant

Figures may not add up to the totals due to rounding.
Some figures, particularly those for the most recent time periods, are provisional
and may be subject to revision in later issues.
Values are shown in Singapore dollars (unless otherwise stated).


To maintain currency and relevance of the Yearbook of Statistics Singapore, new series are
added and existing series are replaced. In this edition, changes have been incorporated in the following

Addition of New Tables

Table 6.6 R&D Expenditure by Major Industry in the Private Sector

Table 13.6 Non-Oil Domestic Exports by Region/Country
Table 13.10 Re-Exports by Commodity Section
Table 15.4 Tourism Receipts by Selected Tourism Generating Markets
Table 16.6 Number of Financial Institutions in Singapore
Table 18.12 Price Indices of Non Landed Private Residential Properties
by Locality and Completion Status
Table 20.3 Hospital Admission Rate by Sex and Age

Addition of New Series

Table 3.2 Vital Rates

Table 5.10 Balance of Payments
Table 13.7 Imports by Commodity Section
Table 13.8 Exports by Commodity Section
Table 13.9 Domestic Exports by Commodity Section
Table 14.14 Postal Articles Handled and Telecommunications
Table 16.5 Exchange Rates
Table 17.2 Government Finance
Table 17.3 Government Operating Revenue
Table 17.9 Taxable Individuals by Assessed Income Group, YA 2005
Table 18.4 Average Retail Prices of Selected Items
Table 21.3 Licensed Food Establishments
Table 23.5 Visitors to Places of Interest

Replacement of Existing Series

Table 2.3 Air Pollution Levels

Table 3.9 Age at First Marriage and Divorce
Table 3.15 Male Divorcees by Age Group
Table 3.16 Female Divorcees by Age Group
Table 4.1 Labour Force
Table 4.2 Age-Specific Resident Labour Force Participation Rates
Table 4.3 Age-Specific Resident Male Labour Force Participation
Table 4.4 Age-Specific Resident Female Labour Force Participation
Table 4.5 Employed Residents Aged 15 Years and Over by Occupation
Table 4.6 Employed Residents Aged 15 Years and Over by Industry
Table 4.15 Average Monthly Nominal Earnings per Employee by
Table 5.3 Gross Domestic Product by Industry
Table 5.7 Gross Domestic Product Deflators by Industry
Table 5.11 Stock of Foreign Direct Investment in Singapore by Industry
Table 5.12 Stock of Singapore’s Direct Investment Abroad by Industry
Table 7.1 Total Equity by Industry
Table 7.2 Total Assets by Industry
Table 7.3 Returns on Equity by Industry
Table 7.4 Returns on Assets by Industry
Table 7.5 Equity Ratios of Companies by Industry
Table 7.6 Current Ratios of Companies by Industry
Table 10.10 Indices of Unit Business Cost and Unit Labour Cost
Table 12.3 Retail Sales Index
Table 12.4 Catering Trade Index
Table 13.1 External Trade by Type
Table 16.20 Life Insurance Policies
Table 16.21 Revenue and Expenditure Accounts of Life Insurance Funds
Table 16.22 Assets of Life Insurance Funds
Table 16.24 Revenue and Expenditure Accounts of General Insurance
Table 16.25 Assets of General Insurance Funds
Table 18.5 Domestic Supply Price Index
Table 18.6 Singapore Manufactured Products Price Index
Table 18.7 Import Price Index
Table 18.8 Export Supply Price Index
Table 24.3 Gas Sales

Other Changes

The following tables (in previous edition) have been discontinued:

ƒ Imports of Specific Commodities

ƒ Exports of Specific Commodities
ƒ Conventions, Exhibitions and Incentive Groups
ƒ Revenue Collected by Singapore Customs
ƒ Revenue Collected by Inland Revenue Authority
ƒ Enrolment at Primary, Secondary and Pre-University Levels in
Private Regular Schools by Level
ƒ Students Admitted to Open University, 2005

Selected data series have been discontinued in the following tables:

Table 5.13 Stock of Foreign Direct Investment in Singapore by Country

Table 5.14 Stock of Singapore’s Direct Investment Abroad by Country
Table 6.7 R&D output
Table 16.1 Currency in Circulation
Table 20.11 Common Health Problems of Students Examined
Table 21.2 Licensed Hawkers Under Other Agencies
Table 23.6 Utilisation of Sports Facilities

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Gross National Per Capita Gross National Gross Capital Gross Domestic Gross Fixed
Income GNI Saving Formation Product Capital
(GNI) Formation
$M $ $M $M $M $M
At Current Market Prices At 2000 Market Prices

1996 131,740.4 35,890 65,701.5 46,164.8 126,788.6 45,080.1

2001 153,190.0 37,020 62,141.8 40,650.4 156,006.3 47,061.9

2002 154,324.4 36,955 59,287.9 37,633.6 162,491.6 41,684.2

2003 156,594.3 37,408 64,183.0 25,274.0 167,549.3 40,306.8

2004 170,311.6 40,184 72,042.7 35,628.2 182,301.1 44,413.5

2005 186,624.0 42,983 84,589.1 36,972.6 194,371.3 44,464.3

2006 203,358.3 45,353 97,145.9 39,485.3 209,679.9 49,590.3

Percentage Change Over Previous Year

1996 7.5 3.3 6.7 12.1 7.8 23.7

2001 -3.4 -6.0 -13.3 -23.6 -2.4 -3.8

2002 0.7 -0.2 -4.6 -7.4 4.2 -11.4

2003 1.5 1.2 8.3 -32.8 3.1 -3.3

2004 8.8 7.4 12.2 41.0 8.8 10.2

2005 9.6 7.0 17.4 3.8 6.6 0.1

2006 9.0 5.5 14.8 6.8 7.9 11.5

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Measures of Inflation Unit Labour Cost Index

Domestic Gross Business
Consumer Overall Economy Manufacturing
Year Supply Domestic Cost Index of
Price Index (2000 = 100) (2000 = 100)
Price Index Product Deflators Manufacturing
(2004 = 100) (2000 = 100)
(2006 = 100) (2000 = 100)

1996 94.3 81.5 102.9 103.2 122.2 110.1

2001 98.2 83.6 98.2 106.5 116.9 109.1

2002 97.8 81.0 97.0 102.6 106.5 102.5

2003 98.3 82.6 96.0 100.7 102.4 100.9

2004 100.0 86.9 99.6 95.9 93.8 97.4

2005 100.4 95.2 99.9 94.5 91.4 97.4

2006 101.4 100.0 100.1 94.0 88.1 97.5

Percentage Change Over Previous Year

1996 1.4 -3.0 1.3 1.9 2.7 0.7

2001 1.0 -1.7 -1.8 6.5 16.9 9.0

2002 -0.4 -3.2 -1.2 -3.6 -8.9 -6.0

2003 0.5 2.0 -1.0 -1.9 -3.8 -1.6

2004 1.7 5.2 3.7 -4.8 -8.4 -3.5

2005 0.5 9.6 0.3 -1.4 -2.6 0.0

2006 1.0 5.0 0.2 -0.5 -3.6 0.0

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Manufacturing Building Commencement

Total Index of Office Shop Factory Warehouse
Year Investment 1 Residential
Output Industrial Space Space Space Space
Commitments 1 Properties
(2003 =100) No. of
Million Dollars Thousand Square Metres of Gross Floor Area

1996 8,051.0 122,579 74.1 15,465 na na na na

2001 9,171.7 138,323 89.5 8,272 100 40 1,205 184

2002 9,008.7 147,296 97.1 9,414 248 105 444 59

2003 7,511.0 158,697 100.0 6,670 24 27 439 64

2004 8,258.1 191,636 113.9 4,145 79 52 559 148

2005 8,518.8 217,086 124.7 10,282 20 76 830 212

2006 8,842.6 234,609 139.5 11,295 211 206 902 364

Percentage Change Over Previous Year

1996 18.2 5.7 3.3 na na na na na

2001 -0.4 -15.5 -11.6 -6.7 23.5 -20.0 14.4 166.7

2002 -1.8 na 8.4 13.8 148.0 162.5 -63.2 -67.9

2003 -16.6 7.7 3.0 -29.1 -90.3 -74.3 -1.1 8.5

2004 9.9 20.8 13.9 -37.9 229.2 92.6 27.3 131.3

2005 3.2 13.3 9.5 148.1 -74.7 46.2 48.5 43.2

2006 3.8 8.1 11.9 9.9 955.0 171.1 8.7 71.7

1 Prior to 2002, data refer to establishments engaging 10 or more workers.

From 2002, data include establishments with less than 10 workers.
Total output refers to manufacturing output and other operating income.
Rubber processing and granite quarrying are excluded.
2 Figures exclude hostels, HDB flats, tenement houses, parsonages and Executive Condominiums.
The series have been revised. Data prior to 1998 are not available.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


External Trade 1 Tourism

Exports Hotel
Year Total Domestic Imports Rooms
Total Re-exports Arrivals 2
Exports Available 3
Million Dollars Thousand Number

1996 361,455.3 176,271.9 103,588.8 72,683.2 185,183.4 7,292.4 27,604

2001 425,718.4 218,026.3 118,444.3 99,581.9 207,692.1 7,522.2 27,859

2002 432,213.3 223,901.4 119,437.7 104,463.7 208,311.9 7,567.1 27,604

2003 515,894.2 278,577.7 150,557.8 128,019.9 237,316.5 6,127.3 27,470

2004 628,952.4 335,615.0 180,200.4 155,414.6 293,337.5 8,328.7 28,359

2005 715,722.8 382,532.0 207,447.7 175,084.3 333,190.8 8,943.0 28,824

2006 810,483.3 431,559.2 227,378.0 204,181.2 378,924.1 9,749.5 28,701

Percentage Change Over Previous Year

1996 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.0 2.2 4.9

2001 -9.4 -8.3 -12.9 -2.3 -10.5 -2.2 -1.3

2002 1.5 2.7 0.8 4.9 0.3 0.6 -0.9

2003 na na na na na -19.0 -0.5

2004 21.9 20.5 19.7 21.4 23.6 35.9 3.2

2005 13.8 14.0 15.1 12.7 13.6 7.4 1.6

2006 13.2 12.8 9.6 16.6 13.7 9.0 -0.4

1 Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.

2 Exclude arrivals of Malaysians by land.
3 Refer to gazetted hotels.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Cargo Handled International

1 Telephone
Air Sea Container
Year 2
Discharged Loaded General Bulk Throughput Call Minutes
Tonnes Thousand Tonnes Thousand TEUs Million

1996 622,019 568,438 175,083 139,081 12,944 579

2001 780,638 726,424 186,076 127,411 15,571 2,561

2002 834,490 803,306 198,521 136,635 16,941 2,829

2003 803,056 808,351 206,448 141,247 18,411 3,074

2004 870,582 904,507 240,882 152,536 21,329 4,131

2005 892,141 941,580 262,265 161,003 23,192 4,778

2006 952,876 958,341 281,393 167,111 24,792 5,029

Percentage Change Over Previous Year

1996 7.7 7.7 3.1 2.5 9.3 na

2001 -8.0 -12.9 -6.8 1.1 -8.9 na

2002 6.9 10.6 6.7 7.2 8.8 10.5

2003 -3.8 0.6 4.0 3.4 8.7 8.7

2004 8.4 11.9 16.7 8.0 15.8 na

2005 2.5 4.1 8.9 5.6 8.7 na

2006 6.8 1.8 7.3 3.8 6.9 5.3

1 Refer to Changi Airport only.

Data exclude passenger baggage, diplomatic cargo and aircraft stores.
2 Figures prior to 1996 refer to financial year.
For 1998 to 2000, data include real-time fax and budget call services.
Prior to 2001, data exclude calls to Malaysia.
From 2001, data include traffic contributed by new service providers such as International Simple Resale operators.
With effect from July 2004, data include all service-based operators.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Operating Operating Development Public Debt 4

Year Revenue 1 Expenditure 2 Expenditure 3 Total Domestic External
Million Dollars

1996 na 12,253.6 6,920.7 94,830.7 94,830.7 -

2001 na 17,845.5 9,998.6 148,999.9 148,999.9 -

2002 na 19,243.9 7,877.1 156,751.3 156,751.3 -

2003 24,643.1 19,236.2 7,953.1 169,331.9 169,331.9 -

2004 26,345.8 19,935.8 8,482.2 186,598.2 186,598.2 -

2005 28,116.5 20,674.6 8,106.8 200,005.6 200,005.6 -

2006 31,072.4 23,463.0 6,411.5 206,438.7 206,438.7 -

Percentage Change Over Previous Year

1996 na na 48.2 9.6 9.6 -

2001 na -5.6 na 10.9 10.9 -

2002 na 7.8 -21.2 5.2 5.2 -

2003 na 0.0 1.0 8.0 8.0 -

2004 6.9 3.6 6.7 10.2 10.2 -

2005 6.7 3.7 -4.4 7.2 7.2 -

2006 10.5 13.5 -20.9 3.2 3.2 -

1 Refers to receipts credited to the Consolidated Revenue Account and Development Fund Account,
but excludes interest income, investment income and capital receipts.
2 Refers to Expenditure on manpower, other operating expenditure (excluding expenses on investment and agency fees
on land sales), and operating grants.
3 Excludes loans to statutory boards and industrial and commercial enterprises.
From FY2001, land-related expenditure items are no longer classified under Development Expenditure.
These expenditures are therefore excluded from April 2001 onwards.
4 Refers to end of year.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Official Total Assets / Liabilities

Foreign Domestic Merchant Finance Asian Currency
End of Year Supply (M1)
Reserves Banking Units Banks Companies Units
Million Dollars US$M

1996 27,040.0 107,739.1 252,723.4 53,580.6 21,189.4 506,870.2

2001 36,082.9 139,714.3 373,747.9 56,398.4 14,961.1 465,472.8
2002 35,828.2 142,621.1 353,115.0 52,564.3 13,722.3 482,612.3
2003 38,722.6 163,053.5 362,528.4 58,203.4 7,902.7 509,145.9
2004 44,162.3 183,464.0 398,236.7 59,244.8 8,308.5 581,562.5
2005 46,085.9 192,813.0 425,222.5 64,845.1 9,444.9 611,377.3
2006 52,242.6 208,991.8 508,624.6 78,029.3 10,066.6 698,762.4

Percentage Change Over Previous Year

1996 6.7 10.7 12.5 6.6 0.3 6.0

2001 8.5 0.6 11.3 -5.8 -24.4 -3.4
2002 -0.7 2.1 -5.5 -6.8 -8.3 3.7
2003 8.1 14.3 2.7 10.7 -42.4 5.5
2004 14.0 12.5 9.8 1.8 5.1 14.2
2005 4.4 5.1 6.8 9.5 13.7 5.1
2006 13.4 8.4 19.6 20.3 6.6 14.3

Domestic Banking Units Finance Companies CPF

Loans & Loans & Advances for

Deposits of
Advances to Amount Due
End of Year Non-Bank Deposits Hire Purchase
Non-Bank to Members
Customers 1
of Motor Housing
Customers Vehicles
Million Dollars

1996 118,201.5 126,987.7 15,071.6 4,052.3 3,221.1 72,566.6

2001 182,551.4 162,920.8 10,641.4 4,054.2 1,884.7 92,221.2
2002 180,138.4 161,283.4 9,855.7 3,734.2 1,547.9 96,422.6
2003 194,231.5 171,443.5 5,530.2 2,317.7 756.3 103,539.6
2004 206,176.3 179,088.6 5,667.6 2,193.4 952.4 111,873.8
2005 223,718.0 183,109.4 6,365.5 2,265.3 1,583.3 119,787.5
2006 272,462.6 194,597.6 7,150.3 2,064.8 1,681.3 125,803.8

Percentage Change Over Previous Year

1996 8.6 16.5 -2.2 -12.9 22.1 9.9

2001 6.6 5.8 -22.0 -20.4 -31.9 2.1
2002 -1.3 -1.0 -7.4 -7.9 -17.9 4.6
2003 7.8 6.3 -43.9 -37.9 -51.1 7.4
2004 6.1 4.5 2.5 -5.4 25.9 8.0
2005 8.5 2.2 12.3 3.3 66.2 7.1
2006 21.8 6.3 12.3 -8.9 6.2 5.0

1 Include bills financing.

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Mid-Year Population Land Population Median Dependency Sex
2 3 4
Area Density Age Ratio Ratio 3
Year Total Resident
Square Per Square Males Per
Thousand Years Per Hundred
Kilometres Kilometre 1,000 Females

1996 3,670.7 3,068.1 647.5 5,669 32.3 41.5 1,008

2001 4,138.0 3,325.9 682.3 6,065 34.4 41.0 995

2002 4,176.0 3,382.9 685.4 6,093 34.7 40.8 992

2003 4,186.1 3,438.1 697.1 6,005 35.1 40.2 989

2004 4,238.3 3,484.9 699.0 6,063 35.6 39.6 987

2005 4,341.8 3,543.9 699.4 6,208 35.9 39.2 984

2006 4,483.9 3,608.5 704.0 6,369 36.2 38.6 982

1 Total population comprises Singapore residents and non-residents.

The resident population comprises Singapore citizens and permanent residents.
2 The land area of Singapore comprises the mainland and other islands.
3 Refer to Singapore residents (citizens and permanent residents).
4 Residents under 15 years and those 65 years and over divided by residents aged 15 -64 years.


Rate of Infant Gross

Population Crude Birth Crude Death Total Fertility
Natural Mortality Reproduction
Growth Rate Rate Rate Rate
Year Increase Rate Rate
Per 1,000
Per Cent Per 1,000 Population Per Resident Female

1996 1.8 10.5 15.2 4.7 3.6 1.66 0.80

2001 1.6 7.5 11.8 4.3 2.2 1.41 0.68

2002 1.7 7.0 11.4 4.4 2.9 1.37 0.66

2003 1.6 5.9 10.3 4.4 2.5 1.26 0.61

2004 1.4 5.8 10.1 4.3 2.0 1.25 0.60

2005 1.7 5.7 10.0 4.3 2.1 1.25 0.60

2006 1.8 5.8 10.1 4.3 2.6 1.26 0.61

Note : Data refer to Singapore residents (citizens and permanent residents).

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


CPF Union
Labour Unemploy- Resident Labour Force Participation Rate 1,3 Contributors Members
Force 1,3 ment Rate 2,3 in Labour Among
Total Males Females Force Employed

Thousand Per Cent

1996 2,024.9 1.8 64.1 78.7 49.9 59.0 12.9

2001 2,330.5 2.2 64.4 77.7 51.6 54.5 14.9

2002 2,320.6 3.5 63.6 77.2 50.6 55.3 17.5

2003 2,312.3 3.7 63.2 76.1 50.9 55.5 18.9

2004 2,341.9 3.6 63.3 75.7 51.3 56.6 19.8

2005 2,367.3 3.4 63.0 74.4 52.0 58.3 19.9

2006 2,594.1 2.7 65.0 76.2 54.3 56.4 18.5

1 Refer to persons aged 15 years and over in June of the respective years.
2 Refer to seasonally adjusted unemployment rates in June.
3 Data are sourced from Labour Force Survey, Ministry of Manpower except for 2005, which are from General Household Survey.


Per Capita
Life Expectancy at Birth
Doctors Dentists Nurses
Year Expenditure
Total Males Females on Health

Years Per 10,000 Population Dollar

1996 76.6 74.4 78.9 13 2 36 319

2001 78.3 76.3 80.3 14 3 41 384

2002 78.6 76.6 80.6 14 3 42 367

2003 78.9 76.9 80.9 15 3 44 479

2004 79.3 77.3 81.3 15 3 45 405

2005 79.6 77.7 81.5 16 3 46 407

2006 79.9 78.0 81.8 15 3 46 451

1 Refer to registered and enrolled nurses.

2 Exclude expenditure of restructured hospitals. Refer to only government health expenditure which
includes government subventions to restructured hospitals.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Pupils Per Teacher Combined Residents Aged 25 Years & Over 3

Gross 2
Literacy Rate % with
Year Primary Secondary Enrolment
1 Mean Years of Secondary
Schooling or Higher
Number Per Cent Qualification

1996 25 22 86.4 91.2 7.6 46.1

2001 25 20 87.0 93.2 8.4 52.4

2002 24 19 87.3 93.7 8.5 53.4

2003 25 19 87.4 94.2 8.6 54.0

2004 24 19 87.4 94.6 8.8 55.1

2005 24 19 92.4 95.0 9.3 59.4

2006 23 18 na 95.4 9.3 58.8

Passes At Annual Output

Year PSLE GCE 'O' Level 5 GCE 'A' Level6 ITE 7 Polytechnic 8 University 9

Per Cent Number

1996 95.5 90.8 85.4 5,581 12,105 8,218

2001 96.7 93.5 87.9 8,263 15,966 9,859

2002 96.3 94.2 89.1 7,751 16,585 10,212

2003 97.2 94.7 90.6 8,201 16,117 10,363

2004 97.4 95.0 92.3 8,633 17,837 10,545

2005 97.8 95.2 91.2 9,374 18,071 10,309

2006 97.7 95.1 90.5 10,510 18,037 10,710

1 Defined as resident students enrolled in primary, secondary and pre-university classes, Institute of Technical Education (ITE) and
tertiary institutions divided by resident population aged 6-20 years. Data for 2005 includes private educational institutes.
2 Refers to resident population aged 15 years and over.
3 Data refer to non-students.
4 Data refer to students eligible for secondary schools.
5 At least 3 'O' level passes.
6 At least 2 'A' and 2 'AO' level passes including General Paper
7 Refers to trainees who completed full-time institutional training or traineeship programmes.
8 Data refer to graduates of full-time and part-time diploma courses from Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic,
Temasek Polytechnic and Nanyang Polytechnic. Data for 2006 include graduates from Republic Polytechnic.
9 From 2003, refers to first degree graduates from National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
and Singapore Management University (SMU). Prior to 2003, refers to first degree graduates from NUS and NTU.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Public Housing 1 Domestic

Per Cent of Population Consumption
Year Public Flats
Living in Per Resident
Total Per Cent 3 Owner-occupied
Public Flats Kilowatt Hour
Number Managed Owner-occupied Public Flats

1996 725,144 91 86 81 1,356.8

2001 863,552 93 85 82 1,799.4

2002 866,071 94 85 83 1,876.4

2003 874,183 94 84 82 1,892.6

2004 876,985 94 84 82 1,872.3

2005 877,546 94 83 81 1,904.8

2006 878,820 95 82 80 1,874.6

1 Refer to flats managed by Housing and Development Board.

2 As at end of year.
3 Refer to percentage of sold flats over total units under management.
4 Refers to resident population.


CableTV TV Cinema Loan of Daily Newspaper Crime Rate 3

1 1 2
Year Subscribers Licences Attendances Library Materials Circulation Per 100,000
Per 1,000 Population Population

1996 19 222 4,702 3,871 292 1,076

2001 91 245 3,278 6,698 396 613

2002 104 246 3,417 7,215 423 689

2003 111 249 3,498 8,335 408 723

2004 118 252 3,746 6,222 383 723

2005 126 251 3,474 6,390 313 854

2006 135 246 3,476 6,370 364 745

1 Indicator is computed based on resident population.

2 Loans include books, magazines and AV materials (such as Video Tapes, VCDs, CDs, CD-Roms, DVDs and music scores).
Prior to 2004, data include materials borrowed from public libraries, government libraries and academic libraries.
Data from 2004 include materials borrowed from public libraries only.
3 Crime Rate is based on Singapore Police Force's new crime categorisation system.
The revised Crime Rate cover offences within the following crime categories: Crimes Against the Person, Violent Property Crimes
Housebreaking and Related Crimes, Theft and Related Crimes, Commercial Crimes and Miscellaneous Crimes
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Residential Residential
Residential Mobile Phone Pager Private Public
1 Dial-up Internet Broadband
Fixed Lines Subscribers Subscribers 1 Cars Buses

Year Subscribers Subscribers

Per 1,000 Resident Population

1996 302 110 282 na na 114 3

2001 348 691 116 546 na 115 3

2002 340 777 70 567 63 113 3

2003 328 831 42 503 105 111 3

2004 316 911 24 475 133 113 3

2005 307 980 16 441 163 117 3

2006 303 1,034 11 409 193 124 3

1 Indicator is computed based on total population.


Geography of the Northeast Monsoon season from

November to January. During the Southwest
The Republic of Singapore is located Monsoon season, from May to September, early
between latitudes 10 09’N and 10 29’N and morning line squalls occasionally hit the island.
longitudes 1030 36’E and 1040 25’E.

The land area of Singapore is Air Pollution

approximately 704 square kilometres. This area
comprises the mainland and other islands. The The ambient air quality in Singapore is
mainland measures 47 kilometres from east to routinely monitored by the National
west and 28 kilometres from north to south Environment Agency through the Telemetric
with a coastline of 224 kilometres. Air Quality Monitoring and Management
System (TAQMMS). The system comprises
Singapore can be geographically remote air monitoring stations linked to a
divided into three major areas – the central hilly Central Control Station (CCS) via dial-up
area with heavy deposits of granite in Bukit telephone lines.
Timah, Bukit Panjang, Bukit Mandai and Bukit
Batok; the western undulating area comprising The monitoring stations monitor both
Mount Faber Ridge and Pasir Panjang Ridge ambient and roadside air quality. Automatic
and the eastern coastal area consisting of analysers and equipment are deployed at the
alluvium and sediment stretches from Katong to monitoring stations to measure the
Bedok and Changi. concentrations of major air pollutants such as
sulphur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, carbon
monoxide, ozone and respirable suspended
Climate particles (PM 10).
The main features of the climate of The air quality in 2006 on some days
Singapore are the relatively stable temperature was affected by transboundary smoke haze
throughout the year due to its close proximity to from the Indonesian land and forest fires.The
the Equator and high humidity and abundant air quality in terms of Pollutant Standards
rainfall due to the maritime exposure of the Index (PSI) was ‘good’ on 85 per cent of the
island. The average daily maximum and days, ‘moderate’ on 14 per cent of the days
minimum temperatures are around 31.5°C and and ‘unhealthy’ on 1 per cent of the days.
25.0°C respectively. The relative humidity is With the exception of PM10 which exceeded
usually between 65 and 70 per cent on dry the United States Environmental Protection
afternoons but frequently exceeds 90 per cent Agency (USEPA) 24-hour standard on some
in the early hours of the morning before sunrise. days due to the impact of the transboundary
Although rain falls throughout the year, the smoke haze, the rest of the air pollutants for
wettest months are usually during the first part 2006 were within the USEPA standards.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Air Temperature in Degree Celsius

Daily Maximum 31.3 31.3 32.0 31.4 31.7 31.9 31.5
Daily Minimum 24.5 24.9 25.2 25.1 25.1 25.1 25.0

Absolute Extremes
Maximum 34.4 34.0 34.8 34.3 35.1 35.4 34.6
Minimum 22.1 21.5 22.0 22.0 21.1 21.3 22.1

Bright Sunshine
Daily Mean Hours 5.6 5.2 6.3 5.4 6.0 6.1 5.6

Source : National Environment Agency


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Mean Relative Humidity 1

at 2.00 pm (Per Cent ) 72 73 70 73 71 71 73

Total (mm) 2,418 2,783 1,749 2,391 2,136 1,931 2,753
Maximum in a Day (mm) 94 211 84 194 178 134 198
Number of Rainy Days 170 184 139 186 147 175 174

Source : National Environment Agency

1 The ratio of the actual amount of water vapour in a given volume of air to the amount that would be present
were the air saturated at the same temperature, expressed in percentages.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Sulphur Dioxide (µg / m3 ) (mean)

Industrial 32 25 23 19 19 17 17
Urban 27 22 18 15 12 14 9
Sub-Urban 22 19 14 12 11 10 9

Nitrogen Dioxide (µg / m3 ) (mean)

Industrial 39 25 29 23 25 30 26
Urban 33 31 30 28 26 24 24
Sub-Urban 23 22 21 22 26 21 21

PM 10 (µg / m3 ) 1
(2nd Maximum 24-hourly mean)
Industrial 83 68 125 83 80 92 228
Urban 51 80 142 80 79 90 221
Sub-Urban 75 69 98 80 85 101 203

Carbon Monoxide (mg / m 3 )

(2nd Maximum 8-hourly mean)
Industrial 2.4 4.2 2.7 3.1 2.1 2.0 2.6
Urban 3.4 3.9 2.8 2.9 2.8 2.0 2.5
Sub-Urban 3.3 2.5 2.1 2.4 2.2 2.4 1.9

Ozone (µg / m 3 )
(4th Maximum 8-hourly mean)
Industrial 103 112 112 105 117 137 123
Urban 83 126 101 97 143 153 108
Sub-Urban 84 104 104 99 127 125 125

Source : National Environment Agency

Notes : United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Standards for Air Quality
Sulphur Dioxide ≤ 80 µg/m (annual mean)
Nitrogen Dioxide ≤ 100 µg/m 3 (annual mean)
PM 10 (Particulate Matter ≤ 10 microns ) ≤ 150 µg/m 3 (2nd Maximum 24-hourly mean)
Carbon Monoxide ≤ 10 mg/m 3 (2nd Maximum 8-hourly mean)
Ozone ≤ 157 µg/m 3 (4th Maximum 8-hourly mean)
All measurements of air quality are corrected to reference temperature of 25 oC and pressure of 760 mm of mercury.
1 PM10 levels in 2006 were affected by transboundary smoke haze from the land and forest fires in Indonesia.

Population Census are classified as late registrations. A birth

registration after one year from the date of birth
Singapore's first census was under can only be effected with the written authority
taken in April 1871. Regular censuses were of the Registrar-General of Births and Deaths.
subsequently undertaken at ten-year intervals Under the same Act, a death must be registered
up to 1931. The Second World War delayed the within 3 days of its occurrence. Still-births,
next census till 1947. In the pre-war censuses, which are classified separately from births and
Singapore was included as part of the Straits deaths, must be registered within 14 days of
Settlements and, later, part of Malaya. Separate their occurrence.
censuses for Singapore were carried out since
1947. The other three post-independence Registration facilities for births and
censuses were conducted in 1970, 1980 and deaths are available at the Registry of Births
1990. Singapore conducted her first mid-decade and Deaths and at designated government
mini census (General Household Survey) in hospitals. Deaths and still-births can also be
1995 and her first register-based Census in registered at the nearest Police Divisional
2000. The second mid-decade mini census was Headquarter / Neighbourhood Police Centre or
conducted in 2005. Post. The registration system is comprehensive
and the records of vital statistics are virtually
In the 1990 and earlier Censuses, the
population comprised citizens and permanent
Measures of natality and mortality
residents who were present and enumerated in
include the crude birth and crude death rates.
Singapore on Census Day. In addition, citizens
From 1980 onwards, these are defined as the
and permanent residents who were away for
number of live-births and deaths respectively of
short periods of time during the Census, as well
Singapore residents, per thousand mid-year
as non-residents staying or working in
resident population.
Singapore were included. With the change to
the register-based approach in 2000, the “de
jure” concept was adopted. All persons
registered at their places of usual residence
were counted, even though they may be
Registration of marriages is compul-
temporarily away on Census Day. Non-
sory in Singapore. Marriages other than Muslim
residents staying or working in Singapore were
marriages are registered under the Women's
also included.
Charter, 1961. Notices of such marriages have
to be lodged with the Registrar of Marriages
Mid-Year Population Estimates regardless of the venue of solemnisation.

Registration of Muslim marriages in

Singapore residents refer to citizens
Singapore became compulsory from 1 July
and those who have been granted permanent
1909 when the Mohammadan Marriage
residence in Singapore. Total population
Ordinance, 1908 (Ordinance No.XXV of 1908)
comprises Singapore residents and non-
was enacted. This Ordinance was subsequently
repealed and replaced by the Administration of
Muslim Law Act, 1966.
Births and Deaths
The Registration of Births and Deaths
Act (Cap 267) specifies that a birth must be Pertinent information on Muslim
registered within 42 days of the date of birth. divorces is compiled from records maintained
Births registered after 42 days from occurrence by the Syariah Court while those on non-
3 DEMOGRAPHY (cont’d)

Muslim divorces are compiled from petitions female children that would replace one female
submitted to the Family Court. Time-dependent if current fertility and mortality levels prevail. It
variables, eg. the year of occurrence, age of is also the measure of replacement of
divorcees, and duration of marriage are based population.
on the date of registration for Muslim divorces
and date decree made absolute for non-Muslim Age-specific marriage rate: Refers to
divorces. the number of persons within a specific age
group marrying in a given year, out of every
Definitions thousand unmarried persons in the same age
Rates on fertility and reproduction
pertain to residents only.
Other References
Age-specific fertility rate: Refers to the
Vital statistics on births and deaths are
number of births by mothers of a specific age
compiled and published monthly in the
group during a given year, per thousand females
"Singapore Demographic Bulletin". The annual
in that age group.
"Report on Registration of Births and Deaths"
published by the Registrar-General of Births
Total fertility rate (TFR): Refers to the
and Deaths also provides demographic and
average number of children that would be born
socio-economic characteristics of parents and
per female, if all females lived to the end of
characteristics of births, detailed causes of
their childbearing years and bore children
death, together with statistical tables and charts.
according to a given set of age-specific fertility
rates. It is derived by aggregating the age-
Annual data on marriages and divorces
specific fertility rates of females in each of the
are available in the publication "Statistics on
reproductive ages for a specific year.
Marriages and Divorces". This publication
analyses annual marriage trends and the socio-
Gross reproduction rate: Refers to the economic characteristics of grooms and brides,
average number of daughters produced by each as well as provides insight into the nature of
female during her whole reproductive period divorces and the socio-economic characteristics
and is similarly computed as in the case of TFR, of divorcees.
on the basis of female births only. This rate
implicitly assumes that all females live to the Demographic statistics are available in
end of their childbearing years. the publication, “Population Trends”. The
publication comprises four sections, namely,
Net reproduction rate: It is a ‘Population Structure’, ‘Family Formation and
refinement of the gross reproduction rate, in Dissolution’, ‘Fertility’ and ‘Mortality’.
that it takes into account the mortality of Statistical analyses of Singapore's changing
females from birth to the end of their population profiles are also included in the
reproductive years. It is the average number of publication.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Growth Rate
Total Population Singapore Residents Total Singapore
Population Residents
Thousand Per Cent

1901 227.6 na na na
1911 303.3 na 2.9 na
1921 418.4 na 3.3 na
1931 557.7 na 2.9 na
1947 938.1 na 3.3 na
1957 1,445.9 na 4.4 na
1970 2,074.5 2,013.6 2.8 na
1980 2,413.9 2,282.1 1.5 1.3
1 1
1990 3,047.1 2,735.9 2.3 1.7
2000 4,027.9 3,273.4 2.8 1.8

Mid-Year Estimates
1991 3,135.1 2,794.7 2.9 2.2
1992 3,230.7 2,849.8 3.0 2.0
1993 3,313.5 2,904.5 2.6 1.9
1994 3,419.0 2,959.4 3.2 1.9
1995 3,524.5 3,013.5 3.1 1.8
1996 3,670.7 3,068.1 4.1 1.8
1997 3,796.0 3,123.4 3.4 1.8
1998 3,927.2 3,180.0 3.5 1.8
1999 3,958.7 3,229.7 0.8 1.6
2000 (Census) 4,027.9 3,273.4 1.7 1.4
2001 4,138.0 3,325.9 2.7 1.6
2002 4,176.0 3,382.9 0.9 1.7
2003 4,186.1 3,438.1 0.2 1.6
2004 4,238.3 3,484.9 1.2 1.4
2005 4,341.8 3,543.9 2.4 1.7
2006 4,483.9 3,608.5 3.3 1.8

Notes : Data for 1980 and earlier censuses refer to all persons present in Singapore and enumerated on Census Day.
Data from 2000 onwards are based on the register-based approach.
Data for 1991-2005 have been revised wef Dec 2006.
Total population comprises Singapore residents and non-residents. Singapore resident population comprises
Singapore citizens and permanent residents.
1 Based on 1980 and 1990 using de facto concept.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Rate of Crude Crude Infant Total Gross Re- Net Re-

Natural Birth Death Mortality Fertility production production
Year Increase 1 Rate 1 Rate 1 Rate Rate 1 Rate 1 Rate 1
Per 1,000
Per 1,000 Population Per Resident Female

1950 33.4 45.4 12.0 82.2 na na na

1955 36.2 44.3 8.1 49.5 na na na

1960 31.3 37.5 6.2 34.9 5.76 2.78 2.54

1965 24.1 29.5 5.4 26.3 4.66 2.27 2.08

1970 17.0 22.1 5.2 20.5 3.07 1.49 1.42

1975 12.6 17.7 5.1 13.9 2.07 1.00 0.97

1980 12.7 17.6 4.9 8.0 1.82 0.88 0.86

1985 11.7 16.6 4.9 7.6 1.61 0.78 0.76

1990 13.5 18.2 4.7 6.6 1.83 0.88 0.88

1996 10.5 15.2 4.7 3.6 1.66 0.80 0.80

2001 7.5 11.8 4.3 2.2 1.41 0.68 0.68

2002 7.0 11.4 4.4 2.9 1.37 0.66 0.66

2003 5.9 10.3 4.4 2.5 1.26 0.61 0.61

2004 5.8 10.1 4.3 2.0 1.25 0.60 0.60

2005 5.7 10.0 4.3 2.1 1.25 0.60 0.60

2006 5.8 10.1 4.3 2.6 1.26 0.61 0.61

Notes : Figures prior to 1980 refer to total population.

From 1980, figures refer to Singapore residents (citizens and permanent residents).
1 Data have been revised following the revision of 1991-2005 population estimates.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1,540.0 1,658.6 1,684.3 1,709.6 1,730.7 1,758.0 1,787.6

0-4 126.4 115.5 112.7 109.6 106.5 103.7 100.7

5-9 125.2 130.8 130.7 129.3 126.2 124.7 123.9
10 - 14 108.8 127.5 132.5 134.8 134.1 135.3 134.3
15 - 19 104.4 108.9 108.1 111.1 118.1 122.0 128.2

20 - 24 116.1 107.4 108.3 110.4 110.3 111.9 112.2

25 - 29 129.0 126.8 126.3 122.3 120.1 120.5 122.3
30 - 34 154.6 139.0 139.6 141.5 143.0 145.1 144.9
35 - 39 158.5 161.7 160.1 158.2 153.4 151.1 150.4

40 - 44 138.5 160.6 161.9 163.7 165.1 165.7 166.7

45 - 49 113.9 138.5 144.7 149.9 153.9 158.1 161.3
50 - 54 64.5 112.4 115.7 120.6 126.0 130.8 137.1
55 - 59 61.2 62.4 71.3 80.5 89.1 100.7 109.3

60 - 64 47.4 57.7 59.8 60.6 61.1 58.7 59.3

65 - 69 37.7 42.8 42.8 44.1 47.0 49.5 53.1
70 - 74 25.0 31.9 32.6 33.6 34.6 36.1 37.1
75 - 79 14.9 19.0 20.5 21.9 23.1 24.1 25.1

80 - 84 8.6 9.3 9.9 10.4 11.4 12.3 13.3

85 & Over 5.3 6.5 6.8 7.1 7.6 7.8 8.3


Total 1,528.1 1,667.3 1,698.6 1,728.6 1,754.2 1,785.9 1,820.8

0-4 118.8 107.5 105.1 102.4 100.1 97.8 95.8

5-9 117.0 123.3 122.5 121.8 118.2 117.1 116.2
10 - 14 100.6 119.5 125.2 127.1 126.7 127.8 127.2
15 - 19 98.0 102.0 101.6 104.9 111.7 115.5 121.7

20 - 24 115.6 107.2 108.0 109.4 108.5 110.0 110.1

25 - 29 134.5 136.0 136.5 133.5 131.6 132.6 135.0
30 - 34 154.5 147.7 149.6 153.1 155.2 157.0 157.8
35 - 39 154.8 161.2 160.6 159.7 157.5 156.9 157.9

40 - 44 135.2 157.4 159.0 160.8 162.8 163.7 165.2

45 - 49 111.9 136.0 142.0 147.3 151.6 155.1 158.0
50 - 54 64.0 111.4 114.6 118.8 123.7 128.6 135.0
55 - 59 62.5 63.1 71.9 81.3 89.6 101.3 109.8

60 - 64 49.4 60.8 63.7 64.4 64.4 61.5 61.6

65 - 69 40.9 46.9 46.8 48.2 51.5 54.1 58.5
70 - 74 28.0 37.1 38.0 38.9 40.4 42.6 43.5
75 - 79 19.8 23.5 25.3 27.2 29.3 31.2 32.5

80 - 84 13.2 14.6 15.3 16.0 16.8 17.5 18.8

85 & Over 9.6 12.1 13.0 13.8 14.6 15.5 16.3

Note : Data for 1991-2005 have been revised with effect from December 2006.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore




Ethnic Group / Sex Total 0-4 5-9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39

Total 3,608.5 196.5 240.1 261.5 249.9 222.4 257.3 302.7 308.2
Males 1,787.6 100.7 123.9 134.3 128.2 112.2 122.3 144.9 150.4
Females 1,820.8 95.8 116.2 127.2 121.7 110.1 135.0 157.8 157.9

Chinese 2,713.2 129.9 164.1 183.2 177.2 160.6 197.0 229.6 230.2
Males 1,337.5 66.6 84.9 94.4 91.3 81.5 94.8 109.2 110.5
Females 1,375.8 63.3 79.2 88.8 85.9 79.0 102.2 120.5 119.7

Malays 490.5 35.1 43.0 48.1 46.5 38.5 30.7 32.5 36.4
Males 244.8 18.1 22.3 24.8 23.9 19.7 15.1 15.8 17.7
Females 245.8 17.1 20.7 23.4 22.7 18.9 15.6 16.6 18.7

Indians 319.1 24.3 25.3 24.2 21.6 19.3 24.3 31.1 30.9
Males 164.5 12.3 12.9 12.2 10.8 9.3 10.3 16.0 17.3
Females 154.7 11.9 12.4 12.0 10.7 10.0 13.9 15.1 13.6

Others 85.5 7.2 7.7 6.1 4.6 4.0 5.4 9.5 10.8
Males 40.9 3.7 3.8 3.0 2.2 1.7 2.1 3.9 4.9
Females 44.7 3.5 3.9 3.1 2.4 2.3 3.3 5.6 5.9

(continued on next page)

Note : Singapore resident population comprises Singapore citizens and permanent residents.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


AND SEX, END JUNE 2006 (continued)


Ethnic Group / Sex 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 75 - 79 80 - 84 85 & over

Total 331.9 319.3 272.2 219.1 120.9 111.5 80.6 57.6 32.1 24.6
Males 166.7 161.3 137.1 109.3 59.3 53.1 37.1 25.1 13.3 8.3
Females 165.2 158.0 135.0 109.8 61.6 58.5 43.5 32.5 18.8 16.3

Chinese 248.3 246.7 217.5 179.0 100.7 92.3 64.4 45.7 25.5 21.5
Males 123.9 124.2 109.6 89.4 49.4 43.9 29.4 18.6 9.3 6.5
Females 124.3 122.6 107.9 89.6 51.3 48.5 35.0 27.0 16.2 14.9

Malays 45.5 40.8 30.9 21.8 10.8 10.4 9.0 5.8 3.1 1.5
Males 22.5 20.5 15.2 10.5 5.0 4.9 3.9 2.7 1.6 0.8
Females 22.9 20.4 15.7 11.3 5.8 5.6 5.1 3.2 1.5 0.7

Indians 29.0 24.9 19.1 14.7 7.7 7.3 6.1 5.2 2.9 1.3
Males 15.6 13.2 9.7 7.3 3.9 3.6 3.3 3.4 2.1 0.9
Females 13.4 11.7 9.3 7.4 3.8 3.7 2.8 1.8 0.8 0.4

Others 9.2 6.8 4.7 3.6 1.7 1.4 1.1 0.9 0.5 0.3
Males 4.6 3.5 2.5 2.0 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1
Females 4.6 3.3 2.1 1.5 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.2

Note : Singapore resident population comprises Singapore citizens and permanent residents.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Per Thousand Resident Females

15 - 19 6.8 8.4 8.0 6.6 6.6 7.1 6.5

20 - 24 44.8 35.7 34.6 32.4 32.1 32.5 30.4

25 - 29 122.8 96.2 91.6 82.0 80.4 80.6 79.0

30 - 34 108.5 94.9 96.2 88.8 88.7 87.6 91.4

35 - 39 42.6 39.5 38.2 35.7 35.0 36.0 37.8

40 - 44 7.0 6.8 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.1 6.3

Per Resident Female

Total Fertility Rate 1.66 1.41 1.37 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.26

Note : The age-specific and total fertility rates were computed based on resident live-births per 1,000 resident females
and per resident female respectively.
Resident live-births refer to those with at least one parent who is a Singapore citizen or permanent resident.
Data have been revised following the revision of 1991-2005 population estimates.


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 48,577 41,451 40,760 37,485 37,174 37,492 38,317

Males 25,306 21,494 20,977 19,268 19,221 19,352 19,750
Females 23,269 19,957 19,780 18,217 17,953 18,140 18,567

Birth Order

1st 19,804 17,595 17,524 16,408 16,624 16,887 17,266

2nd 17,519 14,501 14,873 13,457 13,330 13,319 13,784
3rd 8,297 6,651 6,009 5,490 5,112 5,182 5,205
4th 2,291 1,909 1,674 1,498 1,481 1,545 1,483
5th 470 524 446 417 405 364 384
6th & over 195 266 230 213 221 194 195

Place of Occurrence

Public Sector Hospitals 20,979 19,356 19,514 17,523 17,107 16,532 16,173
Private Sector Hospitals 27,449 21,943 21,125 19,841 19,942 20,844 22,041
Other Locations 149 152 121 121 125 116 103

Source : Registry of Births and Deaths

Note : Figures for males and females may not add up to the total due to sex not reported.
Data include birth order not stated.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Per Thousand Residents

Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 5.2 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.8 4.8 4.7

Under 1 3.6 2.4 3.5 2.8 2.2 2.4 2.8
1-4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1
5-9 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1
10 - 14 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2
15 - 19 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2

20 - 24 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5

25 - 29 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.5
30 - 34 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6
35 - 39 1.2 1.0 1.1 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.8

40 - 44 2.0 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.5

45 - 49 3.1 2.5 2.7 2.7 2.3 2.4 2.3
50 - 54 5.9 4.7 4.3 4.1 4.1 4.3 3.9
55 - 59 9.7 8.2 8.4 7.4 7.1 7.4 6.4

60 - 64 17.9 13.3 13.1 12.9 12.0 11.4 11.3

65 - 69 28.1 23.5 22.6 22.4 20.6 21.2 17.8
70 & Over 70.2 59.4 58.4 58.7 55.9 53.0 52.9


Total 4.2 3.9 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.9 3.9

Under 1 3.5 2.1 2.3 2.2 1.8 1.7 2.4
1-4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1
5-9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
10 - 14 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
15 - 19 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1

20 - 24 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2

25 - 29 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3
30 - 34 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4
35 - 39 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4

40 - 44 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.9

45 - 49 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4
50 - 54 3.4 2.6 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.4
55 - 59 5.5 4.6 4.2 3.9 4.4 3.8 3.9

60 - 64 9.4 7.2 7.6 6.9 6.6 6.8 6.3

65 - 69 16.5 12.9 12.9 12.1 11.7 10.5 10.0
70 & Over 55.8 47.9 47.7 46.8 42.6 42.9 41.9

Note : Data (exclude infant mortality rate) have been revised following the revision of 1991-2005 population estimates.
1 Infant mortality rate (deaths of resident infants under 1 year of age per thousand resident live-births).
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Causes of Death 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 15,590 15,367 15,820 16,036 15,860 16,215 16,393

Infective & Parasitic Diseases 358 296 289 250 296 373 257
of which : Tuberculosis 132 104 92 79 79 67 66

Neoplasms 4,034 4,384 4,465 4,187 4,353 4,331 4,722

of which: Cancer 3,985 4,339 4,425 4,146 4,303 4,289 4,677

Endocrine, Nutritional & Metabolic

Diseases 403 629 530 473 545 593 620
of which : Diabetes 320 512 425 373 474 510 536

Diseases of the Blood & Blood-Forming

Organs 37 52 44 39 33 40 36

Diseases of the Nervous System &

Sense Organs 89 122 94 67 81 68 62

Diseases of the Circulatory System 5,896 5,588 5,401 5,727 5,423 5,397 5,441
of which : Heart & Hypertensive Diseases 3,984 4,075 3,856 4,067 3,714 3,656 3,833
Cerebrovascular Disease 1,805 1,409 1,393 1,556 1,562 1,616 1,462

Diseases of the Respiratory System 2,534 2,239 2,763 2,992 2,851 3,124 2,913
of which : Pneumonia 1,693 1,540 2,079 2,340 2,232 2,437 2,244
Bronchitis 13 32 30 11 7 2 2

Diseases of the Digestive System 416 307 339 383 356 385 384

Diseases of the Genito-Urinary System 444 487 594 587 641 634 637

Congenital Anomalies 130 79 69 59 49 67 70

of which : Congenital Anomalies of Heart 74 33 40 32 28 38 42

Certain Causes of Perinatal Mortality 64 24 52 41 22 39 43

Accidents, Poisonings & Violence 1,040 1,036 1,053 1,062 1,028 1,017 1,027
of which :
Motor Vehicle Accidents 237 200 203 220 205 179 198
Other Accidents 226 237 200 213 232 317 280
Suicides 271 357 361 346 381 405 419

Other Diseases & Causes 145 124 127 167 182 147 181

Source : Registry of Births and Deaths

Note : Deaths are classified according to the Ninth (1975) Revision of the International Classification of Diseases.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Median Age at First Marriage 1

Grooms 28.6 28.8 28.9 29.1 29.4 29.8 29.7

Brides 25.8 26.2 26.3 26.6 26.7 26.9 27.0

Median Age of Divorcees 2

Males 38.4 39.0 38.7 39.0 38.9 39.0 39.5

Females 35.3 35.5 35.6 35.6 35.2 35.4 35.7

1 Refer to marriages between spinsters and bachelors.

2 Exclude annulments of marriages.


Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Males (per thousand unmarried male residents)

15 - 19 1.5 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0

20 - 24 27.9 22.0 20.5 17.9 18.3 17.2 16.3
25 - 29 108.9 97.5 99.9 93.2 83.3 83.7 82.8
30 - 34 110.1 101.2 99.8 100.7 101.8 103.5 105.4
35 - 39 70.1 70.6 67.3 60.0 75.1 76.0 82.3
40 - 44 51.0 43.7 41.2 39.3 46.3 53.5 47.2

General Marriage Rate 53.2 47.0 47.6 44.1 43.2 43.3 43.2

Females (per thousand unmarried female residents)

15 - 19 7.0 6.9 6.3 5.2 4.9 4.5 3.8

20 - 24 64.3 50.9 49.5 43.6 41.6 38.2 36.0
25 - 29 131.4 117.8 120.1 118.4 105.5 111.5 107.7
30 - 34 71.4 66.6 70.9 68.3 69.8 68.4 76.1
35 - 39 34.9 32.3 31.7 27.4 31.6 31.1 32.3
40 - 44 18.6 14.5 13.8 15.2 15.7 14.6 17.0

General Marriage Rate 54.3 46.3 47.9 44.4 42.2 40.8 41.5

Note : Data have been revised following the revision of 1991-2005 population estimates.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Women's Charter

Total 19,935 18,279 19,257 18,091 18,091 19,042 19,761

Under 20 71 97 62 51 41 48 53
20 - 24 2,443 1,767 1,705 1,447 1,427 1,388 1,357
25 - 29 8,417 7,784 8,333 7,532 6,882 6,526 7,072
30 - 34 5,155 4,452 4,872 4,865 5,028 5,221 5,571
35 - 39 2,222 2,087 2,207 2,035 2,194 2,448 2,540
40 - 44 936 1,107 1,065 1,092 1,214 1,537 1,329
45 - 49 393 523 545 559 666 935 894
50 & Over 298 462 468 510 639 939 945

Muslim Law Act

Total 4,171 4,001 3,941 3,871 4,098 3,950 3,945

Under 20 83 98 95 88 88 72 72
20 - 24 842 697 666 656 711 668 628
25 - 29 1,606 1,451 1,497 1,391 1,377 1,410 1,433
30 - 34 799 733 723 748 784 739 756
35 - 39 387 448 422 441 471 425 389
40 - 44 198 245 232 231 278 258 284
45 - 49 113 146 148 155 185 173 170
50 & Over 143 183 158 161 204 205 213

Source : Registry of Marriages

Registry of Muslim Marriages
Note : Data on marriages registered under the Women's Charter exclude marriages previously solemnized outside Singapore
or under religious and customary rites.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Women's Charter

Total 19,935 18,279 19,257 18,091 18,091 19,042 19,761

Under 20 475 428 357 294 322 403 354

20 - 24 6,564 5,034 5,037 4,260 4,088 3,981 3,869
25 - 29 8,367 8,297 9,111 8,723 8,307 8,454 9,082
30 - 34 2,874 2,804 3,048 3,070 3,397 3,772 3,971
35 - 39 1,058 1,032 967 994 1,143 1,398 1,433
40 - 44 391 409 407 437 448 582 602
45 - 49 132 160 203 194 226 270 271
50 & Over 74 115 127 119 160 182 179

Muslim Law Act

Total 4,171 4,001 3,941 3,871 4,098 3,950 3,945

Under 20 386 393 390 326 361 328 282

20 - 24 1,678 1,416 1,362 1,379 1,405 1,350 1,245
25 - 29 1,090 1,123 1,159 1,075 1,143 1,180 1,235
30 - 34 489 419 422 469 471 444 508
35 - 39 248 310 276 260 298 247 248
40 - 44 146 178 185 179 220 188 223
45 - 49 86 100 92 124 128 128 106
50 & Over 48 62 55 59 72 85 98

Source : Registry of Marriages

Registry of Muslim Marriages
Note : Data on marriages registered under the Women's Charter exclude marriages previously solemnized outside Singapore
or under religious and customary rites.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Ethnic Group 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Women's Charter

Total 19,935 18,279 19,257 18,091 18,091 19,042 19,761

Chinese 17,242 15,150 16,112 14,414 14,296 15,534 16,063
Indians 1,087 827 859 657 668 782 759
Others 198 344 307 264 301 421 494
Inter-ethnic 1,408 1,958 1,979 1,621 1,723 2,305 2,445

Muslim Law Act

Total 4,171 4,001 3,941 3,871 4,098 3,950 3,945

Malays 3,033 2,913 2,837 2,749 2,816 2,542 2,472
Indians 248 210 214 200 191 180 165
Others 26 22 27 29 51 109 109
Inter-ethnic 864 856 863 893 1,040 1,119 1,199

Source : Registry of Marriages

Registry of Muslim Marriages
Note : Data on marriages registered under the Women's Charter exclude marriages previously solemnized outside Singapore
or under religious and customary rites.
Total under Women's Charter for 2003 and 2004 include couples whose ethnic group was not reported.


Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Males (per thousand married resident males)

20 - 24 16.2 30.5 43.9 50.4 75.7 36.2 52.0

25 - 29 12.5 15.2 18.0 20.7 23.0 20.5 22.1
30 - 34 9.8 11.3 13.8 14.4 15.7 16.4 16.7
35 - 39 8.7 7.9 10.8 11.8 10.1 12.3 12.2
40 - 44 7.1 6.9 7.1 8.5 7.9 8.1 8.6
45 - 49 5.7 5.6 5.7 6.5 5.9 6.7 7.0
50 & Over 2.3 2.4 2.7 3.1 2.9 3.1 3.1

General Divorce Rate 6.4 6.3 7.1 7.9 7.5 7.9 7.9

Females (per thousand married resident females)

20 - 24 17.0 25.0 29.1 37.8 38.4 27.7 37.8

25 - 29 11.8 14.5 16.7 17.8 18.8 18.7 19.5
30 - 34 9.3 9.3 12.1 13.1 13.6 14.7 15.2
35 - 39 7.5 7.4 8.4 10.0 8.7 9.6 10.1
40 - 44 6.3 5.6 6.4 7.1 6.6 6.9 7.3
45 - 49 4.7 4.5 4.7 5.1 4.6 5.2 5.0
50 & Over 1.4 1.9 2.0 2.5 2.3 2.4 2.4

General Divorce Rate 6.6 6.5 7.2 8.0 7.6 7.9 8.0

Notes : Figures include annulments of marriages.

Data have been revised following the revision of 1991-2005 population estimates.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Women's Charter

Total 1 3,546 3,743 4,293 4,456 4,533 5,036 5,117

Under 25 28 32 33 36 42 42 33
25 - 29 363 404 418 426 432 450 398
30 - 34 724 765 903 855 1,017 1,133 1,104
35 - 39 812 727 907 912 817 1,070 1,081
40 - 44 649 633 640 719 739 767 807
45 - 49 468 478 517 574 552 640 694
50 & Over 372 527 613 707 742 846 912

Muslim Law Act

Total 1,088 1,347 1,532 2,105 1,855 1,873 1,944

Under 25 49 72 75 104 126 109 114

25 - 29 152 192 203 276 258 250 264
30 - 34 270 253 273 421 386 381 391
35 - 39 239 263 378 464 382 356 349
40 - 44 165 251 265 373 295 312 344
45 - 49 94 158 157 217 178 226 244
50 & Over 119 158 181 250 230 239 238

Source : Subordinate Courts

Syariah Court
Note : Figures for divorces under Women's Charter include annulments of marriages.
1 Includes age not stated.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Women's Charter

Total 1 3,546 3,743 4,293 4,456 4,533 5,036 5,117

Under 25 164 166 143 177 184 179 165

25 - 29 691 789 828 779 752 904 831
30 - 34 813 791 1,011 1,040 1,105 1,289 1,353
35 - 39 713 674 750 811 743 869 919
40 - 44 529 486 551 589 587 626 688
45 - 49 333 358 383 396 382 469 440
50 & Over 171 300 340 434 424 513 546

Muslim Law Act

Total 1,088 1,347 1,532 2,105 1,855 1,873 1,944

Under 25 149 194 201 273 271 238 270

25 - 29 199 270 274 399 373 349 365
30 - 34 250 231 305 427 400 394 389
35 - 39 200 257 294 398 303 323 328
40 - 44 155 195 222 290 230 258 271
45 - 49 81 102 120 171 144 152 175
50 & Over 54 98 116 147 134 159 146

Source : Subordinate Courts

Syariah Court
Note : Figures for divorces under Women's Charter include annulments of marriages.
1 Includes age not stated.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Ethnic Group 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Women's Charter

Total 3,546 3,743 4,293 4,456 4,533 5,036 5,117

Chinese 2,980 3,100 3,465 3,648 3,597 4,245 4,271

Indians 315 222 256 280 280 329 365

Others 66 189 256 234 18 37 33

Inter-ethnic 185 232 316 294 235 371 421

Muslim Law Act

Total 1,088 1,347 1,532 2,105 1,855 1,873 1,944

Malays 933 1,015 1,148 1,640 1,425 1,481 1,460

Indians 24 55 93 86 68 69 97

Others 4 12 8 6 10 8 6

Inter-ethnic 127 265 283 373 352 315 379

Source : Subordinate Courts

Syariah Court
Note : Figures for divorces under the Women's Charter include annulments of marriage.
1 Includes ethnic group not stated.

Labour Force active population as a percentage of the total

population in the specific age-sex groups.
Labour force data are based on the mid-
year Labour Force Surveys conducted by the
Ministry of Manpower except for 1990, 1995, Unemployment Rate : Refers to
2000 and 2005 which are based on Population unemployed persons as a percentage of the total
Censuses and the mid-decade General economically active population.
Household Surveys (GHS) conducted by the
Singapore Department of Statistics. The data Labour Productivity : Refers to the
refer to persons aged fifteen years and over. The output per worker.
reference period refers to the full calendar week
preceding the date of interview.
Monthly Earnings and Hours Worked

Definitions Statistics on average monthly earnings

of workers are compiled based on the payroll of
CPF contributors. The data include all full-time
Employed Persons : Refer to persons
and part-time employees who have contributed
aged fifteen and over who, during the reference
to the CPF but exclude all identifiable self-
period (i) worked for one hour or more either
employed persons who have made voluntary
for pay, profit or for family gains or (ii) had a
CPF contributions. Statistics on weekly hours
job or business but were temporarily absent
worked are compiled from surveys conducted
because of illness, injury, labour-management
by the Ministry of Manpower. The surveys
dispute or other reasons.
cover private sector establishments with at least
25 employees.
Unemployed Persons : Refer to
persons aged fifteen and over who did not work
but were available for work and were actively Definitions
looking for a job during the reference period.
Persons in the process of starting their own Monthly Earnings : Refer to all
business or taking up a new job after the remuneration received before deduction of the
reference period were also considered as employee’s CPF contributions and personal
unemployed. income tax. They include basic wage, overtime
payments, commissions, allowances and other
monetary payments, annual wage supplement
Economically Active Persons : Refer
(AWS) and variable bonuses but exclude
to persons aged fifteen and over who were
employer’s CPF contributions.
either employed or unemployed during the
reference period. This group is also known as
the labour force. Weekly Hours : Refer to the total
number of paid hours worked during a week.
It is the sum of standard hours and paid
Economically Inactive Persons : Refer overtime hours worked.
to persons aged fifteen and over who were not
working, did not have a job to return to and
Skills Development Fund (SDF)
were not actively looking for a job during the
reference period.
The Skills Development Fund (SDF)
was set up in 1979 through the Skills
Age-Sex Specific Labour Force Development Levy collected from employers.
Participation Rate : Refers to the economically The SDF provides training incentives such as

course fee subsidies to employers and training security for workers in their old age. Over the
institutions to support the skills upgrading of years, it has evolved into a comprehensive
Singapore's workforce. social security savings scheme. The overall
scope and benefits of the CPF encompass:
Over the years, the SDF has helped Retirement, Healthcare, Home Ownership,
Singapore companies develop a strong training Family Protection and Asset Enhancement.
culture and strengthened the concept of
lifelong learning, so that workers can keep up Both the worker and his employer
with the changing skills demands of the contribute to the worker’s savings with the
employment landscape. CPF. Different contribution rates apply to
workers in different age groups. The CPF
contribution rates (as at 30 June 2007) are as
Employment Assistance follows:

Singapore citizens and permanent Age Employer Employee Total

residents who seek assistance to find % % %
employment, can register with the CareerLink
50 years
centres operated by the Singapore Workforce
and below 13 20 33
Development Agency (WDA) and its
Above 50
Distributed CareerLink Network (DCN)
to 55 years 9 18 27
partners, comprising the Community
Above 55
Development Councils and National Trades
to 60 years 6 12.5 18.5
Union Congress.
Above 60
to 65 years 3.5 7.5 11
Statistics on job seekers attended to,
Above 65 years 3.5 5 8.5
given referrals and placed are compiled by the
Employment Facilitation Division of WDA.
Each member has three accounts – the
Ordinary, Medisave and Special Account. At
age 55, the member has another account, the
Multifactor Productivity Retirement Account, and has to set aside his
Minimum Sum in it. CPF savings can be used
Multifactor productivity, or MFP, under the various CPF schemes. Ordinary
measures output relative to a combined set of Account savings can be used for housing,
two or more factor inputs, usually labour and approved investments, CPF insurance (such as
capital. A change in multifactor productivity Home Protection Scheme and Dependants’
measures the change in output that cannot be Protection Scheme) and education. Medisave
accounted for by the change in the combined Account savings can be used for
factor inputs. It consequently reflects the hospitalization expenses, approved medical
combined effects of factors such as technical insurance and certain outpatient treatments.
progress, improvements in management Savings in the Special Account are reserved
practices, innovations, better organisation for old age, contingency purposes and
of the shop-floor, and the diffusion of investment in retirement-related financial
technology across firms. products.

