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Advances in Vegetative Propagation of Olive Tree: Avanços Na Propagação Vegetativa de Oliveira

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ISSN 0100-2945 DOI: http://dx.doi.org /10.


Advances in vegetative propagation of Olive tree

Márcia Wulff Schuch1, Zeni Fonseca Pinto Tomaz2, Josiane Vergara Casarin3,
Roseane Maidana Moreira4, Jacqueline Barcelos da Silva5

Abstract - In Brazil, there is a growing interest in the crop of the olive tree, especially in those
regions considered suitable for cultivation, where low temperatures occur between 8oC and 10oC
in the period before flowering. The areas with these characteristics are located mainly in the
South and Southeast regions of the country, characterized by a temperate climate in function of
altitude, with the occurrence of natural vernalization. The propagation is an integral part of the
production chain and the first step towards the implantation of the olive tree crop or renovation of
the existing orchards. Obtaining quality seedlings, besides guaranteeing uniformity and reliable
varietal origin, is a factor that influences the whole life of the orchard, allowing to maximize the
effects of climate and soil and mainly of crop treatments adopted for the culture. In the Laboratory
of Propagation of Fruit Plants of the Department of Phytotechnology of the Eliseu Maciel School
of Agronomy of the Federal University of Pelotas, we have sought to research micropropagation
and minipropagation allied to the clonal gardens kept in a protected place, reducing the physical
space and improving, mainly, the crop protection control. Olive tree seedlings propagated by
different methods of asexual propagation, such as micropropagation, microcutting and minicutting,
and they have their completion until the complete development in no-soil cultivation systems.
Index terms: seedlings, cloning, mini propagation and micro propagation, cultivation system
without soil.

Avanços na propagação vegetativa de Oliveira

Resumo - No Brasil é crescente o interesse pela cultura da oliveira, especialmente naquelas
regiões consideradas aptas ao cultivo, onde se têm ocorrência de baixas temperaturas entre 8oC
e 10oC no período que antecede a floração. As áreas com estas características estão localizadas,
principalmente, nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do país, caracterizadas por clima temperado em função
da altitude, com ocorrência da vernalização natural. A propagação é parte integrante da cadeia
Corresponding author: produtiva e o primeiro passo para a implantação da cultura da oliveira ou renovação dos pomares
marciaws@ufpel.tche.br já existentes. A obtenção de mudas de qualidade, além de garantir uniformidade e origem varietal
zfptomaz@yahoo.com.br confiável, é um fator que influencia toda a vida do pomar, permitindo maximizar os efeitos de
Received: June 08, 2018 clima e de solo e principalmente de tratos culturais adotados para a cultura. No Laboratório de
Accepted: September 21, 2018 Propagação de Plantas Frutíferas, do Departamento de Fitotecnia da Faculdade de Agronomia
Eliseu Maciel da Universidade Federal de Pelotas tem-se buscado pesquisar, a micropropagação
Copyright: All the contents of this e a minipropagação aliado aos jardins clonais mantidos em local protegido, reduzindo o espaço
journal, except where otherwise
noted, is licensed under a Creative
físico e melhorando, principalmente, o controle fitossanitário. As mudas de oliveira propagadas por
Commons Attribution License. diferentes métodos de propagação assexuada, como micropropagação, microestaquia e miniestaquia
tem sua finalização até o completo desenvolvimento em sistemas de cultivo sem solo.
Termos para indexação: plântulas, clonagem, mini-propagação e micro-propagação, sistema de
cultivo sem solo.

Agronomist Engineer Dr Professor of the Department of Plant Science, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas-RS, Brasil. E-mail: marciaws@
ufpel.tche.br (ORCID 0000-0001-5237-8302)
Agronomist Engineer Dr .Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas-RS, Brasil. E-mail: zfptomaz@yahoo.com.br(ORCID 0000-0003-1152-0936)
PhD from the Postgraduate.Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas-RS, Brasil E-mail: josiane.casarin@hotmail.com(ORCID 0000-0002-7319-3005)
PhD student. Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas-RS,Brasil. E-mail: roseane_moreira@hotmail.com (ORCID 0000-0003-2522-0387)
Master student .Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas-RS, Brasil. E-mail: jackelinecnj@hotmail.com(ORCID 0000-0003-4154-0081)
2 M. W. Schuch et al.