Savings in the CPF earn interest. The

rate is based on the 12-month fixed deposit
Central Provident Fund and month-end savings rates of the major local
banks and it is revised quarterly. The CPF Act
The Central Provident Fund (CPF) guarantees members a minimum interest rate
was set up in 1955 to provide financial of 2.5% p.a. on their CPF savings. Savings in

the Special, Medisave and Retirement submitted to the Registrar of Trade Unions
Accounts earn an additional interest of 1.5 and cover both employees’ and employers’
percentage points above the prevailing CPF unions.
interest rate.
Trade Disputes
Members can withdraw their CPF
savings when they reach 55 years of age after Data on trade disputes relate only to
setting aside the CPF Minimum Sum in their cases referred to the Labour Relations
Retirement Account. This is to ensure that they Department of the Ministry of Manpower.
have a minimum regular income to meet their
basic needs during retirement. The CPF A trade dispute refers to any dispute
Minimum Sum applicable to members who between/among workers and employers
reach 55 years between 1 July 2006 and 30 regarding employment, non-employment, the
June 2007 is $94,600 after adjusting for terms of employment or the conditions of
inflation. It will be increased gradually until it work.
reaches $120,000 on 1 July 2013. In addition,
members who can set aside the full CPF
Industrial Stoppages
Minimum Sum have to set aside the Medisave
Required Amount, which is $11,500 for the
period 1 January to 31 December 2007. This is Data on industrial stoppages refer to
to ensure that members set aside sufficient cases reported to and handled by the Labour
savings for the healthcare needs in their Relations Department of the Ministry of
retirement. Manpower and include both strikes and

Standards, Productivity and Innovation

Board (SPRING Singapore) Other References
The mission of SPRING Singapore is
to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises Similar data are presented in the
for a vibrant Singapore economy. Its vision is “Singapore Yearbook of Manpower Statistics”
to develop dynamic and innovative Singapore published by the Manpower Research and
enterprises. Statistics Department of the Ministry of
Trade Unions
Detailed statistics on the labour force
Data on trade unions and are published in the "Report on Labour Force
membership are compiled from returns in Singapore.”
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(As at June)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Labour Force ('000)

Total 2,024.9 2,330.5 2,320.6 2,312.3 2,341.9 2,367.3 2,594.1
Residents 1,511.5 1,644.3 1,667.9 1,706.4 1,733.4 1,744.8 1,880.8

Employed ('000)
Total 1,976.4 2,267.3 2,223.2 2,208.1 2,238.1 2,266.7 2,505.8
Residents 1,464.8 1,582.5 1,573.7 1,605.4 1,632.1 1,647.3 1,796.7

Unemployed ('000)
Total 48.5 63.2 97.4 104.2 103.8 100.5 88.3
Residents 46.7 61.9 94.2 101.0 101.3 97.5 84.2

Unemployment Rate (Seasonally Adjusted) (%)

Total 1.8 2.2 3.5 3.7 3.6 3.4 2.7
Residents 2.3 3.1 4.6 4.8 4.7 4.4 3.5

Resident Labour Force Participation Rate (%) 64.1 64.4 63.6 63.2 63.3 63.0 65.0
Males 78.7 77.7 77.2 76.1 75.7 74.4 76.2
Females 49.9 51.6 50.6 50.9 51.3 52.0 54.3

Sources : Labour Force Survey (LFS), Singapore, Ministry of Manpower

General Household Survey (GHS) 2005, Singapore Department of Statistics
Notes : Residents comprise Singapore citizens and permanent residents.
Data from the LFS are not comparable with those from GHS 2005 due to differences in coverage and methodology.


(As at June)
Per Cent
Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 64.1 64.4 63.6 63.2 63.3 63.0 65.0

15 - 19 18.8 15.8 11.9 11.5 12.1 9.8 12.4

20 - 24 74.4 68.9 65.2 67.1 66.9 61.7 70.7
25 - 29 87.4 88.5 87.9 88.7 87.9 87.9 89.0

30 - 34 82.0 84.2 84.4 85.8 85.6 86.5 87.2

35 - 39 79.1 80.4 80.2 81.6 82.1 82.6 83.8
40 - 44 77.5 80.1 80.1 80.1 80.8 81.2 82.5

45 - 49 75.8 78.9 78.2 77.6 79.2 78.8 81.4

50 - 54 68.0 71.4 72.5 73.1 73.4 72.3 76.8
55 - 59 52.9 55.6 58.7 57.5 59.1 57.8 63.5

60 - 64 31.6 35.6 35.4 34.2 35.1 36.6 43.9

65 - 69 20.9 20.7 19.6 19.5 18.9 20.7 25.3
70 - 74 11.6 10.6 10.1 10.2 8.9 9.7 13.2
75 & Over 4.5 4.0 4.2 3.4 2.6 3.4 3.9

Sources : Labour Force Survey (LFS), Singapore, Ministry of Manpower

General Household Survey (GHS) 2005, Singapore Department of Statistics
Notes : Residents comprise Singapore citizens and permanent residents.
Data from the LFS are not comparable with those from GHS 2005 due to differences in coverage and methodology.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(As at June)
Per Cent

Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 78.7 77.7 77.2 76.1 75.7 74.4 76.2

15 - 19 21.5 17.2 12.8 12.6 12.4 10.6 12.6

20 - 24 74.2 69.6 67.5 68.3 68.6 61.2 71.4
25 - 29 96.5 94.8 94.1 94.0 92.3 91.3 94.0

30 - 34 98.3 98.2 98.3 98.5 98.0 97.3 98.0

35 - 39 98.2 98.6 98.3 98.2 97.7 97.2 98.2
40 - 44 98.2 98.1 97.7 97.2 97.3 96.4 97.7

45 - 49 96.8 96.5 96.8 96.0 96.5 94.9 96.5

50 - 54 91.2 90.8 92.1 91.9 93.2 90.8 93.3
55 - 59 77.4 74.3 79.4 78.7 78.3 76.6 81.9

60 - 64 48.8 54.1 53.5 50.4 52.4 52.5 62.5

65 - 69 34.1 33.4 31.9 31.1 29.3 32.6 36.0
70 - 74 19.0 18.3 16.4 17.5 13.9 16.1 20.0
75 & Over 8.9 7.9 7.9 6.7 5.0 6.6 6.8

Sources : Labour Force Survey (LFS), Singapore, Ministry of Manpower

General Household Survey (GHS) 2005, Singapore Department of Statistics
Notes : Residents comprise Singapore citizens and permanent residents.
Data from the LFS are not comparable with those from GHS 2005 due to differences in coverage and methodology.


(As at June)
Per Cent
Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 49.9 51.6 50.6 50.9 51.3 52.0 54.3

15 - 19 15.9 14.3 10.8 10.2 11.8 9.0 12.1

20 - 24 74.5 68.2 62.8 65.9 65.1 62.2 70.0
25 - 29 79.4 82.9 82.4 84.1 83.8 84.7 84.5

30 - 34 66.7 71.4 72.2 74.4 74.6 76.8 77.7

35 - 39 59.8 62.6 62.2 65.5 67.4 69.0 70.4
40 - 44 56.5 61.9 62.1 62.7 63.9 65.6 67.7

45 - 49 54.1 60.8 59.8 58.9 61.7 62.7 66.2

50 - 54 44.3 51.2 51.8 54.1 52.9 54.0 59.5
55 - 59 28.8 37.7 38.8 36.2 40.1 39.4 44.7

60 - 64 14.9 18.6 19.0 18.9 18.4 21.3 26.2

65 - 69 8.8 9.5 8.0 9.6 9.7 10.4 15.6
70 - 74 5.2 4.5 4.9 4.3 4.8 4.5 7.7
75 & Over 1.6 1.5 1.7 1.1 1.0 1.2 2.0

Sources : Labour Force Survey (LFS), Singapore, Ministry of Manpower

General Household Survey (GHS) 2005, Singapore Department of Statistics
Notes : Residents comprise Singapore citizens and permanent residents.
Data from the LFS are not comparable with those from GHS 2005 due to differences in coverage and methodology.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(As at June)


Occupation 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1,464.8 1,582.5 1,573.7 1,605.4 1,632.1 1,647.3 1,796.7

Legislators, Senior Officials & Managers 184.1 224.0 224.6 230.0 229.8 216.4 268.9

Professionals 122.5 195.9 193.3 210.6 211.0 204.6 256.2

Technicians & Associate Professionals 257.3 281.2 284.5 288.7 309.4 317.7 319.8

Clerical Workers 227.7 231.5 228.5 231.5 233.5 232.5 251.6

Service & Sales Workers 202.5 191.2 189.2 185.4 190.7 239.4 215.7

Production Craftsmen & Related Workers 125.5 101.5 104.2 97.2 96.0 110.6 95.0

Plant & Machine Operators & Assemblers 204.5 176.7 171.4 166.8 165.4 173.6 173.3

Cleaners, Labourers & Related Workers 86.6 115.6 116.1 125.2 125.2 96.7 149.3

Others 54.1 64.9 61.9 69.8 71.1 55.9 66.9

Sources : Labour Force Survey (LFS), Singapore, Ministry of Manpower

General Household Survey (GHS) 2005, Singapore Department of Statistics
Notes : Residents comprise Singapore citizens and permanent residents.
Data for 1996, 2001-2004 are classified according to the Singapore Standard Occupational Classification (SSOC) 2000.
Data for 2005 & 2006 are classified according to the Singapore Standard Occupational Classification (SSOC) 2005.
Data from the LFS are not comparable with those from GHS 2005 due to differences in coverage and methodology.
1 Includes Agricultural & Fishery Workers and Workers Not Classifiable by Occupation.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1,482.6 1,582.5 1,573.7 1,605.4 1,632.1 1,647.3 1,796.7

Manufacturing 289.0 307.8 299.0 303.6 298.3 275.2 301.7

Construction 90.9 100.0 96.5 97.7 92.6 81.6 95.0
Services 1,089.4 1,160.6 1,164.8 1,190.3 1,227.5 1,272.7 1,377.5
Wholesale & Retail Trade 253.7 253.8 256.4 253.7 275.4 303.6 301.1
Transport & Storage 150.2 190.1 183.9 183.5 183.3 163.1 174.0
Hotels & Restaurants 92.6 105.0 103.5 107.8 107.9 103.2 128.8
Information & Communications 56.3 - - - - 64.5 74.8
Financial Services 87.2 89.1 90.8 88.6 91.9 102.1 106.3
Business Services 167.6 199.7 198.0 206.8 216.2 207.0 217.3
Community, Social &
Personal Services 281.8 322.9 332.3 349.9 352.9 329.1 375.1
Others 13.3 14.1 13.3 13.8 13.7 17.8 22.5

Source : Ministry of Manpower

Notes : Residents comprise Singapore citizens and permanent residents.
Data are based on mid-year labour force surveys except Census 2000 and General Household Survey 2005.
Data for 2001-2004 are classified according to SSIC 2000.
Data for 2000 and 2005 onwards are classified according to SSIC 2005.
1 Data for 2001-2004 refer to transport, storage & communications.
2 Includes agriculture, fishing, mining & quarrying, utilities & activities not adequately defined.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Divisional Status 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 62,185 61,032 60,240 61,602 61,516 62,792 64,539

Division I 19,509 24,765 25,783 27,637 28,638 30,533 32,412

Division II 18,906 18,227 17,605 17,187 16,608 16,445 16,668

Division III 17,128 13,772 12,843 12,754 12,250 11,836 11,584

Division IV 6,642 4,268 4,009 4,024 4,020 3,978 3,875

Source : Public Service Division, Prime Minister's Office

Note : Figures exclude daily-rated employees.


(End of Period)

Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 2,741.8 2,922.7 2,963.2 2,978.5 3,018.0 3,048.6 3,099.6

Up to 20 99.2 88.2 82.2 78.5 80.3 84.4 94.5

> 20 - 25 229.9 202.5 206.9 207.1 206.7 200.8 197.2
> 25 - 30 299.7 268.5 261.0 251.7 247.3 249.4 249.8
> 30 - 35 404.3 318.3 312.8 309.2 307.2 302.9 303.5

> 35 - 40 411.6 411.2 397.5 379.5 358.9 345.6 336.2

> 40 - 45 360.4 412.2 418.6 424.2 425.8 422.7 416.7
> 45 - 50 280.7 359.2 372.4 382.7 392.6 402.8 410.6

> 50 - 55 156.0 267.7 280.2 294.9 308.7 321.9 336.8

Over 55 470.1 565.4 602.3 622.8 662.9 690.9 727.5
Not specified 29.9 29.5 29.3 27.9 27.6 27.2 26.8

Source : Central Provident Fund Board

Note : Data include self-employed persons who had made CPF contributions.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Age Group (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1,193.9 1,269.6 1,283.7 1,283.0 1,324.4 1,381.1 1,461.9

Up to 20 33.1 27.9 28.9 27.2 31.0 34.0 38.9

> 20 - 25 129.8 103.9 103.4 100.6 103.1 104.4 107.1
> 25 - 30 198.7 196.9 191.7 184.2 184.4 189.0 193.2
> 30 - 35 207.0 195.2 197.7 199.7 205.1 210.1 217.6
> 35 - 40 191.2 195.5 193.4 190.4 190.9 195.5 203.1
> 40 - 45 160.4 183.0 183.3 182.9 187.2 193.1 201.0
> 45 - 50 123.5 151.6 156.9 160.6 166.9 174.1 183.0
> 50 - 55 63.2 109.9 113.7 116.5 122.9 131.4 144.0
> 55 - 60 46.0 50.6 58.7 64.6 73.4 84.9 95.4
Over 60 40.7 55.1 56.0 56.3 59.5 64.5 78.7
Not specified 0.3 - - - - - -

Source : Central Provident Fund Board

Note : Data exclude self-employed persons who had made CPF contributions.


(End of Period)


Monthly Wage Level ($) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1,193.9 1,269.6 1,283.7 1,283.0 1,324.4 1,381.1 1,461.9

Up to 200 14.0 13.9 15.2 15.8 15.7 17.5 21.4

200 - 399 35.6 32.4 25.2 24.5 25.1 25.4 27.4
400 - 599 47.4 52.7 48.9 49.1 45.9 49.8 54.2
600 - 799 58.0 47.5 64.8 67.4 68.1 71.2 79.7
800 - 999 75.0 54.2 53.2 53.6 60.4 62.9 67.2

1,000 - 1,499 245.8 184.9 181.3 179.1 178.5 175.9 178.5

1,500 - 1,999 213.3 202.4 198.3 196.1 195.6 191.5 192.4
2,000 - 2,499 152.0 167.2 168.3 167.4 169.9 175.7 176.9
2,500 - 2,999 96.0 127.9 128.3 126.9 130.9 139.3 147.5
3,000 - 3,499 65.3 90.5 93.3 94.3 98.7 104.9 114.7

3,500 - 3,999 40.0 61.1 63.7 63.7 67.4 72.6 79.1

4,000 - 4,499 32.6 46.7 47.9 48.5 53.5 56.6 61.0
4,500 - 4,999 19.6 32.7 34.5 35.0 38.1 41.2 )
5,000 - 5,499 21.3 28.8 29.6 29.6 32.9 ) ) 262.0
5,500 & Over 71.8 126.7 131.2 131.9 143.6 ) )
Not specified 6.2 - - 0.1 0.1 - -

Source : Central Provident Fund Board

Note : Data exclude self-employed persons who had made CPF contributions.
From 1 Jan 2006, the salary ceiling for CPF contributions was lowered from $5,000 to $4,500.
(End of Period)
Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1,193.9 1,269.6 1,283.7 1,283.0 1,324.4 1,381.1 1,461.9

Manufacturing 280.4 246.4 244.9 241.2 248.2 256.7 266.5

Utilities 6.7 5.0 5.1 4.8 4.3 10.2 11.3

Construction 76.0 74.4 70.7 71.1 69.7 71.8 77.7

Commerce 291.5 298.0 305.7 305.2 316.7 321.3 341.2

Transport & Communications 115.6 125.3 125.3 122.4 123.8 154.7 160.8

Financial & Business Services 211.3 267.7 270.7 272.5 291.1 297.6 324.0

Other Services 209.0 248.9 257.2 261.8 267.1 267.0 278.5

Agriculture & Fishing 2.6 3.1 3.6 3.4 3.1 ) )

) )
Quarrying 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 - ) 1.9 ) 2.1
) )
Activities Not Adequately Defined 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 ) )

Source : Central Provident Fund Board

Note : Data for 1996 are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 1990.
Data for 2001 to 2004 are classified according to SSIC 2000.
Data from 2005 onwards are classified according to SSIC 2005.
Data exclude self-employed persons who had made CPF contributions.


2003 2004 2005 2006

Job Seekers Attended to at

Careerlink Centres 32,545 117,135 97,588 75,785
Males na na 51,538 38,716
Females na na 46,050 37,069

Job Seekers Given Job Referrals 21,874 78,579 66,455 46,604

Males na na 34,463 24,226
Females na na 31,992 22,378

Job Seekers Placed in Employment 9,689 27,104 27,487 22,146

Males na na 15,004 11,911
Females na na 12,483 10,235

Source : Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA)

Note : WDA, which was set up in September 2003, has taken over from Ministry of Manpower (MOM) on the provision of employment
services. Henceforth, local job seekers can go to Careerlink centres operated by WDA and its Distributed Careerlink
Network (DCN) partners, comprising the Community Development Councils, National Trades Union Congress, Singapore
National Employers Federation (SNEF), Singapore Professionals' and Executives' Cooperative (SPEC) and other
self-help groups (SHGs).
With effect from June 2006, SNEF has ceased participation in the DCN programme.
With effect from September 2006, SPEC has ceased participation in the DCN programme.
With effect from December 2006, SHGs has ceased participation in the DCN programme.
The figures on Employment Services provided are the results of the collective efforts of WDA together with its DCN partners
1 Data cover Sep to Dec 2003.
` Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Per Cent
Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1 1.5 -5.7 5.7 4.4 7.0 2.1 1.2

Total (excluding Construction) 1 3.1 -6.7 5.3 3.6 6.7 1.9 1.3

Goods Producing Industries 2 -0.9 -8.9 10.0 6.8 10.1 3.4 2.6
Manufacturing 2.8 -13.5 11.0 5.4 9.7 2.9 3.6
Construction -2.1 1.9 -4.0 1.4 -0.6 -0.1 -3.5

Services Producing Industries 2 3.7 -3.6 3.5 2.7 5.4 1.9 0.7
Wholesale & Retail Trade 1.5 -5.7 9.2 11.3 15.4 5.7 5.6
Transport & Storage 1.2 -4.5 3.6 -2.6 10.0 0.9 0.7
Hotels & Restaurants 3.1 -3.6 -3.1 -11.1 7.3 0.9 -1.8
Information & Communications 5.1 6.8 9.9 7.1 4.6 2.3 -3.7
Financial Services 5.8 -3.2 0.1 8.2 0.5 0.4 0.9
Business Services 3.0 -9.8 4.6 -2.6 -3.0 -1.7 -4.2
Other Services Industries 4.3 1.1 1.9 - 2.1 - -0.9

Source : Singapore Department of Statistics

Ministry of Manpower
Note : The industries are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification 2005.
1 Based on Gross Domestic Product at 2000 Market Prices.
2 Based on Gross Value Added at 2000 Basic Prices.


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Percentage Change in Real GDP 7.5 -2.4 4.1 3.1 8.4 6.4 7.6

Percentage Contribution to Growth

in Real GDP of :

Capital Input 5.3 2.6 1.7 1.5 1.8 1.7 2.0

Labour Input 2.9 1.7 -0.7 -0.6 0.8 1.9 2.8

Multifactor Productivity
Growth -0.6 -6.8 3.0 2.2 5.9 2.8 2.7

1 All growth rates are expressed in log terms.

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Industry 2005 2006

Total 3,444 3,554

Manufacturing 3,495 3,618

Construction 2,513 2,517
Services 3,498 3,615
Wholesale & Retail Trade 3,017 3,101
Transport & Storage 3,507 3,525
Hotels & Restaurants 1,360 1,381
Information & Communications 4,553 4,745
Financial Services 5,949 6,291
Real Estate & Leasing Activities 2,732 3,053
Professional Services 4,231 4,383
Administrative & Support Services 2,196 2,238
Community, Social & Personal Services 3,704 3,831

Source : Ministry of Manpower

Central Provident Fund Board
Note : Average monthly nominal earnings are computed using data obtained from the CPF Board. They include bonuses,
if any, but exclude employers' CPF contributions. Data pertain to all full-time and part-time employees
who contribute to the CPF. Data exclude all identifiable self-employed persons.
Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.


Industry 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 46.2 46.0 46.0 46.3 46.5 46.2

Manufacturing 48.7 49.0 49.2 49.8 50.2 50.5

Construction 50.9 50.6 51.1 51.7 51.9 51.9
Wholesale & Retail Trade 43.3 43.1 43.1 43.4 43.5 43.2
Transport & Storage 46.2 45.8 45.7 45.7 45.9 45.9
Hotels & Restaurants 40.3 38.9 38.4 38.4 38.6 38.9
Information & Communications 42.4 42.3 42.1 42.0 42.0 41.9
Financial Services 43.0 42.6 42.6 42.9 42.8 42.3
Real Estate & Leasing Services 44.5 44.3 44.8 44.7 45.2 44.2
Professional Services 43.4 43.1 43.2 43.5 43.5 44.0
Administrative & Support Services 51.2 50.4 50.1 50.3 50.9 50.8
Community, Social & Personal Services 41.8 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.9 41.9

Source : Ministry of Manpower

Note : Prior to 2006, data pertain to private sector establishments with at least 25 employees.
For 2006, data pertain to both public and private sectors. For the private sector, only establishments with at least 25 employees
are included.
Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Per Cent
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.8 2.7 2.8

Manufacturing 1.8 2.0 1.9 2.4 2.1 2.4
Construction 2.5 2.0 2.2 2.3 2.6 2.9
Services 2.8 2.6 2.6 3.1 3.1 3.0
Wholesale & Retail Trade 3.2 2.8 2.8 3.3 3.2 3.3
Transport & Storage 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.8 1.9 2.0
Hotels & Restaurants 4.5 4.9 4.6 5.3 4.7 5.1
Information & Communications 2.5 1.9 1.8 2.4 2.9 3.1
Financial Services 1.7 1.4 1.7 2.2 2.4 2.8
Real Estate & Leasing Services 4.1 4.2 4.1 4.8 3.9 4.3
Professional Services 2.6 2.2 2.3 3.0 3.3 3.5
Administrative & Support Services 5.4 4.9 5.3 5.2 4.7 4.9
Community, Social & Personal
Services 2.5 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 1.6
Others 1 3.8 3.8 3.0 3.3 3.3 2.5

Occupational Group
Professionals, Managers, Executives &
Technicians 2.0 1.7 1.7 2.1 2.2 2.2
Clerical, Sales & Service Workers 3.4 3.1 3.2 3.7 3.5 3.6
Production & Transport Operators,
Cleaners & Labourers 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.9 2.7 2.9

Source : Ministry of Manpower

Note : Prior to 2006, data pertain to private sector establishments with at least 25 employees.
For 2006, data pertain to both public and private sectors. For the private sector, only establishments with at least 25 employees
are included.
Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
1 Includes Agriculture, Fishing, Quarrying and Utilities.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Per Cent
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.2 2.1 2.0

Manufacturing 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.5
Construction 2.4 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.7
Services 2.4 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.4 2.2
Wholesale & Retail Trade 2.9 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.7 2.6
Transport & Storage 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.4
Hotels & Restaurants 4.4 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.4 4.4
Information & Communications 2.1 1.7 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0
Financial Services 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9
Real Estate & Leasing Services 3.5 3.6 3.2 3.6 3.3 3.1
Professional Services 2.1 2.0 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.3
Administrative & Support Services 4.5 4.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.3
Community, Social & Personal
Services 2.0 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.8 1.2
Others 1 3.0 3.0 2.8 2.9 2.7 1.9

Occupational Group
Professionals, Managers, Executives &
Technicians 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.6 1.6 1.5
Clerical, Sales & Service Workers 3.1 2.8 2.9 3.1 2.9 2.9
Production & Transport Operators,
Cleaners & Labourers 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0 1.9

Source : Ministry of Manpower

Note : Prior to 2006, data pertain to private sector establishments with at least 25 employees.
For 2006, data pertain to both public and private sectors. For the private sector, only establishments with at least 25 employees
are included.
Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
1 Includes Agriculture, Fishing, Quarrying and Utilities.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Type of Training 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Value of Assistance Committed (Thousand Dollars)

Total 61,935 97,016 111,890 108,842 93,229 85,817 98,898

Productivity & Quality-related Skills 10,231 19,792 13,659 15,663 14,695 11,715 7,278
Computer-related Skills 10,354 19,878 21,585 10,335 8,545 9,165 5,632
Technical Production & Engineering
Skills 6,528 15,761 19,094 8,705 6,594 6,212 4,322
Technical Service Skills 14,046 25,056 39,011 45,241 42,884 38,718 57,836
Management & Supervisory Skills 9,816 8,000 11,154 11,041 8,402 10,022 7,560
Trade & Craft Skills 10,299 7,395 6,375 10,994 7,403 7,089 13,529
Others 660 1,133 1,011 6,863 4,706 2,897 2,742

Training Places (Number)

Total 461,651 599,102 647,679 651,274 562,331 536,803 474,467

Productivity & Quality-related Skills 99,379 154,591 143,836 171,847 143,856 121,841 95,570
Computer-related Skills 97,739 162,228 155,989 98,440 89,598 84,663 60,655
Technical Production & Engineering
Skills 64,529 75,097 79,284 81,277 51,969 55,917 28,659
Technical Service Skills 114,613 136,529 179,605 204,636 194,894 186,300 216,253
Management & Supervisory Skills 72,412 57,651 68,791 74,496 65,438 67,936 57,802
Trade & Craft Skills 5,995 4,180 10,443 10,104 7,013 6,250 6,442
Others 6,984 8,826 9,731 10,474 9,563 13,896 9,086

Source : SPRING Singapore

Ministry of Manpower (wef 2001)
Singapore Workforce Development Agency (wef 2003)
Note : The period refers to financial year beginning on 1 April and ending on 31 March the following year.
Figures exclude Basic Education for Skills Training (BEST), Worker Improvement through Secondary Education (WISE)
and Vocational Training Scheme (VTS).
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Employee Class

Unions 83 71 70 68 68 68 69

Members 255,020 338,311 389,676 417,166 443,893 450,004 463,384

Employer Class

Unions 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Members 1,377 1,971 2,047 2,052 1,981 1,950 2,258

Source : Ministry of Manpower


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Trade Disputes 309 266 260 252 182 163 163

Claims Registered 309 266 260 252 182 163 163
Wages 190 128 126 140 100 92 74
Others 119 138 134 112 82 71 89

Cases Referred to IAC 14 23 18 38 26 22 16

IAC Awards 11 18 17 30 18 16 15

Industrial Stoppages - - - - - - -

Source : Ministry of Manpower

1 Refer to main cause of individual disputes referred to the Conciliation Section.
"Wages" includes Wage Increase and Conditions of Service
"Others" includes Retrenchment Benefits, Bonus or Gratuity and other Industrial Matters (eg Sales Commission, Shift Allowances, etc).
2 IAC = Industrial Arbitration Court.

National Income Estimates Expenditure on GDP: Refers to the

sum of private consumption expenditure of
The output, expenditure and income households including non-profit institutions,
approaches are adopted for compiling national government consumption expenditure, gross
income aggregates of Singapore. The concepts, capital formation and net exports.
definitions and methodology given in the
United Nations' publication, "A System of Income Components of GDP: Refers
National Accounts, 1993" are closely followed. to the sum of incomes receivable by each
institutional sector from the domestic
The development of the Singapore production of goods and services which
economy depends heavily on foreign capital, includes compensation of employees, gross
foreign technology and foreign workers. operating surplus and taxes (less subsidies, if
Consequently, a large share of the any) on production and on imports.
compensation of employees and operating
surplus, as recorded in national accounts, GDP at Constant Prices: In order to
accrue to foreigners and foreign enterprises. compare the real value of output/expenditure
over time, it is necessary to remove the effect of
Per capita Gross NationaI Income as price changes. This is achieved by selecting the
conventionally defined on a residential basis price structure of 2000 as the base according to
may not therefore reflect correctly the income which the goods and services in other years are
accrued to Singaporeans. Hence, a series on revalued. The resulting aggregates after
indigenous per capita GNI which excludes the adjustment for price changes are known as
foreigners' contribution is compiled. constant-price estimates.

This involves the calculation of income

accruing to foreign workers and foreign GDP Deflators: They are the aggregate
enterprises in Singapore, and excluding it from price indices of the GDP of the economy. They
GNI. measure implicitly the price level of the current
GDP relative to the base year 2000, which is set
at 100. The deflators are derived as the ratio of
Definitions current price estimates to the corresponding
constant price estimates.
Gross National Income (GNI): Refers
to the total income receivable by the residents
Valuation of GDP Estimates: GNI,
and resident institutional units of a country
GDP, expenditure on GDP and income
during the accounting period before subtracting
components of GDP are valued at market
capital consumption.
prices, that is, they are valued at the actual
transacted prices and include customs and
Indigenous GNI: Refers to the
excise duties and other indirect taxes levied less
aggregate value of GNI accrued to

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): With the availability of more compre-

Refers to the aggregate value of output hensive and up-to-date information, the
produced within the domestic territory of estimates have been revised, especially for the
Singapore. last two years.

Balance of Payments Estimates Studies to improve the balance of

payments estimates are continual and the
The balance of payments is a estimates are revised as and when appropriate.
systematic record of all economic transactions
between residents of an economy and Sources of Data
residents of the rest of the world in an
accounting period. It is very useful for The balance of payments estimates are
assessing the external performance of an compiled mainly from trade and shipping
economy and for formulating policies statistics, regular surveys of companies and
connected with it. administrative records of government
departments and statutory authorities.
The transactions recorded in the
balance of payments fall into the following
three broad categories: Definitions

a) The current account which consists of Goods Balance: Refers to the

transactions relating to Singapore’s difference between total exports and total
current national income and imports of goods on an f.o.b. basis.
expenditure. These include exports
and imports of goods and services,
income receipts and payments as well Services Balance: Refers to the
as current transfers. difference between total exports and total
imports of services.

b) The capital and financial account

which covers transactions affecting Income Balance: Refers to the
the foreign financial assets and difference between factor income accrued to
liabilities of Singapore. Hence it Singapore residents from abroad and factor
records transactions that affect the income accrued to non-Singapore residents.
national income in future periods.
Current Account Balance: Refers to
c) Official reserves which shows the the balance of transactions in goods, services,
changes in Singapore’s foreign income and current transfers. It shows the net
reserves holdings. It consists of change in financial assets arising from
Singapore’s official holdings of Singapore’s real transactions.
monetary gold and foreign exchange
assets, as well as Singapore’s special
Capital and Financial Account
drawing rights and reserve position in
Balance: Refers to the balance of transactions
the International Monetary Fund.
in the capital and financial account. It reflects
the net changes in Singapore’s foreign
The compilation of Singapore’s financial assets and liabilities.
balance of payments estimates is based on the
principles recommended by the International
Overall Balance: Refers to the overall
Monetary Fund’s “Balance of Payments
balance of the current, capital and financial
Manual, 5th Edition”. The structure and
accounts. It is the balance of all of Singapore’s
classification of Singapore’s balance of
transactions with non-residents and is financed
payments accounts follow the fifth edition of
by official reserves.
the manual.

Direct Investment

Data on foreign direct investment in Net Inter-Company Debt: It refers to

Singapore are compiled from the Survey of the net outstanding debt owed by affiliates to
Financial Structure and Operations of their parent companies. The debt could be in
Companies, and the Survey on Foreign Debt the form of loans, debt securities and trade
Transactions. credits
Other References
Data on Singapore's overseas direct
investment are obtained from the Survey of The “Singapore System of National
Singapore's Investment Abroad. The coverage Accounts, 1995”, published by the Singapore
of the survey was extended to financial Department of Statistics, contains the detailed
institutions (i.e. banks, finance and insurance methodology used to compile Singapore’s
companies) from 1994. national accounts. Information on the adoption
of basic price is available in the information
paper "Rebasing of the Singapore System
of National Accounts to Reference Year
Definitions 1995". Information on the capitalisation of
software expenditure and other recent
methodological/classification changes can be
Direct Investment: It refers to found in the information paper "Rebasing of
investment in affiliates in which the parent Singapore's National Accounts to Reference
company owns at least 10 per cent of the total Year 2000". Significant changes in treatment
paid-up shares. It is made up of the following and classification of the balance of payments
two main components: are described in the occasional paper
“Implementation of IMF Balance of Payments
Manual, 5th Edition in Singapore’s Balance of
Direct Equity Investment: It comprises Payments”, with further methodological and
ordinary paid-up shares of affiliates and the conceptual revisions reported in the
amount of reserves (e.g. retained surpluses, information paper “Singapore’s Balance of
revaluation gains, share premium) attributable Payments: Methodological Improvements and
to the parent companies. For branches of non- New Reporting Format for the Services
banks, the net amount due to the parent Account”. Analyses on the national output and
companies is taken as an approximation of the balance of payments of Singapore may be
magnitude of direct equity investment. For found in the “Economic Survey of Singapore”
branches of banks, the net fixed assets of the published by the Ministry of Trade & Industry
branch is used. annually.

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


( At Current Market Prices )

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Million Dollars

Total Gross Domestic Product 130,502.0 153,164.7 157,694.4 160,890.4 181,539.8 194,241.7 209,990.9

Share of Resident Foreigners &

Resident Foreign Companies
in GDP 43,197.0 64,165.6 67,033.3 65,389.0 76,560.6 77,198.8 83,212.1

Indigenous GDP 87,305.0 88,999.1 90,661.1 95,501.4 104,979.2 117,042.9 126,778.8

Net Factor Receipts of Singaporeans

from Rest of the World 13,879.7 19,435.7 18,689.8 21,814.6 26,203.0 31,722.1 36,060.1

Indigenous GNI 101,184.7 108,434.8 109,350.9 117,316.0 131,182.2 148,765.0 162,838.9

Per Capita Indigenous GNI ($) 32,980 32,603 32,325 34,122 37,643 41,978 45,126

Percentage Change Over Previous Year

Total Gross Domestic Product 9.2 -4.2 3.0 2.0 12.8 7.0 8.1

Share of Resident Foreigners &

Resident Foreign Companies
in GDP 11.5 3.2 4.5 -2.5 17.1 0.8 7.8

Indigenous GDP 8.2 -8.9 1.9 5.3 9.9 11.5 8.3

Net Factor Receipts of Singaporeans

from Rest of the World -1.4 -9.7 -3.8 16.7 20.1 21.1 13.7

Indigenous GNI 6.7 -9.0 0.8 7.3 11.8 13.4 9.5

Per Capita Indigenous GNI ($) 4.8 -10.5 -0.9 5.6 10.3 11.5 7.5
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(At Current Market Prices)

Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Gross National Income (GNI)

GNI at Market Prices 131,740.4 153,190.0 154,324.4 156,594.3 170,311.6 186,624.0 203,358.3

Gross Domestic Product

at Market Prices 130,502.0 153,164.7 157,694.4 160,890.4 181,539.8 194,241.7 209,990.9

Net Income from Abroad 1,238.4 25.3 -3,370.0 -4,296.1 -11,228.2 -7,617.7 -6,632.6

Generation of Gross
National Saving

Gross National Saving 65,701.5 62,141.8 59,287.9 64,183.0 72,042.7 84,589.1 97,145.9

Gross Domestic Saving 65,974.0 64,207.6 64,691.8 70,449.9 85,215.0 94,224.6 105,975.3

Gross Domestic Product

at Market Prices 130,502.0 153,164.7 157,694.4 160,890.4 181,539.8 194,241.7 209,990.9
Less : Private & Government
Expenditure 66,479.0 87,997.2 92,414.5 93,249.0 97,945.3 102,348.9 108,131.9

Statistical Discrepancy 1,951.0 -959.9 -588.1 2,808.5 1,620.5 2,331.8 4,116.3

Net Income from Abroad 1,238.4 25.3 -3,370.0 -4,296.1 -11,228.2 -7,617.7 -6,632.6

Net Current Transfers from Abroad -1,510.9 -2,091.1 -2,033.9 -1,970.8 -1,944.1 -2,017.8 -2,196.8

Finance of Gross
Capital Formation

Gross Capital Formation 46,164.8 40,650.4 37,633.6 25,274.0 35,628.2 36,972.6 39,485.3

Gross National Saving 65,701.5 62,141.8 59,287.9 64,183.0 72,042.7 84,589.1 97,145.9

Net Capital Transfers from Abroad -195.6 -288.9 -286.7 -292.0 -310.2 -335.6 -359.7

Net Borrowing from/Lending (-)

to Abroad -19,341.1 -21,202.5 -21,367.6 -38,617.0 -36,104.3 -47,280.9 -57,300.9
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
At Current Market Prices

GDP at Current Market Prices 130,502.0 153,164.7 157,694.4 160,890.4 181,539.8 194,241.7 209,990.9

Goods Producing Industries 42,768.5 47,520.0 49,083.8 48,972.4 58,565.1 62,032.7 69,187.3
Manufacturing 30,723.6 35,124.8 38,160.7 38,617.9 48,092.2 51,381.6 57,989.6
Construction 9,488.8 8,658.6 7,499.4 6,935.9 6,865.5 7,226.6 7,528.2
Utilities 2,344.5 3,585.4 3,280.0 3,276.5 3,440.1 3,260.0 3,491.7
Other Goods Industries 211.6 151.2 143.7 142.1 167.3 164.5 177.8

Services Producing Industries 80,784.0 98,842.3 102,056.5 103,146.2 113,438.1 123,098.3 132,663.7
Wholesale & Retail Trade 17,302.3 19,569.3 21,597.2 22,482.0 26,045.3 28,834.6 31,665.8
Transport & Storage 11,942.4 13,788.4 13,535.1 14,884.4 17,870.2 19,581.6 20,116.1
Hotels & Restaurants 3,364.4 3,415.2 3,271.9 2,930.6 3,351.5 3,606.8 4,018.8
Information & Communications 4,004.4 6,714.4 6,591.2 6,805.9 7,002.3 7,556.5 8,015.9
Financial Services 14,023.4 18,509.1 18,713.1 17,981.3 19,754.0 21,675.5 23,365.1
Business Services 17,672.1 19,507.7 19,833.8 19,349.8 19,708.1 21,736.9 24,104.4
Other Services Industries 12,475.0 17,338.2 18,514.2 18,712.2 19,706.7 20,106.4 21,377.6

Ownership of Dwellings 6,206.6 7,037.6 6,962.3 6,788.5 6,739.5 6,887.0 7,148.1

Less : FISIM 7,697.8 10,186.5 9,621.0 8,106.6 8,279.3 8,827.9 10,363.3
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices 122,061.3 143,213.4 148,481.6 150,800.5 170,463.4 183,190.1 198,635.8
Add : Taxes on Products 8,440.7 9,951.3 9,212.8 10,089.9 11,076.4 11,051.6 11,355.1

At 2000 Market Prices

GDP at 2000 Market Prices 126,788.6 156,006.3 162,491.6 167,549.3 182,301.1 194,371.3 209,679.9

Goods Producing Industries 41,208.3 48,444.0 50,386.4 50,992.3 56,369.6 60,865.4 67,060.3
Manufacturing 30,526.4 36,368.4 39,424.0 40,590.5 46,208.4 50,611.5 56,457.1
Construction 8,190.7 8,986.1 7,731.8 7,041.1 6,654.3 6,703.1 6,882.8
Utilities 2,140.3 2,934.5 3,088.7 3,216.1 3,344.0 3,391.0 3,540.3
Other Goods Industries 189.0 155.0 141.9 144.6 162.9 159.8 180.1

Services Producing Industries 78,613.8 99,182.7 103,345.5 107,013.6 115,292.7 122,618.0 131,182.0
Wholesale & Retail Trade 17,641.0 20,033.5 21,697.4 24,000.3 28,170.5 30,866.9 34,048.7
Transport & Storage 12,209.3 15,034.7 15,767.0 15,492.1 17,106.9 17,829.3 18,597.0
Hotels & Restaurants 3,032.0 3,352.5 3,233.8 2,913.0 3,254.3 3,395.5 3,569.4
Information & Communications 3,119.5 6,589.3 6,973.1 7,291.2 7,726.6 8,151.4 8,524.8
Financial Services 14,577.0 17,707.4 17,253.0 18,859.5 19,685.8 21,176.1 23,128.9
Business Services 16,437.6 19,585.5 20,617.8 20,327.6 20,538.1 21,754.2 23,012.3
Other Services Industries 12,127.1 16,879.8 17,803.4 18,129.9 18,810.5 19,444.6 20,300.9

Ownership of Dwellings 5,188.6 7,000.6 7,230.6 7,431.1 7,632.5 7,838.3 8,031.5

Less : FISIM 7,769.3 9,430.6 9,428.2 9,445.4 9,704.7 9,931.2 10,474.4
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices 117,248.1 145,196.7 151,534.3 155,991.6 169,590.1 181,390.5 195,799.4
Add : Taxes on Products 9,616.9 10,809.6 10,957.3 11,557.7 12,711.0 12,980.8 13,880.5

Notes : The industries are classified according to Singapore Standard Industrial Classification 2005.
As the constant price series are chain-linked at the base year, they are not additive prior to the base year. Thus,
prior to 2000, the aggregates at 2000 prices may not be equal to the sum of their components.
1 Comprise Agriculture, Fishing and Quarrying.
2 Refers to Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
At Current Market Prices

Total 130,502.0 153,164.7 157,694.4 160,890.4 181,539.8 194,241.7 209,990.9

Private Consumption Expenditure 54,311.6 70,052.9 73,480.5 74,205.5 78,458.3 81,465.8 84,324.9

Government Consumption
Expenditure 12,167.4 17,944.3 18,934.0 19,043.5 19,487.0 20,883.1 23,807.0

Gross Fixed Capital Formation 50,015.8 46,019.6 40,372.6 38,918.7 43,266.7 43,336.2 48,406.1

Changes in Inventories -3,851.0 -5,369.2 -2,739.0 -13,644.7 -7,638.5 -6,363.6 -8,920.8

Net Exports of Goods & Services 19,809.2 23,557.2 27,058.2 45,175.9 49,586.8 57,252.0 66,490.0
Exports of Goods & Services 237,038.6 293,736.4 304,625.7 344,872.7 418,576.0 474,526.4 530,409.0
Less : Imports of Goods
& Services 217,229.4 270,179.2 277,567.5 299,696.8 368,989.2 417,274.4 463,919.0

Statistical Discrepancy -1,951.0 959.9 588.1 -2,808.5 -1,620.5 -2,331.8 -4,116.3

At 2000 Market Prices

Total 126,788.6 156,006.3 162,491.6 167,549.3 182,301.1 194,371.3 209,679.9

Private Consumption Expenditure 52,751.2 70,212.1 73,776.4 74,672.1 78,869.6 81,317.2 83,321.5

Government Consumption
Expenditure 11,823.4 17,737.5 18,846.5 19,154.2 19,145.7 20,440.4 22,726.6

Gross Fixed Capital Formation 45,080.1 47,061.9 41,684.2 40,306.8 44,413.5 44,464.3 49,590.3

Changes in Inventories -2,269.6 -5,678.8 -2,383.6 -13,736.9 -8,572.2 -6,987.3 -7,209.1

Net Exports of Goods & Services 18,302.4 26,441.1 31,766.8 49,150.3 51,405.3 58,696.6 64,779.5
Exports of Goods & Services 237,536.9 300,105.5 322,120.9 367,486.2 441,654.2 491,670.6 542,689.9
Less : Imports of Goods
& Services 219,234.5 273,664.4 290,354.1 318,335.9 390,248.9 432,974.0 477,910.4

Statistical Discrepancy 864.0 232.5 -1,198.7 -1,997.2 -2,960.8 -3,559.9 -3,528.9

Note : As the constant price series are chain-linked at the base year, they are not additive prior to the base year. Thus,
prior to 2000 the aggregates at 2000 prices may not be equal to the sum of their components.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
At Current Market Prices

Total 54,311.6 70,052.9 73,480.5 74,205.5 78,458.3 81,465.8 84,324.9

Food & Non-Alcoholic Beverages 4,876.3 5,503.7 5,752.8 5,794.3 6,104.6 6,553.9 6,816.4
Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco 1,415.0 1,546.7 1,653.5 1,747.3 1,830.8 1,828.2 1,759.9
Clothing & Footwear 2,897.2 2,710.3 2,736.8 2,588.2 2,753.4 2,864.9 3,073.4
Housing & Utilities 9,997.8 12,294.0 12,161.2 12,054.4 12,055.5 12,367.6 13,047.5
Furnishings, Household Equipment &
Maintenance 4,248.9 4,566.4 4,610.8 4,669.8 4,866.7 5,289.8 5,570.3
Health 2,647.1 4,010.5 4,327.8 4,287.0 5,070.0 5,486.9 6,015.2
Transport 9,562.7 12,647.3 12,006.3 12,953.3 14,192.2 14,079.2 14,520.9
Communication 886.9 1,531.6 1,515.2 1,656.1 1,824.4 1,874.6 2,082.2
Recreation & Culture 7,644.5 8,108.4 8,101.2 8,039.6 8,793.8 9,201.7 9,609.7
Education 1,219.6 1,711.0 1,872.5 1,935.1 2,030.0 2,112.4 2,351.7
Restaurants & Hotels 5,555.6 6,027.8 5,841.6 5,495.8 5,964.4 6,491.1 7,092.3
Miscellaneous Goods & Services 8,232.8 8,770.1 9,703.6 8,656.2 9,422.2 10,014.1 10,538.6
Add : Residents' Expenditure Abroad 5,687.6 9,065.1 11,286.9 11,067.8 12,540.8 13,306.6 13,246.0
Less : Non-residents' Expenditure
Locally 10,560.4 8,440.0 8,089.7 6,739.4 8,990.5 10,005.2 11,399.2

At 2000 Market Prices

Total 52,751.2 70,212.1 73,776.4 74,672.1 78,869.6 81,317.2 83,321.5

Food & Non-Alcoholic Beverages 4,922.6 5,531.9 5,845.7 5,861.3 6,030.8 6,354.6 6,477.7
Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco 1,595.2 1,459.6 1,534.8 1,477.4 1,379.2 1,302.2 1,234.9
Clothing & Footwear 2,802.4 2,688.1 2,720.0 2,548.4 2,701.9 2,810.6 2,999.7
Housing & Utilities 8,867.9 12,150.1 12,562.8 12,887.4 13,186.3 13,385.8 13,623.8
Furnishings, Household Equipment &
Maintenance 4,202.7 4,583.2 4,680.5 4,751.6 4,963.5 5,503.9 5,818.8
Health 2,874.2 3,880.4 4,134.1 4,006.6 4,642.9 5,009.2 5,453.6
Transport 9,009.3 13,316.2 12,832.1 14,040.5 16,057.5 16,489.7 17,573.6
Communication 828.4 1,538.5 1,525.2 1,649.3 1,804.3 1,863.9 2,073.5
Recreation & Culture 7,555.2 8,134.9 8,213.6 8,142.1 8,861.2 9,255.1 9,732.6
Education 1,416.6 1,659.6 1,781.5 1,797.1 1,828.2 1,847.1 2,002.7
Restaurants & Hotels 5,291.9 5,952.1 5,796.7 5,464.4 5,825.4 6,134.8 6,359.9
Miscellaneous Goods & Services 8,057.5 8,953.1 9,819.8 8,771.6 9,142.2 9,273.4 9,347.9
Add : Residents' Expenditure Abroad 5,681.3 8,776.2 10,527.2 10,199.8 11,621.0 12,110.8 11,692.3
Less : Non-residents' Expenditure
Locally 10,077.8 8,411.8 8,197.6 6,925.4 9,174.8 10,023.9 11,069.5

Note : As the constant price series are chain-linked at the base year, they are not additive prior to the base year. Thus,
prior to 2000, the aggregates at 2000 prices may not be equal to the sum of their components.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
At Current Market Prices

Total 50,015.8 46,019.6 40,372.6 38,918.7 43,266.7 43,336.2 48,406.1

Construction & Works 26,883.1 22,506.6 19,783.2 18,059.8 17,767.6 18,700.7 19,932.9

Residential Buildings 14,036.5 8,542.1 8,554.7 7,911.0 7,783.4 7,678.7 7,928.4

Non-residential Buildings 10,230.4 9,030.0 7,665.7 6,863.3 6,998.9 7,456.3 8,550.8

Other Construction & Works 2,616.2 4,934.5 3,562.8 3,285.5 2,985.3 3,565.7 3,453.7

Transport Equipment 7,857.0 6,913.0 5,983.0 6,185.7 6,517.4 5,684.8 7,438.3

Machinery, Equipment & Software 15,275.7 16,600.0 14,606.4 14,673.2 18,981.7 18,950.7 21,034.9

At 2000 Market Prices

Total 45,080.1 47,061.9 41,684.2 40,306.8 44,413.5 44,464.3 49,590.3

Construction & Works 23,015.0 23,740.4 20,786.8 18,706.8 17,603.3 17,705.8 18,519.1

Residential Buildings 11,785.9 9,160.6 9,048.3 8,227.0 7,713.2 7,268.6 7,340.2

Non-residential Buildings 8,822.9 9,423.3 8,039.0 7,127.5 6,985.1 7,120.6 8,014.7

Other Construction & Works 2,339.8 5,156.5 3,699.5 3,352.3 2,905.0 3,316.6 3,164.2

Transport Equipment 8,146.7 6,519.1 5,651.0 5,784.4 6,046.4 5,674.0 7,357.9

Machinery, Equipment & Software 14,449.1 16,802.4 15,246.4 15,815.6 20,763.8 21,084.5 23,713.3

Note : As the constant price series are chain-linked at the base year, they are not additive prior to the base year. Thus,
prior to 2000, the aggregates at 2000 prices may not be equal to the sum of their components.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2000 =100)

Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

GDP at Market Prices 102.9 98.2 97.0 96.0 99.6 99.9 100.1

Goods Producing Industries 103.8 98.1 97.4 96.0 103.9 101.9 103.2
Manufacturing 100.6 96.6 96.8 95.1 104.1 101.5 102.7
Construction 115.8 96.4 97.0 98.5 103.2 107.8 109.4
Utilities 109.5 122.2 106.2 101.9 102.9 96.1 98.6
Other Goods Industries 1 112.0 97.5 101.3 98.3 102.7 102.9 98.7

Services Producing Industries 102.8 99.7 98.8 96.4 98.4 100.4 101.1
Wholesale & Retail Trade 98.1 97.7 99.5 93.7 92.5 93.4 93.0
Transport & Storage 97.8 91.7 85.8 96.1 104.5 109.8 108.2
Hotels & Restaurants 111.0 101.9 101.2 100.6 103.0 106.2 112.6
Information & Communications 128.4 101.9 94.5 93.3 90.6 92.7 94.0
Financial Services 96.2 104.5 108.5 95.3 100.3 102.4 101.0
Business Services 107.5 99.6 96.2 95.2 96.0 99.9 104.7
Other Services Industries 102.9 102.7 104.0 103.2 104.8 103.4 105.3

Ownership of Dwellings 119.6 100.5 96.3 91.4 88.3 87.9 89.0

Less : FISIM 99.1 108.0 102.0 85.8 85.3 88.9 98.9
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices 104.1 98.6 98.0 96.7 100.5 101.0 101.4
Add : Taxes on Products 87.8 92.1 84.1 87.3 87.1 85.1 81.8

Note : Data on industry are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification 2005.
1 Comprise Agriculture, Fishing and Quarrying.
2 Refers to Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured.


(2000 =100)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 105.2 98.2 97.0 96.0 99.6 99.9 100.1

Private Consumption Expenditure 103.0 99.8 99.6 99.4 99.5 100.2 101.2

Government Consumption
Expenditure 102.9 101.2 100.5 99.4 101.8 102.2 104.8

Gross Fixed Capital Formation 110.9 97.8 96.9 96.6 97.4 97.5 97.6

Exports of Goods & Services 99.8 97.9 94.6 93.8 94.8 96.5 97.7

Imports of Goods & Services 99.1 98.7 95.6 94.1 94.6 96.4 97.1
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


( At Current Market Prices )

Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 130,502.0 153,164.7 157,694.4 160,890.4 181,539.8 194,241.7 209,990.9

Compensation of Employees 55,379.2 72,109.2 72,603.4 73,350.7 75,893.9 80,069.5 85,867.5

Gross Operating Surplus 61,922.0 67,503.9 72,851.9 74,594.5 90,734.0 98,639.8 107,385.1

of Financial Corporations 8,366.1 10,947.3 11,590.7 10,053.5 10,656.9 11,929.5 12,912.3

of Non-financial Corporations 47,590.8 51,940.0 56,316.1 57,929.9 73,353.2 80,035.5 88,437.7

of Others 13,662.9 14,803.1 14,566.1 14,717.7 15,003.2 15,502.7 16,398.4

Less : FISIM 2 7,697.8 10,186.5 9,621.0 8,106.6 8,279.3 8,827.9 10,363.3

Taxes on Production & Imports 13,575.9 13,412.3 12,110.4 12,848.7 14,614.7 14,578.5 15,255.3

Statistical Discrepancy -375.1 139.3 128.7 96.5 297.2 953.9 1,483.0

1 Refers to unincorporated enterprises and non-profit institutions.

2 Refers to Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

A Current Account Balance 19,536.7 21,491.4 21,654.3 38,909.0 36,414.5 47,616.5 57,660.6

Goods Balance 13,158.9 30,935.0 33,579.7 51,506.3 55,531.9 61,149.6 71,054.0

Exports of Goods 198,833.6 244,638.3 251,797.5 281,672.4 339,703.2 386,701.3 436,632.1
Imports of Goods 185,674.7 213,703.3 218,217.8 230,166.1 284,171.3 325,551.7 365,578.1
Services Balance 6,650.3 -7,377.8 -6,521.5 -6,330.4 -5,945.1 -3,897.6 -4,564.0
Exports of Services 38,205.0 49,098.1 52,828.2 63,200.3 78,872.8 87,825.1 93,776.9
Transportation 12,598.0 20,655.3 21,499.9 23,608.2 29,023.1 32,122.9 33,295.4
Travel 10,436.6 8,272.0 7,926.1 6,587.0 8,824.5 9,834.0 11,220.0
Insurance 855.2 1,189.4 1,424.5 2,141.4 2,233.3 2,008.7 2,329.1
Government 138.3 176.8 172.4 160.4 174.8 180.4 188.8
Construction 415.0 346.2 543.2 742.6 1,093.8 1,030.0 1,057.7
Financial 2,399.0 2,122.7 2,351.3 3,203.6 4,140.9 5,073.7 6,445.3
Computer & Information 402.7 558.2 632.0 699.0 891.4 949.7 1,004.7
Communications 1 - 695.8 674.2 719.1 835.7 928.8 974.7
Royalties 104.9 315.5 364.7 342.2 836.7 1,039.1 1,159.2
Social 12.4 61.0 226.5 268.6 312.9 298.8 312.0
Other Business Services 10,842.9 14,705.2 17,013.4 24,728.2 30,505.7 34,359.0 35,790.0
Imports of Services 31,554.7 56,475.9 59,349.7 69,530.7 84,817.9 91,722.7 98,340.9
Transportation 14,250.5 22,179.8 19,510.8 23,475.9 30,598.0 34,283.0 36,447.9
Travel 7,070.2 11,291.0 14,065.9 13,783.3 15,611.0 16,559.6 16,482.9
Insurance 2,190.6 2,648.9 2,752.0 3,135.8 3,712.5 4,247.5 4,894.8
Government 144.1 200.5 219.2 230.1 299.9 308.2 292.6
Construction 220.3 309.3 236.8 246.6 548.8 405.1 415.8
Financial 726.1 642.0 766.0 875.3 1,125.4 1,206.9 1,543.3
Computer & Information 145.9 494.3 487.5 575.3 532.4 640.2 677.2
Communications 1 - 1,229.8 1,226.9 1,250.0 1,299.5 1,480.2 1,554.1
Royalties 2,815.7 8,648.0 8,576.0 11,556.7 13,373.6 14,895.8 16,616.3
Social 48.7 305.5 475.1 419.8 453.0 463.0 483.5
Other Business Services 3,942.6 8,526.8 11,033.5 13,981.9 17,263.8 17,233.2 18,932.5
Income Balance 1,238.4 25.3 -3,370.0 -4,296.1 -11,228.2 -7,617.7 -6,632.6
Income Receipts 16,911.5 24,842.2 24,278.4 28,992.4 35,118.4 42,746.8 48,179.1
Income Payments 15,673.1 24,816.9 27,648.4 33,288.5 46,346.6 50,364.5 54,811.7
Current Transfers (Net) -1,510.9 -2,091.1 -2,033.9 -1,970.8 -1,944.1 -2,017.8 -2,196.8
General Government -315.5 -167.9 -182.9 -227.0 -187.3 -174.9 -178.7
Other Sectors -1,195.4 -1,923.2 -1,851.0 -1,743.8 -1,756.8 -1,842.9 -2,018.1

B Capital and Financial Account

Balance -11,104.6 -21,388.0 -18,737.3 -30,735.7 -12,868.4 -31,923.3 -33,261.5

Capital Account (Net) -195.6 -288.9 -286.7 -292.0 -310.2 -335.6 -359.7
Financial Account (Net) -10,909.0 -21,099.1 -18,450.6 -30,443.7 -12,558.2 -31,587.7 -32,901.8
Direct Investment 2,441.1 -7,783.0 8,722.5 15,626.2 19,867.8 16,593.0 24,757.2
Abroad -11,211.1 -35,771.3 -4,169.8 -4,694.8 -13,646.6 -8,379.1 -13,706.7
In Reporting Country 13,652.2 27,988.3 12,892.3 20,321.0 33,514.4 24,972.1 38,463.9

(continued on next page)

1 Data prior to 2000 are classified under 'Other Business Services'.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore

5.10 BALANCE OF PAYMENTS (continued)

Million Dollars

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Portfolio Investment -17,580.3 -13,091.9 -23,536.3 -16,685.8 -11,901.9 -13,791.6 -22,536.0

Assets -18,751.0 -19,824.7 -23,928.1 -25,793.0 -14,581.9 -23,024.7 -34,029.6
Banks -176.0 -884.1 -1,280.3 -320.3 -1,078.6 -1,483.9 -5,971.5
Official -13,825.8 -7,975.0 -7,461.2 -7,167.0 -7,756.1 -10,105.0 -11,591.5
Others -4,749.2 -10,965.6 -15,186.6 -18,305.7 -5,747.2 -11,435.8 -16,466.6
Liabilities 1,170.7 6,732.8 391.8 9,107.2 2,680.0 9,233.1 11,493.6
Banks 803.3 791.0 -401.6 168.8 240.9 404.9 1,470.2
Others 367.4 5,941.8 793.4 8,938.4 2,439.1 8,828.2 10,023.4

Other Investment 4,230.2 -224.2 -3,636.8 -29,384.1 -20,524.1 -34,389.1 -35,123.0

Assets -16,427.1 -2,814.0 -15,289.9 -36,899.4 -47,831.6 -47,198.9 -78,566.3
Banks -4,707.8 -10,526.2 2,122.1 18,567.2 -8,937.9 -15,367.2 -45,964.2
Official -4,165.0 -1,036.3 -441.6 -14,100.5 -15,396.7 -10,029.5 -16,940.7
Others -7,554.3 8,748.5 -16,970.4 -41,366.1 -23,497.0 -21,802.2 -15,661.4
Liabilities 20,657.3 2,589.8 11,653.1 7,515.3 27,307.5 12,809.8 43,443.3
Banks 11,477.7 14,712.2 -625.1 -15,694.7 7,468.8 4,906.0 34,289.1
Others 9,179.6 -12,122.4 12,278.2 23,210.0 19,838.7 7,903.8 9,154.2

C Net Errors and Omissions 1,974.5 -1,706.7 -630.8 3,601.2 -3,077.2 4,703.5 2,596.6

D Overall Balance (A+B+C) 10,406.6 -1,603.3 2,286.2 11,774.5 20,468.9 20,396.7 26,995.7

E Official Reserves (Net) -10,406.6 1,603.3 -2,286.2 -11,774.5 -20,468.9 -20,396.7 -26,995.7
Special Drawing Rights -16.3 -41.1 -27.7 -46.3 -122.7 -2.4 -10.3
Reserves Position in the IMF 7.4 -157.0 -133.0 -131.2 243.8 421.2 91.0
Foreign Exchange Assets -10,397.7 1,801.4 -2,125.5 -11,597.0 -20,590.0 -20,815.5 -27,076.4

2 Increase in assets is indicated by a minus (-) sign.

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
Industry 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total 170,820.8 195,023.7 222,318.6 235,105.4 251,652.1 285,876.7 311,084.0

Manufacturing 57,178.2 69,505.5 81,870.1 85,949.4 91,717.1 96,923.8 103,600.9
Construction 1,491.0 2,092.4 1,719.9 1,949.7 1,409.6 1,129.0 1,049.8
Wholesale & Retail Trade, Hotels &
27,772.5 29,228.7 34,107.9 38,065.5 40,091.0 45,995.6 48,808.3
Transport & Storage 5,739.7 8,164.5 8,182.9 8,730.8 10,233.2 13,118.1 16,914.6
Information & Communications 861.5 1,191.5 2,047.8 3,132.7 3,121.6 3,456.0 3,469.0
Financial & Insurance Services 66,400.4 72,619.4 80,964.2 82,543.1 89,626.7 108,637.9 119,141.0
Real Estate, Rental & Leasing 6,490.7 7,301.9 7,110.1 7,983.7 7,517.3 8,239.8 8,149.6
Professional & Technical,
4,655.1 4,841.6 5,983.8 6,595.2 7,783.7 8,225.4 9,792.1
Administrative & Support Services
Others 231.7 78.1 331.9 155.5 151.9 151.0 158.6

Note : The industries are classified according to Singapore Standard Industrial Classification 2005.