In Brazil, there is a growing interest in the crop rejuvenated propagules (microcuttings) are used in a
of the olive tree, especially in those regions considered micropropagation laboratory, and later to be rooted, in
suitable for cultivation, where low temperatures occur order to maximize seedling production). The technique of
between 8oC and 10oC in the period before flowering. The minicutting follows the same precepts of the microcutting,
areas with these characteristics are located mainly in the however, the laboratory phase is eliminated. In minicutting,
South and Southeast regions of the country, characterized the initial strains are formed of seedlings propagated by
by a temperate climate in function of altitude, with the conventional cuttings, whereas in the technique of the
occurrence of natural vernalization. microcutting, the clonal garden is formed by strains that
With the increasing consumption of olive products originate from micropropagated seedlings.
and the current emphasis on the dissemination of the The propagation and growth of Arbequina olive
nutritional, dietary and organoleptic qualities of the cultivars were studied by CAPPELLARO (2013) at different
extra-virgin olive oil, especially the monovarietal ones, seasons of the year, growth regulator concentrations,
with incomparable flavors and aromas, with low acidity, material collection environment and cultivation systems,
stimulate their raw consumption and use in salads along with the maintenance and rooting of minicuttings
(WREGE et al., 2015), it became necessary to raise olive coming from nursery, through three experiments
tree productivity worldwide. For this, it is important conducted in greenhouse and agricultural greenhouse at
to carry out studies that relate the development of the the Didactic and Experimental Campus of the Federal
olive tree with environmental variables. This type of University of Pelotas. The experiment was carried out with
study is important, mainly, in regions that show different the aim of evaluating the most suitable season for rooting,
edaphiclimatic conditions of the regions of origin and the influence of the environment where the matrix plants
cultivation, since it can have its development affected were located and the effect of different concentrations of
negatively, when cultivated outside its natural habitat IBA (indolebutyric acid) on the rooting of semi-woody
(OLIVEIRA et al., 2012). cuttings of olive tree (Figure 1). The rooting was tested
The propagation is an integral part of the production in three seasons (spring, winter and summer), material
chain and the first step towards the implantation of the olive collection environment (greenhouse and open field) and
tree crop or renovation of the existing orchards. Obtaining five concentrations of IBA (0, 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000
quality seedlings, besides guaranteeing uniformity and mg.L-1). The minicuttings of each culture environment of
reliable varietal origin, is a factor that influences the whole the matrix plants were collected and standardized with
life of the orchard, allowing to maximize the effects of two pairs of buds and a pair of half leaves and later placed
climate and soil and mainly of crop treatments adopted to rooting in plastic boxes with vermiculite of medium
for the culture (OLIVEIRA et al., 2006). granulometry, after the preparation, they were placed
The planting is recommended to be carrying out in a greenhouse with temperature controlled at 25 ±2°C
with high quality seedlings, which should be 12 to 16 for 80 days in the three seasons. The variables analyzed
months old, with a height of 80 to 100 cm with a single were: percentage of live minicuttings, percentage of rooted
main stem, with the formation of the crown with up minicuttings, number of roots per minicuttings and length
to four branches or limbs. This condition happens in of roots. Minicuttings from greenhouse provided higher
properly managed nurseries, with irrigation use, supply of survival, rooting, number and length of roots. Spring was
nutrients and the preventive control of pests and diseases the season that, regardless of the collection environment,
(OLIVEIRA et al., 2003; VIEIRA NETO et al., 2010). provided greater survival, rooting, number and length
In the Laboratory of Propagation of Fruit Plants of the roots. The collection environment influenced the
of the Department of Phytotechnology of the Eliseu use of growth regulator. The use of material from open
Maciel School of Agronomy of the Federal University environment and regulator at 3000 mg.L-1 provided greater
of Pelotas, we have sought to research micropropagation rooting. Materials collected in the spring and submitted to
and minipropagation allied to the clonal gardens kept concentrations of 3000 and 4000 mg.L-1 produced higher
in a protected place, reducing the physical space and number of roots (CAPPELLARO, 2013).
improving, mainly, the crop protection control. Olive
tree seedlings propagated by different methods of asexual
propagation, such as micropropagation, microcutting
and minicutting, and they have their completion until
the complete development in no-soil cultivation systems
(SCHUCH and PEIL, 2012).
The rejuvenating capacity that the micropropagation
provides can be used in the production of olive tree
seedlings as an initial process, using from there the
microcutting (vegetative propagation technique in which

Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-003)

Advances in vegetative propagation of Olive tree 3

After, the experiment was conducted with the system, the plants were grown in plastic bags filled
aim of evaluating the growth of olive trees obtained by with Carolina® substrate, with an average of 100 ml of
minicutting of Arbequina cultivar in systems of cultivation nutrient solution (Table 1) every 15 days. The variables
without soil and at different times (CAPPELLARO, analyzed were: number of growths, length of growths,
2013). The rooted minicuttings were planted to grow in number of secondary growths and length of secondary
three systems (no soil, NFT - Nutrient Film Technique growths during the growing period, and after 150 days
and packing) (Figure 2), in two seasons (spring/summer of cultivation the variables analyzed were: diameter of
and fall/winter) during five months of cultivation. In the stem, fresh and dry mass of the shoot, fresh and dry
the soil-free system, the substrate used was sand, being mass of the root. The use of the no-till cropping system
daily irrigated with nutrient solution (Table 1). In the and the season 2 of higher temperatures (spring/summer)
NFT system, the minicuttings were placed in phenolic provided higher plant growth.
foam which were irrigated through intermittent flow,
three times a day for 5 minutes, and in the packaging

Figure 1 - Rooting of olive minicuttings of Arbequina cultivar in articulated plastic containers.

Figure 2 – Non-soil cultivation systems, NFT and packing.

Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-003)

4 M. W. Schuch et al.

Table 1- Concentration of nutrient ions, electrical conductivity and pH of the nutrient solution developed by Schuch
& Peil for the olive tree and used in non-soil cultivation systems. UFPel, Pelotas, 2012.
Macronutrients mmol L-1
NO3- 14.4*
H2PO4 - 1.0
SO42- 2.8
NH4+ 1.1
K+ 3.3
Ca2+ 5.5
Mg2+ 2.8
Micronutrients mg L-1
Fe 1.7
Mn 0.5
Zn 0.3
B 0.5
Cu 0.1
Mo 0.1
Electrical conductivity 2.1 dS m-1
pH 6.5-7.0
*calculated based on the mineral nutrient contents of olive tree seedlings.
Prepared by Schuch; Peil (2012)

CAPPELLARO (2013) also carried out an length of roots and for the nutritional analysis, the contents
experiment with the aim of evaluating the rooting of of macronutrients and micronutrients and dry mass of
olive tree minicuttings from matrices conditioned in shoot and root were evaluated. The use of the no-soil
cultivation systems without soil and packing systems, cultivation system associated with season 2 (spring/
and to evaluate the nutrient content of these nurseries in summer) provided higher nutrient contents and produced
two growing seasons (spring/summer and fall/winter). higher dry matter contents of shoot and root.
The matrix plants were found in three cropping systems, The nutrient contents are the data obtained and
which were described in the previous experiment (Figure calculated from the nutritional evaluation of the dry mass,
3).The minicuttings were collected in winter and set to root based on foliar analysis of blueberry seedlings grown in
according to the first experiment, but the IBA concentration a no-soil cultivation system. These were compared in
was 3000 mg L-1. The variables analyzed after the 80-day previous study of constant data in the bibliography about
period were: percentage of minicuttings, percentage of the adequate concentration of nutrients in adult plants of
rooted minicuttings, number of roots per minicuttings, blueberry tree cultivated in conventional system.