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
Industry 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total 92,719.9 98,291.1 133,612.4 148,923.4 155,712.6 175,224.9 185,101.4

Manufacturing 22,869.5 24,969.3 26,543.8 30,683.6 33,231.0 37,712.7 43,066.5
Construction 797.4 779.9 679.8 712.0 751.8 978.2 838.6
Wholesale & Retail Trade, Hotels &
7,613.7 8,125.6 9,758.8 10,138.9 11,573.4 12,584.2 13,545.6
Transport & Storage 3,408.7 4,749.3 6,769.2 6,983.3 6,726.7 6,765.9 9,366.5
Information & Communications 2,257.8 1,766.5 4,595.6 7,326.8 7,623.1 9,678.4 10,493.7
Financial & Insurance Services 44,717.5 47,436.6 73,871.8 82,044.2 85,501.5 93,242.2 90,330.0
Real Estate, Rental & Leasing 8,718.4 7,820.9 8,816.0 8,218.2 7,494.8 7,847.1 8,851.0
Professional & Technical,
888.1 1,113.7 912.6 983.3 913.0 3,232.8 4,080.5
Administrative & Support Services
Others 1,448.8 1,529.4 1,664.9 1,833.1 1,897.3 3,183.5 4,528.9

Note : The industries are classified according to Singapore Standard Industrial Classification 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)
Million Dollars

Region/Country 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total 170,820.8 195,023.7 222,318.6 235,105.4 251,652.1 285,876.7 311,084.0

Asia 47,786.4 50,155.2 51,969.4 55,267.4 58,447.7 64,215.3 73,975.4

Brunei Darussalam 292.0 312.6 355.0 362.9 341.2 357.9 381.9

China 966.7 931.2 890.8 958.4 867.9 380.3 406.6
Hong Kong 4,852.5 6,277.1 5,799.8 4,850.2 4,050.1 4,584.5 4,890.4
India 281.6 264.4 350.3 403.9 352.0 479.5 1,284.5
Indonesia 1,171.8 1,652.2 1,625.4 1,767.3 1,669.3 1,097.3 1,258.5
Japan 28,616.7 29,202.0 29,954.2 33,056.9 33,970.8 37,513.6 41,122.5
Korea, Republic of 403.9 295.7 32.2 1,147.8 1,681.7 846.7 1,314.2
Malaysia 6,364.8 5,569.0 6,032.8 5,342.1 4,557.3 5,145.9 7,156.3
Myanmar 20.0 35.3 6.8 7.2 7.2 7.6 14.6
Philippines 748.6 1,037.0 1,038.1 962.5 910.8 1,120.1 1,136.3
Taiwan 3,051.0 3,381.3 4,751.7 5,049.2 5,909.4 5,731.8 7,139.8
Thailand 688.9 675.6 634.0 718.0 996.1 1,046.0 1,188.8
Vietnam 6.3 8.2 10.8 28.3 24.0 32.7 20.3

ASEAN 1 9,293.0 9,290.2 9,703.5 9,189.1 8,506.4 8,808.6 11,157.6

Europe 62,752.3 72,741.6 87,314.5 94,805.8 106,302.4 121,906.2 134,016.9

France 3,671.7 4,919.2 4,688.8 5,023.9 5,381.2 5,574.8 5,650.4

Germany 2,327.0 4,230.0 6,363.5 7,372.1 6,179.6 7,321.5 7,568.7
Netherlands 22,875.2 29,155.7 35,900.3 25,310.5 27,584.5 32,263.0 31,725.9
Switzerland 15,727.1 16,114.4 15,668.9 15,213.1 16,938.6 16,547.2 21,650.6
United Kingdom 11,863.4 8,939.4 14,721.9 32,848.6 39,369.1 45,195.4 50,153.8

European Union 2 45,252.4 52,706.7 66,922.7 76,380.3 84,336.5 98,988.2 104,330.0

United States 24,790.6 31,813.5 37,180.0 35,025.6 37,674.4 45,151.8 42,755.0

Canada 4,183.5 3,068.9 3,181.9 2,768.8 2,606.1 2,865.5 2,581.4

Australia 3,107.5 3,255.6 2,651.3 2,519.0 2,097.1 2,700.9 2,698.2

New Zealand 164.4 208.3 196.8 196.4 145.2 142.4 224.0

South and Central America 26,464.7 31,329.9 36,542.8 40,598.6 39,911.1 43,159.8 47,005.9
and the Caribbean

Other Regions/Countries nec 1,571.3 2,450.6 3,281.9 3,924.0 4,468.1 5,734.8 7,827.2

1 Value for ASEAN foreign direct investment (FDI) into Singapore comprises FDI from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos,
Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam with effect from 1999.
2 European Union comprises Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom for the period 1995 to 2003. Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,
Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia are included in European Union with effect from 2004.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)
Million Dollars
Region/Country 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total 92,719.9 98,291.1 133,612.4 148,923.4 155,712.6 175,224.9 185,101.4

Asia 53,831.7 57,542.8 64,537.6 71,068.1 77,618.5 85,561.0 95,256.3

Brunei Darussalam 84.6 98.1 56.8 142.6 61.4 63.6 59.6

China 14,295.6 15,710.2 15,721.4 18,046.3 19,820.2 22,192.9 25,457.1
Hong Kong 10,405.2 8,508.0 11,493.2 11,975.1 11,242.9 10,960.1 12,250.2
India 743.5 884.7 766.9 408.4 1,138.9 1,250.7 1,769.4
Indonesia 5,507.5 5,461.8 5,598.3 7,693.5 10,390.7 12,034.4 13,913.5
Japan 1,052.7 993.8 1,466.3 1,642.7 1,974.8 2,277.9 2,436.2
Korea, Republic of 1,682.5 2,403.3 2,754.0 2,477.5 2,556.8 2,833.5 3,126.9
Malaysia 8,516.8 9,754.0 11,239.4 13,325.6 13,592.9 14,792.2 15,895.4
Myanmar 811.0 1,028.0 1,045.2 1,061.7 1,132.3 701.8 742.0
Philippines 2,287.3 2,555.6 2,741.7 2,863.0 3,228.7 3,270.8 3,463.7
Taiwan 2,028.7 3,571.4 3,586.3 3,344.3 3,687.6 3,814.9 4,433.3
Thailand 3,297.9 3,494.4 4,506.0 4,103.5 4,705.8 7,225.4 7,667.4
Vietnam 1,149.7 1,069.7 1,067.0 1,386.5 1,461.9 1,525.9 1,717.1

ASEAN 21,802.8 23,568.9 26,482.9 30,885.8 34,874.3 39,821.3 43,661.7

Europe 12,928.7 8,934.9 12,689.5 15,487.1 13,582.6 13,550.1 12,390.0

France 91.6 103.5 163.7 248.9 411.4 238.0 221.5

Germany 75.8 120.9 156.3 113.2 107.3 393.4 411.5
Netherlands 2,260.6 1,188.0 1,293.0 1,214.9 748.5 1,009.3 1,099.6
Switzerland 54.5 211.2 447.8 531.0 601.8 376.0 327.3
United Kingdom 3,387.4 4,903.4 6,843.3 6,974.4 7,606.5 7,251.5 7,080.7

European Union 12,139.1 7,155.6 10,405.4 11,417.3 10,295.7 11,348.9 10,784.7

United States 4,196.7 6,187.5 7,328.7 8,245.4 9,031.7 9,584.7 9,331.1

Canada 255.6 285.1 55.7 22.1 107.7 122.1 234.4

Australia 2,464.3 2,486.9 2,518.6 3,325.2 4,647.7 8,670.7 7,327.8

New Zealand 522.9 866.0 512.6 883.4 1,067.1 1,287.2 1,186.0

South and Central America 11,720.0 12,791.2 39,661.1 42,132.9 42,460.5 43,548.9 46,663.4
and the Caribbean

Other Regions/Countries nec 6,800.0 9,196.8 6,308.4 7,759.1 7,196.7 12,900.2 12,712.3

1 Value for Singapore's direct investment abroad (DIA) into ASEAN comprises DIA into Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos,
Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam with effect from 1999.
2 European Union comprises Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom for the period 1995 to 2003. Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,
Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia are included in European Union with effect from 2004.

Technicians: Refers to persons whose
main tasks require more technical knowledge
Data on Research & Development
and experience in one or more fields of
(R&D) in Singapore are collected through the
science and technology. They participate in
National Survey of R&D, conducted by the
R&D by performing scientific and technical
Agency for Science, Technology and
tasks that involve the application of concepts
Research (A*STAR) annually. The scope of
and operational methods, normally under the
the survey covers R&D activities in the private
supervision of researchers.
sector, higher education sector, government
sector and the public research institutes sector.

To facilitate international Other supporting staff: Includes

comparability, data from the survey have been skilled and unskilled craftsmen, secretarial
collected and presented based on guidelines and clerical staff participating in R&D
provided in the Organisation for Economic projects or directly associated with such
Co-operation and Development (OECD) projects.
Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys on
Research and Experimental Development,
“Frascati Manual” (Sixth Edition). R&D Expenditure

Includes capital expenditure
(acquisition of fixed tangible assets involved
R&D Manpower in R&D activities, excluding depreciation
provisions), R&D manpower costs, and other
Researchers: Refers to professionals R&D-related operating expenditures. Figures
who are engaged in the conception or creation for R&D expenditure in each current year are
of new knowledge, products, processes, expressed in nominal terms and are not
methods and systems, or management of the adjusted for inflation.
projects concerned. Managers and
administrators engaged in the planning and
management of the scientific and technical Patents
aspects of a researcher’s work also fall into
this category. Researchers are further sub-
classified into: Refers to patents that are a result of
R&D activities carried out in Singapore.
Patent data published in the National Survey
(a) Research scientists and engineers of R&D is as reported by survey respondents.
(RSEs) The patent number for the same invention is
(b) Full-time postgraduate research counted as one irrespective of the number of
students (FPGRS) countries the patent is being applied or
(c) Non-degree researchers awarded.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Sector 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total 470 582 558 564 662 811 951

Private 440 539 513 519 617 765 900

Higher Education 6 6 6 7 9 9 9
Government 14 24 24 25 24 25 26
Public Research Institutes 10 13 15 13 12 12 16

Source : Agency for Science, Technology and Research


Occupation 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total 13,025 23,971 25,162 26,824 28,825 31,006 34,522

RSE 8,340 14,483 15,366 15,654 17,074 18,935 21,338
FPGRS - 2,570 3,211 3,723 4,065 3,705 3,718
Non-Degree 1,760 2,498 2,068 2,154 2,374 2,611 2,913

Technicians 1,679 2,262 2,371 2,398 2,549 2,823 3,265

Supporting Staff 1,246 2,158 2,146 2,895 2,763 2,932 3,288

Source : Agency for Science, Technology and Research

1 RSE denotes Research Scientists and Engineers
Data exclude postgraduate students.
2 FPGRS denotes Full-time Postgraduate Research Students.
Data from 2000 onwards include full-time postgraduate students only.


Million Dollars
Sector 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total 1,366.6 3,009.5 3,232.7 3,404.7 3,424.5 4,061.9 4,582.2

Private 881.4 1,866.0 2,045.0 2,091.3 2,081.2 2,590.0 3,031.3

Higher Education 193.4 338.3 367.0 430.0 457.5 424.7 478.0
Government 110.4 423.8 425.1 449.1 435.8 442.2 442.8
Public Research Institutes 181.4 381.4 395.6 434.3 450.0 605.0 630.1

Source : Agency for Science, Technology and Research

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

Higher Public
Area of Research Private Government
Total Education Research
Sector Sector
Sector Institutes

Total 4,582.2 3,031.3 478.0 442.8 630.1

Agricultural & Food Sciences 52.2 43.5 1.0 7.7 -

Engineering & Technology 2,597.4 1,971.1 190.3 222.1 213.9
Biomedical & Related Sciences 853.4 298.5 131.9 101.1 322.0
Natural Sciences (excl Biological Sciences) 459.2 258.1 94.3 56.2 50.7
Others 620.0 460.1 60.5 55.8 43.5

Source : Agency for Science, Technology and Research


Million Dollars

Higher Public
Type of Costs Private Government
Total Education Research
Sector Sector
Sector Institutes

Total 4,582.2 3,031.3 478.0 442.8 630.1

Capital Costs 798.0 492.3 75.6 48.8 181.3

Land, Buildings & Other Structures 139.9 63.9 16.5 34.6 24.9
Vehicles, Plants, Machinery &
Equipment 658.1 428.4 59.1 14.2 156.5

Manpower Costs 1,937.5 1,252.3 284.2 177.2 223.7

Researchers 1,647.0 1,064.7 262.1 136.1 184.1
RSE 1,433.0 919.5 198.4 131.0 184.1
FPGRS 62.5 - 62.5 - -
Non-Degree 151.5 145.2 1.2 5.1 -
Technicians 109.1 62.7 12.5 17.7 16.3
Others 181.3 124.9 9.7 23.4 23.3

Other Operating Costs 1,846.8 1,286.8 118.2 216.8 225.0

Source : Agency for Science, Technology and Research

1 RSE denotes Research Scientists and Engineers.
2 FPGRS denotes Full-time Postgraduate Research Students
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
2002 2003 2004 2005

Total 2,091.3 2,081.2 2,590.0 3,031.3

Manufacturing 1,514.7 1,548.8 1,649.1 1,974.3

Services 469.6 519.0 928.1 1,053.6
Others 107.0 13.4 12.8 3.4

Source : Agency for Science, Technology and Research


1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Patents Owned 1 (No) 256 1,268 1,456 1,739 2,314 2,570 3,475

Patents Applied (No) 242 774 913 936 1,001 1,257 1,594

Patents Awarded (No) 51 239 410 451 460 599 877

Source : Agency for Science, Technology and Research

1 As at end of period.

Data on the Corporate Sector covered Current Ratio: It is defined as the ratio
all companies incorporated or registered in of current assets (including the outstanding
Singapore, including branches of foreign funds due from holding and related companies)
companies. Partnerships and sole proprietor- to current liabilities (including the outstanding
ships were, however, not included because of amount due to holding and related companies).
the difficulty in obtaining financial statements This ratio measures the liquidity of companies,
for such business enterprises. All data were i.e. their ability to meet current debt payments
extracted from audited financial accounts. when due. A ratio of 1 indicates that the
These were collected either directly via a postal company has exactly balanced its current
survey or from the Accounting and Corporate liabilities with current assets. The lower is the
Regulatory Authority (ACRA). ratio below 1, the higher is the risk of the
company running into a liquidity problem. A
ratio above 1 indicates an excess of liquidity in
the company.
Rate of Return on Total Assets (ROA):
Equity: It is defined as the amount of It is defined as the ratio of pre-tax profit before
paid-up capital and reserves of a company. deducting interest payments to average of total
Paid-up capital is the amount contributed by assets in the beginning and at the end of the
shareholders to the company and reserves refer year. This ratio measures the efficiency of
to the company's retained surpluses, revaluation companies in their use of resources available to
gains, share premium and other reserve funds them.
earmarked for contingencies, improvements,
etc. For Singapore branches of foreign banks, Rate of Return on Total Equity (ROE):
the net fixed assets of a branch is used as an It is defined as the ratio of pre-tax profit to
approximation of the amount of foreign capital average of total equity in the beginning and at
invested in Singapore. For branches of other the end of the year. This ratio measures the
foreign corporations, the net amount owing to profitability i.e. the rate of return that
the head office is used. companies have earned on the capital provided
by the shareholders after accounting for
payments to all other capital suppliers.
Equity Ratio: It is defined as the ratio
of shareholders’ equity and net amount due to Other References
foreign head office to total assets. The ratio
measures the dependence of companies on The report “Singapore’s Corporate
external funding i.e. funding which is not from Sector”, published by the Singapore
its shareholders or its overseas headquarters in Department of Statistics, contains analysis of
the case of the local branch of a foreign the data and detailed tables showing the
enterprise. The lower is this ratio, the higher is aggregated balance sheets and profit and loss
the company’s dependence on external funding. accounts.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Billion Dollars
Industry 1994 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Total 262.1 481.0 563.8 605.7 634.6 670.8 666.6

Financial Services 119.8 228.9 277.8 300.3 302.5 330.6 301.7

Non-Financial Services 142.2 252.2 286.0 305.4 332.0 340.3 364.9

Manufacturing 45.5 79.1 99.6 103.6 109.7 112.9 122.0

Construction 2.0 4.3 7.1 5.5 6.7 6.1 6.8
Commerce 26.9 40.5 45.7 52.1 62.4 64.9 72.9
Transport & Storage 18.2 32.3 32.3 32.3 36.3 38.6 45.8
Information & Communications 4.8 12.4 15.8 25.7 30.4 33.5 31.3
Real Estate & Business
Services 42.8 65.0 72.8 71.5 72.3 70.1 71.7
Others 2.0 18.7 12.7 14.6 14.3 14.3 14.3

Note : Financial services sector includes financial services and insurance services.


(End of Period)

Billion Dollars
Industry 1994 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Total 1,272.8 2,107.9 2,371.2 2,408.1 2,485.5 2,596.3 2,849.9

Financial Services 905.6 1,435.7 1,624.1 1,619.9 1,671.8 1,752.6 1,933.9

Non-Financial Services 367.2 672.2 747.1 788.2 813.7 843.6 916.1

Manufacturing 93.1 160.1 190.3 197.1 208.3 210.2 229.3

Construction 21.4 41.1 49.1 48.1 45.0 43.3 46.8
Commerce 103.0 153.3 168.4 178.4 194.2 209.7 238.6
Transport & Storage 39.3 73.3 77.5 79.2 80.4 82.8 94.8
Information & Communications 8.3 26.4 35.3 52.5 56.4 59.1 58.5
Real Estate & Business
Services 97.6 185.4 198.5 204.3 203.2 205.5 214.1
Others 4.5 32.5 28.1 28.6 26.3 33.0 34.0

Note : Financial services sector includes financial services and insurance services.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Per Cent
Industry 1994 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Total 16.2 11.0 12.5 6.9 7.9 11.6 13.8

Financial Services 12.9 10.1 11.7 6.7 7.5 11.3 11.5

Non-Financial Services 19.0 11.8 13.3 7.0 8.2 11.8 15.9

Manufacturing 18.8 13.9 18.6 10.3 12.4 17.6 21.9

Construction -4.4 -7.3 9.2 -10.2 -6.7 -7.4 -2.7
Commerce 16.3 12.2 14.0 12.0 12.3 11.8 17.8
Transport & Storage 14.8 14.2 17.7 12.4 9.7 14.7 26.7
Information & Communications 35.5 12.0 4.8 3.9 4.1 11.5 5.6
Real Estate & Business
Services 22.3 11.2 7.6 -2.0 3.2 3.4 5.9
Others 13.8 5.4 6.0 12.8 -2.8 10.7 6.8

Note : Financial services sector includes financial services and insurance services.


(End of Period)

Per Cent
Industry 1994 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Total 4.5 5.1 5.8 4.0 3.3 4.0 4.4

Financial Services 2.9 4.9 5.6 4.1 3.0 3.3 3.2

Non-Financial Services 8.6 5.4 6.1 3.8 4.1 5.5 7.1

Manufacturing 10.1 7.9 10.4 6.6 7.2 9.8 12.2

Construction 0.2 -0.4 1.6 -0.9 -0.5 -0.7 0.1
Commerce 5.7 4.4 5.0 4.6 4.6 4.4 6.1
Transport & Storage 8.3 7.5 9.1 6.3 5.1 7.5 13.4
Information & Communications 21.3 6.2 2.5 2.6 2.8 6.9 3.7
Real Estate & Business
Services 11.3 5.0 4.0 0.6 2.2 2.2 3.1
Others 6.8 3.8 4.0 6.9 -0.9 6.2 4.0

Note : Financial services sector includes financial services and insurance services.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Industry 1994 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Total 0.21 0.25 0.24 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.25

Financial Services 0.14 0.19 0.17 0.20 0.21 0.20 0.17

Non-Financial Services 0.39 0.38 0.38 0.39 0.41 0.40 0.40

Manufacturing 0.49 0.49 0.52 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.53

Construction 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.12 0.15 0.14 0.15
Commerce 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.29 0.32 0.31 0.31
Transport & Storage 0.46 0.44 0.42 0.41 0.45 0.47 0.48
Information & Communications 0.58 0.47 0.45 0.49 0.54 0.57 0.54
Real Estate & Business
Services 0.44 0.35 0.37 0.35 0.36 0.34 0.34
Others 0.44 0.57 0.45 0.51 0.54 0.43 0.42

Note : Financial services sector includes financial services and insurance services.


(End of Period)

Industry 1994 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Total 1.05 1.03 1.05 1.06 1.08 1.08 1.04

Financial Services 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.02

Non-Financial Services 1.04 0.96 1.02 1.03 1.08 1.09 1.11

Manufacturing 1.33 1.22 1.31 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.33

Construction 0.88 0.89 0.95 0.98 1.02 1.02 1.03
Commerce 1.11 1.11 1.12 1.14 1.20 1.19 1.21
Transport & Storage 0.90 0.83 0.95 0.90 0.88 0.95 1.10
Information & Communications 1.31 1.21 1.58 1.01 1.40 1.55 1.36
Real Estate & Business
Services 0.74 0.63 0.69 0.76 0.78 0.77 0.76
Others 1.03 0.89 0.70 1.05 1.20 1.32 1.26

Note : Financial services sector includes financial services and insurance services.

Coverage and Sources of Data companies. However, a business firm, not being
a legal entity, cannot register another business
firm. A sole-proprietorship is a business firm
Data on companies and businesses
owned by one person or one company. There
include all those registered with the Accounting
are no partners. The sole-proprietor has
and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)
absolute say in the running of the business firm.
as well as those registered with professional
A partnership may have between two and
bodies, e.g. legal services and medical services.
twenty partners. If there are more than twenty
These data are compiled from the
partners, the business entity must be registered
administrative records of ACRA and relevant
as a company under the Companies Act,
organisations (e.g. The Law Society of
Chapter 50.
Singapore, Singapore Medical Council, Board
of Architects or Professional Engineers Board),
Active Company/Business: Refers to
as well as surveys conducted by the Singapore
entities which are still in operation, and not
Department of Statistics.
dormant, liquidated, dissolved, under
receivership or struck off. New entities formed
but have not started operations are excluded.
Formation: Refers to companies and
Company: Refers to a business entity businesses registered with the ACRA and other
registered under the Companies Act, Chapter relevant organisations (e.g. The Law Society of
50. It has a legal personality (i.e. it has the right Singapore, Singapore Medical Council, Board
to own properties, to sue or be sued). It usually of Architects or Professional Engineers Board).
has the words ‘Pte. Ltd.’ or ‘Ltd.’ as part of its
name. Cessation: Refers to companies and
businesses which have ceased operation during
Business: Refers to a business firm, the reference year. Cessation status includes
operating either as a sole-proprietorship or a ceased operations, struck off, liquidated and
partnership. It may be set up by individuals or dissolved.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of period)
Industry 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 90,908 93,085 97,512 104,338 109,098 122,065

Manufacturing 8,420 8,147 7,986 8,487 8,292 9,238
Construction 7,785 8,099 8,362 8,504 8,784 8,445
Wholesale & Retail Trade 31,873 32,573 34,286 36,386 37,888 41,711
Transport & Storage 5,451 5,510 5,701 5,895 6,131 6,507
Hotels & Restaurants 2,492 2,651 2,924 3,506 3,915 4,601
Information & Communications 3,962 4,206 4,590 5,201 5,498 6,594
Financial & Insurance Activities 9,355 9,642 9,854 10,303 10,807 13,373
Real Estate, Rental &
Leasing Activities 6,746 6,731 6,742 6,754 6,709 6,717
Professional, Scientific &
Technical Activities 7,616 7,915 8,652 9,561 10,378 12,046
Administrative & Support
Service Activities 2,822 2,942 3,185 3,702 4,069 4,924
Education, Health & Social Work 2,185 2,305 2,626 3,079 3,466 4,039
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation &
Other Service Activities 1,920 2,050 2,269 2,611 2,816 3,423
Others 281 314 335 349 345 447

Source : Singapore Department of Statistics

Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority


(End of period)
Industry 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 104,944 106,213 114,210 112,698 91,787 84,718

Manufacturing 10,272 9,923 9,673 9,591 7,365 7,013
Construction 13,521 13,503 13,861 13,542 10,157 8,916
Wholesale & Retail Trade 36,513 36,843 39,943 39,439 32,761 29,616
Transport & Storage 5,928 6,133 6,574 6,596 5,478 4,936
Hotels & Restaurants 4,763 4,885 5,344 5,074 4,119 4,130
Information & Communications 2,410 2,544 2,944 2,767 1,946 1,797
Financial & Insurance Activities 985 1,006 1,047 992 836 758
Real Estate, Rental &
Leasing Activities 2,920 2,913 2,978 2,847 2,173 1,949
Professional, Scientific &
Technical Activities 9,646 10,032 11,314 11,167 9,172 8,448
Administrative & Support
Service Activities 3,324 3,467 3,914 4,017 3,219 3,073
Education, Health & Social Work 4,987 5,042 5,706 5,430 4,974 4,820
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation &
Other Service Activities 9,307 9,542 10,499 10,840 9,266 8,996
Others 368 380 413 396 321 266

Source : Singapore Department of Statistics

Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 9,524 8,511 11,294 13,544 17,153 19,501 21,491

Manufacturing 627 533 616 687 908 1,154 1,399
Construction 784 559 619 662 736 794 954
Wholesale & Retail Trade 3,333 2,637 3,764 4,414 5,459 5,977 6,102
Transport & Storage 532 393 491 539 786 849 900
Hotels & Restaurants 261 323 441 616 776 792 983
Information & Communications 463 894 1,071 1,129 1,171 1,369 1,478
Financial & Insurance Activities 1,425 951 969 1,330 1,955 2,380 3,051
Real Estate, Rental &
Leasing Activities 468 198 222 243 282 339 515
Professional, Scientific &
Technical Activities 882 1,030 1,636 1,829 2,350 2,645 2,983
Administrative & Support
Service Activities 310 363 577 816 1,160 1,209 1,027
Education, Health & Social Work 165 262 430 580 670 853 762
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation &
Other Service Activities 226 330 401 613 784 976 1,150
Others 48 38 57 86 116 164 187

Source : Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority



Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 2,862 4,800 6,603 7,461 6,159 7,288 9,510

Manufacturing 377 453 537 589 421 475 557
Construction 181 310 349 502 379 471 559
Wholesale & Retail Trade 1,168 1,904 2,387 2,658 2,150 2,580 3,389
Transport & Storage 188 268 369 396 333 336 435
Hotels & Restaurants 66 117 159 196 169 220 331
Information & Communications 71 216 497 548 531 577 684
Financial & Insurance Activities 317 580 884 996 806 866 1,083
Real Estate, Rental &
Leasing Activities 130 267 382 391 318 358 376
Professional, Scientific &
Technical Activities 202 403 604 640 552 723 1,072
Administrative & Support
Service Activities 74 116 203 231 212 277 435
Education, Health & Social Work 17 42 72 79 108 159 245
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation &
Other Service Activities 47 96 137 199 154 210 294
Others 24 28 23 36 26 36 50

Source : Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 23,504 24,928 25,477 25,913 25,064 23,494 24,090

Manufacturing 1,652 1,524 1,094 942 931 1,139 1,252
Construction 3,468 2,276 1,770 1,498 1,379 1,396 1,532
Wholesale & Retail Trade 8,129 8,618 9,304 9,437 8,874 8,183 8,020
Transport & Storage 1,207 1,285 1,138 1,190 1,107 995 1,019
Hotels & Restaurants 1,334 1,594 1,534 1,648 1,753 1,637 1,575
Information & Communications 837 1,364 1,441 1,419 1,180 1,128 1,367
Financial & Insurance Activities 152 148 135 255 269 220 274
Real Estate, Rental &
Leasing Activities 831 336 252 202 219 207 306
Professional, Scientific &
Technical Activities 2,380 2,923 3,169 3,458 3,336 2,809 3,052
Administrative & Support
Service Activities 907 1,470 1,812 1,841 1,887 1,734 1,421
Education, Health & Social Work 810 1,119 1,439 1,284 1,114 1,008 1,066
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation &
Other Service Activities 1,680 2,132 2,244 2,562 2,791 2,851 3,056
Others 117 139 145 177 224 187 150

Source : Singapore Department of Statistics

Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority


Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 19,965 23,065 11,544 15,157 17,490 56,459 26,966

Manufacturing 1,936 1,683 922 1,075 1,067 3,063 1,408
Construction 2,365 3,088 1,341 1,824 1,710 5,151 2,022
Wholesale & Retail Trade 8,276 8,146 4,159 5,542 6,401 20,120 9,626
Transport & Storage 996 1,108 518 668 791 2,604 1,214
Hotels & Restaurants 1,081 1,212 708 885 1,156 3,372 1,717
Information & Communications 492 1,300 528 671 741 3,045 1,254
Financial & Insurance Activities 122 127 86 117 145 461 261
Real Estate, Rental &
Leasing Activities 580 488 181 300 301 960 398
Professional, Scientific &
Technical Activities 1,529 2,097 1,083 1,412 1,820 6,736 3,152
Administrative & Support
Service Activities 637 1,343 631 815 976 3,607 1,843
Education, Health & Social Work 472 679 409 528 743 2,182 1,071
Arts, Entertainment, Recreation &
Other Service Activities 1,369 1,656 924 1,252 1,533 4,809 2,846
Others 110 138 54 68 106 349 154

Source : Singapore Department of Statistics

Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority

General Fisheries

Local fish production comprises

The agricultural sector of Singapore is
mainly aquaculture produces from fish farms
engaged mainly in the production of eggs, fish
with small quantities from local capture
and vegetables for local consumption and
fisheries. Singapore also imports, exports and
orchids and ornamental fish for exports. About
tranships fish caught by foreign vessels.
one per cent of Singapore's land area is used for
agricultural purposes.
The Jurong Fishery Port (JFP) plays
an important role as a major fish landing and
distribution point in Singapore. JFP handled
about 67,700 tonnes of fish in 2006, the bulk
Horticulture of which comprised fresh fish landed by
foreign vessels as well as those imported by
air and road. The Senoko Fishery Port (SFP)
The main crops cultivated are began its operations in September 1997. SFP
vegetables and orchids. Vegetable cultivation serves as a homebase for local fishing vessels.
is highly intensive, producing mainly leafy The port handled locally-produced and
vegetables like bayam, cai xin, kai lan, bai cai imported fish, totalling about 11,700 tonnes of
and xiao bai cai. Bean sprouts are also fish in 2006. There are 94 seafood processing
produced. establishments licensed to manufacture fishery
products in Singapore. Ten processing
establishments, two coldstores and one freezer
A number of farms and nurseries grow vessel are approved to export seafood products
orchids, ornamental and foliage plants for to the EU countries.
export and domestic sale. Singapore is
renowned for her orchid cut flowers, which are There are 97 floating fish farms
exported to many countries. The orchid and covering 59 hectares of coastal waters,
other horticultural enterprises are supported by culturing high-valued fish like groupers and
plant tissue laboratories which produce several seabass for the live fish market and
hundred thousands of plantlets. supermarkets.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Vegetables (Tonnes) 10,870 17,690 16,525 16,563 17,192 17,397 18,077

Orchid Flowers (Million Stalks) 34 19 19 13 11 12 10

Plants (Million Plants) 31 48 41 30 24 36 38

Source : Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority

1 Include potted plants, foliages, ornamental plants, aquatic plants and tissue-cultured plantlets.


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Poultry 42,505 50,213 51,721 49,315 38,653 44,336 43,327

Chickens 36,312 43,484 44,768 42,838 34,363 37,845 37,996

Ducks 6,193 6,729 6,953 6,477 4,290 6,491 5,331

Pigs 1,253 347 328 292 308 311 245

Source : Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Fish Supply 1

Local Production 13,129 7,785 7,795 7,109 7,579 7,836 11,674

Imports 156,077 115,464 114,058 163,589 171,407 167,190 168,664

Exports 116,396 76,270 58,528 60,547 67,158 60,392 60,188

Fish Auction 91,460 75,603 78,361 78,348 77,115 74,387 72,526

Source : Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority

International Enterprise Singapore
1 Exclude dried, salted and fish in brine.
2 Data include aquaculture production.
3 Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
4 From Year 2005 onwards, data include 'Low-value fish'.

Census of Manufacturing Activities value of all commodities produced (including

by-products) and industrial services rendered
A census of manufacturing estab- during the year.
lishments is conducted annually by the
Research and Statistics Unit, Economic Total Output : Total output includes
Development Board. The results provide manufacturing output and other operating
comprehensive data for the study of the income.
structure and trends of the manufacturing
sector. Materials Used: Materials used cover
raw or basic materials, chemicals and packing
The activities covered in the census materials consumed in the production. They
include manufacturing and industrial servicing. refer to the actual consumption during the year.
They are classified according to the Singapore
Standard Industrial Classification 2005.
Value Added: It refers to total output
The census is conducted by mail less materials, utilities, fuel, transportation
inquiry and via the internet, using two standard charges, work given out and other operating
questionnaires. The reference period is the costs.
calendar year, except for those establishments
whose financial years do not coincide with the
calendar year.
Index of Industrial Production

Definitions The index of industrial production

covers all manufacturing activities classified
Establishment: A manufacturing under Section D of the Singapore Standard
establishment is defined as a manufacturing Industrial Classification 2000. The indices
unit engaged in one manufacturing activity and published are at the 2-digit industry division
generally operating at one location. and total manufacturing level.

Workers: They refer to all persons The base year for the index of
engaged in the industrial activity of the industrial production is 2003. The value added
establishment, that is, all employees, the self- weighting pattern is obtained from the 2002
employed and their relatives. Data generally Census of Manufacturing Activities data. The
refer to employment as at 30 June, except weighting pattern reflects the relative
where establishments commence operation after importance of the industry divisions and
June. changing structure within the manufacturing
sector. The Laspeyres’ formula is used for the
Remuneration: It refers to the amount compilation of the index.
expended for the whole year. For employees,
total remuneration comprises salaries (including
bonuses), contributions to the Central Provident Indices of Business and Labour Costs
Fund and pensions paid by employers, and
other benefits provided. For working The Unit Business Cost Index (UBCI)
proprietors, it refers to the amount withdrawn is compiled by the Singapore Department of
for their personal use. For unpaid family Statistics. It measures the relative cost of
workers, it refers to allowances. producing one unit of real output with respect
to the base year. The main components of
Manufacturing Output: The manu- business cost are labour cost, services cost and
facturing output of industries refers to the total government rates and fees. The weighting

pattern for the components is derived from the which companies commit to invest in
input-output tables. As a fixed-weight index, Singapore. Projects are only recorded as
the UBCI takes the reference year of input- commitments if the company has made a firm
output tables as the base year. The Laspeyres' undertaking to implement the project.
formula is used for the compilation of the

Unit labour cost is defined as the total Other References

labour cost per unit of real output. Total labour
cost comprises wages and salaries, benefits,
CPF contributions by employers, foreign More detailed statistics on the
workers' levy and skill development levy. manufacturing sector are available from the
"Report on the Census of Industrial
Investment Commitments Production"/"Report on the Census of
Manufacturing Activities". This report is
Investment commitments refer to published annually by the Research and
investment projects in terms of fixed assets Statistics Unit, Economic Development Board.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Unit 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Establishments No 4,068 4,041 8,609 8,597 8,725 8,037 na

Workers No 368,119 345,141 357,247 351,109 357,836 369,610 382,200

Materials $m 76,026 76,724 81,266 86,036 107,160 125,257 133,266

Manufacturing Output $m 119,869 132,991 141,431 150,779 182,579 208,652 226,659

Total Output $m 122,579 138,323 147,296 158,697 191,636 217,086 234,609

Value Added $m 27,368 32,018 36,459 37,130 46,394 49,043 55,248

Remuneration $m 11,253 12,665 12,965 12,961 13,476 14,301 15,185

Direct Exports $m 72,964 84,209 88,384 98,725 116,750 134,647 145,324

Source : Economic Development Board

Notes : Prior to 2002, data refer to establishments engaging 10 or more workers.
From 2002, data include establishments with less than 10 workers.
Data exclude rubber processing and granite quarrying.


Unit 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Manufacturing Output
Per Worker $'000 325.6 385.3 395.9 429.4 510.2 564.5 593.0

Value Added
Per Worker $'000 74.3 92.8 102.1 105.8 129.7 132.7 144.6

Value Added to
Total Output % 22.3 23.1 24.8 23.4 24.2 22.6 23.5

Remuneration to
Value Added % 41.1 39.6 35.6 34.9 29.0 29.2 27.5

Remuneration to
Total Output % 9.2 9.2 8.8 8.2 7.0 6.6 6.5

Direct Exports to
Total Sales % 60.7 62.4 63.1 65.4 66.0 65.0 64.5

Direct Exports to
Manufacturing Output % 60.9 63.3 62.5 65.5 63.9 64.5 64.1

Source : Economic Development Board

Notes : Prior to 2002, data refer to establishments engaging 10 or more workers.
From 2002, data include establishments with less than 10 workers.
Data exclude rubber processing and granite quarrying.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Code Industry 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

15/16/17 Food, Beverages & Tobacco 312 340 332 683 681 699 677
18 Textiles & Textile
Manufactures 38 31 25 112 114 124 101
19 Wearing Apparel except
Footwear 251 152 131 612 596 601 514
20 Leather, Leather Products &
Footwear 33 20 18 59 60 60 48
21 Wood & Wood Products
except Furniture 64 49 48 111 112 114 104

22 Paper & Paper Products 110 85 79 122 128 129 124

23 Printing & Reproduction of
Recorded Media 407 329 306 901 920 927 845
24 Refined Petroleum Products 20 18 18 17 17 17 17
25 Chemicals & Chemical
Products 169 211 219 255 264 264 264
26 Pharmaceutical Products 18 25 28 38 40 43 43

27 Rubber & Plastic Products 346 323 314 422 422 394 353
28 Non-metallic Mineral Products 85 98 94 149 146 146 136
29 Basic Metals 25 17 18 33 25 26 21
30 Fabricated Metal Products
except Machinery &
Apparatus 584 668 666 1,157 1,222 1,245 1,173
31 Machinery & Equipment 511 615 661 1,677 1,552 1,610 1,502

32 Electrical Machinery &

Apparatus 154 155 149 224 222 240 229
33 Electronic Products &
Components 239 197 190 220 220 209 191
34 Medical, Precision & Optical
Instruments, Watches &
Clocks 62 68 75 126 119 123 127
35 Transport Equipment 305 341 366 573 612 647 611
36 Furniture & Other
Manufacturing Industries 303 302 304 1,118 1,125 1,107 957

Total Manufacturing 4,036 4,044 4,041 8,609 8,597 8,725 8,037

Source : Economic Development Board

Notes : Prior to 2002, data refer to establishments engaging 10 or more workers.
From 2002, data include establishments with less than 10 workers.
Data exclude rubber processing and granite quarrying.
The industries are classified according to Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
Code Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

15/16/17 Food, Beverages & Tobacco 3,650.3 3,358.6 3,715.7 3,743.5 4,449.0 4,605.6 4,756.4
18 Textiles & Textile
Manufactures 170.3 201.0 180.1 204.6 177.7 159.4 143.4
19 Wearing Apparel except
Footwear 868.9 857.5 859.6 849.0 837.6 634.8 549.3
20 Leather, Leather Products &
Footwear 112.1 180.7 182.2 202.6 207.6 211.2 216.9
21 Wood & Wood Products
except Furniture 270.2 235.9 248.9 243.5 263.4 247.7 267.9

22 Paper & Paper Products 1,021.9 773.4 825.7 838.7 880.6 964.1 1,017.4
23 Printing & Reproduction of
Recorded Media 2,755.3 2,707.7 2,589.7 2,649.3 2,672.1 2,755.7 2,942.0
24 Refined Petroleum Products 13,746.5 17,740.5 17,699.3 21,239.8 28,004.8 40,030.6 45,804.7
25 Chemicals & Chemical
Products 5,467.4 10,759.2 13,375.3 17,150.9 22,902.6 25,777.1 28,023.8
26 Pharmaceutical Products 1,695.8 5,032.6 8,055.2 10,120.1 14,475.4 15,565.8 20,933.8

27 Rubber & Plastic Products 2,601.0 2,618.5 2,813.6 2,693.1 2,654.0 2,648.9 2,673.7
28 Non-metallic Mineral Products 2,372.0 1,262.2 1,323.2 1,294.9 1,330.7 1,241.3 1,313.7
29 Basic Metals 636.9 494.4 553.2 493.9 748.0 984.6 1,079.7
30 Fabricated Metal Products
except Machinery &
Apparatus 6,297.8 6,085.9 6,419.7 6,407.0 7,153.8 7,215.5 7,887.5
31 Machinery & Equipment 6,018.2 6,511.8 7,529.1 7,780.6 9,369.7 11,349.4 13,894.8

32 Electrical Machinery &

Apparatus 3,545.0 2,487.3 2,377.4 2,291.9 2,723.1 2,897.7 3,293.8
33 Electronic Products &
Components 60,912.7 60,513.9 60,063.9 59,718.0 69,898.4 75,556.6 72,981.6
34 Medical, Precision & Optical
Instruments, Watches &
Clocks 1,547.1 2,934.8 3,072.5 3,138.8 3,333.7 3,589.6 3,872.3
35 Transport Equipment 4,828.0 7,048.3 7,928.5 8,115.8 9,327.7 10,999.0 13,588.3
36 Furniture & Other
Manufacturing Industries 1,351.7 1,186.8 1,618.0 1,603.4 1,168.9 1,216.9 1,418.3

Total Manufacturing 119,869.0 132,990.7 141,430.7 150,779.3 182,578.8 208,651.5 226,659.3

Source : Economic Development Board

Notes : Prior to 2002, data refer to establishments engaging 10 or more workers.
From 2002, data include establishments with less than 10 workers.
Data exclude rubber processing and granite quarrying.
The industries are classified according to Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
Code Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

15/16/17 Food, Beverages & Tobacco 3,834.6 3,660.2 4,000.0 3,994.0 4,740.1 4,962.4 5,223.5
18 Textiles & Textile
Manufactures 183.8 209.6 188.7 212.9 185.3 175.2 155.9
19 Wearing Apparel except
Footwear 917.3 898.6 901.8 878.9 907.6 708.9 640.1
20 Leather, Leather Products &
Footwear 116.1 191.5 190.3 207.6 212.6 215.5 220.3
21 Wood & Wood Products
except Furniture 279.3 252.6 264.1 256.1 277.5 264.1 287.0

22 Paper & Paper Products 1,050.6 802.3 863.6 874.7 912.7 997.4 1,051.2
23 Printing & Reproduction of
Recorded Media 2,804.6 2,750.6 2,639.5 2,694.1 2,710.4 2,802.4 2,992.4
24 Refined Petroleum Products 13,920.1 18,264.9 18,412.5 21,969.6 28,270.1 40,302.6 46,064.4
25 Chemicals & Chemical
Products 5,788.2 11,633.6 14,280.4 18,236.8 24,115.8 26,867.3 29,246.0
26 Pharmaceutical Products 1,700.9 5,134.2 8,170.6 10,216.9 15,605.8 16,208.8 21,399.6

27 Rubber & Plastic Products 2,697.9 2,764.7 2,955.5 2,845.1 2,833.2 2,833.8 2,879.7
28 Non-metallic Mineral Products 2,426.4 1,302.4 1,410.0 1,377.5 1,440.8 1,329.8 1,379.8
29 Basic Metals 650.6 506.5 568.4 508.7 762.2 1,003.2 1,083.6
30 Fabricated Metal Products
except Machinery &
Apparatus 6,466.8 6,290.6 6,639.7 6,596.2 7,372.1 7,500.6 8,134.6
31 Machinery & Equipment 6,281.7 6,848.3 7,840.7 8,059.7 9,699.6 11,768.9 14,335.3

32 Electrical Machinery &

Apparatus 3,696.6 2,696.2 2,574.0 2,498.7 2,962.2 3,170.8 3,609.4
33 Electronic Products &
Components 61,411.9 62,201.5 61,897.6 63,509.5 74,026.2 79,156.3 75,939.1
34 Medical, Precision & Optical
Instruments, Watches &
Clocks 1,650.2 3,051.2 3,281.9 3,418.9 3,429.9 3,849.7 4,102.8
35 Transport Equipment 5,247.0 7,527.2 8,447.4 8,604.3 9,839.1 11,610.0 14,335.5
36 Furniture & Other
Manufacturing Industries 1,454.5 1,336.3 1,768.9 1,736.7 1,332.9 1,358.4 1,528.9

Total Manufacturing 122,579.1 138,323.0 147,295.6 158,696.8 191,636.2 217,086.1 234,609.3

Source : Economic Development Board

Notes : Prior to 2002, data refer to establishments engaging 10 or more workers.
From 2002, data include establishments with less than 10 workers.
Data exclude rubber processing and granite quarrying.
The industries are classified according to Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Million Dollars
Code Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

15/16/17 Food, Beverages & Tobacco 950.5 1,000.1 1,013.5 1,004.7 1,172.8 1,125.9 1,334.1
18 Textiles & Textile
Manufactures 63.4 45.5 46.2 48.1 41.0 37.8 37.4
19 Wearing Apparel except
Footwear 212.1 225.0 225.9 212.2 232.0 212.1 212.9
20 Leather, Leather Products &
Footwear 36.2 52.8 42.9 49.8 52.7 54.0 55.2
21 Wood & Wood Products
except Furniture 68.6 63.9 60.2 59.0 59.5 59.5 64.0

22 Paper & Paper Products 379.8 239.7 256.9 202.5 214.5 257.1 287.1
23 Printing & Reproduction of
Recorded Media 1,366.3 1,259.9 1,280.6 1,261.8 1,306.8 1,303.5 1,318.7
24 Refined Petroleum Products 1,479.8 1,291.4 1,472.3 1,523.1 2,551.0 2,662.9 2,792.9
25 Chemicals & Chemical
Products 1,544.6 2,489.6 2,961.1 3,315.4 4,465.8 4,304.9 4,608.8
26 Pharmaceutical Products 1,421.5 2,797.1 4,893.7 5,746.5 8,927.9 8,110.3 12,354.9

27 Rubber & Plastic Products 887.9 959.9 997.9 1,009.4 1,011.3 958.1 957.0
28 Non-metallic Mineral Products 609.5 296.5 379.5 398.4 398.9 355.2 380.3
29 Basic Metals 146.1 94.1 100.6 93.1 106.3 330.1 322.9
30 Fabricated Metal Products
except Machinery &
Apparatus 1,836.7 1,747.6 1,928.6 1,889.5 1,965.5 2,069.0 2,265.5
31 Machinery & Equipment 1,844.9 2,406.2 2,620.7 2,742.9 3,262.3 3,686.6 4,202.1

32 Electrical Machinery &

Apparatus 994.4 784.9 810.9 810.3 825.4 839.2 970.1
33 Electronic Products &
Components 10,632.7 11,666.4 12,225.1 11,698.7 14,539.0 16,689.7 15,937.4
34 Medical, Precision & Optical
Instruments, Watches &
Clocks 639.1 1,334.2 1,452.9 1,511.4 1,347.1 1,593.0 1,852.5
35 Transport Equipment 1,913.5 2,926.2 3,250.8 3,102.1 3,557.6 4,050.9 4,899.7
36 Furniture & Other
Manufacturing Industries 340.0 336.8 438.8 450.8 356.5 342.7 394.4

Total Manufacturing 27,367.6 32,017.7 36,458.9 37,129.7 46,394.0 49,042.5 55,247.9

Source : Economic Development Board

Notes : Prior to 2002, data refer to establishments engaging 10 or more workers.
From 2002, data include establishments with less than 10 workers.
Data exclude rubber processing and granite quarrying.
The industries are classified according to Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Code Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

15/16/17 Food, Beverages & Tobacco 14,215 16,102 18,430 19,155 19,017 19,116 19,650
18 Textiles & Textile
Manufactures 1,349 1,181 1,344 1,276 1,248 1,123 1,082
19 Wearing Apparel except
Footwear 10,708 8,377 9,633 9,225 9,097 7,608 7,199
20 Leather, Leather Products &
Footwear 998 956 971 1,045 1,050 973 1,000
21 Wood & Wood Products
except Furniture 1,450 1,593 1,747 1,759 1,623 1,760 1,748

22 Paper & Paper Products 5,474 4,357 4,337 4,302 4,342 4,495 4,566
23 Printing & Reproduction of
Recorded Media 18,932 18,407 19,112 18,342 17,096 17,538 17,890
24 Refined Petroleum Products 3,531 2,850 2,948 3,122 3,045 3,200 3,250
25 Chemicals & Chemical
Products 11,863 15,591 15,567 15,983 15,628 15,544 15,735
26 Pharmaceutical Products 1,758 2,375 3,203 3,584 3,857 3,903 4,020

27 Rubber & Plastic Products 21,609 20,936 20,366 19,822 19,698 18,221 18,167
28 Non-metallic Mineral Products 6,505 5,706 5,617 5,164 5,084 5,158 5,244
29 Basic Metals 2,105 1,495 1,308 1,407 1,385 1,853 2,019
30 Fabricated Metal Products
except Machinery &
Apparatus 34,765 37,592 38,679 38,129 37,564 38,250 38,850
31 Machinery & Equipment 33,488 38,606 41,485 40,714 42,165 45,510 50,116

32 Electrical Machinery &

Apparatus 17,318 12,109 11,003 10,323 10,564 10,850 11,154
33 Electronic Products &
Components 128,446 98,012 92,011 87,508 92,446 95,690 95,341
34 Medical, Precision & Optical
Instruments, Watches &
Clocks 9,291 10,388 10,388 10,406 10,492 11,433 11,991
35 Transport Equipment 34,892 39,388 47,522 48,687 51,990 57,625 63,103
36 Furniture & Other
Manufacturing Industries 9,422 9,120 11,576 11,156 10,445 9,760 10,075

Total Manufacturing 368,119 345,141 357,247 351,109 357,836 369,610 382,200

Source : Economic Development Board

Notes : Prior to 2002, data refer to establishments engaging 10 or more workers.
From 2002, data include establishments with less than 10 workers.
Data exclude rubber processing and granite quarrying.
The industries are classified according to Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
Code Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

15/16/17 Food, Beverages & Tobacco 435.0 496.5 540.0 556.1 572.6 554.3 575.3
18 Textiles & Textile
Manufactures 34.2 32.9 31.0 33.6 30.2 30.2 24.9
19 Wearing Apparel except
Footwear 186.1 156.3 180.9 169.3 167.1 151.2 147.7
20 Leather, Leather Products &
Footwear 24.8 27.9 27.4 30.9 31.7 30.0 31.7
21 Wood & Wood Products
except Furniture 35.1 42.5 42.5 42.1 39.2 43.2 43.5

22 Paper & Paper Products 171.7 144.7 144.5 143.3 149.6 159.3 162.6
23 Printing & Reproduction of
Recorded Media 671.1 722.0 699.6 695.9 635.6 690.3 709.4
24 Refined Petroleum Products 301.8 315.5 365.5 373.5 343.4 363.6 378.1
25 Chemicals & Chemical
Products 593.0 1,086.4 1,020.2 1,043.2 1,074.1 1,054.3 1,079.8
26 Pharmaceutical Products 83.3 159.5 204.3 227.8 265.7 250.5 269.4

27 Rubber & Plastic Products 539.4 584.3 575.4 568.5 575.2 550.1 547.6
28 Non-metallic Mineral Products 210.6 175.8 177.2 169.8 173.8 167.3 162.9
29 Basic Metals 87.0 67.1 63.0 67.9 65.7 82.7 87.9
30 Fabricated Metal Products
except Machinery &
Apparatus 1,006.1 1,109.1 1,120.1 1,130.0 1,122.3 1,161.4 1,196.3
31 Machinery & Equipment 1,126.7 1,402.6 1,549.6 1,519.6 1,612.0 1,821.2 2,091.0

32 Electrical Machinery &

Apparatus 542.1 418.1 409.1 371.5 380.4 386.6 408.3
33 Electronic Products &
Components 3,522.2 3,685.8 3,541.5 3,450.7 3,699.9 4,009.4 4,230.0
34 Medical, Precision & Optical
Instruments, Watches &
Clocks 288.8 382.3 377.0 386.6 401.9 465.6 525.7
35 Transport Equipment 1,164.9 1,409.1 1,590.1 1,688.7 1,882.4 2,082.8 2,261.9
36 Furniture & Other
Manufacturing Industries 229.3 246.9 305.6 292.3 253.2 246.9 251.3

Total Manufacturing 11,253.2 12,665.1 12,964.6 12,961.3 13,476.0 14,300.9 15,185.4

Source : Economic Development Board

Notes : Prior to 2002, data refer to establishments engaging 10 or more workers.
From 2002, data include establishments with less than 10 workers.
Data exclude rubber processing and granite quarrying.
The industries are classified according to Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2003 =100)

Code Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

15/16 Food, Beverages & Tobacco 117.6 103.2 100.3 100.0 101.7 108.9 113.1
17 Textiles & Textile Manufactures 132.9 132.5 95.4 100.0 85.6 65.0 54.8
18 Wearing Apparel except
Footwear 111.2 117.9 102.5 100.0 97.9 81.3 73.4
19 Leather, Leather Products
& Footwear 105.6 128.3 110.4 100.0 110.6 115.8 116.2
20 Wood & Wood Products
except Furniture 135.4 108.0 90.9 100.0 117.9 117.4 133.1

21 Paper & Paper Products 120.7 93.3 100.0 100.0 105.6 112.1 115.7
22 Printing & Reproduction of
Recorded Media 107.9 109.4 100.4 100.0 101.2 103.5 108.0
23 Refined Petroleum Products 108.9 94.1 94.3 100.0 111.3 121.4 118.0
24 Chemicals & Chemical Products 28.5 65.6 90.8 100.0 120.4 129.7 155.7
25 Rubber & Plastic Products 119.1 97.9 107.2 100.0 97.3 103.8 103.5

26 Non-metallic Mineral Products 190.5 108.6 109.8 100.0 114.2 99.0 95.0
27 Basic Metals 111.0 113.4 116.2 100.0 118.8 138.7 163.7
28 Fabricated Metal Products
except Machinery &
Apparatus 144.3 113.1 110.1 100.0 105.6 104.8 113.6
29 Machinery & Equipment 99.3 98.3 99.2 100.0 119.9 146.3 187.3
30 Electrical Machinery &
Apparatus 116.9 98.4 101.8 100.0 104.6 113.5 130.2

31 Electronic Products &

Components 74.6 91.2 95.0 100.0 114.8 125.4 131.0
32 Medical, Precision & Optical
Instrument, Watches & Clocks 52.9 88.2 97.5 100.0 104.9 110.8 113.0
33 Transport Equipment 66.2 96.7 105.6 100.0 119.5 144.6 180.0
34 Furniture & Other Manufacturing
Industries 154.7 109.4 97.9 100.0 92.0 93.6 106.1
35 Recycling of Metal/Non-Metal
Waste & Scrap na na na 100.0 146.8 135.7 135.7

Total Manufacturing 74.1 89.5 97.1 100.0 113.9 124.7 139.5

Source : Economic Development Board

Note : The industries are classified according to Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2000.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2000 =100)

Weights 1 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Unit Business Cost Index of


Total 100.0 110.1 109.1 102.5 100.9 97.4 97.4 97.5

Unit Labour Cost 44.6 122.2 116.9 106.5 102.4 93.8 91.4 88.1

Total Services Cost 54.2 100.9 102.7 99.4 99.9 100.4 102.4 105.2

Government Rates &

Fees 1.3 133.0 103.2 89.5 86.5 95.1 96.2 97.9

Unit Labour Cost Index of

Overall Economy 103.2 106.5 102.6 100.7 95.9 94.5 94.0

1 The weights are based on the 2000 input-output tables.

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
Industry 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 8,051.0 9,171.7 9,008.7 7,511.0 8,258.1 8,518.8 8,842.6

Food, Beverage & Tobacco 201.4 .. 40.0 100.7 222.2 102.7 89.4

Petroleum & Chemical Products 2,629.1 1,891.5 1,793.5 1,392.9 1,567.6 1,821.3 2,531.8

Pharmaceutical & Biological Products 233.6 711.5 761.8 677.8 612.8 615.4 814.3

Rubber & Plastic Products 102.9 234.8 51.1 136.3 85.5 .. ..

Fabricated Metal Products 350.5 183.2 370.8 57.4 58.9 .. 100.5

Machinery & Equipment 306.3 529.6 438.5 274.7 202.2 280.5 245.3

Electronic Products & Components 3,477.6 4,612.7 4,652.2 4,224.1 4,571.1 4,354.2 4,336.4

Instrumentation Equipment 83.0 264.8 197.0 246.1 244.7 318.9 251.7

Transport Equipment 250.5 398.3 288.5 184.1 450.0 518.6 343.8

Other Manufacturing Industries 416.2 345.3 415.3 216.9 243.1 507.2 129.3

Source : Economic Development Board

Note: The industries are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification 2005.
1 Including servicing, engineering and R&D.



Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 8,051.0 9,171.7 9,008.7 7,511.0 8,258.1 8,518.8 8,842.6

Local 2,261.1 2,562.5 1,969.7 1,239.9 2,256.3 2,132.2 1,724.1

Foreign 5,790.0 6,609.2 7,039.0 6,271.0 6,001.8 6,386.6 7,118.5

United States 2,334.3 3,191.7 2,432.2 2,422.3 2,309.0 2,068.3 2,246.4

Japan 1,962.0 1,340.0 1,778.2 1,354.9 1,163.5 1,309.7 1,252.8

Europe 1,388.9 1,913.0 2,122.8 2,255.4 2,211.0 2,002.7 2,335.3

Asia Pacific & Others 104.8 164.5 705.8 238.4 318.3 1,005.9 1,283.9

Source : Economic Development Board


Construction and Real Estate Building Commencement: Construction

of a building project is deemed to have
commenced when a permit to commence
Building construction refers to erection
building works in respect of that building is
of new buildings and additions/alterations to
issued by the Commissioner of Building
existing buildings, but excludes erection of
Control. In the case of a public sector project
temporary structures, illegal building works or
for which this permit is not required, the
minor works which do not require planning
construction of the building project is deemed
approval. Data on new buildings given written
to have commenced when the first tender is
permission and building plan approval and
invited. Where the contractor is selected by pre-
submitted notice of commencement and issued
qualification or closed tender, the date on which
Temporary Occupation Permits (TOP)s are
the contract is awarded is used.
compiled from the administrative records of the
Development Control Division, Urban
Redevelopment Authority (URA) and Building
Completed Properties : A building
Plan and Management Division and Building
project is deemed completed when the
Engineering Division of Building and
Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) or
Construction Authority (BCA). Data on notices
Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) in
of tender invitation and completion of public
respect of that building is issued by the
buildings are collected through surveys
Commissioner of Building Control. Public
conducted by the Property Research Section,
sector projects are considered completed when
URA. Statistics on contracts awarded and
the certificate of completion is issued by the
progress payments certified are collected
architect or engineer in charge of the project.
through surveys conducted by the Economics
Completed properties are referred to as the
Research Section of BCA.
existing stock.

Definitions Gross Floor Area: Refers to the

covered floor space (whether within or outside
Provisional Permission: Refers to the a building and whether or not enclosed)
conditional approval granted by the Minister for measured between party walls including
National Development or the Competent thickness of external walls and any open area
Authority to develop any land subject to used for commercial purposes.
conditions in accordance with the development
rules in force. Contracts Awarded: Refers to the full
contract given to the main contractor by the
Written Permission: Refers to the architect, engineer or developer/owner even
approval granted by the Minister for National though part or all the works may be further sub-
Development or the Competent Authority to contracted to another contractor.
develop any land subject to conditions in
accordance with the development rules in force. Progress Payments Certified: Refers to
the value of all construction works done and
Building Plan Approval (Private Sector certified for progress payment. Where
Only): Refers to the approval granted by the construction works are carried out by the
Commissioner of Building Control in respect of developer/owner himself and the architect does
building plans and specifications submitted in not certify progress payments, the expenses
accordance with the prescribed building incurred on the construction work are taken to
regulations in force. be the progress payments certified.

Other References the Build-To-Order system in July 2006 and

August 2004 respectively, for sale to eligible
More details of construction and real applicants with monthly household income not
estate statistics may be obtained from the more than $2,000 and $3,000 respectively. In
“Property Market Information: Private October 1994, HDB implemented the CPF
Residential Properties”, “Property Market Housing Grant Scheme to strengthen family
Information: Commercial Properties”, ties by giving a housing grant to first-timer
“Property Market Information: Industrial citizen families to buy a resale flat that is in
Properties” and “Property Market Information: the same town/estate or within 2 km of their
Details of Projects Under Development” parents’ flat. A lower-tier grant was
published by the Property Research Section, implemented in August 1995 to cater for first-
URA. timer families who wish to buy resale flats
without the proximity condition to live near
their parents. The scheme was extended to the
Housing purchase of Executive Condominiums in
August 1996 and to single citizens in June
The Housing and Development Board 1998 to help them buy resale flats. To help
(HDB) was established on 1 February 1960 as first-timer lower-income households to
the public housing authority of Singapore. become homeowners, the Additional CPF
HDB’s mission is to provide affordable quality Housing Grant (AHG) Scheme was
homes, create and rejuvenate the towns, and implemented in March 2006. Under the
promote the building of communities. HDB Scheme, eligible first-timer households buying
also develops and maintains other facilities, a new or resale flat will be given an AHG
namely commercial and industrial properties, ranging from $5,000 to $20,000 on top of the
and car parks. To help build sustainable existing housing subsidy.
communities, HDB plans towns with a
comprehensive range of facilities to meet
residents’ needs. HDB provides recreational To bridge the gap between the
and community facilities such as standards of the older estates and those of the
neighbourhood parks and children’s newer towns, the Estate Renewal Strategy was
playgrounds in its housing estates. introduced in September 1995. HDB’s
programmes such as the Main Upgrading
In 2006, 2,733 flats were completed, Programme (MUP), the Interim Upgrading
bringing the total number of flats built since Programme (IUP), the IUP Plus, the Lift
HDB’s inception in 1960 to 982,356. To-date, Upgrading Programme (LUP), the Selective En
82 per cent of the resident population live in bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS) and the
HDB flats. Lift Improvement and Facilities Enhancement
for the Elderly (LIFE) project, etc are all part of
The Home Ownership for the People the Estate Renewal Strategy.
Scheme, introduced in 1964, enables citizens
to buy HDB flats. HDB sold 6,940 HDB flats
in 2006. 80 per cent of the resident population At the end of 2006, the number of
lives in HDB home-ownership flats. HDB precincts selected under the MUP Steady State
offers a number of schemes to help low- Phase was 131, involving about 130,848 units
income families own HDB flats. These are the of HDB flats. Under the MUP, improvements
sale of flats to rental tenants, buying-back of are made to the flat, the apartment block and
3-room flats for sale at subsidised prices and the precinct. At the end of 2006, the upgrading
rent & purchase of 3-room flats. HDB also works at 97 precincts under the Steady State
started offering new 2 and 3-room flats under Phase of this programme had been completed.

Under the IUP carried out by the Another 15 blocks (comprising about 4,400
Town Councils to improve the precincts, eight units) had been announced for retrofitting
batches comprising 190 precincts had so far under Project LIFE and works are in progress.
been selected. The upgrading works in 186 HDB had also launched the Studio
precincts had been completed as at end 2006. Apartments (SA) in 1998, which are
With effect from May 2002, the IUP had been customised for the elderly. The SAs were
combined with the LUP under a new specially designed and equipped with elderly-
programme called IUP Plus. The IUP Plus friendly and safety features to facilitate
was implemented by HDB. It aimed to bring mobility. To-date, there are 7 completed SA
the benefits of both interim and lift upgrading projects and another 7 are currently under
earlier to the residents. As at end of 2006, 81 construction. In addition, another 4 projects
precincts had been announced under the IUP with a total of 528 units of SAs integrated
Plus and 4 precincts had been completed. with the other flat types at the SERS
replacement sites in Bukit Merah,
Queenstown, Jurong West and Ang Mo Kio
The LUP was launched in March 2001 had also been announced. In December 2006,
to provide residents with speedier and more HDB launched the first batch of new 2-room
convenient access to their HDB homes by flats integrated with the other flat types at a
having lifts that stop at every floor. As at end SERS replacement site in Queenstown to
of 2006, 180 precincts were announced under provide a more affordable and wider range of
LUP and 50 precincts had been completed. flat types to the residents.

The Selective En Bloc Redevelopment Between 1989 and 2006, HDB sold 86
Scheme (SERS) was launched in August 1995. land parcels (213 hectares) for private
Under the scheme, selected old blocks of sold residential development and 37 land parcels
flats are redeveloped en bloc to optimise land (35 hectares) for commercial development. A
use. The flat lessees involved would be offered total of 23 Executive Condominium sites (52
new flats at a nearby site. SERS therefore hectares) were sold during this period.
enables residents in the old estates to upgrade to
new and better flats within the same The Design, Build & Sell Scheme
neighbourhood and preserves the strong (DBSS) was introduced in March 2005 as one
community ties built over the years at the same of the initiatives to make public housing more
time. It also attracts young families to move in responsive to the needs and aspirations of
to live in the rejuvenated mature estates. As at Singaporeans. The scheme brings about
December 2006, 67 precincts had been greater innovation in building design and flat
announced for redevelopment under SERS. type for flat buyers. Under this scheme, the
private sector undertakes the entire public
housing development process, from tendering
Since 1993, HDB had carried out of the land, to designing, building and selling
improvement works at 38 blocks of 1-room the flats, while preserving the character of
rental flats (comprising about 11,400 units) public housing and ensuring building quality
in 8 batches under Project LIFE. and safety.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Number of Units
Type of Property 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

All Types
Available 149,114 198,354 205,197 210,934 221,903 229,356 233,364
Vacant 9,262 16,207 17,454 16,339 17,916 19,276 14,257

Detached Houses
Available 10,204 9,918 9,902 9,915 9,905 9,894 9,883
Vacant 962 670 695 653 523 554 520

Semi-Detached Houses
Available 18,779 20,301 20,434 20,628 20,702 20,785 20,783
Vacant 1,020 1,141 1,005 932 756 1,019 978

Terrace Houses
Available 32,611 35,993 36,154 36,549 37,031 37,267 37,744
Vacant 1,816 1,968 2,000 1,660 1,482 1,902 1,912

Available 48,150 55,286 56,969 57,973 59,349 60,431 60,663
Vacant 2,676 4,717 6,542 5,453 4,930 5,464 4,326

Condominium Units
Available 39,370 76,856 81,738 85,869 94,916 100,979 104,291
Vacant 2,788 7,711 7,212 7,641 10,225 10,337 6,521

Source : Urban Redevelopment Authority

Note : Figures exclude hostels, HDB flats, tenement houses, parsonages and Executive Condominiums.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Number of Units
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Landed Properties
Total 17,460 6,383 5,770 5,047 4,446 4,458 4,452
Under Construction 6,337 3,166 2,951 2,288 1,630 1,613 1,690
Written Permission 1,322 2,325 2,184 2,193 2,270 2,312 2,302
Provisional Permission 2,767 707 594 492 464 385 277
Others 7,034 185 41 74 82 148 183

Non-Landed Properties
Total 85,574 46,242 46,708 46,976 42,764 43,448 49,053
Under Construction 38,058 26,237 26,977 26,594 19,365 20,682 24,054
Written Permission 5,087 11,693 10,807 8,273 13,479 8,695 9,025
Provisional Permission 12,808 6,436 5,635 8,803 8,280 8,344 13,179
Others 29,621 1,876 3,289 3,306 1,640 5,727 2,795

Source : Urban Redevelopment Authority

Note : Figures exclude hostels, HDB flats, tenement houses, parsonages and Executive Condominiums.
1 Planned land sales by the government and developments submitted for approval.