Figure 3 - Nursery of olive trees of Arbequina cultivar in NFT cultivation systems, without soil and packing.

Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-003)

Advances in vegetative propagation of Olive tree 5

The increasing olive cultivation in tropical and collection seasons (fall, winter, spring and summer), the
temperate regions of the world demands technologies variables related to the percentage of oxidation were
for the installation of orchards. Among the propagation evaluated; fungal and bacterial contamination; survival
techniques used for the olive tree, micropropagation stands and establishment of explants in vitro. The results obtained
out, as it allows to conserve the germplasm and to produce showed that there was more phenolic oxidation in olive
seedlings of high quality and sanity. However, there is a explants collected in the winter. Spring can be indicated
lack of efficient protocols for in vitro establishment of as the best season for the collection of explant of the
olive cultivars, since each genotype responds differently Maria da Fé cultivar, while the Ascolano and Arbequina
to micropropagation. Thus, MOREIRA (2014) aimed to cultivars showed higher rate of in vitro establishment
develop efficient protocols for the reduction of oxidation when collected the explants in the fall. The WPM growing
and in vitro establishment of olive trees. In the in vitro medium promoted a higher percentage of establishment
establishment of six olive cultivars (Ascolano, Leccino, of olive explants, independent of the studied season
Maria da Fé, Coratina, Arbequina and Frantoio) in (Figure 4).
different growing medium (MO and WPM) and the explant

Figure 4 - Olive explants established at 45 days of in vitro crop.

MOREIRA (2014), with the aim of evaluating the under conditions of absence of light were indicated in the
effect of the presence and absence of light supplied to in vitro establishment of the studied Arbequina cultivar.
the matrix plant, as well as the zeatin concentrations (0, The concentration of 2 mg.L-1 of Zeatin favors the survival
2, 4 and 8 mg.L1) in the in vitro establishment, evaluated of Arbequina olive explants. The concentrations (0, 4
the variable related to the percentage of oxidation; fungal and 8 mg.L-1) of Zeatin showed no difference between
and bacterial contamination; survival and establishment the Leccino and Arbequina cultivars for the fungal
of explants in vitro. In this experiment, the matrix plants contamination variable (Figure 5).

Figure 5 - Olive explants of Arbequina from plants submitted to the presence of light showed oxidation symptoms at 14
days of in vitro cultivation (left), the explants from matrix plants submitted to absence of light, remained green (right).

Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-003)

6 M. W. Schuch et al.

The production of seedlings by minicutting is a The olive cultivars showed different responses
method of vegetative propagation and has recently been in the evaluated variables when submitted to IBA
tested for olive cultivation. CASARIN (2015) evaluated concentrations, and the use of IBA did not influence the
the effects of different concentrations of indolebutyric acid survival of minicuttings, except for the Leccino cultivar
(IBA) (0, 1000, 2000 and 3000 mg.L-1) on minicutting in the absence of IBA and with 3000 mg.L-1 of IBA.
rooting of six olive cultivars (Ascolano 315, Coratina, According to the results obtained in the absence of
Frantoio, Grappolo 541, Leccino and Maria da Fé). IBA, the highest rooting percentage was observed in the
After the material collection, minicuttings were prepared, Maria da Fé cultivar with 95% and Ascolano 315 with
with 3-5 cm, two pairs of buds and the leaves had their 87.50%. At the concentration of 1000 mg.L-1 of IBA, the
area reduced by 50%. At the base of the cuttings, two best percentages of rooting were observed in the Maria
superficial lesions were performed and then immersed da Fé, Leccino, Grappolo 541 and Coratina cultivars
for ten seconds in IBA acid solution at concentrations of with 100%, 95%, 93.75% and 93.75%, respectively.
0 (free of IBA), 1000, 2000 and 3000 mg.L-1 and placed The highest percentages of rooting were observed in
in transparent plastic articulated boxes with Sampack® the 2000 mg.L-1 IBA, with Maria da Fé (98.75%),
cover, with medium expanded vermiculite substrate. Leccino and Grappolo 541 with 95%. At the highest
Afterwards, they were conditioned in a greenhouse with IBA concentration (3000 mg.L-1), the cultivars with the
controlled temperature at 25±2ºC for 60 days. After this highest rooting percentages were Grappolo 541 (98.75%)
period, the following variables were evaluated: percentage and Ascolano 315 (96.25%). In this way, it was possible
of survival and rooting, number of shoots and roots and to verify that the olive minicuttings showed high rooting
length of roots by minicuttings (cm). percentages and each cultivar responds differently to the
IBA concentrations used (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Rooting of Maria da Fé cultivar submitted to treatment with IBA concentrations. A) with IBA, B) 1000
mg.L-1 of IBA, C) 2000 mg.L-1 of IBA, D) 3000 mg.L-1 of IBA.

Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-003)

Advances in vegetative propagation of Olive tree 7

The adjustment of models, which express the For the necessary time of rooting, the minicuttings
rooting of the different genetic materials to be propagated were prepared in the same way as described by Casarin
in a nursery, can minimize the costs, due to the optimization (2015), using the concentration of 3000 mg.L-1 of IBA.
of the use of the facilities, avoiding the permanence of After the minicuttings were prepared, they were kept in a
seedlings in the greenhouse beyond the necessary time, greenhouse at 25±2ºC. The evaluations were performed
or the death of minicuttings as a function of their removal at 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 and 49 days, when the percentage
before the rhizogenic process is completed (MELO et al., of survival and rooting, number and length of roots (cm)
2011). of minicuttings were verified. After the evaluations, the
Thus, Casarin (2015), in order to optimize the minicuttings were discarded.
time of rooting of olive minicuttings, carried out an The existence of differences in the rhizogenic
experiment to evaluate the time required for the rooting process of minicuttings of the six olive cultivars evaluated
of minicuttings of six olive cultivars by monitoring the was verified. The time required for rooting is different
emission and development of roots. The cultivars used among cultivars. The best rooting rates were 28 days for
in this study were: Arbequina, Ascolano 315, Coratina, Leccino (85%) and Grappolo 541 (95%) cultivars, at 35
Frantoio, Grappolo 541 and Leccino. days for Ascolano 315, Frantoio and Grappolo 541, with
85%, 90% and 95%, respectively, at 42 days for Coratin
(60%) and at 49 days for Arbequina, with 80% of rooting
(Table 2 and Figure 7).

Table 2 - Rooting percentage of olive tree minicuttings for the evaluation days.
Evaluations day
Cultivars 14 21 28 35 42 49
Arbequina 5A 5C 35B 35BC 65AB 80A
Ascolano 315 0A 20BC 20BC 85A 40BC 30BC
Coratina 0A 20BC 5C 55B 60AB 50B
Frantoio 0A 0C 20BC 90A 25C 25BC
Grappolo 541 0A 55A 95A 95A 70A 80A
Leccino 5A 40AB 85A 25C 45ABC 10C
Capital letters in the column differ from each other by the Tukey test at 5% probability error.

Figure 7 - Root development at 35 days of evaluation: Ascolano 315 (A), Leccino (B), Coratina (C), Arbequina (D),
Grappolo 541 (E) and Frantoio (F).

Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-003)