Number of Units
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Provisional Permission 19,825 10,459 9,360 8,688 11,781 8,969 19,531

Written Permission 17,292 11,125 8,753 4,743 11,903 7,311 12,753

Building Plan Approval 15,188 9,844 8,709 6,569 10,038 5,333 11,863

Building Commencement 15,465 8,272 9,414 6,670 4,145 10,282 11,295

Building Completion 8,111 6,817 7,730 6,619 11,799 8,697 6,520

Source : Urban Redevelopment Authority

Note : Figures exclude hostels, HDB flats, tenement houses, parsonages and Executive Condominiums.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Thousand sq m nett

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Private Sector

Office Space
Available 4,016 5,043 5,125 5,180 5,167 5,156 5,212
Vacant 370 564 806 964 857 673 549

Shop Space
Available 1,836 1,929 1,977 2,020 1,992 1,999 2,100
Vacant 197 169 196 218 185 156 162

Factory Space
Available 14,059 18,512 19,612 19,952 20,269 20,563 21,000
Vacant 496 1,579 2,434 2,416 2,333 2,075 1,954

Warehouse Space
Available 3,434 5,267 5,396 5,586 5,641 5,692 5,875
Vacant 244 632 746 838 784 736 659

Public Sector

Office Space
Available 1,091 1,207 1,354 1,344 1,326 1,309 1,317
Vacant 65 140 213 205 182 156 121

Shop Space
Available 1,177 1,180 1,159 1,145 1,147 1,145 1,152
Vacant 32 80 65 70 74 76 87

Factory Space
Available 5,423 6,126 6,236 6,415 6,447 6,445 6,437
Vacant 259 781 859 977 873 763 603

Warehouse Space
Available 656 83 83 83 82 83 78
Vacant 43 21 31 23 16 14 12

Source : Urban Redevelopment Authority

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(Private and Public Sectors)
(End of Period)

Thousand sq m gross
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Office Space
Total 2,823 1,114 735 597 490 554 753
Under Construction 1,200 507 399 327 322 281 344
Written Permission 185 131 159 147 70 12 93
Provisional Permission 402 364 175 117 93 128 80
Others 1 1,036 112 2 6 5 133 236

Shop Space
Total 1,087 315 348 324 364 617 647
Under Construction 375 144 215 192 210 277 297
Written Permission 112 58 64 56 93 73 116
Provisional Permission 115 60 58 43 42 58 23
Others 1 485 53 11 33 19 209 211

Factory Space
Total 8,375 5,750 4,795 3,915 3,035 3,027 3,280
Under Construction 3,781 3,200 2,013 1,643 1,301 1,550 2,014
Written Permission 477 770 791 790 559 261 231
Provisional Permission 1,175 423 771 379 165 107 207
Others 1 2,942 1,357 1,220 1,103 1,010 1,109 828

Warehouse Space
Total 1,457 579 318 220 282 474 922
Under Construction 899 387 245 151 221 284 542
Written Permission 209 65 63 56 57 96 40
Provisional Permission 127 2 10 1 4 77 245
Others 1 222 125 - 12 - 17 95

Source : Urban Redevelopment Authority

1 Planned public developments and land sales by the government and developments
submitted for approval.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


( Private and Public Sectors)

Thousand sq m gross
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Office Space
Provisional Permission 330 175 11 44 48 232
Written Permission 191 277 81 22 17 49
Building Plan Approval 109 326 69 12 13 43
Building Commencement 100 248 24 79 20 211
Building Completion 264 381 64 75 43 162

Shop Space
Provisional Permission 61 135 19 105 99 220
Written Permission 72 24 27 212 46 158
Building Plan Approval 35 26 31 17 101 155
Building Commencement 40 105 27 52 76 206
Building Completion 13 57 42 20 6 204

Factory Space
Provisional Permission 1,368 643 164 337 267 840
Written Permission 894 994 500 339 819 900
Building Plan Approval 704 793 401 331 571 602
Building Commencement 1,205 444 439 559 830 902
Building Completion 983 1,597 765 659 329 619

Warehouse Space
Provisional Permission 154 59 22 81 234 435
Written Permission 122 152 50 150 169 351
Building Plan Approval 69 115 164 62 194 196
Building Commencement 184 59 64 148 212 364
Building Completion 167 138 170 41 130 233

Source : Urban Redevelopment Authority

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
Type of Work 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
All Sectors

Total 20,291 14,302 14,487 10,018 10,287 11,456 16,127

Building Work 16,257 10,915 11,082 8,692 7,504 9,763 14,222

Residential 7,497 3,931 3,612 2,994 3,863 3,724 4,326

Commercial 2,320 495 1,250 536 1,128 1,009 2,279
Industrial 4,094 3,330 2,442 2,046 1,047 3,119 6,028
Others 2,345 3,160 3,779 3,115 1,466 1,910 1,589

Civil Engineering Work 4,033 3,386 3,404 1,327 2,783 1,694 1,905

Private Sector

Total 9,654 6,970 4,844 4,648 5,713 7,471 12,474

Building Work 9,385 6,738 4,667 4,481 4,943 6,751 11,767

Residential 3,686 2,975 2,542 1,910 2,586 2,589 3,271

Commercial 2,002 420 997 405 1,048 902 2,208
Industrial 3,339 2,815 717 1,429 984 2,748 5,893
Others 358 528 411 737 325 511 396

Civil Engineering Work 269 232 177 167 770 720 706

Public Sector

Total 10,637 7,332 9,642 5,371 4,575 3,985 3,653

Building Work 6,872 4,177 6,415 4,211 2,561 3,012 2,455

Residential 3,811 956 1,070 1,084 1,277 1,135 1,056

Commercial 318 75 253 131 80 107 71
Industrial 755 514 1,725 617 63 371 135
Others 1,987 2,632 3,368 2,379 1,141 1,399 1,193

Civil Engineering Work 3,765 3,154 3,227 1,160 2,014 973 1,199

Source : Building and Construction Authority

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
Type of Work 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
All Sectors

Total 15,772 15,880 13,261 12,219 11,616 12,221 12,866

Building Work 13,597 11,518 10,153 9,355 8,963 9,135 9,925

Residential 6,990 4,213 3,942 3,619 3,376 3,240 3,390

Commercial 1,775 1,463 1,009 788 736 973 1,240
Industrial 3,297 2,832 2,513 2,278 2,123 2,398 3,140
Others 1,535 3,011 2,689 2,670 2,727 2,524 2,156

Civil Engineering Work 2,175 4,361 3,108 2,863 2,653 3,086 2,940

Private Sector

Total 8,542 7,165 6,214 5,291 5,158 6,013 7,541

Building Work 8,209 6,585 5,961 5,098 4,948 5,431 6,795

Residential 3,590 2,510 2,661 2,540 2,292 2,261 2,421

Commercial 1,565 848 707 574 612 827 1,167
Industrial 2,678 2,622 2,101 1,559 1,575 1,858 2,707
Others 375 606 493 426 470 484 501

Civil Engineering Work 333 580 252 193 210 582 746

Public Sector

Total 7,229 8,714 7,047 6,928 6,458 6,208 5,325

Building Work 5,388 4,934 4,192 4,258 4,014 3,704 3,130

Residential 3,400 1,703 1,281 1,080 1,085 979 969

Commercial 209 615 302 214 124 146 73
Industrial 619 210 412 720 548 540 433
Others 1,160 2,405 2,196 2,244 2,257 2,040 1,655

Civil Engineering Work 1,842 3,781 2,856 2,670 2,444 2,504 2,194

Source : Building and Construction Authority

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Residential 725,144 863,552 866,071 874,183 876,985 877,546 878,820

1-room 25,540 21,812 20,522 20,321 20,142 20,143 20,145

2-room 34,939 31,514 30,568 29,836 29,351 29,351 28,715
3-room 240,164 233,153 229,505 228,600 227,125 223,309 222,474
4-room 252,809 314,610 318,478 323,390 325,794 329,141 331,486
5-room 121,486 194,032 199,298 204,082 206,614 207,633 207,944
Executive 1 46,134 64,487 64,899 65,153 65,158 65,151 65,148
HUDC 2 4,072 3,008 1,865 1,865 1,865 1,865 1,865
Studio Apartment - 936 936 936 936 953 1,043

Commercial/Industrial Units 30,037 31,018 29,698 30,399 30,233 29,855 30,227

Source : Housing & Development Board

1 Data include multi-generation flats.
2 From 1999, data exclude other residential properties.



1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Flats Constructed (No) 27,484 23,913 10,141 10,082 5,326 5,673 2,733

Flats Sold Under ' Home Ownership

Scheme ' 1 (No) 26,532 19,987 19,629 15,388 10,055 10,101 6,940

Percentage of Population 2 Living in

Public Flats 86 85 85 84 84 83 82
(End of Period)

Source : Housing & Development Board

1 Flats are considered 'sold' only when keys are issued to the applicants. Data include HUDC units.
2 Data refer to resident population.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



TownTown 1 Studio
Total 1-room 2-room 3-room 4-room 5-room Executive 2 HUDC

Total 878,820 20,145 28,715 222,474 331,486 207,944 65,148 1,043 1,865

Ang Mo Kio 48,073 1,318 3,493 24,507 13,026 5,251 478 - -

Bedok 58,974 2,250 1,827 22,379 19,636 10,042 2,710 130 -
Bishan 19,367 396 - 2,359 9,199 5,395 1,660 - 358
Bukit Batok 31,731 20 20 10,277 13,850 4,832 2,732 - -
Bukit Merah 49,568 4,884 6,060 16,325 13,159 8,966 44 130 -

Bukit Panjang 29,498 - - 2,620 13,980 9,517 3,381 - -

Bukit Timah 2,423 - - 441 920 682 380 - -
Central Area 10,751 2,057 1,316 4,754 2,296 281 9 - 38
Choa Chu Kang 39,173 - 240 1,312 19,437 13,422 4,762 - -
Clementi 23,877 454 520 12,199 7,677 2,407 620 - -

Geylang 30,421 1,044 3,151 11,997 9,361 3,600 831 107 330
Hougang 48,474 538 315 9,601 23,166 9,923 4,309 - 622
Jurong East 22,300 - - 7,055 7,333 5,898 1,871 143 -
Jurong West 69,201 - 606 13,036 28,232 20,821 6,506 - -
Kallang/Whampoa 34,806 4,401 2,469 13,500 9,083 4,852 501 - -

Marine Parade 7,866 - 1,350 3,045 1,798 1,673 - - -

Pasir Ris 27,515 - 21 166 10,716 9,054 7,460 - 98
Punggol 16,195 - - - 4,796 10,273 1,126 - -
Queenstown 28,495 575 3,098 15,676 5,571 3,216 359 - -
Sembawang 17,664 - - - 7,238 7,556 2,870 - -

Sengkang 39,982 - - - 16,120 19,316 4,546 - -

Serangoon 21,293 - 154 4,549 10,231 3,750 2,365 - 244
Tampines 61,484 154 126 12,262 27,057 15,833 5,844 208 -
Toa Payoh 35,123 1,170 3,613 15,799 8,263 5,094 853 156 175
Woodlands 57,953 868 320 5,527 26,038 19,010 6,190 - -

Yishun 46,613 16 16 13,088 23,303 7,280 2,741 169 -

Source : Housing & Development Board

1 Equivalent to Town Registration Boundary.
2 Include multi-generation flats.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Factory Space/Industrial Land 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Flatted Factory Space ('000 sq m)

Gross Allocation 159 113 111 91 114 106 123

Termination 153 115 118 146 117 102 102
Net Allocation 6 -2 -7 -55 -3 4 21
Demand 1,014 1,142 1,133 1,076 1,063 1,062 1,080
Supply 1,107 1,415 1,402 1,402 1,442 1,432 1,418
Occupancy Rate (%) 92 81 81 77 74 74 76

Standard Factory Space ('000 sq m)

Gross Allocation 156 46 45 31 80 58 75

Termination 41 47 72 53 25 24 33
Net Allocation 115 -1 -27 -22 55 34 41
Demand 2,169 2,288 2,241 2,217 2,268 2,300 2,343
Supply 2,321 2,495 2,462 2,478 2,478 2,511 2,438
Occupancy Rate (%) 93 92 91 90 92 92 96

Industrial Land 1 (hectares)

Gross Allocation 161 146 64 130 119 203 317

Termination 30 98 93 152 49 26 49
Net Allocation 131 48 -29 -22 70 178 268
Prepared Land
Demand 3,757 4,081 4,054 4,029 4,112 4,272 4,541
Supply 4,084 4,850 4,968 5,069 5,129 5,261 5,302

Source : JTC Corporation

1 Exclude industrial land used for JTC Standard/Flatted Factory developments.

The first statistical inquiry on the However, a consolidated return is allowed if the
services industries was conducted by the accounts are so kept that it is not possible to
Singapore Department of Statistics for the obtain separate data for each individual branch.
reference year 1967. The next inquiry was for
reference year 1972. Since then, the inquiry was
conducted biennially until reference year 1984 Definitions
and subsequently on an annual basis.
Establishment: Refers to a business or
organization unit engaged in one activity and
Scope and Coverage
generally operating in a single location.
The Survey of Services covers all
establishments, including statutory boards and Employment: Refers to the total
non-profit organizations, engaged in wholesale number of persons engaged, including part-time
and retail trades, restaurants and hotels, employees, working proprietors and partners,
transport and storage, information and working directors and unpaid family workers as
communications, financial and insurance at 30 June of the reference year. It includes
activities, real estate, business services and those temporarily away on leave.
community, social and personal services, as
classified under Sections G, H, J, K, L, M, N, Remuneration: Refers to the amount
O, P, Q, R and S of the "Singapore Standard paid to employees in the form of wages and
Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005". salaries, bonuses and allowances, Central
Government ministries and departments, Provident Fund/pension fund contributions and
foreign missions, political parties, hawkers and that given to unpaid family workers and
stall-holders, taxi and trishaw operators, directors as allowances, fees and benefits in
independent artistes and domestic servants are kind.
outside the scope of the survey. From the
reference year 1986, establishments engaged in
financial and insurance activities (such as banks Operating Receipts/Turnover: Refers to
and finance, securities and insurance the income earned from business operations, i.e.
companies) under the purview of the Monetary income from sales of goods, services rendered,
Authority of Singapore (MAS) are surveyed by commissions and rental of premises, machinery
MAS. and equipment. For local branches of foreign
airlines and foreign shipping lines, operating
Censuses were conducted prior to receipts refers to the reimbursement from their
1976, and for reference years 1983, 1984, 1993 head offices for the operating expenditure they
and 1994. Annual sample surveys were carried incurred.
out between 1976 and 1982, and for reference
years 1985 to 1992 and 1995 to 2005.
Operating Expenditure: Refers to the
For sample surveys, stratified sampling current expenditure pertaining to the business
by industry was adopted. Within each industry, operations such as purchases of goods and
establishments with large operating receipts services and remuneration. It includes
were selected with certainty and the rest were depreciation and adjustment for changes in
sampled. stocks and work-in-progress. For local
branches of foreign airlines and foreign
The statistical unit used in both surveys shipping lines, operating expenditure refers
is the establishment. A separate return is only to expenses incurred by the branch
normally required from each branch of a multi- offices in providing support services to their
activity firm, organization or enterprise. head offices (i.e. foreign airlines and foreign
12 SERVICES (cont’d)

shipping lines) and expenses paid by them on the quarterly survey of wholesale trade. The
behalf of their head offices. base year for the WTI is 2000.

Operating Surplus: Refers to the

Two series of the WTI are compiled -
amount of operating receipts less operating
the Domestic WTI and Foreign WTI. The
expenditure plus depreciation of fixed assets.
Domestic WTI records sales transactions
For non-profit organisations (i.e. entities which
made locally. It captures the sale of wholesale
cannot distribute any surplus made to their
goods from wholesalers to other wholesalers,
shareholders) which mainly rely on funds (such
manufacturers and retailers whose business
as grants and donations) other than receipts
operations are in Singapore. The Foreign WTI
from sales of goods and services rendered to
pertains to wholesale trade outside Singapore.
cover their operating expenditure, operating
It comprises wholesale exports of goods
surplus refers only to depreciation of fixed
manufactured in Singapore, re-exports,
offshore merchandise and transhipment
Value Added: Refers to the sum of the
value of operating surplus, remuneration and
The indices are presented at both current
indirect taxes.
prices and constant prices. Changes in the
indices at current prices measure the changes in
sales values resulting from changes in both
Retail Sales and Catering Trade Indices price and quantity. Changes in the indices at
constant prices measure the movements of sales
The retail sales and catering trade net of price changes.
indices measure the short-term performance of
retail and catering trade industries based on the
sales records of retail and catering Business Receipts Index
establishments. Data for the compilation of the
The Business Receipts Index (BRI)
indices are primarily obtained from the 3,000
for Services Industries measures the changes
establishments covered in the monthly retail
in the amount of business or operating
sales and catering trade surveys. The base year
receipts. In general, business receipts refer to
of the indices is 2005.
the operating income derived from services
rendered which includes commissions and
The indices are presented at both
fees earned but excludes the goods and
current prices and constant prices. Changes in
services tax.
the indices at current prices measure the
changes in sales values resulting from changes
in both price and quantity. By removing the In addition to the overall index, ten
price effect, the changes in indices at constant major component indices and seventeen sub-
prices measure the changes in the volume of component indices are compiled. These
economic activity. comprise transport & storage, post &
telecommunications, financial & insurance
services, real estate & leasing services, IT
Wholesale Trade Index services, business services, education services,
health services, recreational activities and
The Wholesale Trade Index (WTI) other services industries such as personal
measures the sales transactions of wholesale services.
establishments in the economy. Data for the Data for the compilation of the BRI
compilation of the WTI are sourced from are collected from some 1,900 establishments
some 810 wholesale establishments covered in covered in the quarterly survey of services and
12 SERVICES (cont’d)

the survey of national income estimates. The content services. The companies are selected
base year for the BRI is 2002. from the Commercial Establishment
Information System (CEIS) database based on
the 5-digit SSIC as defined by IDA.
Revenue of the Information and
Communication Technology Industry
Other References
Revenue of the Information and
Communication Technology Industry refers to Further information on the concepts
all sales income that is derived from carrying and methodology and detailed statistics prior
on the main activities of the enterprise, and is to the reference year 1990 may be obtained
booked in Singapore, as reflected in total from the "Report on the Survey of Services",
receipts. It includes the total value of services and the "Report on the Survey of Wholesale
rendered and commissions earned, agency Trade, Retail Trade, Restaurants and Hotels".
fees, administration & management fees etc., From reference year 1990 onwards, they can
but excludes Goods and Services Tax and be obtained from the various industry-specific
other sources of income such as rental and reports under the Economic Surveys Series,
interests earned. All manufacturing output and viz "Transport & Communications", "Real
sales to distributors are excluded. Estate & Business Services", "Community,
Social & Personal Services", "Wholesale &
Prior to 1998, the survey frame Retail", "Hotels & Catering" and "The Services
comprises companies with business activities Sector".
relating to IT products and services as classified
by the SSIC. These companies are also For reference year 2001 onwards, the
members of associations such as Singapore reports focused on important economic services
Federation of Computer Industry (SFCI) and industries in Singapore's economy. For
the Microcomputer Trade of Singapore reference year 2005, the reports comprised
(MTAS). From 1998, companies in the "Education Services", "Food and Beverage
telecommunications business have also been Services", "Health Services", "Information &
included. Communications Services", "Retail Trade",
"Transport Services", and "Wholesale Trade".
From 1999, the coverage of the survey In addition, there was also an overall report,
frame also includes companies providing presenting a summary of the services sector.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Establish- Employ- Remunera- Operating Operating Operating Value

Year ments ment tion Receipts Expenditure Surplus Added 1
Number Million Dollars

1995 95,727 752,268 24,857 433,605 410,887 32,820 58,139

2000 121,448 897,088 35,291 606,129 572,473 49,877 71,715
2001 123,616 916,963 37,387 571,530 544,598 43,629 71,259
2002 128,647 932,000 39,045 607,889 578,378 47,370 73,580
2003 134,862 935,251 39,579 703,446 659,871 62,537 76,421
2004 137,784 974,244 41,772 869,637 821,596 67,004 88,131
2005 138,853 1,057,322 46,965 1,093,407 1,032,141 80,009 101,964

Wholesale Trade

1995 26,210 179,347 6,913 311,204 305,827 6,425 14,352

2000 33,705 199,116 8,776 437,070 430,039 8,443 17,362
2001 33,285 201,814 9,291 405,837 399,970 7,316 16,737
2002 34,047 207,795 9,738 438,838 431,786 8,719 18,553
2003 35,526 198,289 9,841 518,433 510,862 8,899 18,834
2004 35,203 200,135 10,282 667,351 655,395 13,259 23,685
2005 36,096 218,591 11,617 854,751 837,566 18,657 30,422

Retail Trade

1995 18,180 85,617 1,449 24,545 23,673 1,079 5,068

2000 19,791 90,532 1,737 28,940 27,705 1,469 3,239
2001 19,464 90,810 1,796 26,766 25,806 1,202 3,034
2002 19,837 90,442 1,731 26,647 25,618 1,265 3,051
2003 20,397 95,155 1,853 28,896 27,850 1,340 3,225
2004 20,156 97,541 1,969 32,366 30,901 1,708 3,729
2005 19,959 105,446 2,223 36,174 34,498 1,950 4,235

Transport and Storage Services

1995 7,458 108,466 4,038 24,357 20,843 6,412 10,910

2000 8,512 116,487 5,111 36,370 31,613 8,496 13,915
2001 8,446 112,297 4,888 36,567 32,420 7,408 12,618
2002 8,757 110,973 5,126 37,859 34,365 7,018 12,417
2003 9,258 111,105 5,136 41,112 36,224 9,000 14,429
2004 9,474 109,934 5,622 49,824 42,149 11,696 17,661
2005 9,258 112,427 5,940 57,881 48,895 12,589 18,916

(continued on next page)

Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
Data from 1999 onwards were compiled using revised estimation and imputation methodology.
Non-profit organisations are included in the respective services industries.
Data exclude mutual benefit organisations, citizens' consultative committees and residents' committees.
1 From 1999, value added has been revised to basic prices in line with the rebasing of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Establish- Employ- Remunera- Operating Operating Operating Value

Year ments ment tion Receipts Expenditure Surplus Added 1
Number Million Dollars
Hotels and Catering

1995 3,170 75,410 1,418 5,379 4,755 924 2,518

2000 4,032 78,426 1,621 6,228 5,584 972 2,639
2001 4,397 80,743 1,625 6,011 5,540 807 2,479
2002 4,659 84,911 1,647 6,113 5,635 804 2,497
2003 4,511 83,636 1,544 5,610 5,317 609 2,194
2004 4,747 90,575 1,673 6,237 5,779 815 2,550
2005 4,725 94,055 1,804 6,775 6,163 993 2,862

Information and Communications Services

1995 1,091 21,426 993 5,321 3,388 2,420 3,507

2000 3,460 45,914 2,607 15,689 13,959 2,999 5,704
2001 4,097 50,299 3,024 18,769 16,533 3,626 6,740
2002 4,888 50,890 3,088 19,352 17,481 3,445 6,637
2003 5,360 51,338 3,092 19,453 17,297 3,631 6,815
2004 5,779 52,603 3,148 20,920 18,574 3,805 7,053
2005 5,803 56,111 3,665 24,353 21,549 4,180 8,144

Financial- and Insurance-related Services 2

1995 4,864 17,850 951 17,835 10,999 7,075 2,071

2000 6,469 19,069 1,577 30,361 13,935 16,926 3,664
2001 6,821 19,602 1,748 26,621 14,084 12,831 3,576
2002 7,062 20,515 1,717 28,870 13,719 15,468 3,385
2003 7,375 21,903 1,778 39,120 10,617 28,833 3,794
2004 7,651 23,078 1,944 36,214 12,284 24,257 4,217
2005 8,496 24,597 2,715 48,168 18,975 29,477 5,403

(continued on next page)

Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
Data from 1999 onwards were compiled using revised estimation and imputation methodology.
Non-profit organisations are included in the respective services industries.
Data exclude mutual benefit organisations, citizens' consultative committees and residents' committees.
1 From 1999, value added has been revised to basic prices in line with the rebasing of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
2 Data exclude establishments under the purview of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Establish- Employ- Remunera- Operating Operating Operating Value

Year ments ment tion Receipts Expenditure Surplus Added 1
Number Million Dollars

Real Estate and Business Services 3

1995 20,089 138,978 5,215 36,962 31,356 6,702 12,991

2000 26,180 179,810 7,873 39,830 33,823 8,370 16,939
2001 27,682 181,661 7,835 38,095 32,726 7,973 16,361
2002 28,856 185,153 8,400 36,783 31,488 7,980 16,694
2003 30,528 189,150 8,691 37,321 32,935 7,468 16,654
2004 31,429 201,137 9,058 41,992 36,372 8,570 18,175
2005 31,245 228,879 10,335 48,868 43,205 8,905 19,870

Community, Social and Personal Services

1995 14,665 125,174 3,881 8,002 10,047 1,783 6,721

2000 19,299 167,734 5,989 11,641 15,815 2,202 8,254
2001 19,424 179,737 7,180 12,863 17,519 2,467 9,714
2002 20,541 181,321 7,599 13,427 18,286 2,670 10,345
2003 21,907 184,675 7,644 13,500 18,769 2,756 10,477
2004 23,345 199,241 8,076 14,734 20,142 2,894 11,061
2005 23,271 217,216 8,666 16,437 21,290 3,257 12,113

Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
Data from 1999 onwards were compiled using revised estimation and imputation methodology.
Non-profit organisations are included in the respective services industries.
Data exclude mutual benefit organisations, citizens' consultative committees and residents' committees.
1 From 1999, value added has been revised to basic prices in line with the rebasing of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
3 From 1999, data include the publishing industry. Data for 1999 refer to publishing firms with 10 and more
workers while that for 2000 onwards refer to the whole industry.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Operating Operating Value Value Operating Remunera- Remunera-

Receipts Surplus Added 1 Added 1 Per Surplus to tion to tion to
Person Operating Operating Value
Per Establishment Engaged Receipts Expenditure Added 1

Thousand Dollars Per Cent


1995 4,530 343 607 77 7.6 6.0 42.8

2000 4,991 411 590 80 8.2 6.2 49.2
2001 4,623 353 576 78 7.6 6.9 52.5
2002 4,725 368 572 79 7.8 6.8 53.1
2003 5,216 464 567 82 8.9 6.0 51.8
2004 6,312 486 640 90 7.7 5.1 47.4
2005 7,875 576 734 96 7.3 4.6 46.1

Wholesale Trade

1995 11,873 245 548 80 2.1 2.3 48.2

2000 12,968 250 515 87 1.9 2.0 50.5
2001 12,193 220 503 83 1.8 2.3 55.5
2002 12,889 256 545 89 2.0 2.3 52.5
2003 14,593 250 530 95 1.7 1.9 52.3
2004 18,957 377 673 118 2.0 1.6 43.4
2005 23,680 517 843 139 2.2 1.4 38.2

Retail Trade

1995 1,350 59 279 59 4.4 6.1 28.6

2000 1,462 74 164 36 5.1 6.3 53.6
2001 1,375 62 156 33 4.5 7.0 59.2
2002 1,343 64 154 34 4.7 6.8 56.7
2003 1,417 66 158 34 4.6 6.7 57.5
2004 1,606 85 185 38 5.3 6.4 52.8
2005 1,812 98 212 40 5.4 6.4 52.5

Transport and Storage Services

1995 3,266 860 1,463 101 26.3 19.4 37.0

2000 4,273 998 1,635 119 23.4 16.2 36.7
2001 4,330 877 1,494 112 20.3 15.1 38.7
2002 4,323 801 1,418 112 18.5 14.9 41.3
2003 4,441 972 1,559 130 21.9 14.2 35.6
2004 5,259 1,235 1,864 161 23.5 13.3 31.8
2005 6,252 1,360 2,043 168 21.8 12.1 31.4

(continued on next page)

Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
Data from 1999 onwards were compiled using revised estimation and imputation methodology.
Non-profit organisations are included in the respective services industries.
Data exclude mutual benefit organisations, citizens' consultative committees and residents' committees.
1 From 1999, value added has been revised to basic prices in line with the rebasing of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Operating Operating Value Value Operating Remunera- Remunera-

Receipts Surplus Added 1 Added 1 Per Surplus to tion to tion to
Person Operating Operating Value
Year Per Establishment Engaged Receipts Expenditure Added 1
Thousand Dollars Per Cent
Hotels and Catering

1995 1,697 291 794 33 17.2 29.8 56.3

2000 1,545 241 655 34 15.6 29.0 61.4
2001 1,367 184 564 31 13.4 29.3 65.6
2002 1,312 173 536 29 13.2 29.2 66.0
2003 1,244 135 486 26 10.9 29.0 70.4
2004 1,314 172 537 28 13.1 28.9 65.6
2005 1,434 210 606 30 14.7 29.3 63.0

Information and Communications Services

1995 4,878 2,218 3,215 164 45.5 29.3 28.3

2000 4,534 867 1,648 124 19.1 18.7 45.7
2001 4,581 885 1,645 134 19.3 18.3 44.9
2002 3,959 705 1,358 130 17.8 17.7 46.5
2003 3,629 677 1,271 133 18.7 17.9 45.4
2004 3,620 658 1,220 134 18.2 17.0 44.6
2005 4,197 720 1,403 145 17.2 17.0 45.0

Financial- and Insurance-related Services 2

1995 3,667 1,455 426 116 39.7 8.6 45.9

2000 4,693 2,617 566 192 55.8 11.3 43.1
2001 3,903 1,881 524 182 48.2 12.4 48.9
2002 4,088 2,190 479 165 53.6 12.5 50.7
2003 5,304 3,910 514 173 73.7 16.7 46.9
2004 4,733 3,170 551 183 67.0 15.8 46.1
2005 5,670 3,470 636 220 61.2 14.3 50.3

(continued on next page)

Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
Data from 1999 onwards were compiled using revised estimation and imputation methodology.
Non-profit organisations are included in the respective services industries.
Data exclude mutual benefit organisations, citizens' consultative committees and residents' committees.
1 From 1999, value added has been revised to basic prices in line with the rebasing of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
2 Data exclude establishments under the purview of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Operating Operating Value Value Operating Remunera- Remunera-

Receipts Surplus Added 1 Added 1 Per Surplus to tion to tion to
Person Operating Operating Value
Year Per Establishment Engaged Receipts Expenditure Added 1
Thousand Dollars Per Cent
Real Estate and Business Services

1995 1,840 334 647 93 18.1 16.6 40.1

2000 1,521 320 647 94 21.0 23.3 46.5
2001 1,376 288 591 90 20.9 23.9 47.9
2002 1,275 277 579 90 21.7 26.7 50.3
2003 1,223 245 546 88 20.0 26.4 52.2
2004 1,336 273 578 90 20.4 24.9 49.8
2005 1,564 285 636 87 18.2 23.9 52.0

Community, Social and Personal Services

1995 546 122 458 54 22.3 38.6 57.7

2000 603 114 428 49 18.9 37.9 72.6
2001 662 127 500 54 19.2 41.0 73.9
2002 654 130 504 57 19.9 41.6 73.5
2003 616 126 478 57 20.4 40.7 73.0
2004 631 124 474 56 19.6 40.1 73.0
2005 706 140 521 56 19.8 40.7 71.5

Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) 2005.
Data from 1999 onwards were compiled using revised estimation and imputation methodology.
Non-profit organisations are included in the respective services industries.
Data exclude mutual benefit organisations, citizens' consultative committees and residents' committees.
1 From 1999, value added has been revised to basic prices in line with the rebasing of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
3 From 1999, data include the publishing industry. Data for 1999 refer to publishing firms with 10 and more
workers while that for 2000 onwards refer to the whole industry.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Weights 1 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

At Current Prices

Total 10,000 59.9 77.7 75.8 82.3 92.6 100.0 105.4

Total (excl Motor Vehicles) 6,551 81.6 85.3 87.2 85.8 92.7 100.0 105.7

Department Stores 1,322 85.1 83.8 84.2 83.5 90.9 100.0 106.4
Supermarkets 411 57.2 89.3 95.0 102.4 97.6 100.0 109.6
Provision & Sundry Shops 536 72.1 78.0 81.8 84.9 91.9 100.0 105.8
Food & Beverages 200 95.9 83.2 90.0 89.2 89.3 100.0 107.9
Motor Vehicles 3,449 39.0 69.6 63.8 78.5 92.4 100.0 104.9
Petrol Service Stations 456 94.4 93.3 84.0 84.3 93.3 100.0 108.7
Medical Goods & Toiletries 332 66.0 79.2 81.6 86.3 93.4 100.0 107.0
Wearing Apparel & Footwear 574 91.4 92.0 90.7 83.8 90.9 100.0 109.6
Furniture & Household
Equipment 755 76.3 86.5 90.0 83.6 91.1 100.0 103.1
Recreational Goods 190 82.3 88.9 84.2 82.9 90.1 100.0 101.0
Watches & Jewellery 607 83.7 76.1 77.4 80.0 89.4 100.0 100.4
Telecommunication Apparatus
& Computers 366 113.7 104.4 92.8 94.1 96.1 100.0 102.8
Optical Goods & Books 344 78.3 88.3 92.5 94.3 96.3 100.0 98.4
Others 458 81.6 86.8 96.7 85.9 99.7 100.0 111.2

At Constant Prices

Total 10,000 50.8 75.1 74.3 80.8 91.8 100.0 106.9

Total (excl Motor Vehicles) 6,551 81.2 88.5 90.8 88.3 93.3 100.0 104.1

Department Stores 1,322 89.3 88.0 88.5 86.7 91.9 100.0 105.3
Supermarkets 411 66.2 98.4 105.4 111.0 101.1 100.0 107.5
Provision & Sundry Shops 536 84.5 86.5 91.5 92.3 95.2 100.0 103.7
Food & Beverages 200 106.8 88.0 94.8 92.7 90.8 100.0 105.9
Motor Vehicles 3,449 28.3 64.6 61.4 75.0 90.7 100.0 112.2
Petrol Service Stations 456 122.0 105.2 103.2 100.4 99.7 100.0 102.4
Medical Goods & Toiletries 332 69.4 81.2 83.2 87.1 93.2 100.0 105.5
Wearing Apparel & Footwear 574 88.2 93.0 91.7 83.9 90.9 100.0 108.8
Furniture & Household
Equipment 755 66.0 80.8 86.1 81.4 89.4 100.0 104.6
Recreational Goods 190 78.2 87.2 83.4 82.0 89.1 100.0 100.7
Watches & Jewellery 607 91.1 93.6 91.1 88.3 93.2 100.0 88.4
Telecommunication Apparatus
& Computers 366 56.4 84.7 79.2 84.0 88.9 100.0 115.9
Optical Goods & Books 344 83.4 94.3 98.5 99.6 96.1 100.0 97.5
Others 458 83.3 87.4 98.2 87.1 100.3 100.0 108.5

1 The weights for the Retail Sales Index are compiled from the turnover data of the 2004 Annual Survey of Retail Trade.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Weights 1 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

At Current Prices

Total 1,000 99.7 104.5 99.4 92.5 97.2 100.0 104.2

Restaurants 360 99.0 97.9 93.4 87.4 93.8 100.0 107.6

Fast Food Outlets 136 88.7 106.1 100.6 99.5 100.4 100.0 103.8

Food Caterers 148 - - - - - 100.0 99.1

Other Eating Places 356 105.7 112.2 106.3 96.1 100.3 100.0 103.1

At Constant Prices

Total 1,000 112.2 110.6 104.1 95.5 98.7 100.0 102.7

Restaurants 360 115.5 105.8 100.0 91.4 95.6 100.0 106.1

Fast Food Outlets 136 97.8 110.6 103.5 101.3 101.0 100.0 102.4

Food Caterers 148 - - - - - 100.0 99.0

Other Eating Places 356 115.6 116.1 109.1 98.1 101.5 100.0 100.8

Note : Catering trade refers to the sales of prepared food and drinks for in-premises consumption or on a take-away basis.
All eating places are included with the exception of hawker stalls.
1 The weights for the Catering Trade Index are compiled from the turnover data of the 2004 Annual Survey
of Catering Trade.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2000 =100)

Weights 1 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

At Current Prices

Total 10,000 76.0 89.7 93.2 96.0 114.4 136.0 148.1

Total (excl Petroleum) 6,765 97.7 90.0 96.6 99.0 107.6 116.8 127.0

Food, Beverages & Tobacco 882 101.3 100.4 117.8 120.5 109.5 113.2 111.2
Household Equipment & Furniture 780 106.3 82.3 75.5 73.0 72.2 72.5 70.7
Petroleum & Petroleum Products 3,235 39.8 89.1 86.2 89.8 128.5 176.0 192.1
Chemicals & Chemical Products 291 95.0 120.2 238.7 208.9 114.3 127.4 121.3
Electronic Components 1,391 82.1 80.1 76.9 65.3 88.4 83.2 93.1
Industrial & Construction Machinery 380 135.3 78.9 66.8 73.0 76.2 86.6 99.1
Telecommunications & Computers 687 69.9 91.9 85.1 88.7 95.3 100.9 102.7
Timber, Paints & Construction
Materials 460 141.9 86.3 82.7 86.3 100.4 107.2 110.4
General Wholesale Trade 409 111.7 72.5 66.9 65.1 75.1 82.2 101.1
Ship Chandlers & Bunkering 469 77.7 96.3 130.9 159.4 211.8 285.0 328.4
Other Wholesale Trade 1,016 103.3 100.3 101.8 123.4 145.9 159.8 184.1

At Constant Prices

Total 10,000 88.0 91.9 95.8 94.6 106.1 108.7 112.3

Total (excl Petroleum) 6,765 98.1 90.4 97.7 99.5 106.8 110.6 118.6

Food, Beverages & Tobacco 882 105.8 100.7 117.5 116.6 102.5 105.5 102.8
Household Equipment & Furniture 780 105.4 87.2 82.9 84.5 87.0 88.3 88.5
Petroleum & Petroleum Products 3,235 66.8 95.0 91.6 84.5 104.6 104.8 99.2
Chemicals & Chemical Products 291 117.4 115.2 201.2 168.0 103.4 99.1 83.8
Electronic Components 1,391 72.6 80.3 78.8 70.1 95.2 93.2 106.3
Industrial & Construction Machinery 380 134.6 80.0 70.8 78.0 82.0 93.7 113.0
Telecommunications & Computers 687 44.7 89.8 93.0 101.8 116.7 128.4 135.2
Timber, Paints & Construction
Materials 460 115.6 89.4 85.5 85.6 89.4 87.7 86.6
General Wholesale Trade 409 116.7 73.7 70.3 67.1 73.6 73.3 85.9
Ship Chandlers & Bunkering 469 120.1 105.3 142.7 152.2 171.7 168.6 174.0
Other Wholesale Trade 1,016 112.2 94.9 97.5 118.2 136.6 152.0 175.1

1 The weights for the Domestic Wholesale Trade Index are compiled from the turnover data of the 2000 Annual Survey
of Wholesale Trade.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2000 =100)

Weights 1 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

At Current Prices

Total 10,000 68.0 92.3 89.2 104.1 129.6 157.1 172.7

Total (excl Petroleum) 4,801 93.8 99.2 109.3 132.4 159.2 176.1 181.6

Food, Beverages & Tobacco 275 93.9 118.4 145.0 175.2 193.5 198.7 202.3
Household Equipment & Furniture 548 149.4 106.6 106.1 122.1 145.3 121.2 112.9
Petroleum & Petroleum Products 5,199 46.8 86.0 70.6 77.9 102.3 139.6 164.6
Chemicals & Chemical Products 366 75.9 155.9 169.5 195.7 286.6 322.8 298.1
Electronic Components 676 56.9 72.9 79.1 95.1 128.0 154.2 160.1
Industrial & Construction Machinery 410 70.5 75.6 81.0 58.0 59.2 68.6 68.1
Telecommunications & Computers 495 74.5 102.8 106.2 165.7 200.1 219.4 223.2
Timber, Paints & Construction
Materials 216 126.8 99.3 122.8 149.2 173.2 171.5 161.0
General Wholesale Trade 861 112.6 94.2 103.9 118.8 138.3 147.1 153.4
Ship Chandlers & Bunkering 162 89.7 88.3 103.1 119.1 137.3 205.2 245.4
Other Wholesale Trade 792 100.6 101.1 116.9 158.1 174.1 212.7 242.3

At Constant Prices

Total 10,000 92.2 99.7 100.3 112.6 130.4 138.6 140.4

Total (excl Petroleum) 4,801 107.2 103.1 120.2 148.9 179.0 197.1 201.2

Food, Beverages & Tobacco 275 94.7 116.1 137.4 160.4 172.5 177.6 178.1
Household Equipment & Furniture 548 179.3 111.3 119.3 144.5 179.4 155.3 150.3
Petroleum & Petroleum Products 5,199 78.3 96.7 82.0 79.0 85.5 84.5 84.2
Chemicals & Chemical Products 366 95.6 154.2 170.9 182.2 224.0 206.0 178.4
Electronic Components 676 38.9 85.1 106.8 139.7 191.8 262.5 285.8
Industrial & Construction Machinery 410 82.6 75.1 85.9 62.7 64.3 76.1 76.8
Telecommunications & Computers 495 56.7 107.1 128.3 230.0 313.8 356.7 366.0
Timber, Paints & Construction
Materials 216 121.2 97.2 130.0 154.5 155.2 141.1 118.9
General Wholesale Trade 861 111.9 100.1 119.2 141.2 163.5 170.8 174.6
Ship Chandlers & Bunkering 162 131.1 97.3 112.9 114.4 108.5 121.2 127.2
Other Wholesale Trade 792 155.5 102.5 115.1 148.2 162.0 195.1 210.8

1 The weights for the Foreign Wholesale Trade Index are compiled from the turnover data of the 2000 Annual Survey
of Wholesale Trade.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2002 = 100)

Weights 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 2 10,000 100.5 100.0 102.1 112.0 125.2 129.3

Total (excluding Financial &

Insurance Services) 8,058 100.0 100.0 102.7 113.0 120.4 126.7

Transport & Storage 3,431 101.7 100.0 102.2 121.3 135.5 140.0
Land Transport 276 100.0 100.0 98.1 104.1 107.1 112.6
Water Transport 1,450 104.6 100.0 113.6 137.1 157.9 156.5
Air Transport 1,092 100.4 100.0 89.5 113.5 126.9 136.2
Storage & Supporting
Services 613 97.4 100.0 99.5 105.3 110.8 120.2

Post & Telecommunications 744 99.5 100.0 101.5 105.8 110.7 118.8

Financial & Insurance Services 1,942 102.0 100.0 99.9 107.9 145.0 139.9
Financial Services 1,480 98.0 100.0 104.5 108.5 152.0 133.2
Insurance Services 462 115.0 100.0 85.0 105.9 122.5 161.4

Real Estate & Leasing Services 566 na 100.0 98.6 95.9 99.6 109.6
Real Estates (excl Developers) 408 106.2 100.0 95.7 89.7 87.8 99.7
Leasing 158 na 100.0 106.0 112.0 130.1 135.2

IT Services 404 109.7 100.0 89.1 85.1 90.4 103.5

IT Consultancy 66 113.4 100.0 98.2 109.2 114.1 143.0
IT Development and Services 244 71.4 100.0 84.5 75.8 81.7 92.0

Business Services 1,913 95.1 100.0 108.5 114.7 115.1 118.6
Legal & Accounting 175 106.0 100.0 91.7 103.5 114.3 130.8
Market Research & Business
Management Consultancy 290 90.6 100.0 93.0 91.5 104.4 112.3
Architectural, Engineering &
Technical 353 89.3 100.0 94.9 94.2 97.0 111.0
Advertising 143 100.4 100.0 85.6 115.6 113.5 114.2
2, 3
Other Business Services 952 99.7 100.0 124.7 131.2 125.5 121.8

Education Services 2 87 na 100.0 107.5 99.5 107.7 109.5

Health Services 420 87.0 100.0 102.3 111.1 115.2 129.4

Hospitals 196 91.5 100.0 105.0 113.7 118.1 129.8
Clinics & Specialised Medical
Services 190 77.4 100.0 100.0 111.5 117.7 137.6

Recreational Activities 351 na 100.0 98.7 103.7 102.7 117.6

Other Services Activities 2 142 na 100.0 107.1 110.1 111.6 114.0

Note: The current index series have been rebased with base year 2002=100. The rebased indices reflect the relative importance of the
industry divisions and changing structure within the services sector.
1 The weights for the Business Receipts Index for Services Industries are compiled from the operating receipts data of the
2002 Annual Survey of Services.
2 With effect from 2002, the index compiled includes more services industries.
3 Includes research & development, publishing and other business services such as labour recruitment, investigation and security, building-
cleaning, photographic, specialised design activities, direct mailing, regional headquarter activities, stenographic, duplicating &
translation activities, exhibition fairs and conventions, etc.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Million Dollars
1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Local and Export Market 1

Total 6,728 25,932 30,649 32,169 32,828 34,767 37,894

Local 3,387 13,372 14,254 15,083 15,052 14,907 15,835
Export 3,340 12,560 16,395 17,086 17,776 19,860 22,059

Hardware and Software/IT Services Market 1

Total 6,728 25,932 30,649 32,169 32,828 34,767 37,894

Hardware 5,088 9,828 11,476 13,150 15,128 16,618 19,217
Software / IT Services 1,640 6,396 11,402 10,324 8,334 8,639 8,812
Telecommunications - 9,120 6,140 6,402 6,641 6,817 7,148
Content Activities - 589 1,631 2,290 2,725 2,693 2,717

Source : Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore

Note : Revenues for 2002 onwards were computed using data from large ICT companies and a sample of
the remaining ICT companies stratified by the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification, while the revenue
in 2001 was originally calculated from extrapolating data from large ICT companies holding certain assumptions of
their revenue contributions to the ICT sector. The data for 2001 was re-collected and calculated using the methodology
adopted in 2002 to ensure consistency and rigor in calculation methodology.
1 With effect from 1998, data include telecommunications revenue.

Sources of Data (iv) Exposed cinematographic films

imported or exported on rental
From April 1987, Singapore's external basis;
trade statistics are compiled by International
Enterprise Singapore from import and export
(v) Television news films, news or
permits submitted to the Controller and
press materials;
Registrar of Imports and Exports or the
Director-General of Customs and Excise,
Singapore, except for the following: - (vi) Ships and aircraft arriving for or
departing after repairs;
(i) Postal packages which are based
on particulars furnished by the (vii) Goods temporarily taken in or
Singapore Post Pte Ltd; and out of the country to be returned
(ii) Bunkers and stores supplied to after a specific purpose eg for
non-Singapore-registered ships exhibition;
and aircraft, which are compiled
from statements furnished by (viii) Personal and household effects
ships and aircraft agents to accompanying passengers or
the International Enterprise crews;
(ix) Samples and specimens for test
Prior to April 1987, external trade or analysis; and unaccompanied
statistics were compiled by the Singapore personal effects and gifts not
Department of Statistics from the same sources. exceeding the value of $400;

Coverage (x) Gold bullion and gold coins; and

The "general" system for recording (xi) Issued currency notes and coins.
trade statistics is adopted in Singapore. Under
this system, all goods imported into or exported
from Singapore are included in the external Ships and aircraft are included if they
trade statistics with the following major are imported or exported as merchandise
exceptions: whether or not they arrive or depart under their
own power.
(i) Transhipment cargo on through
bills of lading or through air
(ii) Fish and other marine produce
landed by Singapore and Imports: Refers to all goods brought
Peninsular Malaysian registered into Singapore, except those specified as
vessels direct from sea; excluded under the Coverage section,
irrespective of whether they are for
(iii) Goods imported and exported consumption, for processing, for use in
by, or on behalf of, diplomatic manufacturing, or for subsequent re-shipment
services and Armed Forces; to other countries.
13 EXTERNAL TRADE (cont’d)

Exports: Refers to all goods taken out the registration area. Customs duties and other
of Singapore, except those specified as import charges payable in the registration area
excluded under the Coverage section. It are not included in the value of imports.
comprises domestic exports and re-exports.
Exports are valued at fob, that is, the
Domestic Exports: Refers to exports of value of goods to the purchaser abroad up to the
Singapore origin. It comprises (i) primary point where the goods are deposited on board
commodities grown or produced in Singapore the outgoing vessel, aircraft or vehicle.
and (ii) goods which have been transformed,
that is, manufactured, assembled or processed
in Singapore including those with imported
materials or parts.
With effect from 1 January 2003, the
trade classification adopted for documenting
Re-exports: Refers to all goods which Singapore’s external trade is the Singapore
are exported from Singapore in the same form Trade Classification, Customs and Excise
as they have been imported (including goods Duties, 2003. This incorporates the ASEAN
that have undergone minor processing, such as Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN)
re-packing, splitting into lots, sorting or which is based on the 6-digit Harmonized
grading, marking and the like). Commodity Description and Coding System
Nomenclature (HS), developed by the World
Customs Organization (WCO). However, for
Trade at 2000 Prices: This is obtained
publication of external trade statistics, the
by adjusting the recorded value of trade using
Standard International Trade Classification
import/export price indices with base year
(Revision 3) is used. Imports are classified by
2000. The series on trade at 2000 prices
country of origin and exports by country of
indicate the volume of trade after adjusting for
the effect of price changes.

Valuation Other References

Imports are valued at cif, that is, the Detailed monthly trade statistics are
value of goods at the frontier of the exporting available in the "Singapore Trade Statistics,
country plus the cost of insurance and freight to Imports and Exports".
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

At Current Prices

Total Trade 361,455 425,718 432,213 515,894 628,952 715,723 810,483

Exports 176,272 218,026 223,901 278,578 335,615 382,532 431,559

Oil 16,728 22,473 23,251 30,431 41,422 57,414 70,553
Non-oil 159,544 195,553 200,651 248,147 294,193 325,118 361,007

Domestic Exports 103,589 118,444 119,438 150,558 180,200 207,448 227,378

Oil 16,551 21,716 20,859 27,459 37,310 52,798 59,605
Non-oil 87,038 96,728 98,579 123,099 142,891 154,650 167,773

Re-exports 72,683 99,582 104,464 128,020 155,415 175,084 204,181

Imports 185,183 207,692 208,312 237,316 293,337 333,191 378,924

Oil 17,313 26,119 27,199 31,867 43,633 59,145 74,645
Non-oil 167,870 181,573 181,113 205,449 249,705 274,046 304,280

At 2006 Prices

Total Trade 397,000 448,575 469,930 556,800 665,632 728,943 810,483

Exports 178,432 219,373 235,217 295,450 350,190 387,554 431,559

Oil 49,337 49,348 50,736 57,705 64,902 66,702 70,553
Non-oil 129,095 170,026 184,481 237,745 285,287 320,852 361,007

Domestic Exports 108,807 126,089 133,216 168,937 195,937 213,608 227,378

Oil 48,720 47,563 45,508 52,188 58,330 61,295 59,605
Non-oil 60,086 78,526 87,708 116,749 137,606 152,314 167,773

Re-exports 69,625 93,284 102,001 126,513 154,253 173,946 204,181

Imports 218,569 229,202 234,713 261,350 315,443 341,389 378,924

Oil 59,020 58,252 59,085 59,334 69,476 69,442 74,645
Non-oil 159,549 170,950 175,628 202,016 245,967 271,948 304,280

Source : International Enterprise Singapore

Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
Region/Country 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 361,455 425,718 432,213 515,894 628,952 715,723 810,483

America 69,099 75,762 72,044 75,306 84,615 92,043 108,281

Brazil 1,163 963 1,239 967 1,634 2,601 3,164
Canada 1,395 1,467 1,691 1,717 2,045 2,214 2,753
United States 62,641 67,671 62,450 64,520 72,074 77,817 90,303

Asia 223,387 270,509 280,967 348,107 428,921 497,423 564,006

Bahrain 230 392 187 162 191 531 653
Bangladesh 989 1,637 1,464 1,367 1,474 1,317 1,658
Brunei Darussalam 2,701 1,060 1,195 1,108 1,087 1,073 1,259
Cambodia 795 760 780 665 671 672 908
China 11,042 22,445 28,122 36,915 53,329 67,079 85,255
Hong Kong 21,605 24,359 25,565 30,496 35,979 42,858 49,842
India 4,354 6,876 6,793 7,893 11,752 16,605 19,921
Indonesia na na na 41,987 48,582 54,217 62,930
Iran 676 1,474 1,637 2,000 2,640 2,963 3,497
Iraq - 96 88 32 738 2,413 1,144
Japan 48,064 45,506 42,070 43,684 51,800 52,908 55,229
Korea, Republic of 11,714 15,234 17,007 19,188 24,333 27,735 30,513
Kuwait 2,013 2,551 3,238 3,839 5,468 6,307 7,355
Laos 63 48 48 36 66 69 66
Malaysia 59,548 73,796 76,954 77,200 88,274 96,139 105,853
Pakistan 480 742 806 871 1,022 1,137 1,297
Philippines 5,197 10,089 9,919 10,557 13,756 14,711 17,033
Saudi Arabia 7,577 8,118 7,466 7,409 9,919 15,602 15,946
Sri Lanka 617 765 772 936 1,126 1,232 1,548
Taiwan 14,288 20,050 20,617 23,275 29,902 34,658 39,272
Thailand 20,121 18,729 19,891 20,298 24,408 28,177 31,801
United Arab Emirates 4,168 4,495 4,988 5,813 6,551 10,397 11,684
Vietnam 3,034 5,296 5,406 5,979 7,735 10,390 11,287

Europe 57,197 63,304 62,633 72,469 89,678 94,262 101,008

France 8,716 6,570 6,406 7,835 11,034 11,806 13,553
Germany 12,172 14,552 14,335 16,081 20,134 20,419 21,212
Italy 3,903 3,111 3,032 3,495 4,352 4,581 5,087
Netherlands 5,856 9,273 10,016 9,941 11,968 12,136 11,901
Sweden 1,282 1,068 1,153 1,315 1,483 1,514 1,830
Switzerland 2,911 4,616 4,050 4,333 4,890 4,948 4,353
United Kingdom 10,048 9,475 8,844 12,398 15,954 17,078 18,359

Oceania 8,607 12,462 12,608 15,386 19,882 25,175 29,085

Australia 6,810 9,964 9,892 11,953 15,052 18,896 22,117
New Zealand 875 1,045 1,092 1,381 2,052 2,468 2,774

Africa 3,167 3,681 3,962 4,625 5,857 6,821 8,105

Source : International Enterprise Singapore

Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
Region/Country 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 185,183 207,692 208,312 237,316 293,337 333,191 378,924

America 33,209 36,866 32,669 34,257 38,802 43,663 53,460

Brazil 477 495 744 559 1,015 1,188 1,138
Canada 830 748 1,029 963 1,100 1,352 1,453
United States 30,256 34,137 29,515 31,060 34,574 38,793 47,474

Asia 116,648 134,183 138,925 162,317 204,643 236,503 267,510

Bahrain 190 354 133 107 126 245 565
Bangladesh 45 121 120 179 222 158 180
Brunei Darussalam 290 325 381 304 262 248 349
Cambodia 67 98 150 130 82 167 178
China 6,259 12,900 15,853 19,276 27,357 34,170 43,194
Hong Kong 5,922 4,986 5,073 5,380 6,171 7,009 6,507
India 1,427 2,003 2,075 2,510 4,701 6,788 7,755
Indonesia na na na 14,505 16,444 17,400 23,426
Iran 511 1,022 1,066 1,313 1,738 2,140 2,774
Iraq - 92 87 30 737 2,412 1,143
Japan 33,617 28,794 26,080 26,808 32,267 32,034 31,640
Korea, Republic of 6,362 6,843 7,691 8,637 11,851 14,323 16,636
Kuwait 1,911 2,432 3,118 3,683 5,338 6,138 7,163
Laos 5 1 1 - 1 2 1
Malaysia 27,808 35,975 37,951 37,528 42,201 45,527 49,481
Pakistan 100 88 102 77 81 61 73
Philippines 1,960 4,573 4,481 4,921 7,138 7,742 8,967
Saudi Arabia 7,042 7,558 6,829 6,823 9,373 14,894 14,767
Sri Lanka 72 58 89 91 124 98 84
Taiwan 7,421 8,831 9,530 11,263 15,827 19,720 24,207
Thailand 10,117 9,243 9,677 9,587 11,330 12,516 13,856
United Arab Emirates 2,898 2,440 2,816 3,286 3,340 4,242 6,636
Vietnam 615 1,526 1,677 1,785 2,369 3,026 2,622

Europe 31,099 30,703 31,074 34,965 43,443 45,496 49,492

France 5,250 3,719 3,792 4,327 7,027 6,346 8,523
Germany 6,760 6,861 7,078 8,456 9,598 9,915 10,794
Italy 3,188 2,350 2,321 2,776 3,530 3,593 4,160
Netherlands 1,787 2,047 2,325 1,898 2,777 3,007 3,266
Sweden 1,090 926 951 1,178 1,324 1,303 1,465
Switzerland 2,347 3,502 3,322 3,508 3,906 3,835 2,920
United Kingdom 5,067 4,373 4,212 4,429 5,307 6,554 6,819

Oceania 3,231 4,774 4,335 4,401 4,479 5,488 6,555

Australia 2,797 4,306 3,863 3,805 3,884 4,850 5,934
New Zealand 333 323 349 383 453 532 558

Africa 997 1,166 1,309 1,377 1,971 2,042 1,907

Source : International Enterprise Singapore

Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
Region/Country 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 176,272 218,026 223,901 278,578 335,615 382,532 431,559

America 35,890 38,896 39,375 41,049 45,812 48,380 54,821

Brazil 686 468 495 408 619 1,413 2,027
Canada 565 719 661 754 944 862 1,300
United States 32,385 33,534 32,935 33,460 37,501 39,024 42,829

Asia 106,739 136,326 142,042 185,791 224,278 260,919 296,495

Bahrain 40 37 54 55 65 286 88
Bangladesh 944 1,516 1,343 1,189 1,252 1,158 1,478
Brunei Darussalam 2,411 735 814 805 826 826 911
Cambodia 727 663 630 536 589 505 730
China 4,783 9,545 12,268 17,638 25,972 32,909 42,061
Hong Kong 15,684 19,374 20,492 25,116 29,807 35,849 43,335
India 2,927 4,873 4,718 5,383 7,051 9,817 12,166
Indonesia na na na 27,482 32,139 36,817 39,504
Iran 165 451 571 687 902 823 723
Iraq - 3 1 2 1 - 1
Japan 14,448 16,712 15,990 16,875 19,533 20,874 23,589
Korea, Republic of 5,352 8,392 9,317 10,550 12,482 13,412 13,877
Kuwait 102 119 120 156 129 169 192
Laos 58 47 47 35 65 67 65
Malaysia 31,740 37,821 39,003 39,672 46,073 50,612 56,372
Pakistan 380 653 704 794 941 1,076 1,224
Philippines 3,237 5,516 5,438 5,636 6,618 6,969 8,067
Saudi Arabia 535 560 637 586 545 708 1,178
Sri Lanka 545 706 683 845 1,001 1,134 1,464
Taiwan 6,867 11,219 11,087 12,012 14,075 14,938 15,065
Thailand 10,003 9,487 10,214 10,711 13,078 15,662 17,945
United Arab Emirates 1,270 2,055 2,172 2,528 3,211 6,155 5,048
Vietnam 2,419 3,769 3,729 4,194 5,367 7,364 8,665

Europe 26,097 32,601 31,559 37,504 46,236 48,766 51,516

France 3,466 2,851 2,614 3,508 4,007 5,460 5,030
Germany 5,413 7,691 7,257 7,625 10,536 10,504 10,418
Italy 715 761 711 720 822 988 927
Netherlands 4,069 7,226 7,691 8,043 9,191 9,129 8,635
Sweden 192 143 202 137 159 211 365
Switzerland 564 1,115 728 825 984 1,113 1,433
United Kingdom 4,981 5,103 4,632 7,970 10,647 10,525 11,540

Oceania 5,376 7,688 8,273 10,985 15,403 19,687 22,529

Australia 4,013 5,659 6,029 8,148 11,168 14,045 16,182
New Zealand 542 722 743 998 1,599 1,936 2,215

Africa 2,170 2,515 2,653 3,249 3,886 4,780 6,198

Source : International Enterprise Singapore

Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
Region/Country 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 103,589 118,444 119,438 150,558 180,200 207,448 227,378

America 27,907 26,014 26,942 28,083 29,964 30,482 35,901

Brazil 393 276 277 219 415 1,082 1,619
Canada 357 455 398 485 510 476 604
United States 25,689 22,031 21,731 21,493 22,953 22,744 26,107

Asia 53,694 66,242 67,094 89,203 107,236 126,957 137,385

Bahrain 17 19 32 34 43 265 51
Bangladesh 576 924 703 622 598 389 476
Brunei Darussalam 388 244 268 258 245 300 312
Cambodia 264 385 288 291 312 240 383
China 2,844 5,288 7,097 10,016 14,191 17,599 19,674
Hong Kong 9,538 10,346 10,550 13,728 16,050 19,438 21,494
India 1,194 1,994 1,925 2,493 3,253 4,726 5,095
Indonesia na na na 11,673 13,698 16,392 15,878
Iran 58 291 313 268 372 301 227
Iraq - 2 - - 1 - -
Japan 9,788 10,504 9,695 10,869 12,154 12,510 13,533
Korea, Republic of 3,019 3,977 3,812 4,339 4,912 5,436 5,591
Kuwait 56 67 70 76 78 92 111
Laos 4 18 3 1 1 4 3
Malaysia 13,299 15,323 14,953 14,919 17,497 20,478 22,742
Pakistan 158 303 324 340 423 457 488
Philippines 1,525 2,760 2,648 3,131 3,810 4,027 4,747
Saudi Arabia 197 244 312 311 264 367 753
Sri Lanka 214 322 287 370 455 508 692
Taiwan 3,708 5,586 5,658 6,153 6,969 8,059 8,107
Thailand 4,561 4,087 4,635 4,757 6,189 7,729 8,853
United Arab Emirates 416 680 785 994 1,116 1,674 2,025
Vietnam 1,168 1,918 1,762 2,236 3,152 4,502 4,705

Europe 17,962 20,060 18,633 24,482 30,481 32,860 34,937

France 2,557 1,802 1,605 2,586 3,124 4,768 4,070
Germany 3,456 4,942 3,333 3,355 5,700 6,216 6,536
Italy 459 455 414 452 443 595 467
Netherlands 3,168 4,016 4,873 5,695 5,756 4,998 4,169
Sweden 109 59 131 75 90 132 154
Switzerland 303 392 207 281 471 452 999
United Kingdom 3,601 3,454 3,204 6,388 8,732 8,867 9,731

Oceania 3,097 4,875 5,364 7,070 10,206 14,172 15,489

Australia 2,258 3,362 3,736 4,944 6,953 9,721 10,688
New Zealand 266 437 392 591 1,020 1,240 1,386

Africa 929 1,253 1,405 1,720 2,313 2,978 3,667

Source : International Enterprise Singapore

Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
Region/Country 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 87,038 96,728 98,579 123,099 142,891 154,650 167,773

America 26,902 23,527 24,416 25,415 26,916 25,968 30,023

Brazil 388 272 276 218 413 973 1,577
Canada 357 455 398 484 510 474 603
United States 25,430 21,608 21,386 21,255 22,622 22,233 25,431

Asia 40,501 51,596 53,486 70,966 82,471 93,286 100,234

Bahrain 13 14 26 28 37 258 39
Bangladesh 116 267 231 241 277 314 359
Brunei Darussalam 353 225 254 242 231 277 297
Cambodia 109 94 110 108 92 96 113
China 1,840 4,475 6,243 8,339 11,788 14,992 16,123
Hong Kong 5,410 5,997 6,818 8,988 10,434 10,524 12,003
India 798 1,646 1,706 2,274 2,971 3,655 4,070
Indonesia na na na 9,602 10,113 11,900 11,520
Iran 44 60 144 146 209 234 208
Iraq - 2 - - 1 - -
Japan 8,237 9,588 8,876 9,774 10,531 10,409 10,624
Korea, Republic of 2,371 3,551 3,361 4,061 4,701 5,159 5,214
Kuwait 54 57 61 68 71 82 100
Laos 4 18 3 1 1 4 3
Malaysia 11,195 11,848 11,105 10,928 12,278 13,491 15,250
Pakistan 145 278 310 320 392 420 452
Philippines 1,365 2,406 2,038 2,478 2,817 2,735 2,780
Saudi Arabia 182 218 282 290 252 332 734
Sri Lanka 169 217 240 267 346 347 501
Taiwan 3,112 5,076 5,328 5,749 6,462 7,573 7,514
Thailand 3,520 3,760 4,214 4,449 5,574 6,865 8,014
United Arab Emirates 392 564 710 862 983 1,498 1,770
Vietnam 506 586 825 881 1,062 1,169 1,382

Europe 17,035 18,442 17,130 22,573 28,484 30,130 31,786

France 2,523 1,728 1,522 2,519 3,024 4,635 3,890
Germany 3,348 4,721 3,151 3,182 5,420 5,730 6,013
Italy 450 420 383 421 411 543 385
Netherlands 3,070 3,836 4,753 5,403 5,557 4,731 4,039
Sweden 98 58 129 72 88 126 150
Switzerland 297 378 197 270 460 435 980
United Kingdom 3,523 3,271 2,991 6,120 8,422 8,400 9,268

Oceania 2,049 2,612 2,945 3,332 3,909 4,135 4,505

Australia 1,703 2,234 2,518 2,819 3,310 3,486 3,919
New Zealand 217 300 319 408 493 539 477

Africa 545 551 602 814 1,110 1,130 1,226

Source : International Enterprise Singapore

Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

Commodity Section 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 185,183 207,692 208,312 237,316 293,337 333,191 378,924

Food 5,160 5,245 5,306 6,082 6,396 6,680 6,797

Coffee etc & spices 495 652 597 839 807 742 829
Fish & fish preparations 901 847 888 1,085 1,238 1,240 1,169
Vegetables & fruits 1,222 1,058 1,089 1,154 1,116 1,159 1,162

Beverages & Tobacco 2,393 1,955 1,735 1,727 1,990 2,190 2,318
Beverages 1,040 836 864 972 1,247 1,522 1,725
Tobacco & manufactures 1,353 1,119 871 755 743 668 594

Crude Materials 1,889 1,319 1,329 1,730 2,009 2,190 2,630

Metallic ores & scrap 170 215 213 246 365 365 546
Crude rubber (incl synthetic) 553 235 302 420 545 589 673
Crude fertilizers & minerals 275 268 217 331 391 498 620
Crude materials nes 264 208 216 270 260 286 283

Mineral Fuels 17,313 26,119 27,199 31,867 43,633 59,145 74,645

Petroleum & products 17,304 26,115 27,179 31,841 43,617 59,132 71,114

Animal & Vegetable Oils 517 334 419 472 532 479 515
Vegetable oils unprocessed 418 279 355 408 440 279 213
Other animal / vegetable oils 96 43 52 52 79 183 291

Chemicals & Chemical Products 10,939 12,181 12,990 15,381 18,404 20,744 22,695
Organic chemicals 2,181 2,820 2,826 3,926 5,494 6,317 6,672
Plastics in primary forms 1,795 1,916 2,002 2,170 2,644 2,697 2,937
Medicinal products 964 1,374 1,451 1,452 1,570 2,647 2,583
Perfume, toilet preparations 1,149 1,438 1,484 1,758 2,075 2,289 2,441

Manufactured Goods 18,255 15,249 15,351 16,279 20,284 25,040 27,933

Non-ferrous metals 2,736 3,023 2,816 2,508 3,803 4,461 7,676
Iron & steel 3,758 2,738 2,851 3,258 4,821 5,993 6,783
Metal manufactures 3,170 3,149 3,271 3,555 4,111 4,701 5,380
Non-metal mineral manufactures 3,059 2,068 2,100 2,215 2,660 4,972 2,764
Textile manufactures 2,701 1,823 1,835 1,834 1,803 1,731 1,750
Paper manufactures 1,446 1,277 1,278 1,493 1,552 1,615 1,696
Rubber manufactures nes 837 744 759 886 973 1,048 1,310

(continued on next page)

Source : International Enterprise Singapore
Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

Commodity Section 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Machinery & Equipment 107,209 123,932 122,632 139,509 171,302 185,980 207,372
Electronics 66,281 83,170 83,377 94,477 117,229 128,719 140,111
Integrated circuits 20,782 33,049 33,814 40,065 52,655 59,144 67,826
Parts of personal computers 10,848 15,197 15,801 16,896 19,012 22,305 19,175
Disk drives 5,957 5,205 3,764 3,975 3,986 3,594 4,290
Telecommunications equipment 2,469 4,660 4,892 7,345 10,957 10,785 13,854
Consumer electronics 2 8,964 6,842 6,832 7,432 9,347 10,877 11,870
Personal computers 1,357 1,292 1,349 1,508 2,225 2,670 2,983
Non-electronics 40,928 40,763 39,256 45,031 54,073 57,261 67,261
Electrical circuit apparatus 3,009 2,988 2,858 3,375 3,946 4,407 5,061
Electrical machinery nes 2,225 2,574 2,516 3,839 4,554 5,029 5,475

Miscellaneous Manufactures 19,347 18,521 18,371 20,899 25,270 26,526 27,693

Scientific instruments 3,684 4,224 4,102 5,107 7,522 8,102 8,736
Photographic apparatus 3,423 3,887 3,788 3,519 4,321 4,266 4,355
Clothing 2,442 3,039 3,235 3,647 3,786 3,553 3,966
Miscellaneous manufactured
articles nes 7,833 5,664 5,615 6,861 7,695 8,514 8,388

Miscellaneous 2,160 2,836 2,979 3,371 3,517 4,216 6,328

Source : International Enterprise Singapore

Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
1 Includes pagers, cellular/hand phones, TV cameras, video cameras and recorders, radar and navigational equipment,
radio remote controls, satellite discs and parts for these products.
2 Include television receivers, radio broadcast receivers, video and sound recorders, microphones, loudspeakers, headphones,
earphones, television cameras, still image video cameras and other video camera recorders, and parts for these products.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

Commodity Section 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 176,272 218,026 223,901 278,578 335,615 382,532 431,559

Food 3,192 2,774 2,905 3,311 3,711 3,865 4,007

Coffee etc & spices 818 810 869 934 984 905 958
Fish & fish preparations 761 669 553 585 702 661 599
Vegetables & fruits 554 283 310 315 318 320 313

Beverages & Tobacco 2,631 1,835 1,783 1,593 1,917 2,053 2,284
Beverages 824 645 696 831 1,122 1,284 1,600
Tobacco & manufactures 1,807 1,190 1,086 762 796 769 684

Crude Materials 1,987 1,574 1,492 1,703 2,126 2,257 2,798

Metallic ores & scrap 365 541 487 545 761 802 1,213
Crude rubber (incl synthetic) 777 301 328 373 518 518 648
Crude fertilizers & minerals 96 70 82 144 180 193 189
Crude materials nes 275 216 211 190 234 240 222

Mineral Fuels 16,728 22,473 23,251 30,431 41,422 57,414 70,553

Petroleum & products 16,453 22,002 22,815 29,777 40,700 56,728 69,798

Animal & Vegetable Oils 520 341 400 466 476 422 455
Vegetable oils unprocessed 353 214 265 322 335 278 272
Other animal / vegetable oils 162 110 120 126 117 124 166

Chemicals & Chemical Products 9,885 17,632 20,817 32,196 38,947 43,611 49,070
Organic chemicals 3,199 6,581 8,691 16,966 20,585 20,525 21,016
Plastics in primary forms 2,059 3,646 4,546 5,829 7,515 8,890 9,625
Medicinal products 869 2,015 1,654 1,707 2,010 4,916 8,371
Perfume, toilet preparations 1,008 1,374 1,429 1,914 2,325 2,757 3,094

Manufactured Goods 10,072 8,430 8,776 11,608 13,985 17,498 18,496

Non-ferrous metals 2,401 1,895 1,851 2,315 3,003 3,075 4,520
Iron & steel 1,168 967 1,016 1,681 2,526 3,335 4,061
Metal manufactures 1,852 1,757 1,967 2,635 3,083 3,655 4,412
Non-metal mineral manufactures 1,113 828 926 1,159 1,450 3,545 1,380
Textile manufactures 1,900 1,308 1,319 1,682 1,657 1,530 1,450
Paper manufactures 721 770 735 890 944 984 1,030
Rubber manufactures nes 538 557 602 866 941 1,015 1,269

(continued on next page)

Source : International Enterprise Singapore
Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

Commodity Section 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Machinery & Equipment 116,262 140,620 142,318 170,667 203,520 224,980 249,241
Electronics 94,257 114,885 116,565 133,582 160,728 174,066 192,719
Integrated circuits 20,583 39,353 43,149 53,301 68,371 75,043 90,173
Parts of personal computers 12,818 17,713 16,882 17,398 21,272 26,518 29,203
Disk drives 20,005 19,665 19,215 19,687 17,589 16,451 12,657
Telecommunications equipment 3,148 4,450 5,169 8,606 13,468 14,940 17,785
Consumer electronics 2 13,275 8,543 8,739 9,856 10,803 11,015 10,733
Personal computers 5,944 2,079 2,238 2,080 2,445 2,512 2,682
Non-electronics 21,981 25,735 25,753 37,085 42,792 50,914 56,522
Electrical circuit apparatus 1,993 2,974 3,075 4,119 4,634 5,315 6,139
Electrical machinery nes 1,819 2,842 2,332 4,039 4,549 5,901 6,102

Miscellaneous Manufactures 13,103 19,040 19,066 23,414 26,308 26,049 28,273

Scientific instruments 2,157 3,915 4,690 5,682 7,040 6,782 7,078
Photographic apparatus 2,914 3,561 3,647 3,935 4,258 3,760 3,942
Clothing 1,972 2,923 2,957 3,358 3,337 2,835 3,161
Miscellaneous manufactured
articles nes 5,181 8,073 7,250 9,718 10,779 11,647 12,993

Miscellaneous 1,892 3,308 3,094 3,188 3,202 4,382 6,383

Source : International Enterprise Singapore

Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
1 Includes pagers, cellular/hand phones, TV cameras, video cameras and recorders, radar and navigational equipment,
radio remote controls, satellite discs and parts for these products.
2 Include television receivers, radio broadcast receivers, video and sound recorders, microphones, loudspeakers, headphones,
earphones, television cameras, still image video cameras and other video camera recorders, and parts for these products.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

Commodity Section 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 103,589 118,444 119,438 150,558 180,200 207,448 227,378

Food 1,259 1,387 1,550 1,743 1,972 2,227 2,403

Coffee etc & spices 320 407 466 534 559 581 636
Fish & fish preparations 271 274 261 265 252 275 262
Vegetables & fruits 21 17 16 18 20 25 28

Beverages & Tobacco 493 262 233 287 338 392 393
Beverages 166 95 97 127 144 149 162
Tobacco & manufactures 327 167 136 161 194 244 231

Crude Materials 495 580 572 735 963 1,043 1,405

Metallic ores & scrap 295 414 433 479 694 741 1,082
Crude rubber (incl synthetic) 40 14 8 5 3 11 4
Crude fertilizers & minerals 22 17 18 50 44 61 75
Crude materials nes 83 70 58 62 76 77 80

Mineral Fuels 16,551 21,716 20,859 27,459 37,310 52,798 59,605

Petroleum & products 16,280 21,247 20,423 26,808 36,590 52,116 58,853

Animal & Vegetable Oils 299 267 325 391 411 207 220
Vegetable oils unprocessed 193 176 223 278 295 90 68
Other animal / vegetable oils 103 78 90 101 100 104 141

Chemicals & Chemical Products 5,626 12,059 15,283 25,169 30,923 34,526 39,544
Organic chemicals 2,009 5,175 7,427 15,259 18,527 18,213 19,030
Plastics in primary forms 1,374 2,898 3,829 4,902 6,450 7,768 8,356
Medicinal products 298 1,214 866 893 1,184 3,861 7,192
Perfume, toilet preparations 383 473 510 755 879 974 1,118

Manufactured Goods 2,844 2,867 3,427 4,279 4,743 5,485 6,526

Non-ferrous metals 262 256 274 349 432 586 942
Iron & steel 241 264 300 448 639 840 1,048
Metal manufactures 949 882 1,065 1,376 1,506 1,856 2,257
Non-metal mineral manufactures 346 264 381 535 534 549 610
Textile manufactures 351 448 558 556 542 505 455
Paper manufactures 463 415 491 603 647 681 695
Rubber manufactures nes 157 198 217 273 313 327 369

(continued on next page)

Source : International Enterprise Singapore
Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

Commodity Section 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Machinery & Equipment 70,287 68,674 66,548 77,460 88,447 95,307 100,116
Electronics 61,872 58,964 57,095 64,034 72,506 75,328 78,583
Integrated circuits 10,303 13,431 12,024 17,566 21,937 21,884 25,913
Parts of personal computers 10,599 11,685 11,727 11,439 13,740 16,098 15,881
Disk drives 16,978 14,643 15,764 16,701 13,979 13,450 9,323
Telecommunications equipment 1,661 2,145 2,093 2,282 4,881 5,173 6,793
Consumer electronics 2 6,582 3,058 2,904 3,892 4,315 4,649 4,895
Personal computers 4,764 1,308 1,671 1,276 1,408 1,282 1,182
Non-electronics 8,415 9,709 9,453 13,426 15,941 19,978 21,533
Electrical circuit apparatus 1,107 1,479 1,534 2,012 2,177 2,308 2,714
Electrical machinery nes 859 993 851 1,835 1,976 3,000 2,919

Miscellaneous Manufactures 5,176 9,840 9,743 11,835 13,794 14,101 15,196

Scientific instruments 1,152 2,421 2,886 3,053 4,077 3,698 3,720
Photographic apparatus 522 849 813 1,365 1,496 1,179 1,192
Clothing 699 707 689 673 608 390 385
Miscellaneous manufactured
articles nes 2,525 5,734 5,242 6,605 7,457 8,614 9,637

Miscellaneous 558 792 899 1,200 1,299 1,361 1,970

Source : International Enterprise Singapore

Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
1 Includes pagers, cellular/hand phones, TV cameras, video cameras and recorders, radar and navigational equipment,
radio remote controls, satellite discs and parts for these products.
2 Include television receivers, radio broadcast receivers, video and sound recorders, microphones, loudspeakers, headphones,
earphones, television cameras, still image video cameras and other video camera recorders, and parts for these products.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

Commodity Section 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 72,683 99,582 104,464 128,020 155,415 175,084 204,181

Food 1,934 1,387 1,356 1,568 1,739 1,638 1,604

Coffee etc & spices 498 402 403 400 426 324 322
Fish & fish preparations 489 395 292 321 451 386 337
Vegetables & fruits 534 266 294 297 298 295 286

Beverages & Tobacco 2,138 1,573 1,550 1,306 1,579 1,661 1,891
Beverages 658 550 599 704 977 1,135 1,439
Tobacco & manufactures 1,480 1,023 951 602 602 526 453

Crude Materials 1,492 994 920 968 1,163 1,214 1,393

Metallic ores & scrap 70 126 54 65 67 61 131
Crude rubber (incl synthetic) 738 286 319 368 515 507 644
Crude fertilizers & minerals 74 52 64 94 136 131 115
Crude materials nes 192 146 153 128 158 163 142

Mineral Fuels 178 756 2,392 2,972 4,112 4,616 10,948

Petroleum & products 173 755 2,391 2,970 4,110 4,612 10,945

Animal & Vegetable Oils 221 74 75 75 66 216 235

Vegetable oils unprocessed 160 39 42 44 40 188 204
Other animal / vegetable oils 59 32 31 25 16 20 25

Chemicals & Chemical Products 4,259 5,572 5,533 7,028 8,024 9,085 9,526
Organic chemicals 1,190 1,406 1,264 1,707 2,058 2,311 1,987
Plastics in primary forms 685 748 717 926 1,065 1,122 1,269
Medicinal products 570 802 788 814 826 1,054 1,179
Perfume, toilet preparations 624 901 919 1,159 1,446 1,783 1,976

Manufactured Goods 7,228 5,563 5,349 7,329 9,242 12,013 11,970

Non-ferrous metals 2,139 1,639 1,578 1,966 2,570 2,489 3,578
Iron & steel 927 702 717 1,232 1,887 2,495 3,013
Metal manufactures 903 875 902 1,259 1,578 1,798 2,155
Non-metal mineral manufactures 767 564 545 624 916 2,996 771
Textile manufactures 1,548 860 761 1,126 1,115 1,025 995
Paper manufactures 257 355 244 287 297 303 336
Rubber manufactures nes 380 359 385 593 628 688 900

(continued on next page)

Source : International Enterprise Singapore
Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

Commodity Section 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Machinery & Equipment 45,952 71,947 75,771 93,207 115,073 129,674 149,124
Electronics 32,385 55,920 59,470 69,548 88,221 98,738 114,136
Integrated circuits 10,280 25,922 31,125 35,735 46,434 53,160 64,261
Parts of personal computers 2,220 6,028 5,154 5,959 7,532 10,420 13,322
Disk drives 3,026 5,021 3,451 2,986 3,610 3,001 3,334
Telecommunications equipment 1,487 2,306 3,076 6,324 8,587 9,767 10,992
Consumer electronics 2 6,693 5,485 5,835 5,964 6,488 6,366 5,838
Personal computers 1,180 771 567 805 1,037 1,229 1,501
Non-electronics 13,566 16,026 16,300 23,659 26,851 30,936 34,989
Electrical circuit apparatus 886 1,496 1,541 2,107 2,457 3,007 3,425
Electrical machinery nes 960 1,848 1,481 2,204 2,573 2,902 3,183

Miscellaneous Manufactures 7,850 9,201 9,323 11,579 12,514 11,948 13,077

Scientific instruments 1,004 1,495 1,804 2,629 2,963 3,084 3,359
Photographic apparatus 2,392 2,713 2,834 2,570 2,762 2,581 2,750
Clothing 1,274 2,216 2,268 2,685 2,729 2,446 2,776
Miscellaneous manufactured
articles nes 2,656 2,340 2,008 3,113 3,323 3,033 3,356

Miscellaneous 1,434 2,516 2,195 1,988 1,903 3,021 4,412

Source : International Enterprise Singapore

Note : Prior to 2003, data exclude trade with Indonesia.
1 Includes pagers, cellular/hand phones, TV cameras, video cameras and recorders, radar and navigational equipment,
radio remote controls, satellite discs and parts for these products.
2 Include television receivers, radio broadcast receivers, video and sound recorders, microphones, loudspeakers, headphones,
earphones, television cameras, still image video cameras and other video camera recorders, and parts for these products.

Vessels Entered and Cleared Roads

Data on public roads refer to the length

Data on the movement of vessels are
of roads in kilometres and are classified into
compiled from declarations submitted to the
expressways, arterial roads, collector roads and
Port Master by all merchant ships entering or
local roads.
leaving Singapore waters. The data are given in
terms of number and gross registered tonnage.

Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)

Sea Cargo Handled
SMRT Corporation Ltd (SMRT) was
incorporated as a private company in 1987 to
The volume of cargo handled refers to
operate and maintain the first mass rapid
those handled by vessels of all tonnages
transit system in Singapore, serving the major
at the port of Singapore. The data include
high density travel corridors. The 89.4 km
transhipment cargo but exclude ship's stores
MRT system, comprises the North South and
and mineral oil supplied as bunker fuel to
East West lines, has 51 stations and serves
more than a million passengers daily.

Civil Air Traffic SBS Transit started operating the

North-East Line (NEL) in June 2003. NEL is a
The Civil Aviation Authority of highly advanced fully automated underground
Singapore (CAAS) is responsible for operating heavy rail system. It sets new engineering and
the Singapore Changi Airport and Seletar technological benchmarks in mass transit
Aerodrome. It also provides air traffic services, systems. NEL is 20-kilometres long and
regulates and promotes the development of air comprises 16 stations running from Punggol to
transport and aerospace industries, as well as HarbourFront. The NEL has an average daily
compiles and collates statistics on passengers, ridership of 225,900 in 2006.
airfreight, airmail and aircraft traffic passing
through Changi Airport and Seletar Aerodrome.
Vehicles Registered
Data on passenger arrivals and
All vehicles to be kept or used in
departures are obtained from airlines or their
Singapore must be registered with the Vehicle
handling agents. Statistics on aircraft
and Transit Licensing Group of the Land
movements are compiled by the Authority's
Transport Authority.
Aeronautical Information Services Unit and
Corporate Affairs Division.
Road Casualties
Monthly statistics on passengers,
airfreight tonnage, aircraft landings and mail
carried through Changi Airport are available in Data on road casualties are compiled
the "Air Transport Statistics" published by the from police records of fatal and injury traffic
CAAS. accidents occurring on Singapore roads.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Vessel Arrivals (No) 117,723 146,265 142,745 135,386 133,185 130,318 128,922

Shipping Tonnage ('000 GT) 768,521 960,093 971,666 986,392 1,042,447 1,151,791 1,314,990

Total Cargo ('000 tonnes) 314,164 313,487 335,156 347,694 393,418 423,268 448,504
General 175,083 186,076 198,521 206,448 240,882 262,265 281,393
Bulk 139,081 127,411 136,635 141,247 152,536 161,003 167,111

Total Container Throughput

('000 TEUs) 12,944 15,571 16,941 18,411 21,329 23,192 24,792

Bunker Sales ('000 tonnes) 16,938 20,352 20,096 20,809 23,567 25,479 28,379

Singapore Ship Registry

(End of Period)
Number 3,157 3,353 3,355 3,063 3,109 3,219 3,249
'000 GT 18,239 23,167 23,551 25,572 27,711 32,963 34,793

Source : Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore

Notes : GT = Gross Tonnes
TEU = Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Aircraft Landings (No) 83,345 89,706 87,379 77,173 92,437 102,035 107,092

Passengers ('000)
Arriving 11,587 13,333 13,727 11,588 14,336 15,364 16,678
Departing 11,542 13,209 13,647 11,555 14,270 15,356 16,690
In Transit 1,384 1,552 1,605 1,521 1,748 1,710 1,665

Parcel Mail (Tonnes)

In-coming 10,572 10,765 10,442 9,705 9,116 8,809 8,921
Out-going 10,380 12,103 12,166 11,298 11,438 12,080 11,746

Source : Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

Note : Figures refer to Changi Airport only.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Region/Country 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 622,019 780,638 834,490 803,056 870,582 892,141 952,876

South East Asia 154,068 176,428 175,235 163,167 176,927 189,621 193,227
Indonesia 66,634 69,157 64,745 55,852 59,447 62,074 61,211
Malaysia 21,882 30,932 24,039 28,202 33,680 36,339 41,618
Philippines 11,772 22,565 26,518 25,067 28,835 34,036 32,039
Thailand 47,096 44,569 47,877 43,082 43,890 48,326 49,126

North East Asia 196,745 244,423 292,246 305,437 358,085 374,188 409,983
China 11,071 27,062 40,501 48,383 61,200 73,460 84,667
Hong Kong 40,720 53,358 68,250 69,325 82,778 90,522 99,185
Japan 58,375 60,069 67,018 68,714 84,677 84,901 89,975
Korea, Republic of 34,596 43,465 47,363 45,770 52,110 47,805 55,265
Taiwan 50,715 60,117 69,048 73,120 77,182 77,315 80,896

South Asia 37,666 49,200 50,997 50,723 56,692 55,563 63,114

India 24,305 33,156 34,971 36,297 41,331 40,203 43,943

West Asia 8,259 10,440 9,093 9,077 11,777 12,057 14,894

Oceania 69,155 111,535 106,366 92,609 89,672 83,446 95,705

Australia 61,271 97,437 90,560 78,365 75,464 71,390 83,066
New Zealand 7,570 13,812 15,403 13,576 13,483 11,573 12,101

Europe 102,118 149,715 153,716 139,435 138,653 140,380 143,253

France 8,355 22,546 22,825 18,641 8,863 8,501 9,258
Germany 12,297 24,893 26,790 24,706 23,133 20,565 19,992
Netherlands 20,255 29,846 31,589 26,649 31,022 32,698 40,167
Scandinavia 10,471 20,984 20,516 20,254 23,220 25,407 19,986
Switzerland 10,380 7,391 8,284 7,776 6,851 6,776 4,990
United Kingdom 15,454 23,574 25,306 23,343 17,222 14,613 16,504

North America 49,779 34,640 41,986 38,736 35,013 32,272 28,989

United States 48,667 34,135 41,473 38,494 34,760 32,131 28,822

Other Regions 4,229 4,257 4,851 3,872 3,763 4,614 3,711

Source : Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

Note : Data refer to Changi Airport only.
Data exclude passenger baggage, diplomatic cargo and aircraft stores.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Region/Country 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 568,438 726,424 803,306 808,351 904,507 941,580 958,341

South East Asia 144,984 142,399 151,563 155,360 185,276 201,229 198,641
Indonesia 42,226 41,740 40,832 41,967 48,213 49,222 44,708
Malaysia 33,002 35,987 37,237 37,570 43,202 41,897 43,356
Philippines 19,043 21,297 26,292 28,106 36,093 37,377 37,802
Thailand 37,207 33,330 35,828 36,220 44,482 54,245 52,041

North East Asia 206,249 275,906 292,931 277,750 290,918 293,249 289,289
China 10,386 27,204 35,640 40,934 50,084 56,413 58,425
Hong Kong 47,708 54,331 58,947 61,389 65,129 67,180 70,697
Japan 77,706 95,321 89,767 75,467 73,943 78,333 68,189
Korea, Republic of 34,943 41,484 46,359 43,047 44,776 32,769 37,501
Taiwan 35,251 56,120 61,469 56,396 56,103 57,638 52,892

South Asia 28,861 41,352 42,967 45,616 59,366 65,619 80,804

India 19,069 27,129 29,609 33,539 44,455 48,373 61,246

West Asia 11,527 21,114 24,534 25,298 30,913 32,473 38,405

Oceania 45,662 63,123 70,703 80,940 90,854 95,493 102,378

Australia 37,636 52,897 58,926 68,833 77,204 80,085 87,074
New Zealand 7,167 9,764 11,275 11,681 13,194 14,641 13,386

Europe 85,833 122,839 144,217 145,263 160,147 166,141 158,648

France 6,195 20,122 25,516 20,694 13,310 9,370 9,275
Germany 11,525 18,320 22,531 22,718 30,974 28,385 25,969
Netherlands 15,496 20,039 24,428 27,217 36,452 42,811 42,683
Scandinavia 5,537 8,173 11,360 11,890 11,660 11,934 11,388
Switzerland 7,896 4,455 5,044 5,523 5,516 5,785 4,572
United Kingdom 16,095 26,000 28,456 29,205 31,654 31,414 30,835

North America 39,667 54,302 70,785 71,905 79,954 80,025 81,136

United States 39,140 53,195 69,708 71,279 79,389 79,344 80,417

Other Regions 5,655 5,389 5,606 6,219 7,079 7,351 9,040

Source : Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

Notes : Data refer to Changi Airport only.
Data exclude passenger baggage, diplomatic cargo and aircraft stores.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Region/Country 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 11,587 13,333 13,727 11,588 14,336 15,364 16,678

South East Asia 5,211 5,241 5,323 4,458 5,417 5,732 6,232
Brunei Darussalam 140 132 124 100 102 93 94
Indonesia 1,583 1,472 1,515 1,330 1,595 1,695 1,781
Malaysia 1,854 1,587 1,456 1,079 1,211 1,191 1,212
Philippines 279 348 367 327 402 483 590
Thailand 1,134 1,430 1,560 1,343 1,727 1,792 1,951
Vietnam 127 181 204 192 263 340 408

North East Asia 2,956 3,182 3,324 2,520 3,542 3,966 4,332
China 298 627 794 658 1,096 1,240 1,430
Hong Kong 887 934 893 640 914 1,094 1,116
Japan 1,104 945 951 689 864 843 874
Korea, Republic of 213 310 327 271 337 375 421
Taiwan 445 357 353 248 320 390 439

South Asia 644 905 885 859 1,053 1,160 1,382

India 383 600 623 610 754 866 1,032

West Asia 128 173 179 127 201 213 259

Oceania 1,087 1,801 1,873 1,743 1,955 2,069 2,141

Australia 933 1,574 1,620 1,498 1,647 1,744 1,825
New Zealand 142 216 241 233 294 311 301

Europe 1,172 1,596 1,694 1,508 1,667 1,703 1,781

France 84 152 168 158 195 202 213
Germany 223 330 362 317 350 366 360
Netherlands 119 132 138 107 133 170 181
Scandinavia 50 63 67 57 64 68 57
Switzerland 112 106 107 93 107 98 110
United Kingdom 426 665 652 630 679 664 694

North America 264 293 310 259 372 389 408

United States 247 273 288 240 348 364 383

Other Regions 125 143 139 114 131 132 143

Source : Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

Notes : Data refer to Changi Airport only.
Data exclude transit passengers who continued their journey on the same flight.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Region/Country 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 11,542 13,209 13,647 11,555 14,270 15,356 16,690

South East Asia 5,113 5,102 5,140 4,347 5,314 5,649 6,125
Brunei Darussalam 144 126 122 98 96 92 92
Indonesia 1,618 1,525 1,574 1,382 1,676 1,755 1,839
Malaysia 1,743 1,514 1,369 1,034 1,162 1,168 1,209
Philippines 278 350 366 318 390 461 561
Thailand 1,108 1,319 1,409 1,246 1,616 1,706 1,836
Vietnam 132 177 202 183 268 344 415

North East Asia 2,960 3,177 3,378 2,550 3,557 3,978 4,365
China 279 637 807 651 1,075 1,235 1,436
Hong Kong 881 925 931 675 948 1,106 1,132
Japan 1,101 931 938 686 861 836 874
Korea, Republic of 215 313 343 276 342 374 421
Taiwan 474 361 351 246 320 401 445

South Asia 602 874 871 822 1,024 1,124 1,353

India 359 581 598 569 720 826 1,003

West Asia 118 162 176 125 196 221 273

Oceania 1,164 1,858 1,943 1,824 2,039 2,153 2,262

Australia 999 1,624 1,679 1,566 1,731 1,824 1,942
New Zealand 153 224 253 246 293 315 304

Europe 1,151 1,578 1,664 1,494 1,629 1,687 1,766

France 82 161 177 171 205 207 215
Germany 221 329 351 316 342 353 348
Netherlands 114 130 138 113 130 172 188
Scandinavia 53 72 72 62 68 69 57
Switzerland 116 113 112 98 112 108 115
United Kingdom 409 623 614 583 631 642 671

North America 308 315 334 273 376 402 404

United States 290 293 310 251 352 373 377

Other Regions 126 144 142 120 134 141 143

Source : Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore

Notes : Data refer to Changi Airport only.
Data exclude transit passengers who continued their journey on the same flight.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Paved Roads 2,988 3,119 3,149 3,164 3,188 3,234 3,262

Expressways 139 150 150 150 150 150 150

Arterial Roads 566 573 575 579 579 594 604

Collector Roads 330 387 410 415 426 454 468

Local Roads 1,953 2,009 2,014 2,020 2,033 2,036 2,040

Source : Land Transport Authority


(End of Period)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 668,304 708,370 706,956 711,043 727,395 754,992 799,373

Cars 362,142 398,787 398,166 399,923 412,015 432,827 465,482

Rental Cars 5,451 8,857 8,423 7,803 7,455 7,756 9,235

Taxis 16,857 18,798 19,106 19,384 20,407 22,383 23,334

Buses 10,998 12,902 12,992 12,951 13,173 13,494 14,120

Motorcycles & Scooters 132,344 131,869 132,318 135,649 137,029 139,434 142,736

Goods & Other Vehicles 140,512 137,157 135,951 135,333 137,316 139,098 144,466

Source : Land Transport Authority

1 Include private and company cars.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

CC Rating 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 365,558 405,354 404,274 405,328 417,103 438,194 472,308

1,000 cc & below 51,094 30,680 26,234 20,892 14,976 9,514 7,109

1,001 to 1,600 cc 214,814 244,609 241,603 238,659 243,663 258,373 277,522

1,601 to 2,000 cc 73,018 89,052 90,598 94,372 99,777 105,201 114,206

2,001 to 3,000 cc 20,815 34,825 39,778 45,401 52,371 58,257 65,332

3,001 cc & above 5,817 6,188 6,061 6,004 6,316 6,849 8,139

Source : Land Transport Authority

Notes : Figures refer to private cars, company cars and rental cars only.
They do not include taxis and tax exempted cars.


(End of Period)

Age (Years) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 365,558 405,354 404,274 405,328 417,103 438,194 472,308

Below 1 28,785 67,134 62,935 81,244 96,670 109,165 116,741

1 - below 2 32,672 58,000 67,066 62,827 81,164 96,518 109,075
2 - below 3 33,859 38,210 57,110 66,234 60,289 78,754 93,240
3 - below 4 39,558 27,614 36,747 47,358 56,374 46,496 63,124
4 - below 5 29,471 19,420 26,719 27,250 27,860 34,396 26,056

5 - below 6 28,695 25,157 13,305 22,390 13,038 10,562 15,655

6 - below 7 31,734 25,574 20,309 8,327 15,284 6,644 5,823
7 - below 8 34,432 23,843 18,122 12,810 4,311 8,462 3,398
8 - below 9 25,509 34,102 15,608 10,545 6,970 2,284 4,456
9 - below 10 11,049 24,297 21,537 6,747 4,538 3,250 1,174

10 - below 11 2,256 14,480 13,222 4,207 811 644 1,131

11 - below 12 2,276 8,238 14,418 13,164 4,165 787 634
12 - below 13 4,976 8,521 7,913 14,236 12,979 4,003 746
13 - below 14 8,283 2,556 8,230 6,678 13,490 12,431 3,617
14 - below 15 11,460 2,135 2,411 6,834 4,395 11,822 10,967
15 & above 40,543 26,073 18,622 14,477 14,765 11,976 16,471

Source : Land Transport Authority

Notes : Figures refer to private cars, company cars and rental cars only.
They do not include taxis and tax exempted cars.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1
Killed 225 194 199 212 193 173 190
Injured 7,628 9,303 9,072 8,023 8,439 8,224 9,706

Killed 70 54 49 64 46 41 42
Injured 862 870 874 792 824 662 924

Pedal Cyclists, Trishaw Riders &

Killed 15 12 16 17 17 18 14
Injured 262 343 349 356 379 358 493

Motor Cyclists & Pillion Riders

Killed 94 88 101 94 95 95 102
Injured 3,825 4,811 4,637 4,272 4,599 4,526 4,943

Motor Vehicle Drivers & Passengers
Killed 39 36 30 37 33 17 31
Injured 2,440 3,236 3,188 2,547 2,567 2,525 3,223

Source : Traffic Police Department

1 Include other categories of road users not shown in table.
2 Figures refer to drivers and passengers of motor cars, buses, light goods and heavy goods vehicles only.


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 9,819 12,379 12,029 11,227 11,885 11,542 13,051

Pedal Cycles 280 365 363 376 413 392 520

Motor Cycles & Scooters 3,440 4,435 4,194 3,999 4,297 4,226 4,532
Motor Cars & Station Wagons 3,968 5,307 5,262 4,830 4,943 4,721 5,638
Light Goods Vehicles 670 609 639 567 598 607 621
Heavy Goods Vehicles 1 952 1,076 1,020 887 1,014 889 1,050
Buses 425 483 459 402 431 393 470
Others 84 104 92 166 189 314 220

Source : Traffic Police Department

Note : Figures refer to vehicles involved in fatal and injury accidents.
1 Cover lorries, tippers/trucks and trailers only.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total Train Km Operated ('000) 11,746 12,951 14,992 14,764 14,902 14,994 15,214

Total Number of Passengers ('000) 312,429 390,930 394,651 418,842 466,605 482,258 511,187

Average Number of Weekday

Passengers (No) 877,000 1,127,000 1,139,000 1,280,000 1,343,000 1,404,000 1,498,000

Average Weekday Traffic of

Selected Stations (No)

Ang Mo Kio 83,900 95,300 88,600 79,000 76,000 75,700 78,200

City Hall Station 88,100 105,000 105,800 102,300 101,900 103,600 111,300
Orchard Station 87,800 93,500 90,700 89,100 94,500 97,900 101,000
Raffles Place Station 105,700 113,400 105,200 97,700 99,400 105,700 115,000
Tanjong Pagar 70,400 74,000 72,100 70,100 72,100 75,100 81,800

Chinatown na na na 29,500 33,200 36,000 39,700

Hougang na na na 21,800 25,700 28,400 30,300
Sengkang na na na 30,500 32,700 36,300 38,400

Source : SMRT Trains Ltd

SBS Transit Ltd
Note : The North East Line (NEL) started operations on 20 June 2003.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Postal Articles Handled (million) 1,344 1,561 1,591 1,589 1,612 1,628 1,711

Subscribers 1 ('000)

Fixed Line 1,531 1,949 1,934 1,897 1,863 1,848 1,851

Residential 928 1,157 1,150 1,127 1,100 1,088 1,092
Corporate 603 792 784 770 763 759 759

Mobile Phone 404 2,859 3,245 3,477 3,861 4,257 4,638

Post-paid (2G) na na na na 2,614 2,565 1,960
Pre-paid (2G) na na na na 1,247 1,517 1,794
3G na na na na na 175 884

Pager 1,032 482 294 174 104 71 47

Dial-up Internet 2 129 1,918 2,001 1,796 1,714 1,618 1,522

Residential na 1,817 1,917 1,730 1,654 1,563 1,476
Corporate na 101 84 66 61 55 46

Broadband na na 230 390 512 639 768
Residential na na 213 360 464 576 697
Corporate na na 17 30 48 63 71

Number of SMS Messages 4 (million) na na na na 3,956.1 8,647.5 10,486.5

International Telephone
Call Minutes 5 (million) 579 2,561 2,829 3,074 4,131 4,778 5,029

Source : Singapore Post

Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
1 As at end of period.
2 From 2001, data include contributions from Internet Access Service Providers (IASPs).
3 Breakdown of residential and corporate broadband subscribers are not available prior to 2002.
With effect from July 2004, the total number of broadband subscriptions includes xDSL, cable modems, leased line internet
and other broadband internet access methods.
4 Year 2004 data covers July to December 2004.
With effect from January 2005, data include 2G and 3G phones.
5 Prior to 1996, data refer to financial year.
For 1998 to 2000, data include real-time fax and budget call services.
Prior to 2001, data exclude calls to Malaysia.
From 2001, data include traffic contributed by new service providers such as International Simple Resale (ISR) operators.
With effect from July 2004, figures include all Services-Based Operators (SBO).

Visitor Arrivals visitors did not depart within the calendar year,
the number of visitor departures would be less
Data on visitor arrivals are compiled than the total visitor arrivals during the year.
from Disembarkation/Embarkation Forms
(IMM 23A) completed by all visitors arriving in In computing the average length of
Singapore at the points of entry. stay, visitors staying beyond 60 days were
treated as having stayed 60 days for
Monthly and annual summaries of comparability amongst the ASEAN countries.
characteristics of visitor arrivals from major This is to ensure that the overall average length
markets are available respectively in the of stay is not affected by long-staying visitors.
“Tourism Focus” and the “Singapore Annual
Report on Tourism Statistics”, which are Tourism Receipts : Comprise mainly
published by the Singapore Tourism Board Total Expenditure of Visitors (TEV), and
(STB). include expenditure from transit passengers,
foreign air/sea crew and foreign students.
Visitor Expenditure
Average Expenditure Per Visitor Per
Data are collected in the STB’s Survey Day: This is obtained from dividing the total
of Overseas Visitors to Singapore. Face-to-face expenditure by the number of visitors and
interviews with visitors leaving Singapore by average length of stay.
air are conducted throughout the year.
Standard Average Occupancy Rate:
Definitions This is obtained from dividing gross lettings
(room nights) by available room-nights. Gross
Length of Stay : Refers to the actual lettings refer to both paid and complimentary
length of stay in Singapore. The date of arrival lettings. Available room-nights refer to room-
as indicated in the disembarkation/embarkation nights available for occupancy, excluding
card is matched against the date of departure to rooms closed for renovations and staff use as
compute the actual length of stay. As some declared in the statutory forms on a daily basis.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Region/Country 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 7,292.4 7,522.2 7,567.1 6,127.3 8,328.7 8,943.0 9,749.5

Americas 459.5 433.6 416.4 314.7 422.2 470.5 509.7

Canada 65.6 69.3 68.0 51.3 68.9 76.9 83.4
United States 374.0 343.8 327.6 250.7 333.2 371.4 399.7

Asia 5,319.3 5,224.1 5,326.7 4,401.1 6,079.1 6,507.7 7,109.1

ASEAN 2,288.7 2,522.9 2,532.9 2,307.2 3,085.9 3,341.7 3,576.7
China 226.7 497.4 670.1 568.5 880.2 857.8 1,037.0
Hong Kong 288.5 276.2 266.0 226.3 271.7 313.8 291.5
India 204.2 339.8 375.7 309.5 471.2 583.5 658.7
Japan 1,171.9 755.8 723.4 434.1 598.8 588.5 594.3
Korea, Republic of 384.5 359.1 371.1 261.4 361.1 364.2 454.7
Pakistan 45.9 40.8 10.6 9.4 14.3 15.9 20.5
Saudi Arabia 16.9 25.1 6.8 3.5 7.3 7.0 9.5
Sri Lanka 46.4 56.2 54.7 51.4 73.2 68.0 73.3
Taiwan 528.4 222.1 209.3 144.9 182.4 214.0 219.4
United Arab Emirates 16.5 21.6 20.8 15.7 25.2 28.1 34.0

Europe 1,002.7 1,114.6 1,101.9 877.4 1,070.8 1,125.4 1,209.9

Austria 23.0 14.1 14.6 9.4 13.1 14.1 15.4
Belgium & Luxembourg 20.2 23.4 21.7 15.0 16.1 16.9 18.1
France 76.7 71.5 72.2 55.8 77.9 80.9 90.2
Germany 190.6 167.0 157.5 121.4 142.4 154.8 161.1
Greece 13.9 11.3 12.8 7.9 11.6 9.6 10.4
Italy 41.9 35.7 36.7 20.3 27.7 30.7 35.6
Netherlands 66.1 75.0 71.7 55.4 61.4 66.5 68.2
Scandinavia 86.9 87.0 84.9 68.7 84.3 86.4 88.7
Switzerland 60.7 46.5 45.2 33.4 44.2 47.1 51.9
United Kingdom 312.5 460.0 458.5 388.0 457.3 467.2 488.1
CIS & Eastern Europe 48.4 51.1 51.5 44.7 58.6 68.6 88.8

Oceania 431.0 656.5 644.1 475.6 682.4 752.5 824.3

Australia 351.6 550.7 538.4 392.9 561.2 620.3 691.6
New Zealand 67.7 94.3 94.1 73.5 109.1 119.5 120.0

Others 79.9 93.4 78.0 58.5 74.2 87.0 96.4

Africa 79.6 88.0 72.8 58.4 73.9 82.0 90.5

Source : Singapore Tourism Board

Note : Exclude arrivals of Malaysians by land.
From 1999, the tourism statistics from Singapore Tourism Board (STB) are based on data
generated by STB's "Automated Information Management System". Some of the past figures have been revised.
1 ASEAN refers to the ten-country political association comprising Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Laos,
Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. However, when used in the statistical tables, the term excludes Singapore.
2 Scandinavia comprises Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
3 CIS denotes The Commonwealth of Independent States which consists of Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan,
Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Georgia.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1 7,292.4 7,522.2 7,567.1 6,127.3 8,328.7 8,943.0 9,749.5


Males 4,434.1 4,213.0 4,205.6 3,418.1 4,553.5 4,810.6 5,167.5

Females 2,858.3 2,874.5 3,017.2 2,462.5 3,479.4 3,675.7 3,999.7

Age Group (Years)

Under 15 469.9 546.4 543.0 425.7 619.7 677.2 718.9

15 - 19 195.1 222.1 226.7 169.9 254.3 283.2 316.8

20 - 24 537.1 526.4 512.1 426.9 579.9 630.1 695.5

25 - 34 1,818.4 1,890.8 1,852.2 1,505.6 2,009.4 2,156.1 2,308.6

35 - 44 1,711.7 1,721.1 1,757.1 1,463.0 1,965.1 2,118.7 2,277.7

45 - 54 1,376.7 1,381.3 1,418.8 1,150.9 1,533.3 1,614.3 1,770.3

55 - 64 788.2 793.5 830.7 664.2 913.8 971.7 1,096.9

65 & Over 374.0 410.9 400.9 300.5 427.0 467.0 541.7

Not Stated 21.3 29.6 25.6 20.5 26.2 24.6 24.1

Source : Singapore Tourism Board

Note : Exclude arrivals of Malaysians by land.
From 1999, the tourism statistics from Singapore Tourism Board (STB) are based on data generated by
STB's "Automated Information Management System". Some of the past figures have been revised.
1 Include sex not stated.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Length of Stay (Days) 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 7,073.0 7,340.8 7,358.9 5,969.1 7,995.1 8,591.5 9,342.2

Under 1 1,243.5 1,665.6 1,712.0 1,424.4 1,775.8 1,862.6 2,161.3

1 1,825.2 1,890.3 1,948.7 1,533.7 2,037.6 1,984.2 2,174.3
2 1,526.7 1,319.5 1,290.9 1,031.4 1,433.3 1,568.6 1,634.1
3 1,003.6 930.3 904.9 698.7 1,021.5 1,165.0 1,188.9
4 438.2 433.1 428.6 348.7 496.2 582.5 622.0
5 237.7 244.9 240.6 202.4 277.4 324.7 344.2
6 155.9 163.3 160.5 135.9 182.5 216.8 232.3
7 127.7 129.0 127.9 110.3 141.0 165.7 181.6
8-10 157.2 171.9 163.2 142.9 189.1 213.2 232.5
11-14 159.7 188.2 197.7 178.4 217.8 255.4 297.5
15 - 29 123.1 132.9 120.7 107.9 150.6 165.7 173.9
30 - 59 41.0 45.8 40.6 35.7 48.3 59.1 64.9
60 & Over 33.5 26.0 22.5 18.9 23.8 28.1 34.6

Average Length of Stay (Days) 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.4

Source : Singapore Tourism Board

Notes : Exclude arrivals of Malaysians by land.
Refer to visitors who left Singapore during the period specified.
From 1999, the tourism statistics from Singapore Tourism Board (STB) are based on data generated by
STB's "Automated Information Management System". Some of the past figures have been revised.


Million Dollars
2004 2005

Tourism Receipts 9,800 10,871

Tourism Generating Markets

Australia 673 763

China 804 875
Hong Kong 280 308
India 650 843
Indonesia 1,940 2,083
Japan 728 763

Korea, Republic of 258 302

Malaysia 405 415
Philippines 294 334
Thailand 371 420
United Kingdom 537 544
United States 445 522

Source : Singapore Tourism Board

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Region/Country 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total 221 259 238 233 221 235 237

ASEAN 277 264 232 231 234 248 239

Australia 194 202 213 226 205 244 252
Canada 131 234 175 193 174 175 162
China 146 238 195 177 167 204 213
France 164 170 203 205 173 203 232
Germany 155 185 230 202 181 207 241
Hong Kong 154 205 213 230 222 234 217
India 231 411 279 272 228 194 208
Italy 215 231 262 276 245 261 268

Japan 229 316 324 320 309 315 337

Netherlands 143 171 185 171 145 192 241
New Zealand 227 177 236 221 208 279 276
South Africa 358 188 243 224 199 230 277
Korea, Republic of 160 243 253 221 208 209 256
Switzerland 213 197 239 223 214 256 293
Taiwan 195 242 224 209 180 203 210
United Kingdom 174 202 205 221 219 235 231
United States 163 238 237 231 223 239 263

Source : Singapore Tourism Board

Note : For the period 1997-2002, expenditure includes prepaid components such as accommodation and
sight seeing tours before arrival.



1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 3,304,714 4,363,077 4,398,840 4,221,464 5,164,906 5,159,403 5,533,357

Air 2,204,125 2,476,099 2,617,452 2,344,492 2,999,368 3,441,927 3,739,542

Sea 1,100,589 1,886,978 1,781,388 1,876,972 2,165,538 1,717,476 1,793,815

Source : Immigration & Checkpoints Authority

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Tourist Hotels 1

Number (At End Year) 2 90 101 100 93 93 96 95

Number of Rooms Available 3 27,604 27,859 27,604 27,470 28,359 28,824 28,701

Average Occupancy Rate (%) 82.3 76.3 74.4 67.2 80.6 83.8 85.2

Cess Collected ($ ' 000) 12,493.2 11,534.8 10,921.4 8,525.6 11,458.3 13,274.6 15,877.4

Cess on Food & Beverages ($ ' 000) 17,381.8 17,206.3 16,435.2 15,018.8 16,461.1 17,359.1 18,158.5

Source : Singapore Tourism Board

1 Refer to gazetted hotels.
2 The figures are based on monthly hotel returns submitted to STB.
3 Refers to average number of rooms available in December.
Exclude rooms that are under renovation and those meant for staff and other uses.
16 FINANCE _______________________________________________________________

Before 1971, the various monetary and aviation, motor, workmen's

functions normally associated with a central compensation and public liability. The range
bank were performed by several government of products offered by life insurers include
departments and agencies. To centralise these traditional whole-of-life, endowment, term
functions, the Monetary Authority of Singapore and annuity plans as well as investment-linked
(MAS) was established in 1971 to assume the insurance plans.
central bank role except for the currency issuing
function which remained the responsibility of .
the Board of Commissioners of Currency Central Provident Fund
Singapore (BCCS). In October 2002, the BCCS
was merged with the MAS. The MAS conducts Please see text in Section 4.
monetary and exchange rate policies
appropriate for sustained and non-inflationary
economic growth in Singapore. It administers
the statutes pertaining to money and banking Definitions
and formulates policies for the development of
a sound banking system and an orderly finan- Money Supply : Refers to the amount of
cial market. It aims to develop Singapore into money in an economy. Narrowly defined,
an international financial centre. money supply (M1) consists of currency in
active circulation and demand deposits. A
Statistics on banking, finance and broad definition of money supply (M2)
insurance are compiled from returns submitted comprises money supply (M1) and quasi
to the MAS. They may be found in the money. The latter includes fixed, savings and
"Monthly Statistical Bulletin" and MAS annual other deposits with banks as well as negotiable
report published by the MAS, which are certificates of deposit in Singapore dollar issued
available on the MAS website. by Singapore banks. Money supply (M3)
consists of M2 and net deposits with non-bank
financial institutions.
Asian Dollar Market
Asian Currency Unit (ACU) : Refers
to an operational entity of a financial institution
The Asian Dollar Market was officially which has been granted approval by the MAS
established in October 1968 when approval was to participate in the Asian Dollar Market in
first given for a bank to operate an Asian Singapore. The ACU is essentially a separate
Currency Unit (ACU). Since then, merchant accounting unit of a financial institution set up
banks have also been allowed to operate ACUs. for its transactions in the Asian Dollar Market.
As at 31 December 2006, there was a total of
153 ACUs in operation.
Official Foreign Reserves: Refers to
the gross official reserves held by the MAS.
The data include gold and foreign exchange,
Insurance Special Drawing Rights and Singapore’s
The insurance industry is regulated by reserve position in the International Monetary
the MAS under the Insurance Act (Cap 142). Fund (IMF). Prior to May 1999, Singapore’s
official foreign reserves were valued at book
Insurance business in Singapore cost. With effect from May 1999, the book
comprises life and general insurance. The value of foreign reserve assets are translated at
general insurance business provides coverage market exchange rates prevailing at the end of
for a wide range of risks such as fire, marine each reporting month.
16 FINANCE (cont’d) __________________________________________________________________________________

Special Drawing Rights (SDR): Refers interest charges and membership fees.
to an international reserve asset created by the
IMF and allocated to its members in proportion
Rolled Over Balances : Refer to
to their quotas as a supplement to existing
balances that are subject to interest charges
reserve assets. The SDR is an unit account of
because they are not settled within the ‘free
the IMF. The valuation of the SDR is
credit’ period. These include the minimum
determined on the basis of a basket of four
payment not settled by due date as well as the
currencies: the US dollar, the Euro, the
amount that is rolled over after settlement of the
Japanese Yen and the Pound Sterling.
minimum sum.
Main Cards and Supplementary
Cards : Refer to both credit and charge cards Bad Debts Written Off : They are
issued by the card issuing companies. included as and when they occur. This is
because the period of when bad debts are
Total Cards Billings : Refer to total written off differs from one card issuer to
billings of Singapore cardholders excluding another.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Gross Circulation ($m) 11,276.2 13,304.4 13,741.0 14,343.7 15,318.5 16,378.6 17,605.2

Notes 10,520.9 12,393.3 12,808.7 13,388.7 14,344.0 15,381.3 16,579.1

Coins 755.4 911.1 932.2 955.1 974.5 997.3 1,026.1

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Money Supply (M1) 27,040.0 36,082.9 35,828.2 38,722.6 44,162.3 46,085.9 52,242.6
Currency in Active Circulation 10,293.1 11,867.8 12,360.3 12,838.4 13,694.0 14,584.5 15,284.7
Demand Deposits of Private Sector 16,746.9 24,215.1 23,467.9 25,884.2 30,468.3 31,501.4 36,957.9

Money Supply (M2) 111,950.8 180,908.5 180,308.1 194,828.5 206,977.9 219,798.3 262,369.8
M1 27,040.0 36,082.9 35,828.2 38,722.6 44,162.3 46,085.9 52,242.6
Quasi-Money 84,910.8 144,825.6 144,479.9 156,105.9 162,815.6 173,712.4 210,127.2
Fixed Deposits 59,987.0 83,308.2 81,597.5 89,706.3 93,360.2 107,714.3 141,619.4
S$ Negotiable Cert of Deposits 844.5 203.9 225.6 288.3 515.0 409.2 220.8
Savings and Other Deposits 24,079.3 61,313.5 62,656.8 66,111.3 68,940.4 65,588.9 68,287.0

Money Supply (M3) 148,494.7 190,316.9 188,815.4 200,044.3 212,182.7 225,699.6 268,749.1
M2 111,950.8 180,908.5 180,308.1 194,828.5 206,977.9 219,798.3 262,369.8
Net Deposits with Non-bank
Financial Institutions
Finance Companies 13,192.0 9,408.4 8,507.3 5,215.8 5,204.8 5,901.3 6,379.3
Post Office Savings Bank 23,351.9 - - - - - -

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)

1 Refer to gross circulation less amounts held by government treasuries and banks, and excludes
numismatics currency and bullion coins issued by MAS.
2 The M3 series has been revised to include the Post Office Savings Bank's (POSBank) fixed deposits with MAS.
3 Refer to deposits of finance companies and the POSBank less their deposits with banks. From November 1998,
with the acquisition of POSBank by the Development Bank of Singapore, POSBank's data have been incorporated
as part of the banking system in M1 and M2 and not as a non-bank financial institution.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Money Supply

M1 36,082.9 35,828.2 38,722.6 44,162.3 46,085.9 52,242.6

Quasi-Money 144,825.6 144,479.9 156,105.9 162,815.6 173,712.4 210,127.2
M2 180,908.5 180,308.1 194,828.5 206,977.9 219,798.3 262,369.8

Domestic Credit 231,819.6 217,481.5 230,204.9 238,224.8 240,558.3 256,397.6

Public Sector 46,762.6 48,429.1 51,950.6 52,096.0 50,760.0 57,346.6

Private Sector 185,057.0 169,052.4 178,254.3 186,128.8 189,798.3 199,051.0

Government Deposits 87,195.6 96,171.7 96,204.4 100,343.8 110,851.2 111,834.0

Net Foreign Position 132,875.5 133,215.4 150,044.0 172,791.9 193,710.2 224,787.4

Monetary Authorities 138,588.9 141,481.5 161,928.6 182,346.1 191,790.1 207,909.4

Banks -5,713.4 -8,266.1 -11,884.6 -9,554.2 1,920.1 16,878.0

Other Items -96,591.0 -74,217.1 -89,216.0 -103,695.0 -103,619.0 -106,981.2

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total Foreign Reserves 107,739.1 139,714.3 142,621.1 163,053.5 183,464.0 192,813.0 208,991.8

Special Drawing Rights 86.5 278.1 305.8 352.1 474.8 477.2 487.5

Reserve Position in the

International Monetary Fund 417.1 692.0 825.0 956.2 712.4 291.2 200.1

Gold & Foreign Exchange 107,235.5 138,744.2 141,490.3 161,745.2 182,276.8 192,044.6 208,304.2

Total Foreign Reserves (million US$) 76,967.5 75,677.0 82,218.7 96,244.1 112,574.9 116,172.6 136,260.9

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore


(Average for the Year)

Currency 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Singapore Dollar Per

Malaysian Ringgit 0.5605 0.4715 0.4712 0.4585 0.4448 0.4395 0.4332

US Dollar 1.4100 1.7917 1.7906 1.7422 1.6903 1.6646 1.5889
Euro na 1.6050 1.6909 1.9703 2.1008 2.0719 1.9952
Pound Sterling 2.2017 2.5809 2.6885 2.8467 3.0963 3.0290 2.9261
100 Japanese Yen 1.2971 1.4751 1.4309 1.5044 1.5634 1.5138 1.3667

100 Korean Won 0.1754 0.1389 0.1435 0.1463 0.1477 0.1625 0.1664
100 New Taiwan Dollar 5.1354 5.3031 5.1801 5.0639 5.0584 5.1768 4.8870
Hong Kong Dollar 0.1823 0.2297 0.2296 0.2237 0.2170 0.2140 0.2045
Australian Dollar 1.1040 0.9274 0.9737 1.1355 1.2443 1.2686 1.1967
Chinese Renminbi 0.1696 0.2165 0.2163 0.2105 0.2042 0.2033 0.1993

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Banks 143 133 120 117 115 111 108

Local 12 8 6 5 5 5 5
Foreign 131 125 114 112 110 106 103
Full banks 22 23 22 22 23 24 24
Wholesale banks 2 14 20 33 31 37 35 34
Offshore banks 95 82 59 59 50 47 45
Banking offices including
head offices and main offices 473 485 444 404 398 396 396

Asian Currency Units 214 184 169 164 160 153 151
Banks 135 127 115 112 110 106 104
Merchant banks 79 57 54 52 50 47 47

Finance Companies 22 11 7 5 3 3 3
Finance companies' offices
including head offices 128 79 65 59 39 39 39

Merchant Banks 79 58 55 53 51 48 48

Insurance Companies 146 151 144 143 139 140 144
Direct insurers 59 54 57 57 57 55 56
Professional reinsurers 38 46 36 36 52 28 28
Captive insurers 49 51 51 50 30 57 60

Insurance Brokers 4 - 88 90 57 60 61 63

Representative Offices 58 62 55 51 49 45 41
Banks 55 62 55 51 49 45 41
Merchant banks 3 - - - - - -

International Money Brokers 10 8 8 8 8 10 9

Licensed Financial Advisers - - - 49 52 56 61

(continued on next page)

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore
Note : Data as at end March of each year.
1 All banks are full banks.
2 Previously known as restricted banks.
3 Year 2003 data includes 20 companies on run-off.
4 Year 2003 data excludes 26 direct life brokers. With effect from 1 October 2002, the regulation of direct brokers was transferred to the
Financial Advisers Act (FAA).
5 Financial Adviser’s Licence is issued under the FAA which came into force on 1 October 2002.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Capital Markets Services Licensees 6

Dealing in securities, of which : 82 81 79 59 60 65 72
Clearing Member Companies of SGX-ST 33 35 27 26 22 22 24
Non-Clearing Member Companies
of SGX-ST - - - 1 1 1 1
Non-Member Companies of SGX-ST 49 46 52 32 37 42 47

Trading in Future Contracts, of which : 59 50 39 36 31 34 38

Clearing Member Companies of SGX-DT 36 31 27 25 21 22 21
Non-Clearing Member Companies
of SGX-DT 21 10 6 6 6 6 6
Non-Member Companies of SGX-DT - - - - - 2 7
Commercial Associate Member
Companies of SGX-DT 2 9 6 5 4 4 4

Advising on Corporate Finance - - - 22 26 30 33

Fund Management 151 167 167 90 94 91 92
Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading - - - 11 10 11 13
Securities Financing - - - 13 13 15 16
Providing Custodial Services for Securities - - - 26 26 27 31

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

Notes :
Data as at end March of each year.
SGX-ST represents "SGX - Securities Trading"
SGX-DT represents "SGX - Derivatives Trading"
6 In view of the single licensing framework under Securities and Futures Act (SFA) which was implemented from
1 October 2002, the data before and after 2 October 2002 are not directly compatible. The new licensing regime allows
companies to engage in seven regulated activities. Before implementation of the SFA, the old regime was governed under
the repealed Securities Industry Act and the Futures Trading Act which provided for five different licences to perform the
full range of capital market activities. The five licences are: dealer’s licences, investment adviser’s licence,
futures broker’s licence, futures trading adviser’s licence, and futures pool operator’s licence.
7 This shows the number of the investment advisers operating pursuant to the Securities Industry Act and one
futures pool operator operating pursuant to the Futures Trading Act.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total Assets 252,723.4 373,747.9 353,115.0 362,528.4 398,236.7 425,222.5 508,624.6

Cash 811.2 1,234.3 1,176.1 1,210.2 1,400.7 1,349.4 1,665.4

Amounts Due from Banks 86,112.6 114,250.7 96,807.4 97,549.3 113,856.1 133,505.2 184,163.8
In Singapore 33,555.1 27,069.9 17,434.6 21,357.0 32,615.8 39,004.2 51,554.4
Outside Singapore 52,557.5 87,180.8 79,372.8 76,192.3 81,240.3 94,501.0 132,609.5

Balances with Monetary

Authority of Singapore 7,095.4 6,970.8 6,462.8 6,592.0 6,775.0 7,466.1 8,802.0

Securities and Equities Issued

by Private Entities 7,035.8 29,708.6 18,197.0 17,425.9 21,211.6 24,057.2 26,735.8
Debt Securities
In Singapore 583.3 7,432.6 7,446.2 7,644.9 6,965.2 7,084.2 6,842.8
Outside Singapore 113.2 1,857.9 3,537.4 3,405.5 4,162.8 5,370.7 8,320.6
Equity Investments
In Singapore 5,218.1 18,732.7 5,474.3 4,643.2 7,058.4 8,324.0 8,077.7
Outside Singapore 1,121.1 1,685.5 1,739.1 1,732.4 3,025.1 3,278.3 3,494.7

Debt Securities by Government

Related Entities 17,597.5 41,138.7 43,340.8 46,707.3 47,006.1 46,171.7 53,891.2
Government of Singapore 17,537.9 40,511.7 42,621.2 45,555.8 45,057.5 43,750.4 50,738.3
Statutory Authorities - 311.8 376.5 404.6 1,095.7 1,468.1 2,048.8
Other Governments 59.5 315.2 343.2 746.8 852.9 953.3 1,104.1