8 M. W. Schuch et al.

The production of seedlings is an important link bag, with a volume capacity of approximately 700 mL,
in the production chain, since it constitutes the first step spaced 0.10 x 0.10. Daily, the seedlings were manually
towards the implantation of the olive tree crop. Obtaining irrigated with a watering can with approximately 100 mL
quality seedlings, besides guaranteeing uniformity and of rainwater per pack and every 15 days a nutrient solution
reliable varietal origin, is a factor that influences the whole was provided (Table 1).The Arbequina ministumps used
life of the orchard, allowing to maximize the effects of in the two cultivation systems were transplanted with 80
climate and soil and mainly of crop treatments adopted days of rooting.
for the culture (OLIVEIRA et al., 2010). One of the The study was divided in two stages described
alternatives for the production of cuttings that has been below:
widely used in fruit trees among them, the olive tree, is In the first stage, the initial growth of the ministumps
the use of clonal gardens. was evaluated at 30, 60 and 90 days of cultivation in both
In this way, Casarin (2015) developed a study with systems, by the number of primary and secondary shoots
the aim of evaluating the productivity of olive ministumps and length of primary and secondary shoots, measured
of Arbequina cultivar during successive collections, in a with a ruler graduated in centimeters.
semi-hydroponic and conventional cultivation system and In the second stage the material was collected in the
the rooting of minicuttings collected at different seasons of clonal garden. During the experiment conduction period,
the year of clonal garden cultivated in a semi-hydroponic the productivity of each clonal garden obtained in the
and conventional cultivation system. seven collections was evaluated for the semi-hydroponic
The clonal garden was formed in two cultivation culture system and five collections for the conventional
systems: semi-hydroponic and conventional (Figure 8). system, when the buds collected by ministumps were
The semi-hydroponic system was formed by trapezoidal- collected in each cultivation system. The plant material
shaped flower boxes with dimensions of 35 cm high x was collected in the crop systems every 90 days, with
27 cm wide x 72 cm length with a volume of 82.8 liters, the exception of the winter period for the conventional
filled with a 5 cm layer of medium gravel on the bottom cultivation system that there was no collection. The
and on this substrate sand of medium granulometry. The collections were carried out in the fall, winter and spring
ministumps used were produced by rooting minicuttings. of 2013 and summer, fall, winter and spring of 2014 for
The system was constituted by 12 ministumps in flowerpot the semi-hydroponic system. In the conventional system,
with spacing of 0.10 x 0.10 cm. Daily, the seedlings were the collections were carried out in the fall and spring of
manually irrigated with the aid of a watering can with 2013 and summer, fall and spring of 2014.
approximately one liter of nutrient solution (Table 1) per After the material collection, minicuttings were
flower box formulated by Schuch & Peil (2012), according prepared as previously described by Casarin (2015), the
to the needs of the olive tree. stakes were immersed in the concentration of 3000 mg.L-1
In the conventional system, the ministumps of IBA and conditioned in a greenhouse with controlled
were placed in polyethylene plastic bags containing temperature at 25±2ºC for 80 days. After this period,
Carolina Soil® commercial substrate. The ministumps the following variables were evaluated: percentage of
were individually distributed in each 10 x 20cm plastic survival and rooting, number of roots and length of roots
by minicuttings (cm).

Figure 8 - Formation of the olive clonal garden of Arbequina cultivar at 30 days. A) Semi-hydroponic system and B)
Conventional system.

Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-003)

Advances in vegetative propagation of Olive tree 9

According to the results, it was possible to verify 80% of rooting, being the season of the year with the best
that until the 90 days (Figure 9) the olive ministumps of result for this variable. The productivity of minicuttings
Arbequina cultivar showed a better initial development in during the harvest period was more efficient in the semi-
the semi-hydroponic system compared to the conventional hydroponic cultivation system, allowing successive
system. collections during the evaluation seasons. In addition,
The rooting percentage variable obtained high the minicuttings collected in a semi-hydroponic system
values in the winter and spring of 2014 with 98.5 and at most collection seasons showed a higher percentage of
92.5% in the semi-hydroponic cultivation system. In the survival, rooting, number of growths and roots and length
conventional cultivation system, the fall of 2014 obtained of roots, comparing to the conventional system.

Figure 9 - Formation of the olive clonal garden of Arbequina cultivar at 90 days. A) Semi-hydroponic system and
B) Conventional system.