Loans & Advances including

Bills Financing 126,987.7 162,920.8 161,283.4 171,443.5 179,088.6 183,109.4 194,597.6
Bills Discounted or Purchased 8,693.4 3,636.6 3,047.7 3,889.2 5,544.8 5,308.1 6,160.2
Payable In Singapore 5,764.6 1,737.8 1,707.7 2,064.8 2,405.8 2,074.8 2,653.3
Payable Outside Singapore 2,928.8 1,898.8 1,340.0 1,824.4 3,139.0 3,233.3 3,506.9
Loans & Advances 118,294.3 159,284.2 158,235.7 167,554.3 173,543.8 177,801.3 188,437.4
Resident 115,706.2 156,833.2 154,043.5 163,495.5 168,602.9 170,846.7 179,428.2
Non-Resident 2,588.1 2,451.1 4,192.2 4,058.8 4,940.9 6,954.6 9,009.2

Other Assets 7,083.2 17,523.9 25,847.4 21,600.3 28,898.6 29,563.6 38,768.7

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

Note : With effect from November 1998, figures include assets of Post Office Savings Bank.
1 Include Asian Currency Units.
2 Prior to June 1999, data on bills refinancing include bills refinanced by MAS. Excludes bills rediscounted between banks.
3 From March 2004, the value of fixed assets is reported before depreciation.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total Liabilities 252,723.4 373,747.9 353,115.0 362,528.4 398,236.7 425,222.5 508,624.6

Capital & Reserves 20,977.3 36,855.7 30,560.9 32,724.5 35,933.0 38,161.7 39,017.4

Deposits of Non-bank Customers 118,201.5 182,551.4 180,138.4 194,231.5 206,176.3 223,718.0 272,462.6
Demand Deposits 18,862.7 25,966.6 25,178.1 27,902.2 32,775.4 35,140.1 41,473.1
Fixed Deposits 71,802.7 90,845.1 87,879.2 95,729.2 99,829.5 118,496.4 158,168.3
Savings Deposits 27,168.2 65,331.1 66,690.8 69,861.3 72,938.3 69,306.2 71,760.9
Other Deposits 368.0 408.7 390.4 738.8 633.0 775.4 1,060.3

Amounts Due to Banks 101,576.8 118,349.8 106,060.1 103,559.0 114,953.7 120,849.1 146,643.1
In Singapore 34,328.6 28,544.0 18,218.6 15,201.7 18,815.1 23,010.9 19,879.9
Outside Singapore 67,248.2 89,805.8 87,841.5 88,357.3 96,138.6 97,838.3 126,763.1

Other Liabilities 11,967.8 35,991.1 36,355.7 32,013.5 41,173.8 42,493.7 50,501.6

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

Note : With effect from November 1998, figures include liabilities of Post Office Savings Bank.
1 Excludes non-bank customers' holding of Singapore dollar negotiable certificates of deposits (S$NCDs).
2 Includes Asian Currency Units.
3 From March 2004, other liabilities include accumulated depreciation for fixed assets.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1 126,987.7 162,920.8 161,283.4 171,443.5 179,088.6 183,109.4 194,597.6

Loans to Businesses 2 na na na na 89,908.3 91,250.4 101,155.2

Agriculture, Mining &

Quarrying 132.8 113.0 162.1 305.5 212.5 293.0 325.9
Manufacturing 12,248.2 11,964.7 10,819.2 10,595.5 9,796.9 10,108.0 10,863.2
Building & Construction 3 21,401.2 26,578.4 23,863.0 24,029.5 23,548.8 23,031.1 26,345.5
General Commerce 23,931.8 17,693.0 16,887.2 16,857.3 18,893.8 19,885.2 20,059.0
Transport, Storage &
Communication 2,618.7 6,148.9 4,554.7 4,133.8 3,956.8 4,327.0 6,297.1
Business Services na na na na 3,001.8 2,455.3 3,408.4
Financial Institutions 19,448.3 21,569.2 22,926.8 21,633.8 22,136.9 21,993.1 23,805.6
Professional & Private Individuals
Business Purposes na na na na 2,278.7 2,577.7 2,221.0
Others 6,548.3 9,379.4 9,717.3 8,948.8 6,082.1 6,580.0 7,829.5

Consumer Loans 5 na na na na 89,180.2 91,859.2 93,442.4

Housing & Bridging Loans 20,402.3 41,733.2 44,623.6 52,155.4 58,887.1 61,954.6 63,345.1

Professional & Private Individuals

Car Loans na na na na 12,552.2 12,578.4 12,377.9
Credit Cards na na na na 3,541.1 3,794.0 4,175.8
Share Financing na na na na 367.9 500.2 901.1
Others na na na na 13,831.9 13,032.0 12,642.5

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

Notes : Figures include bills financing.
From March 2004, the industry categories have been refined according to the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification 2000.
The industrial classification is by end-use of loans. If this classification is not possible, the borrower's main business activity
will be used.
1 Data prior to March 2004 include loans to Professional and Private Individuals (PPI). However, as there is no breakdown of the
data into loans to PPI by business purposes and consumer loans prior to March 2004, the sum of loans to businesses and
consumer loans may not add up to the total.
2 Data prior to March 2004 exclude loans to professional and private individuals for business purposes.
3 Include loans to building and building co-operative societies, building developers and real estate agents.
4 Data prior to March 2004 include that of business services.
5 Data prior to March 2004 refer to housing and bridging loans only.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Million US Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 506,870.2 465,472.8 482,612.3 509,145.9 581,562.5 611,377.3 698,762.4

Loans to Non-bank Customers 180,505.5 79,324.2 77,906.3 83,602.8 93,494.2 120,865.5 139,499.6

Inter-bank Funds 278,743.1 323,902.2 335,973.7 341,917.7 385,302.2 389,485.1 434,136.8

In Singapore 22,357.2 33,054.5 35,599.0 37,151.2 43,932.1 40,766.4 51,523.4

Inter-Asian Currency Units 40,236.8 30,916.8 31,415.4 29,360.2 31,428.3 29,102.0 43,628.2

Outside Singapore 216,149.1 259,930.9 268,959.3 275,406.3 309,941.8 319,616.7 338,985.2

Debt Securities & Equities 25,556.2 44,550.0 48,565.4 58,725.2 72,570.9 73,424.9 89,675.0

Other Assets 22,065.3 17,696.3 20,167.0 24,900.1 30,195.2 27,601.8 35,451.0


Total 506,870.2 465,472.8 482,612.3 509,145.9 581,562.5 611,377.3 698,762.4

Deposits of Non-bank Customers 95,373.8 122,472.3 126,151.6 137,116.0 150,354.2 162,834.2 210,936.1

Inter-bank Funds 389,469.6 310,151.7 320,896.7 330,911.0 379,900.0 394,080.5 415,873.9

In Singapore 25,257.4 25,746.8 28,369.1 34,243.1 34,771.1 37,337.3 49,253.5

Inter-Asian Currency Units 40,243.3 30,926.4 31,394.8 29,401.4 31,457.9 29,067.8 42,971.6

Outside Singapore 323,968.9 253,478.5 261,132.8 267,266.5 313,671.1 327,675.4 323,648.8

Other Liabilities 22,026.8 32,848.9 35,564.0 41,118.9 51,308.3 54,462.6 71,952.3

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

Note : Asian Currency Unit is a separate accounting unit of banks and other financial institutions given approval
to transact in the Asian Dollar Market.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 21,189.4 14,961.1 13,722.3 7,902.7 8,308.5 9,444.9 10,066.6

Cash & Balances with Monetary

Authority of Singapore 827.0 296.3 262.4 162.2 168.5 195.4 211.7

Deposits with Banks & Other

Institutions 2,165.9 1,241.9 1,345.7 312.3 460.7 455.1 757.1

Securities & Equities 1,139.4 1,257.0 1,115.8 687.4 709.4 827.3 1,008.0

Loans & Advances 16,762.7 11,983.0 10,815.9 6,657.2 6,878.9 7,869.7 7,972.2
Hire Purchase 4,982.4 4,394.8 4,034.4 2,459.0 2,364.8 2,467.6 2,245.8
On Motor Vehicles 4,052.3 4,054.2 3,734.2 2,317.7 2,193.4 2,265.3 2,064.8
On Consumer Durables 4.0 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2
On Other Goods 926.1 340.1 300.1 141.1 171.1 202.0 180.8
Housing Loans 3,221.1 1,884.7 1,547.9 756.3 952.4 1,583.3 1,681.3
Other Loans & Advances 8,559.2 5,703.5 5,233.6 3,441.9 3,561.7 3,818.7 4,045.1

Other Assets 294.5 183.0 182.4 83.7 90.9 97.4 117.6


Total 21,189.4 14,961.1 13,722.3 7,902.7 8,308.5 9,444.9 10,066.6

Capital & Reserves 3,014.7 2,425.5 2,111.2 1,406.3 1,442.8 1,658.4 1,693.1

Deposits 15,071.6 10,641.4 9,855.7 5,530.2 5,667.6 6,365.5 7,150.3

Savings Deposits 371.6 202.4 222.6 149.7 145.8 121.6 108.9
Fixed Deposits 13,311.8 10,431.4 9,612.0 5,373.4 5,514.1 6,240.4 7,035.3
Other Deposits 1,388.2 7.6 21.1 7.1 7.7 3.5 6.0

Other Creditors 1,381.9 254.3 254.9 119.9 321.3 685.4 603.7

Other Liabilities 1,721.2 1,639.9 1,500.5 846.4 876.8 735.7 619.5

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 7,177.1 5,038.8 4,692.1 3,303.7 3,466.2 3,724.1 3,960.9

Agriculture, Mining & Quarrying 0.5 4.1 3.8 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2

Manufacturing 325.4 181.7 184.5 100.2 91.4 105.5 94.5

Building & Construction 1,799.2 1,579.2 1,435.9 1,096.3 1,295.4 1,278.9 1,557.8

General Commerce 635.9 355.7 319.4 232.7 205.6 247.2 233.5

Transport, Storage & Communications 318.7 133.6 112.7 81.2 91.6 113.6 106.0

Financial Institutions 1,156.3 1,061.7 1,003.3 534.6 496.2 552.8 491.9

Professional & Private Individuals 2,585.6 1,434.5 1,253.4 917.5 929.5 1,074.2 1,106.5

Others 355.5 288.3 379.1 340.9 356.2 351.6 370.6

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

1 Exclude lease financing, factoring, block discounting and warehouse inventory financing and accounts receivable financing.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 53,580.6 56,398.4 52,564.3 58,203.4 59,244.8 64,845.1 78,029.3

Amounts Due from Banks 21,796.7 25,703.8 22,156.6 22,291.5 25,718.7 24,548.3 32,683.2
In Singapore 771.9 1,427.1 891.2 1,481.6 1,394.9 665.3 771.4
Outside Singapore 21,024.8 24,276.7 21,265.4 20,809.9 24,323.8 23,883.0 31,911.8

Loans & Advances to

Non-bank Customers 17,348.9 20,309.8 19,674.8 24,229.0 18,693.0 26,675.0 27,562.0

Securities & Equities 11,678.3 9,354.9 9,511.3 10,109.9 11,991.1 11,209.1 15,650.2

Other Assets 2,756.7 1,029.9 1,221.6 1,573.0 2,842.0 2,412.7 2,133.9


Total 53,580.6 56,398.4 52,564.3 58,203.4 59,244.8 64,845.1 78,029.3

Capital & Reserves 6,646.0 8,094.0 7,742.7 8,232.6 7,636.0 8,374.1 8,104.5

Amounts Due to Banks 34,571.8 27,617.9 24,858.7 29,304.7 27,320.4 29,471.5 35,834.0
In Singapore 481.5 895.1 501.3 724.3 1,225.9 904.5 1,635.2
Outside Singapore 34,090.3 26,722.8 24,357.4 28,580.4 26,094.5 28,567.1 34,198.8

Borrowings from
Non-bank Customers 9,030.0 17,861.3 17,729.8 18,207.0 20,406.1 23,036.8 28,859.0

Other Liabilities 3,332.9 2,825.2 2,233.1 2,459.1 3,882.4 3,962.7 5,231.8

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

Note : Provision of corporate financial advisory services, underwriting and operations in the gold market
are not reflected in the data.
1 Include Asian Currency Units.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Per Cent Per Annum

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Banks 1

Prime Lending Rate 6.26 5.30 5.35 5.30 5.30 5.30 5.33

Deposit Rates

3 Months 3.41 1.02 0.78 0.40 0.41 0.56 0.57

6 Months 3.67 1.33 1.05 0.52 0.52 0.66 0.67

12 Months 3.99 1.53 1.32 0.70 0.72 0.86 0.88

Savings Deposit Rate 2.72 0.77 0.44 0.24 0.23 0.30 0.29

Finance Companies

Deposit Rates

Up to 3 Months 3.20 1.20 0.76 0.44 0.48 0.83 1.00

12 Months 3.98 1.65 1.50 0.79 0.98 1.56 1.92

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

1 Refer to the average quoted by 10 leading banks.
2 Refer to the average quoted by 10 leading finance companies.


Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006


Contributed 14,623.0 18,322.3 16,165.7 15,870.0 15,320.1 16,105.1 16,547.9

Interest Credited 2,452.8 2,489.5 2,897.3 3,115.3 3,375.3 3,675.4 3,926.8

Withdrawn 10,529.6 18,860.4 14,821.4 11,816.5 10,310.3 11,776.1 14,351.3

Refunds and Transfers 15.0 28.5 40.2 53.1 50.8 90.8 107.1

Due to Members 72,566.6 92,221.2 96,422.6 103,539.6 111,873.8 119,787.5 125,803.8

(End of Period)

Source : Central Provident Fund Board

1 Refer to net amount withdrawn (gross amount withdrawn less amount refunded) by members.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Million Dollars

Total 10,530 18,860 14,821 11,817 10,310 11,776 14,351

Housing Schemes

Public Housing 3,000 5,263 5,286 4,512 4,125 4,585 4,958

Residential Properties 2,059 3,000 2,922 2,398 2,392 2,779 3,398

Reached 55 Years of Age 2 1,205 1,731 1,532 1,871 1,723 1,838 2,357

Leaving Singapore & Malaysia

Permanently 310 304 308 306 323 336 360

Death 109 173 170 191 205 246 284

Medisave Scheme 316 372 361 328 367 398 445

Private Medical Scheme 7 81 107 126 142 142 136

Others 3,525 7,937 4,137 2,085 1,033 1,453 2,413


Housing Schemes 5

Public Housing 6 55,178 57,049 52,417 18,694 16,262 15,290 12,904

Residential Properties 17,773 17,241 19,873 19,958 26,622 37,336 40,576

Reached 55 Years of Age 101,757 405,709 130,082 290,736 324,776 357,255 274,246

Leaving Singapore & Malaysia

Permanently 8,841 8,106 9,060 8,611 9,836 9,865 10,479

Death 10,545 14,373 13,967 13,872 14,245 25,225 23,358

Source : Central Provident Fund Board

1 Refer to net amount withdrawn (gross amount withdrawn less amount refunded) by members in the year.
2 Include first and subsequent withdrawals. In 2000 & 2001, the increase in the number of withdrawals was due to the withdrawal
of the government top-up under the CPF Top-up Scheme.
In 2003 & 2004, the increase in the number of withdrawals was largely due to withdrawals of the
Economic Restructuring Shares and the relaxation of withdrawal rule from once in 3 years to annually.
3 Include Malaysians leaving Singapore permanently.
4 Include withdrawals by persons who are physically/mentally incapacitated and under the various CPF schemes - Minimum Sum,
MediShield, Home Protection, Dependants' Protection, Education, Non-Residential Properties, Investment,
Delgro Shares (ceased wef Feb 04), Special Discounted Shares and Eldershield Scheme.
5 Refer only to members who joined the scheme in the year.
6 From 2003, figure refers only to the increase in membership size for the year.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

SGX Mainboard (S$ trades)

Volume (million) 74,480.0 83,851.9 166,970.2 147,306.5 176,076.5 276,385.0

Multi-industry 4,864.3 6,366.6 9,587.3 4,555.1 5,505.4 4,401.6
Manufacturing 28,660.1 35,869.2 66,111.9 53,836.9 46,167.0 94,610.8
Commerce 4,665.3 8,909.7 18,012.0 14,439.4 11,403.9 23,097.6
Transport / Storage /
Communications 8,905.0 8,049.7 18,293.7 21,100.6 20,688.3 23,836.1
Finance 7,983.8 4,459.3 7,302.5 6,085.1 5,256.8 8,776.6
Construction 3,973.7 7,031.1 15,505.2 8,022.0 10,307.0 12,017.8
Properties 3,350.1 2,941.6 4,619.7 4,960.4 10,788.7 15,195.8
Hotels/Restaurants 490.6 379.9 1,044.3 582.2 1,587.7 1,862.7
Services 8,658.2 7,751.7 23,193.1 25,471.9 19,332.1 32,467.8
Electricity / Gas / Water 32.4 32.8 36.6 18.4 151.8 321.3
Agriculture 695.9 264.3 561.8 1,088.7 309.0 542.9
Loans & Debentures 2,200.5 1,796.1 2,702.0 7,145.9 43,642.3 58,287.7
Mining / Quarrying na na na na 936.4 966.4

Value (million $) 113,870.3 100,507.5 138,315.8 160,883.5 188,546.1 280,368.2

Multi-industry 6,426.2 8,663.8 9,574.2 7,864.5 14,550.2 17,122.3
Manufacturing 37,067.0 38,431.0 50,711.6 50,386.2 44,234.2 75,855.3
Commerce 1,773.7 3,280.6 6,482.3 9,250.5 8,217.0 13,481.2
Transport / Storage /
Communications 17,743.4 11,821.9 21,149.1 33,712.3 36,519.0 44,973.4
Finance 37,033.1 26,801.4 30,780.9 31,935.8 35,266.0 54,696.9
Construction 1,231.3 1,574.1 2,079.6 1,672.9 2,406.0 2,264.2
Properties 7,473.6 5,955.0 7,963.1 10,128.6 23,466.2 36,299.0
Hotels / Restaurants 344.1 233.0 301.4 350.9 1,438.2 1,409.3
Services 3,725.4 3,238.3 8,414.9 12,888.6 9,742.5 18,129.1
Electricity / Gas / Water 5.2 6.4 6.6 3.1 77.4 221.3
Agriculture 94.8 30.1 137.0 313.5 95.0 219.0
Loans & Debentures 952.5 471.9 715.1 2,376.7 11,181.4 14,674.7
Mining / Quarrying na na na na 1,352.9 1,022.6

(continued on next page)

Source : Singapore Exchange Limited
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

SGX Sesdaq (S$ Trades)

Volume (million) 10,658.7 19,223.8 39,023.5 25,099.5 22,389.5 39,370.7

Multi-Industry na na na na na 1,470.2
Manufacturing 4,219.4 9,547.0 13,152.9 7,701.3 8,134.6 9,934.5
Commerce 750.7 1,237.8 1,738.9 1,853.7 957.6 2,966.5
Transport / Storage /
Communications na na 735.3 248.0 731.1 588.4
Finance na na na 380.5 50.8 33.5
Construction 1,332.6 1,286.9 5,085.7 5,027.1 2,156.5 7,045.3
Properties na na 184.4 275.2 96.5 703.4
Hotels / Restaurants 118.2 689.8 361.7 133.8 69.4 121.8
Services 3,449.6 5,870.9 13,871.6 6,939.3 8,901.7 13,529.3
Mining / Quarrying na na 1,930.9 2,159.7 411.2 923.2
Loans & Debentures 568.2 530.9 1,682.7 307.4 541.0 1,090.2
Agriculture na na na na na 357.6
Non S$ Trades 220.0 60.5 279.4 73.3 339.2 606.9

Value (million $) 2,785.8 5,943.0 8,858.7 6,510.3 4,334.6 8,349.2

Multi-Industry na na na na na 1,053.2
Manufacturing 849.5 2,202.0 3,044.0 2,007.3 1,466.3 1,540.8
Commerce 271.9 441.1 509.2 554.7 405.9 353.4
Transport / Storage /
Communications na na 337.9 152.9 468.2 249.2
Finance na na na 252.3 20.6 9.1
Construction 217.7 155.3 442.1 277.6 65.2 801.8
Properties na na 55.1 13.6 7.0 108.0
Hotels / Restaurants 25.4 217.8 126.3 58.4 23.3 59.2
Services 1,360.4 2,876.0 3,564.4 2,678.1 1,743.1 3,622.4
Mining / Quarrying na na 535.4 481.2 90.6 393.1
Loans & Debentures 46.4 48.3 225.8 29.9 32.1 70.4
Agriculture na na na na na 36.7
Non S$ Trades 14.5 2.5 18.6 4.1 12.3 52.1

Source : Singapore Exchange Limited

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2 January 1997=1,000)
(End of Period)

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Multi-industry 815.6 664.9 947.1 1,158.0 1,458.5 2,001.1

Manufacturing 940.4 713.9 1,056.8 1,027.7 1,038.8 1,166.1

Commerce 334.2 342.7 551.7 598.7 709.4 899.0

Communications 705.6 556.3 790.4 963.8 1,097.0 1,394.0

Finance 1,382.1 1,195.2 1,479.2 1,624.1 1,719.7 2,223.9

Construction 275.6 180.7 286.9 265.7 279.7 448.6

Properties 436.2 316.5 437.8 517.7 721.2 1,186.8

Hotels/Restaurants 655.0 672.3 802.8 819.2 1,054.2 1,007.1

Source : Singapore Exchange Limited


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Pledges ( ' 000)

Received 2,709.7 2,716.3 2,780.2 2,842.4 2,904.3 2,864.3 2,825.7

Redeemed 2,394.4 2,349.8 2,352.2 2,403.5 2,546.2 2,561.4 2,632.9

Amount of Loans ($m)

Given Out 1,097.3 1,112.8 1,170.5 1,263.9 1,369.6 1,397.1 1,571.4

Redeemed including Interest 1,041.6 1,069.6 1,092.1 1,174.1 1,300.9 1,367.5 1,527.7

Source : Registry of Pawnbrokers

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005


Policies in Force 2,453.7 4,009.1 4,745.9 5,888.4 6,136.1 6,920.5 9,226.1

New Policies 417.1 617.2 918.8 1,426.3 637.3 705.1 2,741.9

Policies Matured or Discontinued 89.5 163.0 182.0 283.8 389.7 353.5 447.9

Million Dollars

Policies in Force

Amount Insured 146,425.9 252,590.6 283,205.9 301,282.1 315,450.1 331,514.1 430,973.7

Annual Premiums 3,016.0 5,071.6 5,221.9 5,417.9 5,547.9 5,869.6 6,377.9

New Policies

Amount Insured 28,865.9 41,292.9 48,002.2 42,006.9 39,029.2 47,212.2 131,032.6

Single Premium 551.5 3,337.7 8,961.6 5,948.3 4,613.4 6,077.0 5,353.8

Annual Premiums 584.5 705.6 455.1 686.7 499.8 549.8 884.2

Policies Matured or Discontinued

Amount Insured 8,943.5 18,902.0 17,391.3 23,930.7 25,105.9 31,159.3 31,798.9

Annual Premiums 118.4 314.5 304.8 490.6 369.8 300.4 374.2

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total 4,399.0 10,310.4 16,488.9 13,851.8 12,925.4 17,459.5 15,745.4

Net Premiums Written 3,499.5 8,534.9 14,397.0 11,707.9 10,183.8 11,876.3 11,549.0

Net Investment Income 474.4 1,268.3 1,592.3 1,716.8 2,171.7 2,386.2 3,994.2

Miscellaneous 425.1 507.2 499.6 427.1 569.9 3,197.0 202.2


Total 4,399.0 10,310.4 16,488.9 13,851.8 12,925.4 17,459.5 15,745.4

Claims on Death, Disability

& Maturity 514.9 1,022.3 1,308.4 2,022.3 2,360.9 2,704.9 3,706.3

Surrenders 191.2 864.4 868.7 1,444.0 2,543.9 3,000.6 3,359.2

Cash Bonuses & Annuities 54.5 122.4 129.3 148.4 175.2 180.0 214.3

Management Expenses 248.5 358.5 425.6 389.7 415.8 463.4 390.1

Distribution Expense 692.5 692.9 775.4 657.0 627.0 768.7 827.2

Miscellaneous 2,697.4 7,249.9 12,981.5 9,190.4 6,802.6 10,341.9 7,248.3

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total 13,168.0 34,678.8 47,812.7 54,071.7 63,578.8 71,664.2 83,372.2

Land & Buildings 884.1 1,829.8 1,867.1 2,354.2 2,344.3 2,187.7 1,997.3


On Mortgages 1,020.8 1,876.7 2,006.8 1,441.7 1,271.8 1,018.4 785.1

On Policies 713.3 1,869.6 2,023.3 2,135.6 2,195.8 2,259.8 2,291.7

Others 354.7 929.0 908.7 872.7 556.7 406.6 304.3


Debt Securities 3,362.5 13,599.8 21,705.3 27,482.1 32,044.0 38,276.9 45,093.4

Equity Securities 4,013.6 9,434.3 13,457.2 13,750.8 19,146.7 20,940.0 26,439.8

Cash & Deposits 2,475.4 4,408.0 4,822.4 4,770.7 4,586.6 5,131.6 4,492.2

Miscellaneous (including
Outstanding Premiums) 343.6 731.6 1,021.9 1,263.9 1,432.9 1,443.2 1,968.4

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

1 Include furniture.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Net Premiums

Total 1,221.4 1,276.6 1,410.4 1,671.4 1,815.0 1,671.7 1,792.1

Marine, Aviation or Transit 148.1 134.7 139.0 167.1 171.7 187.2 210.1


Fire 121.1 142.4 153.3 181.9 196.0 178.9 197.6

Motor Vehicles 497.4 458.6 509.8 609.6 684.7 670.5 679.0

Miscellaneous 454.8 540.9 608.3 712.8 762.6 635.1 705.4

Net Claims Settled

Total 523.1 737.2 860.8 809.7 702.1 776.6 754.5

Marine, Aviation or Transit 42.4 52.7 62.8 48.0 42.8 56.3 56.2


Fire 33.6 47.5 50.3 29.7 32.6 42.9 44.1

Motor Vehicles 275.9 390.0 427.3 451.6 365.7 371.2 392.8

Miscellaneous 171.2 247.0 320.4 280.4 261.0 306.2 261.4

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

1 Refer to gross premiums less premiums paid for re-insurance in and out of Singapore.
2 Refer to gross claims paid less recoveries from re-insurance placed in and out of Singapore.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Million Dollars
1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total 1,346.2 1,539.3 1,822.2 2,082.2 2,189.2 1,923.2 2,030.9

Net Premiums Written 1,221.4 1,276.6 1,410.4 1,671.4 1,815.0 1,671.7 1,792.1

Net Investment Income 94.2 134.7 132.5 116.7 127.4 143.4 217.1

Miscellaneous 30.6 128.0 279.3 294.1 246.8 108.1 21.7


Total 1,346.2 1,539.3 1,822.2 2,082.2 2,189.2 1,923.2 2,030.9

Net Claims Settled 523.1 737.2 860.8 809.7 702.1 776.6 754.5

Management Expenses 231.6 279.8 298.3 319.5 310.9 328.5 332.8

Distribution Expenses 160.8 149.0 187.2 211.2 230.8 222.7 253.0

Increase (Decrease) in Policy Liabilities 172.3 102.5 131.6 357.4 412.5 170.1 221.0

Miscellaneous 258.4 270.8 344.3 384.4 532.9 425.3 469.6

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Total 3,290.5 4,173.3 4,299.3 4,768.6 5,296.7 5,444.6 6,303.8

Land & Buildings 194.4 217.8 226.2 199.1 198.9 173.3 225.7

Loans 53.1 106.2 105.6 77.8 73.1 63.8 70.8


Debt Securities 736.5 1,326.2 1,478.6 1,742.1 2,151.1 2,648.1 2,995.8

Equity Securities 569.3 716.1 675.5 549.4 554.5 565.7 850.4

Cash & Deposits 1,275.9 1,308.3 1,347.6 1,704.1 1,854.9 1,563.7 1,736.0

Miscellaneous 461.3 498.7 465.8 496.1 464.2 430.0 425.1

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Main Cards ('000) 1,117.1 1,977.0 2,263.9 2,504.3 2,986.0 3,415.5 3,968.0

Supplementary Cards ('000) 577.4 837.0 958.7 987.8 946.8 1,026.5 1,121.9

Total Card Billings ($m) 6,985.9 11,037.3 11,901.3 12,422.9 14,046.5 16,073.2 18,639.9

Rollover Balance ($m) 893.6 2,076.5 2,390.8 2,533.1 2,607.9 2,696.4 2,759.8

Bad Debts Written Off ($m) 24.0 90.8 135.4 193.7 195.9 137.1 118.6

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

1 As at end of period.

Government Revenue and Expenditure For the YA 2006 the corporate income
tax rate is 20 per cent. Chargeable income
The main revenue-collecting agencies (excluding Singapore dividends) of a company
are the Singapore Customs and the Inland up to $100,000 subject to tax at the rate of 20
Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). The per cent is partially exempt from tax as follows:
former is responsible for the collection of
import and excise duties on liquor, tobacco, (i) up to the first $10,000 of such
petroleum and motor vehicles. IRAS is income, 75 per cent of the
responsible for the collection of income tax, income or an amount up to
property tax, Goods and Services Tax (GST), $7,500 shall be exempt from tax;
estate duty, stamp duty, betting duty and private (ii) up to the next $90,000 of such
lotteries duty. It also ensures that liabilities of income, 50 per cent of the
all persons liable for tax, duty, levy or fee are income or an amount up to
speedily and correctly assessed, and that all $45,000 shall be exempt from
such dues are promptly collected. tax.

Residents of Singapore pay personal However, a qualifying new company is

income tax at progressive rates on the allowed full tax exemption on its normal
chargeable income of the preceding year after chargeable income (excluding Singapore
appropriate deductions have been made. franked dividends) up to $100,000, for any of
Residents in this context refer to persons its first three consecutive YAs that falls within
residing in Singapore. A person who has stayed YA 2005 to YA 2009.
or exercised employment in Singapore for a
period of 183 days or more during the year There are various tax incentives in the
preceding the year of assessment would also be form of tax exemptions and concessionary tax
considered a resident. For the Year of rates to promote capital investments, export of
Assessment (YA) 2006, the tax rates range services, development of financial services,
from 0 per cent to 21 per cent. Deductions research and development and overseas
include allowances for earned income, ventures.
maintenance of wife, children, parents and
dependants, engaging the help of parent or The government has concluded
grandparent to look after young children, life comprehensive agreements for the avoidance of
insurance premiums, contributions to the double taxation with 54 countries.
Central Provident Fund (CPF) or other
approved pension or provident funds, cash
payments to top up an individual's, spouse’s, The GST rate has remained at 5 per
parents' or grandparents’ retirement account cent since 1 Jan 2004. The tax is imposed on
under the CPF Minimum Sum Scheme, NSmen almost all supplies of goods and services in
(self/wife/parent), course fees, foreign maid Singapore except for sale and lease of
levy and Supplementary Retirement Scheme residential properties and certain financial
(SRS) contributions. Parenthood tax rebate is services which are exempted. International
also available for qualified newborn or legally services and exports of goods are zero-rated
adopted second, third and fourth children. Non- (i.e. GST is charged at zero per cent).
resident individuals are not entitled to personal
reliefs or rebates and are normally taxed at a
flat rate (15 per cent or resident rates on Government revenue is credited to and
employment income, whichever gives rise to current expenditure paid out of the
higher tax, and 20 per cent on other income). Consolidated Revenue Account.
17 PUBLIC FINANCE (cont’d)

Development Fund (iv) re-payments of any loans made

from the fund or payments of
interest on such loans.
The Development Fund is established
by the Development Fund Act (Cap.80, 1995
Revised Edition).
The Fund may be used for:
The Development Fund in the
Government Financial Statements covers the
period from 1 April of the year to 31 March of (i) construction, improvement,
the following year. Data are obtained from acquisition or replacement of
ministries and captured into the government's capital assets (eg buildings,
accounting system which produces the actual vehicles, aircraft, machinery,
figures for the Development Fund. rolling-stock, roads) required
in respect of or in connection
The sources of funds for the with the economic develop-
Development Fund are: ment or general welfare of
(i) moneys appropriated from
time to time from the
Consolidated Fund; (ii) acquisition of land and of any
right or interest in or over land
(ii) proceeds of any loan raised for and in respect of the use of any
the purposes of the fund and invention; and
appropriated to such purposes
by the law raising the loan;
(iii) grants and loans to, or
(iii) interest and other income from investments in any public
investments of the fund and authority or corporation for
profits arising from realisation any of the purposes mentioned
of any such investments; and in (i) and (ii) above.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Deficit (-) or Surplus 16,016 7,885 8,715 11,994 12,820 18,024

Total Revenue and Grants 48,400 42,661 37,292 34,940 38,622 44,314
Revenue 48,400 42,661 37,292 34,940 38,622 44,314
Expenditure & Lending minus
Repayments 32,384 34,776 28,577 22,946 25,802 26,290
Expenditure 30,121 33,831 29,741 29,975 31,108 30,765
Lending minus Repayments 2,263 945 -1,164 -7,029 -5,306 -4,475

Total Financing -16,016 -7,885 -8,715 -11,994 -12,820 -18,024

Domestic Financing -16,016 -7,885 -8,715 -11,994 -12,820 -18,024
From Monetary Authorities -14,674 -11,796 -1,091 -92,018 319 -673
From Deposit Money Banks 5,238 -7,985 -17,945 67,901 -29,920 -29,284
Other Domestic Financing -6,580 11,896 10,321 12,123 16,781 11,933
Foreign Financing - - - - - -

Source : Accountant-General's Department

Notes : Data refer to the financial year which begins in April of the current year and ends in March
of the following year.
General government finance includes budgetary and extra-budgetary accounts.


Million Dollars

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Deficit (-) or Surplus 19,790.0 7,442.7 6,827.1 10,422.9 10,127.6 13,397.5 21,017.7

Total Revenue and Grants 48,537.8 43,622.7 37,124.3 33,108.7 35,269.0 38,989.0 51,934.5
Revenue 48,537.8 43,622.7 37,124.3 33,108.7 35,269.0 38,989.0 51,934.5

Expenditure & Lending minus

Repayments 28,747.8 36,180.0 30,297.2 22,685.8 25,141.4 25,591.5 30,916.8
Expenditure 20,680.9 35,277.2 30,984.4 28,634.8 30,478.5 30,336.5 34,782.1
Lending minus Repayments 8,066.9 902.8 -687.2 -5,949.0 -5,337.1 -4,745.0 -3,865.3

Total Financing -19,790.0 -7,442.7 -6,827.1 -10,422.9 -10,127.6 -13,397.5 -21,017.7

Domestic Financing -19,790.0 -7,442.7 -6,827.1 -10,422.9 -10,127.6 -13,397.5 -21,017.7

Total Net Borrowing 3,541.2 13,617.8 8,020.7 13,168.5 16,118.8 14,035.1 6,334.8
Use of Cash Balances -23,331.2 -21,060.5 -14,847.8 -23,591.4 -26,246.4 -27,432.6 -27,352.5

Foreign Financing - - - - - - -

Source : Accountant-General's Department

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1 24,643.1 26,345.8 28,116.5 31,072.4

Tax Revenue 20,735.9 22,698.7 25,201.0 28,718.3

Income Tax 10,414.2 10,218.0 12,655.0 14,947.7

Corporate & Personal
Income Tax 10,028.2 10,099.6 11,208.9 12,925.3
Contributions by Statutory
Boards 386.0 118.5 1,446.1 2,022.4

Assets Taxes 1,243.2 2,139.4 1,818.8 2,052.0

Property Tax 1,170.8 1,680.1 1,742.8 1,955.4
Estate Duty 72.4 459.3 76.0 96.6

Taxes on Motor Vehicles 2 1,289.6 1,547.1 1,438.3 1,723.4

Customs & Excise Duties 1,802.0 1,882.7 1,994.8 1,943.3

Liquors 357.3 339.0 379.0 375.2
Tobacco 678.0 716.3 711.6 687.1
Petroleum 386.6 377.2 383.1 368.1
Motor Vehicles 377.5 447.7 518.4 510.3
Others 2.6 2.5 2.7 2.6

Betting Taxes 1,566.2 1,521.9 1,530.9 1,548.3

Betting Duty 1,310.6 1,260.3 1,255.2 1,261.9
Private Lotteries Duty 255.6 261.6 275.6 286.4

Stamp Duty 648.5 897.6 812.8 1,311.7

Goods & Services Tax 2,724.0 3,297.4 3,814.9 3,960.1

Others 1,048.2 1,194.5 1,135.6 1,231.8

Fees & Charges 3,586.8 3,509.0 2,567.1 2,120.2

Other Receipts 320.3 138.1 348.3 233.9

Source : Accountant-General's Department

1 Operating revenue refers to receipts credited to the Consolidated Revenue Account and Development Fund Account,
but excludes interest income, investment income and capital receipts.
2 Taxes on Motor Vehicles comprise additional registration fees, road tax, special tax on heavy-oil engines, passenger vehicle seating fees
and non-motor vehicle licences, but exclude import duties on motor vehicles which are classified under Customs and Excise Duties.
3 Other receipts exclude repayment of loans and advances, interest income, investment income and capital receipts.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1 12,253.6 17,845.5 19,243.9 19,236.2 19,935.8 20,674.6 23,463.0

Security & External Relations 6,325.8 8,890.0 9,361.5 9,248.9 9,347.5 10,443.4 11,973.0

Social Development 4,656.5 7,093.5 7,978.6 8,202.0 8,985.2 8,548.0 9,684.6

Education 2,848.4 4,366.2 4,768.1 4,875.6 5,161.9 4,980.7 5,684.6
Health 701.8 1,203.9 1,624.5 1,655.1 1,889.9 1,670.7 1,764.4
Community Development,Youth &
Sports 254.3 515.4 525.8 581.5 808.0 817.7 898.0
Information, Communications &
the Arts 143.8 228.6 220.9 228.2 272.4 274.5 320.3
Environment & Water Resources 289.6 413.3 468.7 451.6 460.0 442.7 418.1
National Development 418.7 366.1 370.6 410.0 393.0 361.8 599.3

Economic Development 642.0 1,053.2 1,104.8 993.7 866.5 924.2 953.8

Communications &
Information Technology 277.4 386.2 - - - - -
Transport - 69.0 378.6 304.4 287.2 285.1 284.1
Trade & Industry 315.8 484.1 535.4 515.0 381.9 443.7 459.2
Manpower 48.8 113.7 160.5 145.3 168.5 165.2 179.7
Info-Communications Technology2 - 0.2 30.3 29.0 29.0 30.2 30.8

Government Administration 629.3 808.8 799.0 791.7 736.6 759.0 851.6

Source : Ministry of Finance

Notes :
(a) Refinements have been made to the sectoral classification of ministries from FY2001. The Ministry of Foreign
Affairs has been shifted to the newly renamed "Security and External Relations" sector, while the Ministry of National
Development has been transferred to the "Social Development" sector. These changes have been made to better reflect
the main functions of the two ministries. For the same reason, the sector "General Services" has also been
renamed "Government Administration".
(b) The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology was renamed the Ministry of Transport in November 2001.
Its portfolio of Information Technology and Telecommunications had been transferred to the Ministry of Information and
the Arts which was also renamed Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts.
1 Government operating expenditure refers to expenditure on manpower, other operating expenditure (excluding
expenses on investment and agency fees on land sales), and operating grants.
2 Expenditure on Info-Communications Technology was previously included in the Ministry of Communications & Information
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1 6,920.7 9,998.6 7,877.1 7,953.1 8,482.2 8,106.8 6,411.5

Security & External Relations 796.6 1,467.8 1,067.8 1,078.7 874.0 916.2 821.8

Social Development 3,309.0 4,726.1 3,889.4 4,189.5 4,031.5 3,388.0 2,101.8

Education 646.4 1,643.2 1,653.9 1,324.5 1,224.0 993.8 687.5
Health 356.1 136.7 107.6 102.9 89.9 107.8 82.2
Community Development, Youth &
Sports 542.8 118.4 111.1 109.4 89.2 120.4 65.0
Information, Communications &
The Arts 47.9 161.2 136.9 143.7 109.4 183.9 110.3
Environment & Water Resources 520.6 552.1 686.9 925.7 1,071.3 877.2 548.6
National Development 1,195.2 2,114.5 1,193.0 1,583.3 1,447.6 1,104.9 608.2

Economic Development 1,812.1 3,460.0 2,452.5 2,194.7 2,755.4 3,323.8 3,017.5

Communications &
Information Technology 787.5 1,673.5 - - - - -
Transport - 121.7 1,395.2 1,025.1 1,401.7 1,952.8 1,738.7
Trade & Industry 1,023.6 1,607.6 985.9 1,088.4 1,281.6 1,320.4 1,227.7
Manpower 0.9 57.2 47.7 61.9 49.0 39.4 20.3
Info-Communications Technology 2 - - 23.7 19.3 22.9 11.2 30.7

Government Administration 1,003.0 344.7 467.4 490.2 821.4 478.9 470.4

Source : Ministry of Finance

Notes :
(a) Refinements have been made to the sectoral classification of ministries from FY2001. The Ministry of Foreign
Affairs has been shifted to the newly renamed "Security and External Relations" sector, while the Ministry of National
Development has been transferred to the "Social Development" sector. These changes have been made to better reflect
the main functions of the two ministries. For the same reason, the sector "General Services" has also been
renamed "Government Administration".
(b) The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology was renamed the Ministry of Transport in November 2001..
Its portfolio of Information Technology and Telecommunications had been transferred to the Ministry of Information and
the Arts which was also renamed Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts.
1 Government development expenditure excludes loans to statutory boards and industrial and commercial enterprises.
From FY2001, land-related expenditure items are no longer classified under Development Expenditure.
These expenditures are therefore excluded from April 2001 onwards.
2 Expenditure on Info-Communications Technology was previously included in the Ministry of Communications & Information Technology.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Balance (Beginning of
Financial Year) 25,770 52,728 53,808 58,981 72,239 76,278 83,441

Total 18,333 18,106 19,579 25,728 16,066 18,193 9,865
Consolidated Revenue
Account 12,331 10,828 11,084 8,996 1,700 3,096 -
Consolidated Loan Account - - - - - - -
Others 6,002 7,278 8,495 16,732 14,366 15,097 9,865

Total 20,030 17,026 14,406 12,470 12,027 11,030 6,607
Government Development
Expenditure 9,128 10,472 8,679 9,164 9,066 7,638 4,075
Loans to Statutory Boards
& Enterprises 10,902 6,554 5,727 3,306 2,961 3,392 2,532
Others - - - - - - -

Source : Accountant-General's Department

Note : Data refer to the financial year which begins in April of the current year and ends in March of the following year.
Data for 2006 refer to the period from 1 April 2006 to 31 December 2006.


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 94,830.7 148,999.9 156,751.3 169,331.9 186,598.2 200,005.6 206,438.7

Domestic Debt 94,830.7 148,999.9 156,751.3 169,331.9 186,598.2 200,005.6 206,438.7

Registered Stocks & Bonds 67,853.9 128,921.5 136,218.5 146,600.4 160,462.4 172,062.2 178,918.0
Treasury Bills 5,990.0 14,650.0 16,750.0 17,200.0 20,200.0 21,300.0 25,800.0
Advance Deposits 20,986.8 5,428.4 3,782.8 5,531.5 5,935.8 6,643.4 1,720.7

External Debt1 - - - - - - -
UK Special Aid - - - - - - -
World Bank - - - - - - -
Asian Development Bank - - - - - - -
Others - - - - - - -

Memorandum item :
Debt Guarantees - 317.3 251.9 208.6 - - -

Source : Accountant-General's Department

Monetary Authority of Singapore
1 Figures were computed at market rates.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

Million Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Domestic Debt
(excluding Advance Deposits) 73,843.9 143,571.5 152,968.5 163,800.4 180,662.4 193,362.2 204,718.0
1 year maturity or less 10,998.2 22,786.8 31,274.4 34,440.0 36,900.0 34,390.3 46,822.4
More than 1 year maturity 62,845.7 120,784.7 121,694.1 129,360.4 143,762.4 158,971.9 157,895.6

External Debt 1 - - - - - - -
1 year maturity or less - - - - - - -
More than 1 year maturity - - - - - - -

Source : Monetary Authority of Singapore

1 Figures were computed at market rates.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Assessed Income Group ($)

20,000 & 20,001- 25,001- 30,001- 40,001- 50,001-

below 25,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000

Taxpayers (No) 731,348 20,064 19,628 58,646 167,556 120,885 79,383

Resident 707,014 - 18,882 58,095 166,813 120,372 79,031
Non-resident 24,334 20,064 746 551 743 513 352

Assessable Income ($m) 55,845 106 456 1,638 5,827 5,403 4,339
Resident 55,428 - 440 1,623 5,801 5,380 4,319
Non-resident 418 106 17 15 26 23 19

Net Tax Assessed ($m) 3,512 20 4 10 46 70 82

Resident 3,445 - 1 7 42 66 79
Non-resident 67 20 3 2 4 4 3

Assessed Income Group ($)

60,001- 80,001- 100,001- 150,001- 200,001- 300,001- 1,000,001 &

80,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 300,000 1,000,000 above

Taxpayers (No) 94,351 50,706 57,675 23,265 20,741 16,710 1,738

Resident 93,887 50,461 57,354 23,135 20,627 16,633 1,724
Non-resident 464 245 321 130 114 77 14

Assessable Income ($m) 6,503 4,516 6,950 4,014 5,003 7,648 3,442
Resident 6,471 4,494 6,911 3,991 4,975 7,615 3,405
Non-resident 32 22 39 22 27 32 37

Net Tax Assessed ($m) 181 172 402 334 545 1,116 532
Resident 176 168 396 331 541 1,112 527
Non-resident 5 3 6 3 4 4 6

Source : Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore

Note : YA refers to Year of Assessment.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Assessed Income Group ($)

10,000 & 10,001- 20,001- 30,001- 60,001-

below 20,000 30,000 60,000 100,000

Companies (No) 27,374 8,597 2,760 1,908 3,211 1,532

Resident 26,023 8,257 2,587 1,805 3,069 1,461
Non-resident 1,351 340 173 103 142 71

Assessable Income ($m) 39,787 26 40 47 138 121

Resident 34,574 25 38 45 132 116
Non-resident 5,213 1 3 3 6 6

Net Tax Assessed ($m) 6,839 5 8 9 27 24

Resident 6,108 5 7 9 26 23
Non-resident 731 - 1 1 1 1

Assessed Income Group ($)

100,001- 300,001- 500,001- 1,000,001- 3,000,001- 5,000,001 &

300,000 500,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 5,000,000 above

Companies (No) 3,239 1,363 1,523 1,709 495 1,037

Resident 3,089 1,299 1,442 1,610 467 937
Non-resident 150 64 81 99 28 100

Assessable Income ($m) 590 532 1,084 2,978 1,919 32,311

Resident 563 507 1,025 2,801 1,810 27,512
Non-resident 27 25 59 176 109 4,799

Net Tax Assessed ($m) 116 103 211 576 365 5,394
Resident 110 99 200 542 346 4,740
Non-resident 5 5 11 34 19 654

Source : Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore

Note : YA refers to Year of Assessment.

Consumer Price Index (CPI) The frequency of pricing depends on

the price stability of the items. To ensure greater
The Consumer Price Index measures accuracy, items with volatile prices are priced
the price changes over time of a fixed basket of more frequently. Prices of perishable food items
goods and services commonly bought by the such as fish, vegetables, meat and poultry are
majority of the households. The latest series collected thrice every week. For provision
(with 2004 as the base year) was compiled items, sundries, clothings, consumer durables
based on the results of the eighth Household etc. whose prices are more stable, they are
Expenditure Survey (HES) conducted from priced once a month. For items with infrequent
October 2002 to September 2003. The price fluctuations eg. house rents, school fees,
expenditure records of some 5,460 households utilities charges, bus fares, their prices are
representing the middle 90 per cent of all obtained quarterly, yearly or as and when their
households by expenditure distribution, were prices/rates are revised. A total of 5,170 items
used to derive the weighting pattern, as well as or varieties are selected for regular pricing for
the composition of goods and services in the the compilation of the 2004-based CPI.
CPI basket. The remaining top and bottom 5 per
cent of the households, as well as one-person
households were excluded as the consumption Singapore Manufactured Products &
pattern of these households differed Domestic Supply Price Indices
significantly from the average households. To
derive the weighting pattern for the 2004-
The Singapore Manufactured Products
based CPI series, the HES 2002/03 expenditure
Price Index measures the change in the prices
values were updated to 2004’s price level.
of goods manufactured by local manufacturers.
The Domestic Supply Price Index monitors the
The CPI is compiled monthly by the
price changes of commodities, either locally
Singapore Department of Statistics using the
manufactured or imported from abroad, which
base-weighted Laspeyres' formula. The yearly
are retained for use in the domestic economy.
index is the simple average of the twelve
For the 2006-based series, a 'modified
monthly indices. This yearly index is compared
Laspeyres' index (also known as the Young
with that of the preceding year to obtain the
index formula) is adopted, where the weight
annual rate of inflation for the year.
reference period of 2005 preceded the price
reference period of 2006.
The monthly CPI is published in the
Department's "Monthly Digest of Statistics".
More detailed CPI data and analysis of The weights for the Singapore
consumer price changes are available in the manufactured products are derived from the
monthly report on the Consumer Price Index. production data collected in the 2005 Census
Information on the methodology can be of Industrial Production. The weights for the
obtained from the Information Paper "Rebasing Domestic Supply Price Index are made
and Revision of The Consumer Price Index proportionate to the combined value of
(Base Year 2004 = 100)”. retained imports and locally manufactured
goods sold in the domestic market. Ex-factory
prices are collected from selected local
Retail Prices manufacturers every month.

Retail prices of selected goods are Indices at the commodity division and
collected regularly from markets, supermarkets, commodity section level are published in the
provision shops, econ-mini marts and other Department's "Monthly Digest of Statistics".
retail outlets located in various housing estates Analyses of price changes are available in the
and retail centres.
18 PRICES (cont’d)

monthly report on Singapore Manufactured Indices at the commodity division and

Products & Domestic Supply Price Indices. commodity section level are published in the
Department's "Monthly Digest of Statistics".
Analyses of price changes are available in the
Import & Export Price Indices monthly report on Import & Export Price
The Import & Export Price Indices
track the price movement of imported and
Construction Material Contracted Prices
exported goods on a monthly basis. For
imported products, the prices are valued at cif
Construction Material Contracted
(cost, insurance and freight). Prices for
Prices are computed based on prices of new
exported products are valued at fob (free on
material supply contracts for construction
board). For the 2006-based series, a 'modified
Laspeyres' index (also known as the Young
index formula) is adopted, where the weight
reference period of 2005 preceded the price
reference period of 2006. Other Price Indices

The weights for exported and imported The collection and compilation of data
products are derived from imports and exports for the Property Price Index and Commercial
statistics in 2005. Monthly prices are collected Property Rental Index are undertaken by the
from selected importers and exporters. Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA).
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2004 = 100)

Weights 1 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Consumer Price Index

All Items 10,000 94.3 98.2 97.8 98.3 100.0 100.4 101.4

Food 2,338 93.4 97.4 97.4 97.9 99.9 101.3 102.8

Clothing & Footwear 357 102.1 99.2 99.4 99.8 99.9 99.9 100.6

Housing 2,126 96.8 102.8 100.6 100.1 100.0 100.8 103.5

Transport & Communication 2,176 100.8 99.7 98.7 98.8 100.0 97.8 96.4

Education & Stationery 819 84.1 92.5 93.8 95.9 100.0 102.0 104.0

Health Care 525 78.7 89.6 92.5 94.4 100.0 100.4 101.3

Recreation & Others 1,659 92.2 96.6 96.9 97.7 100.0 101.7 102.4

Percentage Change Over Previous Year

All Items 10,000 1.4 1.0 -0.4 0.5 1.7 0.5 1.0

Food 2,338 2.1 0.5 - 0.6 2.0 1.3 1.6

Clothing & Footwear 357 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.1 - 0.7

Housing 2,126 0.5 1.3 -2.2 -0.5 -0.1 0.8 2.7

Transport & Communication 2,176 0.4 -1.4 -1.0 0.1 1.2 -2.2 -1.5

Education & Stationery 819 3.0 2.2 1.4 2.3 4.2 2.0 1.9

Health Care 525 2.3 3.3 3.2 2.0 6.0 0.4 0.9

Recreation & Others 1,659 1.8 3.2 0.3 0.9 2.3 1.7 0.7

1 The weighting patterns of the CPI are compiled from the 2002/3 Household Expenditure Survey (HES) results and
updated to 2004's price level.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2004 = 100)

Transport &
Clothing & Education & Health Recreation &
Income Group All Items Food Housing Comm -
Footwear Stationery Care Others
Weights 1 Per 10,000

Lowest 20% 10,000 2,962 265 2,599 1,477 700 674 1,323
Middle 60% 10,000 2,413 381 2,048 2,145 824 519 1,670
Highest 20% 10,000 1,700 365 2,223 2,322 904 479 2,007

Consumer Price Index

Lowest 20% 97.8 97.8 100.0 99.7 98.8 95.4 94.1 94.9
Middle 60% 98.5 98.0 99.9 99.8 100.3 96.0 93.9 97.3
Highest 20% 99.7 97.8 99.5 101.0 102.0 95.5 96.9 99.3

Lowest 20% 100.0 99.9 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Middle 60% 100.0 99.9 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Highest 20% 100.0 99.9 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Lowest 20% 101.3 101.2 99.2 101.4 99.3 102.1 100.4 103.8
Middle 60% 100.5 101.2 99.8 100.8 98.1 102.0 100.4 101.9
Highest 20% 99.8 101.4 99.9 100.4 96.6 102.6 100.6 100.2

Lowest 20% 103.1 102.9 100.2 104.8 99.4 103.9 100.9 105.4
Middle 60% 101.6 102.8 100.6 103.6 96.9 103.8 101.4 102.6
Highest 20% 100.3 103.0 100.8 102.6 94.1 104.4 101.7 100.3

Percentage Change Over Previous Year

Lowest 20% 2.3 2.2 -0.1 0.3 1.2 4.8 6.3 5.4
Middle 60% 1.5 2.0 - 0.1 -0.3 4.2 6.4 2.7
Highest 20% 0.3 2.2 0.4 -1.0 -2.0 4.7 3.1 0.7

Lowest 20% 1.3 1.3 -0.7 1.4 -0.7 2.1 0.4 3.8
Middle 60% 0.6 1.3 - 0.8 -1.9 2.0 0.4 1.9
Highest 20% -0.1 1.5 - 0.4 -3.4 2.6 0.6 0.2

Lowest 20% 1.8 1.6 1.0 3.4 0.2 1.8 0.6 1.6
Middle 60% 1.1 1.5 0.7 2.8 -1.2 1.8 1.0 0.7
Highest 20% 0.4 1.5 0.8 2.1 -2.7 1.8 1.1 0.1

1 The weighting patterns of the CPI are compiled from the 2002/3 Household Expenditure Survey (HES) results and
updated to 2004's price level.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2004 = 100)

Weights 1 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006


Water Tariff 101 43.9 98.1 98.1 98.6 100.0 100.0 100.0

Electricity Tariff 222 88.3 109.3 95.7 98.5 100.0 110.1 131.5

Gas Tariff 31 74.3 97.8 97.8 98.6 100.0 104.4 113.0

Liquefied Petroleum Gas 32 71.5 89.3 86.9 94.3 100.0 102.9 113.2

Private Road Transport

Petrol, Premium 226 82.5 94.7 86.8 89.7 100.0 107.2 113.8

Petrol, Intermediate 16 83.6 97.5 88.4 89.0 100.0 108.3 114.6

Other Running Costs 236 105.4 102.4 103.0 99.5 100.0 101.0 101.3

Public Road Transport

Bus Fares 161 79.9 93.4 97.4 100.0 100.0 101.1 102.7

MRT Fares 114 91.7 98.5 99.3 100.0 100.0 101.0 102.3

Taxi Fares 156 93.8 101.8 101.4 100.2 100.0 100.0 106.2

Education & Stationery

Primary School
Miscellaneous Fees 11 63.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 106.8 107.4

Secondary & Junior College,

School & Miscellaneous Fees 20 75.0 97.8 98.0 98.0 100.0 108.3 111.2

Health Care

Hospitalisation Fees 144 93.8 99.1 99.2 99.7 100.0 100.7 101.4

Consultation Fees for

Adult & Children at
Outpatient Dispensary 77 81.3 97.9 98.5 99.0 100.0 100.2 100.7

1 The weighting patterns of the CPI are compiled from the 2002/3 Household Expenditure Survey (HES) results and
updated to 2004's price level.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Item Unit 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Rice & Other Cereals

Thai Rice 100% Fragrant 5 kg pkt 6.41 8.07 7.06 7.61 7.61 7.65 7.61
Instant Noodles 5 pkts 1.77 1.53 1.48 1.46 1.62 1.65 1.66
Ordinary White Bread 400 g 0.93 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.16 1.16 1.17
Vitamin Enriched Bread 400 g 1.48 1.33 1.29 1.34 1.35 1.39 1.37
High Fibre Bread 400 g 1.73 1.68 1.68 1.67 1.71 1.70 1.70
Chocolate Cake Per kg 26.48 28.26 27.96 28.08 29.46 29.78 30.09

Meat & Poultry

Chilled Lean Pork Per kg 6.78 8.51 8.71 9.19 9.70 10.40 10.60
Chilled Streaky Pork Per kg - 8.56 8.69 9.18 9.73 10.38 10.79
Chilled Pork Rib Bones Per kg 7.80 10.34 10.72 11.30 12.05 12.95 13.25
Chilled Beef Per kg 12.63 13.11 13.21 13.92 13.82 13.83 13.84
Chilled Mutton Per kg 10.29 10.35 10.70 11.25 13.66 13.63 13.25
Hen Per kg 4.41 4.41 4.32 4.40 4.69 4.83 4.82
Duck Per kg 5.27 5.14 5.00 5.14 5.96 5.44 5.87
Chilled Chicken Wing Each 0.48 0.51 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.50 0.50
Chicken Extract ½ doz 16.83 16.44 16.43 16.60 16.29 16.20 15.63

Fish & Other Sea Products

White Pomfret Per kg 18.78 18.65 18.62 18.09 17.52 18.18 19.07
Flowery Grouper Per kg 13.07 13.15 13.42 12.97 12.34 12.50 12.89
Kurau (cut) Per kg 37.60 38.66 39.03 37.09 37.14 37.22 38.28
Gold Banded Scad (kuning) Per kg 5.43 5.39 5.30 5.02 4.93 4.89 5.20
Spanish Mackerel (tenggiri) Per kg 8.92 8.82 8.54 8.36 8.52 8.58 8.73
Golden Snapper Per kg - 14.09 14.02 13.56 13.71 14.22 14.62
Sea Bream (kerisi) Per kg 6.51 6.59 6.50 6.28 6.35 6.51 6.77
Sea Bass Per kg 11.23 9.37 8.57 8.68 8.98 9.19 9.94
Cod Per kg - 23.21 26.27 27.35 29.67 33.04 35.59
Salmon Per kg - 25.01 22.25 22.06 20.31 20.98 24.05
Small Prawns Per kg 11.87 12.59 12.39 11.63 10.54 10.15 9.90
Medium Prawns Per kg 16.25 18.57 17.46 16.57 16.05 15.78 15.18
Large Prawns Per kg 21.20 23.59 22.17 21.14 22.00 20.76 21.24
Squids Per kg 7.33 6.88 6.85 6.93 7.15 7.81 8.33
Large Fish Balls Per 10 1.05 1.06 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.07

Dairy Products & Eggs

Fresh Milk 1 litre pkt 2.54 2.53 2.52 2.53 2.53 2.52 2.53
Condensed Milk 397 g tin 1.01 0.99 0.97 0.97 0.98 1.01 1.04
Infant Milk Powder 1 kg tin 17.24 19.75 20.06 20.71 22.66 23.02 23.39
Instant Milk Powder 2 kg tin 16.95 15.00 14.76 14.42 13.51 14.99 15.72
Cheese Pkt of 12 slices - 3.23 3.17 3.39 3.18 3.47 3.70
Ice-cream 1.5 litre tub 5.51 5.02 4.87 4.88 4.88 4.98 4.95
Hen Eggs Per 10 1.58 1.44 1.41 1.42 1.97 1.69 1.63

(continued on next page)

Note : Prices may not be strictly comparable with those published earlier
due to changes in specifications.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Item Unit 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Cooking Oil 2 kg bottle 4.18 3.65 3.52 3.66 3.51 3.43 3.43
Corn Oil 2 kg bottle 5.87 5.72 5.43 5.60 5.39 5.50 5.49

Cabbage Per kg 1.88 1.63 1.56 1.59 1.50 1.55 1.58
Spinach (bayam) Per kg 1.97 2.03 2.03 1.97 1.96 2.06 2.08
Small Mustard Per kg 2.17 2.16 2.33 2.15 2.22 2.36 2.41
Kale Per kg 2.78 3.04 3.15 2.96 2.90 3.01 3.05
Broccoli Per kg 5.51 4.64 4.74 4.78 4.76 4.79 4.83
Long Beans Per kg 2.56 2.74 2.85 2.74 2.66 2.82 2.72
Tomatoes Per kg 2.65 2.42 2.47 2.20 2.10 2.25 1.94
Potatoes Per kg 1.13 1.14 1.16 1.18 1.23 1.25 1.30
Large Onions Per kg 1.06 1.16 1.08 1.11 1.23 1.33 1.22
Garlics Per kg 3.05 2.63 2.52 2.35 2.63 2.61 2.90
Carrots Per kg 2.00 1.96 1.87 1.83 1.72 1.73 1.72
Dried Mushrooms 100 g 7.70 6.84 6.71 6.65 8.07 7.99 8.65

Fresh Fruits
Papaya (long type) Per kg 1.20 1.12 1.10 1.13 1.09 1.11 1.10
Bananas (emas) Per kg 1.33 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.31 1.30
Watermelon Per kg 1.42 1.25 1.20 1.22 1.23 1.21 1.22
Orange Each 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33
Apple Each 0.34 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.33 0.34
Grapes Per kg 6.68 6.92 7.03 7.00 7.10 7.17 7.32
Pear Each 0.67 0.68 0.68 0.70 0.73 0.70 0.73

Other Food
White sugar 2 kg pkt 2.02 1.77 1.76 1.76 1.54 1.67 2.59
Coffee Powder Per kg 11.75 11.75 11.75 11.75 12.36 12.36 12.36
Instant Coffee 200 g bottle 7.88 7.56 6.77 6.84 8.37 8.68 8.76
Food Beverage 400 g tin 3.17 3.12 3.13 3.26 3.43 3.50 3.53
Aerated Soft Drinks 330 ml can 0.55 0.56 0.55 0.55 0.54 0.55 0.58
Soft Drinks 6 pkts of 250 ml - 1.90 1.90 1.92 1.82 1.88 1.92
Chocolate 100 g bar 1.75 1.79 1.79 1.84 1.96 2.01 2.08

Petroleum Related Products

Diesel Per litre - - - - 0.74 0.94 1.09
Petrol, premium Per litre - - - - 1.41 1.51 1.60
Petrol, Intermediate Per litre - - - - 1.31 1.42 1.50
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Per kg - - - - 2.04 2.11 2.31

Cigarettes & Alcoholic Drinks

Cigarettes 20-stick pack - - - - 9.11 10.50 10.85
Beer 330 ml can - - - - 3.05 3.00 2.99
Stout 330 ml can - - - - 3.16 3.16 3.15

Note : Prices may not be strictly comparable with those published earlier
due to changes in specifications.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2006 =100)