According to FACHINELLO et al., 2005, the solution (Table 1) and the seedlings conducted in the
formation of seedlings in the shortest time and with sand were daily irrigated with nutrient solution (Table 1),
maximum vigor depends on the characteristics of the according to the crop demand. The nutrient solution used
substrate, which plays an important role in the growth of was formulated to meet the needs of the olive tree crop,
the plant, guaranteeing through its solid phase the growth according to recommendations of Schuch & Peil (2012).
of the shoot and the development of the root system The evaluations carried out were: the survival
(ZIETEMANN & ROBERTO, 2007). percentage of seedlings, the length of the area and the
Casarin (2015), with the aim of evaluating the length of the roots. The height determination started after
development of olive tree seedlings of Arbequina 60 days of the seedlings being transplanted for the two
cultivar in different substrates obtained from rooting of substrates. The evaluations were carried out every 30
minicuttings, verified the growth of olive tree seedlings of days. The height of the stems was evaluated through a
Arbequina cultivar in sand and coconut fiber substrates. ruler graduated in centimeter (cm), measuring the distance
The minicuttings from the rooting of the clonal between the cervix and the apex of the seedling. At the
garden were planted in black polyethylene bags with end of the experiment, the root length was evaluated. The
dimensions of 10 x 20 cm, with a volume capacity of root length was obtained by measuring the distance from
approximately 700 mL. The substrates used were sand the cervix to the apex of the root. The measurements were
of medium granulometry and the Golden Mix® coconut made with a ruler graduated in centimeter (cm).
fiber (Amafibra). As a result, the substrate coconut fiber showed the
The seedlings conducted in coconut fiber were daily best results for the development of olive trees of Arbequina
irrigated with water and every fifteen days with nutrient cultivar when compared to the sand substrate (Figure 10).

Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-003)

10 M. W. Schuch et al.

Figure 10 - Vegetative development of olive tree of Arbequina cultivars from minicuttings: A) Coconut fiber and
B) Sand

There is a vast knowledge about the characteristics of the year. At the beginning of 2014, new experiments
of the olive tree for use as fruit. The same cannot be said were installed with the Maria da Fé and Grappolo
for the production destined for the market of ornamental 541 cultivars in order to evaluate the same parameters
plants. However, the dark green coloration on the adaxial described above (ministumps productivity and rooting at
surface and grayish on the abaxial leaves; the color different seasons of the year and in different cultivation
and morphology of the flowers; the color and shape of systems). In micropropagation, with data obtained from in
the fruits, as well as the longevity of the plant can be vitro establishment by Moreira (2014), new experiments
indicative advantages of its plantation aiming at the use were carried out regarding the multiplication phase of
as ornamental plant. As a result of these aspects, SILVA et plants in vitro. However, it has not yet been possible to
al. (2016) evaluate its use as an ornamental plant, being a obtain an efficient protocol for this crop because the olive
promising and innovative alternative for the diversification tree has a strong apical dominance and problems related
in the areas of fruit growing and floriculture, allowing to to oxidation. In this way, the researchers that are being
the producers a new income option, given the growing carried out seek to generate knowledge about the best way
demand for new products in the consumer market. of propagating and conducting of this fruit tree.
However, there is no information regarding the cultivation
of the olive tree in a container, evidencing the need for
We would like to thank the Coordination of Higher
Conclusions Education Personnel Improvement (CAPES) for granting
the scholarships.
Currently, the Laboratory of Propagation of Fruit
Plants of the Federal University of Pelotas, from the The Foundation for Research Support of the State
continuity to the study developed by Casarin (2015), is of Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS) and National Research
maintaining the olive clonal garden of Arbequina cultivar Council (CNPq) for the financial support.
and carrying out evaluations regarding the productivity
of ministumps during successive collections, in semi-
hydroponic and conventional cultivation systems and the
rooting of these minicuttings, collected at different seasons

Rev. Bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal, 2019, v. 41, n. 2: (e-003)

Advances in vegetative propagation of Olive tree 11

References OLIVEIRA, A. F. de.; VIEIRA NETO, J.; VILLA,

F.; SILVA, L.F.O. da. Espaçamento entre plantas no
CAPPELLARO, T.H. Produção de mudas de oliveira desempenho de jardim clonal de cultivares de oliveira.
em sistemas de cultivo sem solo. 2013. 105f. Tese Scientia Agraria, Piracicaba, v.11, n.4, p.317-322, 2010. )
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