Item Weights 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

All Items 10,000 81.5 83.6 81.0 82.6 86.9 95.2 100.0

Food 308 89.4 91.7 89.8 92.1 96.7 99.5 100.0

Live animals 14 73.0 84.2 84.3 90.3 97.4 106.2 100.0
Meat & meat preparations 41 87.6 91.2 89.4 92.2 99.4 102.3 100.0
Dairy produce & eggs 41 93.4 96.1 85.5 87.9 98.7 104.5 100.0
Fish & fish preparations 51 83.7 88.9 86.6 85.7 91.7 97.8 100.0
Cereals & cereal preparations 47 96.3 95.5 92.3 97.4 99.9 99.0 100.0
Vegetables & fruits 34 92.5 86.9 88.3 89.7 92.7 95.3 100.0
Sugar & sugar preparations 10 95.5 84.2 79.6 79.2 81.6 86.3 100.0
Coffee etc & spices 25 84.3 86.4 98.5 105.5 103.5 98.5 100.0
Animal feeding stuff 2 99.8 104.2 104.0 103.1 103.2 102.1 100.0
Miscellaneous food
preparations 43 92.6 104.1 100.3 101.0 102.2 101.9 100.0

Beverages & Tobacco 54 86.7 91.4 92.9 96.6 98.1 99.8 100.0
Beverages 37 97.2 95.1 96.7 99.6 99.5 100.1 100.0
Tobacco & manufactures 17 60.1 77.5 78.2 85.0 93.1 98.9 100.0

Crude Materials 43 85.6 72.3 70.7 71.6 77.0 87.2 100.0

Oil seeds, nuts & kernels 1 89.0 77.3 78.7 91.6 95.5 91.5 100.0
Crude rubber incl synthetic 4 201.5 125.1 125.0 112.1 111.6 98.6 100.0
Cork & wood 2 69.3 72.5 71.4 73.5 81.9 92.1 100.0
Crude fertilizers & minerals 19 121.4 78.8 77.0 75.6 76.3 84.6 100.0
Metallic ores & scrap 13 40.3 41.6 41.3 48.5 69.3 89.2 100.0
Crude animal & vegetable
materials nes 4 69.0 86.2 81.5 87.3 92.6 97.6 100.0

Mineral Fuels 2,855 31.0 45.6 45.5 52.8 62.9 86.4 100.0
Petroleum & products 2,846 31.0 45.5 45.4 52.6 62.8 86.4 100.0
Gas 9 26.4 59.5 59.6 69.5 77.0 85.2 100.0

Animal & Vegetable Oils 27 99.5 78.6 95.3 101.9 109.0 99.1 100.0
Animal oils & fats 1 - 118.3 117.5 118.8 113.3 112.5 100.0
Vegetable oil unprocessed 20 93.7 78.5 96.5 102.6 109.6 99.0 100.0
Other animal & vegetable oils 6 104.3 78.1 90.6 99.3 107.1 99.2 100.0

Chemicals & Chemical Products 1,373 76.1 78.1 75.9 78.8 88.4 94.3 100.0
Organic chemicals 686 52.9 57.9 57.4 64.7 83.6 91.1 100.0
Inorganic chemicals 53 76.3 69.9 69.2 70.8 74.1 77.9 100.0
Dyes & colours 38 86.7 80.7 80.8 84.9 88.7 93.2 100.0
Medicinal products 152 105.4 106.0 101.8 99.0 98.8 97.3 100.0
Perfume, toilet preparations 67 99.6 98.0 97.3 100.0 99.9 100.3 100.0
Plastics in primary forms 197 83.1 85.3 80.5 81.1 91.5 99.4 100.0
Plastics in non-primary forms 30 94.0 100.0 95.0 94.8 93.0 100.4 100.0
Chemical products nes 150 88.4 97.6 93.6 90.7 90.2 96.3 100.0

(continued on next page)

Note: The Domestic Supply Price Index measures the change in prices of imported and locally manufactured
product retained for use in the economy.
1 The weight for each commodity item was proportional to the value of its total supply or availability in the domestic market in 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2006 =100)

Item Weights 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Manufactured Goods 807 87.5 80.1 78.4 80.9 90.5 96.4 100.0
Leather products nes 8 106.6 95.1 93.1 94.3 95.1 98.3 100.0
Rubber manufactures nes 24 103.7 101.0 100.6 98.9 100.4 100.2 100.0
Wood & cork manufactures 14 122.1 111.4 102.7 100.3 99.5 98.9 100.0
Paper manufactures 98 96.4 97.6 91.7 91.9 97.2 100.2 100.0
Textile manufactures 33 111.6 108.6 103.8 103.0 100.9 102.9 100.0
Non-metal mineral
manufactures 73 129.0 95.4 93.2 92.7 95.1 99.4 100.0
Iron & steel 225 70.2 65.2 65.8 72.8 92.2 102.2 100.0
Non-ferrous metals 133 57.3 55.8 52.1 55.2 68.3 76.3 100.0
Metal manufactures 199 90.0 85.3 85.2 87.1 94.7 99.5 100.0

Machinery & Transport

Equipment 3,786 127.7 119.0 112.9 108.9 105.7 102.7 100.0
Power generating machinery 282 108.3 108.4 106.7 103.0 101.1 100.8 100.0
Industrial machinery 81 108.6 105.2 101.1 101.8 104.6 103.0 100.0
Metal working machinery 33 86.4 97.0 99.5 102.9 105.1 103.9 100.0
General industrial machinery 240 94.6 100.6 97.9 98.1 100.3 101.7 100.0
Office & data machines 782 171.6 132.1 119.4 113.9 107.5 103.1 100.0
Telecommunication apparatus 444 135.7 124.0 119.0 111.3 105.8 103.5 100.0
Electrical machinery nes 1,737 118.6 119.2 113.7 109.1 106.0 102.7 100.0
Road vehicles 187 90.0 97.1 98.5 102.7 104.1 102.6 100.0

Miscellaneous Manufactures 747 100.1 98.2 97.5 97.8 98.4 98.7 100.0
Prefab building, sanitary,
lighting 7 87.2 89.2 92.7 98.0 98.4 102.3 100.0
Furniture, bedding, mattresses 22 106.2 99.9 98.8 96.1 96.9 98.6 100.0
Travel goods 13 88.3 95.8 97.7 100.3 101.3 100.5 100.0
Clothing 35 110.0 107.0 103.8 103.2 102.3 101.6 100.0
Footwear 11 96.7 96.6 98.5 101.5 99.9 100.7 100.0
Scientific instruments 278 87.4 105.2 109.3 107.2 104.7 102.0 100.0
Photographic apparatus 64 99.3 99.6 100.1 99.9 101.9 102.3 100.0
Miscellaneous mfd articles nes 317 106.1 93.7 90.2 91.9 94.0 95.7 100.0

Note: The Domestic Supply Price Index measures the change in prices of imported and locally manufactured
product retained for use in the economy.
1 The weight for each commodity item was proportional to the value of its total supply or availability
in the domestic market in 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2006 =100)

Item Weights 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

All Items 10,000 103.6 95.7 89.1 88.4 92.5 97.7 100.0

Food 186 92.3 94.5 93.9 96.8 99.5 99.7 100.0

Meat & meat preparations 17 90.0 92.8 92.7 96.6 100.0 102.9 100.0
Dairy produce & eggs 32 101.0 99.3 94.8 95.0 96.4 100.8 100.0
Fish & fish preparations 12 77.3 93.3 88.1 87.7 97.6 104.1 100.0
Cereals & cereal preparations 38 98.8 97.1 94.9 95.9 97.8 99.1 100.0
Vegetables & fruits 5 103.4 97.8 99.5 99.2 98.5 98.7 100.0
Coffee etc & spices 31 77.9 88.0 93.7 105.9 109.8 100.8 100.0
Animal feeding stuff 5 106.8 104.3 103.1 101.6 105.3 103.9 100.0
Miscellaneous food
preparations 46 98.1 100.1 98.4 98.4 98.7 100.1 100.0

Beverages & Tobacco 47 75.7 82.7 82.9 89.3 93.6 98.7 100.0
Beverages 27 99.4 95.9 97.1 101.1 100.0 100.1 100.0
Tobacco & manufactures 20 52.3 67.0 66.0 75.3 86.1 97.1 100.0

Crude Materials 6 100.4 83.8 82.5 82.8 86.2 90.5 100.0

Cork & wood 1 81.9 92.8 92.8 92.8 92.8 93.4 100.0
Crude fertilizers & minerals 3 175.9 106.9 100.9 98.0 95.1 98.3 100.0
Metallic ores & scrap 1 68.1 64.9 66.1 68.9 77.5 83.9 100.0
Crude animal & vegetable
materials nes 1 - - - - - - 100.0

Mineral Fuels 2,182 33.4 49.8 47.1 53.3 65.4 88.1 100.0
Petroleum & products 2,149 33.9 49.5 46.8 52.9 65.1 88.2 100.0
Gas 33 26.4 59.5 59.6 69.5 77.0 85.2 100.0

Animal & Vegetable Oils 23 88.1 86.9 95.7 101.7 105.9 101.3 100.0
Animal oils & fats 1 - 118.3 117.5 118.8 113.3 112.5 100.0
Vegetable oil unprocessed 22 80.4 88.8 97.4 101.5 104.8 101.8 100.0

Chemicals & Chemical Products 2,053 68.2 69.2 67.6 72.1 86.6 92.6 100.0
Organic chemicals 1,290 45.4 55.1 55.1 62.9 82.8 90.6 100.0
Inorganic chemicals 37 116.9 102.3 99.0 100.6 100.8 99.5 100.0
Dyes & colours 44 75.9 75.2 76.5 77.3 77.7 85.8 100.0
Medicinal products 138 105.5 105.5 103.2 99.2 99.3 96.9 100.0
Perfume, toilet preparations 46 104.0 101.1 99.3 101.6 102.2 102.8 100.0
Plastics in primary forms 377 87.2 87.3 82.9 83.1 96.6 99.3 100.0
Plastics in non-primary forms 17 102.2 102.3 92.4 86.9 88.2 98.9 100.0
Chemical products nes 104 88.0 89.4 81.9 80.5 82.2 88.4 100.0

(continued on next page)

1 The weights for Singapore Manufactured Products Price Index are compiled based on the production value
of the commodity item in 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2006 =100)

Item Weights 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Manufactured Goods 430 106.9 90.8 88.5 88.9 95.0 97.0 100.0
Leather products nes 9 - 95.4 92.4 93.7 95.0 98.2 100.0
Rubber manufactures nes 17 91.9 97.1 99.8 99.4 100.2 100.0 100.0
Wood & cork manufactures 11 119.6 115.7 107.8 102.9 100.1 99.9 100.0
Paper manufactures 56 116.5 105.2 96.3 96.7 97.8 98.7 100.0
Textile manufactures 24 155.5 139.4 126.4 119.4 111.8 103.5 100.0
Non-metal mineral
manufactures 53 157.5 93.4 94.0 92.1 93.8 98.4 100.0
Iron & steel 67 84.0 71.8 72.6 81.7 99.4 99.6 100.0
Non-ferrous metals 25 64.0 60.5 54.5 55.6 70.1 75.5 100.0
Metal manufactures 168 100.3 93.4 91.9 90.4 95.7 98.5 100.0

Machinery & Transport

Equipment 4,510 162.5 127.8 116.2 110.1 107.1 104.0 100.0
Power generating machinery 43 125.7 134.1 132.7 115.1 104.6 98.9 100.0
Industrial machinery 143 139.8 133.9 121.4 111.8 113.3 108.3 100.0
Metal working machinery 38 121.5 101.4 101.1 100.9 100.3 100.0 100.0
General industrial machinery 217 109.4 107.7 105.9 104.5 104.5 103.9 100.0
Office & data machines 1,498 202.3 135.4 121.2 114.0 106.1 102.1 100.0
Telecommunication apparatus 409 137.6 116.6 109.9 104.6 100.6 104.4 100.0
Electrical machinery nes 2,126 140.3 123.1 112.3 107.4 109.5 106.1 100.0
Road vehicles 36 84.6 96.3 96.1 94.5 92.9 96.1 100.0

Miscellaneous Manufactures 563 110.5 107.1 103.8 101.3 101.1 100.7 100.0
Prefab building, sanitary,
lighting 3 155.7 126.8 113.3 108.2 105.3 101.0 100.0
Furniture, bedding, mattresses 25 106.8 100.6 97.9 94.9 96.4 98.5 100.0
Travel goods 1 - - - - - - 100.0
Clothing 26 120.7 109.2 103.2 102.4 101.7 100.4 100.0
Scientific instruments 148 100.8 108.9 109.5 107.0 106.4 102.8 100.0
Photographic apparatus 23 109.6 101.9 101.5 99.8 100.1 101.7 100.0
Miscellaneous mfd articles nes 337 111.5 106.8 102.6 99.9 99.7 100.2 100.0

1 The weights for Singapore Manufactured Products Price Index are compiled based on the production value
of the commodity item in 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2006 =100)

Item Weights 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

All Items 10,000 88.3 92.7 90.7 90.9 92.4 97.2 100.0

Food 203 88.3 90.4 89.0 91.3 95.4 98.4 100.0

Live animals 8 73.0 84.2 84.3 90.3 97.4 106.2 100.0
Meat & meat preparations 23 84.6 90.0 87.8 90.5 97.8 101.9 100.0
Dairy produce & eggs 28 91.8 96.0 83.2 85.8 98.2 104.9 100.0
Fish & fish preparations 38 81.5 86.9 84.3 83.4 90.0 96.7 100.0
Cereals & cereal preparations 19 94.8 94.3 91.6 97.3 99.9 98.5 100.0
Vegetables & fruits 35 88.4 87.4 90.2 91.2 94.3 96.4 100.0
Sugar & sugar preparations 9 96.6 84.5 78.4 77.6 82.0 88.1 100.0
Coffee etc & spices 23 99.2 88.7 94.8 101.1 95.8 95.1 100.0
Animal feeding stuff 2 91.4 104.0 104.8 104.4 101.3 100.4 100.0
Miscellaneous food
preparations 18 89.6 106.6 102.3 105.3 107.3 104.5 100.0

Beverages & Tobacco 67 89.1 100.5 101.5 100.1 104.2 100.6 100.0
Beverages 46 98.4 96.3 99.4 97.3 100.7 101.1 100.0
Tobacco & manufactures 21 83.7 103.7 103.1 102.3 106.9 100.1 100.0

Crude Materials 66 83.7 65.6 66.7 70.5 77.7 85.9 100.0

Hides, skins and furskins raw 2 99.3 82.5 79.1 73.7 77.7 92.7 100.0
Oil seeds, nuts & kernels 1 91.1 77.3 78.7 91.6 95.5 91.5 100.0
Crude rubber incl synthetic 18 73.0 40.0 47.8 59.5 70.4 76.1 100.0
Cork & wood 7 68.8 70.3 69.4 71.6 81.2 92.6 100.0
Textile fibres & waste 3 159.0 110.2 110.9 104.2 105.9 102.8 100.0
Crude fertilizers & minerals 15 118.5 77.7 76.2 74.7 75.5 84.3 100.0
Metallic ores & scrap 11 48.1 50.5 50.0 56.4 73.5 89.7 100.0
Crude animal & vegetable
materials nes 9 84.3 88.9 85.9 87.9 93.3 97.2 100.0

Mineral Fuels 1,798 29.4 44.9 46.1 53.8 62.5 85.9 100.0
Petroleum & products 1,798 29.4 44.9 46.1 53.8 62.5 85.9 100.0

Animal & Vegetable Oils 15 104.7 74.2 94.5 101.8 110.1 98.7 100.0
Animal oils & fats 1 - - - - - - 100.0
Vegetable oil unprocessed 8 105.4 75.5 95.8 103.2 111.2 98.6 100.0
Other animal & vegetable oils 6 85.8 67.1 87.7 94.6 104.7 99.3 100.0

Chemicals & Chemical Products 631 86.5 90.4 87.3 89.0 92.6 99.0 100.0
Organic chemicals 192 76.5 81.3 78.2 83.1 90.6 100.1 100.0
Inorganic chemicals 32 70.9 68.9 68.6 70.4 72.9 78.1 100.0
Dyes & colours 36 100.0 93.9 92.2 94.7 98.3 101.3 100.0
Medicinal products 81 115.0 108.3 99.8 98.9 104.2 102.3 100.0
Perfume, toilet preparations 70 98.9 97.7 96.2 98.2 98.4 99.8 100.0
Plastics in primary forms 82 79.6 85.1 79.4 80.6 86.8 99.3 100.0
Plastics in non-primary forms 32 84.9 92.3 92.2 97.4 96.7 101.8 100.0
Chemical products nes 106 94.8 103.7 101.6 98.6 96.9 101.3 100.0

(continued on next page)

1 The weights for the Import Price Index are compiled based on the value of the commodity item imported in 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore

18.7 IMPORT PRICE INDEX (continued)

(2006 =100)

Item Weights 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Manufactured Goods 761 78.9 77.3 74.9 77.2 87.5 93.9 100.0
Leather products nes 5 103.0 91.5 91.8 92.4 92.2 96.4 100.0
Rubber manufactures nes 32 108.1 101.2 98.4 96.8 98.8 99.6 100.0
Wood & cork manufactures 10 125.6 106.7 95.8 96.7 98.8 97.2 100.0
Paper manufactures 49 84.0 96.9 92.9 92.8 98.4 101.1 100.0
Textile manufactures 53 111.7 109.3 103.2 100.2 100.5 102.3 100.0
Non-metal mineral
manufactures 151 106.9 100.0 97.1 97.2 99.8 100.8 100.0
Iron & steel 182 64.2 61.0 61.6 67.5 88.3 102.2 100.0
Non-ferrous metals 136 55.2 52.9 49.3 52.2 65.8 72.7 100.0
Metal manufactures 143 82.7 85.0 84.7 88.0 95.3 101.7 100.0

Machinery & Transport

Equipment 5,653 118.5 117.0 113.1 109.3 105.6 102.4 100.0
Power generating machinery 261 104.5 110.1 107.8 104.4 102.5 101.9 100.0
Industrial machinery 299 100.6 99.6 98.8 101.9 104.1 101.4 100.0
Metal working machinery 54 79.7 93.5 97.1 100.8 102.9 102.4 100.0
General industrial machinery 310 90.2 97.4 95.4 96.5 99.2 101.3 100.0
Office & data machines 1,035 162.2 129.9 122.5 114.1 109.0 102.7 100.0
Telecommunication apparatus 685 139.3 126.3 120.4 112.9 106.4 102.7 100.0
Electrical machinery nes 2,803 114.7 120.6 116.2 111.1 105.9 102.6 100.0
Road vehicles 206 90.5 96.4 99.8 107.2 107.2 103.1 100.0

Miscellaneous Manufactures 806 99.2 99.9 99.9 100.0 100.4 100.4 100.0
Prefab building, sanitary,
lighting 10 85.6 90.8 94.2 98.5 98.4 101.6 100.0
Furniture, bedding, mattresses 22 102.0 97.8 97.3 95.4 97.3 98.8 100.0
Travel goods 16 87.7 95.9 97.8 100.3 100.9 100.2 100.0
Clothing 108 103.0 104.5 104.2 103.9 103.4 103.4 100.0
Footwear 15 97.6 97.1 98.5 102.0 100.3 101.0 100.0
Scientific instruments 246 85.6 101.7 105.5 105.5 104.0 101.9 100.0
Photographic apparatus 130 103.0 104.4 103.7 100.6 101.6 102.2 100.0
Miscellaneous mfd articles nes 259 107.2 94.7 91.3 93.2 95.4 96.7 100.0

1 The weights for the Import Price Index are compiled based on the value of the commodity item imported in 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(2006 =100)

Item Weights 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

All Items 10,000 114.6 107.1 99.4 95.8 96.0 98.0 100.0

Food 102 91.0 94.1 93.8 93.7 95.9 97.6 100.0

Meat & meat preparations 1 - - - - - - 100.0
Dairy produce & eggs 10 90.8 96.6 93.0 89.4 98.2 101.4 100.0
Fish & fish preparations 18 72.2 85.0 84.5 87.1 93.6 96.0 100.0
Cereals & cereal preparations 14 89.9 93.3 92.6 93.8 99.2 101.6 100.0
Vegetables & fruits 8 105.8 87.4 100.4 96.9 98.9 102.5 100.0
Sugar & sugar preparations 3 91.4 94.1 83.3 82.6 83.0 89.5 100.0
Coffee etc & spices 24 97.1 103.1 103.8 102.0 100.1 99.3 100.0
Animal feeding stuff 4 130.6 114.5 103.3 109.6 99.1 92.4 100.0
Miscellaneous food
preparations 20 90.3 93.8 87.2 88.0 89.0 92.2 100.0

Beverages & Tobacco 54 86.1 94.1 96.8 98.0 94.5 95.2 100.0
Beverages 34 91.3 100.0 103.5 103.5 102.7 102.6 100.0
Tobacco & manufactures 20 83.3 90.9 93.1 95.0 90.0 91.2 100.0

Crude Materials 60 65.8 53.8 58.2 66.5 78.8 85.5 100.0

Hides, skins and furskins raw 2 74.3 78.0 78.5 78.7 80.9 92.7 100.0
Crude rubber incl synthetic 14 63.6 32.3 41.1 54.7 64.5 72.1 100.0
Cork & wood 5 84.2 86.4 87.0 88.1 88.7 94.7 100.0
Pulp & waste paper 4 67.9 76.6 95.0 105.7 105.5 102.1 100.0
Textile fibres & waste 3 - 95.1 87.5 87.1 87.1 98.4 100.0
Crude fertilizers & minerals 5 - - - - - - 100.0
Metallic ores & scrap 21 50.9 46.4 48.1 55.7 79.1 86.5 100.0
Crude animal & vegetable
materials nes 6 76.7 97.3 96.3 97.3 101.2 105.9 100.0

Mineral Fuels 1,518 34.1 45.7 45.8 52.7 64.0 85.9 100.0
Petroleum & products 1,500 34.0 45.6 45.7 52.6 63.9 85.9 100.0
Gas 18 38.1 54.7 50.1 60.1 69.8 85.1 100.0

Animal & Vegetable Oils 11 104.4 80.2 93.3 103.9 111.6 102.8 100.0
Animal oils & fats 1 - - - - - - 100.0
Vegetable oil unprocessed 7 108.8 84.2 97.0 108.4 115.3 103.8 100.0
Other animal & vegetable oils 3 92.8 72.9 86.6 95.9 104.9 100.8 100.0

Chemicals & Chemical Products 1,153 74.6 85.3 84.5 86.0 92.8 99.2 100.0
Organic chemicals 543 71.1 76.0 76.8 79.7 90.9 99.5 100.0
Inorganic chemicals 11 83.1 94.0 90.5 83.3 83.6 86.6 100.0
Dyes & colours 47 100.5 102.9 104.0 101.3 99.5 100.2 100.0
Medicinal products 130 121.0 111.5 109.6 109.3 105.5 104.1 100.0
Perfume, toilet preparations 73 89.9 100.7 97.5 100.4 103.6 104.6 100.0
Plastics in primary forms 235 74.3 77.0 75.8 77.7 88.1 99.6 100.0
Plastics in non-primary forms 23 99.6 109.7 100.6 96.8 96.0 100.8 100.0
Chemical products nes 91 52.1 88.3 87.1 87.8 90.8 92.9 100.0

(continued on next page)

1 The weights for the Export Price Index are compiled based on the value of the commodity item exported in 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore

18.8 EXPORT PRICE INDEX (continued)

(2006 =100)

Item Weights 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Manufactured Goods 463 85.4 84.2 81.9 82.4 89.6 94.3 100.0
Leather products nes 6 97.6 100.3 100.5 100.2 100.1 100.0 100.0
Rubber manufactures nes 32 73.7 79.4 77.4 78.2 87.5 91.7 100.0
Wood & cork manufactures 5 107.2 107.2 97.0 96.6 98.6 99.3 100.0
Paper manufactures 31 89.8 99.3 95.4 94.2 96.2 100.1 100.0
Textile manufactures 48 145.0 119.9 111.9 113.1 108.7 102.4 100.0
Non-metal mineral
manufactures 25 91.4 98.4 112.9 109.1 107.1 104.7 100.0
Iron & steel 105 61.9 60.1 60.2 63.5 81.1 96.5 100.0
Non-ferrous metals 96 65.9 66.0 60.3 60.9 72.6 79.3 100.0
Metal manufactures 115 97.0 98.6 96.3 95.4 99.1 101.6 100.0

Machinery & Transport

Equipment 5,950 172.5 143.6 128.8 118.1 110.9 103.4 100.0
Power generating machinery 138 108.7 112.0 108.7 102.7 102.4 104.2 100.0
Industrial machinery 263 96.5 111.7 105.6 105.5 109.3 105.9 100.0
Metal working machinery 59 102.3 99.1 101.6 95.7 97.2 101.0 100.0
General industrial machinery 272 92.1 100.2 99.1 98.1 97.6 99.3 100.0
Office & data machines 1,447 216.4 156.3 141.1 125.9 109.6 102.6 100.0
Telecommunication apparatus 699 117.3 132.2 121.8 115.3 109.4 105.1 100.0
Electrical machinery nes 2,952 222.8 154.6 133.2 120.2 116.1 103.7 100.0
Road vehicles 120 83.0 88.1 92.1 99.7 100.4 103.8 100.0

Miscellaneous Manufactures 689 104.9 105.9 102.4 101.5 101.7 100.8 100.0
Prefab building, sanitary,
lighting 5 76.2 89.1 86.7 87.3 90.2 97.9 100.0
Furniture, bedding, mattresses 7 116.6 111.5 107.4 104.7 103.3 102.8 100.0
Travel goods 8 87.3 103.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Clothing 75 119.3 115.5 110.9 106.2 103.6 102.2 100.0
Footwear 8 97.1 98.3 102.6 103.2 103.8 104.7 100.0
Scientific instruments 179 98.3 111.0 107.3 104.2 103.3 102.2 100.0
Photographic apparatus 99 98.6 103.9 102.7 102.0 101.4 100.5 100.0
Miscellaneous mfd articles nes 308 108.3 102.1 97.7 98.9 100.7 99.7 100.0

1 The weights for the Export Price Index are compiled based on the value of the commodity item exported in 2005.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Dollars Per Tonne

Material 2004 2005 2006

Cement in bulk
(Ordinary Portland Cement) 76.85 85.20 88.02

Steel Bars
(20 mm High Tensile) 863.40 738.44 730.79

(20 mm Aggregate) 12.57 16.29 16.58

Concreting Sand 11.30 12.08 14.63

Ready Mixed Concrete

(Grade 30) 62.64 72.09 73.88
($/Cubic Metre)

Source : Building and Construction Authority

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(4th Quarter 1998 =100)
(End of Period)

Type of Property 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Residential 173.1 117.2 115.1 112.8 113.8 118.2 130.2

Landed 180.8 119.4 116.9 114.1 114.8 117.5 125.4

Detached 190.7 118.6 117.4 115.0 115.5 119.1 128.8
Semi-detached 174.0 117.0 115.5 113.9 113.6 116.6 122.8
Terrace 177.3 121.4 117.3 113.6 114.9 116.3 122.4

Non-landed 166.9 116.2 114.2 112.3 113.5 118.6 131.8

Apartment 175.2 112.2 109.6 111.8 115.5 122.2 135.1
Condominium 163.5 117.6 115.9 112.5 112.7 116.9 130.1


Office Space 160.3 98.8 82.3 73.5 73.0 76.3 89.3

Shop Space 144.6 93.3 90.1 86.2 86.6 92.5 101.3

Industrial 153.2 na 85.9 78.0 78.9 80.9 86.3

Multiple-user Factory 150.1 92.7 84.3 76.8 78.1 80.0 85.4

Multiple-user Warehouse 176.8 na 99.8 90.0 87.7 89.0 91.3

Source : Urban Redevelopment Authority

Note : The price index is computed based on fixed weights before 4th Quarter 1998. The weights used to compute the index
are updated every quarter from 4th Quarter 1998.
1 No options caveat for multiple-user warehouses was lodged in 4th Quarter 2001.


(4th Quarter 1998 =100)
(End of Period)

Type of Property 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Office Space

Central Region 128.2 94.1 82.5 73.8 76.4 86.1 112.2

Central Area 126.5 94.2 82.9 73.6 76.5 86.7 114.2
Fringe Area 138.2 93.2 79.5 74.6 76.2 81.5 99.4

Shop Space

Central Region 126.3 94.5 90.0 86.9 90.1 93.3 98.5

Central Area 126.6 95.4 91.7 89.3 93.3 97.2 102.7
Fringe Area 122.0 89.9 82.4 76.9 78.6 79.6 82.9

Source : Urban Redevelopment Authority

Note : Data refer to properties owned by the private sector.
The rental index is computed based on fixed weights before 4th Quarter 1998. The weights used to compute the index
are updated every quarter from 4th Quarter 1998.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(4th Quarter 1998 =100)
(End of Period)

2004 2005 2006

Core Central Region 2

All 116.3 123.3 144.2

Uncompleted 117.8 126.0 158.0
Completed 1 114.5 120.8 132.8

Rest of Central Region

All 115.1 116.6 120.1

Uncompleted 118.6 120.2 128.9
Completed 109.7 111.3 112.3

Outside Central Region

All 107.3 108.4 113.0

Uncompleted 110.5 111.9 117.2
Completed 1 102.1 102.5 105.5

Source : Urban Redevelopment Authority

1 A building project is deemed completed when the Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) in respect of that
building is issued by the Commissioner of Building Control and the title of all the units in the project has been
transferred to the purchasers.
2 Refer to Postal Districts 9, 10, 11, Downtown Core and Sentosa.
3 Refer to Central Region outside postal districts 9, 10, 11, Downtown Core and Sentosa.
Note : Map of Central Region and areas in Core Central Region are available in the Urban Redevelopment Authority's website.

Singapore's education system aims to colleges, polytechnics and universities have the
nurture every child and help all students flexibility to admit a percentage of their intake
discover their talents, realise their full using school-based criteria in the direct or
potential, and develop a passion for life-long discretionary admission exercises.
Primary Education
“Thinking Schools, Learning Nation”
(TSLN)—adopted in 1997 as Singapore’s At the primary level, students go
vision in education—describes a nation of through a six-year course aimed at giving them
thinking and committed citizens capable of a good grasp of English, Mother Tongue and
meeting the challenges of the future, and an Mathematics. In addition, students learn
education system geared to the needs of the Science, Social Studies, Civics & Moral
21st century. Since 2003, Singapore has also Education, Music, Art & Crafts, Health
focused on nurturing a spirit of Innovation and Education and Physical Education. They are
Enterprise (I&E) among students and teachers. also encouraged to participate in Co-
“Teach Less, Learn More” (TLLM) was a call Curricular Activities (CCAs) and Community
for all educators to teach better, improve the Involvement Programme (CIP).
quality of interaction between teachers and
students, and equip students with the At the end of Primary 6, students take
knowledge, skills and values that prepare them the Primary School Leaving Examination
for life. (PSLE), which assesses their suitability for
secondary education and places them in the
A cornerstone of Singapore’s appropriate secondary school course that will
education system is the bilingual policy which match their learning pace, ability and
allows each child to learn English and his inclination.
Mother Tongue, which could be Malay,
Chinese or Tamil, to the best of his abilities. Secondary Education
This enables children to be proficient in
English, which is the language of commerce, At the secondary level, students
technology and administration, and their undergo one of three courses designed to match
Mother Tongue, the language of their cultural their learning abilities and interests:
The Special / Express Course is a four-
There are opportunities for every child year course leading to the Singapore-
in Singapore to undergo at least ten years of Cambridge General Certificate of Education
general education. The school system features Ordinary Level (GCE ‘O’ Level) Examination.
a national curriculum, with major national In this course, students learn English and
examinations at the end of the primary, Mother Tongue, as well as Mathematics,
secondary and junior college years. In recent Science and the Humanities.
years, Singapore has also moved towards a
more flexible and diverse education system, The Normal (Academic) Course is a
aimed at providing students with greater four-year course leading to the GCE Normal
flexibility and choice. Upon completion of Level (‘N’ Level) Examination. Students who
their primary education, students can choose do well at the ‘N’ levels will qualify for an
from a range of education institutions and additional year to prepare for the ‘O’ levels.
programmes that cater to different strengths Selected students may offer up to two ‘O’ level
and interests. To allow a greater range of subjects at Secondary 4, or, bypass the ‘N’
student achievements and talents to be levels and progress directly to Secondary 5 to
recognised, selected secondary schools, junior take the ‘O’ levels. In the Normal (Academic)
19 EDUCATION (cont’d)

Course, students learn a range of subjects environment, also have the choice of the
similar to those in the Special / Express Course. Integrated Programme (IP), which spans
secondary and junior college education without
The Normal (Technical) Course is a intermediate national examinations at the end
four-year course leading to the GCE ‘N’ Level of secondary school. Time previously used
Examination. In this course, students learn to prepare students for the GCE ‘O’ Level
English, Mother Tongue, Mathematics and Examination would be used to engage them
subjects with technical or practical emphases. in broader learning experiences. Selected
Since 2005, schools have also been offering schools also offer alternative curricula
Elective Modules, which cover a wide range of and qualifications (e.g., International
subjects including nursing, hospitality, digital Baccalaureate).
animation and precision engineering. To
enhance experiential and practice-oriented
Post-Secondary Education
learning, a revised Normal (Technical)
curriculum has been implemented in all schools
from 2007. On completing secondary education,
students can enter a junior college for a two-
year pre-university course or a centralised
Since 2006, secondary schools have
institute for a three-year course. At the end of
also been offering Advanced Elective Modules
the pre-university course, students sit for the
in collaboration with polytechnics, to allow
GCE Advanced Level (‘A’ Level)
students to experience and benefit from
practice-oriented learning in fields as diverse as
digital media and entrepreneurship. Upper
Students interested in technical and
secondary students in participating schools are
commercial studies can enrol in the
eligible to offer these modules.
polytechnics or the Institute of Technical
Education (ITE). Polytechnic graduates who
To better cater to students who can do well may pursue degree courses at the
benefit from a more customised and vocational universities, and ITE graduates who perform
curriculum, a new school, NorthLight School, well may pursue diploma courses at the
was established. The school offers a 3-year polytechnics.
enhanced vocational programme that caters to
the small group of students who are unable to Students interested in the creative arts
progress through the mainstream secondary can choose to enrol in the LASALLE-SIA
school system and are at risk of prematurely College of the Arts or the Nanyang Academy of
leaving school. From 2007, NorthLight School Fine Arts which offer diploma programmes in
admits students who have failed the PSLE more Visual and Performing Arts. These are funded
than once. NorthLight School will also be open by the Ministry of Education and include
to students who prematurely leave secondary programmes in music, theatre, dance, interior
school. Graduates of the school can progress to design and fashion design.
further education at the Institute of Technical
Education, employment or apprenticeship with
the industries. Institute of Technical Education

Integrated Programme The Institute of Technical Education

(ITE) was established on 1 April 1992 as a
Students who are clearly university- post-secondary institution, providing pre-
bound, and could do well in a less structured employment training for secondary school
19 EDUCATION (cont’d)

leavers, as well as part-time education and

skills training for adult learners. • The Basic Education for Skills Training
(BEST) programme which enables
At ITE, full-time training and working adults to acquire basic
traineeship programmes are offered to school proficiency in English so that they can
leavers with GCE ‘O’ and ‘N’ qualifications. further their education and training.

Full-time programmes, which lead to • The Worker Improvement through

the award of the Higher National ITE Secondary Education (WISE) programme
Certificate (Higher Nitec) and National ITE enables working adults who have
Certificate (Nitec), are covered in the areas of completed their primary education or the
engineering and technical skills, business and BEST programme to take the GCE 'N'
services, information communications level examination in English Language.
technology and applied and health sciences.
• ITE also offers part-time general
Traineeship is an 'earn-as-you-learn' education programmes from Secondary 1
scheme for secondary school leavers. It has Normal to GCE 'N', GCE 'O' and GCE 'A'
two training components, namely, On-the-Job levels. These programmes provide
Training (OJT) and Off-the-Job Training (Off- working adults the opportunity to acquire
JT). OJT is conducted by the company on its academic qualifications.
premises. Off-JT, however, could be provided
by ITE, industry training centres or companies
certified by ITE as Approved Training Centres. Higher Learning

For adult learners, skills training and The institutions of higher learning in
academic education programmes are offered. Singapore are the National University of
Employees can also undergo OJT in Singapore, Nanyang Technological University
companies which are Certified OJT Centres or (including National Institute of Education),
Approved Training Centres. In addition, ITE Singapore Management University, Singapore
conducts skills evaluation tests for public Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Temasek
candidates and instructional skills and related Polytechnic, Nanyang Polytechnic and
programmes for industry trainers. Republic Polytechnic.

Adult learners may choose from a The National University of Singapore

range of Master Nitec, Higher Nitec, Nitec and (NUS) was established in August 1980 with the
ITE Skills Certificate (ISC) programmes to merger of the University of Singapore (founded
upgrade their skills. The programmes are in 1962) and Nanyang University (founded in
offered in modules of 6 months’ duration, 1956).
giving adult learners the flexibility to sign up
for training based on their needs. Those who NUS has 14 faculties/schools, of
have acquired the Nitec/Higher Nitec which 11 of them offer courses leading to first
qualification may continue to update their degrees and higher degrees. They are namely:
skills and knowledge through the Post-Nitec Arts and Social Science, Business,
programmes. Computing, Dentistry, Design and
For adult learners who wish to Environment, Engineering, Law, Yong Loo
upgrade themselves academically, the options Lin School of Medicine, Yong Siew Toh
offered by ITE are: Conservatory of Music, Science and
19 EDUCATION (cont’d)

University Scholars Programme. The other of Master, Doctor of Philosophy and graduate
three schools: Duke-NUS Graduate Medical diplomas.
School Singapore, NUS Graduate School for
Integrative Sciences and Engineering, and Lee To facilitate research and advanced
Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, offer training, 6 clusters of research centres have
higher degree courses only. There is also a been set up: Intelligent Devices and System
teaching institute known as the Institute of (IDeAS) Cluster, Nano and Microfabrication
Systems Science. (Nano) Cluster, Biomedical and
Pharmaceutical Engineering (BPE) Cluster,
NUS has also established specialist Advanced Computing and Media (ACM)
research institutes and centres to provide Cluster, InfoCom Cluster, Environmental and
facilities and promote research and advanced Water Technologies (EWT) Cluster. With its
training in areas of strategic importance to the focus on pioneering innovative and reliable
nation’s development, and to spearhead homegrown technologies, NTU has 30 spin-
research and development for specific off companies specialising in e-commerce, IT,
applications in technology, industry and electronics and manufacturing process. NTU
business. also has links with over 300 overseas
universities and institutes leading to joint
The Nanyang Technological University education and research programmes, as well as
(NTU) was established on 1 July 1991. NTU interactions among faculty and students.
has its origin in the former Nanyang
Technological Institute that was set up in 1981. The National Institute of Education
(NIE), formed in July 1991 by the merging of
It has 4 Colleges, namely, College of the former Institute of Education and the
Engineering, College of Business (Nanyang College of Physical Education, became part of
Business School), College of Science, and NTU on the same day. NIE provides
College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, professional training for teachers as well as
and 2 autonomous Institutes, namely, National the study of a wide range of academic
Institute of Education and the S Rajaratnam subjects.
School of International Studies.
NIE offers the four-year Bachelor of
Arts (Education) and Bachelor of Science
The 12 schools under the 4 Colleges (Education) courses as well as the one-
are Chemical & Biomedical Engineering; Civil year/two-year Diploma in Education and
and Environmental Engineering; Computer Diploma in Physical Education Programmes for
Engineering; Electrical and Electronic holders of GCE ‘A’ Level and Polytechnic
Engineering; Materials Science and Diploma qualifications. It also offers the
Engineering; Mechanical and Aerospace Postgraduate Diploma in Education Programme
Engineering; Biological Sciences; Physical and for university graduates. In addition to the
Mathematical Sciences; the Nanyang Business initial teacher-training programmes, NIE
School; Art, Design and Media; Humanities and conducts a variety of in-service training
Social Sciences; and Wee Kim Wee School of programmes. Facilities are also available at NIE
Communication and Information. The Schools for higher degree studies leading to the degrees
offer undergraduate courses as well as a range of Master, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of
of graduate programmes leading to the degrees Education.
19 EDUCATION (cont’d)

The Singapore Management University Polytechnics: There are five

(SMU) is Singapore’s first private university to polytechnics offering a wide range of courses
offer an American-style university education. at diploma and advanced diploma levels. They
Modeled on the Wharton School of the are the Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann
University of Pennsylvania, the university Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic, Nanyang
comprises six schools: Lee Kong Chian Polytechnic and Republic Polytechnic. Each
School of Business, School of Accountancy, polytechnic specialises in specific fields, in
School of Economics, School of Social addition to various courses in engineering
Sciences, School of Information Systems and (aeronautical, civil and structural, electrical,
School of Law. Using a unique teaching electronics, mechanical & manufacturing),
pedagogy of small class sizes, individualised chemical & life sciences and other sciences,
attention, interactive participation and vibrant design, business, management, accountancy,
student life, SMU has been grooming media and communication, tourism and
outstanding business leaders and creative hospitality management, and information
entrepreneurs who are confident, articulate technology. These specialised fields include
and business savvy. architectural studies, maritime studies,
publishing, law and management, library
SMU offers bachelor’s, master’s and studies, health sciences, optometry, cardiac
PhD degree programmes in business and technology, sonography, police studies and
management-related areas, ranging from security management, insurance practice and
Accountancy, Economics, Finance, Wealth pre-school education. Some of the courses
Management, Law, Information Systems and are conducted on a part-time basis for working
Social Science. adults.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 573,481 646,310 659,680 669,858 675,990 681,367 688,992

Primary Schools 269,432 302,566 302,501 299,939 296,419 290,261 284,600

Secondary Schools 183,900 187,081 194,002 206,426 213,534 213,063 215,097
Pre-University 21,858 24,376 25,376 24,559 24,681 28,901 30,726
Institute of Technical Education 2 8,233 16,176 17,468 17,941 19,207 21,603 23,636
Polytechnics 3 51,186 59,806 61,832 62,206 62,031 64,422 67,667
National Institute of Education 2,276 3,883 4,098 3,361 3,042 3,676 4,348
Universities 4 36,596 52,422 54,403 55,426 57,076 59,441 62,918

Source : Ministry of Education, Institute of Technical Education, Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic,
Nanyang Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, National Institute of Education, National University of Singapore,
Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University.
Note : Data for primary, secondary and pre-university exclude private schools.
1 Include Pre-U Centres, Centralised Institutes and Junior Colleges. Pre-U Centres were phased out in 1997.
2 From 2000 onwards, figure refer to full-time peak student enrolment. Prior to 2000, figures refer to full-time average student enrolment.
3 Refer to full-time and part-time diploma and advanced diploma students in Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic,
Temasek Polytechnic, Nanyang Polytechnic and Republic Polytechnic.
4 Refer to full-time and part-time undergraduate and postgraduate students in National University of Singapore,
Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University.



Institut- Students Teachers

ions 1, 2 Total Males Females Total Males Females

Total 366 688,992 361,206 327,786 35,916 13,340 22,576

Primary Schools 172 277,291 144,265 133,026 12,268 2,106 10,162

Secondary Schools 155 200,291 102,648 97,643 10,570 3,510 7,060
Mixed Levels 13 29,176 15,135 14,041 2,131 726 1,405
Pre-University 3 14 23,665 10,913 12,752 1,835 755 1,080
Institute of Technical Education 4 3 23,636 15,584 8,052 1,502 1,022 480
Polytechnics 5 5 67,667 36,746 30,921 3,736 2,337 1,399
National Institute of Education 1 4,348 1,513 2,835 460 238 222
Universities 3 62,918 34,402 28,516 3,414 2,646 768

Source : Ministry of Education, Institute of Technical Education, Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic,
Nanyang Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, National Institute of Education, National University of Singapore,
Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University.
Notes : Figures for primary, secondary and pre-university exclude private schools.
Figures for institutions of higher learning include part-time students and teachers.
1 Figure for ITE refers to ITE colleges.
2 The category Mixed Level, which caters to schools with multiple levels, encompasses Full Schools (P1-S4/5),
6th Form Schools (S1-JC2) and JC-plus (S3-JC2).
3 Include Centralised Institutes and Junior Colleges.
4 Data refer to full-time teaching staff and students.
5 Include Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic, Nanyang Polytechnic and Republic Polytechnic.
6 Include National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 269,432 302,566 302,501 299,939 296,419 290,261 284,600


Primary 1 48,070 49,774 49,006 49,044 47,256 43,492 43,914

Primary 2 53,418 50,248 49,799 49,027 48,905 47,348 43,652
Primary 3 44,070 49,925 50,383 49,933 49,035 49,070 47,697
Primary 4 38,738 50,097 49,982 50,452 49,929 49,217 49,368

Primary 5 42,300 52,178 50,167 50,111 50,399 50,010 49,314

EM1 7,550 11,252 10,398 10,798 47,210 46,525 46,198
EM2 31,059 37,848 36,459 36,134 - - -
EM3 3,691 3,078 3,310 3,179 3,189 3,485 3,116

Primary 6 42,836 50,344 53,164 51,372 50,895 51,124 50,655

EM1 6,741 8,939 9,591 8,888 45,402 45,667 45,100
EM2 28,856 34,705 37,821 36,330 - - -
EM3 7,239 6,700 5,752 6,154 5,493 5,457 5,555

Age (in years)

Under 7 47,481 49,072 48,134 48,093 46,367 42,531 42,729

7 & Under 8 53,037 49,928 49,495 48,456 48,327 46,837 43,124
8 & Under 9 43,686 49,442 49,961 49,572 48,494 48,471 47,132
9 & Under 10 38,235 49,505 49,530 50,057 49,574 48,618 48,703
10 & Under 11 42,064 51,589 49,528 49,613 49,983 49,753 48,902
11 & Under 12 41,020 48,265 51,590 49,526 49,585 50,044 49,939
12 & Under 13 2,589 3,175 2,580 2,874 2,356 2,450 2,395
13 & Under 14 1,154 1,247 1,299 1,328 1,275 1,124 1,229
14 & Over 166 343 384 420 458 433 447

Source : Ministry of Education

Notes : EM1 refers to the stream where pupils learn English and the mother tongue at higher level (Higher Chinese, Higher Malay or
Higher Tamil formerly known as CL1, ML1 and TL1).
EM2 refers to the stream where pupils learn English and the mother tongue (Chinese, Malay or Tamil formerly known as
CL2, ML2 and TL2).
EM3 refers to the stream where pupils learn English and the mother tongue (Chinese, Malay or Tamil) at basic proficiency level.
From 2004, the distinction between the EM1 and EM2 streams was removed.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 205,758 211,457 219,378 230,985 238,215 241,964 245,823


Secondary 1 40,829 53,070 49,281 51,984 50,458 50,230 50,772

Special 4,009 5,175 4,469 4,565 4,696 4,379 4,262
Express 21,273 27,633 26,354 28,286 26,856 26,514 26,973
Normal (Academic) 8,917 11,983 10,992 12,534 11,596 12,468 12,419
Normal (Technical) 6,630 8,279 7,466 6,599 7,310 6,869 7,118

Secondary 2 43,621 44,482 53,211 49,335 52,124 50,856 50,807

Special 4,137 4,149 5,071 4,408 4,541 4,745 4,316
Express 22,287 22,569 27,628 26,029 28,001 26,768 26,747
Normal (Academic) 10,591 10,590 12,729 11,747 13,257 12,357 13,191
Normal (Technical) 6,606 7,174 7,783 7,151 6,325 6,986 6,553

Secondary 3 53,043 40,063 45,529 54,608 51,010 53,910 53,027

Special 3,528 3,917 4,229 5,137 4,638 4,995 5,155
Express 25,495 20,400 23,156 28,325 26,538 28,493 27,541
Normal (Academic) 16,739 10,119 11,242 13,572 12,941 14,329 13,557
Normal (Technical) 7,281 5,627 6,902 7,574 6,893 6,093 6,774

Secondary 4 36,074 41,578 37,849 43,207 51,848 48,462 51,463

Special 2,782 4,011 3,614 3,955 4,688 4,370 4,764
Express 21,217 21,744 19,308 22,140 27,285 25,542 27,503
Normal (Academic) 12,075 10,258 9,624 10,610 12,636 12,014 13,377
Normal (Technical) - 5,565 5,303 6,502 7,239 6,536 5,819

Secondary 5 10,333 7,888 8,132 7,292 8,094 9,605 9,028

Normal (Academic) 10,333 7,888 8,132 7,292 8,094 9,605 9,028

Junior College 1 / Pre-U 1 10,843 12,487 13,404 11,878 13,435 16,173 15,144
Junior College 2 / Pre-U 2 10,137 11,518 11,692 12,458 11,000 12,499 15,258
Pre-U 3 878 371 280 223 246 229 324

Age (in years)

Under 12 49 33 35 21 12 11 13
12 & Under 13 37,682 50,561 45,879 48,858 47,178 47,168 47,803
13 & Under 14 40,894 42,760 52,351 47,116 50,327 48,434 48,552
14 & Under 15 40,783 37,837 43,205 52,839 47,683 50,957 49,077
15 & Under 16 39,153 41,263 37,809 43,323 52,930 47,991 51,551
16 & Under 17 27,277 22,550 23,325 21,497 24,140 29,384 27,117
17 & Under 18 16,084 13,696 13,955 14,385 12,969 15,060 18,366
18 & Under 19 3,094 2,250 2,163 2,313 2,269 2,281 2,614
19 & Under 20 638 434 566 539 605 574 639
20 & Over 104 73 90 94 102 104 91

Source : Ministry of Education

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Schools 4 2 2 2 2 2 2

Students 1,059 719 835 1,014 784 720 865

Primary 98 70 51 106 64 76 92
Secondary 598 532 639 713 588 548 572
Pre-university 363 117 145 195 132 96 201

Teachers 56 58 69 63 61 64 61

Source : Ministry of Education

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006


Polytechnics 1 15,883 18,170 18,394 18,093 19,646 21,654 22,888

Males 8,592 9,605 9,404 9,338 10,287 11,177 12,235
Females 7,291 8,565 8,990 8,755 9,359 10,477 10,653

National Institute of Education 1,659 2,347 2,589 1,800 1,831 2,579 2,338
Males 458 666 767 580 626 860 763
Females 1,201 1,681 1,822 1,220 1,205 1,719 1,575

Universities 3 8,952 11,153 11,040 11,429 12,254 12,519 13,782

Males 4,300 5,293 5,312 5,647 6,025 6,139 6,798
Females 4,652 5,860 5,728 5,782 6,229 6,380 6,984


Polytechnics 1 1,975 1,674 1,685 1,196 1,204 1,149 1,268

Males 1,673 1,387 1,405 1,060 1,029 995 1,074
Females 302 287 280 136 175 154 194

National Institute of Education 46 27 49 43 58 86 -
Males 22 5 19 10 9 15 -
Females 24 22 30 33 49 71 -

Universities 3 385 450 437 488 378 497 461

Males 348 349 332 345 255 358 344
Females 37 101 105 143 123 139 117

Source : National University of Singapore National Institute of Education Temasek Polytechnic

Nanyang Technological University Singapore Polytechnic Nanyang Polytechnic
Singapore Management University Ngee Ann Polytechnic Republic Polytechnic

Note : Data refer to academic year.

Figures include direct entry to second and subsequent years.
1 Data for polytechnics refer to students admitted to diploma courses only.
2 Data for National Institute of Education exclude higher degrees and BA/BSc with Dip Ed which are included under universities.
3 Data for universities refer to undergraduates only.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006


Polytechnics 43,814 53,600 54,689 55,572 56,266 59,221 63,253
Males 24,067 28,576 28,922 29,149 29,484 30,929 33,294
Females 19,747 25,024 25,767 26,423 26,782 28,292 29,959

National Institute of Education 2,040 3,262 3,451 2,649 2,198 2,665 2,793
Males 533 858 949 790 742 845 908
Females 1,507 2,404 2,502 1,859 1,456 1,820 1,885

Universities 29,855 37,983 39,156 40,107 41,628 43,657 46,479
Males 15,162 19,119 19,707 20,110 20,796 21,998 23,487
Females 14,693 18,864 19,449 19,997 20,832 21,659 22,992


Polytechnics 5,300 3,899 4,629 4,389 4,075 3,903 3,290
Males 4,345 3,237 3,861 3,699 3,478 3,337 2,829
Females 955 662 768 690 597 566 461

National Institute of Education 48 57 74 73 95 141 85
Males 22 11 23 16 16 23 15
Females 26 46 51 57 79 118 70

Universities 519 1,588 1,584 1,578 1,558 1,696 1,627
Males 462 1,235 1,189 1,165 1,138 1,222 1,170
Females 57 353 395 413 420 474 457

Source : National University of Singapore National Institute of Education Temasek Polytechnic

Nanyang Technological University Singapore Polytechnic Nanyang Polytechnic
Singapore Management University Ngee Ann Polytechnic Republic Polytechnic

1 Data for polytechnics refer to students enrolled in diploma courses only.

2 Data for National Institute of Education (NIE) exclude higher degrees and BA/BSc with Dip Ed which are included under universities.
3 Data for universities refer to undergraduates only.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006


Polytechnics 11,171 14,937 15,581 15,404 16,834 16,985 16,715
Males 6,149 7,695 8,104 7,949 8,718 8,648 8,563
Females 5,022 7,242 7,477 7,455 8,116 8,337 8,152

National Institute of Education 946 2,121 2,132 2,736 2,523 1,866 2,004
Males 267 613 605 794 758 643 656
Females 679 1,508 1,527 1,942 1,765 1,223 1,348

Universities 8,218 9,586 9,924 10,010 10,231 9,983 10,428
Males 4,022 4,492 4,609 4,948 5,012 4,697 4,999
Females 4,196 5,094 5,315 5,062 5,219 5,286 5,429


Polytechnics 934 1,029 1,004 713 1,003 1,086 1,322
Males 728 850 810 607 819 912 1,086
Females 206 179 194 106 184 174 236

National Institute of Education 50 37 28 36 29 38 54
Males 20 18 6 13 5 8 8
Females 30 19 22 23 24 30 46

Universities - 273 288 353 314 326 282
Males - 243 249 249 234 252 208
Females - 30 39 104 80 74 74

Source : National University of Singapore National Institute of Education Temasek Polytechnic

Nanyang Technological University Singapore Polytechnic Nanyang Polytechnic
Singapore Management University Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Note : Data refer to academic year.

1 Data for polytechnics refer to diploma graduates only.
2 Data for National Institute of Education exclude higher degrees and BA/BSc with Dip Ed which are included under universities.
3 Data for universities refer to first degree graduates only.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Type of Course 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

MALES 28,412 31,813 32,783 32,848 32,962 34,266 36,123

Education - 12 9 7 6 15 17
Applied Arts 1 504 861 865 845 910 1,056 1,435
Humanities & Social Sciences - - - - - 10 17
Mass Communication 185 219 291 326 357 362 391
Library Science - 8 38 52 64 37 20
Business & Administration 2 2,962 3,116 3,072 2,941 2,991 3,267 3,810
Legal Studies 62 128 114 107 118 123 133
Science & Related Technologies 337 509 774 971 1,068 1,169 1,286
Health Sciences 276 396 361 562 848 1,075 1,360
Information Technology 2,136 5,639 6,723 6,907 6,876 6,879 6,661
Architecture & Building 3 1,112 626 588 556 588 596 667
Engineering Sciences 20,630 19,823 19,424 19,066 18,569 19,155 19,873
Services 4 208 476 524 508 567 522 453

FEMALES 20,702 25,686 26,535 27,113 27,379 28,858 30,420

Education - 292 326 350 413 469 517

Applied Arts 1 501 881 969 1,044 1,210 1,543 1,937
Humanities & Social Sciences - - - - - 73 136
Mass Communication 324 540 645 762 828 899 944
Library Science - 44 94 154 216 153 98
Business & Administration 2 7,755 7,928 7,876 7,585 7,263 7,268 7,524
Legal Studies 182 274 259 245 230 236 238
Science & Related Technologies 652 1,104 1,341 1,406 1,573 1,682 1,777
Health Sciences 1,632 2,058 2,180 2,849 3,632 4,159 4,694
Information Technology 1,433 3,555 4,305 4,808 4,869 5,144 5,075
Architecture & Building 3 935 964 931 857 833 870 955
Engineering Sciences 7,201 7,906 7,460 6,876 6,145 6,173 6,303
Services 4 87 140 149 177 167 189 222

Source : Singapore Polytechnic Temasek Polytechnic Republic Polytechnic

Ngee Ann Polytechnic Nanyang Polytechnic

Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Educational Classification 2000.
Cover full-time and part-time polytechnic diploma courses.
Data include students who are concurrently enrolled in advanced diploma courses.
1 Include Digital Media Design and Media Production.
2 Include Accountancy.
3 Include Real Estate.
4 Include Maritime Transportation, Nautical Studies and Police Studies.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Type of Course 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

MALES 15,624 20,354 20,896 21,275 21,934 23,220 24,657

Applied Arts 1 - 35 48 83 100 143 223

Humanities & Social Sciences 1,495 1,644 1,618 1,649 1,749 1,949 2,244
Mass Communication 110 134 137 134 132 137 130
Accountancy 833 712 711 672 697 829 1,087
Business & Administration 1,367 1,130 1,227 1,406 1,597 1,914 2,141
Law 335 251 245 273 314 345 409
Natural, Physical &
Mathematical Sciences 3 1,170 1,376 1,530 1,602 1,667 1,969 2,144
Medicine 553 650 671 673 684 690 685
Dentistry 89 85 80 78 80 72 70
Health Sciences 29 65 68 71 70 81 94
Information Technology 1,031 1,319 1,283 1,230 1,206 1,278 1,429
Architecture & Building 4 453 608 629 593 610 609 582
Engineering Sciences 8,159 12,345 12,649 12,811 13,018 13,176 13,359
Services 5 - - - - 10 28 60

FEMALES 14,750 19,217 19,844 20,410 21,252 22,133 23,449

Applied Arts 1 - 37 49 91 126 212 334

Humanities & Social Sciences 2 4,282 4,448 4,420 4,373 4,438 4,813 5,297
Mass Communication 323 399 413 474 490 507 555
Accountancy 1,476 1,543 1,498 1,497 1,698 1,732 1,845
Business & Administration 2,731 2,632 2,738 2,865 3,024 3,098 3,271
Law 360 378 435 479 502 499 463
Natural, Physical &
Mathematical Sciences 3 1,941 2,734 2,892 3,222 3,236 3,416 3,755
Medicine 208 386 410 441 461 479 503
Dentistry 53 52 56 60 61 67 78
Health Sciences 164 249 257 273 277 352 489
Information Technology 712 804 785 686 651 722 743
Architecture & Building 4 646 886 883 881 926 870 877
Engineering Sciences 1,854 4,669 5,008 5,068 5,319 5,286 5,122
Services 5 - - - - 43 80 117

Source : National University of Singapore

Nanyang Technological University
Singapore Management University

Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Educational Classification 2000.
Cover full-time and part-time first degree courses.
1 Include Industrial Design.
2 Include Arts with Diploma in Education.
3 Include Science with Diploma in Education.
4 Include Real Estate.
5 Include Maritime Studies.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Type of Course 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

MALES 6,877 8,545 8,914 8,556 9,537 9,560 9,649

Education - - 3 5 4 - 3
Applied Arts 101 213 234 254 243 251 223
Mass Communication 33 51 43 63 90 110 105
Library Science - 3 2 3 3 26 15
Business & Administration 2 690 861 904 946 896 840 882
Legal Studies 19 19 54 38 23 34 28
Science & Related Technologies 83 135 121 129 214 324 301
Health Sciences 35 126 92 100 127 178 267
Information Technology 451 1,193 1,455 1,603 1,974 2,157 2,067
Architecture & Building 3 227 282 225 171 158 176 161
Engineering Sciences 5,098 5,462 5,573 5,000 5,580 5,310 5,375
Services 4 140 200 208 244 225 154 222

FEMALES 5,228 7,421 7,671 7,561 8,300 8,511 8,388

Education - - 79 99 103 111 128

Applied Arts 88 248 253 241 278 308 319
Mass Communication 84 124 134 133 238 227 245
Library Science - 19 16 9 19 55 51
Business & Administration 2 2,120 2,426 2,438 2,489 2,408 2,388 2,281
Legal Studies 49 66 100 78 104 84 78
Science & Related Technologies 114 338 344 334 323 453 460
Health Sciences 400 581 608 577 725 994 1,130
Information Technology 337 756 910 1,015 1,345 1,526 1,515
Architecture & Building 3 270 272 279 300 312 249 233
Engineering Sciences 1,748 2,549 2,465 2,242 2,385 2,081 1,887
Services 4 18 42 45 44 60 35 61

Source : Singapore Polytechnic Temasek Polytechnic Republic Polytechnic

Ngee Ann Polytechnic Nanyang Polytechnic

Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Educational Classification 2000.
Cover full-time and part-time polytechnic diploma courses.
Data refer to academic year.
1 Include Digital Media Design and Media Production.
2 Include Accountancy.
3 Include Real Estate.
4 Include Maritime Transportation, Nautical Studies and Police Studies.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Type of Course 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

MALES 4,022 4,735 4,858 5,197 5,246 4,949 5,207

Applied Arts - - - 11 11 11 11
Humanities & Social Sciences 2 525 573 630 516 423 395 460
Mass Communication - 39 30 33 34 36 45
Accountancy 262 257 226 222 234 211 176
Business & Administration 358 403 318 284 325 322 432
Law 75 58 73 59 56 62 70
Natural, Physical &
Mathematical Sciences 3 467 382 300 408 445 363 429
Medicine 97 97 122 128 122 123 135
Dentistry 24 19 23 21 14 22 18
Health Sciences 9 17 20 15 11 16 24
Information Technology 362 249 365 377 412 363 389
Architecture & Building 4 142 124 134 175 137 138 166
Engineering Sciences 1,701 2,517 2,617 2,948 3,022 2,887 2,852

FEMALES 4,196 5,124 5,354 5,166 5,299 5,360 5,503

Applied Arts - - - 10 14 11 13
Humanities & Social Sciences 2 1,529 1,636 1,742 1,376 1,258 1,222 1,298
Mass Communication - 77 91 82 109 110 110
Accountancy 433 484 541 524 387 495 468
Business & Administration 848 807 751 693 742 799 819
Law 106 96 77 81 91 125 134
Natural, Physical &
Mathematical Sciences 3 575 785 729 782 852 757 955
Medicine 53 42 60 66 77 86 94
Dentistry 13 16 11 11 18 12 14
Health Sciences 59 46 49 48 78 69 57
Information Technology 194 133 199 242 309 199 137
Architecture & Building 4 136 199 224 235 185 234 214
Engineering Sciences 250 803 880 1,016 1,179 1,241 1,190

Source : National University of Singapore

Nanyang Technological University
Singapore Management University

Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Educational Classification 2000.
Cover full-time and part-time first degree courses.
Data refer to academic year.
1 Include Industrial Design.
2 Include Arts with Diploma in Education.
3 Include Science with Diploma in Education.
4 Include Real Estate.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Type of Course 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 2,072 2,307 2,514 2,245 1,690 1,298 1,148

Applied Arts 1 29 30 11 17 24 49 60
Business & Administration 2 668 372 401 388 289 255 217
Science & Related Technologies 74 25 50 110 89 109 61
Health Sciences 186 168 260 85 320 266 257
Information Technology 257 628 519 455 202 107 82
Architecture & Building 3 168 20 19 18 - 21 7
Engineering Sciences 644 796 1,061 1,041 671 442 387
Services 4 46 168 112 64 38 27 25
Others - 100 81 67 57 22 52

Source : Singapore Polytechnic Temasek Polytechnic Republic Polytechnic

Ngee Ann Polytechnic Nanyang Polytechnic
Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Educational Classification 2000.
Cover full-time and part-time post diploma, advanced diploma, management diploma,
specialist diploma and postgraduate diploma courses.
Data include students who are concurrently enrolled in diploma courses.
1 Include Digital Media Design and Media Production.
2 Include Accountancy.
3 Include Real Estate.
4 Include Maritime Transportation and Police Studies.


Type of Course 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 6,410 13,415 14,236 14,380 14,639 14,958 16,282

Education 104 357 375 434 495 550 1,075

Humanities & Social Sciences 445 1,351 1,480 1,461 1,473 1,613 1,638
Mass Communication 189 365 452 476 551 461 469
Business & Administration 1 1,234 1,810 1,495 1,382 1,486 1,667 2,218
Law 127 173 126 163 242 253 279
Natural, Physical &
Mathematical Sciences 526 1,008 1,149 1,318 1,392 1,467 1,608
Medicine & Dentistry 2 353 710 883 940 1,080 1,152 1,199
Information Technology 442 1,024 1,113 1,093 1,020 1,008 1,112
Architecture & Building 3 355 665 618 589 535 456 478
Engineering Sciences 2,596 5,907 6,496 6,473 6,307 6,211 6,070
Services 39 45 49 51 58 99 111
Others - - - - - 21 25

Source : National University of Singapore Singapore Management University

Nanyang Technological University National Institute of Education
Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Educational Classification 2000.
Cover full-time and part-time postgraduate diploma and higher degree courses offered by National University of Singapore,
Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University, and higher degree courses offered by
National Institute of Education.
1 Include Accountancy.
2 Include Pharmacy.
3 Include Real Estate.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Type of Course 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 654 1,558 1,721 1,558 1,366 1,303 1,070

Applied Arts 1 23 39 1 6 5 9 31
Business & Administration 2 39 301 309 315 336 332 235
Science & Related Technologies - 24 13 30 68 64 75
Health Sciences 116 158 162 239 86 296 318
Information Technology 116 485 498 369 320 193 115
Architecture & Building 3 88 - - - 18 - 7
Engineering Sciences 257 375 544 450 440 341 243
Services 4 15 158 146 99 66 31 28
Others - 18 48 50 27 37 18

Source : Singapore Polytechnic Temasek Polytechnic Republic Polytechnic

Ngee Ann Polytechnic Nanyang Polytechnic
Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Educational Classification 2000.
Note : Cover full-time and part-time post diploma, advanced diploma, management diploma,
specialist diploma and postgraduate diploma courses.
1 Include Digital Media Design and Media Production.
2 Include Accountancy.
3 Include Real Estate.
4 Include Maritime Transportation and Police Studies.


Type of Course 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1,488 4,239 4,689 4,295 4,399 5,250 5,084

Education 17 42 45 54 94 168 164

Humanities & Social Sciences 141 479 480 503 481 474 543
Mass Communication 10 13 96 111 87 254 161
Business & Administration 1 459 964 843 669 516 647 791
Law 65 78 116 95 100 148 155
Natural, Physical &
Mathematical Sciences 73 232 262 231 271 269 278
Medicine & Dentistry 2 127 241 320 266 349 408 366
Information Technology 99 295 416 326 393 374 311
Architecture & Building 3 86 192 267 244 243 265 232
Engineering Sciences 410 1,689 1,816 1,779 1,820 2,224 2,022
Services 1 14 28 17 45 19 44
Others - - - - - - 17

Source : National University of Singapore Singapore Management University

Nanyang Technological University National Institute of Education
Note : Data are classified according to the Singapore Standard Educational Classification 2000.
Cover full-time and part-time postgraduate diploma and higher degree courses offered by National University of Singapore, Nanyang
Technological University and Singapore Management University and higher degree courses offered by National Institute of Education.
1 Include Accountancy.
2 Include Pharmacy.
3 Include Real Estate.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Students/Trainees who
Intake of Students/Trainees
Type of Training/Level Completed the Programmes

Total Males Females Total Males Females

Total 14,116 8,903 5,213 10,510 6,640 3,870

Higher National ITE Certificate (Higher Nitec ) 2,008 1,659 349 1,272 1,110 162
National ITE Certificate (Nitec ) 5,349 4,561 788 4,303 3,741 562
ITE Skills Certificate (ISC) 486 367 119 169 143 26

Info-Communications Technology
Higher National ITE Certificate (Higher Nitec ) 526 371 155 284 174 110
National ITE Certificate (Nitec ) 1,357 859 498 1,215 683 532

Business & Services

Higher National ITE Certificate (Higher Nitec ) 1,671 485 1,186 922 289 633
National ITE Certificate (Nitec ) 2,609 563 2,046 2,251 471 1,780
ITE Skills Certificate (ISC ) 110 38 72 94 29 65

Source : Institute of Technical Education

Note : The Full-time Institutional Training and Traineeship Programmes are offered to school leavers
with GCE 'O' and 'N' level qualifications.
1 Includes Mechanical Servicing and Electrical Servicing.
2 Includes Service Skills, Nursing, Culinary Skills, Food & Beverage, Hairstyling and Beauty Therapy.
3 Includes Food Preparation, Travel Services, Retailing, Health Care (In-patient and Out-patient) and Logistic Operations.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Workers who Completed the
Training Places Taken Up 1
Type ofTraining/Level
Training /Level Programmes
Total Males Females Total Males Females

Total 27,825 20,768 7,057 16,903 12,880 4,023

Higher National ITE Certificate (Higher Nitec ) 1,281 1,232 49 326 309 17
National ITE Certificate (Nitec ) 7,243 6,576 667 1,056 839 217
ITE Skills Certificate (ISC ) 3,840 3,271 569 3,582 2,962 620

Info-Communications Technology
Higher National ITE Certificate (Higher Nitec ) 183 155 28 42 34 8
National ITE Certificate (Nitec ) 598 436 162 42 33 9

Business & Services

Higher National ITE Certificate (Higher Nitec ) 1,748 236 1,512 349 41 308
National ITE Certificate (Nitec ) 1,577 88 1,489 380 25 355
ITE Skills Certificate (ISC ) 685 195 490 643 208 435

Others3 10,670 8,579 2,091 10,483 8,429 2,054

Source : Institute of Technical Education

Note : Most of the Skills Training Programmes are offered in modules of 6 months' duration. A worker may attend
more than one module a year.
1 Refers to number of workers who graduated or completed their programmes
2 Include ICT, Multimedia and Digital Design.
3 Include short courses and customised courses.



Workers who Completed the
Training Places Taken Up 1
Type Programme Programmes
Total Males Females Total Males Females

Total 24,715 8,497 16,218 16,599 5,847 10,752

Basic Education for Skills Training (BEST) 12,936 4,074 8,862 8,949 2,992 5,957
Worker Improvement through Secondary
Education (WISE) 5,881 1,835 4,046 3,999 1,266 2,733
Continuing Education (Secondary &
Pre-University) 5,898 2,588 3,310 3,651 1,589 2,062

Source : Institute of Technical Education

Note : The BEST and WISE Programmes are offered in modules of 6 months' duration. A worker may attend more than one module a year.
1 Refers to the number of continuing academic education places taken up and completed by workers.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Thousand Dollars
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 3,771,955 6,239,575 6,597,955 6,214,434 6,214,121 6,082,277 6,966,170

Recurrent Expenditure 2,997,158 4,766,584 4,824,395 4,996,791 4,974,724 5,215,299 6,357,009

Primary Schools 764,064 1,044,461 1,095,536 1,066,364 1,071,327 1,125,876 1,256,851

Secondary Schools &

Junior Colleges 1 944,274 1,262,302 1,397,564 1,429,183 1,503,050 1,566,402 1,765,247

Institute of Technical
Education 112,899 162,648 169,499 171,067 191,135 203,973 246,399

Tertiary 999,364 1,794,288 1,647,121 1,829,834 1,697,571 1,765,894 2,351,975

Universities 2 546,120 1,114,555 973,779 1,034,804 1,029,869 1,058,239 1,532,678

National Institute of
Education 59,620 87,000 94,791 80,766 73,256 84,722 96,773

Polytechnics 393,624 592,733 578,551 714,264 594,446 622,933 722,524

Others 3 176,557 502,885 514,675 500,343 511,641 553,154 736,537

Development Expenditure 774,797 1,472,991 1,773,560 1,217,643 1,239,397 866,978 609,161

Source : Ministry of Education

Note : Data refer to the financial year which begins in April and ends in March of the following year.
1 Include Centralised Institutes.
2 Include National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University.
3 Include MOE Headquarters, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and Science Centre Board.
With effect from 1996, data includes SIM-Open University Centre.
With effect from 1999, data includes Special Education, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and Laselle-SIA College of Arts
With effect from 2003, data includes Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Primary Schools 2,837 3,363 3,535 3,508 3,575 3,820 4,270

Secondary Schools1 4,152 5,304 5,614 5,437 5,746 5,793 6,186

Junior Colleges 2 6,726 7,879 8,497 8,791 8,850 9,445 10,001

Institute of Technical Education 11,646 7,829 8,056 8,367 9,399 9,249 10,237

Polytechnics 8,406 9,668 9,793 10,197 10,695 10,843 11,578

Universities 3 15,037 15,262 14,287 17,477 17,609 17,793 18,281

Source : Ministry of Education

Note : Data refer to the financial year which begins in April and ends in March of the following year.
1 Exclude Independent Schools.
2 Include Centralised Institutes.
3 Include National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and Singapore Management University (wef 2003).

The Ministry of Health plays a major Statutory Boards

role in educating and providing information to
the public on how they can maintain healthy Two statutory boards under the
lifestyles. The Ministry also plays a key role Ministry of Health were established on 1 April
in reducing illness in Singapore through the 2001. The Health Promotion Board (HPB)
prevention of diseases and ensuring that the provides the framework for a greater focus on
resources are allocated appropriately to do health promotion issues and further
this. strengthens health education, health promotion
and disease prevention in Singapore. It
In addition, the Ministry of Health is spearheads the national health promotion and
responsible for ensuring that health care in disease prevention efforts, and develops and
Singapore is characterized by good clinical promotes programmes in an environment that
outcomes and professional standards, and that supports healthy lifestyles, as well as early
services delivered are appropriate to patients' detection and management of health problems
needs. Though the emphasis is on the in children, adults and the elderly.
principle of co-payment, the Ministry also
ensures that healthcare remains affordable to The Health Sciences Authority (HSA)
Singaporeans. provides a seamless regulatory service to the
health care industry and aims to safeguard
public confidence in the quality, safety and
Reorganisation and Restructuring of Public efficacy of all health care and blood products
Healthcare Services in Singapore. HSA also provides specialised
scientific expertise to support essential
The Ministry of Health reorganised statutory functions.
the public healthcare delivery system in 2000
into two vertically integrated delivery
networks or clusters, the National Healthcare Public Health
Group (NHG) and Singapore Health Services
(SingHealth). This reorganisation positions Statistics on immunisation are
Singapore’s healthcare delivery system, which collected from the Polyclinics vaccination
is already known for its quality, affordability records kept by HPB and compulsory
and accessibility, to deliver more integrated notifications of immunisation to the Central
and holistic healthcare to Singaporeans. Immunisation Registry by private
practitioners. Data on patient attendances at
The two clusters were incorporated on primary health care clinics are obtained from
1 Oct 2000, with the completion of the the Polyclinic Patient Management System.
restructuring of Alexandra Hospital, Institute
of Mental Health/Woodbridge Hospital and
the polyclinics. Each cluster provides a full
range of acute services ranging from primary Hospital Statistics
care to secondary and tertiary care at regional
and tertiary hospitals and national centres. Data on government hospital beds,
Under these clusters, the restructured patient admissions and outpatient attendances
healthcare institutions enjoy greater are obtained from administrative records and
management and operational flexibility, which the computerised patient registration systems
in turn, enhance their ability to respond to of the hospitals. For the private hospitals, the
changing circumstances and needs as well as data are compiled from special returns
provide better healthcare services to prescribed by the Ministry of Health and from
Singaporeans. the MediClaim System.
20 HEALTH (cont’d)

Medical Personnel Dentists Registration Act, the Pharmacists

Registration Act, the Nurses and Midwives
Act. Separate computer manpower registers
Data on medical personnel refer to the for each of these personnel groups are
number of doctors, dentists, pharmacists, maintained by the professional bodies and the
nurses and midwives registered respectively statistics pertaining to these health personnel
under the Medical Registration Act, the are derived from the registers.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Hospitals 25 29 29 29 29 29 29
Public Sector 12 14 13 13 13 13 13
Private Sector 2 13 15 16 16 16 16 16

Hospital Beds 10,668 11,942 11,761 11,855 11,840 11,848 11,527

Acute Care 6,850 8,153 8,069 8,291 8,279 8,177 8,187
Extended Care 3,818 3,789 3,692 3,564 3,561 3,671 3,340
Public Sector 8,511 9,274 8,748 8,831 8,813 8,617 8,320
Acute Care 5,237 6,228 6,206 6,406 6,388 6,248 6,256
Extended Care 3,274 3,046 2,542 2,425 2,425 2,369 2,064
Private Sector 2,157 2,668 3,013 3,024 3,027 3,231 3,207
Acute Care 1,613 1,925 1,863 1,885 1,891 1,929 1,931
Extended Care 544 743 1,150 1,139 1,136 1,302 1,276

Public Sector Dental Clinics 200 204 206 230 232 239 240

Polyclinics 20 16 17 17 17 18 18

Source : Ministry of Health

1 The number of hospitals in public sector includes specialty centres.
2 With effect from 1 September 1994, the Chronic Sick Unit in Woodbridge Hospital is managed by Ren Ci Hospital.
With effect from 1 April 2002, the Management of Ang Mo Kio - Thye Hua Kwan Hospital
(Formerly known as Ang Mo Kio Community Hospital) has been handed over to Thye Hua Kwan, a voluntary welfare organisation.
3 Exclude National Dental Centre (reflected as a specialty centre) and include dental clinics in schools.


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Hospital Admissions 373,413 384,054 392,489 356,535 405,354 414,367 415,833
Public Sector Hospitals 277,785 304,595 310,597 270,691 311,129 315,149 316,261
Private Sector Hospitals 95,628 79,459 81,892 85,844 94,225 99,218 99,572

Public Sector Outpatient Attendances

Specialist Outpatient Clinics 2,225,126 2,848,213 3,079,445 2,806,501 3,333,550 3,452,571 3,624,976
Accident & Emergency
Departments 541,833 565,375 596,986 552,233 618,490 658,311 676,763
Polyclinics 2,892,141 3,023,794 3,344,224 3,337,277 3,791,670 3,913,380 3,769,989
Dental Clinics 4 1,121,728 983,792 993,180 887,904 1,045,775 1,006,634 835,248

Day Surgeries 69,199 131,986 147,587 141,279 181,888 184,364 196,619

Source : Ministry of Health

1 Data refer to inpatient discharges for all hospitals. Prior to 2002, data on public sector hospitals refer to admissions.
2 Includes specialty centres.
3 Exclude staff attendances.
4 Include dental services in Polyclinics, School Dental Clinics, National Dental Centre and NUH Dental Centre.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Per 1,000 resident population

2003 2004 2005 2006

Public Sector Hospitals

Male 70.0 78.3 78.7 79.7

Age Group (Years)
0 - 14 53.0 58.3 58.4 58.4
15 - 64 55.1 61.5 61.6 61.4
65 & Above 279.5 306.1 301.4 308.8

Female 67.0 76.0 75.5 75.5

Age Group (Years)
0 - 14 43.9 48.0 48.9 49.6
15 - 64 53.3 60.6 58.7 56.8
65 & Above 241.0 265.9 265.8 272.3

Private Sector Hospitals

Male 12.5 13.4 13.7 12.8

Age Group (Years)
0 - 14 30.8 33.7 34.5 32.5
15 - 64 5.2 5.6 6.1 5.6
65 & Above 30.2 30.9 29.3 29.0

Female 23.4 24.4 24.7 24.1

Age Group (Years)
0 - 14 29.6 31.0 32.0 30.2
15 - 64 20.5 21.4 21.7 21.4
65 & Above 32.3 34.1 33.6 32.7

Source : Ministry of Health

1 Excludes admission for normal deliveries and legalised abortions.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Doctors 4,661 5,922 6,029 6,292 6,492 6,748 6,931

Public 2,177 2,794 2,907 3,044 3,142 3,265 3,505
Private 2,302 2,925 2,936 2,863 2,845 2,961 2,966
Not in active practice 182 203 186 385 505 522 460

Dentists 835 1,087 1,130 1,183 1,227 1,277 1,323
Public 176 209 231 263 282 278 293
Private 626 775 787 798 802 846 833
Not in active practice 33 103 112 122 143 153 197

Pharmacists 858 1,141 1,191 1,236 1,288 1,330 1,421

Public 175 297 307 377 376 400 449
Private 578 619 642 659 719 754 832
Not in active practice 105 225 242 200 193 176 140

Registered Nurses 10,141 12,828 13,308 13,740 14,171 14,831 15,452

Public 5,724 6,836 7,133 7,533 7,763 8,165 8,495
Private 2,881 3,225 3,264 3,349 3,568 3,869 4,566
Not in active practice 1,536 2,767 2,911 2,858 2,840 2,797 2,391

Enrolled Nurses 3,052 4,155 4,333 4,652 4,793 4,989 5,163

Public 1,727 2,269 2,369 2,605 2,665 2,823 2,956
Private 735 915 969 1,058 1,112 1,219 1,484
Not in active practice 590 971 995 989 1,016 947 723

Registered Midwives 487 415 393 371 365 347 312

Public 228 192 188 176 157 136 123
Private 103 84 80 73 69 71 59
Not in active practice 156 139 125 122 139 140 130

Source : Ministry of Health

Note : Registered health personnel in the public sector refer to Government,
Government Restructured Hospitals, Statutory Boards and University personnel.
1 Refer to those with professional degrees only.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Dental Clinics 1,121,728 983,792 993,180 887,904 1,045,775 1,006,634 835,248

School 797,231 685,362 686,384 605,303 729,152 692,792 521,637

Hospital 187,980 - - - - - -

Polyclinic Dental Services 96,372 102,743 101,666 97,081 108,138 98,335 93,910

National Dental Centre - 149,536 154,323 140,168 158,166 164,572 165,383

NUH Dental Centre 40,145 46,151 50,807 45,352 50,319 50,935 54,318

Source : Ministry of Health

1 All Hospital Dental Clinics closed permanently with effect from 30 June 1999..
2 Started functioning with effect from March 1997.


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Dengue/DHF 3,128 2,372 3,945 4,788 9,459 14,209 3,127

Malaria 364 229 175 118 152 166 181
Enteric fever 1 316 116 74 41 84 95 83
Viral Hepatitis 318 145 323 131 192 250 308
Cholera 19 8 2 2 11 1 -

Poliomyelitis - - - - - - -
Diphtheria 1 - - - - - -
Chickenpox 49,763 18,220 27,124 15,265 20,083 24,189 24,031
Viral Encephalitis 1 3 18 12 16 36 42
Legionellosis 2 - 52 40 46 17 22 19

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease 2 - 5,187 16,228 5,603 6,411 15,246 15,283
Nipah Virus Infection 2 - - - - - - -
SARS 3 - - - 239 - - -
Tuberculosis 2,483 2,138 2,006 1,997 1,916 1,936 1,986
Leprosy 23 14 11 11 14 13 12

Source : Ministry of Health

Note : No cases of plague, smallpox and yellow fever were reported during the period.
1 Refer to typhoid and paratyphoid.
2 The three diseases were only made notifiable in October 2000.
3 SARS was only made notifiable on 17 March 2003.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


No of Doses Given

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

National 49,580 42,481 41,569 38,054 37,884 38,505 38,161
Public 20,370 19,617 19,573 17,073 17,138 16,557 16,039
Private 29,210 22,864 21,996 20,981 20,746 21,948 22,122

National 49,360 44,180 39,732 37,469 36,393 37,267 35,680
Public 28,072 24,878 22,507 21,191 21,113 20,867 19,595
Private 21,288 19,302 17,225 16,278 15,280 16,400 16,085

National 49,219 44,106 39,727 37,520 36,491 37,247 35,657
Public 28,053 24,876 22,506 21,243 21,178 20,788 19,515
Private 21,166 19,230 17,221 16,277 15,313 16,459 16,142

National 49,227 45,085 42,831 38,773 40,714 38,570 35,741
Public 28,658 26,315 25,810 23,208 24,092 22,368 20,913
Private 20,569 18,770 17,021 15,565 16,622 16,202 14,828

Source : Health Promotion Board

1 Data refer to immunisations given to all Singaporean and non-Singaporean children
who were residing in Singapore during the time of the period reported.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Per Cent
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

BCG 98 99 99 99 99 98 98

Diphtheria 97 96 96 96 95 96 95

Poliomyelitis 97 96 96 96 94 96 95

Hepatitis B 96 96 97 95 93 96 94

Measles 98 95 95 93 95 96 93

Source : Health Promotion Board

1 Data refer to immunisation given to children who are Singapore citizens and permanent residents.


Thousand Doses
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Diphtheria Tetanus 84.8 96.1 99.3 97.7 97.7 96.3 96.2

Poliomyelitis Immunisation 84.6 95.8 99.1 97.4 97.7 96.3 95.6

BCG Vaccination 33.5 21.9 - - - - -

MMR 2 39.4 47.8 51.3 49.5 50.7 53.6 50.0

Source : Health Promotion Board

1 Discontinued with effect from 1 July 2001.
2 MMR refers to Measles, Mumps and Rubella.
Data refer to Rubella vaccination prior to 1998.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 454.6 487.0 489.7 395.8 501.0 505.3 456.1

Primary 1 and equivalent

age groups 48.1 49.3 48.8 49.2 46.8 43.8 44.2
Primary 6 and equivalent
age groups 43.0 50.1 53.4 51.6 51.3 51.9 51.1
Screening of other educational
1 3
levels 359.6 387.2 386.7 294.4 402.2 408.9 359.8
Others 2 3.9 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.7 1.0

Source : Health Promotion Board

1 Educational levels other than Primary 1 and Primary 6.
Discontinued screening for Secondary 5 students and only examined Secondary 3 students with health problems wef 1 January 2006.
2 Data refer to general medical examination done for students excluding Primary 1 and Primary 6.
3 Due to SARS outbreak, 85 secondary schools were not covered.


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Per 10,000 Males Examined

Incidence of :
Defective Vision 1 5,040 5,351 5,145 5,344 5,590 5,562 5,388
Primary 1 and equivalent
age groups 1,256 1,118 1,118 1,144 1,171 1,231 1,310
Primary 6 and equivalent
age groups 1,383 1,705 1,651 1,624 1,587 1,658 1,833

Per 10,000 Females Examined

Incidence of :
Defective Vision 1 5,219 5,744 5,581 5,765 6,118 6,065 5,849
Primary 1 and equivalent
age groups 1,199 1,037 1,038 1,072 1,077 1,121 1,230
Primary 6 and equivalent
age groups 1,217 1,251 1,246 1,268 1,205 1,236 1,325

Source : Health Promotion Board

1 Discontinued vision screening for Secondary 3 & 5 students with effect from 1 January 2006.

The National Environment Agency NEA to operate stalls in markets/hawker

(NEA) issues licences to hawkers and operators centres, showcase stalls and also as itinerant
of food establishments. Food factories are hawkers. With effect from 1 April 2004, the
licensed by the Agri-Food & Veterinary management of all Housing and Development
Authority (AVA). They ensure that all Board and Ministry of the Environment and
licensees observe proper food hygiene practices Water Resources markets/hawker centres were
and that all food sold in Singapore is safe for consolidated under NEA.
consumption. To motivate licensees to keep
their premises clean and hygienic, a grading
scheme has been introduced. Licensed Food Establishments

Licensed Hawkers Licensed food establishments are

grouped under five separate categories, namely
Licensed hawkers refer to hawkers “Food Shops”, “Food Stalls”, “Food Factories”,
who are issued with the respective licence by “Supermarkets” and “Private Markets”.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total Licences Issued 3,868 3,141 3,341 3,239 15,862 15,105 14,346

Type of Premises

Market/Food Centre 3,765 3,049 3,203 3,011 14,708 14,052 13,468

Show Case 8 2 1 - - - -
Itinerant 95 90 137 228 1,154 1,053 878

Type of Goods Sold

Market Produce 1,490 1,107 1,284 1,129 6,751 6,456 6,264

Cooked Food 1,958 1,627 1,602 1,454 7,130 5,655 5,585
Piece & Sundries 2 420 407 455 656 1,981 2,994 2,497

Source : National Environment Agency

Note : Data include PSA food centre (wef 2003) and HDB Market/Hawker Centre (wef 1 Apr 2004).
Private markets/food centres of other Statutory Boards are excluded.
1 Hawkers selling ice-cream, cakes or/and bread.
2 Includes items sold within Itinerant and Show Case premises.


(End of Period)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total Licences Issued 15,218 13,680 13,355 12,421 185 181 160

Management Authority

Housing & Development Board 14,950 13,435 13,109 12,234 - - -
Jurong Town Corporation 210 186 186 187 185 181 160
Port of Singapore Authority 2 58 59 60 - - - -

Type of Goods Sold

Market Produce 7,503 6,507 6,254 5,818 - - -

Cooked Food 5,753 5,420 5,370 4,952 184 180 159
Piece & Sundries 1,962 1,753 1,731 1,651 1 1 1

Source : National Environment Agency

1 From 1 Apr 2004, stalls in HDB Market/Hawker Centres have been categorised as Market/Food Centres
under Hawkers Department /NEA.
2 From 2003, stalls in PSA food centre have been categorised as food establishments under Environment Health Department/NEA.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 17,547 25,162 25,420 26,693 26,082 26,523 26,240

Food Shops 1 8,092 9,857 9,940 10,839 10,828 11,226 11,451

Food Stalls 2 7,842 13,499 13,629 14,125 13,509 13,579 13,039

Food Factories 3 1,236 1,206 1,256 1,135 1,128 1,119 1,154

Supermarkets 4 184 193 207 212 237 257 255

Private Markets 193 407 388 382 380 342 341

Source : National Environment Agency

Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore
Note : From 2006, food establishments are categorised under food shops, food stalls, food factories, supermarkets and private markets.
1 Refer to establishments which are licensed to retail food.
2 Refer to smaller compartmentalised units which are housed within a food shop.
3 Refer to food processing establishment where food is manufactured, processed, prepared or packed for the
purpose of distribution to wholesalers and retailers.
From 2003, licensing of food factory has been transferred to Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore.
4 Refer to larger stores / premises that sell fresh food such as meat, fish, vegetables and other prepacked foods.
5 Refer to private shops and stalls that sell fresh food such as meat, fish, vegetables and other prepacked foods.

The Ministry of Community Malay Activity Executive Committees, Indian

Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) aims Activity Executive Committees, Senior
to build a cohesive and resilient society by Citizens’ Executive Committees, Youth
fostering socially responsible individuals; Executive Committees, Women’s Executive
inspired and committed youth, strong and Committees, Civil Defence Executive
stable families; a caring and active Committees, Constituency Sports Clubs,
community; and a sporting people. MCYS Teens Network Clubs, Area Sub Committees
envisages a caring nation that is close-knit and and Community Centre/Club Building Fund
united, pulling together not only in good times Committees.
but also in times of adversity.
Community Development Councils
The Ministry is responsible for
developing public policies on social
Community Development Councils
assistance, youth, family, seniors, disability,
(CDCs), under the charge of PA, were set up
community relations and engagement, and
in 1997. There are five CDCs, each headed by
sports issues. It has a developmental,
a Mayor. The CDCs promote community
regulatory and promotional role. It also
bonding, civic consciousness, active citizenry
provides direct services including protection
and self-reliance within the community.
and rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents,
Adopting a Many Helping Hands approach,
registration of civil and Muslim marriages,
they work closely with grassroots
regulation of charities, licensing of child care
organisations, voluntary welfare organisations,
centres and driving public education on family
corporate citizens and other community
matters. Using the Many Helping Hands
agencies to initiate, plan and deliver
approach, MCYS works with non-government
programmes. The CDCs also administer social
organisations such as the Voluntary Welfare
and job assistance schemes in collaboration
Organisations and National Sports
with government agencies like the MCYS, the
Associations through partnership, networking
Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Singapore
and cooperation to engage the community and
Workforce Development Agency.
citizens to address these social challenges.

Grassroots Organisations
"Volunteers", in the MCYS context,
The People’s Association (PA), a refer to individuals who are providing services
statutory board set up on 1 July 1960, brings in community and welfare programmes without
Singaporeans together to take ownership of receiving full market rates of remuneration or
and contribute to community well-being. PA allowances.
connects the people and the Government for
consultation and feedback. PA also leverages
on these relationships to strengthen racial Services for Senior Citizens
harmony and social cohesion, and to ensure a
united and resilient Singapore. The MCYS and the MOH undertake the
planning, development and regulatory
PA achieves its mission through a responsibilities for services for senior citizens.
network of 1,800 grassroots organisations and Services which are primarily health-oriented in
five Community Development Councils. The nature are under the purview of MOH, whilst
grassroots network comprises the Citizens’ services that emphasise social care are under
Consultative Committees, Community Club MCYS. These services range from community-
Management Committees, Residents’ based services to residential care services.
Committees, Neighbourhood Committees, MCYS also works with various agencies to

promote initiatives that keep senior citizens Student Care Centres

active such as sporting activities and
volunteerism amongst the seniors. Student Care Centres (previously
named as Before and After School Care
Centres or BASC) provide care arrangements
for children aged 7 to 14 years old outside
Child Care Centres school hours. There are currently over 320
Student Care Centres. These centres were
initiated by the Inter-Ministry Committee
The MCYS regulates and licenses all (IMC) on Dysfunctional Families, Juvenile
child care centres in Singapore under the Child Delinquency and Drug Abuse in 1995.
Care Centres Act (Cap 37A) and Child Care
Centres Regulations. Youth

The MCYS works with HDB and the MCYS’s strategy for nurturing ‘An
CDCs to plan and develop child care centres, as Inspired and Committed Youth’ is to ensure
well as encourage individuals, organisations that youths have the support they need to
and employers in the public and private sectors develop to their full potential, have a say in
to set up child care facilities. the things that affect them, and ultimately
grow a stake in the long-term well-being of
Child care centres provide regular
full-day and half-day programmes to meet the To achieve this, MCYS works closely
child care needs of both working and non- with key partners such as the National Youth
working parents. Some centres offer flexible Council (NYC), various voluntary welfare
child care programmes to cater to the diverse associations and youth organisations to
work arrangements of parents who work part- administer a wide range of initiatives targeted
time or flexible hours. at supporting youth at-risk and at providing
meaningful outcomes for out-of-school youth.

There are childcare centres that also

provide care programmes for infants and Public Assistance
toddlers (aged between 2 months to 18 months).
The Public Assistance scheme is
meant to assist Singapore citizens who, owing
For parents who want an alternative to old age, illness, disability or unfavourable
child care option in the form of home-based family circumstances, are unable to work and
care by caregivers, MCYS promotes and have no means of subsistence and no one to
facilitates the implementation of the Family depend on. It is not intended as a form of
Day Care Service (FDCS) at community level unemployment, retirement or disability
through selected child care centres. The FDCS support. Under the scheme, each recipient
is a formalised version of the conventional receives a monthly allowance to meet their
nanny and baby-sitting services. basic needs.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Community Development
Councils - 5 5 5 5 5 5
Residents' Committees 454 529 535 536 544 545 549
Citizens' Consultative
Committees (CCCs)-Main 81 83 85 84 84 84 84

CCC-Area Sub Committees 59 47 45 40 43 41 42

Community Centres/Club
Management Committees 115 106 110 108 106 104 105
Women's Executive
Committees 98 103 104 103 104 104 103

Neighbourhood Committees 2 - 67 77 88 97 102 105

Youth Executive Committees 93 94 91 89 92 94 96
Civil Defence Executive
Committees - 83 80 84 84 84 83

Senior Citizens' Executive

Committees 237 369 380 378 370 361 347
T-Net Club Management
Committees 4 13 13 8 8 8 8 8
Building Fund Committees 83 73 65 53 49 39 39

Malay Activity Executive

Committees 5 64 83 90 95 95 97 97
Indian Activity Executive
Committees - 81 84 86 89 91 92
Constituency Sports Clubs 81 83 84 84 84 84 84

Source : People's Association

1 Community Development Councils were formed in 1997.
They were re-structured into 5 CDCs on 24 November 2001.
2 Neighbourhood Committees were formed in 1998.
3 Civil Defence Executive Committees were formed in 1998.
4 Boys' Club Management Committees were formed in 1996.
It has been renamed as T-Net Club with effect from 1 November 2002.
5 Malay Activity Executive Committees were formed in 1995.
6 Indian Activity Executive Committees were formed in 1998.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Community Service

Total (Volunteers) 25,439 33,734 34,175 34,623 35,273 35,948 36,717

Community Development Councils - 312 244 254 291 309 298
RC/Block Representatives 10,869 11,439 11,297 11,343 11,453 11,643 11,709
CCC-Main/CCC-Area Sub Committees 2,964 3,537 3,579 3,595 3,743 3,774 3,892
Community Centre/Club Management
Committees 2,418 2,786 2,868 2,879 2,861 2,964 3,092
Women's Executive Committees 1,410 1,601 1,606 1,594 1,668 1,738 1,778
Neighbourhood Committees 2 - 1,007 1,105 1,277 1,404 1,490 1,554
Civil Defence Executive Committees 3 - 1,447 1,457 1,593 1,646 1,734 1,820

Senior Citizens' Executive Committees 3,473 5,169 5,627 5,604 5,510 5,423 5,394
T-Net Club Management Committees 170 194 103 104 98 99 103
Building Fund Committees 1,469 1,438 1,314 1,075 974 722 673
Malay Activity Executive Committees 5 - 1,026 1,101 1,223 1,323 1,431 1,564
Indian Activity Executive Committees - 948 999 1,078 1,169 1,242 1,389
Youth Executive Committees 1,451 1,433 1,472 1,461 1,517 1,666 1,723
Constituency Sports Clubs 1,215 1,397 1,403 1,543 1,616 1,713 1,728

Welfare Service

Total (Volunteers) 558 657 896 661 678 616 533

Welfare Service Boards/Committees 165 29 11 11 10 11 11

Befrienders for the Aged Destitutes 64 30 - - - - -
Volunteer Probation Officers 315 344 435 393 414 450 355
Volunteers in Children Homes/Hostels 8 14 254 397 190 199 103 116
Enable-A-Family (EAF) Volunteer
Scheme 9 - - 53 67 55 52 51

Total (Groups) 10 70 45 18 20 15 14 15

Groups of Befrienders for the Aged

Scheme 7 65 30 - - - - -
Groups of Volunteers in Children
Homes/Hostels 5 15 18 20 15 14 15

Source : Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports

People's Association
Note : RC = Residents' Committees. CCC = Citizens' Consultative Committees
1 Community Development Councils were formed in 1997. They were restructured into 5 CDCs on 24 November 2001.
2 Neighbourhood Committees were formed in 1998.
3 Civil Defence Executive Committees were formed in 1998
4 Boys' Club Management Committees were formed in 1996. It has been renamed T-Net Club with effect from 1 November 2002.
5 Malay Activity Executive Committees were formed in 1995
6 Indian Activity Executive Committees were formed in 1998
7 The two homes which contributed to the number of volunteers were closed in 2002.
8 Figures from 1998 include individual volunteers from the Groups of Volunteers in Children Homes/Hostels
9 Enable-A-Family (EAF) Volunteer Scheme was launched in 2002.
10 ''Groups" refers to volunteering services provided on a group basis
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 28,575 35,373 39,068 41,094 44,315 44,224 45,409

Full-Day Programme 26,051 29,566 32,655 33,287 35,123 34,653 34,987

People's Association 1 1,399 678 331 81 - - -

NTUC 2,227 2,758 3,128 3,300 3,380 3,008 3,010

Voluntary 7,910 9,096 10,121 9,880 10,283 9,794 9,628

Workplace 1,820 2,273 2,489 2,695 2,743 2,501 2,546

Private 12,695 14,761 16,586 17,331 18,717 19,350 19,803

Half-Day Programme 2,524 5,807 6,413 6,972 7,556 7,551 8,521

Flexicare Programme - - - 835 1,636 2,020 1,901

Source : Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports

NTUC = National Trades Union Congress.
1 People's Association has stopped providing child care facilities with effect from 31 Dec 2003.
2 Flexicare Programme was implemented in Jan 2003.


(End of Period)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 2,008 2,630 2,565 2,551 2,714 2,772 2,775

Aged Destitutes 1,707 2,181 2,148 2,191 2,331 2,369 2,355

Medically Unfit for Work 106 184 171 169 192 202 208

Wives & Orphans 58 75 57 31 35 33 25

Disabled Persons Under 60 years 115 179 180 152 146 161 176

Widows with Children

under 12 years 22 11 9 8 10 7 11

Source : Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports

People's Association
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 4,795 6,587 7,154 7,552 7,924 8,329 8,600

Males 1,946 2,904 3,196 3,390 3,543 3,754 3,898
Females 2,849 3,683 3,958 4,162 4,381 4,575 4,702

Government Welfare Home 582 852 917 982 955 956 976
Males 487 694 729 771 746 749 755
Females 95 158 188 211 209 207 221

Sheltered Housing /
Community Homes 529 578 602 615 635 628 640
Males 205 235 251 271 271 275 279
Females 324 343 351 344 364 353 361

Voluntary Nursing Homes 2,398 3,713 4,275 4,367 4,533 4,727 4,729
Males 836 1,424 1,684 1,751 1,845 1,951 1,959
Females 1,562 2,289 2,591 2,616 2,688 2,776 2,770

Commercial Nursing Homes 1,286 1,444 1,360 1,588 1,801 2,018 2,255
Males 418 551 532 597 681 779 905
Females 868 893 828 991 1,120 1,239 1,350

Source : Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports

Ministry of Health
1 Data include only those aged 60 years and above.

MediaCorp Pte Ltd both international and Rediffusion-produced

With 71 years of radio (since 1936)
and 44 years of television (since 1963)
experience, MediaCorp features prominently
in the development of Singapore’s
Data on cinema attendances are
broadcasting history.
compiled by the Singapore Department of
Statistics from returns submitted by cinema
As Singapore’s largest broadcaster
organisations. Prior to April 1994, they were
and one of the region’s most renowned
obtained from the Singapore Customs. Total
broadcasters, MediaCorp offers a complete
attendances are based on the number of tickets
range of media businesses: TV, Radio,
Entertainment Productions, Movie
Productions, Newspapers, Magazines,
Electronic Media and other broadcast services. Library

SPH UnionWorks Pte Ltd The National Library Board (NLB)

provides essential library facilities, information
services as well as a variety of cultural,
SPH Multimedia Pte Ltd and NTUC educational and recreational programmes for
Media own SPH UnionWorks Pte Ltd. The the community, government and businesses. In
80-20 joint venture owns, operates and addition to the National Library, there are 20
manages Radio 91.3 and Radio 100.3. Radio Community Libraries, 3 Regional Libraries and
91.3 broadcasts in English whilst Radio 100.3 10 Community Children's Libraries.
broadcasts in Mandarin.
. The National Library is designed to meet
the needs of researchers, business persons and
SAFRA Radio the general public. It houses the Lee Kong
Chian Reference Library (LKCRL), formerly
Power 98 FM and Dongli 88.3 FM make known as the National Reference Library, the
up the SAFRA Radio network. The two Central Lending Library (CLL) and the
stations’ listenership has been growing steadily National Arts Council's Drama Centre.
over the years, achieving a combined weekly
reach of close to 500,000. The stations are also The LKCRL offers a reference
piped in exclusively to all army camps and collection of over 600,000 items in various
SAFRA Clubs. formats and subjects. The Social Sciences and
Humanities, Science and Technology
Collections offer an authoritative cross-
Rediffusion Pte Ltd disciplinary resource covering subjects such as
library and information sciences, statistics, IT,
engineering and biochemical science with
Rediffusion Pte Ltd, a licensed
global and Asian perspectives. The Business
commercial audio broadcasting station since
Collection features a wide variety of materials
1949, provides direct sound broadcasts
such as market research reports, statistical and
to subscribers via wireless Digital Multimedia
financial sources, trade and business journals,
Broadcasting (DMB) while retaining its
business news and annual reports of Singapore
existing cable network. Subscribers enjoy
listed companies in both print and electronic
a selection of ten channels that offer
format. Other resources include the Bloomberg

Professionals, a financial information network Sports Facilities

service and the Investment Resource
Information Service (IRIS)@NLB which The Singapore Sports Council (SSC)
provides investment resources. The Arts is Singapore’s lead agency tasked with
Collection, which emphasizes the history, developing sports in Singapore and creating a
theory and practice of all facets of the visual city where sports is a way of life. It aims to
arts, complements the Performing Arts achieve this by focusing on the three strategic
Collection at the Library@Esplanade. The thrusts of cultivating a sporting culture,
Chinese, Malay and Tamil Collections offer a achieving sports excellence and creating a
diversity of disciplines reflecting the socio- vibrant sports industry.
economic, cultural and literary aspects in the
three languages. Those interested in knowing To cultivate a sporting culture and increase
more about contemporary China would find the participation in sports, SSC adopts a targeted
Chinese collection of yearbooks, industry lifestyle marketing approach, maintaining a
development reports and trade directories sports-friendly infrastructure and forming
useful. The Singapore and Southeast Asian collaborative partnerships with government
Collections feature works on all subject areas agencies and private sector partners.
with a focus on history, government, language,
literature, culture, and more. The collections To achieve international sporting excellence,
span various Southeast Asian countries with a the SSC focuses on targeted sports, an athlete-
special focus on Malaya and Singapore. centric/coach-driven approach and focused
resource allocation.
The computerized National Library
To create a vibrant sports industry, SSC seeds
System links all libraries under the NLB.
and grows a self-sustaining sports industry
Functions of the system include cataloguing,
ecosystem through positioning Singapore as a
acquisitions, serials, legal deposits, enquiries,
regional hub for international and regional
loans and the on-line public access catalogue.
federations and sports business headquarters
Data on library membership, loans and
and create opportunities for growth in sports
collections are generated on a regular basis by
business. T
the system.

Sports and Performing Arts Courses

NLB’s Circulation System is based on
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
The People's Association, together with
technology to identify, categorise and track the
grassroots organisations and Community
loan and return of library materials in its
Development Council (CDCs), organises and
network of libraries.
promotes community participation in social,
cultural, educational, youth, sports,
NLB also provides library members with recreational, adventure and other wholesome
onsite and remote access to a digital library activities to nurture inter-racial understanding at
of more than 351,000 electronic resources, their Community Clubs (CCs), Residents’
including over 221,000 e-journals aggregated in Committee (RC) centres and Water Sports
79 databases, as well as some 29,000 e-books, Centres (WSCs). The CCs, RC centres and
e-magazines, and images in 11 online WSCs conduct regular social, recreational,
collections, via its website at www.nlb.gov.sg. sports, educational and arts courses and
The library portal also offers a host of activities.
library-related transactional and information

The Arts Traditional arts performances such as lion and

dragon dances are excluded as they are usually
The National Arts Council (NAC) performed for closed religious and ceremonial
compiles data on arts activities from audiences. Performances classified as ‘others’
performing venues, arts groups and include acrobatic arts, cultural concerts and
impresarios, newspapers and magazines. Pop multi-disciplinary performances.
and rock concerts are not included in the
Visual Arts: Refers to public exhibitions
Definitions of abstract or representational art objects such
as paintings, prints, sculpture, pottery,
Performing Arts: Refers to folk, ceramics, creative photography, installation
traditional, classical and contemporary forms art and multi-media art. Applied arts like film,
of dance, music, theatre and other video, graphic design, fashion design, jewellery
performances. design, and handicrafts are excluded.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


(End of Period)

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Television Licences ('000) 682 816 832 855 876 890 888

CableTV Subscribers ('000) 58 302 352 380 412 448 487

Rediffusion Subscribers (No) 24,903 13,436 11,843 10,556 9,204 8,126 9,100

Cinemas (No) 131 151 145 147 147 146 167

Seating Capacity ('000) 51 41 39 38 38 36 38
Attendances ('000) 17,258 13,563 14,268 14,644 15,877 15,084 15,588

Source : Media Development Authority

StarHub Cable Vision Ltd
Rediffusion Pte Ltd
Singapore Department of Statistics
1 Data prior to 1998 were based on cumulation of 12 months' figures. From 1998, data are as at end of the period.


Hours Per Week

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

(MediaCorp, UnionWorks &
SAFRA) 2,277 2,576 2,576 2,576 2,576 2,744 2,744

(MediaCorp &
MediaWorks ) 491 734 966 1,015 1,020 888 888

Source : MediaCorp Pte Ltd

UnionWorks Pte Ltd
SPH MediaWorks Ltd
1 Operated from April 2001 to December 2004.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Membership 1 1,254.5 1,962.0 2,092.1 2,192.6 1,813.8 1,924.0 1,909.5

Persons Aged 13 years and Over 2 1,006.7 1,554.7 1,618.9 1,886.2 1,561.2 1,676.0 1,623.8
Children Under 13 Years 3 247.8 407.3 473.2 306.4 252.5 248.0 285.7

Book Collections 4,123.5 6,861.1 7,771.4 7,821.0 7,855.6 7,980.0 8,083.0

English 2,706.2 4,409.8 5,029.2 5,061.8 5,118.6 5,101.0 5,204.0
Chinese 891.5 1,714.5 1,904.7 1,913.1 1,889.1 1,976.0 1,978.0
Malay 411.6 542.9 599.1 597.8 596.6 599.0 605.0
Tamil 114.2 193.9 238.4 248.3 251.3 304.0 296.0

Loan of Library Materials 14,209.5 27,718.0 30,128.0 34,889.9 26,371.6 27,743.1 28,563.5
Persons Aged 13 Years and Over 6,664.7 17,230.1 18,131.4 23,594.3 18,132.4 19,004.0 19,845.9
Children Under 13 Years 3 7,544.8 10,487.9 11,996.6 11,295.6 8,239.2 8,739.1 8,717.6

Source : National Library Board

1 From 2004, data exclude members who have no library transactions in the past 5 years.
From 2005, data include membership from public libraries only.
2 Prior to 1997, data refer to persons aged 12 years and over.
3 Prior to 1997, data refer to children under 12 years.
4 Loans include books, magazines and AV materials (such as Video Tapes, VCDs, CDs, CD-Roms, DVDs and music scores).
Prior to 2004, data include materials borrowed from public libraries, government libraries and academic libraries.
From 2004, data include materials borrowed from public libraries only.


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 1,071,733 1,637,383 1,766,088 1,708,665 1,622,728 1,359,807 1,631,948

English 511,488 1,033,794 1,162,247 1,095,982 1,038,546 777,140 902,194

Chinese 493,934 529,580 531,073 541,672 516,148 515,619 656,832

Malay 58,357 63,836 63,410 62,079 58,192 57,061 61,334

Tamil 7,953 10,173 9,358 8,932 9,842 9,987 11,588

Source : Singapore Press Holdings Ltd

MediaCorp Press Ltd
Notes : Refer to daily average circulation for January-December
English Newspapers - The Straits Times/Sunday Times, Business Times, New Paper / New Paper Sunday / Little Red Dot/ IN.
Data for 2001-2004 include Streats.
Data for 2001 onwards include TODAY.
Data for 2006 includes Little Red Dot and IN.
Chinese Newspapers - Lianhe Zaobao, Lianhe Wanbao, Shin Min Daily News, Friday Weekly, Thumbs Up, My Paper.
Data for 2006 includes My Paper.
Malay Newspapers - Berita Harian/Berita Minggu.
Tamil Newspapers - Tamil Murasu/Tamil Murasu Sunday.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

National Museum of Singapore 251.8 267.8 291.2 109.1 87.6 91.4 158.7
2, 3
Singapore Art Museum 104.8 137.8 127.5 149.4 337.9 346.5 314.3
2, 4
Asian Civilisations Museum - 70.3 72.0 147.2 225.8 276.8 437.8
Singapore Philatelic Museum 23.2 46.7 42.9 45.8 61.5 82.1 94.3
Singapore Science Centre 427.9 520.6 515.7 486.3 806.4 783.8 989.0
Singapore Zoological Gardens 1,509.0 1,428.6 1,291.8 1,062.6 1,148.4 1,283.2 1,405.2
Sentosa 4,100.0 3,759.4 4,123.4 4,151.3 5,053.0 5,174.9 5,679.0
Chinese/Japanese Gardens 251.6 245.6 480.4 452.8 598.8 740.4 698.7
Jurong BirdPark 1,510.9 930.0 989.5 699.8 789.1 837.4 788.3
5, 7
Esplanade-Theatres on the Bay - - 5,746.0 6,100.0 7,086.3 7,556.5 7,700.0
5, 8
Singapore Discovery Centre 136.1 247.9 209.1 238.3 134.9 na 201.8

Source : National Heritage Board Sentosa Development Corporation

Singapore Science Centre Jurong Gardens Pte Ltd
Singapore Zoological Gardens Jurong BirdPark
The Esplanade Co Ltd Singapore Discovery Centre

1 The Singapore History Museum which was closed from March 2006, was re-opened as the National Museum of Singapore (NMS)
on 8 December 2006. Between April to November 2006, exhibitions and fringe activities were held on the premises of the NMS.
2 With effect from April 2006, visitorship to the museums is counted using an automatic tracking system (PCATS) whereby a device
is fixed at entrances to the museums. All visitors who access the museum premises are captured in the count, regardless of whether
the entries are based on paid admissions or those not requiring payment.
3 Opened in January 1996.
4 Opened in April 1997. Figures include visitors to Asian Civilisations Museum at Armenian Street (up to December 2005) and
Asian Civilisation Museum at Empress Place Building (with effect from March 2003).
5 Data refer to the financial year which begins in April of the current year and ends in March of the following year.
6 From October 2002, Japanese Garden has been closed for renovation.
7 As Esplanade was officially opened on 12 October 2002, year 2002 data included 172 days of activity from 12 October 2002
to 31 March 2003, as well as 11 October 2002, which was the National Inauguration of the Concert Hall.
8 As Singapore Discovery Centre (SDC) was opened in October 1996, year 1996 data refer to SDC visitorship from October 1996
to March 1997. Year 2004 data refer to Singapore Discovery Centre (SDC) visitorship from April to October 2004.
SDC was closed for a major makeover in November 2004. As it was reopened only in July 2006, year 2006 data refer to SDC
visitorship from July 2006 to March 2007.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Swimming 6,801,879 6,894,176 7,230,712 5,721,706 6,791,987 6,695,438 6,490,711
Gymnasium - 1,034,412 1,070,253 1,228,686 1,289,283 1,257,882 1,299,384

Tennis 99,902 108,425 101,672 100,900 103,324 117,006 117,412
Badminton 149,193 264,588 265,423 293,583 307,271 319,819 319,935
Squash 41,519 24,991 23,338 20,925 18,014 16,602 17,015
Netball 4,613 6,740 7,086 7,772 8,165 8,537 7,716
Soccer 9,874 7,567 11,790 13,171 14,700 15,128 18,391
Hockey 1,801 3,308 3,604 3,656 3,763 3,866 3,895
Rugby 345 607 723 760 622 686 424
Athletics 641 663 682 547 874 1,440 1,438

Source : Singapore Sports Council

Note : Data refer to sports facilities managed by Singapore Sports Council.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore



Type of Course 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Sports Courses 2,540 3,931 3,679 5,057 6,553 7,806 8,892

Ball Games 133 57 47 103 68 144 382
Board / Intellectual Games 11 33 8 7 6 8 10
Keep Fit 313 830 1,083 1,734 2,387 3,156 3,355
Martial Arts 824 1,284 1,416 2,343 2,922 3,360 3,778
Performing Sports 96 72 94 115 134 179 306
Water Sports 1,163 1,655 1,031 755 1,036 959 1,061

Performing Arts Courses 5,700 15,943 16,962 19,334 21,646 22,061 27,873
Dance 2,300 5,165 5,426 6,064 6,833 7,474 7,912
Drama 300 898 948 2,171 3,748 3,645 3,203
Music 2,000 7,981 8,678 8,444 8,272 8,119 13,764
Vocal 1,100 1,899 1,910 2,655 2,793 2,823 2,994


Sports Courses 38,788 59,113 64,262 96,790 118,300 138,495 157,809

Ball Games 1,670 553 547 1,733 823 1,752 4,577
Board / Intellectual Games 84 380 93 51 38 65 87
Keep Fit 4,767 13,854 18,420 33,121 44,866 56,931 58,821
Martial Arts 17,067 28,534 31,737 49,077 56,237 62,867 73,359
Performing Sports 2,114 880 1,178 1,468 1,649 2,125 3,593
Water Sports 13,086 14,912 12,287 11,340 14,687 14,755 17,372

Performing Arts Courses 99,000 148,855 148,335 185,959 201,016 208,571 217,991
Dance 46,000 83,972 82,034 88,085 89,930 96,895 105,732
Drama 9,000 11,070 11,507 27,518 42,541 43,902 38,298
Music 18,000 17,385 18,339 20,537 19,685 19,571 23,700
Vocal 26,000 36,428 36,455 49,819 48,860 48,203 50,261
Others - - - - - - -

Source : People's Association

Notes : Prior to 1998, period refers to financial year from April to March of the following year.
From 1998 onwards, period refers to calendar year.
Prior to 2003, only the Sports and Performing Arts courses conducted by the Community Centres/Clubs
were included. From 2003 onwards, the Sports and Performing Arts courses that are conducted by Sea Sports Clubs
and Residents' Committees are also included.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Arts Form 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Performing Arts

Total Performances 1 2,824 4,111 5,177 4,654 5,105 6,410 6,556

Music 839 1,343 1,632 1,889 1,992 2,226 2,859
Dance 342 447 455 498 716 990 711
Theatre 1,325 2,005 2,716 1,898 1,946 2,233 2,000
Others 318 316 374 369 451 961 986

Ticketed Performances 1,658 2,203 2,652 2,437 2,710 2,753 3,036

Music 355 535 602 610 741 783 1,039
Dance 195 200 204 248 317 214 234
Theatre 1,020 1,447 1,766 1,490 1,551 1,585 1,495
Others 88 21 80 89 101 171 268

Ticketed Attendances 2 705,100 940,200 1,084,200 985,200 1,110,300 1,262,200 1,290,300

Music 214,800 305,800 393,600 381,900 445,800 445,800 474,100
Dance 100,500 87,700 101,300 108,900 119,000 124,300 121,200
Theatre 352,100 532,200 475,100 432,500 452,400 532,600 574,200
Others 37,800 14,500 114,200 62,000 93,100 159,400 120,900

Visual Arts Exhibitions

Number 273 518 551 537 542 568 660

Days 3,270 8,515 9,459 11,380 13,627 12,875 14,838

Source : National Arts Council

Note : From 2002, data includes performances, ticketed attendances and visual arts exhibitions at the Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay.
1 Includes both ticketed and non-ticketed performances.
2 Ticketed attendance for each art form are rounded to the nearest hundred.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Arts Discipline 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 205 236 242 247 267 288 302

Music 53 64 69 72 81 87 90
Dance 19 22 22 20 20 23 24
Chinese Opera 10 11 11 13 13 13 13
Theatre 35 47 45 47 47 48 49
Literature 13 16 16 16 17 19 22
Visual Arts 36 36 37 37 38 40 43
Photography 9 11 11 10 10 10 9
Multi-Discipline 30 29 31 32 41 48 52


Total 201 270 266 302 321 359 428

Music 10 19 18 24 25 28 35
Dance 5 11 11 15 13 19 21
Chinese Opera 24 29 30 31 35 36 38
Theatre 17 45 44 47 51 60 72
Visual Arts 134 143 137 153 158 174 211
Multi-Discipline 11 23 26 32 39 42 51

Source : National Arts Council

1 Include arts societies registered under the Registrar of Societies.
2 Include arts companies registered under the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority.

Water Supply companies bid to sell electricity every half hour

at NEMS. NEMS is operated and administered
The Public Utilities Board (PUB) by the Energy Market Company.
manages Singapore’s reservoirs, waterworks,
rivers, drainage system, water reclamation
plants and sewerage system. To ensure the There are eight generation licensees.
sustainability of clean water supply, PUB not Five of the eight generation licensees, namely,
only diversifies the supply sources but also Senoko Power Ltd, PowerSeraya Ltd, Tuas
manages demand. Power Ltd, Keppel Merlimau Cogen Pte Ltd
and SembCorp Cogen Pte Ltd compete to sell
Singapore’s water supply was electricity in NEMS. The National
diversified through the four National Taps, Environment Agency (NEA) operates the
namely, water from local catchments, incineration plants and sells the generated
imported water from Johor, NEWater and electricity. The remaining two licensees,
desalinated water. PUB's total water supply namely, Island Power Company Pte Ltd and
system comprises raw water reservoirs, Keppel Seghers Tuas Waste-To-Energy Plant
treatment works, desalination water plant, Pte Ltd have not started operation.
NEWater plants, storage or service reservoirs
and an extensive network of pipelines. Potable
water is supplied to all parts of Singapore As of December 2006, the total
including the main offshore islands. The licensed generation capacity was 12,330 MW,
fluoridated water is moderately soft and and the total electricity produced was 39,442
treated to a quality well within the World GWh. Peak demand in 2006 was 5,624 MW.
Health Organisation's Guidelines for Drinking
Water Quality. The retail electricity market is being
liberalised in phases to allow consumers to
PUB also works with the various buy electricity from retailers of their choice.
sectors including the community to adopt There are six licensed electricity retailers. Five
water conservation measures and promote the of them actively compete to sell electricity to
use of water-efficient household appliances contestable consumers. They are Keppel
and water saving devices in managing water Electric Pte Ltd, SembCorp Power Pte Ltd,
demand. Senoko Energy Supply Pte Ltd, Seraya Energy
Pte Ltd and Tuas Power Supply Pte Ltd.

Electricity About 75% of the total electricity

demand has been opened to competition.
In April 2001, the contestable parts of
the electricity industry (ie., generation and Piped Gas Industry
retailing) were separated from the non-
contestable parts (ie., transmission and Currently, the gas industry in
distribution) at the ownership level. At the Singapore consists of two wholly separate gas
same time, the Energy Market Authority was networks - the town gas network and the
formed to regulate and promote competition natural gas network.
in the electricity and gas industries.
The town gas network serves about
50% of the households in Singapore and is
The National Electricity Market of used mainly for cooking and water heating by
Singapore (NEMS) consists of the wholesale domestic and commercial customers. Total
market and the retail market. NEMS town gas sold in 2006 was 1,398 million
commenced on 1 January 2003. The generation units.

Natural gas is supplied to Singapore The offshore Semakau Landfill is the

via three import pipelines, from Malaysia, only landfill in Singapore. It receives non-
West Natuna (Indonesia) and South Sumatra incinerable waste as broken concrete slabs
(Indonesia). Natural gas is used mainly for from demolition activities and ash from the
power generation. In 2006, natural gas incineration plants. It is expected to reach full
contributed to about 78% of the total capacity in about 40 years. To extend the
electricity generated. lifespan of the landfill, waste minimization has
been actively promoted in all sectors, such as
A new framework for the gas industry the National Recycling Programme which was
is being put in place to enable competition in introduced in 2001 in HDB estates and private
the gas sector. Under the new framework, all landed properties.
players would be subject to the same terms and
conditions for transportation of natural gas
through the network. In addition, the Gas Act, Fire Occurrences
as amended by the Gas (Amendment) Act, will
ensure that all players have access to the entire The Singapore Civil Defence Force’s
gas pipeline network and other gas (SCDF) mission is to protect and save lives
infrastructure in Singapore without undue and property for a safe and secure Singapore.
discrimination. The data on fire occurrences are compiled by
the SCDF.
Solid Waste Disposed and Recycled

Over the last 30 - 40 years, Singapore Definitions

has transformed herself to an urbanised,
industrialised and affluent country. This has Residential buildings: Refers to all
led to a rising trend in our waste output. buildings, either permanent or temporary, used
for residential purpose only. It does not include
Waste generated in Singapore is hotels, boarding houses, hostels, etc.
broadly classified into two categories. They
are: Public, commercial and industrial
buildings: Refers to all buildings, either
(a) Domestic Waste - Collected from permanent or temporary, used for other than
residential premises, markets, residential purpose, such as commercial,
food retail outlets, schools manufacturing, storage, sales, services and
and trade premises. public buildings.

(b) Non-domestic Waste - Collected Non-building: Refers to all other

from commercial and industrial properties or things other than buildings, such
premises. as vehicles, vessels, aircraft, electrical
cables, bridges, canals, discarded materials,
With limited land resources available vegetation, etc.
for waste disposal, the National Environment
Agency (NEA)'s policy for waste management
Criminal offences
necessitates the incineration of all incinerable
waste that are not recovered, reused or
recycled. In 2006, about 91% of the waste Singapore's crime statistics are
finally disposed was incinerated and the compiled from offences reported to the police
remaining 9% which was non-incinerable was during the reference period and not at the time
landfilled. the offences were actually committed.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


1000m 3/ Day

1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Sales 1,151 1,247 1,259 1,224 1,203 1,206 1,230

Domestic 615 681 687 690 686 694 702

Non-domestic 536 566 572 534 517 512 528

Source : Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources

Public Utilities Board


Gigawatt Hours
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Generation 23,909.4 33,088.5 34,664.5 35,281.5 36,809.6 38,212.7 39,442.1

Sales 21,906.1 29,596.5 31,089.3 31,985.7 33,171.2 34,761.3 35,921.8

Domestic 4,162.9 5,984.6 6,347.6 6,507.1 6,524.8 6,750.3 6,764.3

Manufacturing 9,659.1 12,239.1 12,732.9 13,706.7 14,446.2 15,005.0 15,041.5

Other Industries 8,084.0 11,372.9 12,008.7 11,771.9 12,200.2 13,005.8 14,116.0

Source : Energy Market Authority (with effect from 2003)

SP Services Ltd (with effect from 2003)
SP PowerAssets Ltd (prior to 2003)


1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Piped Gas Sales (Town Gas)

(million units) 1,151.3 1,355.0 1,388.8 1,371.1 1,344.6 1,374.0 1,398.2

Domestic 412.3 510.8 570.5 595.3 575.8 577.8 585.8

Non-Domestic 739.0 844.2 818.3 775.9 768.8 796.2 812.4

Liquefied Petroleum Gas Sales

(net tonnes) 127,064.1 120,925.8 145,524.9 119,156.2 120,868.1 90,568.0 82,543.1

Domestic 79,623.2 75,971.7 51,393.0 45,925.4 40,296.0 34,165.2 35,174.2

Non-Domestic 1 47,440.9 44,954.1 94,131.8 73,230.8 80,572.1 56,402.8 47,368.9

Source : Singapore Department of Statistics

PowerGas Ltd
City Gas Pte Ltd (with effect from 1st quarter 2002)
One unit is equivalent to one kilowatt hour.
1 With effect from 2002, data have been revised.
Yearbook of Statistics Singapore


Million Tonnes
1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Waste Disposed 2.76 2.80 2.63 2.51 2.48 2.54 2.60

Domestic 1.25 1.38 1.44 1.44 1.41 1.41 1.46

Non-domestic 1.51 1.42 1.19 1.07 1.07 1.13 1.10

Waste Recycled 1.77 2.23 2.18 2.22 2.31 2.47 2.60

Source : Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources

National Environment Agency


Type of Property 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Total 5,508 5,095 4,943 4,540 4,916 5,039 4,702

Building 4,021 4,264 3,816 3,634 3,891 3,691 3,567

Residential 3,287 3,499 3,114 3,017 3,210 3,056 2,957

Public, Commercial & Industrial 734 765 702 617 681 635 610

Non-Building 1,487 831 1,127 906 1,025 1,348 1,135

Source : Singapore Civil Defence Force


Type of Offence 1996 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Number of Cases Reported

Robbery 768 562 911 973 829 1,092 946

Housebreaking 1,737 965 1,110 1,337 1,237 1,465 1,123
Motor Vehicle Theft 2,467 1,252 1,248 1,190 1,117 1,058 900
Snatch Theft 313 304 405 387 429 632 592

Per 100,000 Population

Robbery 21 14 22 23 20 25 21
Housebreaking 47 23 27 32 29 34 25
Motor Vehicle Theft 67 30 30 28 26 24 20
Snatch Theft 9 7 10 9 10 15 13

Source : Police Intelligence Department


Statistics Singapore Website

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♦ Guide to International Statistics

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Assistant Director Miss Ang Seow Long

Deputy Manager Ms Wong Pui Mun

Management Support Officer Miss Sylvia Koh Shuhua

Corporate Support Officers Mrs Wah Chye Lian

Mdm Warty Bte Zakaria


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